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  • The 1. for raiſing and maintaining of Horſe and Foot for the Garriſon of Gloceſter.
  • The 2. for a weekly Aſſeſſement on the Coun­ty and City of Gloceſter.
  • The 3. for continuance of a weekly Aſſeſſement on the City and County of Gloceſter.
  • The 4. concerning Currans.

ORdered by the Commons Aſſembled in Parliament, that the ſeve­rall Ordinances for rayſing Moneys for the City and County of Gloceſter, be forthwith Printed and publiſhed.

Hen. Elſynge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

LONDON, Printed for Edward Husbands, March. 18. 1645.


10. Maii. 1644. An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Aſſembled in Parliament, for rai­ſing and maintaining of Horſe and Foot for the Garriſon of Gloceſter, and for the County of Gloceſter, &c.

WHereas the County and City of Gloceſter, and the County of the ſaid City are now in a ſad condition, by reaſon of the enemies lying upon them, and keeping many Garriſons in the County of Gloceſter, and the Counties of Hereford, Monmouth, Glamorgan, Brecknock, and Radnor, being almoſt all in their power, whereby the Iriſh Rebels and other enemies have the freer paſſage for proſecuting their bloody deſignes againſt this Kingdome to ſpoyle and ruine the ſame; for prevention whereof and to reduce the reſidue of the ſaid Counties to their due obedience of the King and Parliament, there is great neceſſity that three or foure hundred horſe, and other Forces be preſently raiſed, and money provided for the ſame, and alſo for the better maintaining of the Forces al­ready raiſed, and to be raiſed in the ſaid Counties and City. The Lords and Commons in Parliament aſſembled, conſi­dering2 the premiſes, and well weighing the extraordinary and faithfull ſervice performed at, before and ſince the late ſiege of Gloceſter, by the Garriſon there, by Collonel Maſſey, and the Forces under his command, Doe declare, order, and or­dains, and be it hereby ordered, declared, and ordained, That Sir Robert Harley, Knight of the Bath; John Wilde, Ser­ieant at Law; Nathaniel Stephens, Edward Stephens, Tho. Hodges, & Tho. Pry, Eſquires; Members of the Houſe of Commons, the Maior and Recorder of the City of Gloce­ſter for the time being; Sir Giles Overbury, Knight; Edward Maſſie, Collonel and Governour of Gloceſter; James Kirle, John Stephens, Thomas Stephens, Edward Harley, Iſaac Brom­wich, Sylvanus Wood, Willam Shepheard, Stephen Flower, Edward Broughton, and Henry Jones, Eſquires; ſhall be, and are hereby nominated a Committee of, and for the ſaid ſeve­rall Counties and City; and that they, or any three or more of them ſhall hereby have full power and Authority, to take the ſubſcriptions of all ſuch perſons as will voluntarily lend or contribute any ſumme or ſummes of Money, Plate, Horſe or Armes towards the ſupplies and proviſions aforeſaid, and for other neceſſaries for the advancement of the ſaid ſervice, which ſumme and ſummes of Money, Plate, Horſe, or Armes to be ſubſcribed, lent, and contributed as aforeſaid, the ſaid Committee, or any three or more of them ſhall and may re­ceive and employ for the ſervices aforeſaid, and give Notes, or Acquittances for the ſeverall ſummes of Money, Plate, Horſe, or Armes ſo received, which ſaid Notes or Acquittan­ces ſhall be a ſufficient ſpecialty for the ſeverall perſons that ſhall lend, or contribute any Money, Plate, Horſe, or Armes as aforeſaid, to demand re-payment thereof, or the value thereof with ſuch encreaſe as ſhall be agreed upon ſo as the ſame ſhall not exceed 8. l. per cent. And for the better enabling the ſaid Committee to make re-payment of ſuch Moneys, and the value of ſuch Plate, Horſe, and Armes as ſhall be lent for the purpoſes aforeſaid and for the rayſing, maintenance, and ſupplies of the ſaid Forces from time to time as need3 ſhall require, Be it further ordained by the Lords and Com­mons, that the ſaid Committee, or any three or more of them, ſhall have Power and Authority to put in execution within the ſaid Counties the ſeverall Ordinances of this preſent Parliament hereafter mentioned; That is to ſay, The Ordi­nance for Sequeſtration of Malignants, Delinquents, and Pa­piſts Eſtates; the Ordinance for rayſing of Money, by taxing ſuch as have not at all contributed, or not according to their Eſtates; The Ordinance for the weekly Aſſeſſements, and all other Ordinances made this preſent Parliament, for ad­vance of Money through the whole Kingdome of England, and dominion of Wales, for the ſervice of the King and Par­liament, ſo farre forth as they, or any of them have not been already fully executed within the places aforeſaid, except the Ordinances for leavying of Money by way of Exciſe, or new Impoſt, the proceed of all which raiſed, and to be raiſed within the ſaid Counties, ſhall be paid unto the ſaid Commit­tee, or any three or more of them to be iſſued out for the uſes and purpoſes aforeſaid, which ſhall be a ſufficient diſcharge to the Commiſſioners of Exciſe in that behalfe. And the Com­miſſioners of Exciſe are Authoriſed, and hereby required from time to time, to iſſue their Warrants to their inferiour Offi­cers within the ſaid Counties for payment of the ſaid Mo­neys accordingly, and that the ſaid Committee, or any three or more of them take care of the full and due execution of the ſaid Ordinances, according to the tenure and true meaning of the ſame reſpectively; and for the more ſpeedy raiſing of Moneys for the repayment of ſuch ſummes, and the value of ſuch Plate, Horſe, or Armes, as ſhall be brought in by ſub­ſcriptions as aforeſaid; Be it ordained by the Lords and Commons, that the ſaid Committees, or any three or more of them, ſhall have hereby full power and authority to ſet, and let the Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments of all Malig­nants, Delinquents, and Papiſts, which ſhall be ſeized and ſequeſtred according to the Ordinance of Parliament for Sequeſtrations, within the ſaid Counties and City, from yeare4 to yeare, or by Leaſe or Leaſes for the intents or purpoſes a­foreſaid, ſo long as the ſaid Sequeſtration ſhall continue; and in caſe the ſaid Subſcribers and Lenders ſhall not receive full ſatisfaction of their principall Money, and intereſt to be lent and ſubſcribed as aforeſaid out of the Eſtates of Malignants, Delinquents, and Papiſts, and other proviſion as aforeſaid, that then the ſaid Subſcribers, and Lenders, and every of them are by vertue of this Ordinance to have the publique faith of the Kingdome for the repayment of ſuch ſumme and ſummes of Money as ſhall be due unto them,

And be it further Ordained, that the ſaid Committees or any three or more of them ſhall have full power and Authority to name and appoint ſuch Treaſurers. Collectors, and other Officers within the ſaid Counties & City, as they ſhall thinke fit and convenient for the better putting in Execution of all and every the aforeſaid Ordinances of Parliament, and of this preſent Ordinance, aſwell for the receiving of all or any the ſaid Moneys, as alſo for the iſſuing out of the ſame, for the purpoſes aforeſaid, by warrant under the hands of the ſaid Committee, in ſuch manner as the ſaid Committee, or any three or more of them ſhall appoint, and to call to account from time to time upon Oath, all ſuch Treaſurers, Collectors, and other perſons who ſhall receive any Moneys, Plate, Horſe, or Armes, by vertue of this preſent Ordinance of Par­liament, for the Services aforeſaid, and to give ſuch fitting and reaſonable allowances unto ſuch perſons as ſhall be employed in the Execution of the Ordinance aforeſaid, and of this pre­ſent Ordinance, or any of them for their charges and paines therein, as the ſaid Committees or any three or more of them ſhall think fit: provided that ſuch allowance ſhall not exceed the reſpective rates allowed by the ſaid ſeverall Ordinances in other Counties of the Kingdome for putting the ſaid Ordinan­ces in Execution; And if any ſuch Treaſurers, Collectors or other perſon or perſons ſhall refuſe to Accompt or pay in the Moneys wherewith they are charged, then the ſaid Commit­tees, or any three or more of them, ſhall return their names5 to one or both Houſes of Parliament, and the ſaid Commit­tees, or any three or more of them are hereby enabled and Au­thorized to call to accompt upon oath all ſuch perſon and per­ſons of the ſaid ſeverall Counties, as have received any Mo­neys by Authority of Parliament, which they have not made even payment of. And the ſaid Committees or any three or more of them are hereby Authorized, to Adminiſter the ſeverall oaths ſpecified in the foreſaid Ordinances, to ſuch Commiſſio­ners or perſons as have not already taken the ſame: And be it further Ordained by the ſaid Lords and Commons, that the perſonall Eſtates of ſuch Malignants, Delinquents and Pa­piſts within the Cities of London and Weſtminſter, & within 20. miles of the ſame not yet ſequeſtred nor diſcovered, & which ſhall be diſcovered by the ſaid Committees, or any three, or more of them, or by ſuch perſon or perſons as they ſhall Au­thorize under their hands and ſeales for that purpoſe, within three Moneths next after the paſſing of this Ordinance ſhal be allowed unto the ſaid Cōmittees for the further advancement of the ſaid ſervice: Provided that the ſaid concealed Eſtates exceed not the ſum 5000 pounds; And that the ſaid Commit­tees, or any perſon or perſons authorized by them as afore­ſaid, nor any of them ſhall poſſeſſe themſelves of the ſaid De­linquents or Papiſts Eſtates before he or they acquaint the Committee of Lords and Commons for Sequeſtrations therewith, or any three or more of them, whereof the Chayr­man to be one, to the end, they may iudge of their Delinquen­cy before his or their Eſtates he ſequeſtred and taken away: And be it further Ordained by the Lords and Commons, that the ſaid Committees, or any three or more of them, ſhall have power and authority, and are hereby required to adminiſter the late Nationall Covenant appointed to be taken by the three Kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to all perſons within the ſaid Counties and City, who ought to take the ſame by the late Ordinance and Inſtructions for that purpoſe, and have not already taken it. And be it further Ordained by the ſaid Lords and Commons, that the ſaid Committees or6 any three or more of them, ſhall have power to call before them all Miniſters and Schoole-maſters within the ſaid Counties and City that are ſcandalous in their lives, or ill-affected to the Parliament, or fomenters of this unnaturall War, or ſhall wilfully refuſe obedience to the Ordinances of Parliament, or ſhall have deſerted their ordinary place of Re­ſidence, not being employed in the ſervice of the King and Parliament, and they ſhall have power to ſend for any wit­neſſes, and examine any complaint, or receive any teſtimony againſt them upon Oath of any perſon that ſhall be produced to give evidence againſt them, and upon ſuch proofes of the a­foreſaid crimes, the ſaid Committees, or any three or more of them; have hereby power to remove and eiect all ſuch ſcan­dalous Miniſters and Schoole-maſters, and in their places to nominate and appoint ſuch learned, able, and godly perſons as they ſhall think fit, and ſhall cauſe all ſuch Miniſters and Schoole-maſters ſo nominated, appointed, and placed, to be put in poſſeſſion of the ſaid ſeverall Churches and Schooles, who ſhall and may reſpectively take, receive, and perceive, to their owne uſe, the profits and revenues belonging to the ſaid ſeverall Churches and places in as large and ample manner as the ſeverall Miniſters and perſons in the ſaid ſeverall pla­ces have formerly uſed to do: And all Maiors, Sheriffs, Con­ſtables, and other. His Maieſties Officers and Miniſters, are hereby required to be ayding and affiſting to the ſaid Commit­tee, as aforeſaid in the execution of this ſervice; and tis laſtly ordered, declared and orpained, that the good endeavours of the ſaid Committee in the execution of the premiſſes, are, and ſhall be taken as reall and publick teſtimonies to the pub­lique weale, and themſelves, and ſuch others as ſhall act, and be ayding and aſſiſting to them according to the true meaning of this preſent Ordinance, ſhall be for ſo doing, ſaved harm­leſſe and indempnified by power of Parliament.


Die Mercurii 2 Octobris 1644. An Ordinance for a weekly aſ­ſeſſment on the County of Gloceſter, and on the City and County of the City of Gloceſter.

WHereas the Committee nominat­ed in a former Ordinance of Parli­ament, for raiſing and maintaining of Horſe and Foote, for the Garri­ſon of Gloceſter, and for the Coun­ty of Gloceſter, Hereford, Mon­mouth, Glamorgan, Brecknock, and Radnor, are not able by the Ordinances of Sequeſiration of Delinquents and Papiſts Eſtates, And the Ordi­nance of raiſing Moneys by taxing ſuch as have not Contributed, or not according to their Eſtates8 to raiſe ſuch preſent ſummes of Money as are ex­pedient for the maintenance of the preſent Forces within the ſaid Garriſon, and County of Gloce­ſter.

It is therefore Ordained, And be it hereby Or­dained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Aſſembled, That the ſaid Committee nominated in the ſaid Ordinance, or any foure or more of them, ſhall have, and hereby hath power and Authority to Rate and Taxe upon the ſaid County of Gloce­ſter, the ſume of one thouſand pounds a weeke, and on the ſaid City and County of the ſaid City of Glouceſter, the ſumme of one hundred pounds a weeke, to begin from the Sixteenth day of Auguſt laſt paſt: And ſo to be weekly paid for the ſpace of five Months, Vnleſſe the ſaid Houſes of Parlia­ment ſhall make any other Order concerning the ſame, to be Rated, Taxed, Leavied, and Collected in ſuch ſort, manner, and forme, as is preſcribed in the former Ordinances of the weekly Aſſeſſments; And in lieu of the ſaid weekly Aſſeſſments, and to be imployed for, and towards the maintenance of the ſaid Forces in the ſaid Garriſon and County of Gloceſter, & City and County of the City of Glou­ceſter, aforeſaid: And for preventing diſorders in raiſing Horſe, Leavying Moneys, and taking and Seizing Goods without Authority,


It is hereby Ordered and Ordained by the ſaid Lords and Commons in Parliament Aſſembled, That from henceforth no Horſe ſhall be there raiſ­ed, or Money Levied, or Goods taken of any perſon or perſons, without Conſent and Order of the ſaid Committee, or the Major part of them then preſent, expreſſed by warrant under their hands.

And that no free Quarter ſhall be Aſſigned, or taken of the Inhabitants under Contribution: by the Commanders and Officers of Horſe, and their Troopers, but by like Order & Conſent of the ſaid Committee by warrant as aforeſaid And ſo long time as any of the ſaid Troopers have free Quar­ter, they are to have but halfe Pay: And the Offi­cers to allow in Proportion out of their Pay.

And that all Officers, and Souldiers, both Horſe and Foote, ſhall be Paid according to the late eſtabliſhment of my Lord Generalls Army: And no Commander or Officer there, ſhall re­ceive Pay, but ſuch as duely attend their Charge, unleſſe otherwiſe ſpecially Imployed in ſervice of the Parliament.

And that no other Commander or Officer ſhall be Paid, but ſuch as are received now into ſervice, and ſuch as ſhall be here after received, and approv­ed of by the ſaid Committee, or the Major part of them


And that no Officer or Commander ſhall receive Pay there as an Officer and Commander, both Horſe and Foote, by vertue of any Commiſſion granted to any one perſon, for Horſe and Foote, except Collonell Maſſey Governouer of Glouceſter.

And that all ſuch Horſe, Beaſts and Cattell, as ſhall be taken and driven by any of the Forces in the ſaid ſeverall Counties, out of the Enemies Quarters, ſhall be delivered to the ſaid Commit­tee, or ſuch perſons as they ſhall appoint; To the end, they may be imployed towards the Publique Charge, according to the ſaid Ordinance, ſome reaſonable reward to be allowed to the ſaid Soul­diers, who ſhall doe the ſaid Service, as the ſaid Committee ſhall think fit.

And it is hereby Ordained that all Comman­ders, Officers, and Souldiers in the ſaid Gar­riſon of Gloceſter, and ſeverall Counties afore­ſaid, ſhall be, and are hereby required from timeto time, Ayding and Aſiſting to the ſaid Committee in the execution of the ſaid former Ordinance, and of this preſent Ordinance.

And that the ſaid Committee, and their Agents, and Aſſiſtants, in execution of the Premiſes, ſhall be Saved harmeles, and Protected by Authority of Parliament.


And laſtly it is hereby Ordained by the ſaid Lords and Commons, That the ſaid Commitee, or any five or more of them, may Impriſon all ſuch as ſhall make any atempt, or doe any Act tending to the diſturbance of the proceedings of the ſaid Committee, Or the Peace of the ſaid County, And them to fine, not exceeding the Summe of Ten Pounds, upon every ſuch offender; every ſuch of­fender to remaine in Priſon untill he have ſatis­fied and paid the ſaid Fine, which ſhall be Imploy­ed to the uſes expreſt in the ſaid former Ordinance.

Hen: Elſynge Cler. Par. Dom. Com.

13. Martii 1644. An Ordinance for the continuance of a week­ly aſſeſſment on the County of Gloceſter and on the City and Countie of the Citie of Gloceſter.

WHereas the Committee nominated in a former Ordinance of Parlia­ment, for raiſing and maintaining of Horſe and Foote for the Garriſon of Gloceſter, and for the County of Gloceſter, Hereford, Mon­mouth, Glamorgan, Brecknock, and Radnor, are not able by the Ordinances of ſequeſtration of De­liaquents and Papiſts eſtates, And the Ordinance of raiſing moneys, by taxing ſuch as have not Con­tributed, or not according to their Eſtates, to raiſe ſuch preſent ſumms of money as are expedient for the maintenance of the preſent Forces within the ſaid Gariſon and County of Gloceſter.

It is therefore ordained, And be it hereby Or­dined by the Lords and Commons Aſſembled in Parliament, That the ſaid Committee nominated in the ſaid Ordinance, or any foure or more of them ſhall have and hereby hath power and Authority to Rate & Taxe upon the ſaid County of Gloceſter,13 the Summe of one thouſand pound per week, and on the ſaid City and County of the ſaid City of Gloceſter, the Summe of one hundred pounds a week, to begin from the Sixteenth day of January laſt paſt: and ſo to be weekely Paid for the ſpace of nine Moneths from henceforth next enſuing unleſſe the ſaid Houſes of Parliament ſhall make any other Order concerning the ſame, to be Rated, Taxed, Levied, and Collected in ſuch ſort, manner and forme, as is preſcribed in the former Ordinances of the weekly Aſſeſſments: and in lieu of the ſaid weekly Aſſeſſments: and to be imploy­ed for and towards the maintenance of the ſaid For­ces in the ſaid Garriſon, and County of Gloceſter, and City and County of the City of Gloceſter afore­ſaid.

15. Martii 1644

VVHereas by Ordinance of Parliament, beare­ing date die veneris 21. Feb. 1644. It is Ordained (int. alia) that one third part of the pro­fit that ſhall ariſe out of the Cuſtomes payable up­on Currans ſhall be appropriated to the Garri­ſon of Gloceſter. It is this day Ordered by the Lords and Commons Aſſembled in Parliament, that the Commiſſioners of the Cuſtomes, ſhall from time to time, during the continuance of the ſaid Ordinance, pay over all the ſaid third part of the14 profit that ſhall ariſe out of the Cuſtomes payable upon Currans, unto Nathaniell Stephens, Thomas Hodges, and Thomas Pury, eſquires, Members of the Houſe of Commons for the uſe of the Garriſon of Gloceſter upon account (if the ſaid Garriſon be continued a Garriſon) takeing their receipt for the ſame, which ſhall be to the ſaid Commiſſioners and every of them a ſuficient discharge in that behalfe.

Hen. Elſynge, Cler Parl. Dom. Com.

About this transcription

TextFoure ordinances of the Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, viz. The 1. for raising and maintaining of horse and foot for the garrison of Glocester. The 2. for a weekly assessement on the county and city of Glocester. The 3. for a continuance of a weekly assessement on the city and county of Glocester. The 4. concerning currans. 13. Martii 1644. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that the severall ordinances for raysing moneys for the city and county of Glocester, be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsynge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.
AuthorEngland and Wales. Parliament..
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationFoure ordinances of the Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, viz. The 1. for raising and maintaining of horse and foot for the garrison of Glocester. The 2. for a weekly assessement on the county and city of Glocester. The 3. for a continuance of a weekly assessement on the city and county of Glocester. The 4. concerning currans. 13. Martii 1644. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that the severall ordinances for raysing moneys for the city and county of Glocester, be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsynge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com. England and Wales. Parliament.. [2], 14 p. Printed for Edward Husbands,London, :March. 18. 1645.. (The ordinances are dated 10 May and 2 Oct. 1644, and 13 and 15 March 1645.) (Line 11 of title ends "count-". Variant: t.p. in another setting with line 11 ending "the".) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "1644"; the 5 in imprint date is crossed out.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Gloucester (England) -- History -- Early works to 1800.

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