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Mutatus Polemo REVISED, BY Some Epiſtolary Obſervations of a Country Miniſter, a Friend to the Presbyterian Government. Sent up to a Reverend Paſtor in London. Whereunto is annexed A Large TRACTATE, Diſ­cuſsing the CAUSES betwixt Presbyter, SCOTLAND, and Independent, ENGLAND. As it was ſent (in a Letter incloſed) to the REVISER, And Penned by C. H. Eſquire.

〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Lucian.
Factioſus odit plus quàm duos:
Wiſdom begins at the end.

London, Printed for Robert White. 1650.

The Printer to the Reader.

Judicious Reader,

S Ʋch I conceive only fit to peruſe this following Piece: I lately printed a Book, entituled, Mutatus Polemo, or, The horrible Stratagems of the Jeſuits during our Civil wars, &c. In which there is promiſed a ſe­cond grand Diſcovery, which is by many (far and neer) very much enquired after, and which I underſtand will be ready for the Preſs, as ſoon as the Author is returned from his Circuit, which in ſhort time is expected; and hearing that there were ſome ſheets relating to that Book in the cuſtody of ſome worthy men, I forthwith made ſtrict enquiry after them, being not on­ly much deſirous to know what they might import, but I thought alſo I might have been diſappointed of ha­ving the ſecond Copy: at laſt I happily met with a Friend, who not onely helped me to the ſight hereof, but moreover told me he could wiſh it were made publique; which (Courteous Reader) I have now done, partly for his deſire, but principally for thy ſatisfaction: And I have been bold alſo to entitle it, Mutatus Pole­mo Reviſed; which to my judgement ſeems very proper for the firſt ſubject, it being the pro and con arguings of an able Countrey Miniſter concerning that Book: But for this ſecond Piece here, I dare ſay it will ſpeak for it ſelf; thou canſt not rightly underſtand either, unleſs thou haſt read Mut. Pol. yet I recommend them to thy peruſall, becauſe I am confident it will won­derfully inform thee in many great myſteries and paſ­ſages of theſe times, to thy great contentment: Read, conſider, and be wiſe; I for my part have all I lookt for, if (the Book ſelling well) I ſhall herein have advantaged the Publique, mine own, and thy private good; which is the earneſt deſire, and ſtudious endeavour of

Thy well-wiſhing Friend, R. W.
Worthy Sir, and dear Fellow-Labourer in the Lord JESUS CHRIST.

NO ſooner had I curſorily run over this Book which herewithall I ſend you, but forth­with a great controverſie aroſe in the diſ­courſe of my minde concerning many mat­ters: as firſt, What ſhould ail Mr. my Stationer to ſend me down that piece which he knew would ſcarce obtain a peruſal at my hands; and ſe­condly, when indeed I had firſt ſcan'd it, it could not by and by work upon me that it was any other but the fictitious vanity of ſome idle Wit; yet a while I ſuſpended that my conceit, till I had once again warily con'd it over: And firſt of all for the Title, (ſo far muſt I diſplay mine own weakneſs to the world) I profeſs I do not underſtand that Aenigma of Mu­tatus Polemo; happily it may be a pretty conceit of the witty Novice, and worth the enquiring after; I beſeech you (Sir) let us ſee one line of your London interpretation in your next.

At the firſt view of the Frontiſpiece, verily I was (for the preſent) much ſtartled, when I found the Jeſuite to be clos'd with the godly party of the Presbyterie, and all to draw on the old Catholike Cauſe; but turning over leaf, and finding it de­dicated to the Lord Preſident, I began to reſolve it was meerly an invented and compoſed thing of ſome of their own party; yet when again in the Epiſtle I finde him gravely acknow­ledging his deſerts of a Rope and Death, (its true) it a little ſtumbled me, not much, I confeſs; all might be jugling yet for all this; But Sir, when he comes to his Reader, in good2 ſooth he grapples ſhrewdly with my belief, and does aſſure us that ſome of our greateſt Statſmen knew the reality of theſe thingalready, and ſo ſhall we alſo in another Diſcovery of his, now fitting for the Preſs, &c.

Certainly Sir, the man is not mad to engage the Publike State, and his particular reputation, (whom (he ſayes) we ſhall be acquainted with hereafter) and all for the confirma­tion of a Novell Invention.

But (Sir) let us ſpeak impartially, I profeſs I am perſonally convinced of the truth of the generality of his diſcovery; when I ſee he ſticks not to tell us whoſe Convert he was, even that incomparable Divine, (as he indeed fitly calls him) (and I may add moreover that ſometimes worthy friend and ac­quaintance of mine) Mr. G. of C.C. in Oxford, now in that Houſe a Principal, of which I my ſelf was once a mean mem­ber. And to be brief (Sir) its ſome little ſatisfaction to me, that he is really a Novice as he pretends (but I mean in Inde­pendencie;) becauſe truly if you mark, he is ſomewhat too acutely facete; he is not ſufficiently initiated in their Tone and Dialect: and beſides his deſcription of Places, and his ſo home-particularizing of ſo many ſundry eminent perſons, both French, Welch, Engliſh, and Scotch, makes me think o­therwiſe of it then a Romance: Truly then if ſo be, as he pro­miſes, he will ſpeedily undertake the Miniſtery, I am confi­dent he will not (as indeed he may not) be aſhamed of the great ſervice he hath done to the Church of God wards, and his Countrey, in this pithy (and in my ſecond thought) ſeri­ous Relation of his.

And now Sir, let me ask leave to extract out of that piece of his ſome ſad Obſervations which too nearly relate unto us, who have all along been profeſs'd parties of the Presbyterie; In truth they lye very heavy upon (and oppreſs) my ſpirit, and concerning which (good Sir) I earneſtly deſire (and in the Bowels of Jeſus Chriſt conjure you) to ſend down your ſerious and unbiaſſed opinion, that ſo we of your friends in the Country, by your judicious holdings forth, and the work­ings of the Lords Spirit upon us, may be rightly informed in that which we are too willing to ſtand in doubt of.

3Page 1.For indeed, as the Novice begins, here are things diſcovered to my ſence which have lain long buried in deep vaults below the gueſſes of ordinary men.

And now firſt (Sir) Though I could willingly pretermit and neglect that ſame ſhrewd Character which he very homely beſtows on the late King (and which in very truth our Bre­thren, as well as the Independent may acknowledge to be too too like him) yet I cannot but call to minde his obſtinacie (as he calls it) eſpecially againſt the Reformation and Co­venant of God, even during the time the Lord was pleaſed to make us his inſtruments of affliction unto him, I mean all the impriſonment, contempt, and hardſhips he endured at our hands, before Providence gave us power not longer o­ver him; No doubt ſome of his Sycophant creatures have been ſo carnally minded, as to predicate this to be a certain con­ſtancy in him, which verily (it ſhould ſeem) was a meer natu­ral implacability incident to Princes, and inherent in him; who when he once hated any man (as he did us, equal with the In­dependent) he would never be perfectly reconciled to him; nor would he (you know) be moved to take the Lords Cove­nant by our perſwaſions, in the Ile of Wight, though never ſo convincing; and for his ſervility to thoſe whom he loved for his own ends, we are ſatisfactorily perſwaded the Novice is in the right: Certainly a Digby could make him forſake his own judgement, and a Rupert his knowledge.

Yet verily I do not approve of that expreſſion of the No­vices, when he ſays, that by the art of Diſſimulation which he had in him, he could (when he ſaw occaſion) cloſe with the moſt mortall of his enemies; in good truth Sir, this is not ſo, for at our great Treaty with him, nor at Holdenby before that, we could not make him yield to us; we were glad (you know) for ſome ſecret reaſons of State, and for fear of ſtoop­ing to our fellows, (and ſo to looſe the beſt end of the ſtaff) to ſubſcribe unto him in moſt things (I grieve to ſpeak it) which were prejudicial, yea truly diametrically oppoſite to our promiſed Reformation; then certainly if I am not much out, the Novices meaning herein muſt be this, his running to the Scots.

4Again, verily it is a bitter wipe given us, in laying it to the charge of us who are the Lords Miniſters; and of that honeſt godly party, (who once would not treat with him upon any terms, till he acknowledged himſelf the great murtherer of all the dear Saints and Servants of God which have fallen and periſhed ſince the commencement of England, and Irelands ci­vil wars; which no queſtion (according to the Novices com­putation) do amount to above the number of five hundred thouſand poor Chriſtians:)Page 2. That now we (becauſe not im­ployed in the buſineſs, and that the Lord did not call ſome of us (but ſome of our Brethren) to be actors in that glorious unparalleld piece of juſtice) cry him up in our Pulpits for a Saint and a Martyr, and the Lords inſtrument of Juſtice for Regicides and murtherers; Nay (ſays he) (and I would ſome of us had given him the lye, and not ſuch occaſion to ſay ſo) that we ſcarſe allow him ſecond to Jeſus Chriſt.

Truly (Sir) you muſt help me to evade this Dilemma; whe­ther it be righteouſly done of us (I ſay) to force our King (if innocent) to confeſs an infinite guilt of moſt horrid murthers; or (when guilty) after he hath received the due juſtice of a murderer, to proclaim him innocent, and denounce his muſt juſt Judges murderers.

Well, Let us now paſs on to the Argument of Polemo's Story, as it begins: This King of ours (it ſeems) went to the Scots; there are ſome, (and indeed a great ſumm) can teſtifie this; but to what end can a man imagine he ſhould be induced to caſt himſelf rather on the Scotch then the Engliſh Bottom? Certainly (quoth Polemo) he well hoped to have out-witted, out-deceited them; perchance he did not think that worthy the term of Fraus, which was done but Fallere fallentes: But what ſays he further to this? No, he went not to them as ima­gining they were more true or generous then the Engliſh, but becauſe he knew they were more eaſily wrought upon and di­vided from their fellow Covenanters then are we Engliſh.

Ah Sir! Conſider I beſeech you, what a Byter this is to our Brethren; Alas, do we not ſee this fulfilled in their unrighte­ous preſent tranſactions and ungodly accord with him whom we have great cauſe to fear (with a godly jealouſie) hath even5 yet a Deſign againſt the Covenant of God, and every one of the godly Party (let him be Independent or Presbyterian) that was in the leaſt manner an enemy to the abominations of his wicked father, who is now dead and gone?

I profeſs (Sir) I am not ſatisfied in his orall ſubmiſſion, nor that extorted Declaration; tis a difficult thing for our Bre­thren to anſwer that one Objection of our Parliament; That This day they ſhould proclaim him a follower of, and a goer on in all the evill of his fathers foot-ſteps; and To morrow (for­ſooth in one nights ſleeping) declare him ſufficiently purify'd, an abſolute Convert: Dear Sir, I fear jugling and ſelfiſhneſs to be crept into the hearts of our Brethren: Ah that the Lord would infuſe a diſcerning ſpirit into them, that they may not be given over to beleeve lyes: Ah that they may not be drawn aſide by inchanting Court-ſpells; ah that they may give over to fall out about Empire; and the Lord grant that they may yet at laſt deſire amicably to compoſe ſuch triviall concernments, as may accidentally intervene between the fel­low-Saints of God; that ſo once again a way may be mde open for us to go on hand in hand in the proſecution of a Bleſſed Reformation.

But next the ſtory leads me off from our ſelves to that good old friend of ours the Catholike: A quawm (ſhould ſeem) comes generally over their ſtomacks, and they were weary of any longer marching o'the Royal ſcore, meerly becauſe they ſay Monarchy (I will not ſay Tyranny) and not ſo much as pretence of Religion was aym'd at by the King and his Cavies.

And here firſt, Sir, Polemo calls a friend of yours and mine (Oxford) to witneſs the truth of his ſubſequent Relation, and having told us the factions and fractions of the Great ones there, he deſcends ſtrangely to particularize the perſons, of­fices, characters, and forreign negotiations of ſome men, as particularly the pilgrimage of one (Sir John Kempsfield) to Rome, and from thence haſtily diſpatcht by the Pope in a ſe­cret employment to Ireland, and yet (he ſayes) he dares not divulge all he knows of the perſons of ſome men now acting for the Reſtauration, not of Charls, but the &c. yet a6 horrible large Catalogue we ſhall ſhortly have (O that we could ſee it once) of Devils in mens ſhapes; yea (he ſayes) in Miniſters too, crept in to undermine us.

Ah (Sir) I am weary of ſighing all the day long, when I conſider, a Jeſuite may more ſafely and covertly walk under the guize of a Presbyter, then any other borrowed ſhape he can aſſume; Ah that there ſhould be ſuch an hole in the holy Covenant to let him creep through into the Pulpit a­mongſt us! aſſuredly (dear Sir) I begin to be fearful, and am almoſt of opinion that many whom we now deem to be zea­lous for our cauſe of God, and conſcientious, adherers to the Covenant of God and their Principles; that many of thoſe (I ſay) whom we take to be faithful diſpencers of the Lords my­ſteries, and whom the enemy term Rigid Ones: are (if the truth were known) (and the Lord enable this Polemo to make it out unto us according to his promiſe) very Agents to, and Inſtruments for the Pope.

Truly Sir, in this ſcruple of conſcience, I am alſo much diſ­ſatisfied, why we ſhould keep ſuch a ſpudder in the Pulpit, in matters meerly civil and politick; alas Sir, let us preach Jeſus Chriſt, and deſire to know nothing elſe; Ah me! how do ſome of our brethren (eſpecially amongſt ye at London) make us ſhrewdly ſuſpect them (whom otherwiſe the world muſt have in great reverence and eſtimation, for their eminent wor­thineſs in Goſpel-pains-takings) when the whole ſcope of their exerciſes is to ſet the people a madding, and to ſpawle ſo ſo much in the face of Authority; enough to make that un­unreaſonable Hydra riſe up, and tear in pieces our fellow-Saints, whom ('tis true) the Lord hath ſet over us, and yet to be our ſervant Governours.

Pag. 5.But on, next he tells us the Good Catholike is quite turn'd Presbyter, and doth now clearly relinquiſh the Royall Cauſe, ſo much as that he is reſolv'd to aſſiſt us with ſome grand pie­ces of his Treachery; not doubting but that we ſhall ſerve to add vigour to their cauſe, as more able and apt Inſtruments then were the hare-brain'd Cavaleers.

Verily (Sir) if his reaſons hold water to prove this, we ſhall be with ſome reluctancy and grief of ſpirit enforced to ac­knowledge7 the pernicious evill of our Presbyterian Diſcipline: what? a Papiſt be able to cloud himſelf under the holy walk­ings of a Presbyter? O lamentable! let us hear his reaſons I pray (Sir) and the great Jehovah be pleaſed to work an in­formation upon all our ſpirits.

He urges (you ſee in the Book) that they have more hopes by us, then they had by the Biſhops: and here a Dominican Father ſhews us how; to wit, That if the points of our Reli­gion, (where I conceive he hints at Auricular Confeſſion and Penance) with their Diſcipline and Policie (no doubt he means our owning a Kirk-Chair-Infallibility) were ſeriouſly conſi­dered; that there is no form of Religion in the world does ſo neerly adhere to, and conſent with the true Catholick Faith, though he denyes it to be ſuper veritate fundatum, as theirs is, (becauſe perchance we ſo much ſtand upon our Kirk, and they upon their Church.)

He proceeds on with his Reaſons, becauſe we of the Mini­ſtery are ſo mutable and given to change; ſo that he concludes a probable hope of our converſion to them in the end.

O (Sir) that our unmoveableneſs in the wayes of worſhip, godlineſs, and walkings with God could ſupply us with an Argument to repell this undenyable objection of theirs; Oh dear God and Father of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, we do confeſs and acknowledge the inſtabilities and waverings of our opi­nions in many fundamentals and ſound points; Ah (Sir) help me to deny that Marginall witneſs he there inſerts a­gainſt us [A Common-Prayer-Directory-Covenanting-Royall-Aſſembly-Engaging Ministers of England:] Let me tell you (Sir) though we ſeem out of ſome humane carnall concern­ments ſo much to boggle at the engaging to the preſent Go­vernment; yet I profeſſe it was indeed an odder change in us to run point-blank againſt all thoſe former oaths we had ſo often taken, at our ſeverall Degrees and taking Orders; then now but to make a promiſe (by ſubſcription) of being obe­dient to that Government which the Lord himſelf doth indu­bitately own to be over us by his perſpicuouſly appearing ma­nifold providences and bringings about; it doth not trouble me (though indeed it was contrary to our many oaths) that8 we have laid aſide the Biſhops; but it grieves my ſpirit when I conſider we could heretofore ſo eaſily ſwallow a Camel, and that we ſhould now ſo nicely ſtrein at a Gnat.

Pag. 6.Next, for that which he calls Volaticum jus jurandum, our Covenant, how can we deny but that our Brethren make the main uſe of it now for a pick-quarrel with England? which (as we have grounds to ſuſpect) if the French have put them upon, then aſſuredly ſome body hath given an aſſurance of his firm converſion to the Faith Catholick, and we of the Presbytery the onely ſtaffe He intends to lean upon, which truths of his aſſertion, that he may the more clearly hold forth, you ſee he ſticks not to tell us the particular ſervices and good turns they did us, for the advancement of, and twiſting together the Catholick-Covenant-Cauſe.

Pag. 7.Certainly we cannot chuſe but ſee day all abroad at this great hole, and through theſe crannies we cannot but eſpy the Jeſuiticall cloſings with us; [I pray God it be not ours with them; as in the buſineſs of France and Ireland:] For (as he goes on) it ſhould ſeem when he ruled the roaſt, the Jeſuits were better able in any notion to diſguiſe themſelves under our Diſcipline then any other; becauſe alas we were ſo cre­dulouſly formall, that whoſoever would but turn Covenanter, we were eftſoon confident he muſt be an honeſt man, if he had been the higheſt Cavaleer, Ieſuit, or King himſelf; which if the laſt had, as his ſon now has done with his whole fry of Ieſuites and Malignants about him; I am ſubject to beleeve with the Novice, they would, and theſe will (if the Lord avert it not) in ſhort time reduce England to a more ſad condition then all we have hitherto ſuſtain'd; for (let us ſpeak ſoberly Sir) if the late ungodly King had but come in by that cobled Treaty of the Iſle of Wight, there would (I am confident) hardly a moneth have commenc'd before we ſhould have had ſome of our now beſt ſtanding heads lopt off: and I profeſſe I have often feared with my ſelf, that ſuch as you and I ſhould ſcarce have been ſeated in thoſe affluent Benefices, and crea­turely full enjoyments which we undiſturbedly may (if we will) now enjoy under theſe our gracious Governors.

Pag. 8.Ah Sir, what can we imagine but that when we three (you9 know whom I mean) are but once joyn'd, but the effects will be moſt ſad? To us eſpecially; for whoſoever ſtands, we muſt fall.

I will not touch upon the ſound reaſons which in his 8. pag. he urgeth for this paſſage; they indeed make me ſilent to give a Reſponſe to him or them; for truly I cannot deny that the bloody intentions of the Cavaleers to us-wards, and ſo con­ſequently our juſt provocations againſt them muſt needs ren­der us both one with another impoſſibly reconcilable.

Pag. 9.But let us us ſuppoſe now, that if our brethren (with the aſſiſtance we could wiſh them, and the Cavaleers will bring them) ſhould prevaile againſt our preſent Government, and lay England flat on their backs, what benefit can we of all men propound or imagine to our ſelves? for ſurely the Cavaleer would flye high, and ſtand on tip-toe, outvying us both for ſervice and deſert, when at the moſt we do but wiſh well, and are ſaid to bawle a little in the Pulpit, when in the mean while they are now ſuffered and let in to act in the field, whoſe num­ber alſo and conſiderableneſs every man knows much ſur­mounts us in England, and (tis thought by the young Kings * pitching on his knees, and their ſo lifting up their heads in Scotland ſince the laſt Bang) not a whit inferiour, if not over-topping us there alſo; why then, no queſtion when our old friends are deſtroyed, our old Enemy and we muſt go to it a­gain; and I hope we have little hopes that the Catholick will take our parts, unleſs (as he promiſes,) he will the weakeſt ſide, till we have totally ruined and confounded each o­ther.

And now Sir I will leave his happy digreſsion to your ſelf to read, in his 9. pag. and come back with him to his place of imployment, which he ſayes was Oxford, which being ſurren­dred, he with his fellow-Ieſuites have not (it ſeems) been idle to ſtir up ſad contentions betwixt the Brethren and people of God.

Pag. 10.And now they have altered their outward Guize, and ap­pear almoſt in all manner of ſpecies, in hopes to work more good upon us for the Catholick cauſe: and what do they now? but down to Newcaſtle hye they to the King, where10Pag. 11. they then (it ſeems) had hopes (ſo long ſince) to exaſperate our Brethren againſt England, which (had they nofeared the Kings fickleneſs) they would then have put in action, but alſo that they over much doted on the great ſumm.

Page 12.But mark (Sir) Here he ſays they found, even in our Bre­threns army, unpardonable Cavaleers and Delinquents more then a good many; yea known Prieſts and Jeſuits (which truly afflicts my ſoul to conſider it ſhould ſo be in thoſe times of zealous profeſſion to the contrary) to have more then pri­vate admittance; yea publike acception amongſt them, not onely to the number of two Regiments of Catholikes,Page 13. but one whole Regiment of them reduced under the Lord Synclare, who ſhrouded a Papiſt under a Presbyterian walking, which verily is able to grieve any godly Profeſſor to think it could be poſſible: Nay more, Montroſs, who ſince I doubt is exe­cuted rather out of a Royal Politie then a zealous Piety, and (O monſtrous) Iriſh Rebels then to be joyned with, (as we cannot deny now they are) for a war then againſt England as now: But alas, our Brethren then feared the imputation of Covenant-breakers, which all moderate men would have accu­ſed them of, had they then begun; and whether they have fairly caſt it upon England by a two or three years procraſtinati­on, let the Lord judge; I fear, but am ſilent.

But methinks (in good ſooth) Polemo does a little excuſe our Brethrens ſelling the King, when he ſays their ſurrendring of him was to no other intent but to furniſh them with matter for a new falling out with England, being ſo cunning as to con­ſider that our Engliſh ParliamentPage 14. (being thus neceſſitated) could do no leſs in Juſtice, upon the great head of their evils, then what might furniſh them with new pretences for an In­vaſion, and bear them out in the opinion of ſeduced Engliſh­men, for their endeavouring to raiſe up new diſtempers amidſt us: Of two evils verily this is their greateſt, if they had taken money for their King, all moderate men would in part have excuſed them,Page 15. if it had not been upon ſuch unrighteous grounds and evil deſigns as are theſe: ſo that it ſeems an hard Problem to me, whether they are more glad they had ſo much for him, or leſs ſorry they were ſo conveniently rid of him.

11Page 16.And now (Sir) our Novice (like a mad Rambler) flies out into many ſeveral odd paſſages and ſtories; nay, he deſcends to ſeveral particulars of perſons and places, running on in a pretty wilde Diſcourſe, but very ſtrongly confirming his Relation by indubitate circumſtances, which hoping you have wel weighed, I ſhall paſs over many pages together, for indeed my deſign at firſt was no other but to touch upon that which moſt touches thoſe of our party; and where it is poſſible to wipe off that dirt which is thrown in the face of us that have not yet ſtooped to bow our knee unto Baal, nor gone back from the Covenant of God.

Page 17.But the next place he leads us to, is, to that Mother of Re­formation, that Metropolis of Scotland, Edenburgh; for (to the anguiſh of my ſoul he ſpeaks it)Page 18. A Catholike delights in no air (beſides his own) ſo well as in a Presbyterian; where (belike) Montril was at that time egging on our Brethren to fall out with England, though there were indeed mature deli­berations had upon his Propoſals, becauſe they ſavoured too much of a French-Engliſh-King, and no Engliſh-Scotch-King;Page 19. nor were our Brethren ſo valiantly fooliſh to fall on when the Independent ſtood ſo prepared for them; they onely made ſome flouriſhes, as I profeſs verily I fear they now do, meerly to enhance the price of a ſecond bargain.

Page 20 Page 21. Page 22. Page 23.Beſides this great skip, many pages more do I now willing­ly run over, as particularly the horrible cunning actings of Hambleton, Montril and the Jeſuits; its indeed a fitter Lecture for the Cavaleer then us, though moſt horribly have we both of us been deluded by Royal tricks: the gratious God be pleaſed to open their and our eyes, that we may ſee and underſtand his ways, and the evil of our miſleadings.

Ay, but (Sir) I beſeech you, in the name of Jeſus Chriſt, let the words of that cunning Merchant Montril never de­part out of your breaſt; O how prophetick are they? truly its a very great diſcovery, and worthy our perpetual conſideration;Page 24. I mean that additional good news which he ſpake to the comfort of the Jeſuite which came unto him about carrying on their plots in Scotland: I doubt not (quoth he) by what I have already brought to paſs with the Scots and Engliſh, but12 to ſee our three enemies beaten by themſelves, and his Banner of Chriſt, and Standard of his Maſter, to be in time erected amongſt us Heretiques, for ſo you ſee they account us, Never a Barrell the better Herring.

O then (good Sir) ſhould not this induce us to be all one in one, as it becometh the Saints and ſervants of Jeſus Chriſt? ſhall we rather deſire to be governed by a forraign French Foe, then a Native-Engliſh friend? Fie on this carnall mindedneſs, this ſelfiſhneſs, and deſire of rule and government which thus rules and rages even in the breaſts of holy profeſſors; truly this becometh not the dear Saints of God.

Pag. 25.But that which is the moſt intolerable burthen upon my ſpirit, is, when I conſider they ſay they had great hopes by the King and his party, but more now then ever, if but we of the honeſt party, and thoſe old Reprobate Malignants could be ever brought ſo to ſhake hands (though but with the teeth outward) as to be both willing to accept of aid from the French King; which truly I doubt is now paſt bringing to paſs in Scotland; and (by our Country Club-meetings of both parties) too neer wrought already here in England: the Je­ſuit did not doubt but to ſee this done, and verily without doubt it is; for ſo much have they wrought upon the nice diſ­ſatisfactions even of ſome of the godly party, that I think ma­ny of us (the more our madneſs is to be pittied, if not pu­niſhed) would be now very glad to accept of aid,Pag. 26. not onely from a Foraigner, the French, but (ah me) the Iriſh, any body, yea, & the prophane common enemy to boot, being (for ought I ſee) moſt of us very ready to joyn with any enemies, that we may but ruin and overthrow our fellow-Saints and friends.

Pag. 27.Alack, Sir, it ſhould ſeem our ſtirring forraign enemy is not wanting of ſome ſhrewd Agents of theirs, even in the very Counſels and Armies of our State, who are now ſtirring up of Feuds, Diviſions & Rebellions amongſt our ſelves, againſt thoſe whom the Lord hath appointed over us; the truth on't is, the Jeſuites are ſtrange ſpirits; and when I read a touch of the No­vices, that the Levelling party was a plot of theirs to put us in a cumbuſtion:Pag. 28. O Sir, how did it grieve me that it brake off ſo abruply, that there was no more of that weighty ſecret diſco­vered;13Pag. 29. queſtionleſs he hath revealed more of that to thoſe who think it convenient in their deep judgements, not (as yet) to have it vulgarly made known.

Pag. 30.To conclude Sir, I muſt now paſs over many moſt conſide­rable Pages and paſſages, being reſolved (as before ſaid) to meddle with nothing of of the Hiſtorical part of Polemo, but what concerns our Party, though I alſo confeſs, it is impoſſible by way of Letter to touch upon one quarter of that which too too neerly relates to us.

But the Novice makes a great leap now, and in a trice has us over to France, and tells us many rare intervening Occur­rences during his abode there; indeed wonderfully (as to de­light and information) worth a mans reading; Amongſt all that which muſt grieve us to conſider, was that, when he came to the Engliſh Court at Germains, then was there great good hopes, that ſomething might be done that yeer for the obtaining of that pretty prey of England; but ſpeedily it was annihilated; I pray Sir mark the reaſon, becauſe our diſcontent­ed Party had not wholly faln off and deſerted our Parlia­ment, but that it is reſerved even for this yeers work: having now ſo gotten the ſtart of us, and ſuch a power over our judgments by reaſon of our young Kings ſeeming penitence and compliance;Pag. 31. and again, the death of the old King (which they ſo much hoped for, that are now ſo great pretending friends to the young one) they did not doubt but would very ſufficiently exaſperate and provoke us,Pag. 32. and make us eager (out of our mad malice) to take in him, who hath not onely fol­lowed ſuch profane, ungodly and laſcivious ways, as to have begot a Baſtard in France,Pag. 33. but his Brother alſo to be made a Cardinal, and he himſelf turned downright Papiſt, and declares that he will turn Turk (or any thing) to be revenged of the Engliſh, not ſaying which of us he means;Pag. 34. Pag. 35. Pag. 36. without doubt we ſhall be ſerved all alike, how confident ſoever our hitherto in­diſcreet reſolutions have rendred him and the Pope that we will be their main aiders; which in truth Sir, would be a great infatuation in us, if we ſhould, when we ſo clearly perceive ſuch daily diſcoveries of horrid practiſes againſt us; which are more abundantly evident in this Relation of the Novices, then14 I have time or patience to diſcuſs upon: I have here written a letter to you; but methinks it ſwels into a thing like a Pamphlet; truly it is not ſo intended, therefore I be­ſeech you let none (if any) but old friends peruſe it; for it may be dangerous in theſe times, for men of your and my profeſſion to be known but to have been what notwith­ſtanding they now really profeſs to be convinced in. Liberavi animam meam, I have unburthened my ſpirit (under God) to you, and earneſtly deſire your anſwer to this, with as much moderation as the Spirit will give you utterance; and without fail (good Sir) be pleaſed to ſend me down the ſecond part of Mutatus Polemo, whatſoever it coſt. I muſt indeed aſcribe the inſtrumental part of my convincement to the ſound Rea­ſons of that wonderful Relation; and I diſcover alſo a certain Providence working me hereunto, becauſe it was (I profeſs) a fortnight and upwards (before ever I chanced to come by the ſight of Polemo) that this Epiſtolary Tractate (which herewith­all I ſend you) was brought unto me from Mr. C.H. a young Gentleman of a very noble Family, and whom we take to be a great Wit in the Country, who writ it to me in anſwer of ſome Queries and objections I had made concerning the pre­ſent Ruptures between our Brethren and England, Indepen­dent and Presbyter. It ſeems now to me ſomewhat ſtrange that his judgement ſhould jump ſo even with future Diſcove­ries; it will be worth your reading, though prolix; onely per­chance your gravity may not in all things approve of his ſometimes harſh language. I will not keep back ſo much as his ſuperſcription; tis ſomewhat rugged at firſt view; but take it thus as it follows.

So I reſt Sir,
Yours, &c. P. C.

To all our once Brethren (and now Ene­mies of England) and to all our Never-Enemies, but dear friends of Scotland, the Saints and ho­neſt Party there: But in particular, to my well-deſerving Friend and Neighbour, Mr. P. C. Mi­niſter of Ma in Eſſex, Salvation in Chriſt.


I Will not ceaſe to write, leſt the Cauſe of England ſhould ſeem to want Pen as well as Pike-men, and thus much dare I boaſt of it, that in my own opinion I am the weakeſt defender of it, of all thoſe that pretend any abilities to maintain it: its true alſo, there may be ſo much vanity in my conceit, as that I may expect applauſe for daring to ſpeak a word in the behalf of poor Truth; To put this out of doubt, I requeſt you Sir to communicate it to none but ſuch as your ſelf, wavering disſatisfied ones: truly I more fear I may unhappily incurr of­fence (if it were made publick) for preſuming to meddle with State-matters, ſo high above the reach of a private Gentle­man: But if ſometimes perchance I ſeem a little malapert in my State-reaſonings; Methinks I forthwith contemplate the Bleſſed change (our mouthes were bung'd up in Kings and Biſhops times;) the Liberty of ſpeech wherewith we are now indulg'd, which is indeed evermore to be found in a well-poli­ced Commonwealth.

1.And now it is mine intent (Mr. C.) to ſpeak of thoſe raſcally people (whom you would fain vindicate) and of their deſign to conquer us, which (according to the Covenant) they16 will change when they pleaſe into a neceſsity of defending themſelves: This argument (I conceive) you ſuppoſe they may thank you for; and yet truly (Sir) I have an opinion, that as baſely fraudulent as they have ever been with England, they are ſurely now more rationall then to expect that from a Republique, which they were uſed to receive at the hands of Kings, that we ſhould not only thank them for the wrong they have done us, but pay them alſo for their pains: That's for your firſt Quaery.

2. I much muſe at thoſe whoſe Covenanting conſciences can permit them to take part with Daniſh, Swediſh, Scotch, French, Iriſh, I know not how many forreign Enemies againſt their own Native friends. Alas, what is't you would have, Govern­ment? well, is that it? or elſe you will reſolve not to be go­verned; If ye cannot have all ye would, ye will yet ſtill keep a ſtir for more then ye ſhould, or can in reaſon expect: Nay, I will put the caſe higher; ſuppoſe it were (as ye inſinuate) even forbidden to make profeſsion of ſome certain truths; Methinks men ſhould not by and by turn Trayterous Rebels, and oppoſe themſelves to an eſtabliſht order of a Common­wealth; But what truths are ye prohibited the profeſsion of? ſhew them, and if you have not Remedy, then continue Tray­tors (in Gods Name I will not ſay, but) with a witneſs; for my own part I would be (or at leaſt reputed to be) ſo obedi­ent a Commonwealths man, as to yeeld to ſome Laws, though the dictate of my reaſon ſhould tell me they were perverſe, but it ſhould be by my ſilence: But bleſſed be the holy Name of God, we are not reduced to this praedicament, there is none of you but (if ye will) may enjoy the dearly purchaſed liberty of our times: That's for your ſecond.

3 Though you ſeem to be merry concerning ſome paſſages at our laſt conference; yet let me tell you, perchance I am not leſs then you ſeemingly take me for: To ſpeak truth, I am a very good Engliſhman, and do paſsionately love my Coun­trey, maugre Covenanting pretenſions to delude me; but whe­ther I am fit to be reputed (as you would fain have me think you do) a ſound Polititian; or how I ſhould come acquainted with State Affairs, by ſometimes reading a Diurnall as you17 do, this I know not; queſtionleſs I have more courage then ſtrength, & more zeal then knowledge to ſerve the Publike: but were I arrived to ſo noble a Culmen as to ſay I could advance the Publike good by my ſingle Pen [which I neither dare nor can beleeve;] or that I could clearly demonſtrate to our neighbour Hollanders, or the miſerably poor envaſſaled ſlaves of France, that in England all things are now changed into the better, under ſo bleſſed an Alteration, as that of a Kingly Tyranny into a free State, which hath confirmed us in a moſt pretious Liberty, and that it is not onely apparent, that in a few yeers triall it will enrich us, but make us alſo more formi­dable, and much encreaſe our courage, when it ſhall be ſeen we fight not ſo much for the glorious advancing of one ſingle Fami­ly, as the preſervation of a Publike Intereſt, Religion and Li­berty: yet all this while there is not ſo great a praiſe redounds to me, as you are pleaſed to beſtow, but I muſt wholly aſcribe it to the felicity of the Times in which we have lived to ſee this change: And yet if in high State matters (my modeſty bids me ſay) I am unworthy to obtain a rank amongſt politike men, there is none of our Governors can deny me one a­mongſt Commonwealths-men; if my capacity be inconſidera­ble, my publike zeal (at leaſt) deſerves not to be rejected: briefly Sir, for an anſwer to this third of yours, I onely tell you it pittifully grieves me to ſee ſo many ſuch (Engliſh) ſpirits as your ſelf, who are ſo vexed at their own good, and cannot in­dure their happineſs, but would again fain be under their old yoke of Regal Tyranny; any Governors but the preſent ſhould ſeem would pleaſe you; all preſent tranſactions thwarts your Politicks; it would not be blaſphemy for me to ſay, that God himſelf cannot make the Presbytery Governors to pleaſe them, becauſe the more they are after his own heart, the leſs will he be after theirs; ſo much for that.

4.And fourthly, I cannot but vex to ſee how you torture men with that other Quaerie of yours, not with the ſtrength, but poorneſs of it; What had we to do, what need had we to in­vade, or make war with our Brethren [Rebels] of Ireland and Scotland? Could not our Ambition be ſated with one King­dom? Ah Sir, But if our Governors had been dormant, if our18 Cromwel had ſtill ſtaid at London, then (when all our throats had been ready to be cut) ye would have roar'd louder, that it had been an infatuation in them to have been ſo ſupine, as to ſuffer the common or a forraign enemy to over run and come up to us; But you have done well to ſtitch this Querie with a wonder from God, if your men cannot beat us, your children ſhall, your little boy at York (which you have made grow out of the belly of this Quaerie) who cries Stale bear for want of a King; is not he enough to convince us forſooth? In very deed a goodly childiſh queſtion; and thus ye fight againſt our States managing of Affairs, like fooliſh Welchmen with old Proverbs, and like beſotted Engliſhmen with new miracles, becauſe ye cannot touch it with good reaſons: but next ye make a Reſolve upon this Quaerie, and take it for granted, that now ſurely it cannot be otherwiſe, but that Scotland muſt be the Aceldama for Independents; ſo that truly to me it ſeems an hard definition, whether ye err more out of a puſillanimous infirmity, or inveterate malice, or whether ye ſtand more in need of the remedies of Phyſick, or that of the Laws; certainly ye are mad, and ye muſt be whipt; Really Sir, it grieves me to ſee, how ye abuſe that benefit of liberty meerly againſt thoſe who have procured it for ye: thats for that.

5.But ye come powdring with your fifth, in all poſt haſte; ye object, and tell me, that the States muſt needs receive a very great diſadvantage from the rigor uſed towards (and ſo con­ſequently the diſcontent of) a very conſiderably numerous party of formerly our Brethren here in England, which by our harſhneſs have been neceſſitated to ſeparate from amongſt us; ſhew us where the rigor was, and tell us what you mean by this word Harſhneſs, or elſe I ſhall be inforced to anſwer you harſhly in a word: It is much better to have a weak cowardly enemy to conteſt with, then an ambitious-cold-brawling friend to preſerve.

6.For your ſixt Sir, Methinks when I maturely excogitate with my ſelf, the Slavery we have waded through, and the Liberty we now may injoy, thoſe paſſed pains ſhould be our preſent contentments; either the good which now we may upon ſure grounds hope for, ſhould much ſolace our imagina­tions;19 or at leaſt the Royall evils which we have ſuffered and outliven, muſt needs content our memory: Surely then (kind Sir) every generous ſoul cannot but be paſſionately affected with, and as it were reſolutely intereſs himſelf againſt the rude calumniations and dirty beſpatrings which ſome of ye black coats (and blacker mouthes) dare vomit and ſpue out of your Pulpits in the very face of Authority; what wild ſtupidi­dity poſſeſſes ye ſilly pettiſh elves? Ye can Saint a Tyrant, your quondam mortal Foe; ye extoll to the skies (ſince ye your ſelves brought him to the block) him, whom even a world (yea even of his very foraign friends) ingenuouſly ac­knowledg to be the greateſt Bloudſhedder of this laſt Century; Its a great wonder to me to ſee how the Royaliſts hug the memory of their late weakling-Idol; why is it? but becauſe (as his ſon now does at times to ſerve his turn) he deſerted them in plain ground; they are right Spaniels, the more endeared to him, becauſe he was the principal cauſe of their ſo often ſound baſting and utter ruine; but for ye ſecondary adopted fondlings of the Presbytery, that ye ſhould begin ſo ſtrangely to leſſen the number of thoſe thouſands who (as ye often brag'd) would never bow the knew to Baal: this is much the greater wonder of the two: The Cavaleers made a God of the firſt, and ye a Calf of the ſecond: Tis very pretty to obſerve how oddly ye are reſolved, ſometimes for Monarchy, and then pre­ſently you could find in your hearts to have a Commonwealth, rather then relinquiſh a fat Benefice: how ſtrangely do your great London Brethren Weathercock it about! Thoſe Caw­dries, Hudſons, Aſhes, Robin-Hoods, &c. whatſoever is com­manded by Authority, they will be ſure to run Counter; if an act of thankſgiving be emitted to be obſerved on Tueſday, we ſhall be ſure to have it in ſome by-corner, but on their own Kirks-day-Friday: truly they may do well to imitate the Moores who (ſay they) on the ſame day do evermore uſe to make publike prayers and meetings for the reſtitution of the Kingdom of Granada, but bitterly curſe the memory of the laſt King who could not defend it againſt Ferdinand.

7.But ſeventhly, you ſtand much upon your Conſcience Scru­ples, theſe (forſooth) muſt be the Cover-ſluts for all your20 ſneaking-hypocritical Rogueries, and Pulpit-Impoſtures; O what witched faces do ye there make? what catterwauling howlings? what religious railings? Really I look upon this thing called Royall Presbytery as a meer monſter, whoſe fi­gure can not be delineated, as ye have now farced and pieced it up with your very godly Brethren the Cavaleers, with your holy Brethren the Scots, and with your I know not what brethren the Iriſh, true it ſeems at the firſt view (when a man conſiders your ſeduced numbers) to be of a very formidable and great bulke; but this groſs thumping body of yours conſiſts of ſeveral pieces and patches, ſome Popiſh, ſome Prelatical, ſome Directory, and yet moſt-Common Prayer, and ſome [Confeſs] Maſs-book: Truly Sir, ye ſhall finde, that after it hath had two or three ſound Scotch-ſhakings, that it holds together rather by Ligaments then Nerves: I confeſs ye have many Claſſes and Aſſes, that is, members amongſt you, but they are very ugli­ly proportioned, not well compacted: the Head grows out of the Breech, ye make a Cuſhion of it for your Repentant-Cloſe-ſtool: to ſpeak more properly, ye walk up and down, tip and tail, I know not how, but the Cavaleer ſaies, Hand o­ver head.

But behold a little poor people gone to whip the breech of this great Garragantulus; thoſe whom a ſupream Provi­dence hath called and lifted up to humble the pride and inſo­lency, both of a Monarchick and Presbyterian Tyranny, who though they are inconſiſtent, aim both at that one thing: behold (I ſay) thoſe little hills of Pencland, who were able to brave and reſiſt an whole Kingdom of the one ſort, and all the forces of the other: Poor contemptible ſouls! The weak things of this world hath our God choſen to confound the mighty: I can compare our Army in Scotland to nothing ſo fitly as thoſe ſmal grains of ſand, wherewith the Lord bridles in the furious in­ſultings of the main; it was your own boaſt Sir, that they would ſcarce ſerve for a Break-faſt to that Nation; Indeed I hope ſo, and beleeve you; brag on ye Engliſh Apoſtates; ſurely thoſe ſeverall atchivements made under Straughan, Maſſey, Mont­gomerey, &c. ſince our firſt marching into that Hell upon Earth, which ye lately ſo much vanted of, were victories ſo21 deerly bought that your gude Brethren had ere this time been finally defeated, had they gained many ſuch; but I am forced to acknowledge that the falſe news of the Iriſh Rebels your o­ther Brethrens ſucceſſes, and that the Plague hath much infe­ſted the poor Engliſh Proteſtant there; this indeed hath given you much cauſe thus to elevate & heighen your ſpirits; but this cannot much perplex the honeſt heart; for I dare pawn my Reputation it will in time appear that ye have not onely confederated with the groſs Papiſt, but ioyned tailes, or ra­ther Heads with the very Jeſuite; yet I beſeech you Sir, nicely to take notice of this one ſentence: There is yet whereby ye may be troubled, where ye think your ſelves ſo ſecure, not that I ſay we have a plot to out-vye you, and bid higher for the Papiſt then have ye; we ſhould then be ſo far from being confident as now ye are by it, that we ſhould evermore doubt of our future proſperity: But who can be ignorant, that if the honeſt godly Engliſhman, whom your party have ſeduced and divi­ded from us, ſhould again re-unite themſelves, return to their obedience and wits, and at laſt ſmell out that ungodly knave­ry which the Brethren have lately fob'd into their pretended Kings Declaration; or if your other dear fellow-Saints the Cavaleers ſhall henceforth ſurceaſe to lend their hands, bloud, and eſtates to the propagating of their firſt enemies raſ­cally deſigns, and reſolve henceforth to be true to their Coun­trey, knowing that the plot is carried by you as deſtructively fierce againſt them as any other party whatſoever, againſt whom ye more grin your teeth; then aſſuredly all the plots and devices that are now machined againſt England, or any of us all, be we what we will be that are your enemies, would preſently burſt and ſhiver in pieces, and the beſt Scotified Presbyter of you all, be like an old duſty-ruſty Jack, (never more able to turn any way) having loſt ſome of your maſter wheeles.

But this let me add moreover to your Brother-Royaliſt his comfort; we have known the man, that having been over­come, hath finally endangered the Conqueror, though but with the broken end of a ſword, and to have ſlain him to whom even now he was an humble petitioner for his life. Noble22 Gentlemen Cavaleers, ye often uſe to boaſt that you could not have been vanquiſhed, had not that baſe forraign Scotch Nati­on been brought in aſſiſtant againſt you: You ſay alſo ye can­not be in a worſe condition then ye have been and are through their doings; and the moſt reſervedly ingenuous and politick amongſt you do often inculcate it to one tother, That you cannot expect the leaſt kind of good by the Presbyter; why then my lads, all I ſhall ſay to you is, in good troth take the opportunity which is preſented to you, Bang 'em back and ſides. But you will ſay; And what ſhall we be the better, when this is done? I anſwer from my heart, I verily imagine and ſuppoſe, that by many degrees will you be more happy, ſafe and free, then when you once find your ſelves reduc't under the intolerable humour and ſtrictneſs of that uncouth Diſcipline; your King (if Presbyter be Presbyter) ſhall not be in a capacity to help you, nor ſhall it be held lawful (when all is done) to let him know that you have helped him; but he muſt ſtill be enforced to diſclaim you in the Bundle and Pack ſo his fathers Engliſh murthers, and his own French ſins with the reſt of his Houſe, &c. But thus much by the way to the old Enemy your new brethren.

8Next, for that great ſtrength of yours you ſo boaſted of in your laſt; let me tell you (Sir) Formidable beginnings have many times had ridiculous concluſions: Your brethren (its confeſſ'd) look'd very bigg and high at the beginning of thoſe clandeſtine undertakings of theirs, having twiſted and wound in ſo many conſiderable Parties to their aſſiſtants; as not only the Prelatical Proteſtant, the Engliſh Diſſatisfied one, but the Jeſuited-Popeling alſo; the Lutherane and Cal­viniſt they have made ſure of they think; as having Swethland and Denmark, Holland and the Huguenots at their devotion; France no doubt is involved into the grand Intereſt; and for Spain and the Pope (not to mention the Portugal) theſe all are obliged to come in, upon the ſcore of the Iriſh conjuncti­on: but really (under the favour of your wiſe judgement) I for my part cannot ſee how this Rope of Sand ſhould long hold faſt together, being ſubdivided into ſo many ſtrangely odd Intereſts; theſe no doubt have all their ends as well as the23 Scots, and (I ſuppoſe) tis eaſily judg'd how diſcrepant they are: But it ſeems the brethren having brought their work (as they conceived) to a pretty perfection, dared to reſolve to ſtand o' their own bottom; what elſe made them lately pre­tend the laying aſide of the royal party? what elſe made them vex and hate to think or permit that any gallant peice of action or noble imployment ſhould by any means be atcheiv­ed by the Engliſh now amongſt them in the way of military ex­ploite, though Maſſinians, and can bring their compurgators that they never had the leaſt ſpice of Cavaleriſme in them? what elſe (I ſay) but meerly out of a timerouſneſs, that theſe ſhould hereafter ſtand up with them as Competitors of the glory of their Engliſh conqueſt; and (which is the main) in the reward of the Action in good Engliſh-Duſt; nay (which is more then all this) what elſe made them, as they we•…even upon the nick (as we ſay) of bobbing and whyffling off their new King, after they had ſo ceremoniouſly admitted him into that ſtately ſweet hogſtie of Edinburgh? Ile warrant ye ſhall find hereafter that if God beſtows a victory upon our Crom­well over the rougher ſort of Presbyterian Jocky piggs, their yong King ſhant be a jot ſorry for't, but rather exult, and re­joyce at it; for certainly he already percieves what they are reſolved to do, if they can do aſwell without him; but its true they have not yet turned him a graſing; they quickly drew in their hornes; and do yet ſtill (for fear of a check-mate) keep the youth a cock-horſe; and perchance for hopes of a better market: But for any minion or freind of his in the whole world beſides himſelf, they care not if he were hanged upon as tall a Gallow-tree as wicked Haman, and as honorably in­terred under it as poor Montroſs: ſurely this is a great demon­ſtration of the undeniableneſs of this your eighth quaerie That they love him wonderfully; what they will do for him I will not ſay; but of a truth they are reſolved to do much with him:

But the monſtrous body with which you would fain ſtartle us country people with, that they are now threeſcore, now an hundred thouſand; without queſtion (Sir) it hath its wounds and infirmities which much infeſt it, and which do not24 ceaſe to be dangerous, though for the preſent they are playſtred over with ſome appearance of ſanity; We ſhall (I dare war­rant ye) live to ſee a ſhrewd ulcer breaking out between their bawdy Kirk, and their lowzy State, if ever the Nobility or Gentry (ſuch ſneaking ones as they are) ſhall but dare peep their ſnouts above the Pulpit, the Kirk ſhall firk them, a­mongſt them ye ſhall have ſome wagtaile-fawning curs, yea even of the laird Presbyters that ſhall (ſuddenly after the firſt Presbyterian rout) be ready (out of pure fear of being over­top'd by the ranting Cavalry) to turn Idolizers of their new Ragg, till they ſtir up an immortal feud betwixt themſelves and the right reverend Kirkmen; and then Hey by the Jolt­heads they gang, (the Divel part'em) and will (as the other year) be again ready to call upon our Cromwel for another aſſiſtance; Nay that yong Engliſh-Scotch-Daniſh-French-Jer­min-Gentleman will (without doubt) (when he hath adop­ted good ſtore of theſe raſcal Favourites) begin to ſpeak We and Ʋs, and (with our Cromwels help, let him give them but one ſound bang) will (in ſpite o' their hearts) ſcrue them our, and himſelf into all the chiefe ſway, and then as you were; this is all the hopes we have, that at laſt they will be neceſſitat­ed to be friends with us; but ſurely tis their curſe, they will not ſee; let them embrace it, let them like fine boies kiſs the rod; and repoſe truſt to his feigned meer-knaviſh con­verſion; they ſhall to their greivous experience find in time (when the Lord pleaſeth,) that they have but put confidence in the Careſſes of a Curtezan; it may chance come to light hereafter that they may ow thanks to the Mother for making the ſon ſo good a boy; and that it was her ſtrict command that he ſhould rather play ſmall game with the brethren, then ſit out of any Throne ſurely its very improbable that they can beleeve in good earneſt his mother (or him) to be cor­dially ſerious; and yet you ſee what Polity makes men feign to be credulous of: It is not likely, that both he and ſhe, that have alwaies made profeſſion of levity in their religion aſ­well as converſation, ſhould now be conſtant for the love of either an old Pedler or a new-cobled Kirk; but its very pro­bable that the Appeales ſo made on both our ſides, the ſighs25 of the people of God, the blood of the dear Saints, the vio­lations and horrid plunderings they have uſed in England, with other ill conſequences of this their new raiſed vvar, will mount up to the very throne of God, and pluck down his vengeance upon theſe (generally acknowledged) perfidious falſe people, that maugre all overtures on our ſide for prevention, vvill yet be the cauſes of ſo many renewed miſchiefes amongſt us: Alas! If the Lord underſtand and regard the crying petitions of the yong Ravens in their neſts, vvill he not hear his people, vvho inceſſantly ſolicite him, humbly demauding only a reaſon of the inſufferable injuries which have been done them? If the bloods voice of Abel aſcended up to him, ſhall the blood of an Innumerable number of poor Chriſtians (vvhich is again like to be ſhed out by theſe Cainiſh brethren) be dumb, vvithout making any noiſe at all? ſhall the complaints, the imprecati­ons, and the laſt dying groanes of the dear Engliſh hearts that fall by the ſword in Scotland (and their Fathers, Mothers, Bro­thers, Wives and Siſters ſighs here in England for them) be ut­terly quite loſt? The Lord (the avenger of perfidy, and of the violated truces of brethren of one faith) will he alwaies ſuffer religion and Covenant pretences to be made an Inſtrument for the introducing of tyranny, and that this only ſhould be made uſe of to cheat the vvorld, and to ſeduce poor innocent igno­rant ones? Tantum Relligio potuit ſuadere malorum?

If the Lord count our hairs, will he not have regard of the ſighs of his Saints? will he not gather up their tears? will he deſpiſe their prayers that ſo wraſtle with him? No, No; let us be confident our God is for us, and that the aſtuti­ous perfidy of our looſe brethren is not hid from his eyes; We have had many ſure ſigns that the Lord is on our ſide, concer­ning the certainty of which it is not lawfull for his people to doubt: If the Lord had not decreed in his everlaſting deter­minate will powerfully to ſuccour and go along with his people, to releive them now (in theſe laſt times) from their long bondage and oppreſſion, if the Lord had not a deſire to make us overcome, if he would have deferred the Term of our liber­y, he would not ſurely all along ſo miraculouſly have ſhewn26 himſelf a man of war in thoſe incredible appearances he hath been pleaſed to diſcover for the good of his people, and the happineſs of this Age; verily the Lord could no longer refuſe the ſtruglings and neceſſities of his Saints that had ſuch great need of his help and deliverance; By the help of our God there is now nothing ſo difficult before our eyes, but we may be confident of, that he will ere long bring to paſs for his Glory and names ſake: Ah then (good Sir) ceaſe all of you to take diſtaſte at the holy deſigns of our juſt Governours; let not their enterprizes (for the Lords ſake) be an occaſion of jealouſie to any ſoul; all that look upon them without a blind-folded prejudice, though but at a great diſtance, muſt needs acknowledge them to be ſelf-denying (and not ſelf-ſeeking) juſticiaries; ſurely they have conſecrated their hands and hearts to the Lord; their Arms protect none but the Lords cauſe; and the moſt refractory of England will be conſtrained in time to confeſs that they are like the targets which fell from heaven to guard the Romans which gathered them up: Ah let mothers now rejoice at their fertility, and bleſs the Lord, becauſe they may now reſt confident (if the Lord continue his goodneſs unto us) that they ſhall procreate children that ſhall be more happy then ever their poor igno­rantly blind fathers were, and who ſhall even henceforth live in a bleſſed liberty by the benefit of our Common-wealth.

Verily Sir, we Engliſhmen may look upon our Governors as the reſolved Enemies of wicked, prophane, and ungodly men; and meerly the protectors of the godly party; alas they ſeek for no other fruit from the great victories the Lord is pleaſed to accumulate upon them, but his glory, and the ſecu­rity of Englands Common-wealth; Nor do they poſt up and down in a reſtleſs toile (thoſe dear inſtruments of the Lord) their Army, and indefatigably turmoile themſelves but to procure its deliverance from that ancient Tyranny and thral­dom, which for theſe many hundred years (under ſplendid titles) we have been confounded and involved into: truly we have juſt cauſe to hope and believe that they have ſoundly learnt that rule of the Apoſtle, To do good to all men but eſpeci­ly to thoſe of the houſhold of faith; and hereby they will ſerve27 as a kind of animated law to thoſe that are gently allured & led on by their godly converſation; certainly this exemplarineſs of theirs is a kind of command, which not only we (their religi­ouſly well-affected friends) but even the moſt Traiterous Apo­ſtates amongſt ye cannot rationally diſobey; Alas (Sir) by them we now really poſſeſs what the bowels of our ſad Pro­genitors ſo much (and long, but in vain) yearned after; we all confeſs with you (Sir) that a good King is good, if there were (the world over) ſuch a thing to be found in Rerum natura; yet the maxime tells us, that it is much more glorious to reſtore liberty to a Common-wealth, then to be ſo: how much more is it then Renownedly glorious to alter and convert the Tyrannies of a bad King into the liberties of a free Common-wealth, and thoſe even ſo pretious ones, that we cannot hardly now contemplate any thing of ſo great eſteem unto us, which we may not hope they will in time procure for us? As for me (kind neighbour) whether it be that I am paſſionate for that liberty and freedom in my walkings with God, the ſweetneſs whereof I have already taſted; or whether the tranſparent light of preſent felicities ſomewhat over-dazels my raviſht in­tellect; or that the meer love of truth makes me thus write, moſt aſſured it is they are the promptings, and guidances of the Spirit of God overflowing me.

Secunda Pars.

ANd now Sir my next task is to make good that promiſe of mine in the ſuperſcription; I have ſomething to ſay to the ſeduced Scotch, as well as the blind Engliſh Presbyter; what is this our old brother Scotland ſtands agaſt at? He ſtands affrighted (and ſeriouſly I cannot much blame them) at the very approach of our Cromwel; what pitty tis to ſee how they refuſe and deny that good fortune which comes to find them? their conſent is only askt to take the greivous yoke of Tyranny off their necks, that where godly men ſuffer, or weak men groan, they may be releaſed & ſet free: Alack! they are ſo time­rouſly28 aguiſh, they will cheriſh their diſeaſe; they have not the courage (though they have the ſtrength) to take Phyſick and make uſe of proffered remedies; what fatall and wretched ſtupidity is this in them? have they not eyes to ſee the inun­dation of miſeries which are over-ruſhing them, and ready to ſwallow them up? is not that common bruit (in Rome and France, and moſt Catholick kingdoms of Europe) of their yong Kings turning Papiſt able to awaken them from their ſordid drowzy cowardlineſs? Shall that for ever hereafter be ſpoken of the Scots which was related of the people of Aſia, That for freemen they were of no reckoning or account; but that they made very excellent ſlaves, and were very good to up­hold an inſupportable Tyranny for want of having the valour to reſiſt it? Becauſe their King is not yet come to his higheſt pin (or that they have hitherto had a pretty nimble way to cut them off in their career;) or becauſe they are reſerved for the laſt Act of the Tragedy after Independents (and Ca­valeers too, as they think) therefore they abſolutely con­clude themſelves perpetually ſecure; Becauſe the poyſon of Popery and Cavaleriſme hath not yet diſperſt over all their Members, and intrencht upon their very heart, and that very death doth not yet gripe them, they imagine they are in very good ſtate and condition; Becauſe the Pope doth not open­ly declare what he hopes and intends to bring to paſs by him who (its thought) is really his Proſelyte, will they be ſo mad as to think (or is it that they know themſelves to be ſo ſlighted, ſcorned and inconſiderable a people) that he doth not ſo much as dream of them as well as that ſweet morſel of Eng­land? Aſſuredly if they ſhould ſee in Edinburgh a man pro­viding great ſtore of all ſorts of materials for a ſtructure, and forthwith make ready a place in a very fair ſeat, to employ thoſe utenſils, without doubt they would ſay that ſurely he meant to erect a very fair houſe, though they ſaw neither the walls ſet up, or foundations laid; and can they be ſo perverſ­ly wilful, that notwithſtanding they ſee ſuch huge Popeling preparations in almoſt all Catholick parts, yet they will not underſtand what kind of fabrick is in time hoped to be ſet up both with them and us? To be ſure, if they ſuffer the yong29 Popified blade to manage his work a little further, till it be compleatly accompliſhed, that is, if they go on to accept of his formal Recantations (for which without doubt (as in time may be proved) he hath Diſpenſations ſufficient) it will then no longer be in their power to oppoſe him; for that all his retra­ctations are indeed diſguiſed, deceitfull, and complementall; and verily it is impoſſible (as he hath been principled under his father and ſince beyond ſea) to live under him, and in liberty; they muſt of neceſſity be put to this Dilemma, and chuſe one of theſe two things, either to be his vaſſals, or his enemies, and ſee which they love beſt, an intolerable long ſlavery, or a ſhort juſt war.

Yet indeed though at preſent the face of things look ſo oddly in Scotland, affairs are not ſo incurably altered in that Region as ſome ſuppoſe and wiſh: Nature ſurely hath preſerved ſome remainder of good ſeed, ſhe can yet raiſe up ſome ſtout and couragious ſpirits (from that ancient principle of libert, which may not as yet be totally extinguiſhed) from amongſt them: They have as great quondam experience of throwing Tyrants overboard as any people under heaven; I ſay methinks nature and experience might diſtill ſome drops of blood pure­ly Brittiſh amongſt them, amidſt that corrupted maſs it now la­bours under; It cannot be but ſometimes they call to mind the neat feats their fathers have been forced to uſe to get off thoſe iron yokes from about their necks: It cannot be that the inge­nuity of that Northern people ſhould ſuffer them to lie ſtil un­der that heavy preſſure of Regality; its a ſhame that the learn­ed abilities of that people ſhould now be converted to meer nought elſe but to flatter and ſmooth up a young Tyrant, which they ought to make uſe of to excite people to recover their liberties: Its a ſhame that they are active and valiant onely for another, not themſelves, and that their ſpirit and courage ſhould take pains only to ſtrengthen a dominion that will finally oppreſs them; if peradventure they undertake actions, which from an accidentall ſucceſs be reputed full of gallantry, it is the glory but of one man, not of them; by this they gain nothing but companions in ſlavery, they render not the ſtate of their Country to a better plight, but make the30 power of a forraigner more formidable; their chains become more gltitering and ſtrong, not lighter and more looſe: And now (Sir) I hope the Lord will put it into ſome of their hearts, that they may make ſome reflection hereupon, and that all that I have ſaid may not fall to the ground: perchance that mag­nanimity which in times of yore was known to be in the Scot (and now ſuppoſed to be dead) is but dormant; perhaps the ſick, the ſeduced ones, will at length get up, and the heart of that people return from its ſwounings; let them but once be­gin to add vigor to that prudence they have been obſerved to have, and to arm good counſels, and they ſhall ſoon find that the fury with which they are poſſeſt againſt the Engliſh Bre­thren ſhall not ſo much over-ballance their reaſon, as for ſome few years by-paſt it hath hitherto done; then will they ſpeedily be induced with much courage and generoſity to accompa­ny their ſiſter England in thoſe excellent wiſe managements, whereof ſhe reads Lectures of Heroick gallantry to all Chriſten­dome: Our Cromwell hath a reſolution too magnanimous and ſublime to do any low thing in this occaſion, if they will but call unto him: Thoſe miracles of victories which the Lord hath wrought by him (which even his very old enemies with horror and ſubmiſſion confeſs and admire) thoſe Declarations of his often ſent unto you, which breathe nothing but liberty and love of your Country, the abode he long ſince made with you at Edinburgh, when at your beck he poſted for your ſuccor, his noble comportment and pious converſation amongſt you, can furniſh you with none but fair hopes, and auſpicious pre­ſages, if ye will embrace his proffers; Thus we your Brethren Engliſhmen think fit to call upon you, yea to cry on high; That liberty is not defended by fear, nor will the future violences of your Prince be ever repelled by a ſecure ſoftneſs.

But you urge, we are Presbyterians, and you are not; you are Independents, but we are not: Ah brethren, is it not con­venient that we unite our ſelves againſt a common enemy? a­gainſt him who is not for any zeal to Religion, but the Kingly Intereſt of a Crown, and revenge both upon you and us. He doth not covet (as the Apoſtle did) the unbelievers, but thoſe things which are theirs: Have ye never read of that31 Stoick and Epicure, two men who made profeſſion of a con­trary Phloſophy, and were of two oppoſite Sects, and that in a moſt violent manner, yet could preſently be brought to ac­cord when there was a queſtion of delivering their Country from ſlavery; and for a while could lay their opinions aſide to joyn their intereſts together? would to God we could do ſo; yet there is none deſires you to relinquiſh your opinions (according to your preſent light) in your wayes of worſhip of God, but in an amicable way to compoſe ſuch triviall imperti­nencies concerning which we have ſo often (to no purpoſe) ſent overtures unto you: ye know that a man once in danger of drowning, indifferently catches hold of whatſoever is obvi­ous to his ſight or ſenſe, though it be a naked ſword, or hot iron: I have ſeen two beaſts fighting that would preſently part and fall upon a third common enemy; ſhall we be worſe then beaſts? is there ſuch a neceſſity in it, that you muſt needs divide from us your heretofore Brethren, and unite and joyn intereſt with ſtrangers, enemies, aliens, forraigners, Danes, Swedes, French, Dutch, (O horrible) Iriſh too? &c. I muſt confeſs ſelf-preſervation is the moſt preſſing, if not the moſt legal of all duties; but have a care Brethren that you have not learned this maxime out of Machiavel, That its convenient for a Chri­ſtian to agree with the Turk againſt a Chriſtian; for in danger (ſaith he) Honeſty and fair-dealing may be laid aſide, and but what ſeems beſt may be undertaken; this is but to defend a mans ſelf with the left hand. Now let the world be Moderators whe­ther you have not gone theſe ſiniſter wayes to work: Good God! what (I trow) is the end and object of your deſigns? what is there in the cauſe under which you now warfare, that either a learned Doctor may be able to maintain, or that a conſciencious Presbyter dare excuſe?

I ſee I muſt once more impeach you of the higheſt piece of perfidie, and purſue you to the inmoſt retreates of your plots, and ſee whether (as the world gives out) your Nation in ge­neral, or that black counſel, (under which you now labour) be leaſt innocent or moſt viperous? True, ye paint over your pretences with the guilded colour of righteouſneſs, but (ſeri­ouſly) wiſe men judge that there is nothing but a deſire to be­come32 maſters of other mens habitations, which makes ye ſo often deſirous to go out of your own; It was ever the cuſtom of you cold Nothern ones to come before you were bid, and to creep nearer the Sun: Lord what a many arguments (which now lye in Engliſh Jaques) were there once rak'd up to prove the conveniencie of our Ʋnion, and your naturalization? what oldd remnants were there ſcrap'd up to aſſert the lega­lity of your Sixth Jemmies tranſplantation (as intricate as a Welſh Pedigree) and becauſe (forſooth deſcended from a ſeventh Henry) we muſt be your fellow-ſlaves: and this unhap­py fancy of yours, bringing your third Hobby-Horſe becauſe his ſons-ſon, will (in the end) certainly prove fatall to you, if you be not the more timely wiſe: ye ran well, who hindred you that ye might not obtain that precious liberty chalk'd out by us unto you? ye were at your own diſpoſition, ye might have been what ye had deſired; but (ah me!) in the midſt of peace ye have the ſpirit of war, and a ſeditious will, and when ye once made us beleeve ye were at reſt, ye onely then plotted how ye might be more active: theſe tricks will prove State-Torments to you in the end; ye will not be at quiet till ye have the rule of our Church and Sate; Really a man may read in the white-liver'd phyſiognomy of ye Scots, and our Presbyters, that innate, Coveteouſneſs in them to rule and raign, which burns and conſums ye within, and is the true internal ſign that makes them look as they do.

Tis true! your Duke Hamilton (who paid ſo deerly for our Univerſity Earldom) is now dead; but his inſtructions live ſtill, and are now as vigorouſly on foot amongſt you as ever, though you invited us when you were well knockt, and hum­bly cried Peccavimus, a ſinful ingagement, becauſe ye ſaw that unleſs you took in that young Renegado into your pack, it would be as unfeiſable for you to win England as thoſe King­doms and Provinces which Galileo points out unto you in the Moon; but now (Ile warrant) by his help ye are as ſure as a gun; In good ſober ſadneſs the extravagancy of your de­ſigns is worthily to be jeered at, they are ſo contemptibly ri­diculous in the thoughts of all knowing men; would to God ye did but in part underſtand how mightily you and your Da­gon33 Presbytery is generally laught at in this our Common-wealth.

But ſhould ſeem the great wrong we have done you, and that which moſt offends you is our being free? you will finde ſomething or you will quarrel at a ſtraw; look thorow all our Hiſtories, and we finde that as long as Scotland has had a neighbour, there never wanted brawlings; either by good will or by force ye will enter upon, and have to do with the affairs of England; truly (my brethren) ye have always been taken for very bad Accomodators of differences; Is this your ſtating the Cauſe to fight us? if ſo? for what is it I beſeech you? Is it for the reinſtalment of your old Popiſh Biſhop, or for the re­inveſtment of your new ſinfull King whom you have made to confeſs ſo great a contraction of the guilt of hainous ſins, and horrid bloudy crimes, that you have even perſwaded the world he is fitter to be hang'd, drawn and quartered by the Laws of God and men; at leaſt we for our parts much doubt that Jus divinum of your rotten debaucht Kirk; how you can or dare maintain his compurgation upon a meer formally hypocritical verball ſubmiſſion, and that for a Jack-a-Lent, who would ra­ther turn Link-boy to you then ſit out; for Gods ſake how comes it to paſs that ye have not excommunicated him all this while, as well as any other of your ſinners; will ye make him confeſs guilt and yet ſay he is not ſo? or can ye dare ſay that his guilt is not within the line of his excommunication? if ye do, I dare ſay ye are all a company of raſcally veillacons. In the Spaniſh Schools (I have read) it was once a very hot diſpute; and there was cutting and flaſhing for it to ſome purpoſe, whether the Indians were of the race of Adam (their gold mines made them Scot-like deny their fraternity) or a middle baſtard ſpecies between a man and an Ape? I wonder they had forgot you, what can any man make of you? you will have a King and no King, a ſinner and no ſinner, a righteous perſon, and yet his whole houſe and himſelf bloody monſtrous incarnate devils; Well, if he be ſuch an one as ye have made him confeſs (and we have not reaſon to deny) then (I will not ſay) the habit of Tyranny, but without queſti­on the Tyranny of habite hath got ſuch predominancy over him, that according to his inſtilled principles which have been34 drawn from the blood, and been breed in his bone, will hardly out of the fleſh, unleſs it be let out the ſame way his Tyrant fathers was: In the interim me thinks the viſible ap­parancy of his deteſtable horridneſs ſhould at leaſt palliate and allay your groundleſs inveterateneſs againſt us; but why ſpeak I? it muſt be the Lords work, not mine, not mans; I ſee you muſt be conſtrained to be happy in ſtead of being miſerable! O how wonderfully are you infatuated? See you not he hath a direful plot upon you as well as us? but your Grandees have poſſeſt you to the contrary, 'twas warily done of them; all the hopes ye can poſſibly expect, is that you ſhall be the next after us: do ye not perceive the pernicious evil of this deceit? but (you ſay) you will not account it ſo, when its like to be profi­table to thoſe that are deceived; we ſhall anſwer you in your own terms; ſo neither doth violence deſerve that name, when it ſhall convert to the commodity and advantage of thoſe who muſt be enforced to embrace their own felicity; ye muſt therefore even patiently take what falls, though hitherto ye have denied that good fortune which requeſts admiſſion to you.

But next, ye will ſay the death of his father is that which ſticks moſt to your ſtomacks: I verily conceive ye are angry becauſe ye had not the hap to do it your ſelves; I know not how many above twenty ye had then made it: but dare ye ſay it was unjuſt, when we can borrow ſome old arguments of your Nation, not only of your very Buchanan and Knox to prove the legality of it in leſſer circumſtances of crime, but alſo of your new Declarations againſt this very perſon himſelf; ye never had the breeding to put a Tyrant ſo mannerly to death, but in a butcherly roguiſh way of ſecret murther; we the people of England did not do it in hugger mugger after your manner of Prime Execution, but in the publique place of Ju­ſtice, which though it were indeed an high piece of Judicature, yet according to that generally received maxime: All that is above Juſtice, is not therefore unjuſt, eſpecially in matters of State; As we ſay in Divinity, matters of Faith are above reaſon, yet not againſt it.

But alas ye are ſo blinded with the avarice of Engliſh guifts which ye were wont to receive here from your Scotch Kings35 and ſo wedded to your own intereſts, that through the tra­verſes of profit ye will not ſee the good of that glorious peice of Juſtice, nor (but meerly in policy though ye confeſs it in your own hearts,) will ye acknowledg it to be ſo; yet now (if ye will) may you vindicate your periſhing honours, in juſtly ſerving the ſinful ſon the ſame ſauce we did the bloody Father; ah let your publike liberty be evermore dearer to you then your particular good; you have been animated ſufficiently hereunto by the generoſity of many of your Anceſtors, nor ſhall ye be unfortified in the deſignes which ye ought to put inre for them aintenance thereof, if you pleaſe to make uſe of thoſe, who not out of fear but love had yet rather be your freinds then enemie.

Tertia Pars.

ANd now I ſpeak to ye the honeſt party left amongſt the Scots, be not ye terrified by the roaring-Megs of your Kirk-Governors threats; turn your eyes Englandward, and behold a proffered ſuccour for you againſt all thoſe that would oppreſs you; alas, the liberty wherewith ye are now flattered, its but a counterfeit one, no way true and ſolid: he that never was without a burthen at his back, knows not what it is to be at eaſe; ye that have ſo long groan'd under a Kingly and Preſ­byterian Tyranny, know not what it is to be at liberty, nor will your Task maſters learn (unleſs you document them out of our Engliſh Rules) how to put a ſtop and moderation to the filthy avarice and boundleſs ambition of their hearts, nor will ever ceaſe to increaſe their Tyranny, and your bonds, while you ſo Aſs-like ſuffer your ſelves to be fool-riden.

Now to excite you hereunto, let me tell you, That the juſtice of every cauſe for taking up arms divides it ſelf into one of theſe three branches. 1Firſt, To revenge injuries received; and upon this ſcore (next to your freedom) are we now come down amongſt you; or2 ſecondly, to defend men from Tyranny; upon this we firſt began, and hope to ſee you make an end: or3 thirdly, To give Laws to them that have none; which indeed36 neither have you now in their due courſe, nor had we while we were neceſſitated to receive ſo inſufferable injuries, having no bulwark of defence againſt oppreſſing Tyranny: now (my Brethren) all theſe three are honeſt, neceſſary and juſt cauſes upon which ye may boldly, ſafely, and piouſly adventure; up­on this ye that are feeble may lean; ye that are weary of your inſupportable burthens, may reſt your ſelves; ye that are tied and bound with the chains of your oppreſſors, may ſet your ſelves at liberty; he that dies in this quarrel (if it were poſsible) let him covet to live again that he may be once more ſlain.

A lack a day! what ſtrange appearance is it amongſt you, that ſmall faults (peccadillo's comparatively) ſhould be puniſhed in a ſubject (when commiſsioned to act them) yea and that even with a kind of barbarous death! and monſtrous horrid ones connived at, yea adored in that ſinful one who daily added en­couragements to his commiſsioned Agent: O horrible! that the enormouſneſs of the action ſhould be that which Authori­ſeth the crime, and juſtifieth the criminal; certainly (I ſay) there is no appearance of equity or that which you call righteouſnes in this; ſeriouſly ye ſeem wholly to be led by the Dictate of that Tragick Poet ſo often chanted on the Theaters, and ſo fa­miliarly quoted by Tyrants; That in matters of Polity and States, and to command, it is at any time lawful for a Prince to violate Right; but it muſt be obſerved in any thing elſe: Truly the de­ceivers of this Age do much wrong thus to ſeduce ſouls in co­vering ſuch horribleneſſes as theſe under the notion and name of Righteouſneſs; neither I ſuppoſe can it be amiſs for me (or any Engliſh Gentleman) to ſhew ye your own condemnation in ſuch wiles as theſe, carried on under the guiſe of that which ſome men have been ſo much miſtaken as to term Prudence in you, but is indeed naught elſe but a ſubtilty of ſpirit which ye the people of Scotland have been ever obſerved to have (at your fingers ends) in your moſt abſolutely ſeeming honeſt confederacies and tranſactions; And yet (let us ſpeak ſober­ly) though ſo many Judgements have in fore times accounted you the ſtately cunning Sophiſters of the world (in which per­chance that ſtrict Miſtreſs Poverty may much help you) in37 my opinion (and tis more then one Doctors) ye are fit to be reckoned with thoſe Platonicks, who are ſaid to have ſome rational intervals, and are but ſometimes in their right wits; we are able to ſhew you, to your ſhame and grief, where you have ridiculouſly over-ſhot your ſelves; I believe hereafter your mouths will water after ſome of our Commonwealth-liberty; o' my credit ye will be of our opinion by that time ye have been King'd a little longer; but by this (I trow) ye think ye ſhall pay us Ding-dong; that ye have ſtrucken us as dead as a Doore-nail; you imagine you have out-witted us. I pray bring me word about this time twelve month.

Yet (Brethren) we are not in deſpaire but hope ſtill for your good, that you may imitate that Enarchus, who having as was believed for a while departed this life, at laſt came a­gain to himſelf, and aſſured the ſtanders by, that he was well, but that if he had continued a little longer in his extaſie, he had died in good earneſt: My Brethren, Hear I beſeech you what I ſay; Do but you (or any Engliſh ſeduc'd ones of your party) with calme ſights and unintereſſed judgements conſider affairs (as they are now neceſſitated) in the purity of their being, and not behold them obliquely through thoſe paſſions which perplex you and in the infection of a malicious avarice which ſo alters you, and o' my ſoul ye would ſoon come to us in a Chriſtian, brotherly, and amicable compoſure, and eft­ſoon (with us) turn enemies to all Uſurpers of the Liberties of their Country: what ſtupidity is it in you to ſuffer your Country to be devaſted, eternally ruined, and to let out ſo much of your own heart blood, and all for the humor and ſupport of a wicked youth, and an unlucky family? what ſenſe­leſneſs is it in you to invent all poſsible wayes to loſe your own reſt, ſo as ye may be but able to diſquiet anothers? But know ye (poor ſilly hearts,) it is not ſo with us; All the ad­vantages we expect from our victories over you, is but a com­mon felicity both, to you and us, even an univerſall good; that Juſtice may raign in both our Nations, that Piety may be ex­tolled, Liberty enlarged, Oppreſsion cut off and laſtly, no­thing but what may procure us Reputation abroad, and a good Conſcience at home.

38But 'ſhould ſeem our war in Scotland can neither be ended by Treaty, nor Victory; not by the firſt, ye will accept of no over­tures of Peace we make unto you; and when we conclude a­bout Trivials, (as Priſoners or the like) ye will keep your word no longer with us then ye have the firſt occaſion to break it; ye will make our General affraid to treat with you, when hereafter ye may be enforc'd to beg it at his hand; fye on this every way perfidiouſneſs; and ſecondly, you will never be quiet, but when ye are not able to ſtir; alas, your hearts for the moſt part (and yet I ſay we hope there are ſome amongſt you that are not ſo) are clearly bent againſt Gods people; ye have an inveterate malice againſt us; but be aſſured (its the in­fallible Oracle of Truth) That wiſdom enters not into malicious ſouls: ye are the children of this generation, which paſs in the world for wiſer ones then the children of light; yet ſurely your wiſdom is fooliſhooſs with God; and there is no more prudence without his fear, then a building without a foundation, which if the world be not mightily deceived, is your now new clouted Monarchy: though we will alſo be ready to confeſs, that for the particular part of your Stuart he hath not in all things plaid the fool (though in moſt things the Knave) but like him we reade of in Lukes Goſpel**Luke. 16.8., though he hath been unjuſt he is to be commended, becauſe he hath done ſo wiſely for him­ſelf in ſo ſtrangely befooling you; No doubt but his fancy ran the ſame way the other unjuſt Stewards did, and ſaid with himſelfVer. 3. (as ver. 3.) what ſhall I do? I cannot digg, and to beg I am aſhamedVer. 4. (ver. 4.) I know what I will do, that when I am put out of the Stewardſhip, they may receive me into their houſes: which ye have done, and I ſuppoſe will hardly get him out again without our help.

Thus wiſe hath the Boy been to get an houſe over his head; but let us have a care that we reckon not Cheaters amongſt men of skill, and that we do not call Cunning Vertue, or Deceit Wiſdom: without queſtion the Times and his Tutors have taught him the Legerdemane, even the very Art of Fallacy: 'tis impoſsible (as his education hath been) but that he is endued with a certain learned and diſciplined kinde of naughtineſs and State-Knavery, even a Syſtem of Machavilian Rules and39 Precepts to help him aſpire to his pernicious ends: the villany of all the Runnagate Scots in Europe, is not able to compoſe and impoſe one Covenant, Oath, Abjuration, or Declaration, ſo dam­nably bitter (though it were to execrate his father & friends for damned murderers) but he is doctrinated and reſolved to down with it: O the conſcience of a wicked man, much more of a de­bauch'd bankrupt youth, what will it not reach to? Tis written of Hippolitus that Euripides made him cry out in one of his Tragedies, I have ſworn with my tongue but not with my minde; judge ye whether he hath not after this ſort ſwallowed down your Covenant, (without doubt the poor young man is cordially converted to you) and hath ſatisfied his holy Father ſo much therein, that he cannot in equity deny him a Dispenſation for any future compliance of his with you: O grievous! how ob­durate and ſeared is his conſcience, that it can ſuffer any weight upon it, or that it can recede from any thing how fun­damental ſoever, which his conſcience dictates to be juſt, and eagerly purſue and follow on the contrary? He hath not wan­ted ſome Engliſh Prelatical Caſuiſts I dare ſay (ſuch as his Fa­ther had concerning a buſineſs of blood) who could finde out very godly reaſons (no doubt) wherefore it might be thus law­ful for him to play the Devil and Hypocrite, and perſwade him that he ſhall be innocent, let him be ever ſo guilty.

O Lord! Can the reſt and quiet of any mans ſoul (who is not purely Infidel) be eſtabliſh'd by ſuch ſoft-eaſie means as this? will the poor ſoul of a man depend on the ſubtilty of a Knave Doctor? A Prince that made the glory of God his object, in the moſt advantageous buſineſs which could be pro­poſed to him, if he already were aſſured of the proſperity of the ſucceſs, and were not grounded in the goodneſs of the cauſe, would ſurely make a ſtop upon this very difficulty, and ſtoutly refuſe both Crowns and Scepters, were they preſented to him, and laid down at his feet.

But (tis true) many men become pretty Phyſitians (they think ſo at leaſt) by the frequency and ſtrength of their own diſeaſes; and queſtionleſs this young man hath gotten that mi­ſerable Science which many men learn by their faults and miſ­fortunes, that is (if not better'd by them) to do or turn40 any thing for advantage, (for whom miſery makes not better it makes worſe;) Certainly the fortune of this Houſe of Stuarts having aſſembled ſo many fatal events, and call'd down divine judgements upon almoſt each ſoul of (and Part-taker with) the family; & having made this Stripling ſee (as it were in a throng) ſuch a number of affairs and viciſſitudes; he muſt needs have a certain kinde of abridg'd experience, and be even rudimented in the Epitome of that which his Granſire called King-craft, which in down-right terms (of ſtrict Divinity, not faſt-and-looſe Policy) is plain knavery; yet (to ſpeak moderately) ſo harſh and rigid an education hath not been unprofitable unto him; his tempeſt hath taught him the Art of ſwimming, Ad­verſity hath read him ſuch ſtrange Lectures which he will make uſe of all his life, and (without diſpute) he hath not loſt his time in that ſad School he hath been trained up.

But this is the gallant Lad at whoſe beck ye are reſolved to engage your whole State, lives, and fortunes: alas, are ye di­ſtract of your wits? have your mad furies (anent your ſelves) no medium or intermiſſion? we hope it is not ſo, though in­deed the moſt part of ye Northern people are many times accuſtomed to rageings, but ye have onely ſome raptures and ſudden motions; tis pretty odd to obſerve how quick your re­ſolutions are, ye uſe no diſcourſe, nor make uſe of reaſon to a war, but collecting all your vigor together, and caſting out all your choler at firſt ye make an extream fierce kinde of French onſet as if the Devil drave ye, or a Leſly led you on; after which finding a more gallant reſiſtance then ye expect (and the property of your violence being to endure but awhile, if Straughan and your Pulpiteers be not preſent with their reaſon and arguments to keep fire to it) then at laſt as ye ſeemed to be more then men at the beginning, ye become leſs then women in the proſecution of your enterprizes, and as if ye went out of the fit of a Feaver, after ye have been a little rouz'd, ye languiſh in a Lethargie, keeping your ſelves cloſe in holes within the bounds of a Lethee-Lake, ordinarily flying, though our Army put you not to flight, and yielding your ſelves when they take you not; ye never conſider how ye ſhall overcome, but how bravely you ſhall march up to the gude City without reſiſtance,41 and thus your weakneſs as well as neceſſities carries you on to deſire extremes and impoſſibilities, precipitating the courſe of Providence which ye would fain lead and not follow, as if it were your Providence and not Gods; and when it (alſo) lights upon you in a moſt miraculouſly heavy meaſure, ye are (Infidel-like) ready to term it no other but a meer accidentall event: Ye (blind Bayards) will wilfully blindfold your ſelves, and not diſcern theſe obvious diſcoveries of Pro­vidence which the Lord does as it were daily make out to your terrour and the amazement of well-nigh the whole people of the Univerſe; I am not able to ſpeak them, but admire; ve­rily the modeſty of an Orators ſtile agrees not with actions ſo divine, ſo unheard of, ſo little credible, which have been (through his actuating power) perform'd by his poor Inſtru­ments, our Army: but all that I can ſay more in this particu­lar, is, Let him be owned, who hath owned his.

But all this will not induce you to ſit quiet at home; ye would fain have one bout more with England for good and all; what? If the baſeneſs of your Countrey prompts ye to find out more happy dwellings, and a more favourable ayre then that of your birth; If the Lord of Hoſts by a ſtrong Providence ſhall again and again ſend ye back to inhabit your own wilderneſs, and to endure the rigour of your everlaſting winter, will ye yet ſtill dare to oppoſe his Power by incroa­ching upon us? Keep ye back ye ſharking companions, ye black patch of fair England; ye fawning Peripateticks to the luxurious Courts of Princes; we Freemen cannot name ye without diſcompoſing our mouths, and wounding Engliſh eares; we are reſolv'd not to be, rather then ye ſhal be any thing amongſt us; ye have nothing to colour your Travelling In­vaſions of us, but the revenge of an old Tyrant, and the intro­ducing of a New: this pretence ſhall never carry thorow your ſilly deſigns: Do ye know the juſt hatred which the ge­nerality (now) of us in England do immortally bear them both? Certainly it muſt never have an end; it deſervedly ac­companied the Firſt the latter part of his life, and followed him to his grave, nor will the curſes of the poor innocent Fa­therleſs children and widdows ſuffer him to enjoy in ſafety the common Aſylum of the miſerable: And for the Second, whoſe42 future felicity muſt of neceſſity be founded upon bloud, deaths ruines, 'tis ſo doleful and portentous an object to the gene­rality of true Engliſh Spirits, that we cannot ſo much as away with the thought of him: we look not upon him (as ye do) as a Sol oriens, by whoſe Rayes ye think to warm your fingers once again in England; but we Engliſh Gentlemen be­hold him as an Ominous Comet with diſ-ſhevel'd bloody locks, which threatens (the moſt moderate Tranſgreſſour againſt him of us all) with a million of (not to be endured) miſeries and miſchiefs; there can be no favourable aſpect expected from him by any of us; but his Malignant Influence muſt of neceſ­ſity be abhorr'd by all of us; He is the Serpent whoſe breath we ſee has poyſon'd a whole people of ye: he is that young wild Boar of the Forreſt, which (like his Anceſtor-Tyrants) would fain make havock of all about the City; but bleſſed be God, we have an Heros yet left in England (if he be not now in Scotland) perchance you have found him there) who (with Gods help, we doubt not) will be able to cleanſe our Countrey (happily yours too) of ſuch a Monſter; and I pray you was there ever a more cruel, & more formidable one then that Tyranny which now menaces the ſmothering of our In­fant Republique in the Cradle, and the tranſmuting of our new begun Liberty into priſtine ſlavery?

Yet I ſay, if the Lord ſhould ſend him upon us, it is in his wrath and in the day of his fury: He is the evil wherewith the Holy Prophets threaten us, the effect of Gods diſeſteem'd Providence, and the boding Executioner of Vengeance upon us: The Lord may pleaſe (as Pſal. 16.) to put the Sword of the Almighty into the hands of his enemies; Yet wo unto A­ſhur (cryeth the Lord by Iſaiah) notwithſtanding he is the Rod of the Lords fury, and his ſtaffe, and his indignation is in his hand: But wo, wo, wo, be unto ye Brethren, becauſe ye have gone down into Aegypt for ayd; yet we fear ye not, for the Aegyptian is man, and not God, and their horſes are fleſh, and not ſpirit: nay more, ye have gone even unto an Eſau for ayd, of whom it was ſaid that he ſhould live by his Sword, which Paul gives for an infallible Character and example of a Reprobate: Take heed good Brethren (I ſpeak to thoſe who43 have not back-ſlidden with a perpetuall back-ſliding) if there be any ſuch (as we hope there are yet ſome few amongſt you) ſurely the Lord doth not only abhor and deteſt Tyrants, but alſo the people who are confederate with them, and adhere unto their Party.

Let us now a while conſider the ſtratagems of this Lad, and what his preſent Plots are upon you: no doubt his laſt play was to deceive thoſe whom he could not overcome; & be con­fident, Neighbors, that when he ſees it is not unfeaſable to de­lude you with words, he is not unfurniſht with double-meaning ones, ye ſhal have mountainous promiſes [meerly to draw you in,] upon England; nay, ye ſhall have oathes (which before he took them) he has ſworn and is ingag'd to violate; and I dare warrant ye, that (as cleanly as ye think ye have purg'd his Family) he is not yet for all this without ſome Craftſmen about him, thoſe apoſtatiz'd Kirk-worthies who are now en­dear'd againſt you, and who will aſſuredly day and night la­bour to lay Hooks, Gynns and Snares for you: He hath brought out of France his Mothers Coffers, and the Popes Cabinet nets, ſo ſubtle, that if ye have not a ſpecial care, the moſt cunningſt, nay the moſt honeſteſt of ye will be caught in his Puppy-ſnatch; his poenitential hypocriſie and fawning de­portment amongſt you, will in ſhort time (ye ſhall ſee) even bewitch the poor people, and pervert the fidelity of your moſt eminent Kirk-Captains: But alas, we paſſionately pitty you, ye will not beleeve truth to be truth, either becauſe ye have not been accuſtomed to it, or perchance becauſe ye think it not better then falſhood, and that ye ought to meaſure the value of the one, and of the other, by the profit which comes from them: Be not deceived (Sirs) the benefit which ye think ye ſhall gain by him, will verily be deſolation and utter ruine, and to expect fair dealing from him, is a ſoleciſme and contra­diction in reaſon; queſtionleſs he thinks that a good conſci­ence is extreamly inconvenient for him that has ſuch high de­ſigns, as for Three Kingdomes at a clap; and for matters of faith, be aſſur'd this matters not at all with him, for he cannot ignorant of that ancient Monarchical Maxime: That the ad­vantages of Religion, are for Princes; the ſcruples of conſcience44 and nice doubts, meerly for their ſilly Subjects; and that reall piety may in State-matters be dangerous, but the appearance alwayes neceſſary: Theſe Maximes cannot politickly hold in­convenient in the height of his great Tempeſt; and in the height of ſuch extremities he is now involv'd in; So that (in a word) we may conclude, He is reſolv'd to deſtroy all, or poſſeſs all, what he cannot enjoy, he will ſtrive to ruine.

And if ſo, we Engliſhmen, before whoſe eyes is the fear of the Lord, and tender love of his people, cannot chuſe but take for our Pattern him that was named the mildeſt and meekeſt man upon earth, even Divine Moſes, who (being yet a private man, and having then no Authority) but onely ſeeing the affliction of his brethren, beleeved he was obliged to ſuccour them, and to begin the deliverance of his People by the ſlaughter of an Aegyptian, who ſmote an Iſraelite: How much more reaſon then (I ſay) have we (into whoſe hands the Lord hath put his Sword) to make uſe thereof to puniſh that Tyrant, who would fain be the deſtroyer, and is already the ſcourging Oppreſſour of the Lords dear Peo­ple, even thirſting after the bloud of his Saints? we would not covet his puniſhment were there any other way inventible to put a period to the horrid evill of his bloody deſigns: We deſire not the death of men, not even of our Commonwealths Enemies, but we only try what is to be done to bring them to Gods wayes, and light of truth; yet nevertheleſs we are neceſſitated to provide againſt their being dangerous to the Publick; and where we can ſafely avoid the depriving them of life, we only deprive them of their power and venome, and (the holy Name of our God be magnified) the Lord hath now put us into ſuch a bleſſed poſture and condition) that if our**Presb. Pap. Royal. Three grand Enemies, ſhould in never ſo dangerous a Rebellion joyn all at once together againſt the State, we have Four means to ſcatter and tread them down; and ſuch is the vigilant Pru­dence of our Governours, that many ſilly men (which o­therwiſe ſure enough would) are not permitted the leaſure to turn Rebels, which ſhould they, certainly they would be ſurprized between the thought and the execution.

45True, our Engliſh-Apoſtate-Brethren do vainly imagine their clandeſtine interactings and correſpondencies with you to be abſolutely impoſſible to be found out; yet let me tell you (and them too) a word in your eare, we know as much of your news as if we had a Secretary in your darkeſt Counſels: Alas, how do theſe poor men deliberate and plot to caſt themſelves into miſerable dangers? and yet our Governours provide for their ſafety by looking warily unto them; is not this to preſerve Suicides, thoſe that would fain deſtroy themſelves? that now they ſhall not dare (what they otherwiſe inevitably would) utterly un­do themſelves and whole Families: They would fain ſtrike one ſtroke in your Covenant-quarrel; but lo! ere they be ready to lift up their hand, Providence meets with them, and they find it ſeized upon: Now they imagine they ſhall be able to raiſe up hundred thouſands by your youths Commiſſion, and that ye two Breethers ſhall ſhortly ſhare England amongſt ye; but preſently they find themſelves (for rare miracles of madneſs) either chayned up with the Lions in the Tower, or fettered with their fellows in Newgate.

Yet our Governors are very loth to proceed to violent re­medies; but (as with ſome**Gel. Aſh­ley, &c. now) they moſt times uſe gentle preſervatives; no doubt they have found out that excellent temper between Puniſhment and Impunity, and are willing (where they may ſafely venture) to take the mean between Rigor and Indulgency: fooliſh pitty muſt needs be very dan­gerous in a young Republike, that retains in the bowels of it an infinite number of diverſly-intereſſed Traytors; ſurely people would never have believed that there had been ſo many ſcore of damnable conſpiracies againſt this our State, if they had not ſometimes ſeen the Conſpirators totter and grow ſhorter by the Head: I wonder who can be ſo ſenſeleſs as to counſel our Parliament, that they would ſit down and ſuffer themſelves to have their throats cut; who is that pretty fellow (forſooth) that out of pure well-affectedneſs would adviſe them even quietly and patiently to fall into the ſnares and plots that are laid for them, that ſo they may ſhew to the world46 they are as magnanimous as Cavaleers, who ſcorn to be a whit afraid or appall'd at the moſt viſible dangers; this is dainty-fine-wiſe-loving-counſel indeed! No my Brethren, It is an excuſeable ſeverity for them to prevent danger, by the death of thoſe whom they have juſt cauſe more then to ſuſpect; Yea, it is lawful for them (upon a bare ſuſpition) to ſecure themſelves who are the Guardians of the people; ſurely if the Authors of our Commonwealths diſorders had (as many of them have) been opportunely ſeized upon; beſides that, ſome had been preventingly ſaved; there had been alſo happily ſpared a great number of others lives, and all the blood have been preſerved which hath been ſpilt ſince our laſt new Rebellions: And for the future, if the ill-winds which ſo bluſter out of the Pul­pits be but ſhut up, ſoon will the Sea abate its boiſterous ſurges, and quit its Popular ragings.

But ſome Aſinego's muſt by all means have nothing but a certain kind of ſcrupulous juſtice; they would have Punctillio's and ſet forms obſerved in the heat of a war; know ye not that Silent leges inter arma? Rebels, forſooth, and Traitors may not be puniſhed or proſecuted but in a meer Law form: 'tis pretty! ſhall we ſtay till they have ruined and overturned the State, that ſo we may proceed againſt them legally? we muſt have all things to a tittle, to an haires breadth, done in a form; which to obſerve in ſome Terms of Law, will aſſured­ly ſuffer all Laws to periſh: This ſummum jus is ſumma injuria, this extrem right is an extrem injuſtice; and it would ſurely be a ſin againſt reaſon in this caſe of preſent emergency, not to ſin againſt thoſe Forms brought in by the firſt**William the Conqerour. Baſtard-cauſer of our woes. The wiſdom of our Governors muſt in many things eaſe Juſtice,