A DECLARATION OF HIS Highneſſe the DUKE OF YORKE His going away from St. JAMSES. AND Concerning the Right Honourable the Earle of NORTHƲMBERLAND, from whom he went.
Printed at London by Robert Ibbitſon in Smithfield, neere the Queens-head Tavern. 1648.
ON Friday night, April 21. 1648. The Right Honourable the Earl of Northumberland, having been forth, returned to Saint Jamſes about eight a Clocke at night, and found the Duke of York with his Brother in his chamber.
His Lordſhip waiting upon his Highneſſe, entertained ſome diſcourſe with him2 for a time; and afterwards withdrew.
The Duke (after that) went into his ſiſters chamber, and ſpent ſome time in mirth with the young Ladies.
Betweene nine and ten of the clocke, The Earle of Northumberland went to his highneſſe Chamber, to ſee him go to bed according as his Lordſhip uſed to doe about that time.
And finding the Duke not there, ſuppoſing that hee might bee playing with the Gentlewomen, as he uſed to doe His Lordſhip ſent Mr. Sammon to ſee for the Duke.
But His Highneſſe not comming, The Earle ſent another Meſſenger, and a third, and ſo more, to looke in all places, ſuppoſing that he might perhaps have hid himſelfe ſomewhere; as he had often done in ſport, to make them looke for him.
Yet after all this no news could be brought to certifie where the Duke was,
Then his Lordſhip made ſtrict inquiry who had ſeene him laſt, and where hee was.
And is was advertiſed that he was within3 little more then halfe an houre before, with the Gentlewomen playing and very merry.
It was alſo further certified, That a little before that time hee had gone downe the backe ſtaires, and was paſſing the entry towards the garden, where Mr. Howard, and Mr. Owen, two of his Gentlemen that waited on him, then were talking.
And that the Duke ſeeing of them there did preſently returne up the ſtaires againe.
Whereby it was (after he was gone) ſuppoſed that he came then downe with an intent to have gone away, but finding thoſe Gentlemen there, was prevented.
It was alſo advertized that the Duke had that evening called to the Gardenner for the key of a backe door, that was a private way into the Garden, very ſeldome known to be openned, whereupon it was ſuppoſed that he went away that way.
Hereupon ſearch was made in the Gardens, and all about the Parke, but none could give any Intelligence at all concerning him.
But in the Garden, by the ſaid private4 doore, There were the prints of mens feete which ſeemed to have lately troden there, And there were ſome of the feete ſeemed very ſmall, which they ſuppoſed to bee the Dukes treading.
Theſe feetings were traſed through the Garden, and every way over the Parke, And on the other ſide of the parke towards the Cherry-garden, And they found on the other ſide of the Parke (againſt the Garden) the like prints of ſuch feetings as were at the firſt door which was ſuſpected in the Garden. But they could here no further which way His Highneſſe ſhould be gone.
Then the Earle of Northumberland ſent that night to all places from whence he could ſuppoſe hee might expect aſſiſtance, to the finding and bringing of the Duke back.
His Lordſhip ſent a Meſſenger to the Speaker of the Houſe of Commons, and another Meſſenger to the Lord Generall; He ſent alſo to the Earle of Warwick, To the Lord Mayor of the City of London, And to Collonell Barkeſtead, And Colonell Rich, That ſo hee might have all the aſſiſtance5 which might bee for the looking after him
His Lordſhip (alſo) cauſed a ſearch to be made of his Servants, and the Gentlemen, and all perſons of the houſe to ſee who were miſſing, but found not one wanting.
The Groome was called and ſearch of the Horſes made, and there were not one Horſe miſſing, but all ſafe in the Stables.
Alſo concerning the Duke, It was found that Hee went away without Cloake, or Coate, and in His Hoſe and Shooes.
And although His Lordſhip had had as much ſtrictneſſe as could be, to keep ſuſpected perſons from comming to the Duke, yet he made inquiry what perſons they could thinke of that might be ſuſpected, that had lately beene with Him ſome few dayes before.
And upon inquiry, no account could be given of any that they could ſuſpect.
Yet His Lordſhip was acquainted that there were (the day before) as the Duke was croſſing the way, two poor men that had kiſſed his highnes hand, ſeeming to be very poor6 mean fellowes; But they had not time to ſpeak much to him; only ſome few words, the diſcourſe being ſo ſhort, that (it was thought) they could not have time to doe any thing in relation to this deſign, but what thoſe men were it is not known.
Herein his Lordſhip endeavoured all that poſſibly he could for finding out the buſines, but could not be ſatisfied in any thing.
Now it is ſo, that the Earl of Northumberland did never undertake to be anſwerable for the Duke; And ſo much his Lordſhip did declare to the Parliament, upon the former intercepted Letters, which diſcovered his intentions to make an eſcape before.
But according to the deſires of the Houſes his Lordſhip hath uſed the utmoſt of his endeavours to prevent it.
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