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THE PARLIAMENTS INSTRUCTIONS Agreed on by the Lords and Commons for to be obſerved by their ſeverall Committees, now Reſiding in the ſeverall Counties, and thoſe to be imployed.

LIKEWISE, The Meſſage and Order of both Houſes of Par­liament to the Alderman of the City of London, Auguſt the 12. 1642.

Wherein is Declared their Deſires to the ſaid Aldermen, for to appear on monday next at the time and place herein prefixed.

Ordered that this be forthwith printed and publiſhed

John. Brown. Cler. Parl.
[C R:

LONDON: Printed for J. Hanſott. Auguſt 16. 16••

Die Veneris Auguſti 1642. Inſtructions agreed on by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, for to be obſerved by their ſeverall Committees.


YOu ſhall obſerve and execute the Ordi­nance of both Houſes of Parliament the eighth of this month, for the ſuppreſſion of the Rebellion and Commotion, raiſed by the Marqueſſe of Hartford in the County of Somerſet, and other Weſtern Counties; and by the Earle of Northampton and others in the County of Leiceſter Northampton, Warwick, and other adjoyning parts.


You ſhall conduct and leade all ſuch Forces of Horſe and Foot as ſhall be appointed by the Lord Generall (the Earle of Eſſex) for this ſervice, and ſhall fight with, kill, and ſlay all ſuch as ſhall by force oppoſe you in the execution of that Ordi­nance, and all their Aſsiſtants, Ayders, and Abet­tors, and you ſhall levie ſuch other Forces of horſe and foot, as his Excellence ſhall by his Commiſſi­on give you power to leavie, under ſuch Colonels, Commanders, and other Officers, as ſhall bee by him appointed or directed? And you ſhall purſue the ſaid Rebels and Traytors, in the ſaid Counties, or in any other Counties, or parts of the Kingdome into which they ſhall retyre themſelves.

All which Forces ſo to be raiſed ſhall have the ſame pay as the reſt of the Army is to have. And you ſhall defend and protect his Majeſties Sub­jects from violence and oppreſſion by the illegall Commiſſion of Array, or otherwiſe; And you ſhall hinder and forbid the execution of that ille­gall Commiſſion, and in all places to the uttermoſt of your power, indeavour to preſerve and reſtore the peace of the Kingdome.


You are hereby authorized and required to diſ­arme all popiſh Recuſants, and all ſuch other dan­gerous and ill-affected perſons, as well Clergy men as others, as have teſtified or ſhall teſtifie their ill-diſpoſition to the peace of the Kingdom.


You ſhall indeavour to cleere the proceedings of Parliament from all imputations and Aſperſions, and ſhall from time to time certifie us of all things neceſſary for the publique ſervice, and that wee may have a ſpeedy account of it, and directions to you, aſwell as your advertiſements to us may have a cleer and ready paſſage, you ſhall lay a ſtrict charg upon all poſt-maſters, that they doe not ſuffer any Letters, or other Diſpatches, to or from the Parlia­ment, to be intercepted or ſtayed: or if any ſhall preſume to make ſuch ſtay of thoſe Diſpatches, you ſhall direct the Poſtmaſters to repaire to the Juſtices of the Peace, Conſtables, and all other Of­ficers, for their Aid and Aſſiſtance, who are hereby required to take ſpeciall care that there may not be no ſuch interruption.


If you ſhall find any diſaffected perſons, raiſing any parties againſt the Parliament, ſpreading ſcan­dals or aſperſions on their proceedings, like to di­ſturbe the peace of the Kingdom; you ſhall cauſe all ſuch perſons (upon good proofes of their Miſ­demeanours) to be Arreſted and ſent up to anſwer ſuch their Offences, as to Law and Juſtice ſhall appertain.


You ſhall take from the ſaid Rebels and Tray­tors all ſuch Arms, Ordinance, and Ammunition, as they have taken from his Majeſties Subjects, and reſtore the ſame to the Owner.


Whereas his Majeſty ſeduced by wicked Coun­cels hath raiſed Warre againſt his Parliament, and other his good ſubjects, and hath drawn together great troops of Papiſts and ill affected perſons, and ſent out Commiſſion for the levying of others, to the great hazzard of Religion, and the publique peace of the Kingdome.

You are therfore required to ſuppreſſe all per­ſons whatſoever, who ſhall leavie any Souldiers, or draw together any of the Trayned Bands, by colour or pretence of any Commiſſion from his Majeſty, under the great Seal or otherwiſe; And you ſhall ceize upon all Horſes, Arms, Ammunition, money, Plate, or other Proviſion whatſoever, raiſed or pro­vided under pretence of his Majeſties ſervice, for the fomenting or maintaining any ſuch unnaturall and unlawfull warre againſt his people.


You ſhall obſerve and execute all ſuch further Directions and Inſtructions as you ſhall from time to time receive from both Houſes of Parliament; As likewiſe, ſuch Inſtructions and Directions as you ſhal from time to time receive from the Com­mittees of the Lords and Commons appointed to take Care of the ſafety of the Kingdom, and what­ſoever you ſhall do therein, or any other perſon in Aid or Aſſiſtance of you, it ſhall be accepted as a good and neceſſary ſervice to the Kingdom, and for their and your ſo doing, they and you ſhall bee de­fended and protected by the Authority of Parlia­ment. And this Reſolution of the Lords and Com­mons, to protect thoſe that ſhall obey and further their Commands, you ſhal publiſh and declare up­on all occaſions, for the better encouragement of the Subjects of this Kingdom in that behalfe.

Die Veneris 12. Auguſti. 1642.

IT is this Day Ordered by the Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament, That every Alderman in every Ward within the City of London, or in his ab­ſence his Deputy, ſhall ſummon every Sub­ſidy man dwelling in his ſaid Ward to appear on Monday next, at their uſuall place of meeting by 8. of the clock in the morning, where ſome members of the Houſe of Commons will be preſent to ac­quaint them with the preſent ſtate and condition of the Kingdom, and City of London, and to conſider further what is fit for the ſafety of both.

And to that end you are to require all Inhabitants ſetting all excuſes aſide, not to fail of giving their perſonall preſence at the time and place appointed by you. And every Alderman or Deputy is like­wiſe hereby further required, upon the day and time above-ſpecified, to make re­turn of the ſubſcriptions of all ſtrangers in their particular Wards.

Ordered by the Lords and Commons aſsem­bled in Parliament, that this be forthwith printed and publiſhed. Iohn Brown Cler. Parl.

About this transcription

TextThe Parliaments instructions agreed on by the Lords and Commons for to be observed by their severall committees, now residing in the severall counties, and those to be imployed. Likewise, the message and order of both Houses of Parliament to the aldermen of the city of London, August the 12. 1642. Wherein is declared their desires to the said aldermen, for to appear on monday next at the time and place herein prefixed. Ordered that this be forthwith printed and published John. Brown. Cler. Parl.
AuthorEngland and Wales. Parliament..
Extent Approx. 8 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 7 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A83355)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 132854)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2515:8)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe Parliaments instructions agreed on by the Lords and Commons for to be observed by their severall committees, now residing in the severall counties, and those to be imployed. Likewise, the message and order of both Houses of Parliament to the aldermen of the city of London, August the 12. 1642. Wherein is declared their desires to the said aldermen, for to appear on monday next at the time and place herein prefixed. Ordered that this be forthwith printed and published John. Brown. Cler. Parl. England and Wales. Parliament.. [8] p. : port. printed for J. Hansott.London :August 16. 1642.. (Signatures: A⁴.) (Wing says this is a spurious document with a false imprint.) (Identified as Wing E2137A, reel 2515, of the UMI microfilm set "Early English books 1641-1700".) (Reproduction of original in the Folger Shakespeare Library.) (Identified by ESTC as Wing (CD-ROM, 1996) P511A.)
  • England and Wales. -- Parliament -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2011-04 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A83355
  • STC Wing E2137A
  • STC ESTC R224885
  • EEBO-CITATION 99897579
  • PROQUEST 99897579
  • VID 132854

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