Articles of the Commons aſſembled in Parliament, in maintenance of the Accuſation againſt William Laud Archbiſhop of Canterbury, whereby he ſtands charged with high Treaſon.
1. THat he hath Traiterouſly endeavoured to ſubvert the Fundamentall Laws, and Government of the Kingdome of England, and in ſtead thereof to introduce an Arbitrary and Tyrannicall Government againſt Law, and to that end hath wickedly and Traiterouſly adviſed his Majeſty, that he might at his owne will and pleaſure leavy and take money of his ſubjects, without their conſent in Parliament, and this he affirmed, was warrantable by the Law of God.
2. He hath for the better accompliſhment of that his Traiterous deſigne, adviſed and proeured divers Sermons and other diſcourſes, to be preached, Printed, and publiſhed, in which the authority of Parliaments, and the force of the Lawes of the Kingdome are denyed, and an abſolute and unlimited power over the Perſons and Eſtates of his Majeſties Subjects, is maintained and defended, not onely in the King, but alſo in himſelfe and other Biſhops, above and againſt the Law, and he hath bin a great protector, favourer, and promoter of the publiſhers of ſuch falſe and pernicious opinions.
3. He hath by Letters, Meſſages, Threats, promiſes, and divers other wayes to Iudges and other Miniſters of Iuſtice; interrupted and perverted, and at other times by the meanes aforeſaid, hath endeavoured to interrupt and pervert the courſe of Iuſtice, in his Majeſties Courts at Weſtminſter, and other2 Courts, to the ſubverſion of the Lawes of this Kingdome, whereby ſundry of his Majeſties Subjects have beene ſtopt in their juſt ſuits, and deprived of their lawfull rights, and ſubjected to his Tyrannicall will, to their utter ruine & deſtruction.
4. That the ſaid Archbiſhop, hath Traiterouſly and corruptly ſold juſtice to thoſe that have had cauſes depending before him, by colour of his Eccleſiaſticall Iuriſdiction, as Archbiſhop, High Commiſſioner, Refaree or otherwiſe, and hath taken unlawfull Gifts and Bribes of his Majeſties Subjects, and hath as much as in him lyeth, endeavoured to coreupt other Courts of Iuſtice, by adviſing his Majeſty to ſell places of judicature and other Offices, and procuring the ſale of them contrary to the Lawes and Statutes in that behalfe.
5. He hath Traiterouſly cauſed a Booke of Canons to bee compoſed and publiſhed, and theſe Canons to be put in execution, without any lawfull warrant and authority in that behalf; In which pretended Canons, many matters are contained, contrary to the kings Prerogative, to the Fundamentall Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, to the right of Parliament, to the propriety and liberty of the Subjects, & matters tending to ſedition, and of dangerous conſequence, & to the Eſtabliſhment of a vaſt unlawfull, and preſumptuous power in himſelfe, and his Succeſſors; many of which Canons, by the practice of the ſaid Archbiſhop, were ſurreptitiouſly paſſed in the late Convocation, without due conſideration and debate, others by feare and compulſion were ſubſcribed to by the Prelats and Clerks there aſſembled, which had never beene voted and paſſed in the convocation as they ought to have beene, and the ſaid, Archbiſhop hath contrived and endeavoured, to aſſure and confirme the unlawfull and exorbitant power, which he hath uſurped and exerciſed over his Majeſties Subjects, by a wicked and ungodly Oath in one of the ſaid pretended Canons, enjoyned to be taken by all the Clergy, and many of the Laity of this Kingdome.
6. He hath Traiterouſly aſſumed to himſelfe, a Papall and3 Tyrannicall power, both in Eccleſiaſticall and Temporall matters, over his Majeſties Subjects in this Realme of England, and in other places, to the diſherriſon of the Crowne, diſhonour of his Majeſty, and derogation of his ſupreame Authority in Eccleſiaſticall matters.
And the ſaid Archbiſhop claimes the Kings Eccleſiaſticall Iuriſdiction, as incident to his Epiſcopall and Archi-epiſcopall Office in this Kingdome, and doth deny the ſame to be derived from the crowne of England, which he hath accordingly exerciſed to the high contempt of his Royall Majeſty, and to the deſtruction of divers of the Kings Liege-people, in their perſons and Eſtates.
7. That he hath Traiterouſly endeavoured to alter and ſubvert Gods true Religion, by Law eſtabliſhed in this Realme, and in ſtead thereof to ſet up Popiſh ſuperſtition and Idolatry: And to that end, hath declared and maintained in ſpeeches and printed, Bookes, divers Popiſh doctrines and opinions, contrary to the Articles of Religion eſtabliſhed. He hath urged and injoyned divers Popiſh and ſuperſtitious Ceremonies without any warrant of Law, and hath cruelly perſecuted thoſe who have oppoſed the ſame, by corporall, puniſhment and impriſonment, and moſt unjuſtly vexed others who refuſed to comforme thereunto, by Eccleſiaſticall Cenſures of Excommunication, Suſpenſion, Deprivation, & Derogation, contrary to the Law of, this Kingdome.
8. That for the better advancing of his Traiterous purpoſe and deſigne, he did abuſe the great power and truſt his Majeſty repoſed in him, and did, intrude upon the places of divers great Offcers, and upon the right of other his Majeſties Subjects, wherby he did procure to himſelf nomination of ſundry perſons, to Eccleſiaſticall Dignities, Pro••tions, and Benefices, belonging to his Majeſty, and divers of the Nobility, Clergy, & others, and hath taken upon him the commendation of Chaplaines to the King, by which meanes he hath preferred to his Majeſtie ſervice, and to other great promotions in the4 Church, ſuch as have bin Popiſhly affected, or otherwiſe unſound and corrupt both in Doctrine and Manners.
9. He hath for the ſame Traiterous and wicked intent, choſen & imployed ſuch men to be his Chaplaines, whom he knew to be notoriouſly diſaffected to the reformed Religion, groſſely addicted to Popiſh ſuperſtition, and Erroneous and unſound both in judgement and practiſe, and to them or ſome of them, he hath committed the Lycenſing of Bookes to be printed, by which meanes, divers falſe and Superſtitious Bookes have beene publiſhed, to the great ſcandall of Religion, and to the ſeducing of many of his Majeſties Subjects.
10. He hath Traiterouſly and wickedly endeavoured to reconcile the Church of England, with the Church of Rome, and for the effecting thereof, hath conſorted and confederated with divers popiſh Prieſts and Ieſuits, and hath kept ſecret intelligence with the Pope of Rome, and by himſelfe his Agents or Inſtruments treated with ſuch as have from thence received authority and inſtruction, he hath permitted and countenanted a Popiſh Hierarchie or Eccleſiaſticall Government, to be eſtabliſhed, in this Kingdom, by al which Traiterous & malicious practiſes, this Church & Kingdome hath beene exceedingly endangered & like to fal under the tyranny of the Roman See.
11. He in his owne perſon and his Suffragans, Viſiters, Surrogates, Chancellors, or other Officers, by his command, have cauſed divers learned, pious, and Orthodox Preachers of Gods Word, to be Silenced, Suſpended, Deprived, Degraded, Excommunicated, or otherwiſe grieved and vexed without any juſt and lawfull cauſe, whereby, and by divers other meanes he hath hindred the preaching of Gods Word, cauſed divers of his Majeſties loyall Subjects to forſake the Kingdome, and increaſed and cheriſhed ignorance & prophaneneſſe amongſt the people, that ſo he might the better facilitate the way to the effecting of his owne wicked and Traiterous deſigne of altering and corrupting the true Religion here eſtabliſhed.
512. He hath Traiterouſly endeavoured to cauſe diviſion and diſcord betweene the Church of England and other Reformed Churches, and to that end hath ſuppreſt and abrogated the priviledges & immunities which have beene by His Majeſty and His Royall Anceſtors granted to the French and Dutch Churches in this Kingdome, and divers other wayes hath expreſſed his malice and diſaffection to thoſe Churches, that ſo by ſuch diſunion, the Papiſts might have more advantage for the overthrow and extirpation of both.
13. He hath maliciouſly and Traiterouſly plotted and endeavoured to ſtir up war and enmity betwixt His Majeſties two Kingdomes of England and Scotland, and to that purpoſe hath laboured to introduce into the Kingdome of Scotland, diverſe innovations both in Religion and Government, all or the moſt part tending to Popery and Superſtition, to the great grievance and diſcontent of His Majeſties Subjects of that Nation, and for their refuſing to ſubmit to ſuch innovations, he did Traiterouſly adviſe His Majeſty to ſubdue them by force of Armes, and by his owne Authority and Power contrary to law, did procure ſundry of His Majeſties Subjects, and enforced the Clergie of this Kingdome to contribute towards the maintenance of that war, and when his Majeſty with much wiſdome and juſtice had made a pacification betwixt the two Kingdomes, the ſaid Arch-Biſhop by his councell and endeavours did preſumptuouſly cenſure that pacification as diſhonourable to His Majeſty, and incenſe His Majeſty againſt his ſaid Subjects of Scotland, that he did thereupon by advice of the ſaid Arch-Biſhop enter into an offenſive warre againſt them, to the great hazard of His Majeſties Perſon, and Subjects of both Kingdomes.
14. That to preſerve himſelfe from being queſtioned for theſe and other his Traiterous courſes, he hath laboured to ſubvert the rights of Parliaments, and the Ancient courſe of Parliamentary proceedings, and by falſe and malicious ſlanders to incenſe His Majeſty againſt Parliaments.
6By which words, Councells, and Actions, he hath Traiterouſly and contrary to his Allegiance, laboured to alienate the hearts of the Kings Liege people from His Majeſty,〈◊〉ſet a diviſion betweene them, and to ruine and deſtroy His Majeſties Kingdomes, for which they doe impeach him of high Treaſon, againſt Our Soveraigne Lord the King, His Crowne and Dignity.
The ſaid Commons doe further averre, That the ſaid William, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, during the time in which the Treaſons and Offences aforementioned were committed, hath beene a Biſhop or Archbiſhop in this Realme of England, one of the Kings Commiſſioners for Eccleſiaſticall matters, and of his Majeſties moſt Honourable Privie Councell, and that he hath taken an Oath for his faithfull diſcharge of the ſaid Office of a Councellour, and hath likewiſe taken the Oath of Supremacy and Allegiance. And the ſaid Commons by Proteſtation, ſaving to themſelves the liberty of Exhibiting at any time hereafter, any other Accuſation or Impeachment againſt the ſaid Archbiſhop, and alſo of replying to the anſwers that the ſaid Archbiſhop ſhall make unto the ſaid Articles, or to any of them, and of offering further proofe alſo of the premiſes, or any of them, as the caſe ſhall according to the courſe of Parliaments require, do pray, that the ſaid Archbiſhop may be put to anſwer to all and every the premiſes, and that ſuch proceedings, Examination, Tryall, and Judgement, may be upon every of them, had, and uſed, as is agreeable to Law and Juſtice.