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For putting the Aſſociated Counties OF Suffolk, Norfolk, Eſſex, Huntington, Hertford, Cambridge, Lincoln, The Iſle of Ely, and the Cities of Lincoln and Norwich into a Poſture of Defence;

By the better Regulating of the Trained Bands, and Raiſing other Forces of Horſe and Foot, for the preſervation and ſafety of the ſaid Counties and Cities.

ORdered by the Commons Aſſembled in Parliament that this Ordinance be forth­with printed and publiſhed.

Henry Elſyng, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Edward Husbands, and are to be ſold at his ſhop in the Middle-Temple. Iuly 5. 1644.


An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons aſ­ſembled in Parliament, for putting the Aſſo­ciated Counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Eſſex, Han­tington, Hertford, Cambridge, Lincoln, the Iſle of Ely, and the Cities of Lincoln and Norwich into a Poſture of Defence, by the better regulating of the Trained-Bands, and raiſing other For­ces of Horſe and Foot, for the preſervation and ſafety of the ſaid Counties and Cities.

THe Lords and Commons aſſem­bled in Parliament, taking in­to their ſerious conſideration the ſad and manifold Oppreſ­ſions and Miſeries that now do threaten the utter Ruine and Deſolati­on of this Kingdom in generall, and the Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Eſſex, Cam­bridge, Hertford, Lincoln, Huntington, The Cities of Norwich, Lincoln, and Counties of the ſame, and the Iſle of Ely in parti­cular; And how neceſſary a thing it is, that all men well-affected, having any bowells of compaſsion towards their4 afflicted Country, ſhould in theſe times of Imminent danger, put themſelves into a Poſture of Defence, by raiſing of Forces both of Horſe and Foot, for the defence and ſafety of the ſaid Aſſociated Counties and Cities, from the Invaſi­on and Fury of the Iriſh Rebells, Po­piſh and ill-affected perſons, who ſeek the Ruine and Deſtruction of the whole Kingdom in generall, and the ſaid Aſſo­ciated Counties in particular:

Be it Ordained and Declared by the Lords and Cōmons aſſembled in Par­liament, and by the Authority of the ſame, That for the intents and purpo­ſes before mentioned, the ſaid Aſſociated Counties and Cities ſhall forthwith be put into a Poſture of Defence, and ſhall raiſe Forces of Horſe and Foot for the defence of the ſaid Aſſociation; And that the Lord Lieutenants or Deputy Lieu­tenants of the ſaid ſeverall and reſpe­ctive Counties and Cities, or any two or more of them, ſhall forthwith after no­tice or receipt of this Ordinance, iſſue out their Warrants to the Conſtables5 and Overſeers of th•••erall Pariſhes, or to any two or mo••〈◊〉the moſt able and fitting perſons of the pariſhes with­in every reſpective Hundred or Diviſion, thereby requiring them at certain times and places prefixt, to deliver unto them a Liſt or Schedule of the Names of all perſons within their ſeverall and reſpe­ctive Pariſhes, from the Age of Sixteen to Sixty (being of ability of body) and of all other perſons whatſoever, worth an Hundred pounds or more in Lands or Goods; And of all Horſes and Mares above four yeers of Age, and the Names of the Owners; And of all Arms, Guns, and other uſefull Weapons for the War, with the Names of the Own­ers of them, Except ſuch Horſes, Men and Arms as are now, or ſhall be here­after Liſted in the Trained-Bands and Trained Troops; And that the ſaid Lord Lieutenants, Deputy Lieute­nants, or any two or more of them, ſhall hereby have power to charge the ſaid parties with Horſe and Arms, ſo as no perſon be charged with a Harquebuſhier6 or light-Horſe,••••ſſe he hath One hun­dred pounds p••nnum in Lands, or be worth One thouſand two hundred pounds in Goods and Lands, nor with a Dragoon, unleſſe he be worth four hundred pounds in Goods, or forty pounds per annum in Lands; nor with a foot Arms, unleſſe he be worth one hun­dred pounds in Goods, or Ten pounds per annum in Lands.

And be it further Ordained, That all perſons well-affected, being charged and liſted to ſerve as aforeſaid, or the Major part of them, ſhall within their ſeverall and reſpective Diviſions forthwith, and ſo from time to time as cauſe ſhall be, propound and nominate all Colonells, Lieutenant Colonells, Sergeant Ma­jors and Captains over them, being men of ability, and men well-affected; which ſaid Officers being approved and allow­ed of by the Lord Lieutenants or Depu­ty Lieutenants, or any three or more of them within their reſpective Counties and Cities, ſhall have Commiſſions ac­cordingly.

7And be it further Ordained, That all and every perſon or perſons whatſoever, which ſhall by vertue of this Ordinance be charged to provide Horſe or Arms as aforeſaid, ſhall every Moneth after they are ſo charged, pay to the Treaſurers appointed by the Deputy Lieutenants, or any two of them, for the ſeverall and reſpective Counties, the ſeverall Sums of Money following, viz. Every Horſe, Twelve pence, every Foot Six pence, towards the providing of Trumpets, Drums, Colours, and other charges in­cident to the ſaid Service.

Provided alwayes, that this extraor­dinary charge, and impoſition of Arms, do not continue any longer then during theſe times of imminent danger, and that it ſhall be no Preſident for the future.

Provided alſo, that no Member of ei­ther Houſe of Parliament, nor their Meniall Servants, nor any of the Aſ­ſiſtants of either of the ſaid Houſes, be charged by this Ordinance, but that it be left to his or their good affection,8 what they will do in this Service.

Provided alſo, that if any perſon or perſons whatſoever ſhal be overcharged by the ſaid Lord Lieutenants or Depu­ty Lieutenants, or any two of them of the reſpective Counties or Cities, that then the ſaid Lord Lieutenants or De­puty Lieutenants, or any three or more of them of the reſpective Counties or Cities, ſhall hereby have power to eaſe ſuch perſon or perſons overcharged, as in their Diſcretions they ſhall think fit. And if any Officers or Souldiers of the Trained Bands or Troops have here­tofore, ſince the Firſt of Auguſt, in the yeer of our LORD, One thouſand Six hundred forty three, refuſed or negle­cted; or if they or any other Forces of Horſe or Foot, to be raiſed at any time hereafter, ſhall refuſe or neglect upon Summons, according to this or other Ordinance of Parliament, to attend their charges and duties in their ſeve­rall and reſpective places, or to appear with their Horſe and Arms, or to ſend ſome other Man with ſuch Horſe or9 Arms as they are or ſhall be charged withall, Every ſuch Defaulter for every ſuch offence, ſhall be Fined by the ſaid Lord Lieutenants, Deputy Lieute­nants, or any two or more of them, not exceeding the ſum of Twenty pounds. And if any perſon or perſons in the ſaid ſeverall and reſpective Counties, who by a former Ordinance of Parliament may be Impreſſed, have been, or are hereafter, ſhall be charged by the ſaid Lord Lieutenants, Deputy Lieute­nants, or any two of them to ſerve in the Arms of any perſon or perſons char­ged as aforeſaid, to finde Arms or Horſe, do or ſhall refuſe or neglect to appear at Muſters, or to ſerve upon ſuch Horſe, or in ſuch Arms, he or they ſo refuſing or neglecting, ſhall by the ſaid Deputy Lieutenants, or any three or more of them be Fined, not exceeding the ſum of Forty ſhillings, and Impriſoned untill the ſaid Fine be paid, And the perſon or perſons ſo refuſing, have conformed themſelves unto the ſaid Service.

And it is Ordained, That the Lord Lieutenant or Deputy Lieutenants, or10 any three or more of them, or the ſtand­ing Committee of the ſeverall and re­ſpective Aſſociated Counties, may Im­priſon all ſuch as ſhall be mutinous or Diſturbers of the Peace, and may Fine them, not exceeding the ſum of Five pounds: And that it ſhall be lawfull for the ſaid Lord Lieutenants or Deputy Lieutenants, or any of them, to draw together the Troops and Companies which are to be raiſed by vertue of this Ordinance, or any part of them, and with the conſent of the Major part of any of the ſaid Troops and Companies, to Conduct and leade by themſelves, or by ſuch as they or any three or more of them ſhall appoint, into any of the ſaid Aſſociated Counties, and with them to Oppoſe, Reſiſt, Kill and Slay, all ſuch as in any Hoſtile manner declare them­ſelves as Enemies to the King, Parlia­ment and Kingdom: And that it ſhall and may be lawfull for the ſaid Lord Lieutenants or Deputy Lieutenants, or any one of them in their ſeverall and reſpective Counties, to charge Carts, Carriages and Horſes, for the ne­ceſſary11 Service of the Parliament, allowing for every Cart with Five Horſes, after the rate of Twelve pence per Mile, outward onely, and ſo rateably for more or fewer Horſes, and for every ſingle Horſe, after the rate of Two pence per Mile, outwards onely.

And in caſe any ſhall refuſe upon rea­ſonable notice to provide their Carts, Carriages or Horſes, to be made uſe of for the Service aforeſaid, It ſhall be lawfull for the laid Deputy Lieute­nants, or any one of them, to Impriſon the Owners of the ſaid Carts, Carria­ges or Horſes, or to Impoſe a Fine up­on them, not exceeding the ſum of Ten pounds.

And be it Ordained, That the petty Conſtables, & Overſeers of the Poor of the ſeverall Pariſhes within the ſaid re­ſpective Counties, and ſuch other per­ſons as ſhall be nominated by the De­puty Lieutenants of the ſaid Counties, or any two of them, ſhall be the Colle­ctors of all ſums of Money, as ſhall by vertue of this Ordinance be Impo­ſed12 or ſet upon any perſonr perſons within their ſaid Pariſhes, and for their pains they ſhall be allowed Two pence in the pound for all Monies ſo by them Collected and leavyed; which ſaid ſums of Money ſo to be ſet and Collected as aforeſaid, ſhall be paid to the high Con­ſtables of the ſeverall Hundreds within the ſaid reſpective Counties, and in Cor­porations, to the Major or other head Officer of the ſaid Corporations, who alſo ſhall have Two pence in the pound allowed unto them for their pains of making out their Warrants, and recei­ving and paying over the ſaid Moneys to ſuch Treaſurer or Treaſurers as ſhall be appointed in the ſeverall Diviſi­ons, by the Deputy Lieutenants of the ſeverall and reſpective Counties, or any two or more of them, who are to iſſue forth the ſame for the uſe and ſervice of the ſeverall and reſpective Counties, by the Vote of the Major part of the reſpe­ctive Deputy Lieutenants preſent, or any three of them preſent, and by their order, in purſuance thereof under their hands and not otherwiſe.

13And the ſaid Treaſurers art hereby required to keep a perfect Accompt of all ſuch Moneys as they ſhall receive and pay by vertue of this Ordinance, and to deliver Copies of their ſaid Accompts unto the ſtanding Committee of their ſaid ſeverall and reſpective Counties; and the ſaid Treaſurers for their charge and pains, ſhal likewiſe be allowed Two pence in the pound for all ſuch ſums of Money as they ſhall receive and iſſue forth by Authority as aforeſaid; And if any perſon or perſons chargeable by this Ordinance, ſhall not within Six dayes after demand, or notice to be left at their dwelling houſe or uſuall place of abode, pay the ſum or ſums on him or them aſ­ſeſſed or ſet as aforeſaid, It ſhal be law­full for the ſaid Collectors, any one or more of them, to leavie the ſum by way of Diſtreſſe, and ſale of the Goods ofg the perſon & perſons ſo aſſeſſed or fined; And in caſe of Reſiſtance, to call to their aſſiſtance any of the Trained Bands or Companies of Voluntiers, or other for­ces of the ſaid reſpective Counties, who are hereby required to be aiding and aſ­ſiſting14 to the ſaid Conſtables or other Collectors in the Premiſes, as they will anſwer the contrary: And if any per­ſon or perſons which ſhall be aſſeſſed or fined as aforeſaid, ſhall refuſe or neglect to pay either their Aſſeſſment or Fine to the Conſtables or other Collectors ap­pointed, within Twelve dayes after it ſhall be demanded, The Lord Lieute­nants or Deputy Lieutenants, or any two or more of them, upon return of the Names of ſuch, who ſhall ſo refuſe or neglect, ſhall charge the ſaid perſon or perſons with double as much as he or they were aſſeſſed or fined; And if the ſaid perſons ſhall refuſe or neglect to pay the ſaid ſum ſo doubled, within Twelve dayes after it ſhall be demanded, That it ſhall be lawfull for the ſaid Lord Lieutenants, or Deputy Lieutenants of the ſaid reſpective Counties, or any two or more of them, to commit the per­ſon or perſons ſo refuſing or neglecting to Priſon; And in caſe the ſaid Treaſu­rers, high Conſtables, petty Conſtables, Overſeers of the Poor, or other Colle­ctors to be nominated as aforeſaid, ſhall15 refuſe or neglect to leavie and receive the ſums of Money to be aſſeſſed, and ſet, by vertue of this Ordinance, It ſhall be lawfull for the ſaid Lord Lieutenants or Deputy Lieutenants, or any two or more of them of the ſeverall and reſpe­ctive Counties, to fine the ſaid Treaſu­rers, high Conſtables and Collectors, not exceeding the ſum of twenty pounds to be leavyed upon them by way of Di­ſtreſſe, and ſale of their Goods, and by ſuch perſon or perſons as ſhall be ap­pointed by the ſaid Deputy Lieutenants or any two or more of them.

Provided alwayes, That the Forces to be raiſed by vertue of this Ordinance, ſhall not be carryed out of the ſaid ſeve­rall and reſpective Counties wherein they are or ſhall be raiſed, otherwiſe then as before in this Ordinance is declared, without the conſent of the ſaid Lord Lieutenants, Deputy Lieutenants and Committees of the ſeverall and reſpe­ctive Counties, or the greater part of them.


About this transcription

TextAn ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament; for putting the associated counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Huntington, Hertford, Cambridge, Lincoln, the Isle of Ely, and the cities of Lincoln and Norwich into a posture of defence; by the better regulating of the trained bands, and raising other forces of horse and foot, for the preservation and safety of the said counties and cities. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Henry Elsyng, Cler. Parl. D. Com.
AuthorEngland and Wales. Parliament..
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationAn ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament; for putting the associated counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Huntington, Hertford, Cambridge, Lincoln, the Isle of Ely, and the cities of Lincoln and Norwich into a posture of defence; by the better regulating of the trained bands, and raising other forces of horse and foot, for the preservation and safety of the said counties and cities. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Henry Elsyng, Cler. Parl. D. Com. England and Wales. Parliament.. 15, [1] p. Printed for Edward Husbands, and are to be sold at his shop in the Middle-Temple,London :Iuly 5. 1644.. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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