DIRECTIONS FOR THE Election of Elders.
1 THat the Ruling Elders of a Parochiall and congregationall Elderſhip ſhall be choſen by the ſeverall Miniſters, and members of their Congregation reſpectively, being ſuch as have taken the Nationall Covenant, and are not perſons under age, nor ſervants that have no families.
2. That notice of ſuch election, and of the day when it ſhall be given by the Miniſter in the publique aſſemby the next Lords day but one before, and on that ſaid Lords day a Sermon be preached preparatory to that weighty buſineſſe.
23 That no man be choſen for a Ruling-Elder but onely for one Congregation, and that in the place where his moſt ſetled dwelling and imployment doth lie.
4. That it ſhall be lawfull for the Congregation reſpectively, or any other perſons to exhibite exceptions againſt any perſon elected as aforeſaid, touching the right of his election, or touching matter of ignorance, or ſcandall, hereafter mentioned, within fourteene dayes next after the ſaid election to ſuch perſons, Miniſters, and others, as ſhall be appointed by Authority of Parliament, to receive the ſaid exceptions, which ſaid perſons ſhall have power to receive, heare, and determine all complaints againſt any Elder of ignorance and ſcandall, within the diſcription of ignorance and ſcandall hereafter mentioned.
And ſhall have power to approve the perſon ſo elected, in caſe no juſt exception, as aforeſaid ſhall be proved againſt him. But if he ſhall upon juſt proofe be found ignorant or ſcandalous, as aforeſaid, then to remove him. And if any of the ſaid Elders ſhall be adjudged to be removed, as aforeſaid, then another ſhall be choſen in his place as aforeſaid.
35. That ſuch ſhall be choſen for Ruling Elders as are men of good underſtanding in matters of Religion, ſound in the faith, prudent, diſcreet, grave, and of unblameable converſation. And willing to undergoe the ſaid Office.
6. That all pariſhes and places whatſoever, (as well priviledged places, and exempt juriſdictions, as others) be brought under the government of Congregationall, Claſsicall, Provinciall, and Nationall Aſſemblies. Provided, that the Chappels or places in the houſes of the Peers of this Realme ſhall continue free for the exerciſe of Divine duties to be performed according to the Directory.
7. That the Chappell of the Rolles, the two Serjants Innes, and the foure Innes of Court, ſhall be each of them a Congregationall Preſbytery within themſelves, and make a Claſſicall Presbytery in the whole.
8. That the Province of London ſhall be divided into twelve Claſsicall Elderſhips according to the diſtributions hereafter following:
The firſt Claſſis to containe:
- ALhallowes Breadſtreet,
- Andrewes Wardrope,
- Anne Black Friers,
- Auſtins Pariſh,
- 4Bennet Pauls wharfe,
- Faiths,
- Gregories,
- John Evangeliſt,
- Margaret Moſes,
- Martin Ludgate,
- Mary Aldermary,
- Mary le Bow,
- Matthew Fridayſtreet,
- Mildreds Breadſtreet,
- Pauls,
- Peters Pauls wharfe.
The ſecond Claſſis to containe:
- Anthomes vulgo Anthelms.
- Bennet Sherehogge,
- James Garlickhithe,
- John Baptiſts,
- Martin in the Ʋintry,
- Mary Magdalen old fiſhſtreete,
- Mary Somerſet,
- Mary Mounthaunt vulgo Mounthaw,
- Michael Queene Hithe,
- Michael Royall,
- Nicholas old Abby,
- Nicholas Olives,
- Pancret Soperlane,
- Thomas Apoſtle,
- Trinity Pariſh.
The third Caſſis to containe:
- Alhallowes the greater,
- Alhallowes the leſſe,
- Alhallowes Lumberſtreet,
- Edmunds Lumberſtreet,
- Laurence Pountney,
- Mary Abchurch,
- Mary Bothaw,
- Mary Woolchurch,
- Mary Woolnoth,
- Nicholas Aron,
- Stephens in Walbrook,
- Swithens.
5The fourth Claſſis to containe:
- Andrew Hubbert,
- Bennet Grace-church,
- Buttolph Billingſgate,
- Clements in Eaſtcheape,
- Dionis Backchurch,
- George Buttolph-lane,
- Leonard in Eaſtcheape,
- Magnus,
- Margaret New-fiſh ſtreet,
- Martin Orgars,
- Maryhill,
- Michael Crookedlane,
- Michael Cornhill,
- Peters Cornhill.
The fifth Claſſis to containe:
- Anne Alderſgate,
- Buttolph Alderſgate,
- Brides,
- Bridewell,
- Chriſtchurch,
- John Zachary,
- Leonard Foſterlane,
- Mary Staynings,
- Michael in the Corne, vulgo in the Querne,
- Olaves Silverſtreet,
- Peters Cheape,
- Pedaſt, alias Foſters.
The ſixth Claſſis to containe:
- Albanes Woodſtreet,
- Alhallowes Honi-lane
- Alphage,
- Giles Creeplegate,
- James Chappell,
- Laurence in the Jury,
- Martin in Jremongerlane,
- Mary Aldermanbury,
- Marymaudlins Milkſtreet,
- Mary Colechurch,
- Michael in Woodſtreet,
- Mildred in the Poultry,
- Olives in the Jewry.
6The ſeventh Claſſis to containe:
- Alhallowes by the Wall,
- Bartholmew Exchange,
- Bennet Fynck,
- Buttolph Biſhopſgate,
- Chriſtophers,
- Margaret Lothbury,
- Michael Baſhinſhaw.
- Peter Poore,
- Stevens Colemanſtreet.
The eight Claſſis to containe:
- Andrew Ʋnderſhaft.
- Buttolph Algate,
- Ethelburge,
- Hackney,
- Hellens,
- James Duke-place,
- Katherine Cree-Church,
- Leonard Shoreditch,
- Martins Oteſwich, vulgo Outwich.
- Mary Newington, alias Soke Newington.
The ninth Claſſis to containe:
- Alhallowes Barkin,
- Alhallowes Stanings,
- Dunſtans in the Eaſt,
- Gabriel Fenchurch,
- Katherine Coleman,
- Katherine Tower,
- Margaret Pattons,
- Olaves Hartſtreet,
- Peters in the Tower,
- Stepney,
- Trinity Minories,
- Wapping,
- Whitechappell.
7The tenth Claſſis to containe:
- George Southwarke,
- Lambeth,
- Mary Magdalen,
- Bermondſey,
- Mary Overs,
- Newington Buts,
- Olives Southwarke,
- Rotherhithe vulgo Redriff.
- Thomas Hoſpitall,
- Thomas Southwarke,
The eleventh Claſſis to containe:
- Clements Danes,
- Giles in the Fields,
- Knightsbridge,
- Margaret Weſtminſter,
- Martins in the Fields.
- Newchurch,
- Peters Weſtminſter,
- Pauls chappell in covent Garden.
The twelfth Claſſis to containe:
- Andrew Holborne,
- Bartholmew the greater,
- Bartholmew the leſſe,
- Charterhouſe,
- Dunſtones in the Weſt,
- James Clarkenwell,
- Mary Iſlington,
- Sepulchers.
9. That all the ſeverall Pariſhes and Places within the Cities of London and Weſtminſter, and the parts adjacent, according as they are diſtinguiſhed into twelve ſeverall Claſſis, ſhall8 be the extent and bounds of the province of London.
Concerning the members of the Claſſicall and Congregationall Aſſemblies in the ſeverall Counties.
THat in the ſeverall Counties certaine perſons, Miniſters, and others, ſhall be appointed by authority of Parliament, who ſhall conſider how their ſeverall Counties reſpectively may be moſt conveniently divided into diſtinct claſſicall Presbyteries, and what Miniſters and others are fit to be of each Claſſis. And they ſhall accordingly make ſuch diviſion, and nomination of perſons for each claſſicall Presbytery, which Diviſions, and perſons ſo named for every Diviſion ſhall be certified up to the Parliament. That the Chanchellors, Vice-chancellors, and heads of the Univerſities ſhall conſider how the Colledges may be moſt conveniently put into claſſicall Presbyteries, and doe certifie the ſame up unto the Parliament.
And the ſaid ſeverall Claſſis reſpectively being approved by Parliament within their ſeverall Precincts ſhall have power to conſtitute Congregationall Elderſhips where a competent number of perſons ſo qualified for Elders, as aforeſaid,9 ſhall be found. And where no perſons ſhall be found ſit to be Elders, as aforeſaid, then that Congregation ſhall be immediately under the Claſſicall Presbytery, untill that congregation ſhall be enabled with members fit to be Elders, as aforeſaid.
The congregationall Aſſembly ſhall meet once every weeke, and oftner if occaſion ſhall ſerve.
The claſſicall Aſſembly ſhall meet once every moneth.
Concerning members of the Provinciall Aſſembly.
THe Provinciall Aſſembly ſhall be conſtituted of members ſent from every Claſſis within the Province.
The number of the members ſent from each Claſſis ſhall be ſo proportioned, as that the Provinciall Aſſembly may be more in number then any Claſſicall Presbytery within that Porvince. And to that end there ſhall be at leaſt two Miniſters, and foure Ruling Elders out of every Claſſis. And that where there ſhall be need, the number may be increaſed, as to the perſons appointed for the bounding of the Provinciall Aſſembly ſhall ſeeme meet. Provided, that the number doe not exceed nine of each, Miniſters and Ruling-Elders, from any one Claſſis. And that there alwaies be two Ruling-Elders to one Miniſter. That the Provinciall Aſſembly being conſtituted, ſhall meet twice every yeere, the firſt meeting ſhall be determined by the perſons appointed for the bounding of the Provinciall and Claſſicall Aſſemblies.
Concerning the Nationall Aſſembly.
THat the Nationall aſſembly ſhall be conſtituted of members ſent from the ſeverall Provinces aforeſaid, the number of the members from each Province to the Nationall Aſſembly ſhall be two Miniſters, and foure Ruling-Elders. The Nationall Aſſembly is to meet when they ſhall be ſummoned by Parliament, and to fit and continue as the Parliament ſhall order, and not otherwiſe.