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A VINDICATION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLICKS OF THE Engliſh Nation. FROM Some aſperſions lately caſt upon them.

IN A Letter from a Proteſtant Gentleman in the Countrey, to a CITIZEN of LONDON.

Levitic. 19.13.Thou ſhalt not calumniate thy Neighbour, nor oppreſs him by violence.

LONDON, Printed in the year, 1660.

Dear Couſin,

I Received your Letter, together with the acceptable Preſent of the Kings Character, for which I return you many Cordiall thanks. I cannot ſufficiently expreſſe the great joy and con­tentment I had, to behold ſuch an Excellent and Lively piece; which ſpeaks clearly the hand of Apelles, who is onely fit to paint Alexander. But my joy was more then redoubled, by the aſſured hopes you give me of our approaching happineſſe, to ſee ſhortly the Original himſelf, and to taſte the ſweetneſſe of his juſt Government; which will be the more pleaſant, after the ſowre hearbs we have eaten theſe many yeares, under the Tyrannie of our late Uſurpers. Yea, I am confident that after a little Experience, we ſhall ſay of his Majeſty, what the Queen of4 Sheba confeſt of Solomon, that his wiſdome and works exceed his fame. And as we ſee the pre­ſent Generation bleſſes and magnifies that Emi­nent Inſtrument of our unexpected happineſſe, his excellency the Lord General Monck; ſo with­out any queſtion, all future Generations will extol his memory and honour his Poſteritie.

But there was one thing in your Letter that ſtart­led me a little, and that was concerning the Roman Catholicks, of whom you write, that they are generally reputed Enemies to the King; that they obſtruct what in them lyes, his Return; and that they are Favourers of the Phanaticks. For all which you bring no other ground, but a gene­rall report, and that you were told ſo by a per­ſon of publick employment, and of good Intel­ligence.

I will not queſtion what the Principles of their Religion may drive them to, for I have often heard, that they are not ſo ſound concerning the Civil Magiſtrate as thoſe of the Church of Eng­land, though they themſelves ſtrongly deny it. But that de facto they have done any thing againſt the Kings Intereſt, and much more that they are guilty of the aforeſaid crimes, ſeemed very im­probable to me, by reaſon of my experience in affaires ſince the beginning of the troubles, and of the knowledge I have had of their faithfull de­portments to the late King. Yet I ſuſpended my judgement, till I ſpoke with a Catholick Gentle­man my Neighbour and Acquaintance, a very moderate and intelligent perſon, who will rather confeſſe than excuſe a fault in any of his profeſſi­ſion.


After ſome few daies I made him a viſite, and ſhew'd him both the Kings Character and your letter; but he no ſooner read that part of it that touched thoſe of his profeſſion, but he fell a ſmyling, and ſaid he admired much where ſuch deep malice could be found, to invent ſuch notorious calumnies, but much more how any prudence could credit them: Whereupon I took occaſion to tell him that if the R. Catholicks were ſo innocent of this and other aſperſions, as he pretended, they ought to vindicate themſelves by ſome publick apology, putting their accuſers to the proof; wherein if they fail'd, they would be eſteem'd by all the World, mear Calumnia­tors, whereunto he anſwered that Innocency's beſt buckler againſt groſs calumny, is profound ſilence, after the example of our bleſſed Saviour, and of chaſt Suſanna: For writing or ſpeaking in ſuch a caſe, is not only for the moſt part loſt labour, but alſo it's a weakning of truth, and the endeavour to wipe away groundleſs calumny, is in ſome mea­ſure a contaminating of Innocency; for what had bin more incongruous for the Catholicks, who were branded with that deteſtable crime of cutting off the Kings head, with many ſuch forgeries, than to have written an apologie to clear themſelves from that foul aſperſion. Certainly by ſo doing, they had ſoyl'd the candour of their integrity. For as ſomething ever ſticks after a bold calumny, ſo there ordinarily remains ſome ſuſpicion of guilt after a needleſs apologie; Excuſatio non pe­tita, Accuſatio manifeſta eſt. Therefore it's beſt in ſome caſes to ſlight without any vindication6 or confutation, what is ſaid without any proba­bility or proof; lyes can never laſt long, and Truth ever at laſt prevails; every mans works will bear better teſtimony of him, than other mens words can do againſt him.

But becauſe I perceive, ſaid he, that this ca­lumny is more eaſily believed than many others, and that by ſome ſober and diſcreet men, ſuch as I conceive your Couſin to be, I will bring ſome reaſons that may clear both you and him in this matter, or any other moderate man that hath left any room in his breaſt for truth, or hath the leaſt ſpark of Chriſtian charity in his heart.

It's a common axiome eſtabliſhed both by Law and Reaſon;Reaſon. 1that every man, much more a whole ſociety of men ought to be eſteemed honeſt and juſt, till the contrary appear or be proved. But ſo it is, that nothing hath hitherto appeared, or hath been proved againſt the fidelity and allegiance of the Engliſh Catholicks; nay, I may truely ſay, of any one ſingle perſon of Honour or Eſtate amongſt them, ſince the firſt beginning of the troubles: Therefore as they ought in reaſon and juſtice be eſteemed dutifull ſubjects; ſo it's a mear calumny to aſperſe them with diſloyalty: That nothing hath been proved, is evident; for though many accuſations have been brought againſt them, yet no proofs have appeared that can ſatisfy any rational men; (the Accuſers ever dwelling on generals, and never being able to produce particulars, though often preſt thereunto,) unleſs we will take vain ſuſpicions and idle reports for examples, for ſufficient proofs. Such is this, that two or three7 Catholick Gentlemen ſhould have been ſeen laughing and fleering in Weſtminſter-Hall, at the Kings tryall; which as it's frivolous in it ſelf, (though it were true) to caſt ſuch a foul aſper­ſion upon all others of that profeſſion, as if they either plotted or deſired the Kings death; ſo it's falſe, ſince the perſons accuſed of that inſolency, were known to be out of England, in that hour of darkneſs; and yet this trifling and falſe preſumpti­on is the ſtrongeſt proof of that high aſperſion, that hath hitherto appeared in print: If ſuch ac­cuſations and proofs were ſufficient, who would be innocent. This reaſon alone would ſerve to clear the Catholicks from the aforeſaid aſperſion, before any juſt and reaſonable Judge, Pagan or Mahumetan: How much more ought it to ſerve among Chriſtians, who profeſs not only Truth, but Charity, which is the life of Religion, and bond of perfection; this was his firſt reaſon, the ſecond he propos'd after this manner.

Though both in juſtice and reaſon it be incum­bent only to the accuſer to prove his accuſation,Reaſon. 2and not to the Defendant to prove his innocency; yet out of mear favour I will do the latter at this time, and that by ſuch evidences as may re­move all ſcruples out of honeſt mens heads, and ſtop enemies mouthes. It is notoriouſly known to the whole Nation, that the Catholicks generally adhered to the late King, and defended the Go­vernment eſtabliſhed by Law to their utmoſt Power, for which many of them loſt their lives, and the reſt their Eſtates; there can be no better Judge or Witneſs of this truth, than the late King himſelf,8 who having had experience of their faithfull ſervices in his great ſtraits, ſpeaketh thus of them in that Excellent book of his Meditations. I am ſorry the Papiſts ſhould have a greater ſenſe of their Al­legiance than many Proteſtant Profeſſours, who ſeem to have learned the worſt principles of the worſt Papiſts, With much more to this purpoſe. I hope all old Royaliſts will credit this Royal teſtimo­ny. Then for the new Royal-Converts, they may be pleaſed to remember by whom the King was branded with the name of Papiſt, and his Army with the Title of Popiſh; and this ſmall refreſhment of their memory, will ſoon cleare their underſtanding, that the Papiſts were neither Enemies to the King or to the ancient ſetled Go­vernment.

Laſtly, I ſuppoſe the Anti-Royaliſts now ordi­narily called Phanaticks, to be in this point ſo in­genious, that they will not queſtion it; or if they doe, they may eaſily have recourſe to the Records of Habberdaſhers Hall, and thoſe will ſoon open their eyes. But if they would make a ſhorter cutt, Let them beleeve the irrefragable teſtimonie of Mr. Nedham their old paper-Patron, who af­firmeth often in his Book Entituled Intereſt will not lye, that the Papiſts adhered generally to the late King; and that it's onely their Intereſt to bring in his Sonne. Thus we ſee how evident a truth this is, that's confeſt both by friends and foes. But I will add further for the more abun­dant juſtification of the Engliſh Catholicks, that they can ſay two things for themſelves that no other profeſſion in England can pretend to: which9 is, That no perſon of Honour and Eſtate among them, ever bore armes againſt the King during the whole time of the troubles: but upon the contra­ry, there was hardly any of them ſo qualified that did not asſiſt the King either with his perſon or purſe, and moſt of them with both. I ſpeak not this for the preſent out of any deſigne to exalt the Catholicks for their adhering to the late King: or to depreſſe the Presbyterians and others who op­pos'd him; but meerely to manifeſt the truth in a matter of fact, that we may the better penetrate into the depth of Calumny.

This then being a truth ſo clear and palpable, atteſted by the King himſelf, knowne by his old and new friends, and acknowledged by his open and conſtant Enemies, and generally by the whole Nation; who would think that any but mad men or fooles would queſtion it? And yet there be ſome, who would be loth to be ranged in ei­ther of theſe Categories, that have not onely que­ſtioned, but denyed it, and affirmed the contra­ry; and which is worſt of all, have oftner then once publiſhed in print, that the cutting off of the late Kings head was the plot and work of the Papiſts: though never one of them appear'd a­gainſt him, and ſo many of them loſt their lives and Eſtates to keep his head upon his ſhoulders, and the Crown upon his head. If this be not a deep Calumny, proceeding from the very gall of bitterneſſe, let any indifferent man judge. And therefore I admire how it could fall from the pens of two ſuch Eminent perſons as Mr. Pryn10 and Mr. Baxter, who are in other matters juſtly eſteemed prudent and rational men, great lovers of Truth, and of their Countries good. I will not be ſo uncharitable as to impute this defect in them to any malice; but rather will aſcribe it to an old hatred radicated in them againſt the Ca­tholicks, which ſo obfuſcates their underſtand­ing, that they cannot ſee ſuch a clear Truth; but ſpeak in this matter like men in a fit of fu­ry: tra impedit animum ne posſit cernere verum. Howſoever, we may extract hence this ſeaſonable obſervation, that if ſo deep a Calumny was caſt upon the Catholicks in relation to the lae King; notwithſtanding the eminent and evident ſervices they did him, and the great loſſes they ſuffered for him; It's the leſſe wonder to ſee now the like aſperſions put upon them in relation to his Sonne; whoſe Government never being as yet eſtabliſhed in the Nation, they never were in a capacity, nor could find occaſions to ſhew him ſuch real ſignes of their affections, as they had done to his Father. But let us proceed to the third Reaſon.

As the Engliſh Catholicks aſſerted and defend­ed to their power,Reaſon. 3the ancient Government eſta­bliſhed by law, ſo they never concurr'd actively the ſetting up of any of the new Governments that ſucceeded, but onely carryed themſelves paſſive­ly obedient to them: much leſſe did they ever act any thing to the prejudice of the King or his intereſt. But upon the contrary, when oc­caſion11 ſerved, they did him all ſervice within their power, and never moved upon any parti­cular ſcore of their own, but for the publick good to aſſert with other good Patriots the free­dom of the Nation. The firſt part is well enough known to all impartial men, and needs no proof. The Second is efficaciouſly proved. For were not they Catholicks, who after that unfortunate battel of Worceſter conceal'd and preſerved, the King for the good of theſe Nations, from that Tygar, who was every where ſearching to de­voure the Son, as he had deſtroyed the Fa­ther? Again, did not the Catholicks lay hold on all accaſions to vindicate their Countryes liberty; as they did lately at the riſing of Che­ſhire, 12. hundred of their number in Lanca­ſhire and thereabouts, ready in armes, having offered to joyn with Sir George Booth and his party, for obtaining of a Free-Parliament, and freeing of the Nation from ſlavery? but were rejected, proclamations being poſted upon the walls and gates of Cheſter againſt them and all others of that profeſſion, forbidding them to approach their Camp. Wherein, notwithſtanding the aforeſaid Catholicks manifeſted a ſignal mark of ſingular affection to the freedom of their Country, preferring it's good to their own; by offering to joyn with their greateſt Enemies, who breath nothing more than perſecution againſt them; and from whoſe Victory they could ex­pect no other fruits, but encreaſe of their Mi­ſery. Moreover, have not the Catholicks ever12 ſuffered ſince the Kings death, under Cromwell and his pretended Parliaments which made moſt ſevere lawes againſt them; and that principally upon this ſcore, that they eſteemed them as affectionate to the Royall Family and ancient Government; as they were conſtant in the old Religion? Did not the Rump and what ever elſe ſtarted up to power, Enemies to Monar­chy, ever proſecute the Catholicks, giving them alwayes the firſt place above other Cavaliers, in all their baniſhing Proclamations, as being in their judgment the greateſt and moſt engrain'd Royaliſts. Therefore the Catholicks having had no hand in the change of the ancient Govern­ment, nor in raiſing of the new models that ſucceeded, and having done nothing againſt the King or his intereſt, but rather ſhewing him all reall proofs of devotion within their power, by preſerving him at home in his greateſt dan­ger, as their brethren have maintain'd him a­broad in his greateſt neceſſity, and ſuffering theſe many years upon that ſcore; It's a groundleſſe, if not a malicious calumny, to ſay they are Enemies to the King, or any wayes obſtruct his return.

Moreover the Catholicks have no intereſt to keep out the King;Reaſon. 4Therefore they cannot with any reaſon or probability be judged to do it. We ſee the intereſt of the Purchaſers of Kings, Biſhops, Deans, and Chapters Lands, and the intereſt of ſelf-preſervation, in others who had13 their hands dy'd in the Fathers bloud, are the greateſt pretences brought for keeping out the Son. But as the Catholicks have none of the Kings or other aforeſaid Lands; So they are not conſcious to themſelves of having had any hand in ſhedding of the late Kings ſacred bloud; and ſo are free both of that horrid ini­quity and the Wages thereof. Therefore having neither of thoſe intereſts, but clear conſciences, they are not affraid by the Kings happy return to ſuffer any detriment in their Eſtates, or pu­niſhment in their perſons; at leaſt, for any miſ­demeanour done by them, either to himſelf or his Father, and conſequently, they will not op­poſe or obſtruct his Reſtitution. Neither can there any other intereſt be pretended; unleſſe peradventure this one, that the King is not of their Religion. But though this would be a great intereſt even to the greateſt Royaliſts of another profeſſion, to make them bend the con­trary way, ſeeing many of them have been heard to ſay often, and publickly, that if the King turn'd Papiſt; they would turn his Ene­mies, and oppoſe him; yet it's of no value for that intent, with the Catholicks. For beſides that they cannot probably expect a King of their Religion, it carryes not the leaſt reſemblance of truth with it, that they who laboured and ſuffered ſo much to keep the Father in, though of another Religion, will ever endeavour to keep out the Son though he be not of theirs. Hence may appear to any impartial man, that the14 Engliſh Catholicks are not inferiour in their alle­giance to the greateſt Royaliſts, and are much ſu­periour to their calumniators, who would oppoſe the Kings return, if he were not of their Religion, which the others would not, and actually do not, becauſe their Religion and conſcience tells them, that Caeſar's due ought not to be kept from him, be he of what Religion he pleaſeth. This we ſee the Catholicks have no intereſt to keep out the King, and therefore will not do it, but if we will follow the judgement of the in­genious Author of the book entituled The intereſt of England truely ſtated, they have not only no in­tereſt againſt the Kings return, but they have great intereſt to promote it; and if we will credit the forging Pamphleter Nedham, in his anſwer to the aforeſaid book, it's only their intereſt to bring in the Son, who laboured ſo much to keep up the Father.

But I will bring you another reaſon:Reaſon. 5If the Ca­tholicks were the Kings enemies, as is pretended, either the King himſelfe and his Counſellors muſt know it, or at leaſt it muſt be known to the late States-men under Cromwell and the Rump: For it is impoſſible ſuch a buſineſs that concerned them, ſhould eſcape both; who had ſo many friends and great intelligence, and yet be known to Pet­tifoggers: But we are ſo confident of our innocency in this point, that we dare with all dutifull ſubmiſſion appeal to the King himſelf, if in all theſe diſcoveries of the Treacheries done15 againſt him here, ever any conſtant Catholick of quality and eſtate in England was found acceſſary to the leaſt of them; and we may and do make the ſame appeal and challenge to Cromwells moſt intimate Favourites and prime Counſellours, yea, and to the whole Rumpiſts, to diſcover, if they can, any of our number, with the aforeſaid quali­fications, that ever concurr'd with them in any Plot, deſign or action againſt the King, either to pull him down and ſet them up, or to keep him out; and them in which we are confident, or rather aſſured they are not able to do. Where by may appear how much the Catholiques are wronged and calumniated, which will be ſeen more clearly, if the black Catalogue of all Cromwells Intelligen­cers, and Trappanners, both at home and abroad, with their tricks and deceits, for which he waſted great ſumms, come to publick view, as is ſhortly ex­pected.

Laſtly, to overthrow to the very foundation all aſperſions of this nature caſt upon us, I deſire all impartiall men to conſider. 1. That theſe calum­nies proceed originally from Enemies, and thoſe not the faireſt in the world, who being often preſt to juſtifie their accuſations, could never do it; and hardly durſt ſhew their faces. Now it's certain in all juſtice, that the accuſations, or bare Teſtimonies of enemies, eſpecially ſuch as cannot be ſeen, though they be felt to ſting, are no wayes to be regarded: all parties in England ought to be ſenſible of this truth; for there's none of them, that beſides their16 own proper guilt, hath not had ſome dirt thrown upon them by enemies: Yea, the late King him­ſelf could not eſcape this inſolency; for he was firſt ſtab'd by calumny in his reputation, before he was murdered by injuſtice in his perſon: Therefore all parties knowing by experience how unjuſt it is to credit the reports of enemies againſt themſelves, ought to ſlight the calumnies of ſuch men againſt others. Secondly, theſe aſperſions are to be ſlighted alſo for another reaſon, becauſe they do not hang together, and are full of lyes and contradictions: For in the Kings proſperity the Catholicks were accuſed for being the Kings enemies; and yet in his adverſity, which is the proper Teſt of true friendſhip, they were found among his beſt friends; but when Kings were turn'd out, and new Governments crept in, then they were charged with a contrary crime of being friends to the King, and enemies to Common­wealths and Protectors. Now again, when there appears a probability, or rather certainty of the Kings happy return; the accuſers turn their tongue, and ſay, that they are the Kings enemies, and fa­vourers of the Phanaticks; ſo that according to thoſe men, whoſoever become Maſters, the Catho­licks muſt ſtill be Traytors; but what man in his right ſenſes can believe ſuch calumnies ſo full of lyes and contradictions, that they ſpoyl the Authors of all credit, with others, as they are void of all ingenuity in themſelves. It may be truely ſaid of them, Mentita eſt iniquitus ſibi. 3. As all their17 Calumnies are groundleſſe, ſo ſome of them are evidently falſe againſt the ſenſe, reaſon and ex­perience of all impartial men. Such for example is, that the late Kings death was the plot and work of the Papiſts; whereof we have ſpoke already. Another of the like nature is, That ma­ny or ſome Tub-Preachers amongſt the Secta­ries are diſguiſed Prieſts and Jeſuits, which is known to be a manifeſt untruth, by all under­ſtanding Catholicks; ſince ſuch wicked diſſimu­lation, is clearely againſt the principles of their Religion, damnable in it ſelfe and by all hu­mane power, upon whatſoever pretence indiſ­penſable. 2. The ſame is known alſo to the Sectaries themſelves, who are well acquainted with their Preachers, Education, Trade, and former profeſſion; which have no affinity with Popiſh Prieſthood or Jeſuitiſme. Laſtly, the ſame falſhood may be diſcovered by all indiffe­rent men, ſince none of thoſe pretended diſgui­ſed Preachers after ſo many yeares could ever be detected. But, whoſoever is acquainted with Antiquity, will find that our Accuſers in thoſe two points, do imitate the old Heathen's; who imputed the evils done by, or amongſt them­ſelves, to the Primitive Chriſtians. So, when Nero burnt Rome, and not daring or being aſha­med to own it, he impos'd it upon the inno­cent Chriſtians, and puniſhed them moſt cruel­ly for his own crime; turning the night into day, by making huge bonefires of many hundreds of18 their bodies. The Authors of ſuch Calumnies may pretend much conſcience and Religion, but ſurely they have little or none, ſince S. James aſſureth us, that whoſoever would ſeem religious, and tempers not his tongue, that mans Religi­on is vaine. Fourthly and laſtly, The reaſons, whereon their Accuſations that have any grounds are founded, are ſo pedantick and inſipide, that they ſeem to choak reaſon it ſelf: Where­of I will bring two examples 1. Becauſe two or three neceſſitous and looſe Catholicks (for no other and hardly any more can be named) have been found fidling a little for the Com­mon-wealths intereſt, they preſently inferre that all others of the ſame profeſſion are of the ſame ſtamp. But doe not all rationall men ſee that this inference is irrational; and that it may be much better retorted againſt the Authors, or againſt any other profeſſion in England than againſt the Catholicks? 2. Becauſe ſome Ca­tholick Gentlemen, who were in danger to looſe their Eſtates did court Cromwell and Lambert, whilſt they were in power, the Accuſers con­clude, that not only theſe Gentlemen but alſo all others of the ſame faith, are the Kings Enemies and favourers of the Uſurpers. But what can be more irrational than this Reaſon? and what can be more uncharitable than this Concluſion? For is there any thing more ordinary throughout the world, than for perſons that are lying under the laſh of Uſurpation and Tiran­ny,19 or under the ſeverity of Lawes, to cour thoſe that are in power, to divert the ſtroak from themſelves? And if this can be done by a civil reſpect, or viſite, or by any ſuch faire means, who can be ſo irrationall as to blame it? Do not the beſt Princes and States in the World, and moſt vertuous and Religious per­ſons practiſe it? Were not the Venetians ac­cuſtomed to court the great Turk and his Ba­ſhaes, to hold off the great ſtorme of warre that hath fallen ſince heavily upon them? Doth not the Roman Emperour the ſame to preſerve his part of Hungary, out of that Barbarians clutches? But yet what Turk or Barbarian would be ſo irrationall, as to inferre from thence, that the Emperour and Venetians are friends to Turks and Enemies to Chriſtians? Doe not ſome Eminent Proteſtants in France court Cardinal Mazarine, as they did formerly his prede­ceſſor Richilieu? Are they therefore become friends of Papiſts and Enemies of Proteſtants? Did not the ſequeſtred Cavaliers make all the friendſhip they could with the late Uſurping powers to find more eaſy compoſitions? ſhould they therefore, and all Cavaliers be eſteemed the Kings Enemies, and favourers of Uſurpers? If it was lawfull for the Proteſtant Cavaliers to uſe ſuch means for ſelf-preſervation; it was no leſſe lawfull, but much more neceſſary for the Catholicks, who were ready to ſink not only for their Allegiance but alſo for their Religion, to20 graſp at any Plank or Logg, that could ſave them from drowning. It can never be ſhown that theſe Gentlemen ever favoured Cromwell or Lambert's cauſe, or did any thing to uphold their Tyrannie; all they did was that they mearly courted them, (as the Indians worſhip the Divell) to be free of their Evill. Therefore as it's both unreaſona­ble and uncharitable to inferre from thence that they were the Kings Enemies, and friends of U­ſurpers, and Phanaticks: So it's the height both of non-ſence and malice, to derive from it the ſame imputation upon all other Catholicks. To this purpoſe ſpoke the aforeſaid Roman-Catho­lick.

Now dear Couſin, I muſt confeſſe ingeniouſly that thoſe Reaſons, proceeding from a perſon of known ingenuity, and of good underſtanding in the matters of his Religion, and being utte­red with ſo great confidence and moderation, did ſo fully convince me of the injury done to the Roman-Catholicks by the aforeſaid aſperſions, that I did not only acknowledge my full ſatisfaction thereby; but alſo I tyed my ſelf by promiſe, as I was obliged in charity to communicate them to you; and being confident that theſe reaſons will produce the like effect in you: I doubt not but you will have the ſame charity to impart them to others of your acquaintance, Yea, I wiſh they were known to all the good Proteſtants in England, and then I do not queſtion, but they would raze out of their minds, all the bad impreſſions, that either21 falſe calumnies, or vain ſuſpicions had ſtam­ped in them. For who is he that loves Truth, who will not acknowledge it, when clearely repreſented, and who can pretend any Cha­rity, that will harbour detected Calumny? We know it is againſt the divine Command­ment, to bear falſe witneſſe againſt our Neigh­bour, or to caluminate our Brother. It's alſo a­gainſt the luſtre of our Religion, which as it ſhould ſhine by Truth and Charity; ſo it's eclip­ſed by falſhood and calumny. It's againſt the good we intend, of gaining the Papiſts; for it renders them more averſe from our Religion, and make them frame ſuch opinions of us; nay worſe too, then we have of the Phanaticks: for theſe are thought to erre onely out of ſimplici­ty and ignorance; but we out of knowledge and malice. It's againſt the peace and happy ſettle­ment of thoſe Nations, which muſt be founded in, and conſerved by mutual concord and unity of affection.

Therefore I heartily wiſh that all vain jea­louſies, idle ſuſpicious, and much more forged calumnies may be laid aſide, as well againſt the Roman Catholicks, as againſt all others of different perſwaſions, that though we differ a little in Faith, we may all agree in ſincere Cha­rity; which will much tend to the honour of God, the ſervice of the Kings Majeſty, the good of our Countrey, and the happineſs of our Poſterity. So having exceeded the bounds22 of an ordinary Epiſtle, I will adde no more but my beſt wiſhes for your proſperity, and my ear­neſt deſire to be eſteem'd by you what I con­ſtantly am,

Your moſt affectionate and humble Servant. J. A.

About this transcription

TextA vindication of the Roman Catholicks of the English nation. From some aspersions lately cast upon them. In a letter from a Protestant gentleman in the countrey, to a citizen of London.
AuthorCaron, R. (Redmond), 1605?-1666..
Extent Approx. 31 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 12 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A80459)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 119841)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 151:E1023[11])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA vindication of the Roman Catholicks of the English nation. From some aspersions lately cast upon them. In a letter from a Protestant gentleman in the countrey, to a citizen of London. Caron, R. (Redmond), 1605?-1666.. 22, [2] p. [s.n.],London :printed in the year, 1660.. (A Protestant gentleman = R. Caron.) (The last leaf is blank.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "May 11".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Catholics -- England -- Early works to 1800.
  • Religious tolerance -- Early works to 1800.

Editorial statement

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Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2014-11 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A80459
  • STC Wing C611
  • STC Thomason E1023_11
  • STC ESTC R208585
  • EEBO-CITATION 99867526
  • PROQUEST 99867526
  • VID 119841

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