SEVERALL ORDERS AND VOTES of both Houſes OF PARLIAMENT: MADE On Friday and Saturday laſt, for the bringing of THE KINGS MAJESTY To ſome of his Houſes neer London, to receive Propoſitions from both Kingdomes, for PEACE.
And for the ſafety and ſecurity of the King, Parliament, City, and Kingdome.
WITH The Copies of the Letters from Sir Tho. Fairfax, to the Parliament, and the City.
And a Liſt of the names of the Committee of Safety.
⟨Aug: 2d⟩ Printed at London by Robert Ibbitſon. 1647.
REſolved upon the Queſtion by the Lords in Parliament. That the right Honorable the Lord Will•ughby of Palham be Speaker of this houſe, pro tempore.
1. Reſolved by the Commons aſſembled in Parliament, That Mr. Pelham, a Member of this Houſe be Speaker thereof.
2. Mr. Pelham being preſented by the Commons to the Houſe the Peeres, he made a ſpeech to their Lordſhips ▪ declaring that the Houſe of Commons had made choyce of him (calling himſelfe the moſt unworthy of them) to be their Speaker; whereupon the Lords voted, that they doe approve of the ſaid choyce, and accordingly Mr. Pelham was eſtabliſhed, and returning to the Houſe Commons, the Members, cried to the Chaire.
Reſolved upon the Queſtion by the Commons in Parliament aſſembled, that Denzill Holles Eſquire, Sir Philip Stapleton; Sir Williaim Lewis, Sir Iohn Clotworthy, Sir William Waller, Sir Iohn Maynard, Major Generall Maſſie, Iohn Glynne, Eſquire, Recorder of London, Walter Long, Equire, Col. Edward Harley, and Antony Nicoll, Eſquire, be received into this Houſe, to ſit and vote as members thereof.
Papers were delivered by the Sheriffes and others from the Common-councell of the Citie of London, aſſuring the Houſes that care ſhould be taken by the City for ſufficient guards to ſecure their ſitting in ſafety. Whereupon it was Reſolved upon the Queſtion, By the Lords and Commons in Parliament aſſembled, that thankes be returned to the Citie of London for their offers and engagements to take care for the Parliaments ſitting in ſafety.
Reſolved upon the queſtion by the Lords and Commons in Parliament aſſembled, that the care of the Kings children be committed to the Lord Mayor of the City of London.
Reſolved upon the queſtion, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament aſſembled that the Committee for ſafety of the Kingdome, be revived, and Sir William Waller, and Major Generall Maſſey to be added to the ſaid Committee. And that they repaire to the Militia of the City of London, to conſult for the ſafety of the King, Parliament, City and Kingdomes
HAving reſolved upon this incloſed diſpatch from the City of London, I thought it my part to give you an account of it, and to give you all aſſurance that my heart is deeply affected with the late carriages towards the Parliament. And how-ever others have neglected their duty towards them for their ſecurity and defence; yet as God ſhall inable me, it ſhall be my great buſineſſe, to improve all that is in my hand for the preſerving of them, and in them the intereſt of this Nation, and what conſtruction ſoever, ſome formerly may have put upon the proceedings of this Army: I truſt the Lord will by his good hand lead us into ſuch good actions as ſhall witneſſe our end anſwerable to all our profeſsion, to wit, for the good of4 the Kingdome, and thereinto be an effectuall ſaving to great authority of the kingdome in the Parliament.
YOu may pleaſe to remember the forward compliance of this Army with your deſires, to remove to this diſtance, and that upon the aſſurance you gave them of your concurrence with their declared deſires, for the ſettling the liberty and peace of this kingdome, (againſt which you never yet offered us one exception or any ground of diſſent) as alſo of your great tenderneſſe and reſolution to ſecure the Parliament and their Priviledges, from any violence or attempt, the chief reaſon given us of your late liſting of new forces, and wherein we did moſt acquieſſe.
That upon this confidence wee had diſpoſed the Army into ſeverall parts of the Kingdome; for the eaſe of the whole, to above 100 miles diſtance: we had given up our ſelves, to the effecting of ſuch propoſals as might tend to the comfortable ſettlement of this poore Kingdome, and we were in a hopefull way for the ſpeedy releife of Ireland.
We cannot then but be deepely ſenſible of the unparalled violation acted upon the Parliament, upon5 Monday laſt, by a rude multitude from your City, becauſe therein (the guards ſent from the City did not only neglect their duty for the ſecurity of the Parliament from ſuch violence, and the whole City to yeeld any reliefe to the houſes in that extremity, but I am aſſured from eye and eare witneſſes, that divers of the Common-councell gave great incouragement to it, which doth not only gain-ſay your former profeſſions, but does violence to thoſe many obligations that (by your Charter, Proteſtation, and ſundry other wayes) lye upon you to protect the Parliament.
For my part I cannot but look on your ſelves (who are in Authority) as accountable to the Kingdome, for your preſent interruptions of that hopefull way of Peace and ſettlement, things were in for this Nation, and of releiving Ireland, occaſioned by the late Treaſonable, and Doſtructive Engagement: Eſpecially by the latter Prodigious and horrid force done upon the Parliament, tending to diſſolve all Government upon which ſcore wee and the whole Kingdome ſhall have cauſe to put every thing of the like nature that may happen to the Parliament, or to any who are freinds to them and this Army except by your Wiſdom care and induſtry the cheif Acters in the premiſſes, may be Detected, ſecured and given up to the procuring of juſtice for the ſame, and the beſt indevours uſed to prevent the like for the future. And ſo I reſt.
Ordered, that the Reformadoes, Officers and Soulders be hereby deſired to Rendezvouz in Saint James Fields to morrow in the afternoon; And there, upon the view of their Numbers and Qualities, conſider, and agree of Field-officers, and others, as may put them in a condition fit for preſent ſervice in a Regiamental-way: And that this Committee may bee certified therof, and how they are mounted & armed.
Reſolved upon the queſtion, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Aſſembled, a letter to bee ſent to Sir Thomas Fairfax.
Reſolved upon the queſtion, that the Kings Majeſty come to one of his Houſes nearer London that propoſitions may bee ſent, and addreſſe made to his Majeſty (from both Houſes of the Parliament of England, and the Kingdome of Scotland) for Peace.
1. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Aſſemblled, that the Committee at Trinity Houſe take care to ſecure the Block-houſes at Graves end, and the Fort at Tilbury.
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