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[depiction of the ghost of King Charles I of England
[depiction of the ghost of Oliver Cromwell

A DIALOGUE Betwixt the GHOSTS OF CHARLS the I, Late King of England: AND OLIVER The late Uſurping PROTECTOR.

LONDON, Printed in the year, 1659.

〈1 page duplicate〉

A DIALOGUE BETWIXT The GHOSTS of CHARLS late King of England, and Oliver the late Protector.


TEll me who thou art that thus preſumeſt to diſturb the Aſhes of one that hath been at reſt this ten years.


It is he that ſent thee to that Reſt, who now would fain be at reſt himſelf, but cannot.


Ha! what doth mine eyes behold, that grand Rebell and Traitor which was he deſtruction of me and my Family, I command thee to be gone; Was it not enough that in my life time by thy open force, and thy cunning and ſecret Plots, thou and thy Emiſſaries took a­way mi life, and extirpated my Family, and the Lord knows what5 ruine thou haſt brought upon the poor Kingdomes, that I once hap­pily Governed, but that thou muſt now purſue me after Death.


O Sir, Pray forgive me, for you cannot imagine the tor­tures of conſcience that I indute, when I call to mind all my ambitious and damnable Plots, to ruine you and yours, and to ſet my ſelf in your ſte••; It was I that laid the Plot to draw your Subjcts obedience from you, under pre­tence of Rligion and Liberty; It was I that after we had Routed your Army in thFields, jgled you into the Iſle of Wight; Knowing that theI had you ſafe enough, and far enough from your Friends and then when there was a Treaty there, and almoſt all agreed betwixt you and the Commiſſio­ners, I by my dam'd Policy and Power, broke off the Treaty, and all to get the Government my ſelf.


Who, thee the Government, why how couldſt thou expect the Go­vernment, didſt thou think that ſuch a free born people a they of England would be come ſubject to ſuch a mean born Traitor as thee; beſides (if you ſwords muſt carry it) you were but Lieut. Gen. Fairfax was your Bruiſh Generall, (as in my life time I once ſtiled him.)


Alas Sir, ſee how far your honeſty miſleads you; I had no ſooner cauſed your head to be taken off, but I was ſens over into Ireland, where I was made Lord Deputy.


Oh! Name Ireland and Deputy no more, for that puts me in mind of my weakneſs in ſubſcribing to that wicked Bill, for puttingStafford to death, but go on with thy Diſcourſe.


So having brought that Kingdomunder obedience to the Parliament (as I then pretended) thyon being own'd by thy6 Native Country-men the Scots; There was an Army to be ſent againſt them which Fairfaxes tender judgment would not ad­mit off. The which I preſently accepted off; and Jehu like run over all Scotland, and took all their Gariſons, and in two Field Fights, the one at Dunbar in Scotland, the other at Worceſter in England, overthrew thy Son Charles.


My Son Charles, and haſt thou Murdered him too, or prethee Traitor tell me how he eſcaped thy bloody Thirſty hands, or how came it to paſs that treacherous Nation did not ſell him to thee, as well as they did ſell me.


They would have delivered him to me; but he was too wiſe for them, for after the field was loſt at Worceſter, he with the help of one or two, of his choice friends in a diſguiſe mira­culouſly made an eſcape to London, and from thence beyond the Seas, where I did uſe all the Plots, and Stratagems to de­ſtroy him, but all in vain.


Oh how mercifull is the Almighty God, (that although he was pleaſed in order to theſe mutations and changes which have ſince fallen upon theſe three Nations) to let me fall into thy wicked and bloody hand, that he ſhould be ſo gracious, to let my Son eſcape thee, and thy implacable cruely: Surely he hath reſerv'd him for a fur­ther Work, for the good of theſe Nations; but go on.


So having ſubdued all the Enemies of the Common-wealth, (as I called them) but the greateſt, which was my Self; I diſ­poſed of my force, for my advantage throughout the three Nations; and then that which was, accounted a high breach of Parliament in thee, to deſire but five Members of Parliament, to be brought to a Legall Tryall (in me was no­thing at one time to turne out fifty, and then afterwards all of them, and ſo made my ſelf, with the help of two or three corrupt Iudges, and the power of my ſword, Protector over7 the three Nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland.


Oh horror! them Nations ſurely were well protected by thee; But it is ſtrange to me my Subjects the Engliſh (for I know the other two Na­tions would quickly be brought to any Government) thy Tyranny wold impoſe on them ſhould indure oe of ſo low a Birth as thee to rule over them; They being wholy addicted to Kingly Government, and their Ancient Nobles.


Alas Sir, ſee your goodneſs and mild diſpoſition, What I got by my Tyranny, that I held by oppreſſion; not ſparing any that did in the leaſt ſeem to oppoſe me; Let them either be ſuch as had been of your ſide, or them that were for the Parliament; but them of your ſide it were too long to tell the horrid and damnable contrivances I had againſt them, to the ruine of all or moſt of them and their families; Making Plots my ſelf, and fathering them upon them, that ſo I might have occaſion to take away their lives, or at leaſt to get their Eſtates. And I never wanted my Engines to ſwear and to for­ſwear, or Act what I had a mind too. But oh the Sting of Con­ſcience that troubles me, now too late I find the horridneſs of my Crimes, by oppreſſing the righteous, and ſpilling the blood of the innocent; Oh Sir little do you think what I feel for now I find the reward of all my evill doings.


But prethee tell me how cameſt thee hither; Did the people call thee to an account, and put thee to death by the hand of Juſtice, or did ſome free born ſubject of England ſtab thee or take away thy life ſome other way; for ſurely ſuch a Rebel, Traitor, and Tyrant, could never dye in peace, withou an open puniſhment for ſuch offences as thou hast committed.


Sir, I beleeve you had cauſe to know me better in my life time, then to think that I would be deſtroyed by any private hand; I had read too much of Machivil for that, my Guards were ſtrong and all my own Creatures; And to tell you the truth my Reign was, (as all Uſurpers muſt be) more like to a Hell then a Heaven, my Palace being a Priſon to me; I not daring to ſtir out of it, without a guard ſufficient to ſtorm a City, and if I had had not Enemies, my own thoughts had been enough; for if I lookt one way me thought I ſee you without a Head bleeding afreſh, as if there had been a Deluge, to drown'd me and all my Crew in blood. If I lookt another way me thought I ſee your Sons and Friends all with their ſwords drawn and Arm'd Cap-a-Pee, to take Vengeance on me, for deſtroying of ſo good a King. Thus having Tyranniz­ed as Protector over the people for almoſt ſix years, it pleaſed the Lord in his wiſdome and Juſtice at laſt to Viſit me with two or three ſtrong diſeaſes which (as I was alwayes Violent) at laſt Violently hurried me out of that world wherein I had Acted ſo many Tragedies, whereof your ſelf was witneſs of ſome, and to tell you the reſt would fil a volume; but hold my pains come on me I muſt leave you, and repaire to my Stati­on. Farewell.


About this transcription

TextA dialogue betwixt the ghosts of Charls the I, late King of England: and Oliver the late usurping Protector.
Extent Approx. 9 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A81434)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 168611)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 146:E985[24])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA dialogue betwixt the ghosts of Charls the I, late King of England: and Oliver the late usurping Protector. 8 p. : ill. [s.n.],London :Printed in the year, 1659.. (Frontis = ill.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "June 9.".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Charles -- I, -- King of England, 1600-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Dialogues, English -- Early works to 1800.
  • Political satire, English -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
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  • DLPS A81434
  • STC Wing D1357
  • STC Thomason E985_24
  • STC ESTC R207869
  • EEBO-CITATION 99866895
  • PROQUEST 99866895
  • VID 168611

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