WHereas by the Humble Petition and Advice of the Parliament, it is thought fit and Declared, That the conſtant yearly Revenue of Thirteen hundred thouſand pounds, ſhall be raiſed and ſetled for the Maintenance of the Armies and Navies of this Commonwealth, and for Defraying the Charges of the Government; And2 whereas it will be neceſſary that the Profits of the Excize and Cuſtoms, and other the Publique Revenue, be by all good ways and means Improved to the beſt Advantage of the Commonwealth, and as much as may be, reduced to a Certainty, to the end the ſaid Yearly Revenue of Thirteen hundred thouſand pounds may be anſwered & raiſed without a Land-Tax, according to the Humble Petition and Advice, without weakning the Securities wherewith the ſame are already charged; Be it therefore Enacted by His Highneſs the Lord Protector and this preſent Parliament, and by Authority thereof, That the Lord Whitlock, Col. Sydenham, Col. Philip Jones, the Lord Commiſsioner Fyennes, the Lord Commiſsioner Liſle, Mr. Secretary Thurloe, Sir Richard Onſlow, Sir William Roberts, Mr. Drake, Mr. Godfrey, Col. John Clerk, Mr. Bond, Capt. Stone, Sir Chriſtopher Pack, Alderman Foot, Mr. Lloyd, the Lord Chief Iuſtice Glyn, Sir Charls Wolſeley, Sir John Trevor, Mr. Upton, the Lord Broghil, Gen. Disbrow, Major General Goff, M. Bodwrda, Mr. Thomas Smith, Col. Twiſleton, Mr. Ruſhworth, Mr. Downing, Sir John Barkſtead, Col. John Jones, Major Beak, Capt. Blackwel, Mr. Highland, Col. Mildmay, Col. Matthews, Major General Hains, Major General Kelſey, and Mr. Maidſton, or any ſeven of them ſhall be, and hereby are Authoriſed and Impowered to be a Committee of Parliament, to Treat, Contract and Conclude with any perſon or perſons for the Farming all or any part of the Duties of Cuſtoms and Subſidy of Tonnage and Poundage, and of Exciſe and New Impoſt, and all3 or any part of the Duties mentioned in two ſeveral Acts made this preſent Parliament, the one Entituled, An Act for Continuing and Eſtabliſhing the Subſidy of Tonnage and Poundage; And for reviving an Act for the better Packing of Butter, and for Redreſs of Abuſes therein; The other Entituled, An Additional Act for the better Improvement and Advancing the Receipts of the Excize and New Impoſt, and all or any part of the Duties mentioned in any other Act or Ordinance touching the ſaid Cuſtoms and Excize, which by vertue of the aforementioned Acts are Revived, Continued, Confirmed or put in force; And what Contract, Bargain or Agreement, Contracts, Bargains, or Agreements, ſhall be made by the ſaid Committee, or any ſeven of them, with any perſon or perſons for or touching the premiſes, or any part of them; which Contract, Bargain or Agreement, Contracts, Bargains or Agreements being aſſented unto by His Highneſs, with the Advice of His Council, and Ratified and Confirmed by any Grant or Grants under the Great Seal of England, ſhall be, and hereby is and are declared to be and continue Good and Valid to all intents and purpoſes; and all and every perſon or perſons that ſhall be a Farmer or Contractor, Farmers or Contractors in purſuance of this Act, ſhall be ſaved and kept harmleſs by Authority of Parliament.
Provided always, That the premiſes nor any part of them, be farmed for any Term exceeding Seven years: And the ſaid Committee are hereby required to give an Accompt of their Proceedings hereupon to the Parliament at their next Sitting.
4Provided always, That no perſon appointed by this Act to be of the Committee of Parliament as aforeſaid, ſhall directly or indirectly be a Farmer, or Partner in the farming of any part of the Cuſtom or Exciſe aforeſaid.
Provided always, and it is hereby Enacted, That no perſon or perſons whatſoever, that ſhall farm the Cuſtoms or Excize, or any part of them, or ſhall be Commiſsioner or Commiſsioners of them or either of them, ſhall during the time of ſuch Farm or Commiſsion, trade in any the Commodities which may fall under the ſaid Farm, or within the Compaſs of ſuch Commiſsion.
LONDON: Printed by HEN: HILLS and JOHN FIELD, Printers to His Highneſs the Lord PROTECTOR. 1657.
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