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THE DECLARATION Of the Citizens of LONDON, In Anſwr To the Demands and Propoſals of the Committee of the Houſe of COMMONS, conerning a Perſonall Treaty with the KINGS MAJSTY.

And their Reſolution touching the diſpo­ſing of H••MAESTIERoyall Perſon, in caſe the King and Parliament doth not agree.

Likewiſe, the Acts and Reſolutions of the Honourabe Cout aGuil- Hall, cncerning the Cities Engagement to preſerve and defend the Kings Majeſties Royall Perſon.

REad in the Honorable Court at Guild-Hall, and appointed to be forthwith prited and publſhed.

[blazon of the City of London, consisting of a shield bearing the cross of St. George (patron saint of England) with a sword (emblem of the martyrdom of St. Paul, patron saint of London) in the first quarter of the shield

July 15 London, Printed for G. HORTON, MDCXLVIII.


The Declaration & Propoſitions in the name of the Commons of England, to the Com­mittee of the Common-Councell of the Ci­ty of London, concerning an Agreement between the King, Parliament, City, and Kingdome.

THe Commons of England aſſembled at Weſt­minſter, having received ſeveral Petitions from the City of London, and the Counties adjacent, for a ſafe and wel-grounded peace between the King and His People; for the effecting whereof a Committee was appointed to treat with a Committee of the Common-Councell of the City of London, for bringing of the Kings Majeſty to a Perſonall Treaty, to the end, that all differences may be compoſed, and this diſtracted and lan­guiſhing kingdom, ſetled in a peaceable and flouriſhing con­dition; the Debates, Reſults, and proceedings at Guild-hall, between the Members of the Houſe of Commons, and the Common-Councell of the City of London, are here inſerted verbatim, Viz.

The ſaid honourable Committee did deſire that the Mili­tary Forces, and the Court of Common-Councel, would ſa­tisfie them what they intend and meane by thoſe words in the Petition of the Military-Officers, wherein the petition2 of the Common councel to the Parliament do concur, viz. That the King and Parl. may meet and treat with honour, freedom honour, and ſafety, according to the ancient fundamentall conſti­tutions of this Kingdome.

To this the Committee of the Common councel made an­ſwer as followeth, viz. By theſe words, we man, That the King and Parliament may meet and treat free from force or violence, which we conceive to be according to the ancient Fundamental conſtitutions of this kingdom.

The ſaid honorable Committee did further deſire, thathe Committee of Common councel would ſatisfie them, what is meant by theſe words, viz. That they wil defend His Maj. Royal Perſon and the Parl. during the Treaty, according to the Covenant.

The Committee of Common councell did give Anſwer thereunto as followeth, viz. By thoſe words To defend the King and Parl. according to the Covenant) we meane, That during the Treaty, we will defend the King and Parliament (as much as in us lieth free from all force and violence.

The ſaid honorblCommittee did further deſire, that the Committee of Common councel ſhould ſatisfie them what they intend and man in the petition of the Military Offi­cers, by the word [Freedom] in the laſt clauſe, and likewiſe what they mean by theſe words otherwiſe interrupt.)

To this the Committee of the Comon councell gave the ſeverall anſwers following, viz. By the word (Freedome) we underſtand free from force and violence, and by the words (otherwiſe interrupt) we mean all hoſtile forces what; ſoever; the which anſwers were approved of by this Court.

The ſaid honorable Committee did further propound, that in caſe the Parliam. ſhall make choice of this City to be the place of the Treaty, and that the Common councell on the behalf of the City, do ingage themſelves to defend both King3 and Parl. from violence during the Treaty, Whether the City will maintain their Guards at their own charge.

To which the Comittee of Common-councel did an­ſwer, that the ſame being a matter of charge, muſt bee reſol­ved by Common councel, and that they would acquaint the Common-councell therewith; concerning this queſtion, this Court did take the ſame into their ſerious conſiderati­on, and after ſome debate had thereupon, this Court decla­red, that if the ſaid intended Treaty be in London, that then the City will for the preſent defray the charge for the main­taining of the Military Guards for the purpoſe aforeſaid, duing the Treaty, and afterwards refer themſelves to the King and Parliament for ſatisfaction thereof.

The ſaid Hnourble Committee did further propoſe, that in caſe the King ſhall not conſent and agree to ſuch things as ſhall be propounded and inſiſted on by both Houſes of Par­liament, in this Treaty for a ſa e and wel grounded Peace, [whether they will undertke and engage that the Perſon of the King ſhall be diſpoſed of, as both Houſes of Parliament ſhall think fit.]

To which the ſaid Committee of Common Councel did anſwer as followeth, viz. Uder the favour of this Honoura­ble Committee, we cnnot underſtand by the Order of the Honorable Huſe of Commons, which was deliveed unto us for this Treaty that there is any thing theein menioned, tending to that which is by this HonorablCommittee pro­pounded, concerning the delivery up of the King in caſe the King and Parliament did not agree.

And the ſaid Honorable Committee did further declare, That they were not ſatisfied with this anſwer concerning the diſ­poſing of the Kings perſon in caſe the King and Parliament did not agree; and did expect a further anſwer.

To which the Committee of Common councel did an­ſwer4 and ſay, That they would acquaint the Common coun­cell therewith; concerning which propſiion, this Court did take the ſame into their ſerious conſideration, and upon a full and large debate thereupon, did declare, that in caſe the ſaid intended Treaty ſhall be in Lodon, and that His Majeſty and His Parliament ſhould not agree (which God forbid) then they conceive themſelves bound to ſubmit to the wiſ­dom of both Houſes of Parliament.

The ſaid honorable Committee did likewiſe deſire, That the Committee of Common Councell, and the Military Officers, ſhould ſatisfie them in what manner, and by what meanes they wil make good their engagement, by defending the King and Parlia­ment againſt all violence.

To which the Committee of Common-councel made an­ſwer and propoundeth as followeth, viz. We do declare, & we are ready according to our Engagement, (as much as in us lyeth) by the Trained Bands of the City, and the late Lines of Communication to guard and defend the King and Par­liament from all force and violence. And to the end that we may be inabled to perform the ſame, wee do humbly offer, That the Ordinance for the uniting of the Military Forces within the late Lines of Communication, and the Pariſhes of the Weekly Bills of Mortality, to the Forces of the City, to be one intire Militia, may be ſpeedily paſſed.

That the Militia may be enabled to raiſe ſuch other for­ces as they ſhall find needfull, to carry them through this ſervice; And that no other forces may be raiſed, or made uſe of within this City and late Lines of Communication, but by Authority of the ſaid Militia by conſent of Common-Councell.

To conſider that our dangers are either from without or within, and therefore propounded, viz. For thoſe without,5 that for our better ſecurity in guarding the King and Parlia­ment, we deſire that ſome courſe may be taken as ſhall be thought fit by Wiſdom of Parliament, that no Forces in Armes may come within 30. miles of London during the time of the Treaty; And for thoſe within, that what prſon or perſons ſoever ſhall make any Tumult, Inſurrect on or diſturbance, during the time of this Treaty, after Proclama­tion made, it ſhall be death.

That if the wiſdom of Parliament ſhall think fit, that none that have born Armes againſt the Parliament, or have or ſhall contribute thereunto, ſhall be permitted during the ſaid Treaty to come within 30. miles of London, without leave of the Parliament had or to be had.

Concerning this deſie or propoſition of the ſaid Honou­rable Committee, this Court doth approve of the Anſwers thereunto and Propoſitions made touching the ſame, And this Court doth Order that the ſaid Committee of Com­mon councell ſhall communicate unto the ſaid Honorable Committee, the aforeſaid Anſwers and Propoſitions of this Court to be by them preſented unto both Houſes of Parlia­ment. And alſo to dclare unto them, that it it is the humble deſire of this Court, that the ſaid Treaty may be with all ex­pedition, for the preventing of further inconveniencies. And likewiſe that this Court will do their endeavours (if the ſid Treaty be in London) for the finding out of ſome conveni­ent place within the City for that purpoſe, and ſuch other ac­comodations as ſhall be fitting.

It is ordered by this Common councel, That the Com­mon-councel-men and Commanders, or ſuch as they ſhall appoint, ſhall within their ſeveral Precincts, either by calling all the Inhabitants before them, or by going from houe to houſe receive their concurrence to the ſaid Engagement by ſubſcription of their Names.


IT is Ordered by this Court, That the Com­mittee appointed by the Common Councell the 6 day of this inſtant Juy, to confer with the Commit••e aſſigned by Order of the Houſe of Commons, concerning the ingagement of this City for the ſafey of King and Parliament, during the intended Traty, ſhall forthwith take care to diſperſe unto the Aldermen, De­puties, Common-councel men, and Commanders in the reſpective Wards within this City, the Acts and Reſolutions of this Court touching the ſame Engagement paſſed the 11. day of this Moneth, &c.


About this transcription

TextThe declaration of the citizens of London, in answer to the demands and proposals of the committee of the House of Commons, concerning a personall treaty with the Kings Majesty. And their resolution touching the disposing of His Ma[j]estie[s] royall person, in case the King and Parliament doth not agree. Likewise, the acts and resolution of the Honourable Court at Guild-Hall, concerning the cities engagement to preserve and defend the Kings Majesties royall person. Read in the Honorable Court at Guild-Hall, and appointed to be forthwith pri[n]ted and published. Michel.
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SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 161976)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 72:E452[39])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe declaration of the citizens of London, in answer to the demands and proposals of the committee of the House of Commons, concerning a personall treaty with the Kings Majesty. And their resolution touching the disposing of His Ma[j]estie[s] royall person, in case the King and Parliament doth not agree. Likewise, the acts and resolution of the Honourable Court at Guild-Hall, concerning the cities engagement to preserve and defend the Kings Majesties royall person. Read in the Honorable Court at Guild-Hall, and appointed to be forthwith pri[n]ted and published. Michel. [2], 6 p. Printed for G. Horton,London :MDCXLVIII. [1648]. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "July 15".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Charles -- I, -- King of England, 1600-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • City of London (England). -- Court of Common Council -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A82128
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  • STC Thomason E452_39
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