The ſeveral Judgements of the Supream Court of Parliament, againſt Alexander Fitton, Edward Loyd, John Cade, and John Wright; And againſt the Libel, Contrived, Signed, and Publiſhed by them and others, againſt the Right Honourable, Charles Lord Gerard, Baron of Brandon.
WHereas the Houſe hath heard yeſterday at this Bar Alexander Fitton, Edward Loyd, John Cade, and John Wright by their Council at large, what they could further ſay in defence of themſelves, for contriving, ſigning, and publiſhing a falſe, odious, and infamous Libel, ſigned by Abraham Granger, againſt the Lord Gerard Baron of Brandon, a Peer of this Realm, and Member of Parliament: It is this day Ordered and Adjudged4 by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament aſſembled, after a very ſerious and deliberate conſideration taken by their Lordſhips of the whole matter, That the ſaid Lord Gerard is clear and free, and is hereby cleared and freed from all, or any of the matters of, or in the ſaid Libel, And that the ſaid Alexander Fitton ſhall undergo the Iudgement of this Houſe as followeth.
- I. That the ſaid Alexander Fitton is hereby Fined unto His Majeſty in the Sum of Five hundred pounds.
- II. That the ſaid Lord Gerard is hereby left to his free liberty to proceed at Law for reparation, by occaſion of the ſaid Libel.
- III. That the ſaid Alexander Fitton ſhall be, and hereby is committed to be kept cloſe Priſoner in the Kings-Bench-Priſon, until he produce and bring forth the ſaid Abraham Granger.
- IV. That the ſaid Alexander Fitton ſhall finde good and ſufficient Sureties for the good behaviour during life, which is to be taken by the Lord Chief Iuſtice of the Kings Bench.
And their Lordſhips do further Order, and adjudge, That the ſaid Edward Loyd, John Cade, and John Wright, for their being privy to Signing and Publiſhing of the ſaid falſe, odious, and infamous Libel, ſhall be impriſoned in the Fleet, there to remain during His Majeſties5 pleaſure, and before their being releaſed ſhall finde good and ſufficient ſecurity for their good behaviour during life, which is to be taken by the ſaid Lord Chief Iuſtice.
WHereas the Original Paper delivered into this Houſe by Edward Loyd, and ſigned by Abraham Granger (entituled, A Narrative of the horrid and deteſtable Deſign of the Lord Gerard againſt A. G.Gr. in compelling him to Swear againſt Mr. Alexander Fitton) is by the Iudgement of this Houſe, Declared and Adjudged to be a Falſe, Odious, and Infamous Libel againſt the Perſon and Honour of the Lord Gerard Baron of Brandon, a Peer of this Realm, and Member of Parliament: It is this day Ordered by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament aſſembled, That Two Copies of the ſaid Libel, which are to be Signed by the Clerk of the Parliament, ſhall be burnt; One in the New Palace-Yard at Weſtminſter, by the hand of the Common Hangman, by the direction and appointment of the Sheriffs of London and Middleſex in that behalf; And the other in the Market-place of the City of Cheſter, by the direction and appointment of the Mayor of the ſaid City, at ſuch times as the ſaid Lord Gerard ſhall appoint.
And it is further Ordered, That the ſaid Original Libel, Entituled, A Narrative, &c. ſhall not be entred into the Iournal Book of this Houſe amongſt the Records, but ſhall remain in the cuſtody of the Clerk of the Parliament, until the ſaid Lord Gerard ſhall demand7 it of him; And then the Clerk of the Parliament is hereby Authorized to deliver the ſame to his Lordſhip.
And it is laſtly Ordered, That this Order, and the Iudgement of this Houſe, bearing date the Ninth day of this inſtant July, ſhall be forthwith Printed and Publiſhed by ſuch perſon or perſons as the Lord Gerard ſhall appoint and direct, for the fuller vindication of his Lordſhip.