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THE CHANGE: OR, The Blind Eye Opened. A double Diſcourſe on Epheſ. 5.8. Yee were ſome­times Darkneſſe, but now are yee Light in the LORD: Shewing the great Alteration that is wrought in a man Regenerate from what he was in his Un­regeneracy.

Preſented, firſt to the Eare, now to the publike Eye, By the Author THOMAS DVGARD, Mr. of Arts, CAMBR.

Quantum mutatus!
〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.
But yee are waſhed, but ye are ſanctified,
but ye are juſtified,
1 Cor. 6.11.

LONDON, Printed by G M. for George Edwards dwel­ling in Greene-Arbour at the ſigne of the Angell, 1641.

TO THE WORSHIPFVLL, his much honoured Unkle, M. RICHARD DVGARD, Batchelor of Divinity, and Preſident of Sidney-Suſſex Colledge in Cambridge.


A Courſe of Li­terature (as the moſtaaDulces ante omnia Muſae. Vir­gil Georg. l. 2. Sweet andbbPro. 8.11 Satisfa­ctory) I ever affected: and have now for more then two decads of yeeres, according to Ability and Oppor­tunities proſecuted. As for Oportunities, none may recount them with more rejoycing then my Selfe: Ha­ving had the happi­neſſe of Grammati­call Foundations from ſo Famous accM Henry Bright late Maſter of the moſt flouriſhing Kings Schoole in the Ci­ty of Wor­ceſter. Ma­ſter, and of Academi­call Superſtructions from as Famous a Tu­tor. Great were my En­gagements to Him; but Vnſpeakable to You. Vnder whom, ſo Fatherly in Affecti­on, ſo Painefull in Precepts, and ſo Rare an Example of Lear­ning and Piety, my Seven yeeres ſervice for the Liberall Scien­ces was as delightfully ſpent, asddGen. 29.20. Iacob's for his beloved Rachel. And although I have now been abſent from the Fountaine as ma­ny yeeres as I enjoyed it, and wanted the Breaſt as long as I ſucked it: (as Pha­raohseeGen. 41.30. ſeven yeeres of Plenty were ſuecee­ded with as many of Famine;) yet hath there not been a Ceſ­ſation of Your De­ſerts, but a continuall Obligation of mee to further Duty. I have not drunk at the Foun­taine; but Your inex­hauſted Goodneſſe hath ſtreamed upon mee with ink-influ­ence. I have not ſucked the Breaſt; but you have fed mee with the Quill. Thoſe Pretious Letters I meane; ſo full of Af­fection to mee, and of happy Diſcord with­in themſelves, whe­ther their Gravity of Counſell, or Ele­gancie of Latine ſtile ſhould obtaine the Preheminence. Theſe as often as I read, (and there is none of them but I have read it as often as theyffLiterae Principum ſunt ter le­gende. ſay the Letters of Princes are to be read,) mee thinkes I heare your old〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉: and ſee you hanging againe on the Eares of your Flock thoſe Pretious Iewells; Labour to keepe your Conſciences Ten­der: Study to approove your hearts to God: Se­cretum Domini Timenti­bus eum: Miniſterium onus eſt Angelicis hu­meris formidandum:〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉: Sur­gunt indocti, & coelum rapiunt, & nos cum Do­ctrinis noſtris ſine Corde, ecce ubi volutamur! And a Thouſand ſuch, All which, inculcated to us in Common, to­gether with thoſe wherewith you have been pleaſed to enrich Mee in particular, ſhould I, according to their Deſert, deſire to commend to publike intelligence, I muſt not thinke of a little Epi­ſtle, but a large Pane­gyricke.

For the greateſt part of Thirty yeeres you have beene exer­ciſed in that Pupillary Imployment. In which ſpace, what a Pillar you have beene to the Houſe, what an Or­nament to the Vni­verſity, and how great­ly Inſtrumentall to the Church and Com­monwealth, as I know you deſire not to heare, ſo all know I need not to ſpeake. With You it hath not beene as with Some; who either have not taken more Pupils then One; (like theggMarkan. Turkey-henne, which if ſhee ſee but one of her chickens fol­lowing her, regardeth not what becommeth of the reſt;) or if they have taken many, have refuſed to take juſt paines with them. And therefore (as I have beene credibly infor­med) when their con­ſciences have beene wakened by their laſt ſicknes, have complai­ned of their Remiſnes in that kind, as of one of their moſt preſſing Grievances. Your Number hath beene Great, almoſt Fifty have I knowne in the Colledge together un­der Your Name; (and above Thirty of them Under-graduates) Some (like the fruit in Alcinous hishh〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Hom. Odyſſ l 7. Orchard) ripening; Others ful­ly ripe, and fit to be ſet forth for publike ſer­vice. And for your Sin­gular Care of them, that (as Socrates toldiiHabebo curae ut te metiorem tibi reddā quàm ac­cepi. Senec. de Benef. l. 1. c. 8. Eſchines) you mighreſtore them bettethen you received them; your Conſtanand earneſt endeavours of joyning the Muſes and Graces, of making them boh Learned and Good, as you can­not want abundant Comfort within Your Selfe, ſo may you wor­thily be a Preſident to Others.

It is Your great Ho­nour, (as Cornelia that Noble Matrone ac­counted her Of-ſpring her greateſthhHaec Or­namenta mea ſunt. ƲalMax­mus l. 4. c. 4 exemp 1. Orna­ments) that out of your Nurſery hath proceeded ſo Great a Number; that you have beene ſo Literal­ly Fruitfull as to ſpread your Branches in a­bundance over the face of the Land: Some, Pleaders at the Barre; ſome, Preſer­vers of fraile nature; Many, Inſtructors of〈1 page duplicate〉〈1 page duplicate〉llCereus in vitium flecti, &c. Horat.untutord youth; buMoſt, and ſome othem of all Degrees (and others very eminent) Interpreters oSacred Oracles. Alwhich, with the Sons of Nobles, and the Gentry, were they put together, and a Royall Head ſet on the top of them, would make the Better part of a little Kingdome. And none of which, I aſſure my ſelfe, but eſteemes it his great Happineſſe,hat his freſh veſſell hath beenemmQuo ſe­mel eſt imbuta re­cens, ſer­vabit odo­rem Teſta diu. Horat. ſeaſoned with your Principles.

But ſuch Paſſages,feare give you Of­fence. Yet I am ſure I doe you no wrong, notreſpaſſe upon the Truth. And if you take it for my Fault, others will account it my Du­ty. Give mee leave, I beſeech you, to rejoyce that I am of ſo neere Relation to ſuch Ex­emplary Vertue; (eſpecially ſince the verynn〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉Plutarch. in vita Acati. mention thereof ian Incentive to imitation;) and to acquainthe world what youGoodneſſe hath beene to Him, who earneſtlyooN hil mihi fuit optatius, quàm ut primùm abs te ipſo, de­inde à cae­teris omni­bus quàm gratiſſimus erga te eſſe cognoſce­rer. Cicero ad Dentulū Ep. fam l 1 ep. 5. Deſires to approve himſelf Thankfull, bucannot reach to any higher Expreſsion theithis ſlenderiſcourſe

The Iſſue it ìs onot many daies ſtudy, and altogetheppIta à nobis editur ut voluntati quorū dam ami­corum ob­ſecuri magis quàm judicium noſtrum ſecuti fuerimus. Caſaub in calce Nor in N.T.unworthy, if not of Light, yet of your Ac­ceptance. However, as you formerly did the Parent, who now therefore adventureth his Head to ſhew you hisqqExcuti­enda da­mus Prae­cordia: quantaquenoſtraePars tua ſit animae, tibi Oſtendiſſe juvat pulſa, dignoſcere cautus Quid ſolidum crepet, & pictae tectoria linguae Et quod ſequitur apud Perſ. Sat 5 ad Corn. Heart, vouchſafe it, I humbly pray you, your Tuition, and ſo further oblige

Your moſt devoted Nephew THOMAS DVGARD.

To the Reader.

I Shall not need to make a long Apology for the practice of ſuch publike ſpirits, as deſire by ſetting forth divine Tractates in their native language to edifie the Church of God. Thou too well knoweſt what a mul­titude of prophane Pam­phlets flie abroad in the world: which ſerve to no other uſe then to cor­rupt mens hearts and lives. If there were not ſome counter-poyſon to prevent the infection which ſuch Diſcourſes cauſe, I cannot ſee how almost any ſhould be free from the plague ſores of pestilent impieties. Shall Phyſitians be eſtee­med for finding out, and making common, Preſer­vatives for the Body, and ſhall Miniſters be condemned of folly, anrewarded with reproach for compounding and communicating Anti­dotes for the Soule? Cer­tainely, it is either igno­rance, or envie, that hath opened the mouthes of ſome men, (who yet would ſeeme ſomthing for Learning and Reli­gion,) to calumniate this pious courſe; which by experience is found to have done ſo much good in the Church. For how many by reading holy Treatiſes have beene converted from theaaJam. 5.20. er­or of their way? Othersave beene confirmed ine truth, & gained muchgmentation to theirraces and Comforts.

Object. 1. They have Moſes, and the Pro­hets, the Holy Scrip­••res in a knowne tongue. et them reade them:bey are all-ſufficient.

Anſw. 1. The greatest part of men are ignorant, and cannot underſta••what they reade witho••a Guide, and all men ha••not a Guide at hand to crect them. 2. All Guide have not the ſame gift ſome have more dextertie in opening and aplying Scripture th••others. Now all Go••people have intereſt••the gifts of all his ſ••vants, and therfore wſhould they be rob'd their right?

Object. 2. There Engliſh Bookes enoughready and therefore to••d more is ſuperfluous. An. 1. There be too ma­••of a worſe nature; andis there a daily additi­••2. The Churche's Trea­••e conſiſts mainely in••d Books, the more they multiplied, the richer Church growes, and••l the Church beught too rich?

b. 3. Many, and wor­••are the labours of o­s, already extant, up­on this Argument.

An. 1. Thou knoweſwhat is ordinarily anſwered. In the mouth of manwitneſſes Truthes are more confirmed, and men left more inexcuſable. 2. Thoſe Truths cannot be too often taught, that arnever ſufficiently learned. 3. Thou ſhalt find in reading This Treatiſe many things which thou never metteſt withall: ſpecially ſome Scriptures ſweetly explicated; and above the reſt, that in the 1 of Ioh 3.9. which Bel­larminebbƲariae ſuntujus loci, qui omnium eſt difficil­limus, ex­poſitiones Bellarm: de Iuſtif. l. 3. c. 15. ſayes is the hardest in all the Scrip­ure, that is urged for per­••verance in grace. Thou••alt alſo find, either thathe Author had neveread any others that writ of this Subject; or if thou findeſt, for Substance, ſome of the ſame things, (as who can travaile in ſuch a way without trea­ding ſomtimes in the ſteps of former paſſengers,

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About this transcription

TextThe change: or, the blind eye opened. A double discourse on Ephes. 5.8. Yee were sometimes darknesse, but now are yee light in the Lord shewing the great alteration that is wrought in a man regenerate from what he was in his unregeneracy. Presented, first to the eare, now to the publike eye, by the author Thomas Dugard, Mr. of Arts, Cambr.
AuthorDugard, Thomas, b. 1587 or 8..
Extent Approx. 13 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 15 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A81794)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 135160)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2427:16)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe change: or, the blind eye opened. A double discourse on Ephes. 5.8. Yee were sometimes darknesse, but now are yee light in the Lord shewing the great alteration that is wrought in a man regenerate from what he was in his unregeneracy. Presented, first to the eare, now to the publike eye, by the author Thomas Dugard, Mr. of Arts, Cambr. Dugard, Thomas, b. 1587 or 8.. Pp. [27]+ printed by G.M. for George Edwards dwelling in Greene-Arbour at the signe of the Angell,London :1641.. (Copy filmed at UMI microfilm Early English Books 1641-1700 reel 2427 lacks all after page [27].) (Reproduction of original in the Dr. Williams' Library.)
  • Bible. -- N.T. -- Ephesians V, 8 -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A81794
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  • EEBO-CITATION 99896655
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  • VID 135160

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