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THE DECLARATION And Reſolution of ROBERT EARLE of VVARVVICK, Lord Admirall for the King, Parliament of England, And all the Officers, and Sea-men A Boord, His NAVIE touching the Perſonall TREATY:

And their Reſolution to Joyne with the Prince, in Caſe the Treaty ſhall be either Retarded, Obſtructed, or Oppoſed by any Party, as well the Army, as all others: and their Vowes, and Ingagement to ſtand for the three States, King, Lords, and Commons; Againſt all Oppoſers, and Gain-ſayers Whatſoever.

LONDON, Printed in the Yeare 1648.


The Declaration and Reſolution of Ro­bert Earle of Warwick, &c.

IT is not unknown unto all the whole Kingdom how faithfully and zealouſly, we have behaved our ſelves in the ſervice of King and Parliament, and we leave all the world to judge how readily we ventured our lives, and laid out our eſtates, towards this work of Reformation, to the ends of the Covenant, and our firſt in­gagement, and we beleived that the bringing home of the King to his Parliament, was the only means, which might perfect the work in hand, and we were verily perſwaded, that our preſent and preſſing troubles, could no wayes have a period, but by a free convention betwixt King, and Subjects in Parliament, conceiving that to be the means to remove all miſtakes and miſ-underſtanding, betwixt King and people, we ſhall not ſtand to rehearſe all the Cove­nant, Vowes, and proteſtations put upon us by the Parlia­ment for the maintenance of the proteſtant Religion, the Kings honour, Perſon, and Eſtate, the priviledges of Par­liament, and the eſtabliſhed known Lawes of the Land, for which we firſt ingaged both lives and fortunes, againſt thoſe we ſuppoſed were the Common Enemies. But now ſind­ing by wofull experience, that we are likely to be worſe in­ſlaved by a company, who behave themſelves like the Tur­kiſh Janizary; in impoſing taxes on our eſtates, and forcing our perſon out to fight againſt we know not who, for woe know not what, to ſatisfie the bondles luſts of a company2 of factious, ſeditious and covetous perſons, who have the influence and greateſt ſtroak in the houſes and Army, wee know them very well, but ſhall forbeare to particularize them, til another oportunity, but it is not neceſſary to inſert their names, by reaſon they are too well knowne to this Kingdome, the totall ruine and downfall of all religion, go­vernment, and diſcipline, not only in this, but in the other two Kingdomes. And this we ſhould not offer, but upon good grounds, will prove what we ſay and declare; to be as true as their actions are unjuſt and dangerous, and in­deed the wickedneſſe of theſe men, we did not of a long time (and till now of late) deſerne the continuall masking themſelves under the names of Reformers, and would for­ſooth be called the honeſt and faithfull party, none more forward to ſpeak good words to the people, and make great promiſes, where and to whomſoever they came, of inlarge­ment from ſlavery and preſſures, then they, when indeed (as is apparent) they meant nothing more then to deſtroy, and ruine them, Thus have they kept their vizards on for theſe many years to the blinding & deluding of many poor ſoules in this Kingdome, who being thus miſlead by their ſpecious pretents, and dauncing after their pipes, to the loſſe of both lives and eſtates under theſe men, by their falſe ſuggeſtions, inſomuch that theſe three Kingdomes have bled and groaned this many years to the deſperat hazard of their utter diſſolution and loſs.

And now theſe men appearing in their own colours, and letting the world be ſpectators of their inſolencyes, and im­perious carriages to the great terror and amazement of all modeſt and peaceable people.


And truly had they not appeared thus audacious and bold, without limits or bonds as hye as the diſtruction of both King, Lords and Gen­trie, and that they pretend the houſe of Commons to be the only ſu­pream power, and that houſe they will not take notice on, unles it be moulded of a party of their owne chuſing and faction.

We ſay that was one main cauſe of our now declaring, and ingaging, And truly our affection were ſo great to that Army and Party both in the houſe and City, that we would have willingly layd downe our lives to juſtifie them, and who ſoever ſpoke againſt them, wee either thought them Malignants, or men voyd of grace, and charity, but now their inſolencies [and our burden] force us to ſpeake that which here­tofore we ſhould have bluſht to think.

And now we have great cauſe to bleſſe God for his goodneſſe, in ma­king us ſuch clear diſcerners of their jugling and Machavonills demea­nors, and do look upon it as the greateſt mercy that we are undeceived, in that we have ſome hopes left us to ſecure our ſelves & help our poor diſtreſſed fellow ſubjects from under the ejection ſlavery, which theſe men have brought us to wade to the knees in already, we cannot but beleive, but that this faction, which doth ſo predominate both in the houſe and field, are of a Jeſuiticall ſpirit, knowing very well that that Army abounds with Preiſts and Jeſuits, under whoſe Councells wee cannot think our ſelves in ſafety, or this Kingdome, ſince they are the only men, that carryes on and hath the buſineſſe, and hath the tran­ſaction of moſt things done both in the houſe and Army, theſe things appearing plain to the underſtanding of us, we conceived we could not proſper, nor expect a bleſing from heaven ſo long as we remain ſilent af­ter it had pleaſed our maker to make us knowers off, & ſince it is a mat­ter of ſo great concernment as Religion, law and liberty; we doubt not but we ſhall have aſsiſtence from Heaven above, and al honeſt and God­ly men who love the happineſſe flouriſhing of 3 (now dying Kingdoms) which muſt inevitably come to ruine, if we ſuffer theſe cruell Egypti­an Taskmaſters thus to rule over us, which ſlavery we are reſolved to quit our ſelves from, and bring our ſelves from under; and we doubt not but heaven will ſmile upon us as well as it did when we were abuſed by an exorbitant power gotten from the King by a party who loved him not.


And now we ſhall declare who we will not have to bare rule a­mongſt us.

1 We declare againſt that party who denyed to obſerve the Parlia­ment Orders at New-market and ingaged themſelves contrary to the Orders, Votes, and Reſolution of both houſes, to ſtand in Armes, till they were ſatisfied in unjuſt and treaſonable demands.

2. We Declare againſt thoſe who violently carried his Majeſty away from Holmby, contrary to the Order, Votes, and Ordinances of both houſes of Parliament, from houſe to houſe whither they pleaſed on pur­poſe to force him to own them in their treaſonable undertakings.

3. We declare againſt that party which deſerted the houſe and ran to the Army, and brought them into the City of London, and joyned with them for the expelling and driving away all the honeſt Godly pea­ceable members of the houſes and City.

4. We declare againſt thoſe who plotted, contrived and effected his Majeſties impriſonment, and the party ſet on in the time of his Maje­ſties impriſonment, to poyſon or take away his ſacred life.

5. We declare againſt all thoſe which have broken the peace and en­gagement betwixt us, and our brethren of Scotland.

6. We declare againſt all Browniſts, Anabaptiſts, Seekers, Indepen­dents, Antitremptarion, and all blaſphemers.

7. We declare againſt all Taxes, Exciſe, Contribution. Sequeſtrati­ons and Committees.

And now to let the world know that we deſire the benefit and pro­ſperity of theſe three Kingdomes, we ſhall declare and ſhew what wee wiſh and deſire

1. That Keligion may be eſtabliſhed according to the rule of Gods word, and as near to the Covenant as is poſſible, admitting the example of beſt reformed Churches, and that Diſcipline may be ſpeedily ſet up, and put in execution to the bridling of licentious liberty, and the de­ſtroying and routing out of hereſie and Schiſme,

2. That this perſonall Treaty may be haſtened and cheriſhed with al the honeſt oportunities that may tend to the reſtoring of the King to his juſt rights, and that his Queen may with his children come home in ſafety and honour, and live with his Majeſty as all other Queens have done in former times.


3 That the Freedomes of Parliament and priviledges may be knowne and declared, to the end we may not be brought to a contempt of their Authority through ignorance, and that this preſent Parliament would be pleaſed to ſet a time for their ending, that ſo the ſubject may be eaſed of many taxes which now lyes upon them through and by their means.

4 That all Armies may be disbanded und payd off out of Forreſt-lands and courſe taken that all idle perſons who have bin Souldiers may be ſet at work or ſent beyond the Seas.

5 That all Garriſon may be ſlight, demoliſhed and diſmantled except ſuch as are Sea port Townes, and inlets to a foraign enemy.

6 That all Widdowes and Fatherleſſe children whoſe huſbands and fathers have bin ſlain, in theſe wars may be prouided for in ſome com­petent meaſure to keep them from beggery and ſtarving.

7 That a conſiderable Army may be raiſed for Ireland, of ſuch ho­neſt and ſober principled men, as will obſerve the command of the au­thority that levyes them and payes them, that they may disband when it ſhall be judged by that power fit.

8. That there may a firme act of Parliament be made and concluded, that the Kingdome may be governed according to the knowne lawes of the Land, by King, Lords and Commons, and that an oath may be taken throughout the Kingdome by all perſons to acknowledg the ſame go­vernment, and that it may be death or baniſhment for any to refuſe the ſame.

9, That a conſiderable company of honeſt moderat men may be ſent into Scotland to take up the difference betwixt us and our bretheren, that ſo we may prevent the effuſion of any more Chriſtian blood, and that we may continue our late ingagement with them (as it is juſt) in love and charity.

10. and Laſtly, We deſire that all ſuch perſons who ſhall any way re­tard, obſtruct, or diſcountenance theſe things may be declared againſt as Traytors and Rebells, to the King, Parliament and Kingdome.

Theſe things we conceive to be the only means, under God, to make theſe 3 Kingdomes happy, and we ſhould not have declared thus farr, but that we ſee a many of perſons who endeavour to interpoſe betwixt us and our peace, by petitioning againſt a Perſonall Treaty, and that4 their petitions and expreſſions, words and actions tends to levelling and ruine of both King and Lords and are ſo bold as to ſay the repream power reſts in the houſe of commons, to which men, we will be ſo bold as anſwer, they know not what they aske, therefore forgive them fa­ther, for if the Commons of England be the ſupream power, then he that can make the beſt friends ſhall have what he deſires, though ſit be to the ruine of (a whole) or many familyes, We are already ſatisfied, that it is as dangerous a thing to be governed by Votes, as it is to be governed by armyes, when eſpecially in ſuch a time as when ſo many men, ſo many minds.

And now we have given the world to underſtand what we deſire, & are aſſured that what we wiſh and deſire is well pleaſing both to God and all moderate minded men, and if theſe things ſhall be oppoſed, we ſhall indeavour to ſtrengthen our ſelves both by Sea and land, and joyne with his highneſſe the Prince of Wales, and the fleet under him, which we doubt not but will bring a happy peace to theſe three Kingdomes, and ruine and ſhame to their and our Enemies.

Printed and Publiſhed by the Command of Robert Earl of Warwick, and all the Commanders and Common Soldiers under him, the Navy raiſed for defence of King and Parlia­ment.


About this transcription

TextThe declaration and resolution of Robert Earle of VVarvvick, Lord Admirall for the King, Parliament of England, and all the officers, and sea-men a boord, his Navie touching the personall treaty: and their resolution to joyne with the Prince, in the case the treaty shall be either retarded, obstructed, or opposed by any party, as well the Army, as all others: and their vowes, and ingagement to stand for the three states, King, Lords, and Commons; against all opposers, and gain-sayers whatsoever.
AuthorWarwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658, attributed name..
Extent Approx. 13 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A82060)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 162364)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 75:E469[9])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe declaration and resolution of Robert Earle of VVarvvick, Lord Admirall for the King, Parliament of England, and all the officers, and sea-men a boord, his Navie touching the personall treaty: and their resolution to joyne with the Prince, in the case the treaty shall be either retarded, obstructed, or opposed by any party, as well the Army, as all others: and their vowes, and ingagement to stand for the three states, King, Lords, and Commons; against all opposers, and gain-sayers whatsoever. Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658, attributed name.. [2], 4 [i.e. 6] p. [s.n.],London :Printed in the yeare 1648.. (Not in fact by the Earl of Warwick.) (P. 6 misnumbered 4.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Octob. 30th".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Warwick, Robert Rich, -- Earl of, 1587-1658.
  • England and Wales -- History, Naval -- Stuarts, 1603-1714 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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