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A PROSPECT or LOOKING-GLASS For YOUTH: Wherein and whereby he may plainly behold and ſee a Supereminency and Super­excellency of Grace and Religion, beyond the Worlds Honor, Glory, Fame, Repute, Pleaſure, Joy, Delight, Love, And all other lower Accommodations whatſoever.

Laid down to Youth by Exciting Parallel

  • Between Earths Honor and Heavens Glory
  • Between Carnal Pleaſure and Spiritual Pleaſure
  • Between Inordinate Love and Divine Love.

Under every of which particulars, the Author Exemplarily expeſſeth himſelf in a varied verſe.

Compoſed by a hearty Wel-wiſher to the Youthful Generation, FRANCIS COCKIN, aliàs COKAYNE.

Remember thy Creator in the dayes of thy Youth,
Eccl. 12.
Delight thy ſelf in the Lord, and he ſhall give thee thy Hearts deſire,
Pſal. 35. 4.
I love them that love me, and they that ſeek me early ſhall find me,
Prov. 8.

London, Printed by W. G. for E. Farnham, at the entrance into Popeſhead-alley out of Cornhill, 1657.

To the Generation of Youth.

TEnder Reader, knowing how much youth­full yearts delight in eating early fruit, (though green and ſo unwholſome) I therefore here preſent thee with a diſh of early fruit, (yet mature and ripe, and therefore no whit dan­gerous to thy greedy ſtomack,) therefore accept it willingly and (with ſafety) fall to with courage.

And much good may it do thee.

Onely let me requeſt thee to uſe civill behaviour in thy ſo doing: be ſober, be ſerious, read under­ſtandingly, apply diligently, and practiſe conſciona­bly the precepts here given thee.

For thy good profit and incouragement, I have vouchſafed to expreſſe my ſelf unto thee; what thou haſt heard of me, by me, in me, and from me, do therefore and take all in Love from him, that ſeeks moſt heartily (and with the ſtrength of his Soul) thy eternal wellfare and Gods glory in thee.

F. C.

To the moſt famous & renowned Mr. George Wither.

Worthy Sir,

ALL happineſs and peace I wiſh you: And ha­ving been very deſi­rous (ſince the firſt time I ever met with ought of yours) to gratifie you according to your worth and deſert; and finding no means and wayes thereunto, I have deigned to preſent theſe few Pages unto you, thereby to teſtifie (in part) the high eſteem and honorable reſpect that I adjudge you worthy of.

Sir, accept of this in love, paſs your candid cenſure of it, and though the Phraſes and Style be mean, let the Matter and Drift excuſe it. Again, conſidering by me 'twas penn'd (in a few dayes) with much haſte, and paſt from me immediately, no perſon fitter then your ſelf to patronize theſe Art­leſs Lines, could I find, becauſe your Youthful years were in the ſame man­ner ſpent.

Sir, I am Yours, moſt ready to ſerve you in ought, FRANCIS COKAINE.
Courteous Reader,

LEt me requeſt thee when ever thou findeſt any fault in the ſenſe or Verſe, to mend it as is hereunder ſpecified; the Authors abſence having occaſioned ſeveral miſtakes.

PAg. 1. Staff. 4. l. 4. ſtrange r. ſtrong, ſt. 5. l. 2. in ſlaviſh r. give ſlaviſh p. 12. ſt. 3. l. 3. r. ſcatter'd ſtrength, p. 19. ſt. 30. l 2. r. with thoſe, p. 20. ſt. 34. l. 5. Joy r. Toy, p. 25. ſt. 54. 4. redeem r. eſteem, p. 29. ſt. 70. Heads r. Heſtos, p. 31. ſt. 79. l. 3. uſe r. caſe, p. 32. ſt. 82. l. 1. beſides r. repel or reſiſt, p. 33. ſt. 87. l. 6. months r. moments, p. 34. ſt. 90. l. 5. r. laviſh cups, p. 42. ſt. 98. l. 6. never r. ever, p. 45. ſt. 110. l. 6. beded bow r. bend and bow, p. 66. ſt. 24. l. 6. r. but dim, p. 69. ſt. 34. l 3. was pric'd, p. 92. ſt. 13. 3. r. ſure ſmall diſpute, p. 93. ſt. 16. l 4. ful poſſeſſor p. 94. ſt. 20. l. 1. r. Queer of Heaven, p. 117. ſt. 30. l 7. r. motions.

The Contents of the Book.

FIrſt the invocation (preſents it ſelf) wherein the Au­thour craves Gods divine aſſiſtance and gracious ac­ceptance in and of the intended work.

Then by way of Introduction proves his own fineſſe to the worke. Gives a word or two to Parents about the edu­cating their children, and declares the manner of their greeting them in Hell; hintes ſome matters to Superiors, and ſo procceds to the work it ſelf.

Wherein the Authour.

Firſt, begins to excite youth, to ſeek after God and glo­ry, from the heat of his Spirit aſpiring to honour, declares the high worth of the engagement.

And foraſmuch as the heart of youth is ambitious of fame glory and renown gotten and won by valiancy in deſperate and dangerous attempts, therefore the Author deſcribes the might, ſtrength and power of that grand Chriſtian enemy.

And ſtirs up the courage of youth, to engage in the quar­rel againſt him, by ſeveral encouraging motives.

Declares the worth of that that lies at ſtake and muſt elſe be loſt, and then the worthy renown and glory that may be obtain'd, by a couragious encounter againſt fleſhly luſts.

As alſo relates an Oneneſſe that is between Chriſts Spi­rit, and the Spirit of him that oppoſes the motions of ſin, they both joyn to do the ſame work &c.

Shews that according to the employment, ſo ſhould the reward be.

Then for the further encouragement, and ſtronger ex­citement of youth, to ſeek God and Glory, the Author ex­preſſes himſelf, and declares at what a rate, he ſets the ſervice of God; the contempt that he hath of the world and all things in the world, in reſpect of that honourable ſer­vice.

By a brief ſurvey of all that the world affordeth he proves and declares all therein to be non-ſatisfactory, and inſuf­ficient to the deſire of the Soul of man.

Then inſiſting upon the ſecond point, viz. pleaſure;

Firſt, he ſhews the congruity that is between it, and the nature of youth, declares the effects of pleaſures, and to what they tend by inſtance.

And gives ſound counſell therefrom, to youth in re­ſpect of Soul-demeanment.

Then the Author layes down the riſt of pleaſure, de­claring what it is that makes pleaſure.

And ſhews by ſimilitude the woful and dangerous eſtate of a vain luxurious Spirit.

Declares in a word or two the unmatchleſſe worth of the Soul, and reaſons ſomwhat from that thence its freedome.

In ſadneſſe of heart declaring the abaſement of the Soul by ſin, hints at the reward of ſin by way of arguing.

Proves the ſoul Chriſts purchaſe, and diſcourſeſome­what therefrom; Then layes down ſome Solid inſtructions to youth, how and whereby he ſhould get free from ſinnes ſlavery, and get the conqueſt of every helliſh enormity.

Deſcribes the bliſs that thereby his ſoul ſhall procure to it ſelf; viz. the preſence of Chriſt and ſanctification by his Spirit, acceptance of God through him, and adornment with his graces; lays down the paralell of the preſent eſtate with the eſtate paſt, and deſcribes ſome excellent peculiar Chriſtian privileges.

Then deſcribes pleaſure to be a painted ſtrumpet; pro­pounds 4 Queſtions to youth, from whence he gives him to underſtand how dear bought all the pleaſures of ſin are.

Deſcribes the miſerable ſlavery and ſervitude of ſin.

And then for the delight of the Reader, the Authour varies that verſe, and expreſſes his own youthfull expe­rience of pleaſure, ſhewing what it truely is;

And then declares and layes down the arguments and conſiderations wherewithall he oppoſed all the pleaſures of ſin, and got maſtery thereof.

Hints to what ſin deprives of, and layes down, in a word or two, the excellencie of the unpaaleld ſweets of religion.

Then coming to the third particular ſhews thereunder, how youths heated bloud layes him open to love, and luſts. Declares the advantage the Devil takes at youths careleſſe activity; and how he ever attendeth to give him an object for his active Spirit to fix on.

Shews youth to be guided by a head-ſtrong paſſion.

Then paralells Heavens beauty with earths, and divine with carnall love in ſeveral circumſtances.

Reaſons youth from the excellency of the one and the ſordidneſſe of the other, to ſeek that which is moſt excel­lent, eſchew abſurditieand dangers, the which is illuſtra­ted by ſeveral reſemblances.

Then the Authour turns off, and in a pleaſant ſtrain ex­preſſes himſelf, relating the excellency of divine beauty, and deſcribes the worthyneſs of divine Love by his own ex­perience, triumphing in his youthfull choyce.

Therein paralelling the beauty, excellency, proportiona­bleneſſe, ſweetneſſe, &c. of the Creatours Love to the crea­tures in a kind of Soul-raviſhing extaſy, relating Soul­enamoring rarities.

Then comes to a concluſion, wherein he ſhews the diffe­rence between the ſervice of ſin and God: excites from ſe­veral conſiderations to the ſervice of God.

Relates the ſum of his own deſired endevour for the good of youth: how ſingle-hearted he hath been therein, affectio­nately expreſſing the tenderneſſe of his heart to the good of young One.

But more eſpecially, how exceeding precious gracious young-Ones are to him, and how entirely beloved by him.

Deignout of depth of affection to give them ſome pe­culiar inſtructions.

Exhorts to make uſe of prayer; ſhews the excellency there­of in it ſelf, and in its effects.

Relates his own experience thereof, and ſo therein and therewithall puts period to the whole.

The Invocation.

MOſt deareſt Lord! My ſouls deſire and joy,
That ſe'ſt and ruleſt all things even as one,
In whom it lies to ſave, or to deſtroy,
There being none can ſave, but thou alone:
'Tis thou alone, to whom I make my ſuit,
'Tis thou to whom my ſelf I do addreſſe;
'Tis for thy ſake that I would not be mute,
I'd ſpeak thy praiſe, nor can I do ought leſſe.
My tender youth proffers my ſlender Rimes
To do thee ſervice, whoſe I wholly am:
I give my beſt, I'd ſpend my vacant times
For and to thee, from whom my Being came:
Lord, mayſt thou pleaſe my fancy to enrich,
And fill my ſpirit with celeſtial flames,
Begetting in each faculty an itch
Of ſtrange deſire thereto, that whoſo blames
Me, for the laying out my ſelf about
That which may tend thee honor for to bring,
I may them ſleight, in ſlaviſh thoughts the rout,
And in deſpite of all thy glories ſing.
Inſtruct my heart, and fill my Mind with Matter,
My Apprehenſion quicken, and enable;
Compoſe my Thoughts, let not Diſtraction tatter
My inner Man, but in Thee make me ſtable.
Yea, ad thou Art to poliſh ſo my Rimes,
That my intended purpoſe they may do:
Thou tak'ſt the advantage of all Things and Times
Here take thy 'dvantage, that thy Glories ſo
May grow by my endevours, which when I
With joyful heart, with gladded ſoul ſhall ſee,
My utmoſt Aim and End I then eſpie:
(Oh may I not in this deceived bee!)
For what doth't profit me, O Lord, to live,
If to thy praiſe my Life be noe directed?
Thou daily giv'ſt, I daily do receive,
Unworthy I, of Thee to be reſpected!
A twofold wayes my Soul and Body's Thine,
Thine by Creation, Thine by Purchaſe too;
(By th' laſt of which thy Son and his is mine,
An intereſt in thy Self I have alſo.)
A ſingle Bond ſufficient is to bind
An honeſt perſon to perform an Act;
And ſhall a double leſs advantage find?
How greatly diſ-ingenuous is that fact!
Thine, thine I am, for thee I would lay out
My Strength, my Skill, my Might, my Power and Love:
Fain would I buſied be thy works about,
And for Employment now I do thee move.
My dappled Quill thy Service waits to do,
For to record whatere the Minde diſſolveth
To words, my hand is willing thereunto,
And all my Powers upon that task reſolveth.
Oh bleſs and breath upon my weak Endevours,
Thou God of bleſſing, Authour of all good,
That crown'ſt with glory that Soul that perſevers,
Whoſe might and power cannot be withſtood.
Infuſe thy Spirit ſo into my Soul,
That neither Wit nor matter may be wanting
Unto me, Youths vain courſes to controul,
And ſet his Nature after thee a panting.
For to inſinuate into his will,
And uſher thorough his Judgment to's Affection,
(Vouchſafe to me the Strength, the Art, the skill)
That He may give to Thee all due ſubjection.
Vouchſafe theſe feeble Lines for to inſpire
With ſo much power of thy prevailing Grace,
That they each Readers Heart may ſet on fire,
And efficacious be ſin to diſplace.
O God! Let not that Cannibal devoure
Thoſe precious Souls, for whom Chriſt gave his blood;
But mitigate his domineering power,
And make Mankind attentive more to good.
Permit him not, O Lord! to ſpoil and ſtroy
Thy tender Plants, nor any budding flower;
Permit him not thy vineyard to annoy,
Rebuke him, let him not thy vines devoure.
O let him not of Youth make a full prey!
Correct O Lord, Correct and give a check
To Youh's vain courſes, ſtop 'm, make 'm ſtay,
For they'l conformed be to no ones beck:
Unblind Youths Eyes, unſtop his deafned Ears,
And undeceive his vain deceived Heart;
Strike thou his ſpirit, for he nothing fears,
And him and his beloved humours part:
Thou God of love and grace, ſhew mercy to him,
Vouchſafe to turn him, ere he goes to hell;
O let not luſts, pleaſures, vain love undo him,
Defeat him of thee, with the damn'd to dwell!
But make him tractable to good Inſtruction,
Conformable unto thy bleſſed pleaſure,
Complyable to every ſafe direction,
And to eſteem thy love above all treaſure:
Make this my endevour ſerviceable to him,
Make this to him as pleaſant ſavoury food;
Yea, make it powerfull enough to woo him;
To purge out evils, make it phyſick good.


The Introduction.

IF ſickly Men fitteſt Phyſicians are,
And troubled Conſciences the beſt Divines,
To contradict my fitneſs, then who dare,
To ſpeak to Youth in my unpoliſh'd Lines:
My years being tender, I experience do
What ere may be delightful Youth unto.
Who better knows, or who's a fitter Man
To tell the Road, than Carriers that do travel
It every day? Perhaps another can
Say what it was of late, and where ſome gravel
Was laid on ſuch a place, on ſuch a day;
But what at preſent 'tis, he cannot ſay.
But he that is a travelling each hour,
And ſeldome off the Road, can beſt diſcover
Each miry Bog: The like hath he the power
To do in any Art, that is a Lover
Thereof, and a ſound Student therein;
To which, and to his Nature, there's ſome kin.
My years being tender, and well neer their Bloom;
My blood being hot, and ſwelling in my veins;
Cares being ſtrangers, vigour taking room;
Who better may greet youth with pleaſant ſtrains?
Who better may deſcribe and ſpeak to 's Nature,
Than I that am a young and youthful Creature?
Youth may ſay, Age layes too much burthen on them,
Having forgot what they in youth did do;
May think their ſolid precepts much may wrong them,
Or be too hard for Youth to attain unto:
There being diſparity in Age,
They may object, their counſel is too ſage.
But theſe and many other ſuch like cavils
Are ta'n away while youth to youth doth ſpeak;
Young ones beſt know what young ones ſooneſt gravels
Their folly, their vain courſes, where they'r weak:
There's a propenſity in youthful nature,
Congruity in almoſt every feature.
What ſhall I ſay to youthful years Abuſes?
Them to deſcribe, ſhould I now make my task,
Taking away their vain and fond Excuſes,
Too much time, pains, and labour would it ask:
Again, then muſt I old Age blame and check,
'Cauſe they neglected (careleſly) to deck.
Their Childrens tender years with virtues veil,
Which is the cauſe their Lives are now ſo bad,
For Virtue might as well in Youth prevail,
If that her ſolid precepts they had had:
Train up a Childe with precepts good and ſage,
And he will not forget the ſame in Age.
But how can Youth, Alas! how can he chuſe
But vile and vain diſordered Courſes take?
When as his Parent never did him uſe
To contradict, nor good to him to ſpeak:
Ground ſown with Nettles cannot bring forth Wheat,
He's like to thrive that eateth dirt for meat.
Oh Parents! what account d'ye think to make
To great Jehov 'at the great Judgement-day?
Oh! how will ye appear? what can ye ſpeak?
The want of precepts made your Children ſtray:
Their language then'll be this, when they ſhall ſee ye,
Oh curſed Parents! Curſed, curſed be ye.
Hd it not been for you, we had not come
Into this place of Soul-tormenting pain,
You made us guilty of this heavy doom,
In that you cheriſh'd us in courſes vain:
You might have been the means of our Salvation,
But you have been the means of our Damnation.
Curſed be you with an eternal curſe,
Curs'd be the time wherein you us begat,
Curs'd be the wombe that bore's, ſhe that did's nurſe,
Curs'd be all they that much rejoyc'd at
Our Birth and Being: miſerable we
That are confin'd in Torments e'r to be.
Oh curſed Parents! you the woful cauſe
Of this our woful caſe moſt truly were,
In that you let us violate Gods laws,
Neglected to inſtruct us in his fear:
Curſed we ſay, for ever curs'd be you,
Becauſe the means of this our curſe are you.
You cocker'd, when you ſhould have us inſtructed;
You brought us up in vanity and ſin,
You laught with us, when you ſhould's corrected,
And that encourag'd us our courſes in:
You lookt not to us with an eye ſevere,
We never from you did ſound precepts hear.
Parents, what think ye of this woful greeting?
Is't nothing for to bed in flames of fire?
And be ſaluted at your heavy meeting
With ſtripes & ſtrokes, with whips of knotted wire?
Look for no leſs, your children will do ſo,
What will not black Revenge fierce iury do?
Bowels of love are turned there to hate,
Your Children are transformed into Devils;
I can't conceive, my Pen cannot relate
How they'l torment ye 'for thoſe forbid Evils
That they did learn from your vain converſation,
Which greatly did conduce to their damnation.
Indeed, Can they do leſs then torture you
That were the cauſe that they are thus tormented?
Parents, Remember this, Conſider now
In time, leſt your damnation be augmented
By their company in thoſe fierce flames
That ever burn, and nought their fury tames.
Your greateſt Duty lie not in providing
Them here a portion, and in laying up
Such things for them, as if they'd here abiding
For evermore, and ſhould not taſte the Cup
That's in Gods hand, containing Wine that's red
(For them that know him not) by's fury bred.
But I do not intend to task my Muſe
At preſent, for to ſpeak unto old Age;
No, at the preſent I the ſame refuſe,
Yet ſhall my matter be both grave and ſage:
'Tis Youth to whom I do intend my ſpeech,
'Tis Youth I do as Auditor beſeech.
I ſhall not read Lectures of good Behaviour
Now unto Age, how they ſhould wiſely live;
How act themſelves, that all their acts might ſavour
Of Good; a good Example for to give
To imitative Youth, that notes each thing
They do, and does the like in many a thing.
And though I have hinted, yet I have no more
Than given an hint of that ſame weighty charge
Of Childrens Education, on the ſcore
Of thoſe that keep them, thoſe of riper age:
Thoſe acts of yours, that you think time doth ſmother,
Are kept alive, being acted by another.
'Tis Goſpel-Exhortation, BE DISCREET,
(As well to Youth as Age directly given)
'Tis not to one, but doth both Sexes greet,
Speaks to all perſons that look after Heaven:
Be circumſpect and wiſe, Redeem the time,
You that would live in that all-glorious Clime.
Old Age, remember, God doth notice take
Of al your words, your geſtures, thoughts and deeds,
Of each of which you muſt a reckoning make;
From Thoughts come Word, and from thence Action breeds:
God views your Generation, Children, ſee
The Devils mind, then ſee you wary bee.
12Excitations. [1.]
But tender Youth, Come hearken, lend an Ear;
My thoughts on you at preſent I do ſpend;
It is to you, to you I do declare
That which unto Soul-ſafety much doth tend:
Now thou art young, and ſound, and ſtrong in ſtature,
Remember, Oh Remember thy Creator.
Begin betimes to ſeek the King of glory,
At whoſe right hand pleaſures for evermore
Do bide and dwell, whoſe worth the Angels ſtory,
And they with Saints and Seraphims adore:
Up, up Youth, and purſue this glorious prize;
Shake, ſhake off ſloth, come quickly, quickly riſe.
Thy blood is hot (Youth) let that heat excite thee,
And ſtir thy ſpirits, move them to a flame;
Collect thy ſpirits ſtrength, here's that will fight thee;
Ariſe, ariſe, thy ſloth I greatly blame:
'Tis Glory, 'tis a Kingdome, 'tis laid down,
The brows of the victorious for to crown.
Come, here are brave attempts, noble atchievements,
Here, here's the way, the way to purchaſe honor;
Here's truly noble, truely brave employments,
To be a Souldier under Chriſts owne Banner:
The God of Heaven and Earth the Captain is,
The cauſe is good, 'tis for eternal bliſs.
O put on courage! Let that boyling blood
That heats your veins, turn into holy rage;
Bid Sin avaunt, let Sathan be withſtood,
And in that holy War your ſelves engage:
Redeem your time, your freedomes, and your ſelves,
For all are Captives unto helliſh Elves.
Your enemy is ſtrong, a potent foe,
He's full of might, of policy and skill;
The World, the Fleſh do joyn their ſtrength un••,
Moſt earthly Powers do obey his will:
Things that do look with ſeeming glorious faces,
Principalities and Foes in heavenly places
You have to fight againſt: Engines of War
Your Foe-man hath, ſleights, ſtratagems and wildes,
Whereby he often conquers from afar,
And often many Creatures he beguiles:
We are his Slaves, and in fell bondage all,
Stand at his beck, and run when he doth call.
Encouragements [8.] and Exhortations.
Oh let us rouze us, quitting ſinful floth,
And put on courage, and go forth with might;
For to engage in fight, let's not be loth,
Becauſe we loſe our Souls elſe, and their right:
What though our Foe be ſtrong, our Captain's ſtronger:
What though his arm be long? our Captain's longer.
The Body's broke, Up, up, and take the ſpoyl,
The Body of our foes puiſſant ſtrength,
Our noble Captain 'th given Death the foyl,
And we ſhall be victorious to him at length:
Fall on, Fall on, our foes are in a Rout,
The Victory is ours, out of doubt.
Right noble Spirits, true heroick Minds,
Delight t' engage where Courage may appear,
I have oft heard how glad He is that finds
A deſperate attempt, that may him dare;
And this they do, that the ſhrill Trump of Fame
Unto the Age may blazon forth their Name.
[11.] Argument 1.
But young Men, Heark ye, If that airy honour
May move hot Spirits to adventure far,
Then what may this under Jehovah's Banner
(For your owne Intereſts) t' attempt a War?
Y' are Slaves to Sin, and to each Humour; then
Ariſe, ariſe, and quit your ſelves like Men.
The Spoyl is good, the Triumph and the Joy
Is great and glorious, Ever doth endure;
Time ſha'nt wear out, Oblivion ſha'nt deſtroy
Your Trophees of Renown, you ſhall be ſure
Ever to have, and therewithall a Crown
Of laſting Glory, when this life's laid down.
Each valiant Act, and each Heroick Deed
You do, or ever ſhall attempt to do
With real Heart, taking reſpective heed,
Shall much the glory of your Crown ad to:
For every Luſt you conquer and ſubdue
Joy, Peace, and Comfort will to you enſue.
[14.] Argument 2.
Nay, 'Tis high Honour for you then to joyn
With Gods own Son, the Heir of Earth and Heaven,
Your ſpirits then with his Spirit combine,
For to deſtroy all Sin his Life was given:
He came to overthrow the works of th' Devil,
The ſame do you, when you oppoſe an Evil.
Youth, would'ſt have Honour? Prethee tell me then,
What is't to be Favourite to a King?
The King of Kings, that rules and reigneth when
The world ſhall ceaſe, and every earthly thing:
This thou ſhalt be, if thou doſt to him live:
A Crown and Kingdome likewiſe he'l thee give.
Tell me then, Can thy ſtrength be laid out better?
Can thy hot vigorous Youth it ſelf imploy
For more advantage, then to make him Debter
Unto thee, that doth Heaven and Earth enjoy:
His Love thou gain'ſt by living in his will
Shalt Him and his poſſeſſe on Zions Hill.
Oh lay not out the ſtrength of youthful years
To feed foul humours, and a fond deſire,
Vain pleaſures will procure eternal tears,
And make thee lodge in everlaſting fire:
Reſiſt, oppoſe thy youthful inclination
That leads thee captive to each ſordid paſſion.
Wilt ſerve him whom thou art aſham'd to own,
As Maſter of the work that thou doſt do?
Be not deceiv'd, but look what thou haſt ſown
Thou canſt not but expect to reap alſo:
Bur-ſeed doth Burs, Dill-ſeed doth Dill bring forth,
The fruit and ſeed are ever of like worth.
Thou ſow'ſt in Fleſh, of Fleſh thou ſhalt reap ſhame;
But if in Spirit, glory thou ſhalt find;
Permit not puny pleaſure for to maim
Thy Souls beſt ſtrength, nor to enerve thy Mind:
Thou canſt not ſay but 'tis an abſurd evil
To give the worſt to God, the beſt to th' Devil.
Tax me not Young-man, that I do enjoyn
Thee to a thing impoſſible to do;
No, I'l aſſure thee, here is not a line
But 'tis thy ſafety to comply unto:
'Tis not by Hear-ſay that the thing I tell,
But by Experience I know it well.
My heart eſteems't the nobleſt deſign,
That ere my youth can make adventure on,
Unto Jehove to make a full reſign,
And in my Soul for to ſet up his Throne:
I would that he ſhould reign o're me as King,
And every thought to his Subjection bring.
His ſervice I eſteem at ſuch a rate,
I would not leave it for to be a King,
An Emperour the mightyeſt Potentate
The Earth ere bore: I do eſteem that thing
Of far leſs worth in Splendor, far more dim,
Then for to be a Servant unto him.
I ſcorne a Crown, an Earthly Diadem,
The Scepter of this univerſe to ſway;
Compared with that matchleſſe glorious Gem
Of grace: for why that Honour's but a day.
But grace doth bring to glory evermore,
Makes a poſſeſſour of all glorious Store.
If that a Crown was layed at my feet,
As ſure as I do live, there ſhould it lie;
If with Emperial honour men ſhould greet
Me, as the greateſt Earthly majeſty;
I would refuſe that honour and that grace,
For thoſe ſame troubles that attend the place.
Much more would I contemn it, if it ſhould
Be proffer'd to me, if I would forſake
The Service of my God, or if I would
My ſelf ſubſervient to my humours make;
No, ſuch petty honour I diſown,
I eye no leſs then an alglorious Crown.
An Earthly Crown's too mean for my deſire,
Too baſe an object for my heart to fix on:
My Spirit's fill'd, with more Heroick fire,
I beauty love, not ſuch a dull complexion;
My Noble Soul doth crave a bigger boone,
I muſt injoy that ſacred Three in one.
Your fading honour I eſteem as dung,
Earth's weltering glory as the dirt in ſtreet;
I will not lodg one thought thereof among
Thoſe noble thoughts, my Soul do dayly greet;
Baſe ſervile earth, avaunt, I'l not enſlave
My thoughts with thee, if I the world might have.
Alas poor earth, what's all that thou canſt give,
Or doſt afford, when ſorrow greets the mind?
Wherein can an awakened conſcience live?
What cordial in thy Store-houſe can it find?
Thou canſt not give thereto one dram of peace;
'Tis not in thee to make diſtraction ceaſe.
Alas, Alas! thy glories are too mean.
Too mean an object, for the Souls deſire:
The Souls deſire's vaſt and too extreme,
'Tis too extreme, and heat with better fire,
Then to be quencht, then for to be contented,
What thoſe poor ſhadows that by thee's preſented.
Thy wealth, what's that a truſs of meer deceit,
A bladder full of wind, an empty joy,
A real nothing, yet a glorious baite,
That doth beguil man of eternal joy;
And ſhall my noble Spirit then lay out
Her precious thoughts, ſuch vanities about.
No, No, my Soul's immortal, and muſt have,
Such wealth as is of an immortal being;
Such treaſures as indure for aye I crave,
What do'nt I lightly prize and value, ſeeing
It cannot anſwer my Souls vaſt deſire,
Allay nor coole the heat thereof the fire.
Thy pleaſures (world) thy Senſe-beſotting pleaſures,
That ſo bewitch's men of tender years:
Conduce as much to joy as do thy treaſures,
Unto contentment, and to free from fears;
But this is that, that moſt of 'th world do follow,
'Tis after pleaſure that they hoop and hollow.
'Tis pleaſure that doth take the heart of youth,
'Tis pleaſure his deſires lead him to;
His hot veins ſwel, and pleaſure ſtrait doth ſooth,
His lively humours makes them act and go:
Pleaſures doth lull moſt younglings faſt aſleep,
Makes them laugh, now, eternally to weep.
O Young ones know Pleaſure's the Devils bait,
Wherewith he fiſhes for immortal ſouls;
In Pleaſure he doth lodge a grand deceit,
And ſo (moſt) youthfull Nature he befools;
Your boiling blood do ſooneſt cloſe with pleaſures,
Which of Gods wrath doth oft unlock the Treaſures.
Alas! and what are pleaſures to Gods Ire?
Pleaſures are fading that doth Age endure:
Think ye, can pleaſures coole thoſe flames of fire,
Or th' bitings of thoſe helliſh Scorpions Cure.
No your delightful pleaſures then will ſting ye,
As ſure as now they unto Hell will bring ye.
Pleaſure's a Ship that doth imbark for Hell
All Paſſengers that are contain'd therein;
In endleſs flames they muſt be ſure to dwell,
That do indulge and live and dye in ſin;
They ſweet and ſwiftly Sail, and that doth tend,
Quickly to bring 'em to their Iourneys end.
O ſtay thy courſe young man, lower thy Sails,
Winde up thy Canvas Ty 't cloſe to the Maſt:
(Being open ſpread the wind then moſt prevailes,)
Oh therefore wind it up and ty 't up faſt.
The affections are the Sailes, the which the Guſts;
Of vain deſires do fill full with wanton Luſts.
The Maſt I'd have thee tie theſe Sailes about,
Is Solid reaſon, and a judgment true:
Reaſon ſhould guide th'affections thoroughou,
And judgment ſhould inordinacy ſubdue;
Reaſon is Miſtris Governeſs, will, deſire, affection,
As hand-maids ſhould attend her in ſubjection.
But for to ſpeak more properly unto thee,
Reſpecting what delights moſt tender years;
Preventing pleaſures that they mayn't undo thee,
And ſo expoſe thee unto endleſſe tears;
I ſay Religion yields as much delight,
As ſinne can do, perſiſted in aright.
All pleaſure riſes from congruity,
And fitneſs 'teen the faculty and object;
When there's a natural propenſity,
Needs muſt it be a••oſt delightful ſubject.
Guide then thy Soul byudgments ſolid Art,
What makes delight's the••mper of the Heart?
An earthly heart doth earthly things perſue,
An heaven-born Spirit takes delight in heaven:
From a luxurious heart there doth enſue
Luxuriouſneſs, (of vertue quite bereaven;)
An empty wanton heart filled with aire,
E'ry vaine object's ready for to dare.
And ſuch a heart like an un-ballaſt'd Ship,
Is turned o'r with e'ry breath of wind;
As empty veſſels under ſail do skip,
That they within 'm, nought but danger find,
So 's the immortal Spirit toſt to and fro;
Hurried up and down, where fancy wills to go.
This matchleſſe Gem, this noble worthy Peee,
Continually of ſhipwrack is in danger;
Toſt to and fro, now there, and ſometime here,
Unto all ſafety a perpetual ſtranger;
So long as mov'd by the light wind of paſſion,
Subject to nothing but to alteration.
Ineſtimable worth, value unknown.
And paſt conceiving is the Soul of man,
A treaſure, Jewel, that Jehove doh own,
Term ſo; and take delight in; tell me then,
Should this ſame peereleſs Spirit ſerve an humour,
A beſteal, ſordid luſt, it〈…〉ngth conſumer.
The Soul's a heaven-born virgin proſtitute her
Wilt thou, to loathſome ſin and ſo to Hell?
Ah! canſt thou ſuffer Divells to deprive her,
Of ſtate, of glory, with them for to dwell?
Muſt Shee her countrey, and her kindred leave,
A curſed doome with Divels to receive?
My heart doth ake to think of the abaſement
The Soul doth ſuffer, while it traide with ſin:
My Spirit ſobs to view that foul defacement,
Of J'hoves bright glorious beauty's ſeated in
The Soul of man; there ever to endure,
Conſiſting in an holy heart and pure.
Ah wanton youth, are earths vain worthleſs pleaſures
So dear unto thee, that thou't not them leave;
For feare of great Jehovahs direful treaſures,
Nor yet a Crown of glory to receive?
Wilt thou ſell life and glory for a toy,
For ſordid pleaſure barter heavenly joy?
Ah canſt thou be content to bed in flames,
In utter darkneſs to make thine abode?
Canſt thou dwel there where nothing fury tames,
Eternally deprived of thy God?
Ah canſt thou bear the burthen of Gods Ire,
When as that task ſhall never out expire.
O youth remember thine immortal Soul,
And beare in mind what price was for it given!
Remember what can purge it being foule,
Conſider what may bring it unto Heaven;
Gods onely Son had of it ſuch eſteem,
That with his death its life he did redeem.
For Chriſts ſake thou thy Souls Salvation prize,
Becauſe his death did life unto it give,
Permit not pleaſures to put out thy eyes,
But ronze thy ſloth, and up unto him live;
Live unto him whoſe death bought thy Salvation,
Die for his ſake whoſe Life's thy preſervation.
Oh die thou muſt, or thou canſt never live,
Die to thy ſelf, to thy hearts luſts and pleaſures;
Die to all ſinne, or thou canſt not receive,
Thoſe glorious ſweets that God to his out-meaſures
Thy Souls redemption coſt Chriſts utmoſt breath,
And its Salvation muſt be by ſinns death.
Thou muſt be buried with him into death
Or thou canſt not in life with him partake:
That ſharp (two edged) cutting ſword unſheath,
To cut down luſts that ſeparation make
'Tween thee and him, 'tween his Spirit and Thine,
That do thee 'gainſt him unto ill incline.
Know, fleſhly luſts do war againſt the Soul,
And ſeek its utter ruin and undoing:
'Tis thy ſouls ſafety, Youth, them to controul,
But thou art ever courting and a wooing
Them with delight unto thee, thy deſires
Do beak themſelves at luſts baſe ſmoaky fires.
My Soul doth groan for to behold the Courſes
That young ones take; how they with full carere
Seek their own ruin, and as tender Nurſes,
Do nouriſh, cheriſh, and redeem as dear,
That which deprives them of a dwelling place,
In Heaven to behold Gods glorious face.
Luxurious youth, a little lend an Eare
To me, and I'l thee ſome few precepts give;
Be ſober minded then attend and heare:
Some rules I'l ſet thee down whereby to live;
Firſt guard thy heart with double diligence,
And let thine eye therein have reſidence.
And being ſober, then ſtrait look about,
For matter wherewithall t'employ thy mind;
Rouze up thy ſelf, give ſlaviſh thoughts the rout,
Let ſor did luſts within thee no place find;
Read ſacred writ, and meditate thereon,
Be ruminating ever thereupon.
That looſe licentious Luſts may finde no room,
No place for entertainment in thy Soul,
That when (according to their wont) they come,
Thy minds imployment may their courſe controul
Oppoſe an Evil, and it ſha'n't orecome thee,
Reſiſt the Devil, and he will fly from thee.
When ſaucy mirth, or any wanton luſt
Doth proffer thee a greeting any more,
Tell'em, you know 'em not, and that you muſt
Have no acquaintance with them as before
You had unto your coſt, when they did fool
Your noble ſpirit, bearing in it rule.
Tell 'em that now you 'ave found a better Maſter,
And nobler ſervice for to pitch upon;
You'l ſeek to ſpare where you have been a waſter,
And will not do as you before have done;
When they do knock, tell 'm you a'n't at leiſure
To let 'em in, but bid 'em wait your pleaſure.
And ſure I am that ſuch like entertaiment
As this, will cauſe bold Sin to hang its ears:
Theſe words or others of the like concernment
(Maintain'd with heart ſincere & ardent Prayers)
Will make the Devil in thee hide his face,
Will overcome him, make him quit the place.
And then Chriſt Jeſus and his glorious Train
(By his Soul-ſanctifying Spirit) will
Enter thy heart, ſet up his Throne, and reign,
And all his bleſſed Pleaſure there fulfill;
He'll enter then, who is the Prince of Peace,
Triumphing gloriouſly will make Sin ceaſe.
And as before thy Soul was a foul Cage
Of unclean Birds, a Stie of naſty Devils,
Hells Council-Chamber, and thy Acts Hells Stage,
Whereon thou didſt diſplay all inbred Evils;
Now 'tis become the Palace of a King,
The King of Glory, bleſt in every thing.
Where Devils did in conſultation ſit,
(As they do always about acts unclean)
Malicious helliſh miſchiefs, which to beget
Not yet brought in action to be ſeen)
There Gods bleſs'd Spirit (Now) doth counſel give,
Unto the Soul diſport it ſelf and live.
Note this, young Man, peruſe well the expreſſion,
Me thinks 'tſhould thy hot bloud convert to ſlames,
JEHOVAH will not onely take poſſeſſion,
And dwell in thee, but alſo Son thee names;
He'll be thy Father, thou ſhalt be his Son,
Learn at all times to ſay, Thy will be done.
But that's not all, though that's a glorious favour,
To be a child to the eternal God:
I'le walk in thee: Oh here's a ſpeech doth favour
Of more then making with thee an abode;
My ſelf I'le joy refreſh, diſport, delight
In thee, ſayes the allglorious God of might.
For what doth walk, ſpeak leſs then recreation,
Delight, refreſhment, (not excluding) joy,
As alſo (oft 'tis) Soul accommodation,
Which ſenſes (here) don't Scripture truth deſtroy;
For Scripture doth the ſame to us commence,
What not in the ſame words, yet in the ſenſe.
But one thing more, youth, let me hint unto thee,
From this ſame text now I have touch'd upon:
God ſayes he'l dwel in thee, then let it woo thee
To ſay to Hell, Avaunt; to ſinne, Begone;
For he and ſin in one heart cannot dwel,
No more then thou can'ſt live at eaſe in Hell.
I'l walk in thee, the which expreſſion ſpeaks,
(As well as joy) that he'l take notice too
Of all thy acts, and all thoſe private tricks
That thou in ſecret undeſcry'd doſt do:
He that is alwayes walking round about
A houſe, can't chuſe but ſee what's done throughout.
But to come cloſer to the thing in hand,
I'le put it to thee, youngling for to judge;
Whether herein or ſinne moſt joy doth ſtand,
Peace this attending (too) but ſinne a ſcourge;
Sinne leads the Soul a dance, I ſigh to tell,
It here begins, but ends i'th' loweſt Hell.
Moreover youngling I can tell thee this,
That that which makes ſin lively to appear,
And doth bewitch thy Soul thereon, nought is,
But thoſe ſame borrowed garments ſhe doth wear
That ſhe hath ſtolen from vertue; whoſe they are,
As't will hereafter plainly appear.
There's but a painted ſtrumpet that doth lure
All perſons void of underſtanding to her;
Saw ye her in her night cloaths, I am ſure
She would affright ye, and you'd ceaſe to woo her;
She's deckt in vertues robes, and ſo ſhe's fine,
Yet at the beſt, ſhe's but a painted ſhrine.
But if vaine pleaſures muſt thy Miſtris be,
And have the ſervice of thy beſt affection,
Then thou to bed with her muſt ſure be,
Nor canſt thou that deny, ſince in ſubjection
To her thy Soul doth live, and acts her will,
And all her heads doſt faithfully fulfill.
Should I deſcribe the Bed, and the place where
The Bed is made, 'twould task my Muſe too hard,
But look where Devils dwell, the place is there,
The Bed it ſelf cann't be by me declar'd;
'Tis ſulphurous flames, 'tis torments ſharp and fell,
'Tis gnawing Conſcience, (in a word) 'tis Hell.
One word more youngling, wilt thou ſell thy ſight?
Or wilt thou for a price part with the light?
What wilt thou ask for this thy breathing right?
Or take, the world to be bought out of quite?
I know thy anſwer to theſe very well,
For ten worlds worth, thou none of theſe canſt ſell.
And I beleeve thou doſt abhor the thought
Of valuing of thoſe with any thing:
Nay, I beleeve thy Soul with ſorrows fraught,
When any doth theſe into queſtion bring:
I know young man, that here thou art ſo nice,
Thou loath'ſt to hear theſe valued at a price.
But foraſmuch as none theſe things may mention
Unto thee: Heark, I'le tell thee in thine ear,
And tell thee truth, for that's my hearts intention,
Thou overlov'ſt theſe, yet not count'ſt them dear,
For why, thou ſpend'ſt them on thy miſtris Pleaſure,
And laviſhly doſt waſte them out of meaſure.
Nay, thou doſt ſell a Pearl worth all of theſe,
More precious Gems thou part'ſt with for her ſake
Than I can utter, that whoever ſees
That dangerous courſe that thou doſt for her take,
Cann't chuſe but ſay, Thou waſtes thy ſtrength, and ſight
Moſt wickedly, and ſo deſerv'ſt no light.
More plainly, is the light a pleaſant thing,
That thou'dſt not be depriv'd of for a world?
Then part with Sin, for elſe it will thee bring
Into perpetual darkneſs, to be hurl'd.
Thou ſhalt for evermore part with the light,
And be included in perpetual night.
Thy ſight is precious to thee, 'cauſe the light
Doth pleaſant objects unto it unfold,
But know in Hell the uſe is alter'd quite,
There's darkneſs, nought but terrours to behold;
So that for Sin both Light and Sight thou ſell'ſt,
Both Life and Joy, and for its ſake thou dwell'ſt
Amidſt fierce fiery flames, and doſt debar
Thy Soul that bleſſed Privilege, to ſee
Gods glorious face, the which exceedeth far
What ere thy worldly intereſt to thee
Can give, and what's thy breathing right to this?
Breath well improv'd may make a gale to bliſs.
O youngling therefore if thou prizeſt ought
That's dear or good, why then ſhake hands with ſinne,
And be not by't into ſubjection brought,
Nor in its ſlavery continue in:
Pleaſures of ſin but for a moment are,
The purchaſe of them therefore's too too dear.
Beſides its motions, force them from thy Soul,
And hold no private conſultation with him:
Its riſing power betimes ſuppreſs, controule,
For growing great thou canſt not lightly will'm.
If any ſordid evill you'd entombe,
The readyeſt way's to kill it in the wombe.
Give ſin no footing, for it will intrude,
'T will make its paſſage like a mighty ſtream;
Give 't but an entrance, and you ſtraight include
Ten times more inconvenience then you deem;
If entertained for a moneths ſpace,
It ſtraight becometh Maſter of the place.
'Tis a bold gueſt, and though a ſordid groome,
Too baſe to come within the Souls confines:
Yet takes it up the beſt and braveſt roome,
And further, all its forces ſtrength combines;
To keep the ſame, and there as Lord to reign,
Permitting it none elſe to entertain.
Sin's a moſt cruel Task-maſter to evil,
It giveth work, but gives no time to play,
Doth tyrannize as a moſt cruel Devil,
'Fording no intermiſſion Night nor Day:
Heart, hand, eys, ears, nor tongue, nor lips m'n't ſtound,
But eagerly perſiſt to run Sins round;
The Eys muſt gaze the Heart to ſet on fire,
The Ear attends for to blow up the flame,
Which to expreſs the Tongue doth never tire,
And yet this Tyrant ſharply doth them blame,
Says they are idle, that they nothing do,
(When as their ſpirits faint, their work is ſo.)
Here's Slavery exceeding Egypts Task,
They Brick muſt make, yet ſtore themſelves with Straw,
No eaſe, no reſpite, nor no help muſt ask,
But evr in yoke, like Slaves, like Horſes, draw:
From this to th' other ill the poor Soul trudges
From that for t' other Luſt the poor Soul drudges.
Yet ſo the Creature's fool'd, that it contents
It ſelf in this hard bondage; don't complin
Of Servitude, nor in the leaſt repents,
But layeth out its ſtrength for to maintain
Theſe ſordid humours, and their lives to cheriſh,
Though for the ſame both Soul and Body periſh.
What doth the Drunkard prize above his Pots?
Who is more free than he? He doth not think
That he's a Slave, nor that ought him beſots,
Although he place his happineſs in Drink:
O how his heart doth long, and thirſt, and pine,
E'r to be drinking, quaffing Beer or Wine!
He loves good Fellows, Pot-companions dear,
His Life and Joy lies in that Fellowſhip,
Th'are farre more priz'd by him than all Heavens Queer.
Than Living Waters he had rather ſip
His luniſh Cups of Soul-confounding Drink,
Though thereby Health, Eſtate, Soul, Body ſinck.
Tuſh, tell not him of the Tribunal Day,
Nor of Jehovah's dreadfull flaming ire;
Come give him Drink to waſh dry cares away;
He fears no Hell, he fears no flames of fire;
Thus doth his throat already him foretell
His Souls Diſeaſe for evermore in Hell.
And are proud Wantons any whit leſs Fools?
Their task's as hard, and yet that task is ſweet
Unto them, the heat of their deſire what cools?
Thoughts of Eternity muſt not them greet:
Bid them be humble, holy, chaſte, and pure,
Such clowniſh Precepts they cannot endure.
But why ſtand I thus for to inſtance any
One ſingle Vice, when all the Ills of Nature
Do prove the ſame moſt clearly? though not many
Take notice of it, active in each feature
The moſt of men hotly perſiſt to do,
What ere their wieldy Paſſions lead them to.
Well to conclude young man; Remember this,
Thy Soul's immortal, and muſt aye endure,
'Twas made by God a Subject fit for Bliſs,
And of eternal Doom it muſt be ſure.
If thou liv'ſt well, a Crown he'l to thee give;
If ill, thy Doom's with Devils for to live.
But having been too tedious in my verſe
Upon this ſubject Pleaſure, (and yet I
Have been but brief and ſhort, ſeeing commerce
By youth is held with Pleaſure conſtantly)
Shall now for Recreation ſake expreſs
In varied Verſe what my experience is.
And what in mine own practice I do act
Of youthfull pleaſure, how I it eſteem,
I ſhall lay down my thoughts of many a Fact
Tending thereto, and what I of it deem.
Example is a living Argument,
My ſelf to thee, as ſo I here preſent.
Pleaſure I finde to be a ſly,
A deadly, ſubtil Enemy,
'Twill ſleer i' th' face, 'twill kiſs the lip,
Yet then look to 't, 'twill up thee trip;
'Twill ſpeak thee fair, 'twill kindly greet,
And ſtraight 'twill lay thee at its feet;
'Twill promiſe thee large liberty,
(When nothing's a more real Lie;)
'Twill build thee Caſtles in th' air,
'Twill fawn, and lie, and ſpeak thee fair,
'Twill mention Peace, that it will give thee,
But truſt it not, it will deceive thee;
'Twill 'ford content and ſatisfaction,
But then 't muſt be in Soul-diſtraction;
'Twill promiſe Ells, perform no Inch;
Thou needſt not queſtion at a pinch
But it will help thee unto ſorrow,
Deep-dy'd in grain, and Scarlet-horrour;
'Twill proffer thee its company,
And promiſe true fidelity;
Faithfull 'twill be (indeed) 't w'on't leave thee
Herein, I ſay, it w'on't deceive thee,
'Twill ſtick cloſe to thee to bereave thee
Of what ere Heaven, or God can give thee;
'Twill lodg thee with it ſelf in Hell,
Together live and die (all's well;)
'Tis ſweet in ſhew, but proves moſt ſowre,
Shews lovely fair, but yet will lowre;
It ſays, in it thou ſhalt enjoy
Such matter as ſhall ne're thee cloy:
'Tis partly truth, for parting never
Is living and enjoying ever,
Which thou, and it, and Hell ſha'n't do,
When once conjoyned thereunto:
O therefore now betimes reſolve
That knot of Friendſhip to diſſolve,
When ere ſhe doth herſelf preſent
(I need not queſtion her intent,
I know her well, though ſhe doth bring
Honey in mouth, her tail doth ſting)
To me, I ask what ſhe doth crave?
Or what 'tis of me ſhe would have?
I ask, how long I ſhall be ſure
What ſhe can give me will endure?
(Before I leap I love to look,
But all ſuch counſel cannot brook)
Shall this thy joy continue ever?
And ſhall its life expire never?
Say I to her, Will this thy Pleaſure
Not dammage my eternal Treaſure?
If 't be n't eternal, then be gone,
Entice me not, let me alone;
'Tis no fit object for my view,
An unfit ſubject to purſue,
To gain thoſe things I will perſever,
That (like my Soul) endure for ever,
I dare not give thee any room,
Becauſe to judgment I muſt come;
I know the Judg and thou art Foes,
If thee I follow, him I loſe.
Avaunt, Be gone, Stand off; therefore
Don't dare (bold Sin) to tempt me more:
My heart thy dainties doth diſrelliſh,
Becauſe deceit doth them embelliſh:
Such Evils (too) they tend to cheriſh,
As will make Soul and Body periſh;
Thy pleaſant Path doth lead to Hell,
With damned ſpirits for to dwell;
Mine eys therefore thereon ſha'n't look,
To hear thereof mine ears ſha'n't brook,
Unto thy Paths my feet ſha'n't walk
Nor of thee ſhall not my tongue talk:
All thoughts of thee, O may I ſmother,
Who am the intereſt of another:
Diſloyall am I him unto,
If I ſtrike friendſhip with his Foe,
I dare not, O, I dare not I,
Think ſuch a thought, for he ſtands by,
He hath a Cabbin in my Breaſt,
He knows what's not by me expreſt,
His eye doth every ſecret ſee,
Kept ignorant he cannot be,
He's omni-preſent, filleth all
And every place both great and ſmall;
His arm is long, he will me reach,
From Eaſt to Weſt the ſame doth ſtretch,
How then dare I conſent to ſin,
Or any one thought harbour in
My tender breaſt, that may conduce
His ſacred Name to prejudice;
He's juſt and jealous, I don't dare
Him to offend, my Soul doth fear
His righteous judgments, and my fleſh
Doth tremble, and can do no leſs:
His Majeſty, in flames of fire
Cloath'd with wrath and furious ire,
Shall make appearance when the world
By fiery flames ſhall be diſſolv'd,
Shall mount upon his glorious Throne,
And then examine every one;
All acts muſt into judgment come,
And every one receive their Doom,
According to their ſeveral Deeds,
The Judg to them their Sentence reades,
He ſays to them that have done well,
Ye bleſſed of my Father dwell
In his bright glories, mount the Throne
Prepared for ye every one;
Ye did your hearts for me maintain,
Come therefore now and with me reign;
Ye on the earth did to me live,
Now I to you a Kingdom give;
You hated Sin, now I you own,
And give you an all-glorious Crown;
You of your ways did conſcience make,
Your wills and luſts too (for my ſake)
Did crucifie, with ſtrength oppoſe
All the ſuggeſtions of my foes;
Your ſtrength up to me you did give,
Come therefore your Reward receive.
But as for you, you helliſh Elves,
That to your Luſts did give your ſelves,
That ever burn'd with ſtrong deſire,
Bred and maintain'd by wanton fire;
Be gone from me into thoſe flames,
That burn and nought their fury tames,
As in your life-time you have been
A neer Aſſociate to Sin,
So now therewith go bide and dwell
For ever in the loweſt Hell,
In utter darkneſs make abode,
Under my flaming furious Rod,
There live out your eternal breath,
With howling cries, with gnaſhing teeth,
I know right well this is Sins Doom,
Therefore I dare not giue it room,
I dare not entertain it in me,
For ſure I am it ſoon will win me,
Its joy doth but a moment laſt,
But ah! its pain is never paſt,
Eternity my Soul doth eye,
Vain Pleaſure therefore dare not I
Once look upon nor will I greet
It, whereſoever I it meet:
I know it is an helliſh Find,
And all its courſes thither tend.
Be gone, be gone, thou doſt beguile me,
And of moſt pleaſant ſweets doſt ſpoil me,
Thou giv'ſt me Peebles for my Treaſures,
Sharp ſorrows for delightfull Pleaſures:
Mine own I am not, but am bought
At a dear rate, and therefore ought
To give both Soul and Body too
Unto his bleſſed ſervice, who
Did me redeem from bondage fell,
Reprieve my Soul from Death and Hell;
He gave his Life, his Love was ſuch,
To men, and ſhall I then think much
To anſwer love with love entire,
And for his ſake to quench the fire
Of lower loves, and with affection
Moſt pure and true, yeeld him ſubjection;
Long may I to him loyal prove,
Strong may I with him be in love;
The pleaſures of religion I,
Do finde more ſweet and do eſpye
More beauty in, than want on pleaſure
Can give to them, that have moſt leiſure
To wait thereon in it I finde
That ſweet repoſe unto my minde,
That peace, that ſweet delight, that joy,
That worldly powers cann't deſtroy:
Faith feeds me with the Bread of Heaven;
Thereby to me its joys are given
In ſuch a meaſure that oft I
Being overcharg'd with joy do cry,
(As of my ſenſes quite bereaven)
Whether am I now in Earth or Heaven?
What's this I both feel, taſte and ſee?
Sure I am in Heaven, or Heaven's in me.
Time ſlackes his courſe, his glaſs do'n't run,
Or is eternity begun?
Both weeks and months their motions ſtay,
They are to me as one ſhort day;
But they that would of Soul delight
(Then this) have a more fuller ſight
From me, then let them pleaſe to look
Upon another former book;
I penn'd (in part) long ſince, and there
Expreſſions make 't at large appeare.
But ſtill for to purſue my preſent task,
As youthfull blood doth make the wind aſpire
To fading honour, after pleaſure ask,
Setting the Senſes thereon all on fire;
So too that heated blood the Soul doth move,
To be a thralled Captive unto Love.
Youth's ſwelling veines made hot with blood and Spirits,
Doth like to fire never ceaſe to ſtur:
Will be in motion, though thereby 't inherits,
Shame for the ſame a conſtant blur,
The Soul of man is made of living fire,
That never moves yet motion don't expire.
The Devill therefore tends with diligence,
To give it matter whereupon to act:
Preſents an object to the greedy Senſe,
The which from thence the Soul doth ſoon infect,
Unto the Eye of youth he proffers beauty,
And ſtreight fond youth preſents it ſhrine with duty.
Beauty to youth is as the oyle 't a fire,
And as dry fewel unto raging flames
It doth convert him all into deſire,
And what is 't then that furious paſſion tames;
Th' eye to the heart preſents this foul infection,
Poyſons the Soul thoroughout, by the affection.
Youth now doth love, and muſt poſſeſſe in love
What he deſires, on whom his heart is fixt;
All arguments are far too weak to move,
There is no incongruity betwixt
Her whom he loves and him; no he can tell
She ſuits his diſpoſition very well.
What will he ſtick to venture for her ſake,
Whom he ſo fondly loves, as that his life
I' n't deare unto him, ſo he may partake
Her fellowſhip, and ſhe be made his wife;
Heaven and earth and God and life and bliſſe,
Compar'd with her unto him norhing is.
Youths antick tricks herein I ſha'n't diſcover,
I do'n't intend to toile my muſe ſo much:
Again my Soul thereof was ne'r a lover,
And therefore once to ſpeak of them I grutch;
My Soul takes no delight ſuch things to mention,
Further than is concern'd in my intention.
Is thy blood hot? (youth) do thy Spirits move,
And work thee to a flame of ſtrong deſire?
Make God the onely object of thy love,
Preſent him with an heart ſound and entire;
He's the alone-original of beauty,
His lovelineſſe (from thee) may win a duty.
If thou could'ſt ſee him with a ſingle eye
His lovely beauty, but by glance behold:
I'm ſure in him thy Soul would ſoon eſpye,
That which would make thy burning love grow cold
To all things elſe, and all things diſappeare,
In lovelineſſe to what before me were.
Thoſe ſparkling glories, whoſe unmatchleſs luſtre
Do make a heaven where e'r they are unfolded,
Diſplayed to thy view thy thoughts would muſter,
And ſet them free from what they are inthralled;
'Twould flame thy Spirits, and thou then ſhould'ſt prove,
The power of that noble heaven-bred love.
Love of this beauty don't the Soul abaſe,
Nor make it act below it ſelf as t' other:
Which doth ignoble it, and much deface
Its beauties, tending alſo for to ſmother
All ſparks of good, that are contain'd therein,
By the baſe ſmoaky vapours of foul Sin.
No this doth raiſe and elevate the mind,
And doth ennoble, and ſublime the Soul:
It makes it unto real good enclin'd,
Refines and purges it from courſes foul;
It doth tranſmute, transform and make the Spirit
From real ill true goodneſs to enherit.
This love to God doth ſpread it ſelf throughout
The inner man, and ſtrange effects it worketh:
It doth employ its utmoſt ſtrength about
Ejecting Sin from whence it cloſely lurketh;
Oh, here's delight indeed! the Soul doth move,
Employed in the ſervice of its love.
Lovers oft beg this on their bended knee,
(O great abaſement of a noble Soul!)
That by their miſtris they employ'd may bee,
The ſervice ne'r ſo baſe, low, mean or foul;
O for her ſake what wo'n't they deign to do,
They'll bended bow even for to kiſſe her Shooe.
Loves Nature 'tis to act with joy and cheere,
In any act whereto their Love enjoynes'm:
Love's life therein conſiſts, and doth appear
'Tis love, and love't ſelf thereof doth mind'm;
Then Chriſtians who are happyer men than you,
That ever have advantages enow
To prove and to expreſſe your love to him,
The fountaine of all love, the King of glory:
Unto whoſe ſhine Sol's ſplendent rayes are dim,
Whoſe beauty Seraphims't would poſe to ſtory;
By mortifying Sin, by crucifying
All earthly members, to ſelf-wiſdome dying.
Oh! 'tis advantage Chriſtians to be tempted,
By ſordid humours, by a baſe deſire;
For why; thereby occaſion is preſented,
To purge your Soules and prove your love entire;
Sin tempts, the Soul oppoſes, God looks on
As the Spectator, to behold what's done.
O how thou'dſt fight young man, if that a foe
Of thy beloveds did encounter with thee;
Eſpecially if ſhe commanded ſo,
And did looke on herſelf; but then I prethee
Tell me, doſt think ſervice to the creator
Affords leſſe joy than ſervice to the creature?
How happy do your lovers think themſelves,
If they may bee but graced for to talk
With their deare love: Oh! how the minde now delves
For matter, there's no faculty doth balk,
Its utmoſt ſtrength for to give up in this,
In this ſame act wherein conſiſts its Blis,
Words from her mouth you prize as hony dewes,
Yea Nectar, & Ambroſia a'n't ſo ſweet
As her diſcourſe is to you; while her brows
Diſplayed in lovely ſmiles deigns you to greet;
Her words drop down like Manna from the Skies,
While with delights ye bathe ye in her eys.
O happy ye, your hearts now melt in love,
And like to Wax before the Sun diſſolveth,
Ye now lie captivated, cannot move
Untill ſhe from this bondage you abſolveth;
You bath your ſouls in this her ſunny-ſhine,
And think her favours more than half divine.
But what's all this to thoſe unmatchleſs favours,
That they who ſeek the face of God do meet?
The very way and path they tread in, ſavours
Of joys illuſtrious, moſt delightfull ſweet,
Where ere he moves the ſweets he leaves behinde him
Is a ſufficient tract whereby to finde him.
They that love him he turns them love again,
And who with diligence his face do ſeek
His glorious face ſhall ſee (to quit their pain)
(Under a veil) yet lovely, ſweet and meek;
O could I tell what his imperial brow
Affords to them that ſee't, 'twould raviſh you.
So lively glorious, ſo ſweet, ſo cleare,
So Sp'ritly vigorous, and Soul-reviving,
So milde, ſo gentle, yet ſo lovely faire,
The Soul that ſees it, ceaſes e'r from dying;
I cannot half conceive, much leſſe expreſſe
The joy, the bleſſedneſſe that therein is.
Converſe with him; yea freely that you may,
He'l find you matter fit for to converſe on;
Nay, further He'l you ſend a glorious ray,
To fit your hearts for what they do commerce on;
Here's love indeed your Love, this thing can't do,
If you'r infirm, ſhe throws a ſcorne on you.
He ſends his Spirit to renue dead flames,
To quicken, to revive th' affection dying:
A God of grace and love, himſelf he names,
His Nature's ſo; his Soul is ever eying
His creatures wants, the languiſhing deſire
He cheriſhes with Grace, doth re-enſpire.
How ſweet ſo-e're your thoughts are when you muſe,
Upon your Miſtreſſes moſt lovely face,
Her perſon and proportion, when refuſe
You do that any thoughts them ſhould diſplace;
Yet know ev'n then the thoughts of God are ſweeter,
His love more lovelyer, his Spirit fleeter.
Being wounded by the beauty of her face,
Her words have power to kill or give you life:
Your Soules do ſue for to obtain her grace,
To gain her love, that ſhee'd be made your wife;
When ſhe is pleas'd to greet you with diſdain,
Your Spirit ſinkes, no life in't doth remain.
But this to great Jehovahs powerfull voyce,
Which is Soul quickning, or Soul confounding:
Wilt thou joyn paralell to make a choyce,
('Tween real want and what is moſt abounding?)
His voice ſuch rare magnetique power doth give;
'T preſerves the dying, makes the dead to live.
Touch'd with his beames, touch'd with his flames of love,
An extaſy that Soul muſt needs remain in,
'Tis bounden to him, and it cannot move,
That bed 'maines ever green that it hath lyen in;
Oh, ſtop my laviſh pen, I cann't tell how,
Thoſe rare unmatchleſſe ſweets 'deſcribe to you.
Youth, canſt thou dote on any female beauty,
What doſt thou think thou ſhalt therein enjoy?
That thou doſt vow thereto ſuch ſolemn duty,
Demean thy ſelf ſo like a witleſſe boy;
By any antick geſtures her to gain,
Whom being got thou doſt poſſeſſe with pain,
Alas, thou over-prize••things a far,
And buy'ſt th' enjoyments at a rate too dear,
'Tis granted in their place they ſomething are
But what; ('tis not my task toell you here;)
Yet minde yee what Elchanah ſay'd to Hanny,
Am not I more to thee than children many?
So in Jehove is far more to be found,
Than in all Creatures if conjoyn'd together:
All creature-ſweet is in a moment drown'd
In thoſe delights that he affordeth, whither
The Soul at all times freely may reſort,
And with thoſe pleaſures may it ſelf diſport.
Pleaſures, ſweet pleaſures, precious delights,
To theſe expreſſions youngling ſure I ſee thee
Attend and bend thine ear, (come nought affrights)
Be ſober and let thoſe expreſſions chear thee;
God is the riſt of beauty, peace and love,
Joy and delight, and therefore to him move.
As from a mighty fountain that diſperſes
Its great aboundance thorough many ſprings,
And in thoſe narrow channels quickly paſſes,
And ſpreads its ſelf and waters divers things;
So doth Jehove from his own fullneſs give
What ever good the creature can receive.
Now 'tis abſurd to think, much more to ſay,
That there reſides that fullneſs in one Spring
That in the fountain head it ſelf doth ſtay,
No more can any creature comfort bring
That peace, joy, Satisfaction to the mind,
That in Jehove himſelf thy Soul may find.
Extract what ere thou canſt from ev'ry creature,
And pack that lovelyneſſe all up in one;
Beauty from one and from another feature,
(Perfection reſteth not in one alone,)
From a third virtue, a well compoſed Spirit,
That ſweetneſſe, patience, mildneſſe doth enherit,
Nay take the Quinteſſence of ev'ry thing
That thou in any creature good canſt call,
And then know this that all that good doth ſpring,
From God its fount and its original;
And if one ſingle good ſo lovely is,
What's he in whom thou maiſt them all poſſeſſe.
Note this young man, and deep impreſſion give it
Upon thine heart, endorſe it on thy mind:
Upon thy judgment do it faſt on rivet,
And let it equal entertainment find
To things of far leſſe worth, inferiour beauty,
Remove from that, and give to this that duty.
Thou canſt not ſay that this is a demand,
Unreaſonable of thee to be ask'd?
The worth of th'object rightly underſtand,
And then thou'lt not complain that thou art task'd,
In any ſervice that thou undertak'ſt
For it to do, nor that deer thou forſak'ſt
It for to gain, cauſe worth far leſs doth move
Thee, coſt, labour and ſtrength for to lay out,
To be an humble ſervant in her love,
And think't a bliſs to be employ'd about
(At any time) the ſervice of her pleaſure,
Which to fullfill, thou ſpareſt for no treaſure.
And all's to gain what may be loſt to morrow,
But if not ſo, yet's but a petty good,
A ſweet that doth contain a deal of ſorrow,
A peace that many diſcontentments hood.
Leave not the kernel for the empty ſhell,
When as thou mayſt enjoy'm both aſwell.
But to look ore thoſe petty petty ſweets,
That thou endeareſt to thee as thy life:
And for to mention ſome of many feates,
That in thy nature's acted very rife;
Thou ne'r doſt leave till thou haſt found an object,
Whereto thou makeſt thine affections ſubject.
Oh! might thy active thoughts employ themſelves
No leſſe in ſeeking out to find abode,
'Cquaintance and friendſhip and him that e'r dwels,
Between the Cherubims, thy heaven, thy God;
Thy ſelf caſt down before him, proſtrate ly
With reſolution, if I dy, I dy.
This thou wilt do to gain her worthleſſe favour,
On whom thou doſt thy fond affection pitch:
There is no good like that, that thou canſt favour,
Nor any thing that thou eſteem'ſt ſo much;
Therefore thou layſt out all thy Art and ſtrength,
With ſtrong deſire, her to enjoy at length.
The Suns bright rayes do far leſs comfort yeild,
Then doth the ſunny beauty of her face;
To which thou thinkeſt that the fragrant field
Is leſſe delightfull, nor of ſo much grace.
There is no happineſs thou canſt eſpy,
Out of the ſun-ſhine of thy Miſtris's eye:
Thy life and happineſſe lies in her ſmiles,
Thy death and miſery in her frown conſiſteth,
Thy fond affection thus thy judgment ſpoiles,
Will and deſire do in thee what them liſteth;
Affection, will, and vain deſire together
Do lead th'enthraled judgment any whither.
But oh fond youth that thou could'ſt turn about,
And ſee that worth from which thou turn'ſt thy face,
Ah! did'ſt thou but behold it, out of doubt
Thou would'ſt endeavour for to give it place;
Tis worth where from th'algorious Queere of Hea­ven
Have all their happineſſe unto them given.
Tis worth affording each Soul faculty,
A full contentment of all needful things:
A real worth where's no deceit, no ly,
Perfect delight and joy that's free from ſtings;
'Tis more then th' Quinteſſence of every good,
It is a worth that can't be underſtood.
It is a worth from whenceall worth's derived,
'Tis real ſubſtance, thine a vain conceit:
'Tis death eternal for to be deprived
Sight of the face of that al-glorious wight;
'Tis life e'rlaſting it for to enjoy,
Where's all delight and peace without annoy.
A dark and loathſome Dungeon is that place,
(Of no delight, but ſorrow now to thee?)
That thy dear Loves ſweet preſence us'd to grace,
Where thou her lovely-face did'ſt uſe to ſee;
Her ſunny beauty was that place's light
To thee, her abſence mak'ſt a darkſome night.
This thou experienceſt and knowſt it truth,
But in the Suuny beauty of Gods eye
(Regardleſſe, negligent, vain, witleſſe youth,)
Thou knowſt not what an happineſſe doth ly;
For 'tis his face, his preſence that makes Heaven,
Who ſees it not of all joys are bereaven.
Ah! couldſt but half conſider what it is,
To live without him, be depriv'd the place
Of his abode, the miſery to miſs
The ſight of his beſt ſmiles, his lovely grace;
'T would break thy heart to think upon that ſorrow,
(That thou muſt feele thereby) with deadly horrour.
The loſſe of any creature Love i'n't ſo,
That loſſe may in an other be repaired:
Beare but the grief, no puniſhment may go
Along therewith beſide, that may be ſpared;
Conſidering (for ought thou know'ſt) that loſſe,
It had by thee might 'ave prov'd a cruel croſſe.
For why on earth no ſweet's without ſome ſowre,
There is no peace without ſome diſcontentment,
Withoutſome weakneſs there's no ſtrength, no power
No earth without ſome grief can't make preſent­ment
Of any joy unto thee in the leaſt,
At its vain Loves let not thy ſoul (then) feaſt.
But leaſt ſome perſons ſhould exceptions take,
(By miſinterpreting my aime, my drift)
And ſay Gods ordinance I uſeleſſe make,
And chaſtity is a peculiar gift;
I wiſh ſuch perſons rightly to conceive me;
I aime at no ſuch thing, if they'll beleeve me.
I don't condemn ſuch Love as lawfull is,
But fain would lead the creature a pitch higher,
Above all firſt to ſeek eternal bliſſe,
To God himſelf would have the Soul aſpire;
Would have it firſt to mind the things of heaven,
Then all things elſe ſhall be (as vantage) given.
I'd have youth give the prime of their affection,
As their firſt fruit unto Jehovah due,
Their will and their deſire too in ſubjection,
And after him with their whole ſtrength purſue.
For to his beauty all things elſe are dim,
He is our Lord, and we muſt worſhip him.
For feare I ſay if any miſconſtruction,
I'l here turn off, and in few words expreſſe
My ſelfe herein, and ſo will by deduction,
Declare how ſhort all creature-comfort is;
Touching upon in a compendious ſtory:
My Love's bright beauty excellence and glory.
My tender youth hath found
An object for its Love,
Whereat I do not ſtound,
But all my powers move,
It for to gain,
Though with much pain,
And for to make it ſure,
I will not ſpare,
Nor do I care,
What ere I do endure.
It is no lower wight
That I do pitch upon,
My ſubject of delight
Is great Jehovah's Son,
In him my minde
That ſweet doth finde,
That none with may compare,
By him I have
What ere I crave,
Though ne'r ſo good and rare.
My youth hath made a choice,
That I will not forgo,
Wherein I much rejoyce
And am affianc'd to,
Whom my deſire
Is ſet on fire
With ever to behold,
And whom I love
All things above,
Therefore in ſuit am bold.
Between my love and I
Is ſuch congruity,
That nought unto mine eye
Of like reſpect can be;
I do not prize
Nor hands, nor eys,
Nor ought elſe whatſoere,
My very life
Is but a ſtrife,
Not lov'd in his compare.
Ah, could my tongue but tell
The beauty of my love,
Wherein he doth excell,
Whate're doth breath or move,
There's none I'm ſure
That could endure
Him for to reſt ſhort of,
They would him love,
All things above,
Though now they at him ſcoffe.
Could I but penſil out
That bright perfection rare,
That ſpreads it ſelf about,
His limbs and face ſo fair,
Each Readers heart
With Loves ſtrong dart,
Would ſuffer ſuch a wound,
So as that then
With lock and key
Were cloſely Priſoners bound.
My Love's ſo fair, ſo clear,
That neither Moon nor Sun
Do light or bright appear
In the Meridian,
No they are dim,
Compar'd with him,
Their beauty's 'clipſed quite
They hide their face,
As in diſgrace,
To ſuch a glorious light.
With glory he's array'd
As with a garment gay,
His beauty may be ſaid
To be the Angels day;
Heaven can nought
Afford that's ought,
If diſpoſſeſt of him,
For 't is his light
That makes it bright,
His preſence makes it trim.
O did you know the pow'r
Of his imperial brow,
And what delights do towre
Themſelves therein, and how,
Within your breaſt
You could not reſt,
Till you had ſeen that face,
Nor without doubt
Could live without
The preſence of his grace.
For why the Angels joy,
And Seraphims delight
Conſiſteth conſtantly
By being in his ſight,
Their happineſs
Is onely this
Him ever to behold,
Whereby deſire
Is ſet on fire,
And never waxes cold.
His ſmiles do make an Heaven,
His frowns produce an Hell,
For where his favour's given
No tongue their bliſs can tell;
His flaming ire
Begets a fire
That ever doth endure;
His bleſſed love
The Soul doth move
To joy and Peace moſt ſure.
No Angels tongue can tell,
Nor mortal ear ere heard,
Nor heart conceive or ſpell,
Thoſe joys that are prepar'd,
Prepar'd for them
That as a Gem
Do prize the Lord of Life,
Whom he will grace
With his bleſt face,
And marry as his Wife.
His nature's ſweet and milde,
Lovely, and full of grace,
Himſelf he ſo hath ſtil'd,
And 'tis read in his face,
His countenance
Doth much advance
His glories every where,
It is ſo humble
That none can ſtumble,
Say no acceptance's there.
For though he doth poſſeſs,
All things in Earth and Heaven,
Yet will he ne'rtheleſs
His grace to ſuch be given
As do him ſeek
With ſpirit meek
Though ne'r ſo vile and poor,
With real heart,
If they do part
*In will and intention.
* With ſin for evermore.
His countenance doth carry
In 't ſuch majeſtick grace,
That where 'tis Sin w'on't tarry,
But ſtraight acquits the place;
It's Pleaſures black
Their Beauty lack,
And melt away like Snow;
They ſhew then plain
But grief and pain,
But miſery and wo.
All worldly Pleaſures are
Compared with this delight
But as a Candle's blear
Unto the Suns clear light,
Or Glo-worms ſhine
In the day-time,
Yea and far viler too;
They then are ſorrows,
And deadly horrours,
Loathſom the Soul unto
A maſs of real wo.
I'll prove this ſtraight a truth
Unto your open view,
Come wanton luſtfull youth,
And give me anſwer now,
Your minde aſpires,
Being fill'd with fires,
And at great things doth aim,
But whoſe intent
Nobleſt deſcent,
(Of you or I) can claim?
Again in Pleaſures Pool
Your youth doth bathe it ſelf,
But I my youth do ſchool,
In ſhunning of that elf;
I deal with joys,
Not ſuch vain toys,
A far they are below me,
I trade for Treaſures,
Not carnal Pleaſures,
The which vain youth do cow thee.
Thou ſerv'ſt a ſordid Luſt,
But I the God of Heaven;
And if obey thou muſt,
But to me freedom's given;
My joys do lie
With God on high,
My youths delights are there,
I in his Court
My ſelf diſport,
Where 'quaintance claime I dare.
Thou woo'ſt and ſu'ſt for love
To ſome inferiour Beauty,
I God himſelf do move
To him I tender duty,
Nor w'on't give o're
My Suit before
Himſelf I do obtain,
My heart in triall
Cann't take deniall,
My Soul muſt with him reign.
O tell me wanton youth,
What's thy delight to mine?
Wilt dare to ſay in truth,
My love exceeds not thine?
I know th' art ſham'd
It ſhould be nam'd
Upon that preſent day,
You bluſh to ſee
What fools you be,
And therefore nought can ſay.
But to proceed to ſpeak
Still further in his praiſe,
Whereto my heart's too weak
My eyes to view his Rayes,
His beauty bright
Allows no night
where ever it doth ſhine,
He doth impart
Unto that heart
A light and life divine.
He doth the ſoul revive
Where ever he doth come,
And gives it ſo to live
That it may keep a roome
For Majeſty,
Therein to lie,
And alwaies find a place,
He'll there keep Court
The ſoul diſport
With his moſt lovely face.
He doth the ſoul transform
Into his own likeneſs,
Doth it throughout adorn
With his bright glorious grace,
What found in him
Although but ſin
Shall in it (too) appear.
Tranſmutes & changes
The ſoul eſtranges
From whats to Nature deare.
But not to ſoar above
The reach of tender youth
That ſlaves himſelf in love
Whom vain fond humours ſooth
Whom up to lift
It is my drift
From off the dreggs of nature,
To fix on high
And him to eye
That is his bleſt Creator.
Moſt glorious is my Love
As you may plainly ſee
And doth't not me behove
Loyal to him to be?
Yes that I will
With all the skill
That I can make or gain
Whoſe work about
I will lay out
My ſelf with might and main.
Come Lovers I'll you tell
What privilege I have,
The which I will not ſell
For all Earths glory brave,
Although that glory
Shews none can ſtory
Whereof my love poſſeſt
Yet ſtill dare I
To him draw nigh
In love to be refreſht.
My love he is not coy
Though beautiful and fair
But fills my ſoul with joy,
It glads me to appear
Before his ſight,
For why? with might
Afreſh he doth me fill;
He ne'r me ſcorns,
But me adorns
According to his will.
While that low worthleſs beauty
That thou doſt ſo adore,
(Preſenting with ſuch duty)
Gives thee no thanks therefore
But makes thee ſerve
While like to ſtarve
Regarding not thy love
Whom thou draw'ſt nigh
(Oft ſhe is ſhie,
And doth far off remove.
With ſcorn ſhe oft thee flouts,
(The fruit of loath'd rejection)
Diſdains with churliſh pouts
Thy tenders of affection;
Though thoudoſt crouch
Her for to touch
With lowly bended knee,
Yet ſhe flies off
Doth at thee ſcoff,
She will not, no not ſhe:
O youth, what pains thou tak'ſt
Her love for to obtain,
Thy ſelf moſt ſervile mak'ſt,
Yet merits but diſdain;
But were I you,
I ne'r would ſue
For love ſo frivolous,
I would forſake,
No ſuit more make
To be rejected thus.
Unto my Love I never did
Tender my hearts deſire,
But he forth with me anſwered,
And ſent me fire for fire,
What I him give
He doth receive,
And ſo in mutual love,
We each enjoy
Nor do we cloy,
Oh may I never move.
They that do give a heart
Unto the great Jehove,
May ſure themſelves that ſtart
He will not from his Love,
I'm ſure there's none
Can make their moane,
That they did to him tender,
Not onely part,
But their whole heart,
And he no love would render.
Think'ſt thou that Jeſus Chriſt
The Heir of Earth and Heaven,
By whom thy ſoul was prick't
And for't his life was given;
Thinks thou (ſay I)
That he'll deny
Thee love when thou doſt ſue,
Ah no he won't
His practice don't
Confirm that thing as true.
He'll bind his liſtning ear
When thou prefer'ſt a ſuit
Thy voyce he ſoon will hear
Nor will he then be mute,
He'll condeſcend
Unto that end
For which thy ſuit was made,
He will delight,
And glad thy ſpright,
Come therefore ben't afraid.
None ever made a proffer
Of any thing to him
That he refus'd their offer
Or flung their ſcorn on them
Ah no his grace
Doth ſoon give place
To entertain that love,
He'll anſwer them
With love again
That truth of heart doth move.
And youth when thou haſt gain'd
The perſon thou doſt ſue for,
Her love I mean obtain'd
(Which oft thy heart did rue for)
Thou art not ſure
It will endure
For Lovers minds are changing,
For all that love
Don't conſtant prove
(The mind is prone to ranging.)
But ſure I am that love
That God doth give to his
Is conſtant, can't remove,
It everlaſting is,
The higheſt mountains
And loweſt fountains
Shall all firſt ceaſe to be,
The mighty hills
The deſert fields
Shall move into the Sea.
Could my tongue tell the ſweets
The pleaſures of the mind
That with my ſoul oft meets
And I in love do find,
There is no ear
That could them hear,
But would be raviſh'd by 'em,
And then would ſpy
The vanity
In earthly things, and fly 'em.
No place can me debar
The preſence of my love,
That bideth every where,
On earth beneath, above:
No company
Can me deny
My ſweet converſe with him;
Nor darkeſt night,
Hide from my ſight
His beauties clear and trim.
This beauty can't decay,
(Though age your lov's defaces)
My joyes ſhall 'bide for aye,
In mutual loves embraces;
I ſhall enjoy,
Without annoy,
My love for evermore,
In that bright glory,
That none can ſtory,
Where Seraphims him adore.
The care that now I take,
Is only ſo to live
A life, that love may ſpeak
To whom my love I give;
I care not I,
Who doth defie,
The ſervice of my love;
'I ſhall be my care,
No coſt to ſpare,
Sincere to him to prove.
Commend, or diſ-commend
My lov's moſt ſtrict commands,
It nought to me doth tend,
My act not therein ſtands;
I will endeavour,
Now, and for ever,
His pleaſure for to do,
With heart and might,
Both day and night,
Who 'er's averſe thereto.
I prize no love to his;
For what's all elſe to me?
In him's contain'd my bliſs;
Nought care I elſe to ſee:
'Tis he alone,
That onely one
On whom my hear doth fix,
Him would I ſerve,
Not from him ſwerve,
Nor other ſervice mix.
Oh may my heart be true,
My will and my deſire,
Conſtantly him purſue,
And be to him entire,
Who is worthy
Of more than I
Am able for to give him,
But to his praiſe
Even all my dayes
I crave that I may live him
A thouſand hearts had I
And every heart the might
The ſtrength and valiancy
Of thouſands, as his right
Them unto him
(My hearts dear gem)
Would I preſent and give,
And think this all
Yet far too ſmall
For him for to receive.
My tender youthful years
Hath long agoe forſaken
Earth's fading fooliſh toyes,
Of them farewel hath taken,
My tender youth
They may not ſooth,
For dead is my deſire
Unto its joyes
Such worthleſs toyes
That do ſo ſoon expire.
My tender years preſent
Their youthful ſtrength to him
With whole and joint conſent
To whom bright Sol is dim,
Whom I adore
For evermore
As Soveraign, Lord, and King,
Whom I'd reraiſe
In ſtrains of praiſe
And of his Glories ſing.

The Concluſion.

NOw, young man lay to heart what I have ſaid,
Note well each matter I have here down laid,
Here's life and death preſented fairly to thee,
Be well advis'd they both alike do woo thee,
Onely there's this advantage, courſes ill
do ſwifteſt go, their path is down the hill;
But youth, thy breaſt is ſtrong, and youthful fire
May carry thee up-hill-wayes and yet not tire,
Put thy ſtrength to it, do not back retire,
Thy lungs being good, thy breath 'twill not expire,
Though down-hill-waies are eaſie, yet there's danger
In them, it is the practice of each ſtranger
Eas'ly to go, yea t' light and lead their Horſe
There where the Road doth prove a down-hill courſe:
But up-hill wayes do offer means to try
The Horſes courage, ſtrength and valiancy;
The rider he delights ſwiftly to force
A ſpeedy paſſage on an up hill courſe:
So young man, up-hill-waies preſent th' occaſion
To try thy youthful ſtrength without perſwaſion,
Come put on courage, put on manly might,
And mount this hill, the which preſents to ſight
A gallant proſpect, the bright Court of Heaven,
Where Saints and Angels, all the glorious ſeven
Do ſit, and chant the everlaſting praiſe
Of great Jehove, (deckt with bright glorious rayes)
Women and Children labour to fulfil
The puny wiſhes of their craving will;
'Tis childiſhneſs to follow inclination,
Effem'nacy to ſerve a fooliſh paſſion:
Theſe down-hill-waies though pleaſant ſweet & ſooth,
yet don't become, but much abaſe thy youth:
Where's manly courage ſeen? up, up oppoſe,
Reſiſt, reſiſt th' invaſion of thy foes;
Ben't captivated by a head ſtrong will,
Fool'd by affection, led for to fulfil
A vain deſire, to gratifie a luſt
The ſoul and all her powers ſubſervient muſt:
Fie, fie young man, thy ſelf confine to reaſon,
And let grave precept thy weak judgment ſeaſon;
Let reaſon rule by Precepts, good direction
Thy ſtubborn will, and thy vain fond affection.
Art not aſham'd to let a humor lead thee?
Unruly luſts, untamed paſſions ride thee?
Is the heat of thy young blood degenerated
From all things good, to ill ſo cloſely mated?
Hath't loſt its ſtrength and vigor with its heat,
That it regards not worth, nor glory great?
Rouſe up thy ſoul young man, ben't ſo beſotted
To let a Pearle of price in dung be rotted;
Thy blood's waxt cold, obſtructed, it don't run
Quick in its channel, Glory is not won,
Nor once regarded by thee, ſure the courſe
Of nature's changed, yea, from bad to worſe.
Motives enow I'ave laid down to excite thee
Sin to oppoſe, and unto God invite thee;
Deſcribed during pleaſures to delight thee,
Set forth thine enemies in field to fight thee:
What can I more? What can I further do?
To gain upon the, which way ſhould I go?
Heaven and Glory I have laid thee down
(As Garland) thy victorious brows to Crown,
Pleaſures and joyes I have thee with preſented
That aye abides, and never ſhall be ended;
Beauty I have protraicted to thy eye,
For therein many a younglings heart doth lie,
I'ave ſhew'd thee how thy tender youth might gain
Either of theſe, or all of them attain;
Believe me youth if ought more lies in me
To do thee good, thy ſervant I will be;
How freely could I bear thee in mine arms,
But ah they'r weak and can't ſecure from harms,
I'll take thee by the hand and gently lead thee,
I'll go before thee and thy path out-tread thee:
But what am I? a poor weak ſorry Guide;
Miſtake me not! nor don't the ſpeech deride,
'Tis not of pride I ſpeak't, but out of love,
The bowels of my ſoul to youth doth move,
Fain would I have him 'quainted with his God,
That he might give him with himſelf abode:
Oh tender youth be rul'd, ſhake hands with ſin
And wanton courſes don't continue in,
They are not ſafe but full of deadly danger,
Or ſin with thee or God muſt be a ſtranger,
They will not lodge together in one breaſt,
For where ſin reigns Jehovah will not reſt.
And thou ſweet youth whoſe face is God-ward bent,
Who of all ſin and evil doſt repent,
I kindly greet thee, and if I did know thee,
I would endeavour more of God to ſhow thee;
Well howſo'er, thou to my heart art dear,
And as my body to my ſoul as near;
As true to God may thy heart be as mine
Is true to thee, that doſt to good incline;
Thou art to me as dear as an own brother,,
To Jeſus Chriſt likewiſe thou art no other,
He owns thee as a friend, a brother, wife,
More dearer to him art thou than his life,
For thee he dy'd, and lives, and now doth ſit
At Gods right hand, for thee to intercede;
And whom Chriſt Jeſus daignes himſelf to love,
With beſt affection, I dare boldly move,
But whereſoe'r thou art, my Counſel's this
To thee, perſiſt and follow on to bleſs,
In earneſt ſeek him and thou then ſhalt find him,
Which having done, with ſtrong affection bind him,
With conſtant ſuits ſalute his liſting ear,
Be confident and bold he will thee hear,
He loves an earneſt ſuiter at his Throne,
And that's the way to thrive in grace (or none)
Prayer gives to God his due, and ſhews the creature