A COPPIE OF THE BILL Againſt the xiij. Biſhops, preſented to to the Lords, by the Commons, Octob. 25. 1641.
ENTITULED An Act for diſſolving all perſons in holy Orders to exerciſe temporall Juriſdiction and Authority.
With the Names of the XIII. Biſhops lately Impeached.
Whereunto is added the ſubſtance of a Letter preſented to Mr. PYM, containing very wicked and bloody Expreſſions.
LONDON, Printed for JOHN THOMAS, 1641.
WHereas Biſhops and other perſons in holy orders, ought not to bee intangled with ſecular Iuriſdiction, the offices of the miniſtery being of ſuch great importance that it will take up the whole man, And for that it is found by long experience that their Intermedling with ſecular Iuriſdiction hath occaſioned great miſchiefe & ſcandals both to Church and ſtate, his Maieſtie out of his Religious Care of the Church and the ſoules of his people is gratiouſly pleaſed, that it may be enacted, and by the authority of theſe preſents, Be it enacted that Arch-Biſhops or Biſhops or any other perſon, that now is or hereafter ſhall be in the holy orders; ſhall at any time after the tenth day of November in the Yeare of our Lord God, 1641. have any ſuffrage or2 vote or uſe, or execute any power or authority in the Parliament of this Realme.
Nor ſhall be of the Privie Councell of his Maieſty, his heires or ſucceſſors, or Iuſtices of the Peace of Oyre or Terminor, or Goale deliuery, or execute any temporall authority by vertue of any Commiſſion, but ſhall be wholly diſabled and be vncapable to have, receive, vſe, or execute any of the ſaid Offices, places, powers, authorities, and things aforeſaid, and be it further enacted by the authority aforeſaid; that all Acts from and after the ſaid 10. day of November, which ſhall be done by any Arch-biſhops, or Biſhops, or other perſons whatſoever in holy Order, and all and every ſufferage or vote given or delivered by them, or any other thing done by them, or any of them, contrary to the purport or true meaning of this preſent Act, ſhall be uterly voyde to all intents, Conſtructions and purpoſes.
Together with VVilliam Arch-biſhop of Canterbury, and others of the Clergie of that Province, at a Convocation or Synod for the ſame Province, begun at London, 1640. who contrived and made, and promulged, ſeverall Conſtitutions and Canons, Eccleſiaſticall, containing in them divers matters, contrary to the Kings Prerogative, to the fundamentall Lawes and Statutes of the Realme, to the Rights of Parliament, to the propriety and liberty of the Subjects, and matters tending to Sedition, and of dangerous conſequence.
O Trayterous PYM, that betrayeſt thy King and Countrey, and ſubverteſt the fundamentall Lawes of the Kingdome take this for thy reward, which if it doth not end thee, when God ſhall inable me to come abroad; without prejudice to honeſter men then thy ſelfe, my dagger ſhall diſpatch.
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