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AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS & COMMONS Aſſembled in PARLIAMENT, Authorizing the Committee of Lords and Commons for the ARMY and Treaſurerrs at WARS, For the better levying and orderly iſſuing forth of the Sixty thouſand pounds per menſem, aſſeſſed or to be aſſeſſed by vertue of an Ordinance of Parliament of the 23. June laſt paſt, to have the care and managing of that whole Buſineſs, as to thoſe ends and purpoſes in the ſaid Ordinance, and in this preſent Ordinance, are expreſſed.

ORdered by the Commons aſſembled in Parliament, That this Ordinance be forthwith Printed and Publiſhed.

H: Elſynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

LONDON: Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable Houſe of Commons, Sept. 28. 1647.


23 Septembr. 1647.AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS & COMMONS Aſſembled in Parliament, For Members of both Houſes to be a Committee for the ARMY, for diſ­poſing of the Sixty thouſand pounds a Moneth.

WHereas by an Ordinance of Parliament of the Three and twentieth of June laſt paſt (entituled, An Or­dinance of the Lords and Commons4 aſſembled in Parliament, For the raiſing of Moneys to be employed towards the maintenance of Forces within this King­dom, under the Command of Sir Tho­mas Fairfax Knight; and for the ſpeedy Tranſporting of, and paying the Forces for the carrying on of the War of Ire­land) the Monethly ſum of Sixty thouſand pounds is to be forth­with Aſſeſſed on the reſpective Counties, Cities and places there­in mentioned, within the King­dom of England and Dominion of Wales, to continue for Twelve Moneths from the Five and twen­tieth of March laſt paſt, 1647. until the Five and twentieth of March next, 1648. but no perſons are no­minated and appointed by the ſaid Ordinance to receive and iſſue the ſid Moneys; To the end therefore that the Moneys ap­pointed to be Taxed and Lovied5 by the ſaid Ordinance of Parlia­ment, may be more orderly recei­ved and iſſued out, The Lords and Commons in Parliament aſ­ſembled have Ordained, and be it Ordained by Authority of Par­liament, That Sir John Wollaſton Knight, Thomas Adams, John War­ner, Thomas Andrews, and George Wi­tham, Aldermen of the City of Lon­don, Francis Allein, and John Dethick of London, Merchants, ſhall be Treaſurers at Wars for the re­ceiving and iſſuing forth of all the Moneys to be aſſeſſed, levied and paid byertue of the ſaid Ordi­nance of the 23 of June laſt paſt, for the purpoſes therein men­tioned, according to the Directi­ons hereafter expreſſed. And be it likewiſe Ordained, That the ſaid Treaſurers at Wars ſhall re­ceive from the ſeveral Collectors6 and Officers appointed and to be appointed by vertue of the ſaid Ordinance, all the Moneys to be taxed, levied and paid by ver­tue thereof; And all and every the ſaid Collectors and Officers are hereby enjoyned and required to pay unto the ſaid Treaſurers all the ſaid ſeveral ſums of Mo­ney which ſhall be by them recei­ved by vertue of the ſaid Ordi­nance, to be by the ſaid Treaſu­rers iſſued forth to the intents and purpoſes therein mentioned, and the charges incident to the ſame: And that every County, City, Bo­rough and other place, may be ful­ly aſſeſſed, according to the Rate by the ſaid Ordinance of the 23. of June laſt, intended to be taxed and aſ­ſeſſed upon them: And in caſe there ſhould be default in any of the Commiſsioners appointed by7 the ſaid Ordinance, in the making of the ſaid Aſſeſſment, or in any County, City, Borough or other place in paying of the ſums aſſeſ­ſed, or to be aſſeſſed, or any negli­gence or default in any Aſſeſſor, Collector or other Officer, Mini­ſter or Agent appointed or to be appointed by vertue of the ſaid Ordinance; And for the more ef­fectual carrying on of the whole work, Be it Ordained, That the Earl of Northumberland, the Earl of Kent, the Earl of Rutland, the Earl of Pembroke, the Earl of Sa­lisbury, the Earl of Denbigh, the Earl of Warwick, the Lord Viſ­count Say and Seal, the Lord Whar­ton, the Lord Howard, Mr. Soli­citor, Sir Henry Vane junior, Mr. Crew, Mr. Pierrepont, Colonel Moun­tague, Nathanael Fiennes, Sir John Evelyn, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Reynolds,8 Colonel Venne, Mr. Thomas Hod­ges, Mr. Pury, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Bond, Sir Arthur Haſlerig, Mr. Sca­wen, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir Tho­mas Widdrington, Mr. Leman, Mr. Luke Hodges, and Mr. Robert Jen­neur, Mombers of the Commons Houſe of Parliament: And the ſaid Treaſurers, or any five of them, whereof four to be Mem­bers of either of the Houſes of Parliament, ſhall have the care and managing of the Buſineſſes upon the ſaid Ordinance, for the better bringing in of the moneys aſſeſſed or to be aſseſsed upon or by vertue of the ſaid Ordinance, for payment of the ſaid Forces there­in mentioned, and of the charges incident thereunto, with all ſuch Powers and Authorities to them or any of them, given, limited and expreſsed in an Ordinance of Par­liament9 bearing date the fifteenth day of February, 1645. And the ſaid Committee and Treaſurers, or any five of them as aforeſaid, ſhall have full power, and they are hereby authorized in as full and ample maner, to all intents and purpoſes, as are given, limited or mentioned in an Ordinance of Parliament dated the Twelfth day of June, 1645. unto the Com­mittee at Goldſmiths Hall for Scots Affairs, to manage the Ordinance of the Twentieth of February, 1644. to cauſe the full and ſpeedy aſ­ſeſsing, collecting and bringing in of the ſaid moneys, either by ma­king Diſpatches, appointing of Forces, or giving Directions, Rules or Inſtructions, or other­wiſe to cauſe obedience thereunto, as to them in their wiſdoms and good diſcretions ſhall ſeem moſt10 fit and expedient, be it by Fine or Impriſonment of the parties of­fending, the Fine not exceeding Twenty pounds, to be employed for the uſe of the aforeſaid Forces mentioned in the ſaid Ordinance.

And be it farther Ordained, That the Receipt of the ſaid Trea­ſurers, or any two of them, ſhall be a ſufficient Diſcharge to every Collector or other perſon that ſhall pay in any money that ſhall be taxed, levied and paid by vertue of the ſaid Ordinance of the Three and twentieth of June laſt paſt: And that the ſaid Members of the Houſe of Commons, or any five of them, ſhall have power, and are hereby authorized to give War­rants to the ſaid Treaſurers at War, or any two of them, for the iſſuing forth of ſuch moneys as they ſhall receive by vertue of the11 ſaid Ordinance; And in the ſame Warrant it ſhall be expreſſed for what purpoſe the money contain­ed in the ſame is to be iſſued: And the ſaid Warrants, with a Receipt thereupon under the Hand of the party to whom the ſame is direct­ed to be paid, or his Aſsignee or Aſsignees, ſhall be a ſufficient Diſcharge to the ſaid Treaſurers and every of them, for ſo much as they ſhall thereupon iſſue forth. And it is alſo Ordained, That all the moneys raiſed or to be raiſed by vertue of the ſaid Ordinance, ſhall be employed onely for the pur­poſes, uſes and intents therein mentioned and expreſſed, and no otherwiſe: And no Warrant ſhall be made from the ſaid Committee, or any other, or if iſſued, ſhall be obeyed, but onely for the purpoſes aforeſaid.

12And it is alſo farther Ordained, That the ſaid Treaſurers at Wars for their pains in receiving and iſ­ſuing forth of all the moneys rai­ſed or to be raiſed and received by vertue of the ſaid recited Ordi­nance, and this preſent Ordinance, and in conſideration, they ſhall ex­ecute the employment of the Trea­ſurer at Wars, ſhall have three pence for every pound they ſhall receive and iſſue forth of the mo­neys taxed, levied and paid by ver­tue of the ſaid recited Ordinance, or this preſent Ordinance; And ſhall alſo have three pounds five ſhillings four pence per diem, to be diſpoſed of as they ſhall think fit, for the payment of ſuch perſons as they ſhall think meet to make uſe of, for the better execution of the ſaid employment of Treaſu­rer at Wars, and all other char­ges13 allowed to Sir Gilbert Gerrard as Treaſurer at Wars, and ſhall iſsue moneys for the ſame with­out any farther or other allow­ance, the ſaid allowances to be paid monethly.

And be it farther Ordained by the authority aforeſaid, That the ſaid Committee and Treaſu­rers at Wars do make due allow­ance and payment of all Free­quarter taken by any the Forces mentioned in the ſaid Ordinance, ſince the ſaid Five and twentieth day of March laſt, and alſo from henceforth to be taken by them, or any of them, according to ſuch proportions, and in ſuch maner as they or any of them did allow the ſame, or cauſe to be paid out of the aſseſsments for the Army in the aſsociation; and to put in execu­tion the Inſtructions, Rules and14 Directions, made and Ordained in that behalf by both Houſes of Par­liament, bearing Date the Six­teenth day of May, 1645.

Reſolved, &c.

THat John Braudlin Eſquire, Peter Fiſher Gentleman, Ro­bert Damon Gentleman, be added as Commiſsioners in the County of Suffolk, to the Ordinance for Threeſcore thouſand pounds a Moneth, for the Armies of Eng­land and Ireland.

Reſolved, &c.

That John Braudlin Eſquire, Peter Fiſher Gentleman, Ma­nuel15 Sorrel Gentleman, and Ro­bert Damon Gentlman, be added as Commiſsioners in the Coun­ty of Suffolk, to the Ordinance for Threeſcore thouſand pounds a Moneth, for the Armies of England and Ireland.

H: Elſynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

About this transcription

TextAn ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, authorizing the Committee of Lords and Commons for the army and treasurerrs [sic] at wars, for the better levying and orderly issuing forth of the sixty thousand pounds per mensem, assessed or to be assessed by vertue of an ordinance of Parliament of the 23. June last past, to have the care and managing of that whole business, as to those ends and purposes in the said ordinance, and in this present ordinance, are expressed. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.
AuthorEngland and Wales. Parliament..
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationAn ordinance of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament, authorizing the Committee of Lords and Commons for the army and treasurerrs [sic] at wars, for the better levying and orderly issuing forth of the sixty thousand pounds per mensem, assessed or to be assessed by vertue of an ordinance of Parliament of the 23. June last past, to have the care and managing of that whole business, as to those ends and purposes in the said ordinance, and in this present ordinance, are expressed. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. England and Wales. Parliament.. 15, [1] p. Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons,London :Sept. 28. 1647.. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • England and Wales. -- Army -- Appropriations and expenditures -- Early works to 1800.
  • Taxation -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Finance -- Early works to 1800.

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