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PSAL. 48.

Thy right hand is full of righteouſ­neſs, Let Mount Sion rejoyce, and the daughters of Iuda be glad, becauſe of thy Judgements.

Printed in the Year, 1650.


Even as I received of my Father, &c. He that hath an ear let him hear.

ANd proceeding herewith in another place what he ſaith, who had not concealed it were it otherwiſe; That in his Fathers Houſe were many manſions: reſerv'd My­ſteries, all revealed not at once, as much to ſay, M••…therefore left without excuſe: of the iron rod the A••…bid beware, reiterated ſo:[?] even He that hath an ear (to wit) on pain or peril of his head, &c.

Proclaiming no other then the Supreme Order or Authority, their unlimitted Commiſſion: The Spi­rit after abſent ſo long, how (as it were) ſtands knocking at the door:4 whereof theſe the ſum or ſubſtance of no inferior conſequence: A great­er then the Conquerer, Parliaments Prerogative not exempted: ſay­ing, To him that overcomes, and keeps my works unto the end, I will give power over the Nations, ſhall rule them with a rod of iron: His inſult­ing Enemies necks made his foot­ſtool.

Who ſpeaks the word of the Lord, and done it is: Thoſe Heathen Po­tentates, but like to Potters brittle Veſſels broken in pieces, ſcattered, ſuddenly a Printers Preſs like. As the aforeſaid herewith conſenting ſhews expreſly (Pſalm) The Lord ſaid, Sit thou on my right hand, until I make thine Enemy, &c. ſhall ſend the rod of thy power out of Sion, Be5 thou ruler, &c. And ſo much for this the prophetical everlaſting Order.

Whoſe Priſon-commons put into the reckoning, In the days of thy trouble (ſaying) ſhall the people offer thee free-will-offerings, &c. Bread (to ſay) for the Lords ſake, and run­ing-water: Therefore ſhall he lift up thy head: The Lord thy keeper, hell gates ſhall not prevail againſt her: and clear truths as Noon day, not un­known come to paſs: Notwith­ſtanding by you, As for this Moſes we wot not what is become of him: with one conſent afraid all to come nigh him, terrified with them, be­cauſe of that luſture on his viſſage, &c. The two renewed Tables coming down with in his hand:6 Shadowed out directly in thoſe re­vived VVitneſſes two (Revel. 11.) when ſuppoſed to have heard no more news of them: Thoſe lights deem'd had utterly been extinguiſh­ed, like to the day of Iudgement, when thoſe rebels at the ſame time ſwept away in that cities earthquake: And ſacrificing all to your own in­ventions, how requiſite ſome real Demonſtration then extraordinary, ſuch unruly winds, where broken looſe Trees whoſe fruit withers: Not for ought good without ap­plyed means ſupernatural, not to be tamed or ordered: Even appointed this anointing faithful and true ſay­ing: Theſe from her overſhadow­ed with the ſame hand, as he Aarons7 god that was ordained, like Beams of Divinity participating, and Oyls odirefferous, an Elixer not of man or fleſh and blood: She whoſe Throne heaven, earth her footſtool from the un­created, ſaying, I am A. and O. firſt and laſt, both beginning and ending, by whom all things were done: Not without her any thing done or made; Trinity in Unity, of Manhood the head: Who of Death have the Keys and Hell: Then the Queen of the South a greater, born a greater not of Wo­men: Melea, by Interpretation, Queen of Peace, or She-councellor. And ſo much for this without con­tradiction, ſhe his Executor, Made like unto the Son of God, the ancient of days likeneſs: owner of that Ti­tle of Tythes, to whom the Patri­arch8 offered a Tenth, from the ſlaughter being returned of thoſe Kings; preceding that Cities day of Iudgement prefiguring the final; for which interceding none might avail: Even the Lord upon her right hand, wounding even Kings in the day of his wrath; judging among the Hea­then: Heads of divers Countreys ſmiting aſſunder: ſuch headſhips of the Church, of ſuch no more.

And weak ſights moreover leſt offended overcome with light, for quallifying the ſaid Deity, or to mo­derate the ſame. Imprimis, firſt and formoſt ſaying I am A. and O. alias, Da: and Do: by her firſt and laſt marriage ſo ſubſcribes, that begin­ning and ending Dowger, &c. in the next thus. Item, Daughter of9 Audleigh, or Oldfield, in the Saxon Tongue,〈◊〉no created Peerſhip: a Saxon Baron afore the Conqueſt, As unto this day, preferring the act of time Antiquity, before Ti­tles ſubject to be reverſd; and ſo far for that beginning and ending, of Kings and Houſe of Lords.

Alſo Baron Touchet of France, Caſtlehaven in Ireland, Douglas of Scotland: Honors three, conſiſting in a fourth, Audeley: Of thoſe Na­tions no obſcure Denominations, which late ruined old houſe of this Kingdoms fall a forerunner, Je Le Tien its Motto, Hold faſt till I come (Rev. &c.) a derivative therefrom: like unto the Tabernacles work to a loop, and holy Garments or Coats adorned with ſeveral pre­cious10 Stones, following that patern in their true fiery colours diſplay'd, conſuming droſs a Refiners fire, like of whoſe diſcent, Genealo­gy of his noble Prophets no novel­ty to be kept, ſuffices ſo much in refference to the Morning-Star, uſher of the day: That honor re­ceived from him, giving the ſeven Stars or Plannets: The Creations coat, arms born: By vertue here­of, (ver.) He that keeps my works unto the end, as I received of my Fa­ther, &c. whom invincible Pro­phets, his followers with whom no ſhrinking or back-drawing, till they have made it good: ſo much for their Charge.

Where laſtly, by conſequence, Heaven how comes to be her11 Ioynture, place, being no unneceſ­ſary circumſtance thus going on: Thou Bethlehem or Berkshire, not the leaſt, firſt of Counties: Even ſhewing the word of the moſt high God, at Englefield Mannor-Houſe: That Morning-Salutation for ever bleſt, where that voyce came unto her, ſpeaking down as through a Trumpet, theſe words.

Saying, There is Nineteen years and half to the Judgement day, And you as the meek Virgin.

Where farther, by way of Priority thus walking about Si­on, counting her Towers, thoſe Right-hand years, in the firſt of his Reign, Ao 1625. firſt of his name of theſe Dominions, moneth12 July, 28. ſo after the firſt Roman Emperor called: He ſlain, &c. ſhewing not to vulgar apprehenſi­ons difficult, in this Coſmographical Table of New Heaven and Earth: How under the Gallery of the a­foreſaid Englefield-Houſe, where a­wakened with that unexpected Alarm in Engliſh: The Weſtern Road lies a Thorowfare under a high Arch for Travellers: Alſo a place called Hell of old, a Mile or two diſtant therefrom, full of pits within the royalties: The Harbor of ſuch decrepid with age, and their Aſſociates blinde and halt, craving relief nigh the Highway-ſide, no Critick obſervation in the County of HARTFORD: whoſe Ioynture the Manor of13 Pyreton (fire in Greek) conſiſting of a Tythe or Impropriation, ſhews Ao 48. the ſame year of that Kings ſlaughter or execution: ſhe reſtored Trinity Term put into Poſſeſsion of the ſaid Tythe: By the Sheriff a Writ Moveas Manus, by ver­tue of it, to that Patriarch, ſome­time appertaining Abbot of St. Al­bons: ſold away Ao 33. in the days of her durance, not difficult a little to regain it; the oftner Argued, the more Ambiguous, until by the Ba­rons of Exchequer, in writing the ſame appointed to be put down; ſo Intricate, &c. Of which ho­ly Appurtenances Conſecrated; things too exactly which cannot be obſerved, Ao 1625. Since when, not any thing acted or come to paſs:14 From Germanies Deſolations, Ro­chels Siege, until Irelands Blow, and what ſince followed; like one waves purſuing another, forerunners of the moments great change and general Iudgement, when perſons or Sex, without ſuch reſpects: even which Paſſages not unforeſhewed by her hand, together with the afore­ſaid Golden Number of Nineteen years and a half to Ao 1644. extending the〈…〉B his January Account not onely, but the late Charls when became a priſoner, Nazeby, &c. That day of Iudgement, Ao 45. current; afterward taſting of the ſaid fatal Moneths cold Cup: as Buckingbams Auguſt Moneth, him foreſhewed, whereupon (boad­ing to that Nation a laſh) ſhe wan15 that wager to his ſmart: The typi­fying Breeches of the Sotch man her Husband, againſt ſuch wimzes of hers who laid them, as he then term­ed it, paſsing not ſcotfree, &c.

And theſe with other like, a world not able to contain them: alſo this for another, 1647. by the ſame to­ken that Night a bold Star facing the Moon (April. 2.) paſſed through her Body, at which time ſerved that Writ, bearing dare the ſecond of April: I ſend thee to a rebellious houſe, &c. Ezek. 2. and cap. 12. ſhe prefixing Penticoſt enſuing, as when ſuch a mighty ruſhing wind, to beware them like as when they all aſſembled, &c. witneſs South­wark: That Mornings gheſts un­expected accompanied with ſuch16 a Thunder-clap from above, and darkneſs: To the upper Houſe a warning piece their diſcharge.

And laſtly, a ſecond like unto it, witneſs, 1650 July Jubile, that judge­ment by fire in Holborn, and other parts of the City: Inſtantly in the ſame week ſhe caſt out of her law­ful poſſeſsion of Englefield, by that Counties Sheriff, being by due courſe of Law put into the ſame: But in the VVhitſon-week, the like unheard without being impleaded: for the ſame Sheriff with piſtols and VVeapons to break up doors, done as he ſaid by a mighty power: All he had to ſay for himſelf, authorized by Committees Order, for ſwallowing a VVidows Eſtate up after that maner: And faſting, under pre­tences,


About this transcription

TextThe appearance or presence of the son of man
AuthorEleanor, Lady, d. 1652..
Extent Approx. 11 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 9 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A81653)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 170839)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2481:20)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe appearance or presence of the son of man Eleanor, Lady, d. 1652.. Pp. 16+ s.n.],[London :Printed in the year, 1650.. (Page 16 has catchword "tences,".) (Place of publication from Wing (CD-ROM edition).) (Copy filmed at UMI microfilm Early English Books 1641-1700 reel 2481 lacks all after p. 16.) (Reproduction of original in the Folger Shakespeare Library.)
  • Bible -- Prophecies -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2011-12 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A81653
  • STC Wing D1972A
  • STC ESTC R231411
  • EEBO-CITATION 99897293
  • PROQUEST 99897293
  • VID 170839

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