HIS HIGHNES'S COMMISSION UNDER The Great Seal of England, DIRECTED To the Lords Commiſsioners of the Treaſury, Barons of the Exchequer, and others.
OLIVER, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging, To our right truſty and welbeloved, the Commiſsioners of and for our Treaſury, the Barons of our Exchequer, and our Attorney General for the time being; And all other our Officers and Miniſters of or in our Exchequer; And all others, to whom theſe preſents ſhall appertain, and to every of them, Greeting;
Whereas by our Letters Patents under our Great Seal of England, bearing date at Weſtminſter the Three and twentieth day of May, in the year of our Lord God, One thouſand ſix hundred fifty and ſix, we have for the Reaſons therein expreſſed, nominated, conſtituted, and appointed Ralph Hall, Peter Elliſton, John Griffith, Edward Carey, John Wilsby, William Bridges, and Nathaniel Stirrup, Eſquires, to be our Commiſsioners, and have thereby impowred and authorized, and appointed them or any four or more of them, to receive for and on our behalf, all ſuch Informations as ſhould by any perſon or perſons4 be exhibited before them, touching or any way concerning our Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Moneys, Plate, Iewels, Goods, Chattels, or other things belonging to us in right of the Commonwealth, and not pardoned, but unjuſtly concealed and detained. And by all ſuch good and lawful ways and means, as to them or any four or more of them, ſhould ſeem meet to ſend for any Perſons, Parties, Witneſſes, Records, Accompts, Books, and Writings whatſoever; And if upon any ſuch Information, Examination, and Inquiry, and full hearing of the parties concerned, and mature conſideration had of the whole matter, it ſhould appear unto them our ſaid Commiſsioners, or any four or more of them, That any ſuch Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Moneys, Goods, Chattels, Plate, Iewels, or other things, ſo belonging to us in right of the Commonwealth, and not pardoned, be unjuſtly concealed or detained as aforeſaid; then they our ſaid Commiſsioners, or any four or more of them ſhould forthwith from time to time, under their Hands and Seals, certifie all ſuch Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Moneys, Goods, Chattels, Plate, Iewels, and other things ſo diſcovered; together with the whole matter, touching ſuch Diſcovery or Diſcoveries to you our ſaid Commiſsioners of our Treaſury for the time being, to the end you our ſaid Commiſſioners of our Treaſury, might forthwith cauſe the premiſes by Proces out of our Court of Exchequer, to be duly ſeiſed into our hands, and to that purpoſe put in charge in the great Roll of the Pipe there; which ſaid Commiſſioners for Diſcoveries or four or more of them, we did in and by our ſaid Letters Patents, command and require to meet upon Monday the Six and twentieth day of May laſt paſt, by nine of the clock in the morning at Worceſter-Houſe in the5 Strand, in the County of Middlefex, then and there to enter upon the execution of that our Commiſſion, and to proceed therein for the ſpace of one whole year, from the date of our ſaid Commiſſion, or until we ſhould ſignifie our pleaſure to the contrary.
And whereas for the Reaſons in our Letters Patents at large expreſſed, We have declared our will and pleaſure to be, and have thereby with the advice and conſent of our Council, granted, That all and every perſon and perſons, who before you our ſaid Commiſſioners of and for our Treaſury had then diſcovered, or upon any Information or Informations to be afterwards exhibited before them our ſaid Commiſſioners for Diſcoveries, or any four or more of them ſhould diſcover, or upon any Bill or Information then exhibited, or afterwards to be exhibited in our ſaid Court of Exchequer, had then diſcovered or ſhould after diſcover any ſuch Manors, Lands, Tenements, Money, Plate, Iewels, or any other the premiſes ſo belonging to us, and not pardoned, but unjuſtly concealed or detained as aforeſaid; and the reſpective Heirs, Executors, Adminiſtrators and Aſſigns of all and thery ſuch perſon and perſons ſo diſcovering, ſhould from time to time, and at all tiems, have and enjoy to their own uſe and behoof, one full Fifth part, or ſo much more as you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, ſhould think fit to allow of all Annual and other ſum and ſums which ſhould be paid into the Receipt of our Exchequer, upon any ſuch Diſcovery or Diſcoveries, and upon the proſecution of any ſuch perſon or perſons ſo diſcovering reſpectively; And that if any perſons or perſons be ſeiſed of any ſuch Manor, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Moneys, Plate, Iewels, Goods, or Chattels, or owing any ſuch Arrears of Rents, Debts, and Duties, ſo belonging to us, and not pardoned, but unjuſtly concealed or detained as aforeſaid, ſhould voluntarily firſt diſcover6 the ſame unto you our ſaid Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, before any ſuch diſcovery thereof made as aforeſaid, and ſhould ſubmit unto ſuch Orders and Directions, as ſhould by you our ſaid Commiſſioners of our Treaſury be given, for the more ſpeedy ſeiſing into our hands, and due charging in the great Roil of the Pipe aforeſaid, all ſuch Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Goods, and Chattels; ſo voluntarily diſcovered as aforeſaid, then and in ſuch caſe onely; We have in and by our ſaid Letters Patents declared our will to be, That ſuch perſon and perſons ſo voluntarily diſcovering, and his, her, and their reſpective Heirs and Aſſigns, ſhould from time to time, and at all times have and enjoy to their own uſe one full Fifth part, or ſo much more as you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury, ſhould think fit to allow of all Annual, or other ſum or ſums of Money which ſhould be paid into the Receipt of our Exchequer, upon voluntary diſcovery or diſcoveries of any ſuch Manors, Lands, Tenements, Goods, Chattels, or other the premiſes; and ſhould likewiſe have Allowance, Deduction, Defalcation, and Retainer, to him, her, or themſelves, of one full Fifth part, or of ſo much more as you our ſaid Commiſſioners of our Treaſury ſhould think fit, to allow of all ſuch Arrears of Reants, Debts, Duties, Plate, Iewels, and ſums of Money ſo voluntarily diſcovered, to be in his, her, or their poſſeſſion, or by him, her, or them owing, concealed or detained as aforeſaid.
And whereas in and by our ſaid Letters Patents, we have declared our further will and pleaſure to be, That if any perſon or perſons having compounded, and having any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Moneys, Plate, Iewels, Goods, or Chattels, omitted out of his, her, or their Compoſition or Compoſitions not7 pardoned, but unjuſtly concealed or detained as aforeſaid, or being then under Sequeſtration for the Delinquency or Recuſancy; and having any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Moneys, Plate, Iewels, Goods, or Chattels, not ſequeſtred nor pardoned but concealed or detained as aforeſaid; or being compriſed in any Act for Sale; and having any Copihold or Cuſtomary Lands or Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Goods or Chattels, not ſequeſrred nor pardoned, but concealed or detained as aforeſaid; Do and ſhould before any ſuch diſcovery thereof made as aforeſaid, Petition you our ſaid Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, to be admitted to compound for the ſame; Then we have thereby willed and authoriſed you our ſaid Commiſſioners of our Treaſury, That in ſuch caſe you compound with ſuch perſon or perſons ſo petitioning after the rate of one Fourth part of the value of ſuch Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Moneys, Goods, and Chattels reſpectively; and have by our ſaid Letters Patents, delared and granted by and with the advice and conſent of our Council, That all andevery ſuch perſon and perſons who ſhould compound as aforeſaid, and after ſubmit unto ſuch Orders and Directions as by you our ſaid Commiſſioners of our Treaſury ſhould be given, for duly charging ſuch ſum or ſums of Money as ſhould be due, and owing upon ſuch Compoſition or Compoſitions in the Roll of the Pipe, and ſhould duly pay the ſame into the Receipt of our Exchequer; and the Heirs, Executors, Adminiſtrators and Aſſigns of ſuch perſon and perſons ſo compounding, ſubmitting, and paying, ſhould and might peaceably hold and enjoy all ſuch Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Goods and Chattels ſo compounded for, free and clear, of and from8 any Seiſure, Sequeſtration or Moleſtation whatſoever, any thing in that our ſaid Commiſſion or otherwiſe to the contrary notwithſtanding; as in and by our ſaid Letters Patents relation, being thereunto had more at large (amongſt other things) it doth and may appear.
And whereas we have received Information, that the ſaid Nathaniel Stirrup, one of our Commiſſioners beforementioned, is lately dead, Know ye, That we by the advice of our Council, have nominated and aſſigned, and by theſe preſents, Do nominate and aſſign our truſty and welbeloved Robert Griffith Eſq to be One of our Commiſſioners as aforeſaid, in the ſtead and place of him the ſaid Nathaniel Stirrup, deceaſed; to do and execute all and ſingular, the Powers and Authorities in our ſaid Letters of Commiſſion mentioned, and all and every other thing and things therein contained, together with our ſaid other Commiſſioners ſurviving, according to the purport and intent thereof; and that in as full and ample manner and form to all intents and purpoſes, as if he the ſaid Robert Griffith had been ſpecially and expreſly named One of our ſaid Commiſſioners in that our Commiſſion aforeſaid. And our will and pleaſure is, That he the ſaid Robert Griffith be reputed and taken as one of our Commiſſioners aforeſaid, by force and vertue of theſe preſents, to do and execute the premiſes accordingly; And to the intent and purpoſe, That our will and pleaſure in and by our ſaid Letters Patents, ſo as above declared, may be put in due execution; And all ſuch Fifths, Allowances, Defalcations, and Compoſitions, may be duly had and made according to the true intent and meaning of our ſaid (in part recited) Letters Patents, Know ye further, That we have authoriſed and required and by theſe preſents, do authoriſe and require you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, or any Two or more of9 you, from time to time, to receive as well all ſuch Certificates of any ſuch Diſcovery or Diſcoveries made or to be made before our ſaid Commiſſioners for Diſcoveries, or any four of them; as alſo all ſuch voluntary Diſcoveries as have been or ſhall be firſt made before you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury, or any two or more of you as aforeſaid: And we have authoriſed and required, and by theſe preſents do authoriſe and require you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury, Barons of our Exchequer, and our Attorney General for the time being, and all other our Officers and Miniſters of, and in our ſaid Exchequer, whom it may concern, That according to the duties of your ſeveral places, you cauſeall ſuch Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Moneys, Plate, Iewels, Goods, Chattels and other things, ſo as above certified to be diſcovered before our ſaid Commiſſioners for Diſcoveries, or any four of them, or ſo as above voluntarily firſt diſcovered before you our ſaid Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, to be ſeiſed into our hands by due Proces out of our ſaid Exchequer, or put in charge either in the great Roll of the Pipe, or with the Auditors of our ſaid Exchequer, As to you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, ſhall be thought moſt advantagious for the Commonwealth in that behalf.
And we have authoriſed and required, and by theſe preſents, do authoriſe and require you our ſaid Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, or any two or more of you from time to time, to allow unto all and every ſuch perſon and perſons, who before you our ſaid Commiſſioners of our Treaſury, have, at, or before the day of the date of our ſaid Commiſſion, ſo as above diſcovered, or before our ſaid Commiſſioners for Diſcoveries, have ſo as aboveſaid diſcovered, or ſhall hereafter diſcover; or10 upon any Bill or Information exhibited or to be exhibited in our ſaid Court of Exchequer, have ſo as above diſcovered, or ſhall hereafter diſcover; and to the Heirs, Executors, Adminiſtrators, and Aſſigns, of all and every ſuch perſon or perſons ſo diſcovering, one full Fifth part of all ſuch Annual and other ſum or ſums of Money whatſoever; as by the joynt or ſeveral Certificate or Certificates of the Clerk of the Pells, of the Receipt of our Exchequer, and other our Officer or Officers, unto whom it ſhall appertain, ſhall appear unto you the Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, or any two or more of you, to be paid into the Receipt of our Exchequer, upon any ſuch Diſcovery or Diſcoveries, and upon the proſecution of ſuch perſon or perſons ſo diſcovering reſpectively.
And we do alſo by theſe preſents, authoriſe and require you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, or any two or more of you from time to time, to grant your Warrant or Warrants, for the due payment out of the Receipt of our Exchequer, of ſuch Fifth part, or Fifth parts, unto ſuch perſon or perſons ſo diſcovering, and their Heirs, Executors, Adminiſtrators, and Aſſigns, reſpectively. Nevertheleſs, if any perſon or perſons being ſo as above ſaid, ſeiſed or poſſeſſed of any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Moneys, Plate, Iewels, Goods, Chattels, or other things, or owing any Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, or other things ſo as above, belonging unto us, and concealed or detained as aforeſaid, have ſo as above, voluntarily firſt diſcovered, or ſhall voluntarily firſt diſcover the ſame unto you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, before any ſuch diſcovery thereof, made as aforeſaid; and have ſubmitted or ſhall ſubmit unto ſuch Orders and Directions, as by you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, or any two or more of you have been or ſhall11 be given, for the due ſeiſing into our hands, the premiſes ſo voluntarily diſcovered or to be diſcovered, and putting the ſame in charge in the great Roll of the Pipe, or with the Auditors of our Exchequer; Then our will and pleaſure is, and we do by theſe preſents, authoriſe and require you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, or any two or more of you from time to time; and at all times to make allowance by way of Deduction, Defalcation, and Retainer, to ſuch perſon and perſons, ſo voluntarily diſcovering, and his, her, and their Heirs, Executors, Adminiſtrators and Aſſigns reſpectively, of one full Fifth part of al ſuch Rents, Arrears of Rents, Moneys, and Debts, ſo voluntarily firſt diſcovered; and alſo to make allowance unto ſuch perſon and perſons, ſo voluntarily diſcovering; and his, her, and their Heirs, Executors, Adminiſtrators and Aſſigns reſpectively, of one full Fifth part of all ſuch Annual, and other ſum and ſums of Money, as by ſuch Certificate or Certificates of our ſaid Clerk of the Pells, of the Receipt of our Exchequer, and other our Officers, to whom it ſhall appertain, ſhall appear unto you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, to be paid into the Receipt of one Exchequer, upon ſuch voluntary Diſcovery or Diſcoveries of any ſuch Manors, Lands, Tenements, Plate, Iewels, Goods, and Chattels: And alſo, we do by theſe preſents authoriſe and require you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, or any two or more of you, from time to time, to grant your Warrant or Warrants as well for ſtriking of Tallies for ſuch Fifts by way of Deduction, Defalcation and Retainer; as alſo for the due payment out of the Receipt of our Exchequer of ſuch Fifths, of all ſuch Annual and other ſums of Money, unto ſuch perſon or perſons ſo voluntarily diſcovering and ſubmitting, and his, her, and their Heirs; Executors,12 Adminiſtrators, and Aſſigns, reſpectively. And for the better ſatisfaction unto all and every ſuch perſon and perſons, any ways intitled unto any ſuch Fifths as aforeſaid, We do by theſe preſents authoriſe and require you our ſaid Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, or any two or more of you from time to time to contract with any perſon or perſons ſo intitled unto any ſuch Fifths for any Leaſe or Leaſes of any ſuch Manors, Lands, or Tenements ſo diſcovered for any term of years, to be made unto ſuch perſon or perſons ſo intitled, in full ſatisfaction of ſuch their Fifths as aboveſaid: And ſuch Leaſe and Leaſes ſo to be contracted for, and made, ſhall paſs under our Great Seal of England, or the Seal of our Exchequer, by Warrant under the hands of you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, or of any two or more of you: And we do by theſe preſents, further authoriſe and require you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, or any two or more of you, from time to time to receive the Petition and Petitions of all and every ſuch perſon and perſons, as having compounded, and having any ſuch Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Moneys, Plate, Iewels, Goods or Chattels, omitted out of his or their Compoſition or Compoſitions, and ſo unjuſtly concealed or detained, as aforeſaid; and being now under Sequeſtration for Delinquency or Recuſancy, and having any ſuch Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Moneys, Plate, Iewels, Goods, or Chattels not ſequeſtred, but concealed or detained as aforeſaid, or being compriſed in any Act for Sale, and having any Copihold or Cuſtomary Lands, or Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Goods, or Chattels not ſequeſtred, but concealed or detained as aforeſaid, or the Petition and Petitions of the Heirs, Executors, Adminiſtrators,13 or Aſſigns of ſuch perſon or perſons, having ſo compounded, or being, or having been ſo under Sequeſtration, or being ſo compriſed in any Act for Sale as aforeſaid reſpectively, as ſhall before any diſcovery thereof made as aforeſaid; and before the expiration of our ſaid Commiſſion, Petition you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, to be admitted to compound for the ſame reſpectively; and to compound with all and every ſuch perſon and perſons ſo Petitioning, after the rate of one Fourth part of the value of ſuch Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Moneys, Plate, Goods and Chattels, reſpectively; and alſo to make and give ſuch Orders and Directions as to you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury for the time being, or any two or more of you ſhall be thought fit for the due charging the great Roll of the Pipe; all and every ſuch ſum and ſums of money ſo due or owing upon any ſuch Compoſition or Compoſitions reſpectively, and for the ſpeedy payment thereof into the Receipt of our Exchequer accordingly.
And we do by theſe preſents authoriſe, will and require you our Commiſſioners of our Treaſury, Barons of our Exchequer, and our Attorney General for the time being, and all other our Officers and Miniſters of and in our Exchequer, whom it may concern, To permit and ſuffer all and every ſuch perſon and perſons, that ſhall ſo Petition and Compound, and ſhall likewiſe obſerve and perform ſuch Orders and Directions, and their Heirs, Executors, Adminiſtrators and Aſſigns reſpectively, from time to time, quietly and peaceably to have hold and occupy, all ſuch Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties, Moneys, Plate, Iewels, Goods, and Chattels, ſo compounded for, free and clear, of and from any Seiſure, Sequeſtration, or other Moleſtation whatſoever; Any Law,14 Statute, Act, Ordinance, or any other matter or thing whatſoever to the contrary, in any wiſe notwithſtanding: And for ſo doing, and for obſerving and executing our will and pleaſure herein expreſſed, and the ſeveral Authorities hereby given, Theſe preſents ſhall be unto you, and every of you reſpectively, a good, abſolute and ſufficient diſcharge. In witneſs whereof, We have cauſed theſe our Letters to be made Patents; witneſs our ſelf at Weſtminſter the Twelfth day of March, One thouſand ſix hundred fifty and ſix.