Foelix Scelus Querela Piorum. Proſpering Prophaneneſſe. provoking holy conference and Gods attention Firſt preached at Botolphs Algate, Lond. and after in Peters Church Weſt-Cheſter on July 17. 1659.
Mal. 3.15, 16, 17. And now we call the proud happy: yea, they that work wickedneſs are ſet up, yea, they that tempt God are even delivered.
Then they that feared the Lord ſpake often one to another, and the Lord hearkned and heard it, and a book of Remembrance was written before him, for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.
They ſhal be mine (ſaith the Lord of hoſts) in the day that I make up my jewels: and I wil ſpare them as a man ſpareth his only Son that ſerveth him
THis Prophet was the laſt inſpired by the Lord, to make known his mind to the Jews before the coming of the Meſſiah: he is therefore the moſt clear in pointing out the appearance2 of the Lord, and animating the expectation of his people.
In this Chapter the Prophet doth declare two things. Firſt,
The manner of the coming of the Meſſiah, which is in
Majeſty, his way prepared by his meſſenger, ver. 1.
Much ſeverity
- Refining his people, ver. 2, 3, 4.
- Requiting the wicked, ver. 5.
Secondly, the reaſon of ſo ſevere an approach which is partly in God, he changeth not: Chiefly from men they are preſumptuouſly ſinfull and muſt bee curbed and convicted; Now we call the proud happy; and they that work wickedneſſe are ſet up; and they that tempt God are even delivered: Sin abounded unto the ſad & ſerious thoughts of the Godly, Then they that feared the Lord ſpake often one to another, &c. Therefore it was3 high time for the Meſſiah to appear that then might diſcern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that ſerveth God and him that ſerveth him not.
Whence by the way, we might obſerve.
Sins prevalency and preſumption;Obſerv. is the ſeaſon of Gods appearance to manifeſt his juſtice and holineſſe.
When ſin is at the higheſt and moſt daringly prophane; Saints deſpiſed and diſpondent, deeming that God hath forſaken the earth, and will not regard the ſons of men, or requite the wickedneſſe of the wicked but leave them at liberty to blaſpheme his name, and to reproach his people, then the Lord is neareſt hand, his holineſſe & juſtice moſt likely to appear; Thus it was in the old world, in Sodoms ruine, & Jeruſalems captivity, and thus it muſt be, to
41. Redeem Gods name and nature from the blaſphemies & reproaches of the wicked,Pſal. who cry out, God doth not ſee, neither will he regard God is ſuch an one as our ſelves, and therefore we proſper: when impiety impeacheth Gods purity, it is time for juſtice to plead its cauſe.
2. Reſcue Gods Saints and people from the taunts, ſcoffs and inſultings of the wicked: who deem, they in vain ſerve God; & are not profitted by walking mounrfully all the day long; and to no purpoſe they truſt in God and cleave to godlineſs, which either cannot, or will not ſave them: God muſt be ſeen in his holineſſe and power, when Religion is ſaid to be vanity, and the pious proclaimed fools.
But on this I muſt not inſiſt only let it bee the ſtay of our ſpirits, whilſt wee ſee iniquity abound, prophaneneſſe proſper, fin ſoaring high, and are ſadned in our ſpirits5 at its prevalency and preſumption conſider we Gods juſtice & holineſs is under the preſs of mēs prophaneneſſe, and muſt e're long break out againſt them: Sins increaſe is the ſeaſon of Chriſt his appearance: now we call the proud happy, then they that feared the Lord ſpake oft to one another, was the frame and ſtate of affairs at his firſt, and ſo will be at his ſecond coming.
But I paſſe to the text, which I ſhal conſider in it ſelfe rather then in its connexion and coherence, and ſo it offers three things to our conſideration.
- 1. The eſtate of the wicked.
- 2. The exerciſe of the godly.
- 3. Event of both.
I ſhall ſpeak to them a part, and diſtinctly, and firſt of the firſt.
The eſtate of the wicked, and that is aſſerted in the Prophets obſervation, by an entire propoſition we call the proud happy, they that6 work wickedneſſe are ſet up, &c. In which we have two things obſervable as the parts of this propoſition.
1. The ſubjects or perſons ſpoken of, and they are deſcribed by a threefold denomination,
- Proud,
- Workers of wickedniſs.
- Such as tempt God.
2 The predicate and thing ſpoken of them, and that is their proſperous eſtate and condition, and that is deſcribed in its gradations they are
- Happy,
- Set up,
- Delivered,
This propoſition (thus divided without any further comment or explication) doth lay before every obſervant eye & intelligent ear, the great proſperity of the worſt of men: that I may therefore haſten after time, I ſhal briefly propound7 & proſecute to your inſtruction this plain point of doctrine.
Moſt proſperous provideneies do frequently attend the prophanest wretches. Doct.
In the diſcuſſion of this doctrine. I ſhal ſpeak by way of explication, demonſtration, and application.
By way of explication we ſhall enquire
1. Whom we define and denominate prophaneſt wretches.
2. What are the proſpering providences which do ſo frequently attend them.
Firſt,The ſtate of the wicked. I ſhall ſhew you whom we deem and denominate the prophaneſt wretches, who enjoy theſe proſpering providences: and they are ſuch as at the firſt view, will appear very unlikely of ſuch enjoyments, as indeed unworthy to live on the leaſt of Gods goodneſs: I ſhal not wander far to find them out, onely explain their nature by8 thoſe Characters which diſcover them in the text, and they are
- Workers of Wickeneſſe,
- Proud workers of wickedneſſe.
- Proud workers of wickedneſſe who tempt God.
1 Note of prophaneſs.Firſt, they are declared to bee workers of wickedneſs, this is their name in the text, and the ſame is given in Job 4.8. and in Pſal. 5.5. and Iſa. 31.2. and in other places and indeed it is their proper name the very notation of their nature: for wickedneſſe is their work, ſin their ſervice, ungodlineſs their only trade, traffick, and negotiation; ſin is called the works of the fleſh, for the fleſh of prophane men can follow no other work: it is their whole endeavour, aim, and ſtudy, to be ſinning themſelves and ſet it forward by other hands: what ever profeſſions and pretences they make, ſtill ſin is their buſineſs: all their hypocriſies, circumventious,9 fallacies, fair ſpeeches, is but to drive this trade of ſin, like them in Pſal. 58.1, 2. Speak Righteouſneſs, but work wickedneſs in their hearts, which is the Devils forge & workhouſe; ſin is the ſeed and harveſt (this they ſow and reap) of prophane men: ſin is an accidentall chance act to a gracious ſoul, but it is the ſcope, ſubſtance, and buſineſs of prophane men: The beſt Ordinance is to them but the humoring of ſin, they hear, but their heart is after their coveteouſneſs,Ezec. 33.31. they pray, and it turns to iniquity, they faſt,Iſa. 58.2.3 Prov. 21.4 but it is for ſtrife and debate to ſmite with the fiſt of wickedneſs. The very plowing of the wicked is ſin, their whole deſign is to dig deſcents into Hell, they are true drudges to the Devil, they plow iniquity, & ſow wickedneſs, Job. 4. v. 8. arrant, ſerunt, occant, ſcelera, they drudge night and day, turning up all the corruption in their10 hearts, and conveniences in the world, for the effecting of their devices: all their expences and endeavours is to this end: Thus Alexander the great promiſed a Crown of an hundred and eight poud weight to the men that drunk themſelves dead; and thus Charles the ninth of France gave Albertus Tudius (an Huckſters ſon) ſix hundred thouſand Crowns to teach him to ſwear with a grace, and make him an exact Artiſt in his impiety: In a word, they are ſinners in action, not only in intention, They deviſe iniquity on their beds, and act it when the day is light becauſe it is in the power of their hand, Mica. 2.1. Suggeſtion are ſmoothered in the godly, and prophaneneſs in them ſeldome paſſeth into purpoſe: but this ſeed ſoon ſprings in prophane ſoil, and having conceived it brings forth not onely purpoſes but practiſes alſo, Jam. 1.11 15. they are ſinners of duration, not tranſiency, they continue in their courſe of prophaneneſs, the practice of ſin is the priſon of the pious, if they fall they recover by repentance;Iſa. 56.12. but in the palace of the prophane they cry out, to morrow ſhall be as this day, and much more abundant: they abide in their wicked courſe againſt friendly counſels, miſteriall reproofs, checks of conſcience, and corrections of Gods ſevere hand, they will not be warned, nay, if God hedge up their way, they leap hedges, and ruſh into ſin, as the horſe into the battle,Ier. 8 6. and will not be reſtrained: they carry guilt without any remorſe, and run on in profaneneſs without any return: they are workers of wickedneſs, who never ceaſe till they compleat the eſtate of darkneſs deſigned by their maſter the Divell: they are ſinners of diligence and delight, not ſloth or12 reluctancy they play at acts of piety and are therein careleſs and ſuperficiall; but work wickedneſs with all their skill and will, laying out ſtudy and ſtrength on ſin, as ſold to work it; ſo far are they from ſlipping any opportunity that they riſe early and ſeek occaſions of ſin, and make proviſion for the fleſh, they compaſs ſea and land, contrive conveniences, and ſtir up corruptions, admit no check or curb of conſcience, but as ſpurred, go on from evill to evill, and wax worſe and worſe: ſo that this is the firſt note of ſuch who may proſper in the world, they are workers of wickedneſs to whom you muſt confeſs all wrath and woe doth belong,Rom. 2.8.9. and therefore it may ſeem ſtrange that they ſhould, who yet do, proſper, and yet they are not onely workers of wickedneſs. But
2. Note of prophaneſs Mich. 7.3. Secondly, Proud workers of wickedneſs, not onely do theſe13 men do wickedneſſe with both hands earneſtly, Exodus. but they alſo deale arrogantly boyling and ſwelling with ſpite and ſpleen againſt God and his people, purſuing their own ends confidently, and daring: Proud, haughty, and ſcornfull is their name, Prov. 21.24. they ſwell in their own ſence unto the forgetting God and themſelves: and the ſcorn and contempt of others, they are inſolent towards men, and impudent towards God; in the pride of their heart they diſdain the poor, and oppreſſe them, Pſal. 10.2. their hearts ſwell with ſuch apprehenſions of their eſtate and enjoyments that their eyes do ſparkle with pride; they are of haughty and ſcornfull looks, their hands can act nothing but appreſſion, vengeance, and deſtruction to the Mordecai and his people who deny to adore their Hamam like pride14 their tongues can ſpeak nothing but braggs, boaſtings, and arrogancy; their very jeſture is a Comment on their pride: they are ſo lifted up, they think none is, or can be like them, their enjoyments are in their eyes unparalleled, unchangeable excellencies, and therefore they require all proſtration of others to their pride: their haughtineſs can abide no obſtruction, but their wrath ſwells to the ruine and removall of them who diſ-reſpect their dignity, and diſobey their unjuſt demands: they taunt at the godly in their adverſity, and inſult over their calamity with an Ha, Ha, ſo we would have it: where is now your God,Pſal. Mat 27.43. ſing us your Hebrew ſongs: he truſted in God, let him ſave him if he will have him: they ſit in ſecurity and ſay they ſhall not bee moved: their purpoſes they purſue with the height of reſolution, becauſe with in the power of15 their hands, We will purſue, we will overtake, we will deſtroy; are their proud terms towards Gods Iſrael,Exo, 15.9. ſo that they can admit no parity among men, nor parly between reaſon & their own proud thoughts: nor are they more inſolent towards men then impudent towards God, appropriating to themſelves their own power, might, acquirement, what they hold by divine indulgence, Our high hand,Deu. 32.27. Dan. 4.30. & not the Lord hath done all this. Is not this great Babell which I have built for the houſe of my kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty? is their proud boaſting language witneſsing that they forget God that ruleth in the Kingdome of men: and hence they arrogate to themſelves the honour, and adoration, (as did the Roman Emperours) which only belongeth unto God, their Image muſt be worſhipped16 on pain of a fiery furnace, and prayers muſt be preſented to no God ſave themſelves on pain of a Lions den: and in the haughtineſs of their ſpirit they blſpheme Gods holy name denying his power with Sennacherib; who is the God that can deliver out of my hand, Iſa. 37. and determine the execution of their own purpoſes in deſpight of God, as did Pope Julius in eating his porke-fleſh; as if omnipotency ſhould not hinder them; nay, ſuch is their pride that they break all bonds, and preſume to intermeddle with holy things without their ſphere. Corah's conceipt of the peoples holineſſe, carrieth not onely to the contempt of Moſes and Aaron, but unto a proud prepoſterous unwarrantable approach to God. Ʋzziah is no ſooner made mighty by the Lord, but his heart is lifted up and he breaks all order, and thinks17 ſcorn to be limited in any act he takes a Cenſer and goes into the Temple to offer incenſe,2 Chron. 26.18. nor will he be by the Prieſt of God warned to deſiſt his ſin: in a word, he is ſo proud that he forgets God by whom he ſubſiſts, and ſtrives againſt God who can ſoon break him in pieces; & blaſphemeth the Lord, who is jealous of his name: and although God hate the workers of iniquity, and reſiſt proud doers, yet theſe are the men that meet with proſpering providences for a time.
3. Theſe men are yet more wicked,3. note of prophaneſs. for they are proud workers of wickedneſs and proceed to tempt God. They ſin with ſuch daring preſumption, and ſpeak ſuch deſperate blaſphemous expreſſions as if deſigned to prove whether there be a God, or he be a God of holineſſe, juſtice and power, as he is deſer bed. Like prophane Iſrael, they fret & fume, grudge & grumble18 under their croſſed expectation, & cry, Is God in the midſt of us. Exod. 17.7. Can God ſpread a Table in the wilderneſs, and prepare bread and fleſh for his people. As Pſal. 78.18, 19, 20. They diſpute all divine threats, and debate Gods very nature, arraigning all the attributes of God at the barre of their proud fancy; to be judged by their corrupt ſence, and blaſpheming reaſon; and ſo daringly reſiſt divine direction, like Iſrael ruſh out of a dogged diffidence into a deſperate reſolution of going to fight againſt Amaleck, though warned by Moſes to ſit ſtill in their places, and not to go out to Warr, for that God is not in the midſt of them. Numb. 14, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. And preſumptuouſly anſwer the Prophets of God with We will not hearken unto the voice of the Trumpet. As for what thou haſt ſpoken in the name of the Lord we will not do19 it but we will do what ſeemeth good in our own eyes. Jer., 17. That by their daring preſumptions they put Gods truth and juſtice ſo upon the teſt that he can no longer forbear, but becauſe of their abominations bring a curſe on the Land. v. 22. nay ſuch is their hor-impudence, that they do not onely debate, but alſo blaſphemouſly determine againſt the threatnings of juſtice, crying out, the deſtroying ſcourge ſhall not come nigh unto us; we have made a Covenant with Hell and death, and have made lyes our refuge, and hid our ſelves under falſhood. Iſa. 28.15. Therefore they deride the meſſengers of God and mock his Prophets with an how went the Spirit of the Lord from me to thee. 1 Kings 22.24. Watchman, what of the night? Iſa. 21.11. Where is the promiſe of his coming? do not all things continue as they were. 2 Pet. 3 Nay ſuch is their21 impiety as to impeach Gods very holineſſ•, and from his patience, poſitively conclude him to be prophane, and the pandor of all impiety: they ſteal, murder, commit adultery, and ſwear falſly, and come and ſtand before God in the houſe where his name is called, and ſay we are delivered to do all theſe abominations;Jer. 7.9. They purpoſe and practice againſt plain precept moſt poſitive and unparallel'd prophaneſſe, and crie providence, providence leads us to it, becauſe God abides ſilent, they ſay, he is altogether ſuch an one as themſelves Pſal. 50.21. They conceive a miſchievous device and come and enquire of the Lord: They contrive by falſe accuſations and horrid perjurie to ſhed innocent blood, and Jeſabel-like, they proclaim a Faſt. S ſerious acts of piety are the prologues of their prophaneſſe, in Nomine Dei in•ipit omne malum, they no20 ſooner begin to faſt and pray, but ſober men ſee and know their prophane purpoſes are near unto execution: nor doth the wiſdome and power of God paſſe their proud temptation, for they attempt acts of cruelty, and cry, who is the God that ſhall deliver out of our hands, crucifie Chriſt and his people and blaſphemouſly inſult, he truſted in the Lord let him ſave him if he will have him trample on the righteous and triumph over them with a Where is now your God, he perſecutes the poor, he boaſteth of his hearts deſire, hee bleſſeth the Covetous whom God abhorreth, through the pride of his countenance he will not ſeek after God; God is not in all his thoughts: his wayes are always grievous; thy judgments are far above out of his fight, as for all his enemies, he puffeth at them, his mouth is full of curſing and deceit, & under his tongue is miſchief and vanity, he croucheth and22 humbleth himſelf, that the poor may fal by his ſtrong ones, yet he hath ſaid in heart I ſhal not be moved, s for all his enemies he puffeth at them, he hath ſaid in his heart, God hath forgotten, he hideth his face, he will never ſee it; The wicked contemn God, he hath ſaid in his heart Thou wilt not require it. Pſal. 10. So thus theſe proud workers of wickedneſſe ſpeak ſtout words againſt God, and determine It is in vain to ſerve the Almighty: they prophanely ſtrive with their maker, and put his truth, holineſſe, power and juſtice to proof, and provoke to the vindication of them: And are not theſe the prophaneſt wretches? Can we ſcrue iniquity one jot higher? Can we chuſe but wonder the Heavens fall not on their heads, and the Earth devoureth them not alive? yet theſe are the men whom proſpering providences do frequently23 attend, and ſo much for their perſons.
The 2d thing to be conſidered is, what proſpering providences do attend theſe prophane wretches, and in general, All thoſe providences which paſſe in common from the Creator to the Creature, prophane men do and may poſſeſſe: they have not indeed any the ſpecialties of Grace, holineſſe, and Covenant priviledges which ſtream in the blood of Chriſt unto Gods redeemed ones: theſe ſtrangers meddle not with theſe joys, but peace, plenty, health, honour, wealth, liberty, all worldly ter••ne ſublimary mercy, expreſſions of Gods goodneſſe are extended to them, and that in ſuch abundance that as the Pſalmiſt noteth, They have more than heart〈◊〉wiſh, They flo•riſh like the green〈◊〉tree, and know no ſorrow, our Prophet doth very24 accurately deſcribe the porſperitie of prophane men in the three ſteps thereof they are called
- Happy.
- Set up.
- Delivered.
1 ſtep of profane proſperity.1. The Proud are called happy, they are accounted the only bleſſed men on earth, they are objects of other mens admiration and applauſe: they are eſteemed and envied as the only poſſeſſors of good: all men ariſe to give them honour, and could wiſh their eſtate and enjoyments. Their condition comments on Gods goodneſſe and favour towards them: They ſwim ſo in the fulneſſe of their deſire, that they become the objects of all mens flatteries: their happineſſe ſhines with ſuch ſplendour that their very attendants (like Solomons young men) are happie that they are ſo near; none can or dare ſpeak contemptibly of them, nay men are25 their felicity to the ſilencing of reproof towards their impiety, nay the very juſtifying of their wickedneſſe, and crying all is well done. Alexander wants not an Anaxarchus to ſet Juſtice by Jupiter,Pſal. 49 18. and conclude all muſt be deemed juſt that is done by ſo great a King, and that firſt by himſelf, then by others, though it be the murther of his deareſt friend Clitus, nor is it to be thought ſtrange th•t men ariſe call them bleſſed, and conclude them the happieſt men on earth for that.
2, They are ſet up,2 ſtep of profane proſperity. exalted by the hand of God to the higheſt of outward enjoyments: They are ſet up in natures throne, and bleſſed with a budding race and hopefull progeny. They are planted and take root, and grow up in the earth, they ſend forth their Children like ſheep, and their ſons dance before them, for their ſeed is eſtabliſhed in their ſight26 with them and their generations before their eyes. Job. 21.9 11. The poſterity of the profane do frequently plead the cauſe and juſtifie the ſinful carriage of their progenitors: their name is not onely preſerved in poſterity, but made to ſhine with ſplendor in the enjoyment of riches and honour: their wealth and worſhip is no leſs conſpicuous then progenie. For their Kine calve, their Bull genders, the waters of a full cup are wrung〈◊〉unto them, they proſper and increaſe in riches, They enjoy full barns, flouriſhing fields, fair ſtructures, and fat Carkaſes, and all the good things of this life; it is but ordinarie for Dives to fare deliciouſly every day, they are cl••thed in purple and coſtly apparell; it is but common to ſee the work of men ſeated in a chair of ſtate, wearing the imperiall Crown, ſwaying the royall Scepter, and raging with the revengfull ſword. 27Honour is ſo incident to Haman, that he cannot think the leaſt Ray of it can paſſe from him to another. Favour followeth the wicked with importunity, no dignity naturall or politicall paſſeth the prophane, but they poſſeſſe it. They that work wickedneſſe are Set up. Nay this is not all,•ut
3. 3d. ſteſt of profane proſperity.They that tempt are even delivered: They diſcerve and are devoted to deſtruction, and yet are delivered: The hand of God is lifted up, and yet it lights not on them, they tempt him and yet are not troubled, provoke him and yet ſcape unpuniſhed, They are not in trouble as other men, nor are they plagued as other, there is no bands in their death, but they are luſtie and ſtrong. Pſal. 73.4, 5. Their houſes are peaceable without fear, and the Rod of God is not upon them. Job. 21.9. The wicked are like the Tyrant Polycrates that never met28 with croſſe all his life time nay the very clouds that hang over their heads, do ordinarily diſperſe: ſometimes unto the Godly obſerver, their proud prophaneſſe doth ſo tempt God, that to their thinking, he can no longer bear nay commotion and clouds doth ariſe about them, and horror of ſpirit ceaſeth on them, and all men deem their proſperity readie to expire, and yet their fear vaniſheth and the expectation of the Godly fails them, they ſcape Scot-free and are delivered from the dangers to which they ſeem obnoxious, alſo ſnares are broken; they that fear God ſuffer, whilſt theſe that tempt him are eeven delivered. So it is plain, peace, plenty, health, liberty, honour, victory, full enjoyments, ſucceſſefull atchievements, immunity from deſerved and impending plagues and puniſhments, may attend the verie worſt of men, even ſuch who29 rage in ſin, violate ſacred vows, diſobey divine command, trample on truth and Goſpell ordinances; inſolently oppreſſe the Godly and impudently provoke divine juſtice For we call the proud happy, they that work wickedneſs are ſet up, and they that tempt God are even delivered.
But to paſſe from explication, wee proceed to demonſtration, and that proſpering providences doth ſo frequently attend the prophaneſt wretches is a truth undeniably evedent to every ſerious and ſober ſpirit acquainted with ſacred or prophane ſtory, or obſervant of the diſpenſation of common providence in the world. Can we read Scripture & not regard its generall & atteſt to this plain truth, poſitively affirming that Some remove the Landmarks and violently take away the flocks and feed thereon, They drive away the Aſſe of the fatherleſs30 and take the widdows ox for a pledg, they turn the needy out of the way, & cauſe the naked to lodg without cloathing; make men groan out of the City, and ſoul of the wounded to cry, they rebel againſt the light, and yet God layeth not folly to them. Job. 24. Was not Jobs demonſtration of profane mens proſperity, the very defence of his integrity, againſt the erroneous cavills and groundleſſe cenſures of his three friends, and is it not therein plainly aſſerted that the wicked live, become old, yea are mighty in power, their ſeed is eſtabliſhed before them. Their houſes are ſafe from fear, and the Rod of God is not upon them. And are not theſe poſitive aſſertions made evident in plain inſtances and examples? is not cruell Pharaoh oppreſſing Iſrael the higheſt Prince in the World? is not Jeroboam who rebelled againſt his maſter, made Iſraell to ſin, ſet up Calves at Dan31 and Bethel, and ſuffered the loweſt of the people to make themſelves Prieſt, defended his uſurped magiſtracie with a uſurped miniſtery; and put forth his hand againſt the Prophet of God, yet eſtabliſhed in his uſurped Kingdome, and ſlept with his Fathers, leaving the ſucceſſion of his ill gotten Kingdom unto his ſon? & did not Manaſſeh that raged moſt in murther and miſchief raign longeſt of any of the Kings of Iſrael? Yet many of them much better then himſelf. What ſhall we ſay of the high Honour of Nebuchadnezzar, the Hammer of the nations under whom Babylon ſate a Queen, and ſaid, ſhe ſhould never be moved: and did not Aſſyria the very Rod of Gods anger make all her Princes Kings, and ſay in her heart, I will aſcend Heaven, I will exalt my Throne above the ſtars of God. Iſa 14.13. Nay, as if theſe inſtances were not ſufficient;32 doe not the Scriptures witneſſe the ſucceſſe of Bejamin once and again over Iſraell? deſtroying more by 14000 men then they were themſelves, whilſt not onely the feweſt in number (being but 26000 againſt four hundred thouſand) but managing the baſeſt quarrell the impudent defence of the horrid impiety and murther of the men of Gibeah. Judg. 20. muſt we not ſhut our Bibles if we will not ſee proſperitie attend prophaneneſſe? doth not the word note the proſpering providences of the propane to be the principle or rather occaſion of all their pride and blaſphemie? is it not from hence that pride compaſſeth them as a chain, and violence covereth them as a garment; that they ſet their mouths againſt Heaven, and their tongues walk through the Earth. Pſal. 73.6.9. Therefore they ſay unto God, depart from us, we deſire not the knowledge33 of thy ways; Nay becauſe of Gods ſilence, they ſtick not to ſay that he is ſuch a one as themſelves. It is the great ſtumbling block of the righteous to ſee the proſperity of the prophane: at this ſtone David feet had almoſt ſlipped. Pſal. 73. And againſt this Jeremiah could not but complain, and almoſt quarrel at Gods very juſtice. Jer. 12.1. Againſt this very temptation God hath preſcribed, preſerving and ſupporting cautions, counſelling us not to fret at the proſperity of the wicked. Pſal. 37. And declaring that it determines not divine favour. Eccleſ. 9.1, 2. The proſperity of the profane is not onely viſible within the pale of the Church and in the Word of God, but in the World alſo, and demonſtrated by all prohane Hiſtory the Heathen Poets have long ſince ſung
And have not their Orators left us that maxim on obſervation of wicked mens proſpering Foelix impietas virtus dicitur; Proſperity makes Vice be deemed Virtue: Do not their Hiſtories acquaint us with the happy gales wh•ch attended the ſacriledge of Dionyſius, making him ſay the Gods loved ſacriledge; & he ſucceſſe of Coeſar againſt Pompey, making him to queſtion the very deity; and the never croſſed eſtate of the Tyrant Polycrates, who of purpoſe to fall under a croſſe, caſt his Ring into the Sea, and received35 it in the fiſh that was ſerved up at his table. Of the ſucceſſe of Anthony over famous Brutus, conſtraining him to cry〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉virtue is of no value, let Fortune be adored by my poſterity. And Nero his high proſperity that made it treaſon in the famous Senator Thraſeus, not to flatter him. What ſhall we tell you of Seneca's writings of providence occaſioned by wicked mens proſperity? And Salvians treatiſe of Gods government of the World in righteouſneſſe on the like occaſion: Or ſhall I mention to you Baſils ſtumbling at the ſucceſſe and proſperity of the blaſphemous Arrians? Or of the flouriſhing eſtate of the Turks thoſe vowed enemies of Chriſtianity? I might ſwell a volume with inſtances of this nature, but muſt not our own obſervation witneſſe it to us, may not we in our age run and read the proſpering providences36 of the moſt prophane; have not we ſeen men of errour, ignorance, perjury perfidie and hypocriſie, who ſupplant government, ſubvert foundation, dethrone Princes, uſurpe authority, invade Nations, imbrew their hands in blood, trample on the Church & lay it waſt, blaſpheme ordinances, expoſe Miniſtry to contempt, violate all ſacred obligations, falſifie all ſolemn profeſſions, advanc•and eſtabliſh themſelves by all acts of cruelty, couzenage diſſimulation and perjury, and paſſe to the grave in the height of honour. And can we otherwiſe conclude, then that wee call the proud happy, and they that work wickedneſſe are ſet up, and they that tempt God are even delivered. Whilſt it is thus, we have cauſe to be ſerious in Seneca's queſtion, Cur bene malis, why ſhould proſpering providences attend the prophaneſt wretches: whence is their ſucceſs,37 how comes it to paſs that they who thus provoke God, ſcape Scot-free? here then I ſhal ſhew you that proſpering providences do on ſome weighty grounds and reaſons, attend the prophaneſt wretches, viz. the
- 1. Providence of God in its common courſe and method doth diſpoſe.
- 2, Patience of God doth require
- 3. Puniſhment and probation of the Saints neceſſitate
- 4. Provoked Juſtice doth enforce proſperity to attend the prophaneeſt.
Theſe Reaſons let us particularly and ſeriouſly conſider, and they will convince us that there is good ground for prophane mens proſperity, and firſt, of the firſt.
Providence in it's CommonReaſon 1courſe and method, doth diſpoſe proſpering providence to attend the prophaneneſt wretches: the38 World created is preſerved, ordered and diſpoſed by divine providence; he that made the World ſettleth it in a ſeries and regular courſe and method: though God do exerciſe a ſpeciall care over his own Children, his eyes running to, and fro,2 Chron. 29.9. that he may ſhew himſelfe ſtrong for the good of the upright in heart; Yet he ſleights not the World, but ordereth all the affairs thereof, according to the purpoſe of his own will, and that in a ſettled courſe, and preſcribed method, His eyes behold the evill, and the good. Prov. 15.3. Nothing falls out but at his appointment: and in the courſe and order of his appointment; he diſpoſeth all things to their end, with all cauſes, means, occaſions, method or obſtructions thereunto belonging: No conſervation, or condition befalls the whole creation, but runs in the channell of common providence;39 fortune is a foolery, and chance a meer cheat for nothing in the world is really (though to our ſence it be) accidentall and fortuitous, but all things come to paſſe by the Regular motion of providence, which frequently brings under the Godly, and lifts up the prophane, and there are in this Chariot of Providence four wheels carrying forth, and regularly diſpoſing the proſperity of the worſt of men. viz.
- 1. Divine power and ſoveraignty.
- 2. Diſtribution of Gods goodneſs to his Creatures.
- 3. Divine method and order.
- 4. And due Reſervation of the wicked to the day of vengeance. The firſt wheel of peovid.
The proſperity of the prophane is diſpoſed by the providence of God, unto the demonſtration of his power and ſoveraignity: God doth whatſoever he wil, and who ſhall40 ſay unto him what doſt thou? the whole courſe of providence is a comment on God his independencie and abſolute dominion, and uſually Runneth Counter to mens caſtings and contrivances, apprehenſions and expectations, ſo as that God may manifeſt, his thoughts are not mans thoughts. 1 Sam. 16.6, 7, 8, 9.10.Samuels ſight may ſoon ſuggeſt Eliab for his high ſtature, and lively aſpect to be the anointed of the Lord before him; but the Soveraignity of God wil ſet up David the moſt unlikely of the family of Jeſſe, and ſo witneſſeth that God ſeeth not as man ſeeth: no outward enjoyments muſt depend on humane acquirements, therefore all things come alike unto all men, There is one event to the righteous and the wicked: to the Good, to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that ſacrificeth, and to him that ſacrificeth not, as is the good, ſo is the ſinner, & he that ſweareth as41 he that feareth an oath. Eccleſ. 9.2. Though the favour of the Lord be to the Righteous, and his good will to them that fear him, yet ſanctity is no peg to ſtop his wheel of providence: Grace muſt not divert the demonſtrations of his ſoveraignity: no man receiveth any thing by deſert and merit, in common (much leſſe in ſpeciall) good things, but the very beſt are tenants at wil, fed by the Commons of Gods determination. The ſoveraignity of God will triumph over the ſeeming merit of ſanctity, as well as the probable procurements of nature: and therefore the Race is not to the ſwift, nor the Battle to the ſtrong; neither yet bread to the Wiſe, nor riches to men of underſtanding. Eccl. 9.11. Benjamin with their 26000 once and again overcame Iſraels 400000, and deſtroy 40000, to demonſtrate that battle is not to the42 ſtrong. It is the wonder of the World to ſee fools flouriſh, the weak to prevail, whilſt the ſtrong are foyled, and the wiſe in want; not conſidering that the acquirements of art, & nature cannot alter the courſe of common providence. Promotion comes not from the Eaſt, nor from the Weſt, nor from the South, but God ſitteth as the Judge, he putteth one down, and ſetteth another in the room. pſal. 75.6, 7. When the heathen do obſerve Agathocles the Son of a Potter to become King of Scicile, Valentinian the Son of a Rope-maker, to become Emperour of Rome, Juſtinus to ariſe from a Swineheard to be an heardſman, to turn Souldier and at the length become Emperour; can they chuſe but conclude Sic fata trahunt, thus the Gods will have it; and can Chriſtians obſerve Abſolon advanced againſt his Father; Jeroboam againſt his Maſter;43 Athaliah by blood, & cruelty, eſtabliſhed ſeven years in the Kingdome: nay Nebuchadnezzar prevailing over the whole world, and not conclude, God ruleth in the Kingdomes of men, and giveth it to whomſoever he wil. Vice is advanc'd, leaſt virtue ſhould vie with divine juſtice, and vail the dominion of God: and folly is enriched, that men may ſee God alone doth all things. if Alexander to magnifie his majeſty, advanced abdolominus, a poor Gardener to be King in Sidon, what ſhall not God do? Proſſpering providences attend the prophaneſt wretches, to proclaim The earth is the Lords, and the fulneſſe thereof,Pſal. 24. and he giveth it to whomſoever he will: and parts or piety are not the grounds of his diſpenſation; he gives good things o the worſt of men, that men may know his own will is the on•y guide of all his actions, he will not44 be preſcribed by the ſons of men: and this is the firſt wheel of providence on which proſperity doth attend the prophane.
2d wheel of provid.The ſecond wheel of this ſucceſſeſſefull Chariot, is the diſtribution of Gods goodneſſe to all Creatures. God is good to all, and his mercy is over all his works. Pſal. 145.9. The creation is a comment on Gods power and wiſedome, but in the preſervation of the world ſhines Gods goodneſs: all creatures muſt according to their capicity, partake of Gods goodneſſe, and eſpecially the ſons of men: they have not all like ſhare, but at one time or other, they all do ſhare in the goodneſſe of God; the very worſt of men muſt witneſſe even in their eternal woes that God is good: therefore in him they live, and move, and have their being. Acts 17, 28, 29. nay therefore his rain falls on the bad, as well as good, and ſun ſhines on45 the juſt and unjuſt: the wicked ſhall do no work for God, but his goodneſſe aſſignes them wages, if Ahab humble himſelf but hypocritically,1 King. 21.29. yet the judgment threatned ſhal be delayed in his days; and if Nebuchadnezzar do God ſervice againſt Tyrus, he ſhall receive Egypt for his wages. Ezek. 29, 18, 19. If the goodneſſe of God bee extended unto birds and beaſts, much more to the baſeſt of men: onely we muſt note that the providence of God giveth the preſent ſence of Gods goodneſs to the wicked, and the Godly have it only in reverſion; truly God is good to Iſrael,Pſal. 73.1. but their preſent tune muſt be, Oh how great is thy goodneſs thou haſt laid up in ſtore for them that fear thee. Pſal. 31.19. So that the goodneſſe of God on the ſtage of this World is eſpecially extended to the wicked, even to the worſt of men. T••good things of common providence46 is all the portion they muſt have, and they have it in this life, therefore they are Gods hand and ſword, in this world, their bellies are filled with hid treaſure, they are full of Children, and leave their ſubſtance to their babes. Pſal. 17.14. They now live in pleaſure on the earth, and are wanton, and nouriſh their hearts as in a day of ſlaughter they condemn and kill the juſt, and he doth not reſiſt them. Jam. 5.5, 6. It is in this life,Luke 26.25. that Dives receiveth his good things, and Lazarus muſt be contented with evill things here: for his comfort is in Abrahams boſome hereafter. And Davids Dolor is preſent, and by the pride of the now psoſperou•, for that his ſatisfaction muſt be when he ſhall ariſe in the likeneſs of God and ſee his face in Righteouſneſs;Pſal. 17.12 13, 14, 15. ſuch as will conceive Gods goodneſſe, muſt at one time or other be extended to all men in ſome meaſure, and conſent47 that the courſe of providence carrieth it to the wicked in this life, and reſerveth it to the righteous, at the reſurrection, and can be but content to wait the motion of this wonderfull wheel will never wonder to ſee proſperity attend the prophane.
The third wheel of providence on which the proſperity of the wicked doth run,The third wheel of provid. is divine method & order, God is in all things a God of order, and works regularly in the diſpoſing of the affairs of the world and in the execution of his juſtice: on this account the ſeries of ſin goeth before the ſevere judgments of a righteous God. Mans ſin, and Gods ſilence do for a time conſiſt, and go hand in hand; for ſin muſt be ripe before God reckon with he ſinner, and in order to this end, the Lord looks on the iniquity of the wicked, and is ſo far from ſtriking, that he ſuffereth & diſpoſeth the cou•ſe48 of his common providence to their ſinfull deſires: ſuffers them to proſper and poſſeſſe all occaſions, advantages and opportunities to accompliſh their wicked deviſes, and execute their impiety: there is not the purpoſe in their heart, that ſhal want the power of their hand to bring it to paſſe:Gen. 15.16 the Amorites muſt poſſeſſe the land 400 years, that their iniquity may be ripe, themſelves, fit for the ſickle of divine fury: ſuch is the concurrence of providence, in time of Gods ſilence with the corruption of men, that many would think there were a combination unto prophaneneſſe; and therfore the wicked blaſphemouſly think God is ſuch a one as themſelves. Not onely doth Order engage a ſucceſſion of judgment unto the ſeries of ſin, ſayling with the pleaſant of Gale proſperity, but alſo directeth the publication of Gods Law in promiſes and threats, to go49 before the execution of his diſpleaſure. The Lord warneth before he wars, and alarms the wicked by his word before he abate their pride by his ſword, the days of divine debates, warnings, conviction and threats, are days wherein wrath is bridled, and juſtice reſtrained, and ſo long it is fair weather to the fouleſt ſinner: on this account an hundred and twenty years of peace and proſperity paſſed on the old world, whilſt Noah the Preacher of righteouſneſſe, warned them of the approaching refuge, and ſo long they did eat and drink, marry, and give in marriage, live in all ſenſuallity, and voluptuouſneſſe; and Jeruſalem ſate in peace,Jer. 44. ſo long as God ſent his meſſengers, riſing early, and ſending them. God is not ſo prepoſterous as man, he permits the wicked to fil up the meaſure of their ſin, ſpit all, even the utmoſt of their ſpight, and ſhew how vile50 they can be, & ſo long ſuffers them to proſper; & then ſheweth that he can curb & cut them down; he ſits ſtil whilſt his Heralds proclaim war ſūmons ſubmiſſion, ſollicite repentance, ſignifie diſpleaſure; and from this order God wil not be diverted. And hence it is, that his providence doth attend the prophaneſt wretch.
The fourth and laſt wheel of providence, which bringeth proſperity to the prophane,The fourth wheel of peovid. is due reſervation of them to the day of vengeance: God hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the World in righteouſneſs,Act. 17.30. by the man Chriſt Jeſus, when he wil render tribulation and anguiſh unto every one that doth wickedly; and unto this day the wrath of the Lord is referred, the wicked are reſerved, and the ungodly are not acquitted, though not yet puniſhed: Paternall correction and51 chaſtiſement is a courſorie expreſſſion of anger unto the awe of children, and ſo paſſeth on the Godly every day, but judicial puniſhment tending to the death and deſtruction of the malefactor, is referred to the generall S•ſſions of Goal delivery: and till this time, men in priſon enjoy their liberty & ſport, and all due proviſions for ſupport of their being; Gods rod may frequently reach his children, but the Axe of his diſpleaſure is long e're it cut off the hainous Malefactor. God knoweth how to deliver the Godly out of temptation, but to reſerve the wicked unto the day of judgment. 2 Pet. 2.9. In the courſe of his providence he gives them all things neceſſary for the ſupport of thei•being, and ſignifying of his goodneſſe, that with the more of majeſty and juſtice, he may proceed to their puniſhment, and make them everlaſting monuments of his52 wrath: though the ſinner do evill an hundred times, yet God prolongeth his wrath, but at the long run it ſhal not go wel with the wicked, Eccl. 8.12, 13. God ſcorns to be at the trouble of correction to men appointed to condemnation, and foul his fingers with the daily chaſtiſements of perverſe rebellious caſtaways, he freely gives the Prodigall the portion, he muſt have, whilſt want, labour, lowring, and hardſhip attends the heir and ſon of his favor, he ſpareth, but doth not acquit though the heart of the wicked be full ſet in them to do evill, it is only becauſe the ſentence is not ſpeedily executed. Eccleſ. 8.11. The wicked flouriſh not in favour, but forbearance, ſcape Scot-free, becauſ the day of reckoning is not yet come: Solomon makes the memento of a day of judgment the youngſters bridle; and St. James makes it the check of Rich mens jollity; the53 young man may rejoyce, and walk in the ways of his own heart, but remember for all theſe things God will bring thee to judgment is his cooling-Card. Eccleſ. 11.9. The bitterneſſe of wicked mens beſt things is that in this life they have good things on earth, they live in pleaſure, but their riches cry for judgment, and they muſt be called to a reckoning; but untill the day approach the trumpet ſound the Judge be ſate, like ſecure priſoners they ſpend their days in ſport and ſecurity, as it was in the days of Noah, men were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, untill the flood came; even ſo ſhall it be at the comming of the Son of man: the courſe of providence muſt run till the laſt day determine it. Common proviſion muſt be made for Malefactors, till the Goal delivery deſtroy them. Man muſt not, and God will not54 judge before the time, therefore men ſin and ſuffer not, are profane and yet proſper.
We ſee then the firſt Reaſon carrying with it ſtrength of conviction, and declaring good ground for the proſperity of the prophane men, the providence of God in it's common courſe doth diſpoſe it: and ſo long as this Chariot of Providence doth run on theſe wheels, the demonſtration of Gods power and ſoveraignity, the diſtribution of Gods goodneſs to his creatures, divine method and order, and the due reſervation of the wicked to the day of judgment. We muſt call the proud happy, and they that work wickedneſſe will be ſet up, and they that tempt God will be delivered.
The 2d ground & Reaſon of the proſpering providences that attend the prophaneſt wretches, is the patience of God which doth require it. God55 is a God of mercy, and his mercy is above all his works. Pſal. 145.9. God is ſlow to anger, and ready to forgive The execution of his wrath is his ſtrange work, in which hee ſeems no way dextrous, & is thereunto very ſlow: he forgiveth iniquity, and forbeareth the ſinner, unto the utmoſt of his pity and patience, the whole courſe of his carriage towards the wicked is the comment upon, nay the very current of his patience and long ſufferance; though he be a God of power and juſtice, that is able, in a moment to conſume with the breath of his noſtrills, yet he is very ſlow in, & backward unto the deſtruction of the wicked: of all his attributes God wil advance his goodneſſe and long ſufferance unto the acquittance of his power and ſeverity when extended, and aggravation of the wicked's torments, when damned; he therefore ſuffereth56 with long patience the veſſells of wrath prepared unto deſtruction. Rom. 9.22. Hence it is that Iſrael commits horrid ſins with an high hand, offering incenſe to the Queen of Heaven and other gods, yet God ſuffers them to have plenty of victualls, and to ſee no evill, but it is only in his patience, until he provoked by their abominations could no longer forbear. Jer. 44.22. God deferreth the deſtruction of the world, and day of judgment, untill the ſcoffers and mockers of the laſt times, tauntingly demand where is the promiſe of his comming, and it is only becauſe he is longſuffering, not willing that any ſhould periſh, but that all ſhould come to repentance: wicked men defie his power, and dare his juſtice by their pride & blaſphemies, yet he deferreth his judgments, they ſin with ſo high an hand, that57 ſober men wonder that the earth ſwalloweth them not up, and thunder bolts flie not about their ears, yet they abide in peace, abound in their hearts deſire, and are acquitted from thoſe common calamities which befall the Godly; and God either ſuffers them in ſilence, or onely ſends his meſſengers, riſing early, and ſending them to intreat that they would not do that great wickedneſſe which his ſoul hateth; and all to ſhew his patience, and conſtrain them under his wrath, to confeſſe ſuch were their provocations that he could no longer forbear: The wrath of God is to rage againſt the wicked and it is therefore reſtrained, that like ſmothered fire it may flame more furiouſly and the impenitencie of the wicked againſt, nay to the contempt of58 Gods goodneſſe, patience and long ſufferance is the treaſuring up of wrath againſt a day of wrath, and the Revelation of Jeſus Chriſt: when the Lord ariſeth to judgment he will roar out of Sion, and make the inhabitants of the earth to tremble: he is like a Lion loath to be rouzed, and long before hee bee provoked; ſo that becauſe God is, and will appeare exceeding patient, his Macrothumia long ſufferance muſt be magnified, therefore do proſpering providences attend the prophaneſt wretches; and they who ſin to the higheſt pitch, are ſuffered to be happy to the utmoſt point of patience, that not bare juſtice, but provoked juſtice may be the principle of vengeance, and men may bee convinced their deſtruction is of themſelves, their ſinnes were ſo daring59 that the holineſs of God could no longer forbear.
The third ground and reaſon of wicked mens ſucceſſe and prophane mens proſperity is. The puniſhment and probation of the Saints doth neceſſitate it: Gods gold muſt be tried, and children chaſtiſed, therefore the proud muſt be called happy, and they that work wickedneſſe be ſet up: the wicked proſper in the world, and the current of providence is to their countenance and content, they flouriſh in wealth, grow great in power, poſſeſſe what ever the heart deſires accompliſh whatever they purpoſe, but not out of any favour to them, but frownes to the Godly, not for any grace that is in them, but the grief that muſt ſeize on Gods Iſraell: the wicked are Gods hand by which he reacheth his children when running from him. The Rod of Gods anger by60 which he chaſtiſeth his hypocriticall nation, his axe and ſaw whereby he hewes and ſquares his knotty ſtubborn people to a ſubmiſſion to his own will: the furnace whereby he purgeth away the droſſe and tin, and proveth the faith and patience of his poor ones, let the wicked think never ſo highly, and ſpeak never ſo arrogantly againſt God and his people, they are but inſtruments in his hand, to the•ffliction of the Saints: Babylon muſt needs ſit as a Queen in the height of glory, becauſe Zion muſt become deſolate and forſaken ſuch is the Antipathy of Saints and ſinners that the mercy of the one is the miſery of the other, the riſing of the one is the fall of the other: of all rods in Gods hand the proſperity of the wicked is the ſharpeſt, moſt dreadfull to Gods children: the ungodly becauſe of their arrogancy61 and cruelty are Gods ſcorpions, David in his choice well prayeth that God might deal with him immediately, not by the ſucceſs of his enemies; for the mercies of men are cruelty: Seven years famine, or three days peſtilence were far more eaſie afflictions then three months flight before his enemies. Wicked men cannot execute God's anger on the godly, without the expreſſion of their own ſpite and wrath: God cannot be a little angry, but the Heathen helps forward the affliction of Iſrael, Zach. 1.15. They Aſſyria-like inſult over Jeruſalem, with an As I have done unto Samaria, ſo will I do unto Jeruſalem; I have found as a neſt, the riches of the people, as one gathereth Eggs, ſo have I gathered all the earth, and there was none that moved the wing, They ſpeak proudly, and pvrpoſe cruelty, yet they forget that God only ſent them62 as a ſcourge againſt Jeruſalem, and to ſtrike them as with a ſtaffe to correct, not deſtroy: like Pekah the ſon of Remaliah they cannot be raiſed up to chaſtiſe their brethren, but they ſlay them with a rage which reacheth up to heaven, and purpoſe to keep the children of Judah and of Jeruſalem to be bondmen and bondwomen,2 Chron. 28.9.10. forgetting that they are brethren, though under the chaſtiſement of the Father, or that there are ſins amongſt them, even amongſt themſelves: Yet bee they never ſo cruel and churliſh, God will do his own work by them, they muſt ſucceed and proſper, they muſt purpoſe and prevail, and the very cries of Gods Children wil not change this providence; they are under God's correcting hand and he will not ſpare for their roaring, in his own time he will abate their pride, becauſe the rod of the wicked63 muſt not lie always on the lot of the Righteous,Pſal. 125. and he will arraign the arrogancy of the Aſſyrian, with a Shal the axe boaſt it ſelf againſt him that heweth therewith, or the ſaw magnifie himſelf againſt him that ſhaketh it, as if the rod ſhould ſhake it ſelf againſt him that lifteth it up, or the ſtaffe ſhould lift up it ſelfe, as if it were no wood; but untill God have purged away ſin, he will chaſtiſe his ſons, and the rod which is intended for the fire muſt retain its ſharpneſs, and in the tryall of faith and patience the furnace muſt retain its glowing heat and brightneſs: It were well, if wicked men could ſay with Titus, Veſpaſian at the deſtruction of Jeruſalem, we have but lent God our hand for however they perſecute the Godly in luſt, pride, and envy, they prevaile over them in love, and pity, as the rod on the back of a childe, therefore they have64 no ſuch reaſon to inſult and blaſpheme: the godly do not reſiſt them, becauſe they dare not ſtrive againſt the Father: Lying ſtill, not fretting, being quiet, waiting on God under the proſperity of the wicked: Is the demeanour required of good men under the proſperity of the wicked, the rod of God: let not the wicked blaſpheme God when their proſpering proivdences ſucceed their profaneneſs, and ſeems to be the reſult of their Ahab-like faſts, humiliations, and prayers, for let them know they prevail not becauſe God heareth their prayers, but he wrappeth himſelfe, as in a cloud, and ſhutteth out the prayers of his own people: If once the faith of God's people be but found unto praiſe and honour, the light of the wicked ſhall be put out, and when God ſhall ceaſe to chaſtiſe his children, then ſhall they no more be afraid of the Aſſyrian, who muſt be brought down and confounded, and till then we muſt not wonder that the proud are called happy, they that work wickedneſs are ſet up, and they that tempt God are even delivered.
The fourth and laſt reaſon and ground of the proſpering providences that attend the prophaneſt wretches, is provoked juſtice doth enforce it: God's anger doth ordinarily enforce affliction, but he is moſt auſtere when he ſtays his correcting hand. Croſs providences do ordinarily attend Gods children when all ſeems quiet and favourable to his ſlaves and enemies. Corrections are pledges of adoption, and badges of ſonſhip. One ſon God hath without ſin, not one without ſorrow; but indeed God corrects none but his own: he chaſtiſeth every ſon that he receiveth: and paternall affliction66 is but the reſult of his affection ſo long as God doth chaſtiſe corruptions; and correct our deviations he demonſtrates pity to us, and on purpoſe to do us good. Job makes it a favour of great condeſcention to be admired, What is man that thou viſiteſt him every morning, and trieſt him every moment, Job. 7.17, 18. And correction is a courteſie to be craved at Gods hand, Jer. 10.24 where God is at pain of correction hee purpoſeth not a rejection: Caſting out of Gods houſe and family is dreadfull and ſad, when caſting down under Gods hand is full of love and pity,Iſa. 21.4 faithfulneſs and truth: The Lord may ſmite Iſrael, and yet ſay fury is not in me, but his wrath rageth, and juſtice is much provoked when he crieth out, why ſhould you be ſmitten any more,•ſa. 1.5. The ſon of moſt liberty and leaſt ſmart is uſually the child of67 higheſt diſpleaſure. Whom God moſt cockereth he moſt correcteth but if affliction be not felt, then are we bastards and not ſons: now affliction is either a note of no relation unto God, or of ſevere rejection by God; if God ceaſe to ſcourge a ſon, it is in ſevere anger to let him take his ſwinge in wickedneſs to the loſſe of Fathers bleſſing and inheritance: The ſaddeſt eſtate of Iſrael was when God profeſſeth he would ceaſe from his anger: and let Ephraim alone when joined to Idols; Gods rage can only roar out this language, I will make my fury towards thee to reſt, and my jealouſie ſhall depart from thee, and I will be quiet and bee no more angry, Ezek. 16.42. And I will not puniſh your daughters, when they commit whoredome, nor your ſpouſes when they commit adultery, Hoſ. 4.14. Origen quoting this ſcripture crieth out vis indignantis68 Dei, vocem terribilem audire, will you hear the terrible voyce of God, hear it here, I will not puniſh: The profane like fooliſh children think their fathers quietneſs the token of his favour; they are well pleaſed when profaneneſs paſſeth uncontrouled, and impiety uncorrected, when Gods ſilence ſeconds and gives way to their loud crying ſins? they crie mercy, mercy, but Bernard calleth it Miſericordiam omni indignatione Crudeliorem, a cruell courteſie, a killing kindneſs to let the child play with the candle till burned, and the knife till ſtabbed: Vatablus interpreteth thoſe words in Ezek. 3.20. I will lay a ſtumbling block before him: I will proſper him and not by affliction reſtrain him, can wee conſider proſperity to be the principle and ſpring of Atheiſme, irreligion, and profaneneſſe; therefore pride compaſſeth them, they ſet68 their mouth againſt heaven, &c. Pſal. 73.6. and conclude it a mercy to be proſperous; It is the miſerable mercy of the Gentiles whom God gave up unto a reprobate mind and vile affections to do thoſe things which were not convenient to be filled with all unrighteouſneſs and fornication wickedneſs &c. Rom. 1.28, 29. An eſtate of ſo great diſpleaſure that the children of God rather chuſe affliction and crie with Luther, Feri, Domine feri, ſtrike Lord ſtrike, and ſpare not: or with Jeremiah, Correct mee O Lord; however the wicked boaſt of Gods good pleaſure, when they run into high prophaneneſſe and juſtice regards not to reſtrain, then wee cannot but read of them, that they are Baſtards and not ſons, and ſo have no relation to God; Chaſtiſement is domeſtick diſcipline:70 or elſe they are deſigned to a wrathful rejection, they have provoked him ſo far with their pride and ſtubborneſſe, that hee will no longer bee troubled to correct them, or attempt to reduce them; but let them take their ſwinge and runne their Career of profaneneſſe unto their own ruine, let them ſwear and lye, commit adultry, deal falſly, do what they will, they ſhall not for him be check'd or croſſed; for hee in his wrath hath caſt them off, and will have no more to do with them, till in judgement he crie Go yee curſed into Hell fire, prepared for the Divell and his Angells: So not pity and good will, but provoked juſtice doth enforce the proſperity of prophane men; God is moſt angry, when moſt ſilent,71 and ſtriketh leaſt.
Thus then you have the queſtion reſolved, and ſee how it comes to paſs, that it goeth ſo well with the wicked; and if wee attend the courſe of Gods providence; bee affected with the working of Gods patience; aſſent unto the Saints Chaſtiſements and tryalls, and apprehend the higheſt expreſſions of provoked fury: wee ſee ſatisfying reaſons and grounds why proſpering providences frequently attend the prophaneſt wretches, and ſhall ceaſe to wonder that the proud are called happy, they that worke wickedneſſe are ſet up, and they that tempt God are even delivered.
Having thus explained and confirmed the doctrine, I ſhall now paſſe unto the application of it, and although it might be largely uſefull; I ſhall contract all into one generall uſe of inſtruction, to teach us to demean and carrie as thoſe that are convinced, that proſpering providences do frequently attend the prophaneſt wretches. Principles muſt be the ground of practice, and perſwaſions muſt enforce obedience: do we then ſee that they call the proud happy, and they that work wickedneſſe are ſet up, and they that tempt God are even delivered: Let it bee our care to walk in the ſence of this courſe of providence, and carry ſuitably to ſo clear demonſtration of profane mens proſperity, and eſpecially in learning, and daily exerciſing theſe three leſſons or duties.
Firſt, favour no cauſe or perſon, follow no courſe of life as approved of, and acceptable to GOD,73 becauſe ſeconded with proſpering providences in this world.
2. Find not contentment in the proſpering providences of this life.
3. Fret not at the proſperity of the wicked, even of the worſt of men.
Of theſe in order, and firſt of the firſt.
1. If proſpering providences do frequently attend the prophaneſt wretches, then favour you no cauſe, follow no courſe as approved of, and and acceptable to God, becauſe ſeconded with proſpering providences in this world. Make not providence an argument of defence and juſtification to any cauſe, or yet a ground of beliefe, and imbracement to any courſe of life; do not determine this or that principle, profeſſion or practice to be true becauſe not troubled, and good becauſe ſucceſſefull. The providences of74 God are in our much age obſerved & made mention of; I wiſh they be not more then admired, even prophanely advanced, to palliate prophaneſſe, and impoſe impiety on others. How many that act horrid impieties, unparalleld wickedneſs, ſubverting foundations, ſupplanting laws, deſtroying liberties, uſurping authority, deſpiſing dominions, ſpeaking evill of dignities, trampling on truth, contemning ordinances, laying waſt the Church, advancing errors, hereſies ſchiſms, deſpiſing and deſpiting Gods Miniſters, violating ſacred vows and blaſpheming moſt ſolemne oaths and Covenants; and in their Enterpriſes meeting with ſucceſſe: proceeding with proſperity; do with impudence cry, providence, providence, as the plea of defence to their damned courſes, and conclude their horrid prophaneſs to be the Good Old Cauſe, even the Cauſe75 of God and Religion, with all fervor impoſing it on others, & charging ignorance, unbelief, and obſtinacy on all ſuch as ſay not, all is well done, and do not ſtrike hands with them in their ungodlineſſe: whilſt they adminiſter no light, nor urge any argument, ſave ſucceſſe and proſperity: ſure theſe men do forget that we call the proud Happy, and they that work wickedneſſe are ſet up: nor is there any more of ſtrength in their praying, faſting, and humilation, that religious running into prophaneſſe, and making piety the Prologue of their wicked undertakings; whilſt they that tempt God are even delivered.
Let me not be miſtaken, I would not diſown or in the leaſt degrade the providences of God; I know they are to be obſerved and dreaded by ſuch as feare God; there muſt be in all godly hearts a demeanor and frame of ſpirit, ſuitable to divine76 providence; the ſucceſſe and proſperity of men in the world doth digitate and direct ſomething of duty to Gods Children: but whilſt providence is to bee obſerved it is not to be obeyed againſt any precept. Whilſt it is to be improved it muſt be our care it be not miſimproved, and whilſt we wait to hear & ſee Gods mind in a providence, we muſt not make it to ſpeak the uncertain ſound of our own fancies, and pointblank contrary to Gods wil in his word. I would that providenc•be uſed, not abuſed, and duely argued, but not made to conclude what the promiſes of ſucceſſe and proſperity will not conclude: let me therefore (unto the guiding you unto the due obſervation and Chriſtian improvement of providences, ſucceſſe and proſperity) deſire you to keep this golden Rule in mind, and have it always at hand in changeable times77 and under variety of providences, viz.
Providence is the explication of Gods mind. Concerning our enjoyments, not our endeavours, and are to convince: this is the eſtate wee muſt enjoy or endure, not theſe are the principles we muſt believe, and practice we muſt imbrace; Gods providence is no Rule to know by, no Rule to go by. It was never intended to be a line of deciſion in doubtfull controverſies; or a Rule of direction in difficult caſes; it is indeed a good Dictator to our paſſions but no direction to our actions; the due and diligent obſerver of providence ſeeth what to fear, and what to deſire, when to mourn, and when to rejoyce, and how to lye low and how to be lifted up under78 the hand of God: but not what to believe in matters of faith, and act in matters of Religion: I deny not the change of Gods people, under changing providences: but muſt have this change underſtood to be a change not of principles but paſſion, not piety and Religion, but particular acts of piety (that not in ſubſtance and matter, but method and order:) Gods providence doth ſometimes call to weeping,Iſai. 22.12. and mourning, and cloathing in ſackcloth; and ſometimes to joy and gladneſſe, and feaſting before the Lord; and he that anſwereth not this Call of Providence, with the change of his demeanour is prophane and liable to divine plagues: yet he that improves this providence to the caſting off Religion,Pſal. 44.17. and forſaking the Covenant of God is blaſphemous and irreligious, & degenerated from the Saints of old, who could cleave to Gods79 Covenant under the greateſt of croſſes, whilſt then we fear before God, and obſerve his providence, as diſpoſing all affairs under the Sun: we muſt not favour any cauſe becauſe ſucceſsfull nor follow any courſe of life, becauſe proſperous for we muſt know,
1. Precept not providence is the Rule of direction unto the people of God Their enquiry is, what doth God ſpeak, not what doth God ſucceed, God hath publiſhed his word and preſcribed it to be the Rule of life and manners, and hath bound his people to the determination thereof. Matters of faith and Religion have ever been poſitive and preſcribed by the word, and not left to the uncertain determination of providence: the Gentiles may be left to the guidance of the ſtars, and determinations of Heavens influence, but Gods Iſrael have••ws, statutes, Ordinances, and commandements80 which they muſt obſerve, & fare it as it wil wth their cōditiō, they muſt not turn to the right hand or the left hand, from Gods declared will. Deut. 5.32.1•.11.28.14.No change of providence muſt carry them from poſitive commands; their very King the ſubject of higheſt proſperity, muſt have the Law written and therein read daily, and Rule the people not by the impulſe or inſtigation of providence, but thoſe poſitive preſcriptions: in doubtful caſes Iſrael muſt appeal to the Prieſt, and have the controverſie decided by the Law, but we never read of any appeal to providence directed or allowed: to the Law and to the teſtimony,Deut. 17, 17. if they ſpeak not according to this word, it is becauſe there is no light in them. Iſa. 8.20. In the moſt dark eſtate that that ever befell Iſrael, they are directed to the word, not works of God to uphold their faith, and direct81 their converſation. Remember the Law of Moſes my ſervant wh ill I commanded him in Horeb for a Iſrael, with the ſtatutes & judgments,Mal. 4.4. was the counſell of God to Iſrael untill the comming of the Meſſiah; and he leavs not Chriſtian faith on the changable wheel of providence but committed it to writing, that it might be a ſtandard of doctrine, and Rule of life. Theſe things are written, that we may believe. Joh. 20.31. And peace is to be on as many as walk according to the written Rule. Gal. 6.16. No gracious heart ever yet durſt decline the word of God to be directed by works of providence. Ahabs majeſty, his Prophets harmony,1 King. 22.13, 14. friends perſwaſion, and fear of adverſity, have no influence on Micaiah to turn him from the word of the Lord; he will ſpeak what the Lord ſpeaketh.
Nay Balaam the falſe Prophet82 however ſwayed by the proſpering providence put into his hand, and purſuing the wages of unrighteouſneſſe, dares not•ut proteſt againſt the influence of providence a ſubjection to the word of God; The word that God putteth into my mouth, that will I ſpeak, Numb. 22.38. The Barbarians may bottome their perſwaſions of Paul,Act., 12. upon the ſucceſſe of the Viper; and the Lycaonians ſtir up their ſuperſtition by the miraculous providences that attend the Apoſtles,17.11. but the noble Bereans regard neither the one nor the other; But ſearch the Scipture, and bottome their faith on the Word of God: he that weigheth Religion in the ballance of providence, forſaketh•he ballance of the Sanctuary; God never intends by providence to juſt•e our precepts, and to make his word of none effect. Let M•homet cudgell, Chr•••J••us will convince his diſciples, and by83 his word witneſſe his truth, when providences run never ſo croſſe: to mannage a cauſe with appeals to providence, is to manifeſt a want of, or a weakneſſe in the word of God: and put the controverſie on that courſe that giveth no aſſurance of deciſion; having never been appointed to that end: to embrace any courſe becauſe it proſpereth, is to forſake the law of the Lord, as rude and uncertain; and blaſphemouſly to tempt God, by a courſe on which no faith can be founded, for that no promiſe is made unto it: obedience to the word is manifeſted, when works of providence do run counter and contrary thereunto: the appeal of comfort to the ſoul, and honour to God and his truth is, all this is come upon us, yet have we not forgotten thee, nor dealt falſly in thy Covenant. Our heart is not turned back, neither have our ſteps declined from thy84 way. Pſal. 44.17, 18. Let profane men practiſe their evill purpoſes and proſper in their evill practiſes and plead providence providence; their blaſphemie may afflict us but their plea carrieth no perſwaſion, or force to him that feareth God, & obeyeth the voice of his ſervants: one; it is written, is of more weight to a gracious ſoul, then hundreds of victories, and a ſeries of proſperity: for indeed to determine divine allowance, by good or bad ſucceſſe of any cauſe, or approve, or diſapprove any courſe of life by it's externall providence, that attend it, is to deny and determine in direct contradiction not onely to the experiences of the Church; but expreſſions and maxims of Scripture, which are multiplyed to our eſtabliſhment againſt the force of this very temptation: as, Bleſſed are the poor; theirs is the Kingdome85 of God. Bleſſed are they that hunger and thirſt, for they ſhall be fed: bleſſed are they that weep for they ſhall laugh, and bleſſed are they that men ſhall hate, ſeparate from their company, and reproach, and caſt out their name for evill, for the Son of mans ſake: ſuch were the true Prophets: great is their reward: but, on the contrary: Wo is unto the rich the full, and thoſe of whom all men ſpeak well. Luk. 6. For ſuch were the falſe Prophets of old: and again we muſt through many tribulations, enter into the Kingdome of Heaven. Acts 14.22. And the poor of this World, Rich in faith, God hath choſen: And the like all which are of no uſe if the current of common providence muſt be the ground of conviction, or guide of converſation, nay our Saviour doth ſo ſarr diſcountenance86 appeals to, and approbation of any cauſe by providence and ſucceſſe, that he will not work miracles to convert ſouls or enforce faith. When the Jewiſh Sectaries call for a ſign, and reſolve their converſion in ſome pompous, outward, and glorious ſhew, the Lord denieth a ſign, and referreth to the ſign of Jonah, dictated in holy writ: nay, and cautioneth all men to take heed of ſigns, wonders, and lying miracles, which are the arguments of Antichriſt, to out-face the Scripture. Mat. 24.24. 2 Theſ 1.9. John Huſs (out of Iſiidore, Chriſoſtome, Gregorie, and Auguſtine) hath long ſince rendered the Reaſon why miracles have ceaſed in the Church, and are onely found in favour of the falſe Prophet and Antichriſt, [viz.] becauſe the Church of Chriſt must be perſecuted,87 and ſeem abject, vile and forſaken: and muſt overcome by confeſſi•n of the truth, by holineſſe, and ſhining in good works; by love and patience, and not by power: but Antichriſt muſt ſway all; and have full power to perſecute; and Hypocrites who look after Temporals more then Eternalls muſt be diſcovered, and the true Saints tryed, and Carn•liſts bee juſtly puniſhed with that ſnare of ſpecious ſignes, and convincing providences. So that if we will not throw away our Bibles, diſown Scripture, and make divine precep•s and preſcriptions of none effect: let us never dare to appeal to providence whi•h may fall on the ſide of the moſt prophane; let us never ſay this courſe is pleaſi•g to God, becauſe pleaſing to the men that deviſe and purſue it: this God al oweth88 becauſe he proſpereth; but this he diſalloweth becauſe thereto he diſappeareth theſe are Saints, their prayers ſucceed: but theſe are ſinners,Lam 3.44. for God wrappeth himſelf as in a cloud, and ſhutteth out their prayers: for precept not providence is the Rule preſcribed by the Lord, and by it we ſee The proud are called Happy, &c.
motive. 2Providence made a Rule doth expoſe us to uncertainty of perſwaſion and unconſtan•y in profeſſion of Religion. Faith ought to be fixed; and conſtancie in it,•is the honour of any profeſſion:2 Tim. 1.13. 1 Cor. 15.58. holding faſt the form of ſound words and being ſtedfaſt and unmoveable, alway abounding in the worke of the Lord is the dutie and due property of a true beleever but forſaking the89 right rule is the way to conſtant wandring; declining the ſtandard of truth doth expoſe us to inevitable fluctuation and deviation: The admirers of the Moon, and obſervers of the wheels motion, muſt needs be ſubject unto Changes: variety of providences muſt needs ingender variety of perſwaſions by the orders thereof: ſuch as ſee by no light or ſail by no compaſſe but by ſucceſs, muſt needs (like the waves of the Sea) be tumbled and toſſed to and fro. The returns of this wheel runs men on moſt palpable, and ſhame, full contradictions: for if ſucceſs be the line of deciſion, the ſame cauſe is to day good, becauſe proſperous, to morrow evill becauſe adverſe, to day godlineſs is gain, and to morrow gain ſhal be Godlineſs, ſometime the Righteous are in honour, but anon, the Honourable are the Righteous: how ſoon do90 ſuch men change their Tune, who conclude providence to bee Gods voice. Was it not this that led men in all ages unto ſinful, ſhameful, unconſtancy;2 Sam. 7, 8, 19.19, 20, the ſame Shimei that to day curſeth David becauſe adverſe, is the firſt that to morrow cometh down and meeteth him with bleſſing,1 King. 18.40. becauſe returned with victory: They that in Ahab rage fall down before Baal in Elijahs ſucceſſfull reſolution, pull down Baall, and deſtroy his Prieſts. Providence engageth the ſame mouth to ſing Hoſannah to him that commeth in the name of the Lord; That to morrow crieth Crucifie him, Crucifie him: ſuch as conform their Religion to outward providence, ſhape a coat for the Moon; and like Baldwinus of whom Beza ſpeaks, will have Religionem Ephemeram, an every days Religion, ab his ad iſtos, abillis ad hos leviter iens aut tranſiens:91 eaſily turning hither or thither as the Apoſtle Peter contending againſt, & anon conſtraining again to the ceremonies of the Jews: like the Samaritans,Gal. 2.14 brethren to Iſrael when favoured, but ſtrangers and foes, when frowned on by Alexander: Like Eccebolius a Chriſtian in time of Conſtantinus, an Infidell and Pagan in the time of Julian the Apoſtate: and again, a Chriſtian on his death, changing his Religion with the Emperour, like the Melchites (a kind of mongrill Chriſtians) who would be of the Kings Religion: as thoſe in 2 Kin. 17. Who feared the Lord and ſerved other gods, feared the Lord that plagued them, and ſerved other gods which pleaſed the King: ſo that luke warmneſs and fluctuation of Spirit, and change, is the reſult of making outward preſent providences, the reaſon of our aſſent and diſſent to any cauſe or92 courſe: Providence is a brave principle of Skepticiſme, and a bar to Martyrdom: Our age is indeed an age of providences to be admired, and Skepticiſme to be abominated: They make indeed few and very few, Martyrs, ſometimes with hands lifted up to heaven, we vow and Covenant to God, and preſently caſt off our Covenant as an old Almanack out of date. One while we have zeal againſt Schiſmes and Hereſies, and anon Toleration Of all profeſſions is the onely note of ſanctity: we cannot keep conſtant in our very Civills onely; while we ſee God will have us ruled by a ſingle perſon, and to him we baſely bow, and again, by a republick, and for that we can engage and vow, wee eaſily ſwear and promiſe faithfulneſs to any faction, for wee do it on the principle of its preſent proſperity, and look not on our fidelity93 as due, longer then it ſucceeds: if it but begin to tumble we may break promiſe, and with violence throw it down: how ſad have been the revolutions, our eyes have ſeen: how ſhamefull the changes of men among whom we live? is not unconſtancy a ſin, a ſhame, and ſad torment to humane ſpirits: Muſt men be like children, toſſed to and fro with every wind? Like waves of the Sea, always rowling never reſting? conſtancy, even in evill is more commendable then tepidity and Lukewarmneſs. I would you were either hot or cold. Is Chriſt his own deſire of Lukewarm Laodicea. And if Baal bee God follow him, Is Elijah his advice to haling Iſrael, leſs hatefull are they to God that ſerve him not at all, then they that ſerve him with a rivall, ſaith Biſhop Hall, the Prophet rebuketh Iſraell, not ſo much for their ſuperſtition, as unſettledneſs94 and irreligion. How long will ye halt between two opinions? Peters compliance with the proſpering providence of the circumciſion was with ſtood to his face by the Apoſtle Paul: to go upright in a wrong way, is a leſs eye-ſore to God, then to halt betwixt right and wrong: ſhall not Ecebolius proclaim himſelf by his providentiall changes unſavory ſalt? is not Chriſt failed, and Chriſtian Religion ſupplanted by unconſtancy? Is Martyrdom a duty, or dignity? when to bee done and enjoyed? If providence muſt guide our courſe, nor is there more ſhame and ſin then ſorrow in the minds uncertainty, and affections in ſtability, its not onely better in the end but very enjoyment, there cannot bee a greater miſery then for a man to be a burden & terror to himſelfe: They (ſaith Cal.) who teach a doctrine of95 doubting exercent carnificinā animarum. Keep conſcience on the Rack, and leave men to the torment of their own diſtracted thoughts. He (ſaith one) that cheriſheth his own doubts,Mant non James 2.1.6. doth but hugg a diſtemper inſtead of a duty: ſo long then as following providence leads us unto perplexing propbane inconſtancy: let us to the Law and teſtimony, and know rebellion is rebellion, though ſucceſsfull, and Skepticiſm in Religion, the ſhame of Chriſtianity though accounted the Saints moderation: Lawfull authority the object of loyallty and fidellity, even when oppreſſed and ej•cted: Let us cleave to the Covenant of God againſt all changes of providences, Communication, perſw•ſion or terrors whatſoever though it coſt us never ſo de•r: whilſt this age affords few Martyrs; Let it bee our Emulation to be of the number of thoſe96 few, however the wheel of providence doth alter, diſpoſe, and change our condition; let us cleave to the Word, and bee conſtant in an holy converſation towards God and towards men;
motive. 3But again, ſuch as ſavour any cauſe, and follow any courſe becauſe of its proſpering providence: fall into an impudent and blaſphemous courſe of ſin. Prophaneneſs is the naturall product of marching after proſpering providence, what impiety doth not iſſue from the proſperity of the prophane? Leads it not unto all cruelty, oppreſſion, injuſtice, and tyranny among men? Jam. 2.6 5.5, 6. pride, ſecurity, and ſenſuallity in themſelves? Pſal 73.6. Nay, Atheiſme and irreligion, and open contempt of God and Godlineſs: when we call the proud happy, and they that work wickedneſs are ſet up, Mal. 3.17. Do not men ſay it is97 vain to ſerve God: proſpering providences do many times feed Atheiſme, as it's very blood who would thimk there were a God? is the old obſervation of the oppreſſed juſt men, among the heathen: for the wicked ſucceeding ſay there is no God, he doth not regard, or he is altogether blaſphemous,Pſal. 10.11 and ſaith God is ſuch an one as our ſelvs,Pſa. 50.21. and he abetteth our undertakings, and delivereth us to work theſe abominations:Jer. 7.7. and ſo the wicked wax impudent in their impiety, becauſe ſentence against an evill work is not ſpeedily executed, therefore the heart of the ſons of men is fully ſet in them to do evill, Eccl. 8.11. So that whoever ſhall make providence the Principle of his perſwaſion, and guide of his converſation muſt make prophaneneſs his courſe, and Atheiſme his Religion. What daring impieties have been deviſed, purſued, and effected98 by ſuch as crie up providence for their guide? What open proclamation is made of divine providence, when men deviſe miſchief, and enter upon it with holy faſting, and return from it with holy feaſting? Oh the blaſphemie of Jazabells faſt! ſolemnly to implore divine help and favour, on treaſon, rebellion, perfidie, perjury, and all prophaneneſs: Muſt not this needs ſpeak that theſe men think that God is like themſelvs: faith only can under