A Copie of a Letter Sent from a Gentleman in his MAjESTIES Army, to an eſpeciall friend in London: Containing a true Relation of his MAjESTIES Army ſince their removall from Oxford, to the 16. of this preſent Novemb. 1642.
Publiſhed for the benefit of all thoſe who deſire to be truely informed.
Printed Anno Dom. 1642.
I Shall tell you nothing of the Kings paſſage from Oxford to Abbington, Henly, Redding and Maydenhead who expiated by furniſhing the Army with neceſſaries, beſides Armes, which the fled Garriſons left behinde them when his Majeſtie came to Egham and Stanes, he ſummon'd Windſor-Caſtle (kept againſt him by 1200 men under the command of captain Venne Citizene) but was denied entrance; His Majeſtie thought it not worth the ſtay, or the loſſe of any man. From thence marcht to Colebrook where the Earles of Northumberland and Pembrook (for the houſe of Peers) the Lord Wenman, Mr Pierpoynt, Sir John Epſley (for the houſe of Commons) brought a Petition from the Parliament after long diſpute preſented by them to his Majeſtie; the ſubſtance was to beſeech his Majeſtie to concurre with His loving ſubjects to prevent the further effuſion of bloud, and to that end to appoint a place for Commiſsioners on both ſides to meet & treat of Peace. To this the King anſwered, he knew no beter place then Windſor-caſtle. After this Committee had been exceedingly well received both by the King and the reſt of the Court, they were diſmiſſed and ſet forwards towards London. On Saturday about eight of the clock in the morning, the King gave ſudden charges for the Army to march toward Brandford, and on Hountſlow heath ſet the Army in battalia, while the Lord Generall Ruthen led ſome of the Regiments of foot towards the town, where the Regiments of my Lord Brooks, and Mr Hollys and ſome other ſelect companies, in all 2000 kept the works: Theſe gave fire aſſoon as the Kings forces were upon them, and were boldly anſwered by the Regiment of Mr Bellowes, ſome of whoſe men were ſlain out of the windows; but twenty of his men got into the houſe, ſlew ten in the chambers, and at their deſcent took 80 priſonners in a yard, ready to iſſue out. When they had bound theſe & put a guard upon them, they advanced ſo ſtoutly that they poſſeſſed themſelves of the firſt work, which was a battery of two Canons, and a Breſt-work in the middle of New-Braintford.
By this time the Regiment of Sir William Pennyman came up to the aſſiſtance of M. Bellowes, and here the diſpute grew very hot from another work like the former betwixt the two Brainfords (where the watermen uſed to ply,) at laſt it was likewiſe wonne: the laſt work was about 20 ſcore on this ſide the old Brainford. Colonell Hapden was not farre diſtant from it with a reſerve, but came not into their relief, & here many fell; at leaſt 50 drowned; and the reſt ran away, leaving that work as the two former. By this time it grew ſo exceeding dark that it was not wiſdome, though I think ſafe, to have followed the execution any further. The King lay at Hounſlow, the body of the army and all the baggage at Brainford. Upon ſtrict and juſt examination the benefit of this action was this, 6 pieces of Canon, 7 Colours, 443 priſoners, among whom are Doctour Clayton miniſter of Putney, and Preacher to a Regiment. Lilburn, once a Printer ſtigmatized with M. Prin, and now Captain, and one Aſhfield Captain, Lieutenant to the Lord Brook, beſides many other inferiour officers.
Their dead, I mean by the ſword, are not above 200. Among them is Quarles, Lieutenant Colonell to M. Hollis (whoſe Regiment is by this ſervice utterly defeated.) Of the Kings ſide there were ſlain near 30, none of note, but M. Creſwell, a Captain of foot, and a Lieutenant: M. La-Roch a great Engineer is wounded in the belly, but without danger. The next day, being Sunday, the King commanded ſervice and ſermon before the break of day, and about 8 of the clock, went to Brainford, where he had ſcarce been half an houre, but a moſt violent (becauſe unexpected) Alarm was given, which was immediately diſcovered by the garriſon in Kingſton to be 1200 men, Marriners that came in 12 great Lighters with their Cannon, and deſigned to land at Sion-houſe to make that good, but were prevented by the excellent induſtry of a Gentleman, no officer, who rallyed 150 men and made good the Houſe and garden juſt as they drew to ſhore: from whom they were ſo galled that they lanched out again and moved down the river, giving ſo much fire both with great and ſmall ſhot, which was anſwered again from the ſhore, that for the time, the greateſt battell made not more noiſe.
Diverſe ſhot came through the Houſe and fell nigh the Kings perſon at Old-Brainford. Two Drakes were prepared ready to entertain them and not in vain, for at the firſt ſhot a Barge was broken at one ſide; at the ſecond ſix men were ſlain; the third fell into the Boat, where half their Ammunition lay, being 22 barrels of Powder, which immediately took fire and made the morning in one part as dark as the preceding night: and yet by the reſt, that appeared of day, legs and arms were plentifully ſeen fly in the ayre. Amazed with this they ranne their Boats upon the ſhore of the other ſide and quitted them. The Kings ſouldiers ſoon poſſeſſed themſelves of the ſpoyl, which was 11 piece of Canon, 22 barrels of Powder, much meal, bread, cheeſe, &c. For want of carriage, 12 barrels of Powder, by order were broken and thrown into the water, and eight Canon nailed and ſunk. In this action the King loſt not one man and but one hurt on the thumbe. About one of the clock the Earle of Eſſex (with the help of many City Regiments) ſtood in battalia near the Camp. But among ſo many trees, ditches and hedges, that the Kings Horſe could never come to Chardge. Wherefore two Troops ſtood within leſſe then twice Musket-ſhot of them; received 30 Canon-ſhot with the loſſe but of 5 horſes and never a man. In the mean time, the Army retreated part with the King to Hampton Court, and the other to Kingſtone. By this, if the Parliament forces had a minde to fight, Hounſlow-heath was an open Campagnea; beſides Kinſton was better Quarter, by the benefit of the River, and the other Countreys adjacent.
The Parliament was highly offended with what the King had done upon Saturday. Impriſoned a meſſenger the King ſent upon Sunday with a gratious meſſage; but releaſed him the next day. They ſay the King fights while he treats of Peace. To this it is anſwered that the Parliament forces advanced the ſame day towards the King, before he marched. That they ſhot firſt. That the ſame day ſpeeches were made in Guildhall, that for all the Treaty, they did not intend Peace. Laſtly, that the King did not give, nor they ask a ceſſation of arms.
The King on Monday marched himſelf to Oatlands, the Army ſtill lying at Kingſton.
The Lord Digby with his Regiment of horſe and 2 Troops of Dragoneers layeth at Egham to hinder the incurſions of Windſor-Caſtle, from whence on the ſame Saturday (which is another reaſon) they iſſued and took two of the Kings waggons of proviſion, ſlaying the carters. You may confidently believe this narration; for you receive it not from my ear, but from my eye.
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