THE CONSPIRACY OF THE TWELVE BISHOPS IN THE TOWER: Againſt Mr. Calamie, Mr. Burton, Mr. Martiall, and many other worthy Divines, &c.
THE tyrannicall uſurpation of the Biſhops, and their Eccleſiaſticall inſultations hath beene generally acknowledged to be the prime cauſe of theſe Diſcords, and promiſcuous diſtractions among the people at this time. They have been kindling the fire of diſſention a long time in this kingdome, and now they have almoſt brought the ſpark of their malicious minds to a full flame. But I hope God will ſtill divert their wicked intents, and as heretofore all their uſurping tyrannie, and nefarious machinations in famum evanuerunt, have come to nothing, ſo ſtill their conſpiracies ſhall be confounded. They have alwayes envied the proſperitie of good and painfull Miniſters of the Goſpell, and as they ſaw them flouriſh the more in the truth of the holy Scripture, gaining the affections of the people, ſo ſtill the more did they alwayes emulate them. But the Parliament having judiciouſly perceived their intents, did not think them fit members of the Houſe, and therefore have placed them in an other houſe more meet for them, I mean the Tower, which they have moſt deſerved. Where being committed, they ſtudied with all diligence, and ſedulity to ſubvert either the intents of thoſe, who ſhould oppoſe them, and were the Authors of their impriſonment. Having thus molded their reſolution, they privately made ſeven Articles againſt Mr. Pym, and four other worthie Parliament men, wherein they were all arraigned of High Treaſon. And when they had obſcurely compoſed, they ſent it to be preſented to the Kings Majeſtie, and that he would vouchſafe to give his Aſſent thereunto, and proclaim them Traitors. Thus we may perceive their malicious minds, who, when they ſaw men glorious in the kingdome, and that ſtood for the ſafety, peace and proſperitie of the Realm, did ſtudie to ſupplant thoſe Noble Members, being the next way to ſupplant the whole Kingdome beſides. Thus we may underſtand their diligence to ſet the Citie, and Kingdome together by the ears: thus we may ſee their intents to alienate the Vpper Houſe of Parliament from the Lower houſe, and the King from both; yet being ſomewhat fruſtrated of their expectation of impriſonment of thoſe Members, whom they impeached: their malice would not ſtop there, but entended farther. And now being croſt in their former ſtratagem, they proceeded unto a ſecond: wherein they privatly againe, and obſcurely compoſed Articles againſt M. Calamie, M. Burton, M. Martiall, &c. with divers other famous Divines, ſtriving to ſuppreſſe the laborious and painfull Miniſters of the Word and Goſpell; for becauſe they could not bring the Parliament into diſſenſion and diſcord among themſelves, labouring to eject the chiefeſt Members thereof: they ſtrived to reduce the Church to Hereſie,•nd promiſcuous diſtractions, intending to ſuſpend the chiefeſt pillars thereof,
But I hope that their envie and emulation will ſhortly be diſſipated, and although they expect theſe men with themſelves in the tower, yet J beleeve they may ſtay long enough for them.
If the parliament would bee pleaſed to call theſe Biſhops to their triall, it would be great honour to themſelves, greater ſafety to the Kingdome, and eſpecially greateſt honour to God and the propagation of his holy Goſpell. For they daily concurre together in machinations, either how they may depopulate the Realm, or elſe how they themſelves might obſcurely eſcape from the Tower: Once they had concluded to ſhave themſelves, put on perriwigs, and gray clothes, and ſo they thought to have eſcaped from thence, but their treacherie was diſcovered, and notice given to the Parliament therof. Who did immediately thereupon ſend for ſome of the Guard, and gave ſtricter charge of their fidelity: who very faithfully promiſed the ſame.
But the City of London being in ſuch extreame perill, and danger, did induce many to ſtand in their own defence; for they knew not what Treachery, the Biſhops and other popiſh Recuſants might conſpire againſt them.
Therefore the Trained••nds doe both day and night wai•e in London and Weſtminſter to defend themſelves from the wicked Conſpiracies of their trecherous enemies. But one great abuſe done unto the City I cannot omit; when as laſt Thurſday night ſome Company had bin drinking very late in the night, and were reſolved to do ſome exploit, that ſhould be heard of in the City: and one of them immediatly replyed, that they would cry about the ſtreets, that the Papiſts were ariſing, and every man ſhould preſently ſtand on his owne ſafeguard. It was concluded on, and crying thus in the City, and calling for every man to come in his owne defence for feare hee ſhould bee burnt in his bed, for the Papiſts were riſen. There was immediatly many thouſand Citizens came incontinently with their Muskers charged all with bullets, ſome with Halberts, others with pikes, ſome with ſwords and the like weapons, Common-garden was immediatly filled with ſouldiers, in Cheap-ſide there were many thouſands ſtood in their Guard, and in St. Georges Field in Southwarke there was an infinite number of men in Armes. But if theſe roguiſh diſturbers of the city could be apprehended, I doubt not but that they ſhould receive condigne puniſhment according to their demerits.