The copy of a letter ſent from the Kings Army to a Gentleman of worth and qualitie in SUFFOLK: Shewing the preſent condition of the Kings Army, intercepted Auguſt 28. by the Scouts at Cambridge, and by them brought to the Committee.
Publiſhed by Order.
⟨Septemb: 3d. ⟩
Printed at Cambridge by R. D. 1645.
THis is the firſt opportunitie (ſince I went out at the beginning of May, to wait on my Maſter) that I could find to convey any Letters to your hands, by which I can now acquaint you with nothing that is likely to afford you any content or ſatisfaction, but onely this; That my ſelf, with ſome other of your friends here amongſt us, are in good health; and that indeed is a greater bleſſing then we deſerve; and God make us ſenſible of his mercie that affords us it to ſweeten all our other calamities, which it hath lately pleaſed him to poure upon us in a very plentifull meaſure: his will be done, and hallowed be his name; and yet how great ſoever our ſufferings & afflictions have lately been, they are like to prove but the beginning of ſorrows, and prologue to that full Scene of miſerie, which in probabilitie we ſhall ſhortly act: The King being in no condition to keep the field, he dares not reſt in any Garriſon for fear of being beſieged; we have no ſtrength at all of our own; and there is ſo much profaneneſſe and irreligion, ſo much violence and oppreſsion amongſt us, that I know not how to expect any aſsiſtance from above, that God can bleſſe the proceedings of ſo wicked an Armie, whoſe ſinnes increaſe with our puniſhments. We are here now at Wooburn within 26. miles of Oxford, and the Enemie at Northampton, with a greater power to get between us and home. We march long and tedious marches to prevent it; yeſterday from Huntington, and ſet not out till eleven a clock; The King is in ſuch a condition that he knows not which way to turn himſelf: God Almighty may pleaſe to manifeſt and magnifie his power and goodneſſe in our weakneſſe and ſinfulneſſe; for I have learned from him that our extremitie is his opportunitie: and truly upon that prop I reſt my ſelf, reſolved to run the ſame fortune to the uttermoſt that it ſhall pleaſe God to ſend my Maſter. My attendance on him at this inſtant calls upon me to break off abruptly, and tell you that I am and ever ſhall continue
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