A Deſigne by Captain BARLEY and others, to have ſurprized Carisbrook Caſtle, in the Iſle of Wyght, where His Majeſty now is.
ON Wedneſday December 29. 1647. Some Malignants formerly of the Kings Army intended to have ſurprized the Caſtle in this Iſland, to have either kept it for the King, or carried His Majeſty to Jarſey Iſland.
The cheif of theſe Plotters was Captaine Barley formerly Governor at Pendenis for the King againſt the Parliament, an active Malignant, and one who hath been very active and was now Captain of a Ship, with others who came into this Iſland to ſtirre up all ſuch as they could heer, to riſe and joyne in Armes with them to perfect their Rebellious deſigne.
By command from Collonell Barley and2 the reſt, Drummes were beaten for the raiſing of men and they declared for the King, and had ſome came in to them, ſo that they intended to have ſurprized the Caſtle where His Majeſty then was.
But the Mayor of Newport and ſome others, indeavoured what they could to hinder this moſt dangerous deſigne, and Collonell Hammond having notice of it, as alſo Captaine Basket the Governour of the Caſtle, there were all poſſible meanes that could be uſed to ſuppreſſe them.
Colonell Hammond ſent Letters to the Commanders of the Horſe who came to ſecure that Iſland, appointed by His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, to have aide preſently ſent over.
Captain Basket the Governour of Cowes Caſtle ſent alſo Letters to the Commanders of the Parliament ſhips, who were riding neere thoſe parts for the guard of that Iſland for releif from them alſo, not knowing what this deſigne might come to, for Captaine Barley and the reſt of the Rebels that riſe, went ſtill on in their deſigne to ſurprize the Caſtle and the Iſland.
3About 11 a clock that night a Letter came to the Commanders of the Parliaments ſhips from Captain Basket, of Cowes Caſtle in the ſaid Iſle of Wight, by which Letter they were advertized, that the Governour of the Iſle of Wight was (that night) beſeiged by ſome formerly of the Kings party, that had been in Armes againſt the Parliament: and that it was feared that the Hollanders then riding there at Anker might be ingaged with them (but for that it afterwards appeared that they were not, and they have ſhewed great willingneſſe afterwards to cleare themſelves therein,) and that alſo divers of the Iſlanders were joyned with them.
Hereupon the Commanders of five ſhips of the Parliaments, viz. Captaine Jordaine, Captaine Penroſſe, Captaine Jervis, Captaine Mildmay, Captaine Legent, called a Councell of Warre to conſult preſently on this buſineſſe for relife of the Iſland, and the ſouldery for the Parliament againſt the power of the Plotters.
1 And it was reſolved (in councell that all poſſible aſſiſtance ſhould be ſpeedily given4 to Collonell Hammond Governour of the Iſle of Wight for the Parliament againſt thoſe who had riſen there in oppoſition to the power of Parliament.
2 That thoſe ſeverall ſhips for the Parliament ſhould be diſpoſed in ſuch ſtations as might beſt prevent the putting off of boates to or from the Iſland without ſearch.
3 That the Iſland may be ſecured from all inconveniences by the ſhips then riding neere the Iſland, and all others as much as may be.
And accordingly the Commanders of the ſhips addreſſed themſelves for the perfecting of ſpeedy reliefe,
On Thurſday Decemb. 30. The Captains of the five ſhips for the Parliament, had informations by expreſſes, that the aforeſaid Captaine Barley and other three of the cheif Mutiners, were apprehended & priſoners in Carisbrook Caſtle. And the Mayor of Newport and other of the Magiſtrates had done very good ſervice in aſſiſting Collonel Hammond, and that there was ſome appeaſing of the buſineſſe.
5Alſo an hundred men were landing upon the Iſland and an hundred more going from Portſmouth after them for further releife if occaſion were.
A Letter this day from the Governour of the Iſle of Wyght, concerning a deſigne for a ſurprize of the Caſtle of Carisbrook, where the King now is, by Captain Barley and others, was this day read.
A Letter from ſome Commanders of the Parliaments ſhips riding in the Mawes, Dated Decemb. 30. concerning a deſigne of ſurprizing of Cariſbrook Caſtle, by Captain Barley and others, was read.
The Houſe upon conſideration of this buſineſſe, Ordered, That a Conmiſsion for Martiall Law be given to the Governour of the Iſle of Wyght, for the Tryall of the ſaid Captain Barley, and the reſt of the chiefe Mutiners in this buſineſſe.
A Meſſage this day came from the Lords whereby the Lords returned ſome Amendments to the Orders yeſterday, ſent up by the Houſe of Commons,5 to authoriſe his Excellency, and the Governour of the Iſle of Wyght (in order to his Excellencies directions therein) for the ſecurity of the Kings perſon, which Orders were to this effect, viz
That the Lords and Commons doe approve of what the Generall hath done concerning the ſafety and ſecurity thereof, in the place where he now is: And the Lords and Commons doe further Order, that the Governour of the Iſle of Wyght, be hereby authorized to take eſpeciall care for the ſecurity and ſafety of the Kings perſon, where now he is, and that he doth obſerve ſuch orders and directions herein as he ſhall receive from his Excellency, or both Houſes of Parliament. And that theſe Votes be diſpatched away to his Excellency, and the Governour of the Iſle of Wyght, accordingly.
Alſo that the thanks of this Houſe be given to the Mayor of New-port, and to the well-affected Inhabitants there, for their care and good affections expreſſed in the late Mutiny, and inſurrection in that Town raiſed by Captain Barley and others.