The effect of all Letters read in the Houſe from the 14. of November to the 22.
1. Surrey.
ON Munday the 14. of November there was a Letter read from Kingſtone, ſetting forth that his Majeſty was carryed over to Kingſton by one Anthony Browne a Courtier, by whoſe meanes his Majeſties Army plundered all the Town as well Malignants as others, and that the Church was made a Stable or Oxe-ſtall, and a place of filth, where all the Kings Army emptied their filthy panches, as alſo the filth of 500. Iriſh and Welch women running after the Army, which are more cruell to thoſe which lye on their mercy then any forraigne Enemy whatſoever.
A Letter was read from Shrewesbury, intimating that the Kings Mint and Printing Preſſe, are ſtill at Shrewesbury. The High Sheriffe of that County and the Maior of Shrewesbury have Commiſſion from the King to open all Letters before they be either caried out or brought into that County.
A Letter from Colonell Venne, that he hath taken 4. or 5. of the Kings Carriages as they paſſed by Windſore, full of clothes and atmes.
A Letter from Captaine Hotham, Sir Hugh Cholmley, and Sir J. Gill is joyned with the Lord Fairefax in the beſieging of Yorke, further declaring, that Captain Hotham eſcaped piſtolling very narrowly at Leeds, by a Drummer, and by Gods great providence his Piſtoll would not not ſuddenly go off. The Lord and Sir William Savill proffereth to give 10000 pound to be admitted into the Parliament houſe, but will not be accepted of, for that they have been the onely Ringleaders of this diſturbance in that County of Yorke.
A Letter from Captaine Chitworth at Chicheſter, that the Biſhop of the Citie invited him to dinner, where in diſcourſe the Biſhop told him that his Majeſty had a Proclamation to proclaime a Traytor for the ſeeking to oppoſe his Commiſſion of Array, yet nevertheleſſe if he will leave off, and aſſiſt his Maieſty, hee will give him a free pardon and employ him in his ſervice: The Captaine replyed, that what he had done, is not the half part of what he intends to doe, for he hoped to have ſome Eorces in the City under his command, and then he will ſift all thoſe that are Malignants againſt the Parliament, and biſarme them all, not leaving them a weapon to hurt a dog withal.
There was a Letter from the States of Holland, intimating that the French King hath a great Army neer Colen, wherof his Generall hath diſcharged 10000. of them, hoping to have them tranſported for England, but the States have utterly refuſed, that they ſhould either paſſe through their Country, or take any ſhipping there for England.
A Letter from Cornwall, ſetting forth the number of the Cavaleers there, which is neere upon 10000. who intendeth forthwith to advance their forces toward His Majeſty at Salisbury.
A Letter from the Parſon of Cherſey, ſetting forth what company of Horſe & Foot are come there, being upon 1000. and no great ſpoil as yet they have done, ſaving to their poultrey and ſuch like.
Another from the Maior of Leiceſter, wherin his Maieſty hath commanded him to pay the moni•s that have bin raiſed in that Towne upon the Bill of Subſedies to Mr. Haſtings, and if he ſhall refuſe the payment thereof, that then to be apprehended, and brough to his Majeſty, and be puniſhed for his contempt.
A Letter from the Councell at Dublin wherin is ſet downe that Oneal is dangerouſly wounded at the laſt Fight at Feelers, and that the Souldiers dyeth in abundance, as though ſome infection or other ſickneſſe were amongſt them.
A Letter from the Vice-admiral Batten wherein he declareth, that he hath taken a Ship and a Ba•k full of horſe comming out of Flanders, and have brought them to Portſmouth, where they now remaine till order from the Parliament.
A letter from Worceſter declaring that Colonell Sands is dead, as alſo a plot which was l•tely diſcovered by Mr. Stanhop, concerning the blowing vp of the Goale and the priſoners that have bin taken by the Parliaments forces to be on ſuch a time in the garden and aſſoone as the Goale is opened to make their eſcapes and this hath bin practiſed by ſome of the Cheife of the inhabitants there.
There was this day a letter which was intercepted at Baſingſtoke, entitled To the high and Mighty Prince Charles K of England &c. dated from Angleſey the 16 of November from Marquis of Hartford, wherein he writeth that he did wait on his Majeſty with all conveniency, at Salisbury within 10. dayes with his Horſe and foot, which is neere 8000. Welch Souldiers.