THat the nature of ſeverall ſpecies had their exiſtence by creation is undeniable, and the humble conceſſion of all ages, yet how inconſiſtent with their definition will eaſily be evidenced upon indifferent arbitration; for if the latitude of creation as they ſuppoſe conſiſt in the production of a thing whoſe tearm from which is nothing, then they muſt ampliate their vocabularie, and coyn ſome exotick name for mans production, whoſe principle was an entity, and his materials a ſubject conſentaneous, of its own nature capable of that compoſure; for if the body of man be reducible to thoſe originals by naturall chymiſtry,2 the law of contraries knows no naturall incapacity to its return, or inhability reoppoſing its regreſſion: elſe our hopes of reviving a plant out of its aſhes, would be as frivolous as our endeavours fruitleſs: and therefore Paracelſus opinion of compoſing man in his Alembeck (though his inſuccedable undertaking anticipated by the deſtinies, and determined by the ſtrength of Saturn, did not conclude directly,) yet his attempts herein were not unwarrantable, nor his conceit ridiculous: for the poſſibility of production not tranſcending the manuall contrivance of art, the effect had been no artificiall impoſture, we rather ſuppoſe creation to be terminated to the production of a new ſpecies, which before in nature had no exiſtence and generation: to challenge the ſucceſſive continuation of thoſe beings, each private ſpecies were the reall effect of creation, but their ſucceſſion knows3 no other means but generation; for ſince the protoplaſt, the manner of our fouls production cannot be chriſtened creation without a catachreeſe, neither have we an alledgment of reaſon for their exile from encreaſe and multiply, or a confinement of the bleſſing to a limitation of the body.
The eſſence of the ſoul as it fell not within the cognition of the Graecians, ſo it exceeded the niceſt Mathematicks of the Arabians, and antidated the demonſtration of later age, whoſe Opticks not reaching beyond its operations, pitching upon its praecincts and bordering on the confines, do peremptorily determine its nature beyond diſpute, ſo that thoſe honeſt endeavours at any time in the ſcrutiny of its nature, as they cannot evade the ſentence of ſingularity, ſo they muſt expect the cenſure of curioſity, and their ingenuous imployments ſtand condemned by whole Councels as4 not reaching beyond punctillioes. Surely poſterity cannot but condemn the poverty of our conceptions, and admire the barrenneſs of our inventions, whoſe ſatisfied reaſons as far below the ſublimed thoughts of antiquity, as coming ſhort of the verity of its nature, ſit down in an ignorant acquieſcence and an implicit faith of obtruded opinion, & though the poſitions of heathens run not parallel with the nature of their ſouls, yet their advanced thoughts therein (which hitherto have degenerated into a ſenſible imparement) have been ſo far from detracting from its dignity, that ſome thereto have not ſtuck to levell their devotions, who knew no other diety. And therefore the Caballiſts have defined it to be Lumen dei & ad imaginem verbi, Cauſa cauſarum primi exemplaris creata ſubſtantia, Dei ſigilloquefigurata, cujus character est verbum aeternum: this hath had patrons of later times5 but ſurreptitiouſly fathered upon Predeceſſors: As Triſmegiſt, (whoſe Antiquity is pretended, & the number of whoſe years is farre exceeded by the uſurped date of his Book) who derives its Pedigree from the higheſt Principle,Cap. 12. Poemand. conceives the Soul a drop of Gods Eſſence and an inviſible Ray of the firſt Luminarie.
Ariſtotle confuted no leſſe then a whole Jurie of Philoſophers with an〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, and his Dixit, being evidence ſufficient to prevail upon Poſterity; whereto the Schools having proſtituted their Reaſon by ſlaviſh Adherence, and engaged their Faith beyond Belief, introduce his〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, to confute Experience, and controul Verity in her beſt Apparell.
I am a Free-born Subject; and the Law of Nature which is indiſpenſible knows no ſlaverie: and therefore I ſhall now think it a breach of Devotion in ſuſpecting6 the truth of our Parents naked Poſitions, being not back'd with the infallible Teſtimony of Reaſon or Experience, and diſſenting from them by adherence to more rationall probations, and more undenyable principles; for none (I think) ſince the Magick of the Apple, could challenge to themſelves the Popes Chair: as knowledge is not by Propagation, ſo infallibility (which requires the induſtry of many Ages) is not by a Natural Succeſſion or Inheritance. I could never reſolve my Reaſon into the Opinion of Antiquity, or ſurrender my Experience upon a different determination; the bare aſſertions of the moſt Authentick have never been embraced by me as Oracles: therefore I ſhall aſſume the liberty a little to unmask the Nature of the ſoul; an ample diſcovery whereof would deride the inſufficiency of Galilaeus perſpective.
The Spirit Soul and Body are the7 Tria omnia, the three Ingredients in the Compoſition of man: (had the Philoſophers been ſenſible of the diverſity of Soul and Spirit confounded by the Doctrine of Ariſtotle) and conſidered an alteriety of Nature in thoſe two principles, their friendly ſociety had not been impoſſible, nor their Oppoſition excluding reconcilement.
The Spirit is the breath of God, which being at firſt the effect of Creation, hath been obſervant of the bleſſing, and ſucceſſively continued by Propagation, and participating of the nature of its principle knowes not Mortality beyond a Metaphor: therefore the Primitive Tranſgreſſion did not induce a reall death, but a deperdition of happineſſe, and a degeneration of the Spirit from a State as deſirable, as the preſent is deplorable.
The Rational Soul being a Corporeal Extract and diſliged from its8 groſſer materials by the Chymiſtrie of Nature, derives its Original from the Seminal Emiſſion of both Individuals; and by its eſſential heat doth Ferment the Coagulum, which receiving its vitality from the irradiating Archaeus, cannot diſſemble that impreſſe whereby its ſuppoſitum is determined, which being the fertile effect of both Genitors will eaſily admit an united ſociety with the ſoul of bruit, whoſe natures knowing no incompoſſibility, doe not exclude a Compoſition; and therefore will perform the conſequent effects of both Natures, which falls within the experience of thoſe〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. In particular, of one Drinking Cats Blood, a preſcription for the Epilepſie, the Patient had his Paroxyſmes; that as he imitated their cryes, ſo would catch at their preyes: and purſue the fortuitous evaſion of the frisking Mouſe: theſe Miſcellaneous principles ingroſſing the radicality of9 different forms, and meeting with Convenient promotion, their naturall Conſequences cannot be prevented, without an induction of Cadmus Conflict, and an Hoſtile Subverſion of both principles.
Now to oppoſe the ſoul of our Saviour wanting a Coadjuvancy of both Sexes, is too weak to baffle ſolid Reaſon, whoſe whole life as it was miraculous, ſo the Manner of his Production ſupernatural.
The Rational ſoul is the Mercurial moiſture that marries the two extreams of Spirit and Body; Whoſe Affections are as Contrary as their natures are different; which after is remunerated with Vitality. For ſouls in their own Eſſence are inſenſible, till they be rowzed by the energie of the Spirit. And therefore the ſouls of Bruits being the ſame in Nature with that of man, but actuated with that more ignoble Spirit that moved upon the face of the waters, they come ſhort10 of mans perfections, and cannot deliver their Conceptions in verbal Expreſſions.
There are no Eſſential differences in the ſouls of Creatures, being but attenuated bodies by effectual Calidity. Which according to the Efficacie of heat may move in a higher Orb of Perfection, and by vertue of the impregnating Spirit may be raiſed an Animal; which without this ſubtiliating heat had reſted in a lower Degree of Vegetation: and therefore the ſouls of Plants may challenge fraternity with that of Bruits; and Verity will admit no other difference but what is gradual, correſponding the intenſneſſe of luminous Rayes. For Vegetables peeping out of the pores of the earth the third day, when the Univerſe was equally ſenſible of the diſperſed Rayes, which after being Contracted to a Solary body, with greater Energie ferments the fuliginous11 Hylas: Which being ſeparated from thoſe groſſer Adherents, whoſe Entertainments impede the reception of Vitality, by this Mundane Spirit have their Materials advanced to an animation: and therefore a more noble exiſtence, as firſt of Fiſhes, did iſſue the confinement of theſe wandring Rayes.
This Mercurial Moyſture being but an Analogicall Spirit, cannot claim immortality without encroachment on higher Priviledges, and uſurping the property of higher Natures; and therefore being onely ſublimed by the Chymiſtrie of irregular intellectuals, whoſe truth knowes no Foundation in nature, may enter the grave with the more unrefined Maſſe, and admit of a Reſurrection, which being the immediate Recipient of life, is termed life it ſelf. We cannot define that Reſurrection to whoſe exiſtence immortality is appendant: as to the Spirit I am a Saducy, which12 being incapable of a lapſe, cannot be reſtaurable by a Riſe, and never dying cannot be ſaid to live again; yet to believe the Reſurrection of the Body, and the life, is part of my Creed; and thus as the ſouls Mortality is no impiety in ſober Theologie; ſo it is no riddle in judicious Philoſophy: for he that ſhall but taſte the ſtrongeſt Spirits acquirable by naturall Chymiſtrie, may eaſily be convinced of the performance of noble operations by material principles, and its permeating each particular of the body in a time ſo imperceptible, as might eaſily impoſe that fallacy upon our ſenſe, to determine its motion inſtantaneous.
The Rational ſoul is determined to the viſible Maſſe, commonly ſo called the body: whoſe too contracted nature cannot confine the Spirit; (hence was it that the Platoniſts conceded to it a kind of Ubiquity) for reaſon will not admit of any13 operation, where we deny the Eſſential preſence of the Agent: and that there are extrinſecal effects, appears in the formation of the Embryo; and in faſcination performed beyond the viſible body, and Organical circumſcription; which cannot be executed by Mediation of qualities; for nature knows no ſuch Deputy; 'tis ignorance that firſt gave the name of Accident.
That there are Effluviums ſteeming from every viſible Body, muſt be conceded, as falling under the demonſtration of Experience, and proſtituted by later invention of Perſpectives.
Theſe Effluviums being the Badgers of heat, (deſert the cumberſome ſociety of Reaſon) which flying in the Aire, may occur their Aſſimilables; and by the pregnancy of the Spirit may attain a viſibility iſſuing from the union of hoſe diſ-joynted peeces, as appear at the inſtance of death; for thoſe14 Spectrums and Wafts are but the Effect of the Spirits fertility cooperating with the heat and Reliques of moyſture; the Emiſſion of particles at that time being moſt copious. For Death (being to decide the Controverſie, and to determine the Combate of the diſeaſe and nature) encreaſeth the heat, and agitating thoſe corporeal Particles into Atomical Interſtitiums, accompanyeth them into the Aire; where meeting with a proportionable number, ſalute each other; the Particles in this confuſed medley being not unmindful of their Office and Nature, ſeek out their proper ſituation, mould themſelves into ſuch a Method as not to diſſemble their former ſhape; but meeting with ſomething diſmembring its imperfect reunition, or wanting Cement to retain them in this poſition, are preſently ſhattered into inviſible Exiſtencies. Yet the Spirit as before Death, ſo after aſſociates15 theſe divided Emiſſions till their heat confeſſe a period: ſo after bodies are interred, the Reliques of heat (which as it is well nigh inſenſible, ſo the operations are more feeble) doth excite a continued ſucceſſion of theſe Atoms: which being as formerly fermented, and united by a Mummial Balſome, are thoſe Noctambuloes that hover about the Cenotaphes, and haunt the Dormitures of the dead: but the Spirit ſenſible of a perpetuated impairment of heat in thoſe Particles, and their invitation being too weak to obtain a grant of continuance from the Spirit, they diſlodge their ſociety; and the Spirit returns to him that gave it; where the ſentence of their future condion, as it is infallible, ſo their hopes confirmed in the Center of happineſſe knowes no ſtagger to the circumference, or their wavering fears confined unto deſpair, are freed from that poſſibility, which is attendant16 on its adlidgements. Thus our Saviour as he envies not the happines of Saints, ſo he is not injurious to the Juſtice of his Father, to gratifie the Conceit of Origen, and ſue for a releaſe from hell, or obtain a Parole from the ſecond Death: and therefore the raiſing of Lazarus, probably, was but the determining of his Spirit to the viſible Maſſe; which otherwiſe was levaltoing in the ſcattered pieces. So the Spirits of wicked men (accompanying the ſteeming Emiſſions, being wanderers in the Aery Region, and their continuance there being determined by the duration of heat in thoſe Particles. Which truth, excluding Concealment from Satans Opticks, knows not retirement from his Cognition, is waiting the Confinement of their Pilgrimage to a condition as immutable as their puniſhment inconceiveable; and hence he receives the Baptiſm of the Prince of the air.
17Reaſon and Memory are not eſſential to the Soul but the purchaſe of man, and the deplorable effect of his own invention, which after that Theomachy and conteſt with Heaven was obtruded upon poſterity, and muſt be embraced as a penalty; and though we concede to Adam this continuating Mercuriall moyſture, yet as he was the proper product of his Creator, his perfection was as ignorant of reaſon, as his innocency ſhould have known no puniſhment, and therefore whilſt he retained his primitive ſtation, his knowledg (as being little beholden to this torturing reaſon which after obſcured thoſe clearer apprehenſions of his intellect) was intuitive, whereby inferiour beings received their names not different from their natures, where if he had remained he had not ſtood in need of Logick, or bin beholden to a Syllogiſme; his eſſence being the rule of proportion to determine,18 concluſions are the effect of ſin, whoſe truth have their foundation in the ſpirit, which being there ſimply apprehended as they are in themſelves, have the ſame verity as in divine eſſence, and therefore the things themſelves owe their errours and miſconceptions to the extravagant exorbitancies of reaſon.
So Memory an attendant of Reaſon, which being a ſuperinduction of the ſame cauſe impoſed upon the ſoul, and arreſting inferiour brutality, could not reach the ſpirit without impeachment of its priviledges, and ſubverting the nature of its eſſence, which being framed according to the firſt Idaea, muſt needs exclude the impoſſible ſociety of imperfection: fo in a ſleep the rational ſoul involving matter, requires this refreſhment, and then being inſenſible of the ſpirits operations, acts in the organs, as with independency of reaſon ſo of memory, oft delivers in vocall expreſſions19 which exceeds the record of the actor, and is recited by ſome different auditor: Thus Amoriſts are their own betrayers, and malefactors expoſe themſelves beyond ſuſpition, and in ſuch extaticall conditions we approximate primitive integrity, and ſeem to anticipate the malice of the Serpent; for thus the ſpirit being ſequeſtered from the obſcurements of reaſon, is preſently rapt into a third Heaven: whoſe eſſence being as immateriall as its nature is indefatigable, needs no ſuch refreſhment, nor can it ſleep without a miracle, and ſome opium from its Creator: therefore we do not read that Adam ſlept, but that God caſt him into a deep ſleep, that he might be inſenſible of his helpers production; So Adams ſleep was not true ſleep, as not proceeding from nature for his proper conſervation, but from an externall Narcotick, for the production of a ſecond, the ruine of his poſterity.
20After this divorce betwixt the Spirit and its adherents, there is no immediate poſſeſſion of Beatificall Viſion, nor actuall enjoyment of happineſſe beyond a ſentence, but are detained in a middle Manſion, till the Reſurrection, which then ſhall be compleated when our Saviour's interceſſion ſhall terminate in that heavenly〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, Come you bleſsed of my Father. So the damned in this Condition fore-ſees the futurity of his puniſhment, from which there is no reprieve or releaſe till Eternity be contracted, and Ubiquity confeſſe a Circumſcription: and therefore from the Moment of Separation, (the unalterable Decree being uſhered in with final Deſpair) their being is a torment, and the time of Death their Criticall day: which at the Reſurrection ends in a Paroxyſm, when hopes of Declination ſhall be as fruitleſſe as its period is impoſſible.
21For I do not conceive the infliction of a poſitive torment, either on the damned Spirits, or the Devils themſelves, till the day of judgment; and that the Devil knew the deſignation of time for puniſhment, appears upon his Expoſtulation with our Saviour: Why art thou come to torment us before the time? They have only now reſtraining ſhackles, which Eternity will advance to bonds of puniſhment.
I doe not mean any Purgatorie by this middle Manſion, where there is a poſſibility of Repentance or Redemption; but a higher Court of Gods Juſtice and mercy; where the unalterable Decree of the Synod of Trinity is Declared; where the Spirits in this Condition wait till the Reſurrection, when as the Bleſſed ſhall poſſeſſe their Jubilee; ſo the damned ſhall enjoy their Vulture.
Thus being not tyed to the wheel of Authority, I am not ſworn to22 maintain their motion: but being hurried by the Primum Mobile of my private reaſon, I become irregular, yet ſhall not repine at the Name of Heretick: I am not married to any opinion, whereby I often make rubs in the levelled axioms of Predeceſſors, and diſturb the tranquillity of thoſe unlimitted Oracles of Antiquity. Intellectual Slaveries have too much anticipated Geniall Diſpoſitions; and an Implicit faith of obtruded opinion have debarred them the ambition of Diſcoverers.
An Infidel is the beſt Proficient in the School of Nature, whoſe Inquiſition is not meaſured by the Endeavours of his Fathers, nor can his Free-born ſoul brook thoſe Manacles whereby its power is reſtrained, and its devotion limited. Me think it is an ingenuous cruelty23 whereby we may bring our Mother Nature to a Confeſſion of her Secrets, though ſhe run the hazard of embowelling, or the moſt bloody exenteration, and an act of Charity be a more direct line or clew of improved Reaſon to free our Anceſtors treading in this Tract; but loſt (by a weary purſuit of the cold ſent of truth) in her labyrinths: I honour the Aſhes of our Predeceſſors, yet cannot diſpence with that Superſtition of Devotion or Adherence: where truth looks two wayes, to pin our credulous ſouls upon their ſleeves, would deprive us of our Infranchiſement we obtained by the right of our Creation; the very end whereof doth entitle us to knowledge: and therefore a ſoul that is not tyed to intellectuall ſlaveries, in the Geography of knowledge will confute that conceit of Hercules Pillars, and a Ne plus ultra is but fantaſtical Dream to his more nice and ſubtle24 ſcrutinies; therefore I could extenuate that imputed crime of Nero's Matricide, the improvement of of his knowledge being the end of his ingenuous cruelty, to determine the Cabinet of his Conception. Truth is not ingroſſed by aged Parents; there is an America of knowledge yet unfound out, diſcoverable by the endeavours of ſome wiſer Columbus, and the promiſed fertility of ſucceeding Ages. Thoſe unſuccedable attempts of our incultivated Intellectuals, muſt needs ſtand condemned by the more ſublimed Reaſon and acute Philoſophy of Poſterity: Whereby our Primitive imparement by additional Degrees of a betterment may obtain a parole from ignorance, and procure a Reverſe to the firſt perfection. For if this be true, that the order and courſe of Nature is Circular, and that ſouls in Revolution of time receive a25 ſenſible improvement in their Cognition. Then ſurely ſucceſſion in Nature muſt needs carry Degrees of Perfection, and the laſt man muſt be an Adam.