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ENGLANDS SECOND Alarm to VVar, Againſt the Beaſt. Saul, with his Edomite has ſhed blood to his power; He ſmites Iſraels City, and deſtroyes his owne houſe; overcame his People once, and overthrew himſelfe for ever! It relates to what is done now. Grave queſtions touching the Edomite; his admiſ­ſion to Court, and into office there; how it relates to Papiſts now. He has a Commiſsion to deſtroy a City of Prieſts, which he does with an utter deſtruction. Excellent Reaſons why The Lord ſuffered ſuch a deſtruction to be executed upon Iſrael then; And why he ſuffers the ſame now; And why by an Edomites hand then and now.

Lament. 4.21.

Rejoyce and be glad [It is a bitter mockery, i.e. weepe and howle] O Daugh­ter Edom, The Cup alſo ſhall paſſe thorow unto thee: Thou ſhalt be drunken, and ſhalt make thy ſelfe naked.

Iſa. 49.25.26.

For thus ſaith The LORD, The prey of the Terrible ſhall be delivered; I will contend with him that contendeth with Thee; I will feed them, that ſpoile Thee, with their owne fleſh, and they ſhall be drunken with their owne blood as with ſweet wine.

LONDON, Printed for Thomas Vnderhil, in the ſecond yeare of the Beaſts wounding warring againſt The Lamb and thoſe that are with Him, Called, Choſen, and Faithfull. 1643.


ENGLANDS ALARM TO VVar, againſt the Beaſt.

SECT. II. THe Edomite is Sauls Scout now, and his Generall in the Field anon: Davids enemy alwaies, The Prieſts accuſer; but can charge him with no more but what was his office to do, therefore not ſo impudent as are the Edomites in our dayes: Saul impleads the Prieſt; gives him leave to make anſwer for himſelfe, which he doth clearly and fully; and then is deſtroy­ed, he, and a City of Prieſts, man, woman, and childe there, and beaſt alſo. This relates fully to our times. Quaeries touching the Edomite. Sauls taking him into his Court, aſsigning him to office there, and giving him commiſsion to ſmite a City of Prieſts. Quaeries touching that miſerable deſtruction. Gods judgements ſecret, but juſt and righteous upon Ireland, and England. Yet the miſchiefe done by man ſhall returne upon his owne head, and his violent dealing upon his owne pate.


CHAP. I. David comes to Nob; Doeg ſpies him there; haſtens to Saul, tels him all his obſervations, yet can lay nothing to the Prieſts charge, but what was the Prieſts duty to doe. Doeg tels truth, yet loved ly­ing. The Edomites now, more ſhameleſſe.

DAvid comes to Nob to Abimelech the Prieſt there,1 Sam. 21. intreats a courteſie of him, and the Prieſt does him a Hawfull favour (whereof we ſhall heare more anon) Doeg the Edomite, Sauls chiefe Heardſman was there, for Saul had a Scout to ſpy every where, but none did his maſter better ſervice (to Sauls liking) then Doeg did; he was an Edomite, (that I would have noted) and now, being in Iſraels Land, he was of his Religion too [for that is a thing eaſily taken up] and being at Nob, has a faire pretence for that alſo, as you may reade, Religion called him thither, and held him there: a pretence only, and no more; for that bloudy wretch mindes not Religion, not the ſolemne Acts thereabout: he mindes only all that which paſſed betwixt Abimeleth and David, that ſo he might doe miſchiefe, a mighty man that way. And now having fed his eye, and filled his mouth with obſervations, hee haſtened to his maſter Saul,1 Sam. 22.6. findes him in Gibeah under a tree in Ramah, having his ſpeare in his hand, and all his ſervants ſtanding about him.

It is worth the noting by the way, what miſchiefe this evill and perverſe will actuated by his evill ſpirit, has done unto Saul; It had drowne him from his owne houſe, and Court, where he might have reſted in peace with his ſervants about him; he is now, even Saul the King, under a Tree with a ſpeare in his hand, when no enemy is neere him but himſelfe, and his evill ſpirit, which he entertaines and hugges as his beſt friend, though the worſt enemy to Saul, next to himſelfe, and the peace of the kingdome. It is a true ſaying. A man findes no ſuch enemy in the world, as he may finde himſelfe to be to himſelfe. Chryſoſt.The Greek Father has a full Treatiſe upon that matter: I re­turne to the Tree againe, where Doeg found his maſter, him, that had loſt himſelfe, and heard him complaine bitterly to his ſervants, That they had all conſpired againſt him. Why? becauſe they had not yet be­trayed innocent David, and delivered him as a prey up unto their ma­ſters hands: This Saul calls a conſpiracy with his ſonne Ionathan, a good man, who withholds his fathers hands as long as he could from ſhed­ding innocent bloud, and does, according to Gods Commandement, his utmoſt to deliver the innocent; This Saul calls a ſtirring up his ſervant (he meanes David) againſt him,Verſe 9. to lye in wait as at this day. It fol­lowes,3 Then anſwered Doeg. The Edomite takes the words out of Sauls mouth, as ſpoken to himſelfe: they were very pleaſing to him, and anſwers before he was asked, for ſure Saul does not queſtion the Edo­mites readineſſe in that ſervice. But he anſwers, aſſureth Saul, that hee is none of thoſe conſpirators with Ionathan, in behalfe of David, not he; and he gives good teſtimony thereof, for he tells all that, which paſſed betwixt Abimelech and David there; he tells all, juſt as David knew it would be, when he heard that Doeg the Edomite had ſpied him there. Verſe 22.We may obſerve Davids Pſalme touching this matter; and by the way, how well fitted a cruell maſter is with a bloudy ſervant. And ſo let it paſſe;Pſal. 52. noting only this in this place, and touching that Edomite; how Doeg impleads Abimelech, and what he layes to his charge; he tells all, and yet he tels nothing at all, but what ſtands upon everlaſting record to the Edomites ſhame, and the Prieſts glory: for this he ſayes, I ſaw the ſonne of Ieſſe, [he meanes David] but ſpeakes as contemptibly of him as he thought fit at that time; yet not ſo wickedly as the Edomites now adayes call David, for they call him by as vile a name as David, vile in his owne eyes, but the more pretious in Gods eyes, cals himſelfe, a dog.]

I ſaw the ſonne of Ieſſe come to Nob to Abimelech there. [Well,1 Sam. 22.9. whither ſhould David goe, perſecuted by a cruell Lord, but to a good Prieſt for direction from Gods mouth? there was no hurt, but good in all that] The Prieſt enquired of the Lord for him.] [It was well he did, for hee did but his duty,] and gave David bread.] The Prieſt was bound to doe as much to his enemy, much more to David, for who ſo faithfull as David in all the kingdome. Nay, had he not done it (though ſacred bread) he had deſtroyed David; as bloudy men have done in Oxford, denying the hungry ſoule bread there, and ſuffering them to dye for want of water.] And gave David the ſword of Goliab the Philiſtine. [And that was it, but the greateſt reaſon for that in the world. David had ſlaine the Philiſtine with the ſword, then carries it away as lawfull prize; but, that God might have all the glory, he layes it up before the Lord; and now, after enquiring at Gods mouth, it is given David.] But this is all the Edomite has to ſay; And I know not what he could have ſaid more to the Prieſt his commendation. Bleſſed be God, that the Edomite has not whereof to accuſe the good Prieſt; all he ſpeaks is for his commendation; and ſurely ſo is the will of God, that, with well doing, Prieſts then, and Miniſters now, and people alſo (and it is their glory) may put to ſilence,1 Pet. 2.16. [muzzle the mouths of beaſtly men] we reade, ſilence the ignorance of fooliſh men. And ſo, by the will and grace of God, have and doe Miniſters, and people at this day, even put to ſilence the ignorance of wicked men: Many and grievious things are laid to their charge, but no more proved then was againſt David4 or Paul after him. Therefore wee muſt note here, that the Edomite then, though a bloudy wretch, and mighty to doe miſchief, and could, like the Spider, turne Balſome into Poiſon; yet was he a very mo­deſt informer: I doe not remember, that the Biſhops had ſuch ano­ther in any of their Courts; and truly he ſhames the Edomites of theſe dayes: This Edomite tels Saul the truth, and nothing but the truth, and ſo ſhames the Devill: That Abimelech enquired of the Lord for Da­vid; ſo he did; That he gave David bread; ſo he did too: and a ſword; ſo he did alſo. The Edomite accuſeth the Prieſt of no more but what the Prieſt did, and the Edomite ſaw done. The children of E­dom in theſe daies are more graceleſſe and impudent a great deale: they ſweare, and curſe; and blaſpheme, and doe not utter more words then lyes, againſt David, the upright in heart; what devouring words heare we from their mouthes! what horrible blaſphemies from Liechfields Preſſe in Oxford! how doe they charge David with thoſe things he knowes not? nay abhorres to thinke of, as contrary to his foule and ſpirit, as were thoſe things charged upon Iob in his two and twentieth Chapter.

This is all wee will note, touching the Edomite in this Chapter; we ſhall enquire more of him anon. We ſee here, he was a very man­nerly civill fellow, in compariſon of the Edomites now a dayes; not ſo much of the Divill in him as theſe have, who rage now amongſt us, breaking bands, and caſting away cords, as poſſeſſed men in an­cient times. And yet before I ſhut up this Chapter, I muſt ſatisfie a ſmall doubt. Pſal. 52.3.David in his Pſalme of Inſtructions, tells us that Doeg loved ſying; So hee did, for when Saul complained, that all his Ser­vants conſpired againſt him;M••••••to in­forme the under­ſtanding touch­ing the Edomite, and this time. they do indeed, ſaid Doeg, Abimelech conſpi­reth againſt thee too; and ſo he accuſeth the Prieſt, materially, not one falſe word in the whole Accuſation: But intentionally, lyes all, and devouring words; he intended as much miſchiefe to Abimelech, as hee could have done him, had he ſpoken againſt him never a word true. We may exemplifie it thus.

An Edomite now, (for we ſhall prove anon, that the Papiſt now, and the Edomites then, are brothers) came to the King, tells his Majeſtie, that the Ammunition was removed from Hull. That is true; and yet lying and devouring words, intentionally ſpoke to enrage the King againſt his beſt Subjects. It is all in all with what minde words are ſpoken, if with a mind to murther and deſtroy, they are lying and devouring words, though never a word falſe: and ſo I will ſhut up this Chapter,Verſ 4. Thou loveſt all devouring words, O deceitfull man!


CHAP. II. Saul impleads Abimelech; he makes anſwer for himſelfe, which clears the caſe of all the righteous now, and the great caſe now in queſtion. Saul is not ſatisfied with reaſon, but, notwithstanding reaſon and Law both, command alſo from Gods mouth for what Abimelech did, Saul ſlayeth Abimelech, and deſtroy's the City of Prieſts.

SAul will be diſcovered anon, his owne hand will take off the Vaile, wherewith he has covered the eyes of Prieſts and People: the very intents of his heart touching David will be laid naked before the people; his owne hand will now give in cleare evidence, how bloody his thoughts were alwayes towards David. And indeed the hand is a ſure witneſſe, and tells us evermore whitherto thoughts tend, as the caſting the Water-mans Armes tells us whither hee tends, and not the ſetting of his face. When Diotrephes did reach forth his hand to Excommunication, caſting the Brethren out of the Church, then the old Servant of the Lord muſt needs tell againſt whom the malitious words were pointed or prated; Againſt us,3. Epiſt. Ioh. 10. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. ſaith Saint John, for againſt them the hand went our alſo. I ſpeak not this, as if I thought it ſo hard a matter to ken which way malicious de­vouring words doe tend; or that I thinke the thoughts, projects, con­trivances of the wicked againſt the godly are ſo indiſcernable; though we muſt grant that there are many intricacies and perplexities in their wayes, the turnings and windings of the crooked Serpent; for the wicked (like harmfull beaſts) doe love confuſa veſtigia. The wic­ked man forgeth and hammereth forth deceit,Fabricatur, Pro. 6.14. and while his thoughts and imaginations are thus buſily employed, he thinks no eye is upon him, but that he is (as ſome Pioner or Gun-powder-man) hid un­der ground: and indeed from the eye of man hee is hid. For our thoughts are but the tranſactions or diſcuſſions of the minde, within that inward cloſet and privie Chamber there, and therefore they muſt needs want forme and ſhape; but the office of the tongue is to ſtamp a forme, to give a ſhape unto them, and then our thoughts are le­gible.

For what other are our actions, but our very thoughts, our ſecret talkings and parleys of our minde, caſt into a mould: onely we muſt obſerve (and it is but a common obſervation) That the hand giveth the trueſt ſhape, the hand maketh the perfecteſt mould. There are ſome, we know, who read not as they write, nor ſing as they pricke,6 and many more who ſpeake not as they thinke; but the hand varieth not from the Idea that was in the minde. If a man forgeth miſchiefe upon his bed, then when he is up, and it be in the power of his hands, and there be no over-ruling hand, he will act it: The hand is a ſure interpreter of our mind, and of the tranſactions there, an infallible witneſſe that cannot lie: words may deceive, and many times are ſpoken for this very end, to darken the thoughts and intent of the mind, and to make them leſſe legible; theſe may be ſmoother then but­ter, when warre is in his heart: theſe may be as ſoft as oyle, and yet drawn ſwords, as we read: But when we ſee the hand beſmeared with bloud, then we certainly conclude, that the thoughts were of a ſcarlet co­lour; and this is the ſight or proſpect we ſhall take a view of pre­ſently, A bloudy execution done upon Nob, yet bloudy though it be, Saul pretends hee does it by helpe of God and the Law, by the knowne Lawes of the Kingdome; which, that we may examine, we will handle it not as an execution done, but ready to be done, elſe Saul might be ſaid to doe as the Judge at Lidford, who hanged a man in the forenoone, and then heard his inditement, and paſſed ſentence over him in the afternoone, not called the knowne Law of the king­dome then,Mr. Iueil. defence. but Lidford Law to this day. Saul was not to bad as to do ſo, he hath ſlaine Abimelech, but hee impleaded him firſt, objects a­gainſt him, and heares what hee can ſay for himſelfe: Saul hath this to ſay againſt him.

That Abimelech and the ſon of Ieſſe (Saul meanes David,Ob. whom hee names with as little honour as can be) were confederate together and had conſpired againſt him;1 Sam. 22.13. Why have ye conſpired againſt me, thou and the ſonne of Ieſſe?

A ſore accuſation,Anſ. but of no weight, validity, or ſtrength, from Sauls mouth, who calls all conſpirators, who will not ſhew Saul where David is, that ſo he may ſhed innocent bloud according to the power in his hands,Verſ. 8. that ſo he may ſhed innocent bloud according to the power in his hands,Verſ. 13. All of you have conſpired againſt me. But what had the Prieſt done which might be called a Conſpiracy, a taking part with David, That he ſhould riſe againſt Saul, to lye in wait as it is at this day? Thus Saul ſayes, and ſo he impleads Abimelech.

In that thou haſt given bread,Ob. and a ſword, and haſt enquired of God for him.

We will take the laſt firſt,Anſ. enquired of God for David: It was the Prieſts office ſo to do; nor was that the firſt time that the Prieſt enqui­red of the Lord for David,Verſ. 15. nor did the Prieſt know the ſecond amongſt the many thouſands of Iſrael, who deſerved better from the hands of Saul and all Iſrael then Dauid did; and therefore why might not Abi­melech enquire of the Lord for him There is all Reaſon and Law both, that ſo the Prieſt ſhould doe, enquire of the Lord for David; but7 reaſon will not ſerve, nor the reſolution of the Lord neither. The enquiry was (ſaith Iunius) about the Shew-bread,ccVt cognoſeeree an ſacros panes tantùm Sacerdo­tibus conceſſos, & gladium ſemel Deo ſacratum, ad alios uſus tranſ­ferre fas eſſet. lawfull for the Prieſts onely to eat; and the Sword conſecrated to God, Whether that or this might be tranſlated unto other uſes? whereunto (no doubt) the Prieſt had full ſatisfaction, That they might; In ſuch an extremity David might refreſh his hungry ſoule with that bread; and in ſuch a danger which God was privie to, hee might take Goliah ſword, to defend himſelf therewith; and to prevent Saul from ſeizing upon it firſt,1 Sam. 21 10. the more eaſily thereby to further his bloudy deſigne upon David.

But yet there is ſome more queſtion touching the Sword; as for the bread, it was made for man, and not man for bread: That is a cleared caſe from the Lord Chriſts owne mouth. Touching the Sword there is all the queſtion now: Saul (a King) pretends himſelfe Maſter of the ſame, as of Keilah; for all the ſtrong holds and ammunition there did belong to Saul, they were all his proper goods, and therefore Abi­melech giving the ſword to David, he did it, that he ſhould uſe it againſt Saul, to lye in wait: So Saul forceth the accuſation.

Whereunto Abimeleth makes a faire and full anſwer: That Saul was no more Lord of the one then of the other; he had no more propriety or right in the ſword then in the bread; nor the one, nor the other were Sauls, but the Lords, laid-up both before the Lord, and conſecra­ted to Him: But the Lord hath no nead of bread or of a ſword. His people Iſrael have need of both; and as their need required, ſo Iſrael might take the Bread, thereby to ſuſtaine life, and the Sword, there­by to defend life. David tooke it for that end, and according to the minde and will of God, whoſe intent was cleare. That Goliabs ſword, now lawfully wreſted out of his hand, and in Davids hand, then lay­ed up before the Lord, ſhould be for the defence of Iſrael, and to for­tifie Iſrael againſt their enemies to the worlds end. And ſo the caſe is reſolved about Keilah too, a City that had gates and bartes, not Sauls City now to batter downe (though he would preſume ſo farre) about Davids eares; but His City whoſe the kingdome was, the Lords kingdome, and truſted onely to Saul for the defence of Iſrael, and no further: And yet that Abimelech may deliver no more to Saul but what is juſtifiable by the Law of heaven and earth, he aſſureth him, that what he ſayes is from Gods Mouth, for there he enquired, and received anſwer as aforeſaid, and thereupon his warrant to give David Bread and Sword both. Moreover he addes, be it far from him,1 Sam. 22.14. the Prieſt of the Lord, to entertaine a diſloyall thought againſt his Ma­ſter, the Lords Anointed, enquiring of the Lord for David, and giving him bread and a ſword: he knew David to be a faithfull perſon, none like him in all Sauls houſe, nor more honourable, being the Kings Son-in-Law, and for any thing elſe hee knew nothing leſſe or more. 8As honeſt and ſatisfying an anſwere, had it been ſpoken to any mans eare but Sauls, as ever came from a Prieſts mouth, for it was taken from Gods Mouth: but Saul is reſolved before hand upon the Que­ſtion, for nothing can ſatisfie Sauls thirſt but Davids bloud; and be­cauſe Abimelech ſtood in Sauls way, and for reliefe of David, Saul will have the Prieſts bloud;Verſ. 16. And the King ſaid, thou ſhalt ſurely dye Abime­lech: See! There is an argument Abimelech cannot anſwere: when a man drives furiouſly onward in a bloudy way, neither law nor rea­ſon ſhall ſtop him, nor the Angel with his drawne ſword in the way. Nay, Saul ſtops not there, he ſpeaks more bloudy words yet, and will doe as he ſpeakes: What? I am loth to mention it from the mouth of a King, and King of Iſrael, the great Fiductary of the kingdome there; I had rather a Philiſtin ſaid it, ſuch an unkingly word, ſo devoid of all reaſon and humanity: but yet Iſraels King ſayes it, and we muſt repeat it after him, Thou, and all thy fathers houſe: Ah Lord! what a bloudy word is this! what a bloudy man is that! An Evill ſpirit came upon Saul indeed, haunts him ſtill, and drives him on: Lord de­liver us from him, for the man is mad with rage, Thou, and all thy fa­thers houſe. 1 Sam. 2.23.True it is it was the burden of the Lord upon Elies houſe, and cauſe there was juſt enough, why God ſhould doe to that houſe as he threatned. Yea and juſt cauſe too, though not ſo cleare to dim eyes, Wherefore Nob ſhould be ſo ſmitten, men, women, and chil­dren there. We have concluded, The cauſe is juſt, for God is righte­ous; And yet no cauſe, not the leaſt title of reaſon, why Saul ſhould doe it, why he ſhould ſeale a Commiſſion to an Edomite to doe ſuch an horrible execution; Saul (I ſay) the great Eiductary of the kingdom, in­truſted with the lives of all the Prieſts & people there, no reaſon why Saul ſhould ſo ſay, and ſo do, being as aforeſaid; but all the reaſon in the world why he ſhould ſtop his eare from hearing of bloud, much more his hand from ſhedding the ſame. But Saul will do as he ſaid, Thou ſhalt ſurely dye Abimelech, thou and all thy fathers houſe: See! Saul will be chief and fore-man in this bloudy worke, to make the City of Prieſts an Acheldama, that it may be called no more Nob, but a Field of bloud, or HORMAH,Num. 21.3. utter deſtruction. Saul is the chiefe Actor here, for he commands his ſervants firſt, Turne ye and ſlay the Prieſts; his ſervants would not; Saul will have it done: then he turned to Doeg a Right­man, and ſaid as much to him; no ſooner ſaid but it was done, And Doeg the Edomite turned, fell upon the Prieſts, and ſlew: Marke it, for though here is a miſerable deſtruction, bodies and garments too rol­led in bloud; yet here is comfort to every true Iſraelite: What is that? To ſee a City lye in aſhes, Prieſts and people wallowing in blood? is there comfort in this? No, and yet God will bring com­fort and good out of all this to his Iſrael anon: Now this is the com­fort,9 that there are but two Actors in this Tragedy, Saul and his Edo­mite; only theſe ſpecified by name. True it is we ſhall reade anon in the third Section of Three thouſand choſen men out of Iſrael, whom Saul called together to guard his perſon, he ſaid, being affraid of Da­vid (as the Bird of Prey is of the Partridge.) But nothing they did, not a drop of blood ſhed by them; Theſe only are the Active Men, theſe two, skilfull to deſtroy, Saul and his Edomite.

Thanke God for this; Wickedneſſe proceeds from the wicked man. Iſrael can waſh their hands in the innocency of their hearts, and ſay, They are free touching this matter; for (which will be more cleare anon) Iſrael cannot charge any more, then two amongſt thoſe three thouſand, their King, and his Edomite; More were guilty of that bloodſhed, that is certaine; for the Edomite was not ſingular, but plurall, as will appeare by and by; but no more could Iſrael charge with the blood­ſhed, that their hands had ſhed it, but Saul and his Edomite only. And the charge lay heavy upon Saul, like as a heavy burthen unſupportable, as a Milſtone, preſſing him downe upon his owne ſword, and then Lower. He had ſhed blood to his power, and blood purſued him, till it had made a more cleane riddance of him, and his houſe, then he made at Nob, for there one Prieſt eſcaped his butchers knife; here, not one ſhall eſcape. This we may reade in a Book I have ſeen called the Kings Chronicle. And ſo God reckoned with Saul to the laſt drop,1. Sect. p. 26.27. which he hath ſhed; for God has barrelled-up the ſpilt Blood of the Righteous, as he bottles-up their Teares.

CHAP. 3. The Prieſts Arraignment, impleadings, and Anſwers run-up pae­rallell with ours in theſe times, ſo does the upſhot or determination of the buſineſſe; for there was Peace in propoſition, but none in conclu­ſion betwixt Saul and David. So here. Saul has ſhed blood, which runs-up to theſe times too, but with a fuller ſtream of bloods: yet the voice of Blood cryes louder, then does the voice of Bloods.

SO now Saul has done execution, and God has dealt with Saul accor­ding as He threatens. When we thinke thereon we have cauſe to ſay, and feel the vertue of what we ſay, My heart trembleth becauſe of Thee, and I feare for thy judgements. Before I will relate to theſe Times, I will tell one thing very briefly, which ſhall relate to the pre­ſent, and parallel it ſelfe. Here has beene a faire and peaceable parley betwixt Saul and Abimelech touching David. He impleaded Abimelech,10 and gives him leave to make anſwer; which the Prieſt has done, as we heard, the cleareſt and fulleſt that ever was heard. Was there not a ſweet agreement betwixt them? No, it was never intended. Pro­poſition it! as we ſay, Tender propoſitions of Peace betwixt Saul and David, while the Evill ſpirit is upon Saul, and the Edomite in Sauls Boſom! It is to no purpoſe, vanity of vanitie's the greateſt vanity; To wiſh or thinke of an Accommodation betwixt Saul and David, rebus ſic ſtantibus, (that muſt be remembred) the Evill ſpirit in his place, and the Edo­mite in his, and Saul quite out of himſelfe; for ſo it was then. No, you will ſay, Let the Prieſt call-back David, take from him the Sword (he ſhould have had an hard pull of it) then give it unto Saul, and the matter is ended. No: As ſure as the Sunne did ſhine then, and does ſhine now, ſo ſure it is, That this would not have contented Saul; but this would have wonderouſly contented him. If the Prieſt would have called back David, demanded the Sword, and, being given into his hand, have ſheathed it into Davids Bowels, or have given it Saul, that he might doe that horrid execution with his owne hands. Then the Prieſt had been a Right-man, for Sauls ſervice: Then here had beene Peace betwixt Saul and the Prieſt, ſuch as would have pleaſed all three. The Divel, Saul. and the Edomite too: Then Saul would have bleſſed the Prieſt in The Name of the Lord, ſaying, Thou haſt compaſsion on me. Doe I ſpeake without the Book? No, it is every word ſacred Truth, you ſhall heare more of it in a fitter place. We muſt ſee now how the lines of this Accuſation put up by Saul againſt Abimelech, run parallel with the Kings accuſation, ſuggeſted to him by his vile Coun­cellours againſt his faithfull Servants at this day. The King pleads Law for what he does; ſo did Saul too: for he chargeth this heavily upon Abimelech, That he enquired of the Lord for David; gave Bread to Davids mouth, and the ſword into his hand. All this was againſt the knowne lawes of the Land, as Saul ſeemes to conceive. Theſe are the Kings charges too, I will ſpeake thereof in order; The firſt Charge is,

1. That Abimelech enquired of The LORD. So ſhould Saul have done then: and ſo ſhould the King have done now; not hearkning to vile Councellours, whoſe graves The LORD has made, for they are vileaaNahum. 2.44.; hee muſt not adviſe with them, rather let them flie to the Pit; He that ruleth over men muſt be juſt; ruling in the feare of Godbb1 Sam. 23.3; Therefore made He thee King over themcc2 Chro. 9.8. Pſal. 72.2.. Wherefore? To doe judgement and juſtice: He ſhall judge THY People with Righteouſneſſe, and THY Poore with Iudgement. There is a muſt and a ſhall for the greateſt King that ever was. It is very em­phaticall too, and as notable; Thy People, Thy Poore; GODS People, and GODS Poore muſt be judged with Righteous Judgement. But ſo it cannot be but by enquiring of The LORD, what He ſaith, taking Counſell from His Mouth, and from His Law-Booke, which11 the King ſtands charged to write for himſelfe, for it muſt be with him,Deut. 17.18.19. and therein be muſt reade all the dayes of his life, that he may learne to feare The LORD his GOD, to keepe all the words of the Law, and the ſtatutes to doe them. This the Parliament doe, They enquire of The Lord by prayer, and faſting, They take direction from His Law-book, which is con­tinually with them, wherein they reade, and whereby they order the great affaires of The Kingdome. Great uſe of a Law-booke, and to have it continually with them, before their eyes. And this is all the Crime that can be objected and proved againſt them. They enquire of The LORD, and conſult with This Law-booke. It is well they doe; They can thanke God for that. Sauls accuſation runs on.

2. The Prieſt has given David Bread. The King by his wicked Coun­ſell accuſeth his Parliament even ſo; They have given his good Peo­ple bread, that is life in our ſenſe, which, by a Figure, we may call bread. They have given a poore dead People life againe, and bread to main­taine life. They have given (we thanke them heartily) life to their lawes life to their liberties, life to the ſoule of their life, to their Reli­gion; and this they had not done, but by enquiring of the LORD, and doing all by Statute Law; and this we call bread. There has been ſomething like this bread given to the People, Shew bread, rather bread in ſhew, ſtone indeed; and ſomething they had given them like a fiſh, but indeed a Serpent Now the Kings good People will deſire no more of their King, but that he would give his People Bread, bread under this figure which we may call life; or bread indeed, and properly ſo called, which more then too cruelly, was and is denyed to David. The third charge followes, and that is grievous.

3. And a ſword, ſayes Saul then; That ſeemes to be the quarrell now, (and but ſeemes) that the Sword, Forts, Caſtles, Townes, Ships, Am­munition of the Kingdome, (all which we underſtand by the Sword) is put into Davids hand, Truſty, welbeloved, and faithfull: Well, and well indeed, may we poore people ſay, that the Sword is given into Davids hand (the Parliaments hand) for they will manage it for our good to defend us, and offend the Philiſtines. The Parliament will not cut our throats, we are very aſſured and confident thereof. But the Edomite (wee ſhall know him anon, if wee know him not yet) would have cut our throats, before this time, all their throats that had their hand with David, had he had the Sword delivered into his hand. We can confide in none but David: no wiſe man will blame us, for him we know, a man after Gods owne heart; and the Edomite we know, and ſhall know him better anon, a Right man, for he is the right hand of the Devill. We are glad, that the Sword is in Davids hand. But yet this was charged againſt the Prieſt then and the Par­liament now, that David had the ſword. And what ſhall I ſay to this?12 whereunto GOD, Nature, and Law ſpeakes Reaſon and more, that ſo it ought to be; the Sword ought to be given into Davids hand, a faithfull Man, in whom the people may confide. A Man will truſt no other in ſhutting-in the windowes, doores and gates of his houſe: great Reaſon there ſhould be the ſame care had about the great houſe, and Truſt of the Kingdome, the frontier-Towns there.

But why given out of his Majeſties hand, and given into Davids hand?

Becauſe the Sword was never in the Kings hand, as his proper right there, any more then the Sword was in Sauls hand, as his proper goods there. Therefore we ſpeake not properly, given-out. The Sword is Iſ­raels Sword, the Common Truſt of the Kingdome: belonging, indeed, to the great Fiduciary there; and yet is the Sword not out of the Kings hands, but given into Davids hands, for a ſecond Reaſon.

2. Becauſe, as the Edomite was neareſt to Sauls hand, and heart too at that time: So the Papiſt is ſo neare to the Kings heart now, that he is as deare to him, as he is neare, even as his Right Arme, and Right Eye, eternally his, for ought we can gather from his writ. I will con­clude this with the words of an honeſt Servant to an overbearing Maſter:I will ſerve you (Sir) if you wil ſerve The Lord. You may command me, when God commands you. I will heartily obey your commands, when you ſhall ſo obey Gods commands**〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, The head hath an Head; All things ſhall be done as you will have it; But you muſt command as God will have it. Ignatius to a Prieſt Chryſo. . I pray you heartily give me leave to be honeſt and faithfull: If you will not, ſo I will be whether you will or no. Doe you what you will, I will do what I ought. No man can diſlike this, except Saul, and his Edomite; I need ſay no more in a caſe which is ſo fully opened and cleared, that all the Malignants in the world ſhall not be able to darken it to the worlds end. I will not ſay, looke upon Mr. Pryn's booke, (I will name him for honour ſake, and to ſpight the Devil) reade him, or chooſe you whether you will or not; we muſt ſay, Bleſſed be God for His ſervant, who has ſtood-up in the gap by the power of His might, and held up His hand for him ever ſince againſt the Mighty, Bleſſed be God. But notwithſtanding all this is cleared, to be all Truth, Reaſon, and Law, and more yet, and that is moſt of all, a Command for all this, the Parliament has done, from Gods mouth too. Yet ſuch Evill Coun­ſels over-rule the King and the caſe that he does now as Saul did then, and much more, kils the Prieſts, and deſtroyes Cities. So far as his Arme can reach he has overthrowne thoſe,Tunc vere victus quando tot vicis prudentes. Wal­fing. Edw. 2. p. 5. whoſe hand is with David; therein giving himſelf the greateſt overthrow, for, no ſuch victory againſt the King, as for him to have victory againſt his good people, as was ſaid of Edward the ſecond overcomming his Parliament once, and deſtroying himſelfe for ever. Thus Saul did in his dayes; thus and more the King, ſeduced by Evill Counſell, and acted by evill inſtru­ments,13 does in theſe dayes; as followes, and what Saul did firſt. Saul was Davids Lord on earth, but he hunts after Davids ſoule, that hee might not live upon the ground. Saul is Davids King, and Davids per­ſecutor. The Prieſts King, and the Prieſts murtherer, by the hand of an Edomite. Ah Lord, who can expreſſe the miſerable plight, and how dolefull the condition is, the evill ſpirit has driven Saul into! He is Iſ­raels King, and he is ſmiting Iſraels City! The great Fiduciary of the Kingdome, and the greateſt Traytor there. This tells us what is done now. David is perſecuted now; and his King, ſeduced by Edomites, Davids adverſaries, perſecutes him becauſe who ſo faithfull as he in all the Kingdome! A defendor of the Faith, and, by his evill Counſell, a de­ſtroyer of the Faith. A maintainer of the Goſpel in profeſſion, and a perſecutor of the faithfull Miniſters publiſhers of the ſame, the Meſ­ſengers of the Church and the glory of Chriſt. The great Fiduciary of the Kingdome, yet, ſeduced by an evill Councell, he betrayes that great Truſt. Englands King, and Englands deſtroyer; The Lord of their Cities, and waſter of the ſame. Are not theſe grievous words? Yes, they muſt be ſo, plaine Truth, direct and home; what expectation of any good, but from ſuch-like-words. If ever the King come to himſelfe, finde himſelfe loſt, (for murtherers have ſtolne him away) then ſuch words as theſe will be to his heart, and may ſerve to uſher-in Pardon, peace, and comfort: for the ſowrer the herbes, the ſweeter the Paſſeover: whereas pleaſing words from vile flatterers, his Court Chaplaines, have wounded their Maſter, and left him more then halfe dead. Such words as theſe may kill him out-right, and, by Gods grace quicken him againe to a life indeed. I am glad I have ſpoken; for firſt, I have ſaid no more, but what is already told in Gath, and publiſhed in the ſtreets of Aſchalon. Secondly, what if it were not told by me, nor as aforeſaid, yet all created ſtrength cannot ſtop the mouth of blouds, ſo loud it cries; Irelands bloud, what an Ocean of bloud is there? Cyciters bloud; Burminghams bloud; Banburies bloud, (ſhedding of this bloud, was counted a fine device, as Briſtols bloud intended to be ſhed) Oxfords bloud; Bloud here, and there, and everywhere, whereto the hand could reach; O what a voice is here, as the voice of many waters; or, Thunders! Is there a voice that can out-cry, I meane, cry louder to Heaven, and in the Eares of the Lord, then can the voice of blouds? yes the voice of bloud, cries louder then the bloud of Abel, or the blouds ſhed from righteous Abel unto this day; and there is the hope of Iſ­rael concerning their King; The voice of the bloud of ſprinkling,Heb. 12.24. that ſpeakes better things then that of Abel; Better things; that cryed from the earth for a curſe upon the earth, and Cain there:Gen. 4.12. This cries in Hea­ven for mercy to ſuch ſinners on earth, who can ſay, not with Cain, My puniſhment, but, my ſin is greater then I can beare, yet not too great14 for Chriſt to beare, a Redeemer that is ſtrong, a Saviour to the utmoſt; There is hope in Iſrael concerning that. And here is ground of hope too, becauſe theſe Stephens, the ſlain all the day long, can pray for their King all the day long, crying with a loud voice, not more for them­ſelves at ſuch a time, then for their King, ſaying, Lord lay not this ſinne to our Kings charge. Amen. Amen.

CHAP. 4. Quaeries touching the Edomite, whether by the knowne Lawes of Iſraels Kingdome, Saul might entertaine him in his Court; grant him a Commiſſion to ſmite a City of Prieſts; whether any reaſon for that; whether ſingle or plurall; and whether by any poſſible meanes an Edomite may be made ſerviceable to Iſrael; How it relates to the preſent, exemplifying the Hiſtory of our Time.

VVHy does King Saul take an Edomite into his Court,Qu. to be an Officer there?

It is anſwered in effect before;Anſ. Saul is King and he knew himſelfe ſo to be,Qu. and will chuſe his owne Officers; may he not?

No indeed,Anſ. he may not unleſſe it be to be his Heardſman, and there ſhould be caution, and ſome conſultation about that too. Queſtion­leſſe he muſt not chuſe a ſervant to be chiefe in his houſe; to tranſact the great affaires of his Kingdome there, without the allowance and conſent of All Iſrael, becauſe Saul does not chuſe for himſelfe, but for the whole Kingdome.

But it is written,Ob. Thou ſhalt not abhor an Edomite.

Yes,Anſ. that is moſt true; it is the charge of the Lord, and we have the Reaſon;Deut. 23.8. For he is thy brother: Nor ſhalt thou ab or an Egyptian, becauſe thou waſt a ſtranger in his land. What is the meaning of this? This; we muſt not be unnaturall: nor muſt we forget old favours. But it does not follow from hence, I hope, that therefore Saul might take an Edomite, make him a Chiefe Ruler in his houſe; or that, he might put conſi­dence in an Egyptian; for the charge is contrary. And if Saul will entertaine an intimacy, and familiarity with an Edomite an old ad­verſary to Iſrael, (as we have heard and ſeene, and ſhall make it more legible yet) It does plainly argue,3 Sect. Saul to be no true friend to Iſrael. Sauls heart cannot be upright toward Iſrael, when it cleaves to Iſraels ad­verſary in love: He cannot heartily deſire the peace of Iſrael, and hear­tily love an enemy to that peace. I pray let us aske ſome more que­ſtions touching the Edomite; I will anſwer by the Booke, then good Law and Reaſon both.


Why did Saul make the Edomite Generall in this warre againſt David? Qu.

Saul gives ſomeanſwer to that, with a little Reaſon,Anſ. Becauſe his ſonne Ionathan ſtirred-up David to lye in wait for Saul as at this day. 1. Sam. 22.8.

As at this day indeed. Qu.But this anſwer makes us more unreſolved then before; for all the world knowes, that Ionathan was a good man; and David as good as he; beſides, we finde David fleeing away from the face of Saul like a Partridge; and Saul hunting him like a Dog. Let us heare Reaſon, I pray you. Was it not, That the Edomite might re­cover the ſword our of Davids hand?

No, no, that could not be it;Anſ. for when Saul ſpeakes out his minde freely, as ſometimes he did, (for a wicked heart will diſcover it ſelfe) amongſt his Servants; he does not bid them, fetch the ſword from Da­vid, but kill him: And Saul ſpake to Ionathan, and to all his ſervants,1 Sam. 19.1. that they ſhould kill David. It is Davids life, not the ſword, that is aimed at. And the Edomite was a Right man for that ſervice, for he was a mighty man, mighty to do miſchiefe, and skilfull to deſtroy; Whom? David, and All them that had an hand with David. That is the direct An­ſwer. Saul indeed ſpake merrily to the people as he went along by the way, and would make them beleeve, that he had taken the Edomite to his ſide, and ſealed him a Commiſſion, becauſe he is affraid of David; he tells them more then twice, David lay in wait to kill him; therefore he tooke the Edomite to his ſide; for, who ſo faithfull as he to defend his maſter from Davids violence! (a poor-hunted Partridge:) or a more Right, handed man to execute his maſters command againſt David? True it was, David never durſt ſtand to it, till hee came to Keilah, and there, had not the Inhabitants proved themſelves ingrate­full and treacherous he had guarded himſelfe and fenced his throat, and hazarded Sauls. But Saul feared David no more, then the Birds of Prey a hunted Partridge, (that is the expreſſion;) And kill David, that was his charge. There is one doubt more, and occaſions another queſtion.

Was this Edomite ſingular or plurall? Qu.

The ſingular number ſure. Doeg was but one. But let us note,Anſ. that One is mentioned ſometimes, not to exclude a ſecond, but to imply the firſt, chiefeſt in place; and ſo more mighty, and principall then the ſe­cond, becauſe of his place; as Iehoram is ſaid to compell Iudah to commit fornication. When Athaliah was as maſculine, and imperious, yea as miſchievous that way, and yet not named in that verſe, becauſe ſhee acted by power from her husband, not ſo cleare to every mans eye: And ſo Doeg the Edomite is mentioned ſingle, as if he did all, becauſe the chiefeſt in favour with his King. The meaning of the queſtion then is, Was there but one Edomite imployed in that war, or were there more?


There were more ſure;Anſ. for it is not imaginable, that Doeg alone could deſtroy the City of Prieſts, men, women and children there; doubt­leſſe there were more Edomites there, or baſtard Iſraelites, as Right-men for Sauls ſervice (as the word is, if men can be Right, who are the ſeed of the Crooked Serpent) as Doeg was; Nay it is probable there were many in Sauls Camp Right-men, Edomites I meane, of that genera­tion: for thus it is; When a Doeg is entertained at Court, is favou­red there, he will work for his Country-men what he can and accor­ding to his power, that they may have place, and reſpect thereabouts that they may be of uſe and ſervice, when the King ſhall riſe-up a­gainſt David. One queſtion more, with a reſolution, touching the Edomite.

Saul his maſter has entertained him:Qu. Is there no meanes to be ta­ken, whereby he may be made a faithfull ſervant to Iſrael?

No,Anſ. by no meanes.

What!Qu. not poſſible to make him a Right-man?

No,Anſ. not to Iſrael; but to Sauls ſervice he will be right and ſtraight.

Me thinkes Iſrael might have dealt with him,Qu. as we with Papiſts, bring him to Church; might they not have done ſo?

Yes;Anſ. and to no purpoſe at all; for he will goe to the houſe of Abi­melech himſelfe, (that is, to the Church, as we too commonly call it) and a miſchievous perſon though he be, yet he will ſit there cloſe to his ſolemne ſervice, and pretend there, he has a vow upon him; you can­not worke upon him that way, to make him Right for Iſrael.

Then try him another way;Qu. give him, as we to the Papiſts, the Oath of Allegeance; ſweare him faithfull to God and his King; an Oath is a ſacred band, that will binde him to Iſrael ſure, will it not? an Oath I meane, ſuch a ſacred Band?

Hang him:Anſ. for like the poſſeſſed man, no Bands will hold him; he will breake all Cords, ſuch a childe of Belial is he, except one, and that the Hangman muſt pluck-up-cloſe to his neck, then turne him downe, for by no meanes can you make an Edomite ſtand right to Iſrael.

This is very ſutable to the time; But for the firſt Queſtions: How farre the Kings power reacheth for the choice of his owne Miniſters, I leave, as in manners I ought, to the determination of the High Court, which is this, That the King muſt chooſe ſuch Miniſters as his good people may con­fide in: and by no meanes ſuch, who are ſworne enemies to the peace of the King, and proſperity of the Kingdome. A mans private judgement may be ſteeped in his affections: he may cleave more in love to a private per­ſon, then to a whole Kingdome; and in choice of perſons to places, he may ſtand byaſſed to his owne will and ends, which All Iſrael, a Parliament there, cannot doe. Therefore it is againſt the knowne lawes of Iſraels Kingdome, That Iſraels King ſhould, by himſelf alone, make17 choice of Perſons to high place there, for it is againſt the SU­PREME LAW, the welfare of the People: And Saul, taking that liberty againſt that knowne Law, had deſtroyed the Cities of Iudah, and had ſlaine David too, had not the Lord interpoſed His Almighty Arme.

To the other, which I ſhould not make a queſtion, whether by any meanes a Papiſt, may be made ſerviceable to Iſrael?

It is Anſwered as before; by no meanes, which man can uſe: You cannot change the Ethiopians Skin, not the Leopards ſpots. Ier. 13.23.He will goe to Church as the Edomite to Abimilechs Houſe, and yet be mighty to doe miſchiefe: You may ſweare him to the King and Kingdome: Bind him with that Sacred Band, he will bee willingly bound, for he was a reſervation; Or if you preſſe him hard, hee is informed very well, That he cannot be bound to Heretickes, (as he cals them) in any bands; you may put bands upon him, he will beake them as eaſily, as you can breake burnt Flaxe. The Doctrine of his Church and her Lawes (written in blood) doe abſolve, and ſet free This Child of Belial, from all bandsand at liberty to doe all manner of miſchiefe. And ſo he has done, and it is the very purpoſe of his heart to doe, ac­cording to the Power in his hand. All the miſchiefe as his manner is, to Iſrael, being the fruitfull Parent of all the Rebellions, Treaſons, Maſſacres, (and ſo forth, for there is no end) That have beene acted thorow the Chriſtian World, as at this day. You may then pro­claime them Traytors, to the Peace and Crowne of the King and Kingdome: for ſo is every Papiſt, (ſaid a great States man in our Kingdom) holding to the Tenets of the Romiſh Church; Traytors in hand, or in heart; in action, or affection. And ſo ſaid Luther of himſelf (once an Aug. Moncke) and of all his fraternity, or Brother-hood thereWee are all Men of Blood,**Nemo noſtrum non erat vir ſan­guinum, ſi non o­pete tamen corde Abhorrebam vel ipſum Nomen. W. Hus in Galas. Cap. 1. p. 15. ſayes hee wee hate a true Proteſtant (ſuch an one as Iohn Huſſ) with our heart, and we will preſecute him with our hand, to the death. We abhorretheir very Name: we would not have a man of that profeſſion to live upon the Earth;ſo ſaid Luther having his eyes ſhut up, and living in Monkery. Why then, when they are declared to bee ſo, So Rebellious to the Lawes of the King of Heaven: So Trayterous to the Crowne of the King and Kingdome: Let it bee done unto him according to the Judgement of our Law, The Hangman muſt doe his Office: ſee what that cord will doe.

To the other Queſtions, Wherefore the King taketh the Edomites, A­theiſts, and Papiſts (Davids Enemies) all To his ſide? Why his heart cleaveth to ſuch Enemies as theſe in love? His Anſwer is (adviſing with pernicious Counſellors, in whoſe hand he is) as Sauls was, Be­cauſe he is perſwaded Theſe are Men faithfull to his Perſon, and Right for18 his Service (ſo they are indeed) and will defend him from David, who (as he ſeems to ſay) lyes in wait for him, as it is at this day: and as David lay in wait for Saul in thoſe dayes. So we may mocke men, but God will not be mocked. It were endleſſe, and needleſſe, to tell ſtories, touch­ing this matter, how Right-handed-men Papiſts have beene to their Kings, and their Kingdomes in all Ages. Thank Maſter Prynne (I will name him againe being reſolved to anger the Divell, and all his Biſhops) he has told us enough, and abundantly ſatisfied us at this point. I proceed; Saul may ſay, David lay in wait to take away his life, therefore he tooke the Edomite to his ſide, to defend him from Davids ſword; when the truth was, Saul perſecuted David thorough the Thou­ſands of Iſrael: and that he might doe to David according to all the de­ſire of his ſoule, he tooke the Edomite to his ſide, a Mighty Adverſary to Iſrael and as Skilfull to deſtroy.

The very ſame Reaſon, and no other now, wherefore the King (in the hands of bloudy, and pernicious Adverſaries) takes Atheiſts, and Papiſts to him now, why he cleaves to them in love? Becauſe they are mighty to doe miſchiefe, skilfull to ſhed bloud, as is legible now in Ireland and England both.

But this we muſt note; Though Sauls excuſe for taking to himſelfe ſuch a guard, and ſuch a Captaine over them, was not ſo ſpecious, as it was ridiculous; yet there was bloodſhed in good earneſt, which was charged heavily upon Saul, for it ruined him and all his houſe, and all together, as we reade. We muſt apply this now, and approve our ſelves faithfull to the Soul of our King, That his Conſcience may ſpeak-out before it be too late, and he ſpeechleſſe, (then commonly the Conſci­ence ſpeakes loudeſt.) That the Conſcience may ſpeak-out, and in ſeaſon, we apply and reade on; So will the bloud-ſhed in Ireland, and England by the Edomites in both places, bee charged upon the King, whoſe ſervants they are, and whoſe Commiſſion they have, (ſuch a pernicious Counſell he has;) Turne thou and fall upon the Prieſt, and people all, whoſe hand is with David: and the Edomite turned, &c. This is the Edomites Commiſſion now againſt all that have an hand with Da­vid; And therefore all the Bloud they have ſhed there or here, ſhall be charged upon the King.

Not the bloud of Ireland ſure,Ob. not a drop.

Yes every drop,Anſ. though it be an Occan a.

He called them Rebels,Ob. and cauſed them to be proclaimed ſo in forty Papers at leaſt; and Rebels with an accent.

We remember ſome ſuch matter,Anſ. and as it harpened, ſaw the Pro­clamation; but it was not hearty; if ſo, then not onely the Publique Cryer, but every Poſt and Pillar, had proclaimed them Rebels, for ſo the Kings beſt Subjects were proclaimed the yeare before: We un­derſtandaaThe bloud, a Ruler commands to be ſhed, or ſuf­fers to be ſhed, The Lord char­geth upon the Rulers ſcore. Thou haſt killed. 2 Sam. 12.9. 2 Kings 21.19. well when a thing is done heartily, for then the whole Land ſhall ring of it; every City and Towne there, every Church and Chappell: nor ſo onely, Stockes and Stones ſhall be taught to ſpeake, and to proclaime Rebels: ſo good Subjects were proclaimed Rebels; Re­bels indeed, as thoſe in Ireland, not ſo proclaimed, but coldly and faintly, God He knowes.

His Majeſty made offer to goe himſelfe and fight with the Rebels,B. his ſtomack did ſo riſe againſt them.

We remember his Secretary wrote ſome ſuch matter;A. but the Se­cretary knew, the ſtomack of his wicked Counſell roſe againſt Hull, and was cager upon that place to take the Ammunition thence, which they would have had firſt, and have gone to ſuppreſſe the Rebels after­wards; we remember this very well.

And his Majeſty ſayes, his ſoule bleedeth over the bloudſhed in Ireland. B.

We doe not certainly know what his Majeſty ſayes,A. for we cannot thinke that we reade his words. His Secretary has told us ſo much, and truly I can forbeare him no longer; he is one of the vileſt Hypo­crites in all the world: one of the vile Counſellours ſure, who perſwaded the King to intercept the proviſion of Cloathes, and other things ſen­ding over to a poore, peeled, naked people; and then would make us beleeve, They pirty the peoples nakedneſſe, and their ſoules bleed over their miſery. The Kings party make all ſupplyes over to the Rebels there, to make them the more able for the ſhedding of more bloud, and then tells us, The Kings heart bleeds over the bloodſhed there. They call them Rebels there, and call them over hither to do the like execution here; and here they doe it with all their might; and yet the Secretary tels us The Kings ſoule bleeds over this bloudſhed. O helliſh blaſ­phemy; horrible hypocriſie!

If the Secretaries bloud, and all the bloud, that runnes in the veins of that Helliſh Counſell about his Majeſty, were ſhed, it would not redeeme the wrong they have done to the King their Maſter, I doe not adde, and the Kindome, by theſe notorious Blaſphemies, Contra­dictions. Remonſtrances, and Contra-Remonſtrances; declaring one thing with the Tongue, and then the contrary with the Hand; ſo making us beleeve, That the King their Maſter is as one of them,Obeb. 11. (which we tremble to think-of,) as notorious an Hypocrite as was he, wee have often read of, and we have never read the like till this day, whoſe foot ſtood in the path of the deſtroyer, did drive-on furiouſly there, weeping all along as he went; (That is the expreſſion,Jer. 41.6.) as if his ſoule had bled over the bodies, which he had ſlaine: when yet he went-on fu­riouſly reſolved to ſlay more; and ſo many he had ſlaine, that he has filled a great Pit with the ſlame. GOD beholds all this and will re­quire it. Rebels in Ireland, howſoever proclaimed againſt for faſhion20 ſake are the Kings good Subjects here, helping on the Deſigne: And they, who oppoſed their Bloody Deſignes here and there, not in de­ſigne onely, but in execution, are called Traytors and Rebells both and all heartily. Here is a double Iniquity. We do not pray for, we de­precat againſt the Judgement, but the Lord lookes upon this and will Require it: He will not indure, to have evill cal'd good, and good evill. For three tranſgreſsions of Edom, &c. But of that anon. So much for re­ſolution to the Queries touching the Edomite, his taking into the Court, Deſigning unto Office there, The granting him a Commiſſi­on to deſtroy Neb; Now, ſee wee how ſtoutly and with what a good will he performed it; Sauls Command was to the Edomites heart, and heartily he executes it; So Saul ſhall ſee That the Edomite is a Right Man,1 Sam. 22.17.18. no ſooner Saul had ſaid, Turne and ſlay the Prieſts of the Lord, be­cauſe their hand alſo was with David, and they knew when he fled and did not ſhew it me; No ſooner this was ſpoken to the Edomite, but he turned and did accordingly: he fell upon the Prieſts, and ſlew, and ſhewed no pitty. Then Men did groane out of the City, and the Soule of the wounded Cryed-out: Yet GOD layeth not folly to theſe murtherers, Though they are of thoſe, that Rebell againſt the light,Iob 24.12, 13. ſaies Iob, offended at thoſe very things our eyes behold at this Day: The Lord, who cleares His Servants Righte­ouſneſſe, as the Morning, will cleare His owne Righteouſneſſe as the Noone Day; And though we are but dim-ſighted, yet we ſhall diſ­cern it anon I will ſhut up this Chapter, as David begins his Pſalme; Why boaſteſt thou thy ſelfe in miſchiefe,Pſal. 52.1. O Mighty Man? The goodneſſe of God endureth Continually.

CHAP. 5. Sad Caſes examined and tryed before the Lord, and reſolved from His Mouth; which may ſilence a Poore People, ſlaine all the day long by the hurtfull and oppreſsing Sword, now in the hand of bloody Edomites.

NOw here is a caſe to be tryed before the Lord touching theſe ſlain Prieſts, and their deſtroyed City, which, I hope, will give us good ſatisfaction at leaſt ſilence us, when our ſpirits are ſtirred with­in us beholding the villanous Butcheries the notorious violences ac­ted by our Turks (I never yetcal'd them Cavaliers, & never will by that Gentile Name in our Land upon our Miniſters, and good People (all that have their hand with David) & our ſo waſted Towns, and Cities. Touching the Prieſts firſt.


God is Righteous, ſo we have concluded,Ier. 12.1. Hab. 1.13.14. yet the Righteous ſay now as once they did: Wherefore lookeſt Thou upon them that deale treacherouſly, and holdeſt Thy Tongue, when the wicked devoureth the Man that is more Righteous then hee? And makeſt men as the Fiſhes of the Sea, as the Creeping things, that have no Ruler over them? Nay, they ſpeake now almoſt as fooliſhly as once they did, it is in vaine to ſerve GOD, and what profit is it, that we have kept the Ordinances? The Proud are happy, for they that tempt GOD are ſet up,Mal. 3.13, 14. while they that ſerve Him truely are caſt downe and deſtroyed: This was Abimilechs Caſe; he has done his duty, the Edo­mite himſelfe being witneſſe, by direction from Gods Mouth, for hee enquired of the LORD for David, &c. Yet he is cut off from the Earth with, 84. more, the Prieſts of The Lord, as not ſit to live upon the ground. So the Prieſts were dealt with then, and ſo now, So Cruelly. And what then? Yet the Potſheards muſt not ſtrive with their Maker; but if they will ſtrive (the Servants of The LORD, muſt not ſtrive, but if they will ſtrive) then with the worke of their owne hands, the Pot­ſheards, with the Potſheards of the Earth. The LORD is Righteous, and His Judgements as the great deep. The Glory of His worke, even of His Strange worke, exceeds infinitely the glory of the Sunne, which yet we cannot pry into; and doth ever ſhine cleare, though ſometimes we ſee it not, and the blind man never. The Cauſe of His Judge­ments may be ſecret, but ever Juſt. So we have Concluded. But be­cauſe I would cleare the Sad Condition of our good Miniſters now I ſay. 2. There be Sinnes in theſe Beſt Miniſters (for none other are perſecuted) and though but little Sins in Compariſon of others of their Tribe (Great and Mighty Sinners before The Lord, for Men ab­horre the offering of the Lord for their Sakes) yet are they Sinnes, and the greater in them becauſe they are indeed the Meſſengers of the Churches, and the glory of Chriſt (The more Glory, The Lord puts upon them, The greater their Sinne) And theſe Sinnes muſt be pur­ged in them by Fire. But Bleſſed be God; That wheras He might have puniſhed them For their Evill doings. hee makes them ſuffer from the hands of wicked men for Righteouſneſſe ſake; and ſo honours them with the Glory of Martyrdome, as it is at this day: for doubtleſſe The Miniſters now ſuffer for the Cauſe of Chriſt, if ever any ſuffered for his Cauſe ſince the beginning of the VVorld.

But why were the 84. Prieſts ſlaine at the ſame Time? As for Abimilech hee might Tranſgreſſe, as a Man: and yet that cannot bee granted in this Caſe, for hee enquired of the LORD, did all by di­rection, from His Mouth: hee could call God to Record upon his Soule, that he did, what he did, by Statute-law, the knowne Law of the Kingdome. But yet ſuppoſe, That Abimilech did Tranſgreſſe in22 giving forth the ſword, yet why were the foureſcore and foure Prieſts ſlaine?

It is not poſſible for man to ſpeake Reaſon here;Anſ. though, indeed, there is ſome reaſon given in the Text, the ſame, and as good reaſon as is given now, becauſe their hands alſo is with David: Speak Reaſon; and ſpeake out; with whom ſhould ſhe Prieſts be but with David, who had wrought ſuch ſalvation for Iſrael? and upon whom, next to God, Iſrael had rouled themſelves, and all their concernments? yet this was the reaſon then, and this is all the reaſon now of this hor­rible perſecution, becauſe their hand is with David (the Worthies, the faith­full of the Lord there,) therefore deſtroy the Prieſts, becauſe their hand is with David; thus we ſee man can give no reaſon, only God can, as a­foreſaid; And wee muſt note ſtill, That theſe were cut off with the Sword of an Edomite, not becauſe they were greater ſinners then any other Prieſts were, but becauſe they were godly and conſcientious of their duty, that enrageth the Edomite againſt them. There is another reaſon alſo which The Lord giveth, That other Prieſts might be war­ned thereby; For note we, the greateſt ſinners are not the greateſt ſufferers in this life, I meane, they have not the greateſt afflictions. Nay, it is moſt commonly cleane contrary, they have no changes in their life; when as the godly have changes of ſorrowes.

True it is, and we will not make it a queſtion, Deſtruction is to the wicked, and a ſtrange puniſhment to the workers of iniquity. But wee muſt note, That to be ſlaine with the ſword of an Edomite, is no ſtrange pu­niſhment; but the lot of the righteous, their lot to be ſmitten with the hand of violence, and made the portion of Foxes. It is ſo, and the will of The Lord, it ſhould be ſo, for note we; where the Lord gives Com­miſſion to the Sword to goe forth,Ezek. 9.5. ſpare and pitty none, neither old nor young; neither man nor woman: He does ſay, Come not neare any man upon whom is the marke, (i. e. ) to hurt them) He does not ſay, Come not neare My Sanctuaries, the Prieſts, or their Cities; The Holy Ghoſt chargeth the Sword to beginne there; And begin at my Sanctuary. We cannot be ignorant, what the uſe is, the Apoſtle Peter would have Prieſts, and people,1 Pet good and bad make hereof: If judgement muſt begin at the houſe of GOD, what ſhall the end bee of them, that obey not the Goſpell of God? And if the righteous ſcarcely be ſaved, where ſhall the ungodly appeare? It ſtrikes terrour to the wicked, but ſtrong conſolation to the godly; Wherefore let them that ſuffer, according to the will of God, commit their ſoules to Him in well doing, as unto A Faithfull Creator. But with them and their houſe, the Sword begins; for note we, who is the Butt of the Edomites malicebbSi fuerit ſub­limis fit deſpica­bilis, &c. Si bo­nus eſt quiſpiam quaſi mlus ſper­nitar. Si malns eſt quaſi bonus honoratr. Salv. li. 4. p. 113. againſt whom then and now, he drawes his Arrow with all his ſtrength? It is that he may ſhoot at and kill the upright in heart; The Prieſts of The Lord then, the ſervants of The Lord now. Is there23 any one, whoſe hand is with David? any one, who feares God above many? any one, who, as his Lord and Maſter, loveth Righteouſneſſe, and hateth Iniquity? Is he ſuch an one? beat him, ſtone him, ſlay him, hang-him; he is a deg, uſe him like a Dog; the Parliaments Dog, his hand is with David, that is Reaſon enough with an Edomite, turne about and ſtay him, for he is no friend to Caeſar. Bleſſed be God, That this man can count his coſt, and account the reproach of Chriſt great riches. And bleſſed be God, that, according to their ſufferings ſhall their con­ſolations be, full meaſure, preſſing downe, and running over; he re­members his maſters words, in the world tribulation; What more? that which makes amends for all, in Me peace, that's enough,Iohn 16.33. But let me aske theſe Edomites this queſtion; Have they a Warrant for what they doe? Yes, they will ſay, they have a Commiſsion from the King under the Great Seale of England, [An honeſt man is the KEEPER the while,] which runnes evermore thus, For the doing of theſe [notorious violences] this commiſsion ſhall be to you, and them, and every one of them, a ſufficient warrant. But O that they could remember, That God is an a­venger of theſe things; and when He makes Inquiſition for bloud, then he that granted this Commiſſion, and hee that executed it,Ezek. 22.14. ſhall fall both together; Their heart cannot endure, nor can their hands bee ſtrong in the day The LORD ſhall deale with them; and with the KEEPER too, who hath wickedly betrayed the great truſt of the Kingdome. Come we now to the people.

1. The children and ſucklings there, they were ſlaine. The Edomite has made the like ſlaughter in our dayes, for he has ſlaine the mother and the childe together, I thinke the childe in the mothers wombe: We need ſay very little more unto it then this, The Sword was in the Edomites hand then; it is in his hand now, (the Papiſt I meane ſtill) as bloudy now and ever, as the Edomite ever was, and what hee was you ſhall heare anon.

2. We muſt ſay The LORD is righteous, and theſe ſucklings had finned, though not after the ſimilitude of Adams tranſgreſſion. Indeed it is a ſad ſight, but we may ſhut the eye, yet ſee into this caſe as farre with our eye ſhut as open; for truly, now we are in the darke, wee are come to the ſecrets of GODS Decree, and there we leave theſe Sucklings and Children all. Only I will tell my thoughts, which have ground from holy Scripture; That Parents now, ſeeing their Sucklings ſnatched from their breaſts, and their children from out of their deare armes, and from under their wings, becauſe the Parents have an hand with David, (pray marke that) may take more comfort in ſuch a vio­lent death, theirs or their childrens then if they had ſeen them dye on their bed: For I doe aſſure you, That I have read of ſome Parents, who have beene very ambitious of ſuch a Martyrdome: Oh! to have24 an hand with David to help him againſt the mighty, and an heart with Chriſt and to ſuffer for this, and ſo it is at this Day, is a glorious kind of Martyrdome that it is:

3. The People are deſtroyed Men and Women there. Anſw:

I will Anſwer againe, The Edomite did it, a ſworne Enemy to Iſ­rael, as we have read once and againe; he did it, who does thirſt after Bloud; and yet not he alone, It cannot bee reaſonably conceived That he alone, a ſingle man could act ſuch an horrid execution, but helped and ſtrengthned with Sauls bloudy Courtiers ſome more of that generation; or Baſtard Iſraelites, as Cruell as the Edomite was every whit; And let me ſay too, for it muſt be obſerved, ſtrengthened alſo with the Peoples Sinnes, I meane the Sinues of that City. The In­habitants there did doubtleſſe ſtrengthen the Edomite, and the Baſt­ard Iſraelites againſt their City and their ſelves:Noſtris peccatis Barbarfortes ſunt; noſtris vitijs Romanus ſuperat exercitus, Hiero. Epiſt. l. 2. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Iſid. Peluſ. Ep. l. 1 Ep. 294, p. 66. (a) The Peoples ſins made the Edomite ſtrong (we Include all Davids Enemies under that Name) againſt the People of Iſrael: Doubtleſſe it was ſo, for I Read the like expreſſion full for our Inſtruction, The Sinnes of Iſrael ſtrength­ned Eglon(b)(b)Iudg. 3.14. againſt Iſrael; Marke it, Eglon then and the Edomite now had a Will alwaies (as the Divell has) to doe Iſrael miſchiefe; But nor Eglon them, nor the Edomite now, no nor the Divell neither (mighty though he be) nor this Adverſary, nor that, nor the other, have ſtrength and power of themſelves, To doe Iſrael miſchiefe (for hurt they can­not doe) I ſay, Will they have ſtill, Power they have none, of them­ſelves, till GOD lets it forth, till He ſtrengthens them againſt His People, for their Sinnes againſt Him, The God of all Wiſedome, Power, and Grace. So we Read: And the Children of Iſrael did Evill a­gaine in the fight of the Lord. [Obſerve that expreſſion by the way, and you will obſerve That God Markes what is done amiſſe, Hee ſees Sin in His People, for you Read here and every where, before the Eyes of The LORD,Iudg. 3.12. in the ſight of the LORD.] And The LORD ſtrengthe­ned Eglon againſt Iſrael. Why? It is repeated againe, Becauſe Iſrael had done Evill in the Sight of The LORD: Therefore Eglon was ſo ſtrong againſt Iſrael then, The Edomites after that time; and now at this pre­ent time, are ſo ſtrong now. That is the Reaſon The Sripture gives and it is a full Reaſon. Does the Enemy prevaile? Iſraels Sinnes doe pre­vaile. Sinnes are ſtrong, and hands are weake; Mighty ſinners, and then mighty Adverſaries! Does the Edomites rage reach up to Hea­ven, the Peoples Sinnes reach thither too. Doubtleſſe if the Edo­mite have ſucceſſe in any Quarter of the Land, God does not doe it to gratifie the Edomite, but the more to confound the Adverſary, and to fit or make His People meet for Deliverance. Does Deliverance ſtay? It is That Praiſe may wait for GOD in zion; when the Worke is done, and Iſrael is humbled before his GOD, then the Edomite ſhall25 fall and riſe no more: The Lord will utterly undoe him: this belongs to the next Section. The Edomite has not yet fully executed his Commiſsion not compleated his Slaughter, There are Oxen, and aſſes, and Sheepe Remaining, and theſe he will ſmite with the Edge of the Sword in Revenge of David becauſe hee has eſcaped his bloody Knife: The Bruit Creatures fare the worſe for Davia now; but theſe groane under the Edomites hands. The Oxe, I cannot ſpeake little of him, therefore I will ſay nothing, but much increaſe by the ſtrength of the Oxe. Prov. 14.4.And much good Service is done by the Aſſe; The Sheepe Cloatheth us with her Fleece, and feeds us with her fleſh, It is Man That hath ſinned, and done evill indeed, but as for theſe Sheepe, what have they done? Sayes Da­vid grieved for his poore People ſlaine with a grievous Plague, Gods Sword, which he had called for to leſſen the number of People, wherein David boaſted. We may ſay as much now and without a Figure, VVhat have theſe done? VVas the Edomites Rage againſt theſe poore Creatures? No, it was againſt David, or rather, for ſo Da­vids Lord is pleaſed to take theſe Inſolencies and wrongs done againſt David, as done to Himſelfe, Thy Rage againſt Me. 2 Kin. 19.27.Therefore the Ser­vants of the Lord have boldneſſe, and aſſured confidence, That their Lord does even now deale with this Beaſt, as he has done with his fel­low-Beaſt, He puts an Hooke in his Noſe, and a Bridle in his Lips even Now. Verſe 28.And His People will give their LORD no reſt touching this matter, ſaying Ariſe O Lord in Thine Anger, lift up Thy ſelfe,Pſalm. 7.6. becauſe of the Rage of our Enemies, and awake for us to the Iudgement, which Thou haſt commanded. Amen.

CHAP. 6. Weighty Reaſons, Why The LORD ſuffers the Edomites to lay waſt Iſraels Land; how it Relates to this time. If Wolves had not beene grievous to our Land, they had not been deſtroyed out of the Land.

VVHy does GOD ſuffer an Edomite to deſtroy Iſraells Land? Qu.

Is there not a Cauſe? Sayes David in another Caſe; ſurely yes,Anſ. and a Cauſe for this alſo, an excellent Reaſon,1 Sam. 17.29. for what The Lord does or Suffers to be done though wee could give no accompt of it. Firſt,

1. Becauſe Iſrael may be growne wanton and carnally ſecure. A little Reſt from their Enemies, will make Iſrael ſettle upon their Lees: Iſrael cannot, I ſay Iſrael, Gods owne people, cannot well and Thrif­tily26 husband their time and peace. They may do it after they have felt the Edomites hand and have reſt from his oppreſsing Sword. Act. 9.31.There­fore Iſrael muſt have a Scourge, a Thorn in his eye and a Goade in his ſide. And none more pricking Briars nor any more grieving Thornes, then an Edomite is,Ezck. 28 24. That knowne Adverſory to Iſrael. Iſrael will not know the Service of their GOD:2 Chro. 12.8. Therefore he ſhall know the Service of a cruel Lord, that delights in Proud Wrath; An eaſie yoake made Iſra­el wanton. An Iron yoake ſhall make them groane. Iſrael will bee ſtout with their God, and comply with an Idolatrous People, and learne the manners of the Heathen, play away the LORDS day, and ſnufe at His Service; will Iſrael do ſo? The LORD will meet with them for this; Hee will deliver them into the hand of them, whom Iſrael hateth, into the hands of them, from whom Iſraels Minde is A­LIENATED,Ezek. 23.28. Prelates, Edomites, Atheiſts, Papiſts and the like, and theſe ſhall deale hatefully with Iſrael, they ſhall take away all Iſraels labour, and ſhall leave Iſrael naked and bare. This Relates it ſelfe, I need not ſhew how it relates to this time.

2. The Edomite muſt be a plague to Iſrael. Why? becauſe the Edomite is become a Lord and Maſter in Iſrael, that he is ſet over the Servants of Saul,1 Sam. 22.9. 2 Chro. 12.6. 2 Sam. 106. if you obſerve it, he is next to the King, the greateſt man in Court, who but the Edomite there! he does all, all muſt come through his hand. The Edomite muſt be a plague to Iſrael, it muſt be ſo. Will Iſrael ſuffer their Maſter Saul to take an Edomite to his ſide, To make him his right hand, dominus factotum, LORD do all, as the Proverbe is; will Iſrael ſuffer this? They ſhall have enough of the Edomite, that they ſhall; and Iſrael ſhall ſee there is mighty reaſon it ſhould be ſo; and when they ſee their Cities burnt with fire, and the EdomiteaaIſrael ſaw with open eyes, That Saul, riſing-up againſt David, could not a­bide an honeſt man: but his heart clave in love to the Edo­mite, he ſhould have the honour of Knighthood, and of Lord Ge­nerall in the held. ſlaughtering them like Sheep; then they ſhall ſay, The LORD is righteous; yes, and gracious to Iſrael too, for

3. By ſuffering the Edomite to deale with Iſrael ſo hardly, and ac­cording to all the deſire of his ſoul, The good LORD will make the Edomite hatefull to all Iſrael, Iſraels mind ſhall be alienated from him; he ſhall never be entertained at Court any more; The Edomite ſhall well perceive as the Amonitedid, That hee ſlanke before David and all Iſrael: he has ſhamefully abuſed Iſrael this once, hee ſhall never ſerve them ſo again; he ſhall ſee how he ſtinkes before Iſrael.

Oh! there is mighty reaſon why the Edomite in theſe daies ſhould deale ſo hatefully with Iſrael now; for all the Reaſons aboveſaid, (which I will not recall) and for this eſpecially, That he may STINK before David. and all Iſrael; ſo as Iſrael not abiding his ſavour any lon­ger will joyne hand, and ſhoulder, and heart and all to thruſt him out of the Land, where they have committed ſuch abominations and executed ſuch wrath with ſuch a rage. Indeed it is good for Iſrael to27 feel the weight of the Edomites hand; and the miſchiefe of his coun­ſell: It was good for Iſrael then, it is as good for Iſrael now, to be ſo waſted by Edomites. VVho but the Edomite, before, in Court, City, Countrey? In the Court chiefe Commander there, and Keeper of the great Seale hard by; Recorder in the City, and Lord Generall in the Field: VVho but the Edomite all this? Dominus fac totum, Lord Do-all as was ſaid before. But the Edomite has ſmitten Cities, and burnt Townes, They ſtinke before David and all Iſrael now, and they muſt needs know it, that Iſrael will, in good time, riſe up all as one man to thruſt them out of their land. It is good for Iſrael that the Edomite has dealt ſo hatefully with them, waſting their Cities, and ſlaughter­ing their people. VVe would not lift up a ſword againſt the Edomite, to drive them out of the land, without gaine of money, (not yet) which the heathen in ancient time, and now, ſcorne to take, fighting againſt Iſrael. The time will come very ſhortly,Iudges 5.19. after the Edomite has vexed us a little more, that we ſhall willingly offer our ſelves, and jeopard our lives to the death to be avenged of the Edomite for our two eyes, (he would have put them both out) our burnt Cities, and waſted Townes. It was commonly ſaid, that there never were any VVolves in England, for that the Land would not beare them: Yes, there were VVolves in England ſayes Camerartus,Cap. 28. and the Land yeelded the Wolves good and cleane feeding the beſt Mutton in all the Country, they feaſted upon it every Night. This Man loſt 20 Sheepe in a Night, another as many more. Grievous Wolves indeed. The People then did not ſtand looking one upon the other. Complai­ning of their loſſes; Nor did they commit the ſlaughter of theſe Wolves, ſo grievous, to their Shepheards, Thoſe undertakers; who could looke to their owne ſafety, ſleepe all Night, leave the Wolves to their Prey, and take gaine of money in the Morning. No it was not ſo; every Man ſtood-up for himſelf, To keep the Wolfe from his Doore, and from his Fold, Tooke his weapon in his hand, and ſo purſu'd the Wolves; And it was gaine ſufficient to rid themſelves of them, and ſecure their Folds. And ſo they did their worke quickly, being every Mans worke, and beſtirring themſelves about it. Only this help was granted them, That Offendors, ſo be they were not Mur­therers, Capitall Offendors ſhould have their lives granted them and their liberty upon Condition,That they would bring in ſo many wolves thier heads or their Tongues, elſe the People could not believe they were killed.By this meanes there was a cleane riddance of Wolves untill this day.

For ought I know, had not the VVolves been, after their manner, grievous, The Land had beene peſtered and plagued with them as at this day. Bleſſed be GOD ſay I, That VVolves are grievous, whether28 they have foure feet, or but two, they are wolves, and grievous. Bleſ­ſed be God for that; That the Prelates hands were ſo heavy; Their Yoke ſo unſupportable; Their Orders, Their Oaths, their Courts ſo vexatious, miſchievous and unſufferable. Bleſſed be GOD, That Clergy and Laity, Miniſters, and people both, did groane for anguiſh of Spirit, and Cruell Bondage, under thoſe Taskmaſters doing the worke of an IMPERIOUS WHORISH WOMAN. Ezek. 16.I verily believe we ſhall never ſee Prelate more in England, I ſay Prelate, A Diotrephes, I meane, (ſuch as our Biſhops were; Therefore the Name (though a good Name) is ſo hatefull,3 Iohn 9. becauſe ſo abuſed, ſo ill Anſwered) who love to have the preheminence, honour amongſt Men, and therefore cannot love the LORD JESUS CHRIST. We ſhall never have ſuch Biſhops againe (That word will pleaſe beſt) they were ſo grievous once: Sith they were ſuch grievous Thornes by nature it is well they were ſo in­deed, That the Thorne was thruſt home. And ſo for theſe Edomites too. They will make their owne ſavour to bee abhorred in the Eyes and Noſtrills of all Iſrael. They are about their worke as faſt as they can, Bleſſed be GOD for it ſay I; for when there is no Peace to him that goes forth, nor to him that comes in: But great vexation ſhall be upon all the Inhabitants of the Countries. What then? Why then wolves are grievous, and then let the Country-Men alone, every one will ſtand in his place, The Man and his VVife both; Sonne and Daughter alſo, every one with their weapon in their hand; what it is I cannot tell, but what comes next to hand, that ſhall be a weapon good enough, for indignation againſt the Edomite, and his oppreſſi­on (which makes a Wiſe man mad,Eccleſ. 77.) will frame him a weapon ſooner then all the Smiths forges in the Towne or City. Is it a diſcourage­ment thinke you, That their Armour is taken from them? None at all; Courage. Zeale for GOD, hatred of the Edomite, Love to their gaine and eaſe (I ſhould not put that laſt) all this is Armour of proof, the beſt Armour in the World. Doubtleſſe this was good to Iſrael, even to feele the weight of the Edomites hand, and the Miſchiefe of his Counſell: That Iſrael might have no communion with him ever after. It was good for Iſrael then to be ſo waſted by Edomites, ſo it is with Iſrael at this day, for Iſrael will deale with Papiſts as with their ſinnes, give entertainment to them, put them into Office, ſuffer them to beare rule, and ſway all there, as you heard, and their hearts to cleave to them in love; even ſo with their ſinnes, till they ſee and feele what miſchiefe their ſins have done them, what Lords, or luſts they have ſerved, and ſo what Fightings they have cauſed without, what feare within: And when they ſee and feele all this, then they can abhorre their Sins and themſelves, for giving ſuch loving enter­tainment to their Sins ſo long. Iſrael muſt feel firſt, and their Adver­ſaries29 muſt be ſuffered to deale proudly, To prepare Inſtruments of death, and then to thruſt them home even unto the heart of Iſrael. Then Iſrael will open their eyes and look about them, and not be­fore. To conclude. The Edomites muſt be as pricking Briars and grieving Thornes, before they ſhall be thruſt away: They muſt bee not in ſome but in all places, as evening VVolves, before every Mans hand will be thruſt out againſt them to thruſt them to the heart: They muſt ſtinke before David and all Iſrael, and then Iſrael will riſe up all as one man, to thruſt them out, who ſay of Iſraels Kingdome at this day as in ancient dayes Raſe it, raſe it even to the ground.

But now here is a ſtrange ſight, Though the Edomite has dealt ſo cruelly with Iſrael as we heard, though he has laid waſte Iſraels Ci­ty, and dwelling place, yet Iſrael, neighbouring thereabouts, come-not-in to helpe their Brethren, under the hands of a cruell Lord and a bloody Edomite. VVhat might hold backe the neighbouring Iſ­raelite from comming-in to ſuccour their poore Brethren? That is the queſtion, and I deſire heartily to be underſtood in it. I ſhall not queſtion, Why it was ſo long ere the Tribes came-all-in to deliver Da­vid, for then I ſhould queſtion the wiſedome of God, wherein I am ful­ly ſatisfied, and do thinke I ſhall be able, by the Grace of God, to ſatiſ­fie others in that point, and to give excellent Reaſon why David could not bee delivered one day ſooner then he was; which, being handled, as I hope by Gods ſtrength it may bee, will give mighty eſtabliſhment and encouragement to Iſrael, touching the diſtracti­ons of this preſent time.

My queſtion will be this firſt, VVhat might hold back neigh­bouring Iſrael from comming-in to help their Brethren and Siſters now in the day of their trouble, and tredding downe by the foot of pride? The anſwere to this queſtion is, CONSCIENCE did with-hold Iſrael then, and the ſame CONSCIENCE muſt with-hold Iſrael now, in the very ſame caſe, from comming-in to ſuccour their oppreſſed Brethren; So ſayes Doctor Ferne, I will name him to comfort and refreſh the Divel and his Servants, his Edo­mites in their war againſt the LAMB (for they ſhall have hot ſer­vice of it. ) and to honour their cauſe, that they have not onely a Maſter but a Doctor in Iſrael on their ſide, a conſcientious man, who is as he ſayes, and makes men beleeve, a man of a tender ſpirit, he can behold Cities waſted, Townes fired, Men, VVomen, Children, Sucklings, Oxe, Aſſe, Sheep, ſlaughtered there, and, tender Soul! he is moved as much as a Rocke beaten upon with the waves: But if ſo be one or more ſhall lift up their hand for David, and to help him in the day of his diſtreſſe, with Bread and with a Sword; or lift up the ſword for David, then the good man melts, and good ſoule his con­ſcience30 is troubled; O! ſayes he, beware what yu doe, yu reſiſt the King: Clap your hand upon the breaſt, conſult with CONSCIENCE, remember the Battle, and doe no more ſo. A man of a tender ſpirit no doubt! Let him alone, we know him well enough, he is wiſer, in his owne conceit then ſeven men,Prov. 26.16. that can render SCRIPTVRE and REA­SON both for what they doe.

I ſhall not goe a ſtep out of my way to meet with this good man, that has ſo tender a conſcience. Onely this, (for the Hiſtory leads me directly to it) I muſt neceſſarily doe, and by GODS helpe and His good WORD I ſhall doe it to purpoſe, and make good,That, had Iſraels hand beene with David now, and beene ſo bold and ſtrong, as to have been able to have wreſted the Commiſsion out of Sauls hand, which he was giving into the Edomites hand; and the Sword out of the Edomites hand too; had any Iſraelite done ſo, he had ſhewn as great a kindneſſe to Saul the King, and done as great a ſervice to his Kingdome, as is imaginable.Therefore CONSCIENCE could not hold backe Iſrael from helping The LORD againſt the mighty. But this with much more, as I doe conceive, not without the Booke, of high and excellent concernment now, and will occa­ſion a large diſcourſe, I muſt referre to the next Section, unto which I ſhall haſten as faſt as I can; Becauſe I have a ſtrong hope and confi­dence, That I ſhall be inabled therein to nonplus the Divell, and put his Edomite cleane out of office, if Law will bee hearkned to, and the beſt Reaſon. For as Law and Reaſon both did call-in and authorize all Iſrael to riſe-up in armes, in ſuccour of David, (at the laſt, when Gods time was come:) ſo it followes, That all Iſrael will move now upon the ſame grounds, and will not be ſlacke; And yet they ſhall have no allowance, to Reſiſt their King, but allowance granted them from Heaven and Earth, to reſiſt the evill Spirit, working mightily now-a-dayes with the Kings of the earth, and with their Edomites there carrying-on their great deſigne, to dethrone The LORD JE­SUS CHRIST. But when I have all done, I have little hope, That I ſhall ſati fie the tender hearted-man. I meane Doctor Fearnes Tender Conſcience I ſuſpect rather I ſhall leave his Conſcience as I found it, if not aſleep, then ſeared. That I may begin I will end with this; Doe we that, which is before us, our worke and duty, with all our might; Set we our hands and our hearts thereunto; it is to help The LORD againſt the mighty: and we will not dare to make que­ſtion for Conſcience ſake,1 Pet. 3.16. having a good Conſcience, That, whereas they ſpeak of us, as of evill doers, they may be aſhamed, that falſly accuſe our good converſa­tion in Chriſt.

Finis ſecundae Sectionis.

About this transcription

TextEnglands second alarm to vvar, against the Beast. Saul, with his Edomite has shed blood to his power; he smites Israels city, and destroyes his owne house; overcame his people once, and overthrew himselfe for ever! It relates to what is done now. Grave questions touching the Edomite; his admission to court, and into office there; how it relates to papists now. He has a commission to destroy a city of priests, which he does with an utter destruction. Excellent reasons why the Lord suffered such a destruction to be executed upon Israel then; and why he suffers the same now; and why by an Edomites hand then and now.
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 155295)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 10:E59[19])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationEnglands second alarm to vvar, against the Beast. Saul, with his Edomite has shed blood to his power; he smites Israels city, and destroyes his owne house; overcame his people once, and overthrew himselfe for ever! It relates to what is done now. Grave questions touching the Edomite; his admission to court, and into office there; how it relates to papists now. He has a commission to destroy a city of priests, which he does with an utter destruction. Excellent reasons why the Lord suffered such a destruction to be executed upon Israel then; and why he suffers the same now; and why by an Edomites hand then and now. [2], 30 p. Printed for Thomas Vnderhil, in the second yeare of the Beasts wounding, warring against the Lamb, and those that are with him, called, chosen, and faithfull,London :1643.. (Running title reads: Englands alarm to war.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "10 July".)
  • Bible. -- O.T. -- Samuel, 1st, XIX-XXXI -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800.
  • Bible -- Prophecies -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Prophecies -- Early works to 1800.

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The EEBO-TCP project was divided into two phases. The 25,363 texts created during Phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 January 2015. Anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source.

Users should be aware of the process of creating the TCP texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data.

Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). If an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in NCBEL, then their works are eligible for inclusion. Selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so.

Image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. Quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in Oxford and Michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet QA standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. After proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. Any remaining illegibles were encoded as <gap>s. Understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of TCP data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor.

The texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the TEI in Libraries guidelines.

Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements).

Keying and markup guidelines are available at the Text Creation Partnership web site.

Publication information

  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2013-12 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A84000
  • STC Wing E3047
  • STC Thomason E59_19
  • STC ESTC R23537
  • EEBO-CITATION 99872032
  • PROQUEST 99872032
  • VID 155295

This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. Searching, reading, printing, or downloading EEBO-TCP texts is reserved for the authorized users of these project partner institutions. Permission must be granted for subsequent distribution, in print or electronically, of this EEBO-TCP Phase II text, in whole or in part.