Eight and Thirty QUERIES PROPOUNDED By One that is ſetting forth Sail, and deſires to ſteer his Courſe aright, that eſcaping the Gulphs he may arrive at SAFETY.
TOUCHING Things Paſt, Preſent, and to Come.
Prov. 2. 3, 4, 5.
If thou crieſt after knowledge and lifteſt up thy voyce for underſtanding.
If thou ſeekeſt her as ſilver and ſearcheſt for her as for hid Treaſures.
Then ſhalt thou underſtand.
LONDON, Printed for Richard Andrews, 1659.
I. WHether Salus populi be not the end of the Law of all Nations?
II. Whether the peoples Repreſentatives are not the proper Judges of what is for the welfare of the Nation?
III. Whether our Parliament be not the ſame in nature, as the Counſell at the time of Englands fi•ſt becomming Tributary to the Romans, who by their Power choſe, Theemantius the yonger Son of Lud to be King, rather then Androgeus the Elder: And whether the reſtoring the Parliament by Henry the firſt, were not a committer of the People to their right, though he abridged their Authority by keeping himſelf the head?
4IV. Whether Kings now in any Place have the like right to rule as Abram had over his family being his Children and Servants?
V. Whether then the Right to rule now be not from the Election of the People?
VI. Whether the Election of al Kings be not either from Compulſion or from the Truſt, the People reſide in them?
VII. Whether the Kings ſince the Conqueſt have reigned by Uſurpation, or by Right?
VIII. Whether (if by Uſurpation) their Confirming hath not been by Compulſion?
IX. Whether Preſcription gives any more Right to a Crown then to Land?
X. Whether a Parliament having Power may not Lawfully repulſe an Uſurper?
XI. Whether (if by right) a King being Elected, Eſtabliſhed or Confirmed by Parliament, breaking his Oath and truſt repoſed in him may not by the ſame Authority be taken down, as Edward the ſecond and Richard the ſecond were?
XII. Whether the firſt Provocation and Preparation, or the firſt blow make a War invafive?
5XIII. Whether every Man of what degree or quality ſoever ought not in all Caſes to-have and receive Juſtice.
XIV. Whether it be not more probable that a Parliament wherein every one as a private perſon and his poſterities well being, conſiſts in the Nations well doing, both perſons and Eſtates ſharing a like with the whole people, will be ſo likely to oppreſs the Nation as a ſingle perſon, whoſe Gaveſtons and Favorites may be preferd before the good of the Nation. And having the Power can neither be bounded not limited longer then his pleaſure.
XV. Whether wiſe and Righteous men are not manifeſted by their actions.
XVI. Whether the welfare of the People conſiſteth not in the Enjoyment of VVealth, Peace and Godlineſs?
XVII. VVhether the giving liberty to private Meetings on the Sabbath dayes be not more for the advancement of Iudaiſme, Papiſme, and Quakiſm•, then the truth of Chriſtianity?
XVIII. VVhether theſe do not beget Diviſions, which is the cauſe of Wars and poverty, and are not likely to produce Athieſme and all ungodlineſs in the next Generation.
XIX. Whether the Ordinances of Magiſtracy and Miniſtry, as its now Eſtabliſhed in England, be according to truth and Righteouſneſs or Antichriſtian.
XX Whether the deſpiſers and Contemners thereof, or revilers againſt, ought not to be reſtrained.
6XXI. Whether it be not Lawfull for the good people being weary of ſitting in Churches, their ſouls loathing ſuch ligh•meat, to change their food and hear J•ſuits in houſes?
XXII. Whether it be not Evident, that, that book (lately put forth, entituled Light out of Darkneſs, or Occaſionall Quere's, ſo much for the tenents of Quakers, and any Lay mans publique Preaching,) is the Work of a Jeſuite?
XXIII. Whether the Souldiers would be content to do the work of God in their places, for what good people ſhould freely give them without a certaine Allowance, as too many of them preſume the Miniſter ought?
XXIIII. Whether it be not more meet for every man to pay the tenth of his profit to the Miniſters (or ſome one for his uſe) then to pay the tenth in Mony whether he raiſe profit or no, according to the value of the Land?
XXV. Whether it be not almoſt Time for thoſe Commanders that have gotten great Eſtates, and now ſetled in England to ſerve the Common-wealth, freely as well Gentlemen in the Country in Commiſions do?
XXVI. Whether any thing were ever yet done by Man but i•wanted refining in time?
XXVII. Whether the Iudiciary part of the Law as it wanteth refining, ſo wanteth refining onely, and not a to tall Subverſion.
7XXVIII. Whether the young men of South-wark underſtood what they Petitioned when they ſpake of having the Law in a Volume.
XXIX. Whether the Gentlemen that in the laſt Parliament, firſt voted for the Protector, and were always before Cavaleriſhly aff•cted, but at laſt joyned in ſome votes with Commonwealths men were converts out of Integrety or Subtilty.
XXX. Whether the Souldiers have not manifeſted their ends in former actions to be the publiq•e good, by their taking their Comiſſions from Parliament, and whether if they continne obedient, they will not beget everlaſting renown, as well for faithfullneſs as Valour.
XXXI. Whether it be not partiality to allow Mr. Cromwell and his Mother, more then Mr. Steward and his Mother.
XXXII. Whether if all Compliers be ſaved harmeleſs by this intended Act of Indemnity, it may not be an incouragement for the future for men to Act irregular and r•bellious things, in hopes that pretending providence, or affirming neceſſity, if their d•ſign ſhould fall to the ground, will hold them guiltleſs.
XXXIII. Whether thoſe venerable Gentlemen that ſtood for Juſtice on the King, ſetling a Commonwealth then fl•ttered Oliver, were great promoters of Addreſſes to Richa•d, and now forward to bleſs the Armies actions, and court the members of Parliament, deſerve not to have liberty to quarter their Goat of Armes, with a Wind-mill, or a Weather Cock.
8XXXIV. Whether it be fit to continue ſuch in Places of Truſt when faithfull Real men are not wanting in the Nation?
XXXV. Whether it be not abſolutely neceſſary to have Aſtraea blindſold, limb'd both in Parliament Houſe and Counſell Chamber for a Memento?
XXXVI. Whether the next good ſervice the Souldiers can do as to Reformation, wil not be to take up and ſecure the Whores of London, the ruine of ſo many perſons?
XXXVII. Whether the beſt place to tranſport them be not to Jamaica, where they may Luſt and not be ſatiſfied?
XXXVIII. Whether it be not requiſite that James Harrington and his follo wers be deſired to take their Clubs out of England, and wait upon theſe virtuous Gentlewomen, with whom they may be ſure to live as Tenents in Common and not fayle to Eſtabliſh Leveliſme and A•h•iſme?
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