An additionall Ordinance concerning daies of Recreation, allowed unto Schollers, Appentices, and other Servants.
WHereas by an Ordinance of Parliament, bearing date the eleventh day of this inſtant June, 1647. It is provided and Ordained, That every ſecond Tueſday in every Moneth throughout the yeare, ſhall be allotted to Schollers, Apprentices, and other Servants, for recreation, and relaxation from their conſtant and ordinary labours, as formerly they have uſed to have on Feſtivals, commonly called Holy-dayes, as〈1 page duplicate〉2by the ſaid Ordinance more at large appeareth: And leaſt ſuch daies of Recreation might be abuſed, to the diſhonour of God, ſcandall to Religion, and detriment both of Maſters and Servants, and for the more orderly proceeding in the ſtrict obſervation of the ſaid day of Recreation, according to the true intent and meaning of the ſaid Ordinance; It is further Ordained by the ſaid Lords and Commons, That all windowes of Shops, Warehouſes, and other places, where Wares or Commodities are uſually ſold, ſhall be kept ſhut on the ſaid day of Recreation, from eight of the clock in the morning untill eight of the clock at evening, on the ſaid day; And that no Maſter ſhall wilfully detaine or with-hold his Apprentice or other Servant within doores, or from his Recreation in his uſuall duty or ſervice on the ſaid day of Recreation, unleſſe Market daies, Faire daies, or other extraordinary occaſion; yet ſo as ſuch Maſter ſhall allow unto ſuch Apprentice3 or other Servant one other day inſtead of ſuch day imployed in the Service of his Maſter, upon ſuch occaſion as aforeſaid. And be it likewiſe provided and Ordained, That if ſuch Apprentice or other Servant ſhall ryotouſly ſpend or abuſe ſuch day of Recreation, either to his owne hurt, or the dammage of his Maſter, and being thereof lawfully convicted and found guilty before any one Juſtice of the Peace; It ſhall and may be lawfull for ſuch Maſter at his pleaſure to detaine and with-hold ſuch Apprentice or other Servant from their Recreation on ſuch allowed daies. And be it alſo provided and Ordained, That if ſuch Apprentice or other Servant ſhall cauſe any ryotous or tumultuous aſſembly, to the diſturbance of the Peace on ſuch day of Recreation, ſuch Apprentice or other Servant being thereof lawfully convicted and found guilty, upon the teſtimony of two Witneſſes upon Oath, before one Juſtice of the Peace in any County, City,4 or Towne Corporate, where ſuch Offence ſhall be committed, or before the Chamberlaine of the City of London, for the time being, within the ſaid City, who ſhall have power to adminiſter ſuch Oath, ſuch Juſtices of Peace, and the ſaid Chamberlaine of the City of London reſpectively ſhall, and may at their diſcretion inflict on ſuch Apprentice, or other Servant ſo convicted as aforeſaid any Corporall puniſhment, by impriſonment or otherwiſe, ſo as the ſame impriſonment exceed not the ſpace of three dayes. And it is laſtly Ordained, That all Mayors, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, Conſtables, Headboroughs, and all other Officers and Miniſters are hereby Authorized to make, or cauſe to be made diligent Searches for ſuch Apprentices or other Servants in Tavernes, Alehouſes, or Gaming-houſes, and ſuch Apprentices or other Servants as ſhall be found in any ſuch place after eight of the Clock in the Evening, or being drunke,5 or otherwiſe diſorderly, or ſhall there remaine after eight of the Clocke in the Evening on ſuch day of Recreato•n, ſhall bring, or cauſe to be brought ſuch Apprentice or other Servant before any Juſtice of the Peace in any County, City, or Towne Corporate, or before the ſaid Chamberlaine of London within their reſpective Limits as aforeſaid, who ſhall cauſe the Statutes to be executed upon them that are in ſuch caſes provided for the puniſhment of ſuch Offenders.