AS ſhewed in the Scriptures, There is nothing ſo ſecret, That ſhall not bee diſcovered: And the Cleareneſſe now of theſe future Things, being come to paſſe, with the reſt ſhortly〈4 pages missing〉6matter of the revelation of Jeſus Chriſts comming, which God gave unto him, &c. ſhewed out of the Old and New Teſtament, The Prophet Daniel, and his Diſciple John, their teſtimonie, where notwithſtanding his longing: Bidden Goe thy way Daniel for the words are ſhut up till the end, (to wit) times and ſeaſons miſtery, whoſe Charactar not to be underſtood till then reſerved for a time and times and the deviding of time. Dan. 12.
The halfe of ſeven untill which Sabaticall Number fullfilled, he bidden to reſt, &c. viz. the 1700. yeare.
And therefore St. John weeping much becauſe no man was found worthy7 ſo much as to looke thereon: which more would have wept, in theſe dayes, to ſee ſuch unbeleife in men: having their wits and underſtanding in that manner ſhut up, notwithſtanding all fullfilled and come to paſse which was foretold in the Scriptures.
Though witneſſe as (for theſe very dayes) The 11. and 12. of the Apoccalyps. Where like him poſſeſſed beſeeching not ſo ſoon to torment them &c. & they who beſought him to depart their City, &c. So here this City ſtyled ſpiritual Sodome, where thoſe two perſecuted witneſſes ſaid to torment them that dwel on the Earth, that alway would here dwel, Shewing how wellcome and what entertainment amongſt the Gentiles his comming ſhould find, even how hateful the Tree of〈1… pages missing〉