A DISCOVERIE, What God, the ſupreame judge,Wiſed. 6. 1 Iohn. 3. through his ſervant hath cauſed to bee manifeſted unto the regents or Rulers in England, concerning their Cain-like, fierce,Habac. 3. Apoc. 16.20. Ierem. 30. Pſal. 89. 1 Cor. 12. nay Diabolicall contentions and furious diſtractions, by which they bring themſelves with all their land and ſubjects in utter diſtruction.
Beſides,Gal. 5.16. Eſai. 51. Deut. 32. Pſal. 9: 75 96.97.98 that they have left their diſtreſſed fellovv-members and brethren in Germany ſtincking in their perdition and miſery, vvhich all God vvill Iudge. Rom. 1: 2.2. Pet. 3.
Printed in the jeare of our Lord and Saviour Ieſus Chriſt, 1643.
THe eternal God,Ieſ 40.66. Pſa. 89.95. to whom chiefly both heaven and earth doth belong, doth require the King of England and his Parlement,Ier. 30. that if they will eſcape his fierce anger and hot diſpleaſure,Eſai. 34. Rom. 1. Ieſa. 25.29. they do not ſo cruelly and tyrannically bring the ſubjects in their Countries with their own ſweat and blood-monies,Amos 5. Mich. 3. Ephe 4. 2 Tim. 3. Ieſai. 1. Iere. 7. Galat. 5. Ezech. 14. Apoc. 6.20 Matt. 7. Ioh. 10. 2 Theſſ. 2. Apoc. 16. 2 Cor. 11. which they by force draw & extort from them, in the ignorance of God, unto all ruine & perdition, as thoſe inſolent, wicked and inconſcionable theeues and murtherers in Germany have done, who like dogs have torn and devoured, & like unto the wilde & bruit beaſts have killed and deſtroyed one another, and then afterwards in the behalfe of the ſalvation of their ſoules, yet truſt and relie upon thoſe ravening wolves and hirelings, by whom Satan, the very Devill, himſelfe is transformed into an Angell of light.
Behold, God commeth as a thiefe in the night, with the day of vengeance, and his fiery Iudgement upon thoſe who doe not ſpare the very righteous amongſt them.
THe people of the ſecond,2 Tim. 4, Rom 14. Eph•ſ. 2. or new Teſtament, ſhould have bene taught, not to rule themſelfs, and live onely after their owne wil, but ſhould have ſuffered the grace of God our Lord and Saviour IESUS CHRIST,Luc. 1.17. to chaſtiſe, rule and reprouve them inwardly in their hearts or conſciences:Tit. 2. Rom, 1. Mat. 24. but for as much as they have forſaken God in his throne of grace, and are become vaine in their devices, & have like unto thoſe in the dayes of Noach,Geneſ. 6, 7.19. Epiſt. Iud. 2 Petr. 1: 2. Apoc. 17. Matth. 24. 4 Eſdr. 5.19 and 16. Apoc. 6: 12. and 16. Iac. 5. Heb. 10. Apoc. 3: 16 Gal. 4.5. Epheſ 4.5. Theſſ. 5. Ierem. 8. and Loth, builded up and multiplyed themſelves, onely according to their fleſly old Adamicall will, therefore they have ſet God behinde them ſecretely in the ground of their ſoule, have forgot him, are with the powers of the body & ſoule gone forth into the nature: and have for to maintaine their liberty and Religion, begunne warres one againſt another, by which they deſtroye and ruyne one another, and bring the poore to utter deſtruction. But when God cometh with his grace, & according to the ſpirit of filiation knocketh on, to the end, that his children ſhould open their hearts, and enter into their conſciences, and marcke this preſent and laſt time, and obſerve the rights of the Lord; then cometh the ungodly Cain in his generation, or children of Belial, and will cenſure God in his judgement,1 Ioh. 3.5. maketh it worſe then his brother in former times,2 Pet. 3. Gen. 4. Gen. 3. (who yet fell into the fear of deſperation) and Adam, who fain would have been hid from the face of God. In ſumma,2 Pet. 2. 1 Cor. 3. the Devill hath wholly poſſeſſed the people in their Sectarian Religion, with will & inſolent deeds; to paſſe by,2 Tim. 4.3. 2 Pet. 2. Pſal. 14. Epiſt. Iuda Apo. 16: 19 Eſai. 9. and that their falſe teachers and prophets beſides, doe wholy deny and blaſpheme the judgement of God, concerning the redemption of the poore and diſtreſſed, and are the very firſt of all that ſtirre up men to all wickednes, wherfore alſo God ſhall bruiſe the head of the old ſerpent, and execute vengeance upon his corporall and ſpirituall ennemies. 2. Theſſ. 1. Mich. 5.
The ſhephards and teachers which every one hath loadet himſelfe withall, in his ſect,Ierem. 23. Zach. 10. 2 Tim. 4. Matt. 24. 2 Perr. 2. Matt. 7. Apoc. 20. 2 Tim. 3. Zach. 14. Gen. 18.19. Ier. 5 and 8. and 9. Pſal. 36.119. Ieſ. 28.42.59. Sapient. 5. Amos. 5. Pſa. 4: 89. Luc. 18. Zach. 14. Pſ. 12.125 Eſ. 40 50. Apoc. 16. Mich. 7. 2 Pet. 3. D••t. 2.7. I•rem 8. Rom. 8. 1 Pet. 4. I•cob. 4.5. Amos 5. Ezech. 22. Mich. 3. Eſ. 40.45. Pſal. 33. Eſai. 8.30. Hoſ. 10. Epiſt. Iudae have ſeduced the whole world into errours and darkneſſe of conſcience, and brought them away from the narrow way of life, unto the brood way of eternall damnation in hell, & doe chiefly reſiſt the truth. If there were but five Godly and Righteous men in a Land or Kingdome, like as God ſought ſuch at Sodome and Gomorrha; I leave not of to denounce the right of the Lord, and to witneſſe of his eternall righteouſnes, which for to maintaine the honour of his word or holy name ſhall be manifeſted as a ſtrong ſtreame. But what Faith, hope and conſcience in this regard God findeth & hath found in all places Countries and Kingdomes, upon his eternall infinite Omnipotency, that ſhall be plainly diſcovered and judged, by reaſon of the confuſion and ruine, which the children of man have brought to paſſe, which, like unto the mockers and deſpiſers of God in former times know nothing of his Kingdome, right, judgement and righteouſnes, but will onely maintain their vaine, old, former confuſed doings and worldly deeds, with the revenue of the Countries, ſweat and blood-mony of the poore Subjects, from whom they have extorted them. Wherefore there ſhall alſo be a judgement, for the God of Iſrael liveth yet, and his counſell and thoughts ſtand for ever, againſt the doings, counſels, or vaine and idle thoughts of all men: which vaine counſels and thoughts are come forth from themſelves, to maintaine their divided Sects.
Our God is
Vnto the unbelevers,Heb. 10.12 Deut. 32. Rom. 9. Ieſ. 8.28. a conſuming fire, a ſtone of ſtumbling, and a rocke of offence.
GOd hath now for a long time in all places and Countries beheld the people and nations of this fourth or laſt Monarchy of the world,Dan. 2. and 7. Chap. Rom. 11 Matt. 21. Pſa. 33.53.89. Luc. 21. Ier. 23.30. Eze. 21.22 Amos 5. ••Eſai. 9.45.50. Iam. 5. Dan. 27. Pſal 36.89 97.98.119 4 Eſd. 6.7.16. Rev. 16.19. 20, 22. namely the heathens or falſe Chriſtians, and that both from heaven above, from his high and firme throne, and alſo through his ſervant David, whom he hath raiſed of and from among their owne ſelves, by reaſon of this preſent miſery, diſtreſſe and great calamity: who through their deſignes in every place, have effected nothing els but kindled the fire upon themſelves, and hindered the redemption (or deliverance) of Iſrael with the utter deſtruction of the poore: all which muſt yet be judged: for God with his Kingdome, judgement, and eternall divine Righteouſnes, will not give place, ſo much as a haire, to the Divell in all his members in the whole world, nor yeeld to them the leaſt from his owne right. But woe unto them,Eſai. 8. or thoſe in the fiery pit of everlaſting helliſh damnation, who in this cauſe oppoſe themſelves againſt God,Mat. 24. Marc. 13. Rev. 12.16 Eſ. 34.66. 2 Cor. 5. and will prevent, nay wholy annihilate the counſell of the Lord: for as every one doth and behaveth himſelfe againſt God, in regard of theſe preſent warres and commotions, and thereby is the cauſe, and guilty of the deſtruction of mankinde; ſo accordingly he ſhall be rewarded both here in time, and there in eternity: which no ſhephard, falſe teacher 2. Petr. 2. or prophet can hinder, or ſhall be able to remedy in any way. Actor. 20. Mat. 7.23. Ioh. 10. 2 Tim. 3. Eſ. 28.57. Ezech. 13. Epiſt. IudaeFor thoſe horrible ravening wolves and hirelings, who have ſeduced the people to ſuch inſolent prevarication againſt God, and moreover doe abſolve them in their preſumptuous perſevering ſinnes and damnable courſes, & ſtrengthen the hands of the impenitent and wicked ones, thus turning the grace of our God into laſciviouſnes and inſolence:2 Petr. 2. Zeph. 3. Thoſe, I ſay, ſhall principally above all be ſent to hell, and the everlaſting darkneſſe, by reaſon of the deſtruction,Marc. 11.13. Lucc 19. Iere. 7. Iere. 23. Ezech. 13. Matt. 21.24. which now for a time hath bene cauſed and brought to paſſe in all places and Countries in the murthering denne of this falſe Chriſtendome, through the hypocriſie and lyes of ſuch uncleane ſpirits, frogs and ſpirits of the Devill.
The whore of Babylon muſt indeed be deſtroyed before the end of the world,Rev. 16. but it muſt not be done otherwiſe, then by,Rev. 17.18 Pſ. 89: 97.119. Gala. 5. Rom. 8. Ioh. 8.10. Ier. 7.8. Mat. 12.21 Marc 3.12 and according to the afore determined counſell of the Lord, namely, according to his juſtice, judgement and everlaſting divine righteouſneſſe, which eſpecially the people of the ſecond, or new Teſtament, ought in the ſpirit, and through Faith to have waited and hoped for, and in no wiſe ſo as the Iewes did when their King came, whoſe life they ſought above all others, in regard of their outward Temple worſhip and falſe Religion. Lucc 6.11.19. 2. Petr. 3. Epiſt. Iudae Matt. 13. Deut. 32. Pſal. 94. Rom. 1.2. Pet. 2. Eſai. 1. Ier. a fiery judgement is before the doore, by reaſon of the mockers and deſpiſers, who in this regard will not onely hinder the harveſt of the Lord, but endeavour alſo wholy to annihilate and aboliſh it, by entrenching upon the vengeance belonging to God, and going about to maintaine, protect and defend their vaine worldly Sectarian courſes and Religions. Whereby they doe but kindle the fire in the wrath of God, upon themſelves, Eſdr. 15.16.
Thoſe heathens or falſe Chriſtians,Marc. 13. Gal. 4.5. Rom. 9. Iames 4. Matt. 24. Luc. 17. Rom. 1. Eſai. 1.5.30. Ezech. 7.21 Levit. 26. Revel. 9.13 16.19.20. Luc. 19. Geneſ. 19. Epiſt. Iudae Ezech. 16. 2 Pet. 2. Gal. 5. Pſalm. 12. Ierem. 23. Zach. 10.14. Hoſ. 4.10. 1 Ioh. 3. Pſal. 2.99. Ez•ch. 22. Ierem. 2: 22. Mich. 3.6. Ier. 46.50. Eſa. 30 31. Amos 5. who as concerning the ſpirit of grace and adoption (or childship) of IESUS CHRIST, within their hearts or conſciences, are not other wiſe ſubject and obedient to God, then thoſe in the times of Noah and Loth were, and will protect themſelves in their vaine and wicked courſes, without the counſell of the Lord, and againſt God & his ſpirit endeavour to ſet themſelves at liberty, thoſe I ſay muſt be ruined through their owne enemies, and ſubjected to the Divell and all wild beaſts, which God ſhall raiſe and ſtirre up againſt them, and they ſhall have at laſt as little deliverance from the everlaſting helliſh damnation, as in former times the Iewes in the horrible deſtruction of Ieruſalem; and thoſe at Sodome and Gomorrha, whom God alſo ever for their owne Reſractarineſſe was forced to deſtroye with fire and brimſtone from heaven. For God will not have the Sectarian contentions and bytings, the hypocriticall and Schiſmatical doings of the ſhephards, by which there is no light, no faith, no love, no uprightneſſe nor righteouſnes any more left, within the hearts of theſe men, maintained and defended in this fierce and Cainlike manner, with rage and fury, murderings and bloodſheddings, of the poore innocent ſouls, which now alſo for a time hath bene plainly ſeen and knowne, by lively experience, namely, how God hath throwne downe one tyrant through the other, and brought a deſolation upon the Champious and ſtrong-ones. Deut. 32. Eſai. 12. Rom. 12. Pſa. 10.94. Habac. 3. Iames 5. Amos 3.5.8. Pſalm 33.76.93.
Thoſe that go about to deprive God of his honour and vengeance, and entrench upon his judgement againſt their enemies, doe firſt and foremoſt, burden themſelves with great unquietneſſe, trouble and labour in vaine to no purpoſe. Secondly they bring their contry, people and ſubjects with their revenus, ſweate and blood into utter ruine: and then thirdly and conſequently (which is the worſt, greateſt and heaveſt of all) they preſume to alter or pervert the eternall counſel of God:Eſai 30.33 1 Theſſ. 5. 1 Corint. 3.6.11. Hagg. 2. and thus will utterly aboliſh the gouvernement of God in heaven and on earth, eſpecialy within their owne conſcience, and alſo outwardly amongſt themſelves:Wiſd. 6.12. all which the ſame God, who in former times hath throwne downe the Thrones and Seats of Kingdomes, will not ſuffer. Note: Eſai. 49.
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