1. GReek Teſtament, Printed by Jo. Redmayn oct.
2. The compleat Vineyard, or the moſt excellent way for the planting of Vines, by William Hughes in oct.
3. Praxis Curiae Admiralitatis Angliae, Authore F. Clerk, oct.
4. A deſcription of Candia in its Ancient and modern eſtate, with an account of the ſiege and ſurrender to the Turks, oct. Price 1s.
5. The deaf and dumb mans diſcourſe, being a diſcourſe of ſuch as are born deaf and dumb, ſhewing how they expreſs the ſentiments of their minds, together with an account of the rationality of Beaſts, particularly of the Elephant, oct. Price 1s.
6. Des Cartes the Philoſopher's life, oct. Price 1s.
7. Gees, ſteps to the Temple, Twenty fours.
8. The Chriſtian pattern or imitation of Chriſt. written by Thomas of Kempis, Twenty fours.
9. An anſwer to Mr. Furguſon's doctrine about Chriſt's Juſtification and Sanctification, together with an account of the extent of Chriſt's death, by J. Knowls, oct. Price 1s. 6d.
10. De Mirabilibus Pecci, Carmen, Autho. Tho. Hobs, quar.
11. Sir Henry Blunt's Voyage into the Levant, Twelves. Price 1s.
12. Compleat meaſurer, or a new and exact way of Meaſuration by Tho. Hammond oct. Price 1s.
13. Mr. Hobs. Roſetum Geometricum, quar. Pr 3s.
14. Carpenters Rule made eaſie by Mr. Darling, twelves.
15. The flower-Garden inlarged, ſhewing how to order and increaſe all manner of flowers, whether by layers, ſlips, off-ſets, cuttings, ſeeds, &c. alſo how to draw a Horizontal Dyal in a Garden, with a Treatiſe of all Roots, Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Fruits, Herbs, &c in the Kings plantations, twelves, by William Hughes.
16. The Elegant Poems of Dr. Richard Corbet, Dean of Chriſt Church in Oxford after Bp. of Nor•i•h, twelves.
17. Boccalin's advirtiſements from Parnaſſus, Fol.
18. Ogilby's Virgil, Engliſh with Notes and Cuts, oct.
19. Brownlow's reports compleat in 2 parts, quar.
20. The Court of Curioſity, being a very delightful and pleaſant fortune-book, an excellent and learned Treatiſe of Dreams, and an ingenious diſcourſe of Phyſiognomy: written in French, now Engliſhed the ſecond edition, improved, twelves, Price 2s.
21. Lux mathematica, Author Tho. Hobs.
22. Principia & problemata aliquot Geometrica, ante deſparata, &c. Author Tho. Hobs. quar.
23. The American Phyſitian treating of all the flowers, roots, Plants, and Herbs that grow in his Majeſties American plantations by William Hughes, twelves.
24. Lucius Florus tranſlated into Engliſh, oct.
25. Caeſar's commentaries Engliſhed by Mr. Edmonds with notes, fol.
26. Wingates Clerk's tutor in writing and Arithmetick, oct.
27. The Judges Reſolution concerning the ſeveral ſtatutes of Bankrupts, oct.
28. Mary Magdalens tears wip'd off.
29. Biſhop Sparrow's Rationale on the Common Prayer, twelves.
30. Clarkes Lives of the fathers, School-men, Ancient and Modern Divines, fol.
31 Grotins's Catechiſm, Greek, Latine and Engliſh, with a praxis to the Greek, oct.
32. The great Law of Nature about ſelf-preſervation vindicated againſt the abuſes of Mr. Hobs in his Leviathan, twelves.
33. Calliopes Cabbinet opened, wherein all Gentlemen may be informed how to order themſelves for all funerals, feaſts, and Heroick meetings, to know all degrees of Honour, and how all perſons of all degrees are to take place, with a dictionary of all the Terms in Heraldry.
34. A new collection of Songs and Poems, written by ſeveral Wits now living, oct.
35. A diſcourſe of the Dukedome of Modena, the Native Country of her Royal Highneſs the Dutcheſs of York, quar.
36. Brevis Demonſtratio, proving the truth and excellency of the Chriſtian Religion by Reaſon, recommendeded to all Rational men by ſeveral Eminent Divines in London. twelves.
37. Walton's Lives, of four Eminent men, oct.
38. Nomenclatura, Greek, Latine, and Engliſh oct.
39. The Apopthegmes, or witty ſentences of Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England, twelves.
40. Partheniſſa, a Romance written by the Earl of Orrorey, fol.
41. Caſſandra, a Romance, fol.
42. The Primitive inſtitution, or a ſeaſonable diſcourſe of Catechizing, wherein is ſhewed the antiquity, benefits and neceſſity thereof, together with its ſuitableneſs to heal the preſent diſtempers of the Church by Lancellot Addiſon, D. D.
43. The preſent State of the Jewes, wherein is contained an exact account of all their preſent cuſtomes, ſecular and religious, to which is annexed a diſcourſe of the Miſna, Talmud, and Gemara, by Lancellot Addiſon, D. D. twelves.
44. Homer's works, tranſlated out of Greek into Engliſh by Tho. Hobs, twelves.
45. The Golden Rule of Arithmetick made eaſie oct.
46. A ſupplement or third Volum of Mr. Hobs his works. quar.
47. Seventy eight Characters, oct.
48. The Grounds of Soveraignty and Greatneſs, quar.
49. Camera Regis, or a ſhort view of London containing the antiquity, Frame, Walls, River, Bridg Gates, Tower, Cathedral, Officers, Courts, Cuſtomes, Franchiſes, &c. of the ſaid City, oct.
50. A Sermon preached at the Funeral of a man drowned in a pit. oct.
51. Mr. Howel's Viſitation ſermon, quar.
52. The Hiſtorians Guide in two parts, containing the moſt remarkable paſſages done in England for ſeventy ſix years laſt paſt, oct.
53. The circumciſion of the Great Turks ſon, and the Ceremony of the Marriage of his Daughter.
54. Naked truth or the intrigues of amorous Fops, oct.
55. Kitchins Court Leet and Court Baron, ſhewing the power, nature, practice and juriſdiction of theſe and other Courts, oct.
56. Scarron's Comical Romance, or a facetious Hiſtory of a Company of Stage Players, interwoven with divers choice Novels, rare adventures, and amourous intrigues, written in French by the famous and witty Monſieur Scarron now done into Engliſh, by J B. Gent, fol.
57. A Letter about liberty and neceſſity, written by Tho. Hobs of Malmsbury, with obſervations upon it, by Dr. Benjamin Laney late Biſhop of Ely, twelves.
58. A Modeſt Plea for the Clergy of the Church of England, wherein is briefly conſidered the Original antiquity, neceſſity, together with the occaſions they are ſo ſlighted and contemned, oct.
59. Aſtrological Judgement, and practice of phyſick deduced from the poſition of the Heavens, at the decumbiture of the ſick perſon, being the thirty years practice of Mr. Richard Saunders, oct.
6. A treatiſe of Wool and Cattle, ſhewing how far they raiſe or abate value of lands in England quar.
61. A diſcourſe whether〈◊〉may be lawful to take Uſe for mony; written by Sir Robert Filmer, and publiſhed by Sir Roger Twiſden, twelves, printed this year, 1678.
1. The white Devil or Vittoria Corombona.
2. The old Troop or Monſieur Raggou.
3. Catalines conſpiracy.
4. Amorous gallant or Love and faſhion.
5. The mock duelliſt or French Vallet.
6. Wrangling Lovers or the Inviſible Miſtris.
7. Tom Eſſence or the Modiſh Wife, quar.
8. French Conjurer.
9. Wits led by the Noſe.
10. The Rival Kings.
11. The conſtant Nymph or Rambling ſhepherd.
There is Printing an excellent Peice of Natural Philoſophy in Engliſh, never before Printed, written by Tho. Hobs of Malmsbury, who is yet living.
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