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[royal English blazon or coat of arms

A Diſputation betwixt the DEVILL And the POPE.

Being a briefe Dialogue between Ʋrbanus, 5. Pope of Rome, and Pluto Prince of Hell.

Concerning the Eſtate of five Kingdomes, Spaine, England, France, Ireland. and Scotland

Written by the Author to content his Friend, being Pleaſant and delightfull to the READER.

LONDON, Printed, 1642.

The Devill and the Pope.
THE Pope whoſe papall Power all Roome controwles
Wanting more wealth (purchaz'd at price of Soules)
Fearing the People in each ſeverall Region
Contemne his Maſſe, and follow true Religion
Growes much diſtempered; Sicknes doth weigh downe
His holy head, more then his Triple Crowne
'Cauſe a report of late is newly riſen
Some of his Tribe in England are in Priſon
And many more which did this Land deflower
Are fled and baniſh'd by the Almighties Power
Griveing his ſocerie no more bewitches
By ſpells he raiſeth Pluto (God of Ritches)
Well may the People be in mickle danger
When Roomes great Vicar doth begin to conjure
But now the divell's rai'd the Pope requires
New councell from the God of quenchleſſe fires
It riſes like a Fryar, with a hood on't
To ſhreive the Pope, the Devill give him good on't
If their diſcourſe can your attention winne
Lend us your eare and heare the Devill begin.
Hayle to your Holineſſe what iſ't offends.
Your King-commanding Power? are your vow'd friends
Turn'd Traytors to your Crowne, doth France deny
To pay your Annuall tribute? ſtraite I'le fly
With Troopes of factious Spirits, ſuch as ſhall
Conert the Rebels; or confound them all:
If it be Spaine Perplexeth you, Ile ſtraite
With a worſe Plague then that in 88.
Vex my ambitious Don torment him more
Then did the Dutch man, on the Engliſh ſhore;
After much warre, deepe wounds and many knocks
Ile give his Country to the Butter box.
Great Pluto (Partner in my See of Rome)
'Tis not for theſe my skill calls thee to come
Not many dayes (before this time) hath paſt
Since by my potent charmes I raysd thee laſt
And bid thee muſter ſpirits (ſuch as are
Powerfull in ſowing of a civill warre)
To ſend them into Ireland to poſſeſſe
The Catholicks with their owne wretchedneſſe
How many yeares in thraldome they did pant
Vnder the Scepter of the Proteſtant,
And that by rayſing factions they ſhall ſee
Their peace agen and former Liberty
This we have done my chiefeſt Spirit error
The Prince of faction hath rayſ'd up ſuch terror
In Iriſh hearts that rather then they'le yeeld
They'le waſh with human bloud the fertill field
And through the generall Kingdome there are none
But cry or elſe have cauſe to cry O hone.
Their onſet did beginn tragick and black
The Engliſh Proteſtant went firſt to wrack.
Women they killd, young infants they did ſmother
As if each man forgot he had a mother.
Brave worke for me, for though I prompt them to it
They had almoſt as good be dambd as do it
But in theſe Spoyles ſhan't I a ſharer bee.
Oh yes my Lord when you are damnd like me
But whilſt this fleſhy ſubſtance thus controwles
Your Spirit, you can have no ſhare in ſoules
But when the happy time comes you ſhall dye
Thou ſhalt be made as great a devill as I
Thy happy promiſes doe much reſtore me
For which I'le ſend as many ſoules before me
As ſhall enrich thy Kindome but goe on
Vpon thy Iriſh Declaration
I long to hear't.
You ſhall, the Iriſh firſt
Were Conquerors but now they have the worſt
The valliant Engliſh now the victors be
And chaſe the bloudy Iriſh Crom a Cree
From bogg to bogg at every turne they winde them
and fly as if the Devill were behind them
The amazing miſſery doth ſo beſot them
They are affraid S. Patrick hath forgot them
The God the Engliſh ſerve doth ſo diſtract them
Their Beads nor holy water can't protect them
that now the Proverb ends as it began
'tis thought a fart will fright an Iriſh man
This is diſtaſtefull newes but canſt thou tell
What factious Spirits doe in England dwell.
Few of your Party they are gone as wide
As moſt report and mad on tother ſide
There all your Bookes and Beads are counted toyes
Altars and Tapers are pulld downe by boyes
Diſcord they ſay doth ſo poſſeſſe the Land
'Tis thought they will not let the Organs ſtand
The cleane waſh't Surples which our Prieſts put on
There is the ſmock ot'h Whore of Babilon
And I have had report by thoſe have ſeene them
They breake the windowes cauſe the Saints are in them
There Pope you muſt expect a certaine loſſe
A Taylor muſt not ſit with leggs on croſſe
But ſtrait hee's ſet by'th heeles, (it is a ſigne
Of Ceremony only not Divine)
The great grand Biſhop there your Popeſhips cozen
Is in the Tower, thers 13. to the dozen
I wonder by what Spirit they are led
They ſent a man to me without a head
The tother day but therein they did well
For were it on 'tis thought 'twould trouble Hell
Cum Privilegio's out of date, they cry
In every ſtreete what new Booke will you buy
Come buy a booke oth Biſhop of Canterbury
And with his miſſery they make them merry
Miters are baniſh't, and ſome hope to ſee
4. Corner'd Caps will now be brought to 3.
Prethe no more this newes doth quite diſtract me
And I ſhall ſowne unleſſe thy helpe protect me
There is no hope that Nation is farr gone
Whom neither Pope nor Devill can worke upon.
They are diſtracted? to) brother gainſt Brother,
Friend againſt Friend one Neighbour againſt another
But this will not laſt long; they are happy men
And ſoone tis thought will ſettle Peace agen
Why then let's give them over let us ſave
Free from their Power thoſe Catholicks we have
There is no hopes in Scotland, there they be
Confirm'd too ſure in a fraternity
Therefore at this time leave me.
Pope farewell.
I to my Chamber goe.
And I to Hell.
Y'haue heard their diſputation and may ſee
How much to us the Pope's an Enemie
The Devill to; tis likely that we ſhall
Be happy if wee ſeeke not our owne fall:
The World doth know we live in dangerous times
Let every good man then purge his owne crimes
For my owne part I wiſh a generall Health
To our moſt gracious King and Common-wealth
If each true Proteſtant wiſh thus I hope
They'le ſhunne the Devill as they ſlight the Pope.

About this transcription

TextA disputation betwixt the Devill and the Pope. Being a briefe dialogue between Urbanus, 5. Pope of Rome, and Pluto prince of Hell. Concerning the estate of five kingdomes, Spaine, England, France, Ireland. and Scotland. Written by the author to content his friend, being pleasant and delightfull to the reader.
Extent Approx. 9 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 4 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A81550)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 156357)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 23:E132[8])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA disputation betwixt the Devill and the Pope. Being a briefe dialogue between Urbanus, 5. Pope of Rome, and Pluto prince of Hell. Concerning the estate of five kingdomes, Spaine, England, France, Ireland. and Scotland. Written by the author to content his friend, being pleasant and delightfull to the reader. [8] p. Printed,London :1642.. (Signatures: A⁴.) (A satire in verse.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Urban, -- Pope, 1568-1644.
  • Catholic Church -- Humor -- Early works to 1800.

Editorial statement

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2013-12 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A81550
  • STC Wing D1676
  • STC Thomason E132_8
  • STC ESTC R19486
  • EEBO-CITATION 99860682
  • PROQUEST 99860682
  • VID 156357

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