The Engliſh Poſt.
THE Weſterne Sea-coaſts in Cornwall are not yet ſecured of their feares or dangers, from their common enemies, the Turkiſh Pyrates, they are in great hopes, that the large ſummes of moneyes, collected out of ſo infinite a ſcarcity as the poverty of this countrey hath long groaned under, ſhall ſpeedily be imployed in ſhipping for the ſafety of the Seas, againſt an invaſion of the land. No ſuſpition of further perill remaines, but that the prevention (long look't for) may come at laſt. However, the parly about it, and preparation for it, takes up ſo much time in the year, that their doubts are not few, the remedy may come too late for the diſeaſe. Speramus meliora.
The diſmiſſion by Parliament of the tyranny and irregularity of ſome Courts in Yorke and Wales, give us ſome aſſurance, that the intollerable abuſe and corruption ſhall be taken away, which reignes in the Stanneries in Devonſhire and Cornwall. A greater miſchiefe and oppreſſion by ſubordinate Miniſters, can never rage in a more unſufferable violence. If the grand Councell of this Kingdome now aſſembled, take not into conſideration this deſparate calamity, and remove it, the whole body of two Counties are upon an irrecoverable loſſe: for now we expect redreſſe, or never.
Here our weekly comforts in particular letters from London of the departure of the Scots, prove in effect but f•int cordials. What our loſſes have been by ſubj•ction to ſo many hourly thraldomes, the reſt of the land may conceive, we only feele. Their moneyes being received, they will (no queſtion) remove. Power and compulſion for the moſt part, effects more peace then either treaty or reward. Our Coales (which are our treaſure and ſubſiſtance) are cheaper then the labour in working for them: Our returnes for the commodity we cannot call our own, ſince wee are daily accountable for all wee can call ours. E•ther we unconfidently look for a quicke deliverance, or muſt uncomfortably periſh in our miſeries. Our laſt refuge is our continuall refuge, our prayers. No warre is ſo terrible as that which devoures and conſumes under the viſor of Amity and p•ace.
It is hard to write in••w many ſtraits this Citie and Countrey are incumbred. The disbanding of thoſe Souldiers, who have too long p•ſtered our Co••trey, proceeds not with ſo eaſie ſucceſſe as is deſired. They move hence with ſuch a ſlow pace, as if they retreated b•ckward with their faces forward. No doubt needs a reſolution for their paſſage to their owne homes. It is moſt likely they will prove as troubleſome in their•••urnes, as they have been in their ſtay and abode here. Let us once quit theſe diſorders, and wee reſolve hereafter (if the wiſedome of the ſupreame authority will give us le•ve) to be ſafeſt in the defence of our own ſtrength, yet (•owever my Lord Generall very nobly endeavou•s) we know not what will follow till we be utterly cleared of this burthen.
Diſcontented perſons, and Popiſhly affected (of which conjuration our countrey yeelds not a few) upon hearing of the Prieſts execution at Tyburne, Iuly 26. l•ſt, begin to mutter, that now the Crown of Martyrdom is burniſhing for their trayterous brood. That this Saint (ſo they miſcall Walker the ſeducer) is on•ly a Harbinger for the glorious (villaines and) profeſſors which muſt follow. They talke generally, how baniſhment or death is the mercy they muſt expect. Some emiſſaries have been intercepted between their confederates in Cheſhire, in Wales, and the locuſts in this County. They deſiſt not from plotting, but we truſt that he who fitteth in heaven dot•laugh them to ſcorne, and will in his owne bleſſed time diſcover both them and it.
It is not an eaſie griefe to heare how many peſtilent Sects and Schiſmaticks are couched in London, the name of Puritane lieth too long br•n••d, the more refined Proteſtants of England. Infinites in number have coveted the addition of that reputation, whoſe l•berty inſenſu•lity, perfidiouſneſſe, cozenage, ignorance, and all licentious reproach, rendred them not more odious then inexcuſable: neither have ſome eminent Prelates of our Kingdome forborne advantage without diſtinction to contemne and plucke up thoſe wholeſome ſeeds in ſteed of the other tares. We in this towne have taſted too deeply of that imputation, though our lives and actions have pleaded an integrity: for we never kickt againſt the holy office of a Biſhop, but have heartily ſorrowed for the avarice, ambition, &c. of ſuch as uſurp the Epiſcopall See; we wiſh, pray for, and expect a pious reformation, not confuſion in the church, or abſolute abolition.
Since the memorable execution of the Tinkers in this towne, no ſeverity of any itinerant Iudge hath been filed upon our records. Here is a ſtrong rumor of the charges and delinquencies of the Moderators in law, who determined ſuites in the foure Weſtminſters tearmes; but what ſatisfaction any of them hath made either by defence or ſufferance, wee are clearly ignorant of. The brethren amongſt us (ſo tearmed & covetous to be tearmed ſo) are as ignorant as heretofore, but more malepert. They truſt they ſhall bee allowed (not a Church but) a formality of diſcipline independant on any ſuperiour, but whom they ſhall chuſe out of their pack. Inſolent are their preſumptions, and they have an intollerable meaſure of the Spirit amongſt them; excuſe them, 'tis the evill ſpirit, which we hope will ere long by the lawfull exorciſme of authority be conjured.
Having loſt our country man (lately A L. keeper) we are as naked and unprovided of our Summer Hoſpitality in our Archbiſhops Reſtraints. An old ſaying hath in times paſt galloped about our Iſland, that Kent and Chriſtendome were two, let that be true or not, ſure we are as the ſtreame runs, London and Canterbury are not Chriſtians alike: you at London enjoy too much plenty, though you keep your owne cloſe enough; and wee at Canterbury complaine, that we have little of our owne to keepe, and yet are as willing as you, to part with part of that little by the poll. It is better (ſaies the proverbe) to be fortunate then wiſe; we will add no more at this time, onely it is better to ſay nothing and live without anſwer, then by over much talke to be found guilty of want of ſilence.
Great is the joy throughout Wales, ſince the Act and the Rate for collection of monies is come to their view. They (I meane the Welch) content themſelves with the ſingle payment of ſix pence a man, though they be all and every one of them ſeverally and joyntly a Gentleman per ſe; yet they envy not the Eſquires ſo reputed, their titles purchaſed with the large and unknown ſum of ten pound. A Yeoman of Kent (ſay wee in wales) may have a thouſand per annum, and not compare with one of us for a long pedegree from the beginning of the world. Heere wee live in peace, not troubled with feare of enemies, nor overpreſt with our few frie•d•the Scots; the Iriſh, indeed, ſometimes viſit our coaſtes, but as newtralls for we neither much reward their begging, nor they thanke or commend us for our Almes, and charity.
How the changes of times worke effects in other Shires, we l•ſt not after. The old ſaying was, the Divell looks over Lincolne, but we defie the moth-eaten proverbe, and hope one way or other, that Lincolne ſhall over looke the D•vell. Miſtake us not, for though wee have a fatt country, which is a ſhrewd temptation, yet we are not prouder then we were wont, for feare wee may be fl•eced as ſome of the northerne parts have beene. Being neither too neere London, nor too farre off, we ſtand as free from the thunder of Excommunication as from the Bulls of the•ope. The fall of Doctors Commons (if it be true) hath much diſheartned our Officialls, (with whom this county ſwarm'd) and the ruine of the High Commiſſion and Star-chamber Courts, puts us in comfort (a cold one) that more Mercy might be found in the Kings Bench. We acquaint you with our ſtate for the preſent, but have elſe little matter to write of, till in another letter, you may chance to here ſomething of the drain'd land and Marſhes.
Cambridge is in no ſmall doubt of ſome of his chiefe Divines; and we for neighborhoods ſ•ke, are with child to heare ſome good of our Biſhop. Tis wondrous ſtrange that buſineſſes of expectation are carried with ſo miraculous a Iuſtice and Secrecy. We dare not inquire into a wiſdome, which wee know we cannot attaine unto, but will therefore humbly w•ite upon the iſſue, which in actions or any nature returnes the Inſtrument, either reward of honour and profit, or puniſhment.