Decrees and Orders OF THE Committee of Safety. OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF OCEANA.
Ordered that theſe Decrees be forthwith Printed and Publiſhed.
London, Printed in the Year, 1659.
THat the Politick Caſuiſts of the Coffee Club in Bow Street appoint ſome of their number to inſtruct the Committee of Safety at VVhitehall how they ſhall Ende an Invention to eſcape Tyburne, if ever the Law be reſtored.
That Haringtons Aphoriſmes and other Political ſlips be recommended to the Engliſh Plantation in Jamaica, to try how they will agree with that Apocryphal Purchaſe.
That a Levite and an Elder be ſent to Survey the Government of the Moon, and that Warreſton Johnſton, and Parſon Peters be the Men, as a couple of Learned Rabbies in the Lunaticks.
That the Kings of Spain and France ſhall be bound to the Peace at Hickes's Hall, for entertaining Neighbourly thoughts of reſtoring King Charles.
That Don Lewis d' Haro, for his ſawcy expreſsions to the Engliſh Ambaſſador be concluded a Malignant, and incapable of bearing charge in the Government Militant of England.
That the preſent Lord Mayor Allen, be put out leſt he be peremptory in preſerving the Priviledges of the City Charter.
That the Speakers Gown, and the Magna Charta be hung up in Weſtminſter Hall, as Trophees of Iack Straw's Conqueſt over England.
That John of Leyden's cruelty in Weſt-flanders ſhall be no Scare-Crow, why the People of England, may not entruſt their Government, and all that's precious to them in the hands of the merciful Anabaptiſts.
That the Judaical Law will be moſt proper for England, ſince they Crucified their Maſter as well as the Jews.
That the money which was taken out of the Orphans portions to Feaſt the late Parliament and Officers of the Army, be repayed out of the Contributions which were gathered for the relief of the diſtreſſed Proteſtants in Savoy.
That whoever ſhall report that Bradſhaws Nurſe hindered his Lordſhip from executing juſtice upon himſelf, ſhall be incapable of being a Member of the Senate that is now Hatching.
That Politicus be appointed to make**This word will puzzle the lay Elders. Threnothriambeuticks, upon the Lord Lambert, and the other Macchabees,6 that accompanied him, in regard he was ſo happy in his Flogium, upon the pious and loyal Bradſhaw.
That General Pleetwoods ſtaying at home, and ſending out Lambert be thought no Cowardiſe in his Lordſhip, but only a little baſhfulneſs, which he is ſubject to before a ſmart Enemy.
That if General Monk will Repent for his Relapſe, in turning a true Engliſhman; he ſhall only be decimated in his fortune, and a little abbreviated in his perſon.
That if the Souldiers of both Armies will be ſo diſcreet as to ſtand aſide, and ſuffer their Officers to debate their own Capricio's, they ſhall be Liſted into the Cabal of Philoſophers.
That the Celebrating the fift of November over all England for the Delivery of King Iames is no hypocriſie, though the Parliament their Religious Repreſentative, had the impudence to cut his Sons throat at his own Palace Gate.
That the private Souldiers of Lamberts Army; However7 their Officers uſurp the Title of Saints, yet they (the Inſtruments by whom they act) being ſuch Mercenary Heathens, that for hopes of gain they will deface the glory, and murder the Intereſt of their Nation; and for that very reaſon, if they do not put a ſtop to their miſchief they ſhall be as ſurely blotted out of the Records of Fame, as they are ſure to be blotted out of Gods regiſter Book in Heaven.
That all thoſe Miniſters who now pray for the King ſince the Voting down of Tythes, be eſteemed a bunch of ſelf-ſeeking Knaves.
That the Earl of Pembrook take a doſe of Iacob Beahmens ſpiritual Philoſophy, called, Panchymagogon to purge away his in•••••ed corruptions, and particularly, that of his barbarous and injuſt jealouſie to his incomparable Lady.
That if Sir Arthur Haſlerig acquire his ſummum bonum, which is to die with his Arſe towards Wallingford Houſe, his Heirs may have the Liberty to wipe his breech with the Commiſsion he gave himſelf.
That the Countrey Hoſt who ſerved Protector8 Richard, and his Brother, with a couple of Calves heads, and a diſh of Muſhrooms, be preferred to be Cook to the high and mighty Friend Sultan Sardanapalus Lumley, as a Learned and well qualified Philoſopher of the Kitchin.
That Iretons Wifes Farting-diſpenſation in time of prayer, be imputed to the Flatuoſities of her Matrix.
That if any ſhall diſcover Alderman A kins without a Noſegay in his hand, or a Box of Incenſe in his pocket, he ſhall have the plunder of his chain, and the ſaid Alderman ſhall be turned out of his Treaſurerſhip in Tom-Turds Hall.
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