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An Exact RELATION Of the Siege before YORKE: Of the taking of the Suburbs, and of the Approaches made within 40. yards of the Walls: Of the taking of the Kings Man­nor houſe there: And how the Aſſociated forces of Eſſex, Suffolk, &c. under the Earle of Mancheſter, have ſeverall times repulſed the Enemy, and preſerved ſome part of the Suburbs from being conſumed with fire.

As it is ſent in ſeverall Letters, dated at the Leaguer before York, the 6. and 7. of June.

Publiſhed by Authority.

London Printed for R. White. June 12. 1644.


A Letter from the Leaguer before York,the ſixth of Iune, 1644.

SInce my laſt by the Poſt the 30. of May laſt, Prince Rupert hath taken Bolton in Lancaſhire, wherein there were a thouſand five hundred Club-men, and Colonell Rigby with 2000. Armed men drawne from the Siege of Latham, Colonell Rigby himſelfe who is come hither faith that he loſt there five bar­rells of Powder, two Drakes, and other Ammunition, and not 200. men in all kild, moſt of the reſt ſaving themſelves by flight; but he conceives he loſt neere 500. Armes, the vulgar report gives the loſſe to be greater; howſoever he is now about to rally his ſcat­tered men, and hopes to get them ſhortly together. Prince Ruperts forces range over a great part of Lanca­ſhire, but his principall quarter is at VViggon, and to that Towne he drawes the forces raiſed by the Com­miſſion of Array: His Army increaſes by the depen­dants of the Earle of Darby, and the Popiſh Gentry there, that do all flock to him, and by the addition of Generall Gorings forces, who came to him on Monday laſt at Berry; and then it was alſo believed, that he in­tended preſently to come to York to raiſe the Siege: But this day the 6. of June, Sir John Meldrum, writes that he conceives his forces not to exceed ten thou­ſand men, and that they bend Southwards, as he thinkes, to take VVarington, and Leverpoole: but it is thought he will march to meet the King, if he once paſſe South out of Lancaſhire.


This day alſo Letters were intercepted from Sir Phi­lip Muſgrave to Prince Rupert, whereby I perceive Ru­pert hath ſent for him, and all his forces of VVeſtmor­land, and Cumberland; which Sir Philip promiſeth to performe, but not ſuddenly.

In Lancaſhire there are Garriſons of good ſtrength, in VVarington, Leverpoole, and Lancaſter; and an Army of ſeven or 8000. Armed men in Mancheſter, where Sir John Meldrum reſides, and hath the command of all the Country; and the Parliaments ſhips lately come to Lever poole do much encourage the Souldiers there; ſo that I do not give Lancaſhire for loſt, though I am per­ſwaded Rupert will pillage the Country ſore, and en­creaſe his Army; neither of which can be prevented without a greater inconvenience.

From Biſhoprick we hear that all the forces of the enemy are retreated into Newcaſtle (the Troops of Cla­vering excepted, that continue yet at Durham) which gives ſome aſſurance of the publique report of the Lord Calendars being at Alnewick.

The third of June our forces tooke VValton-hall neer VVakefield, and in it Sir Francis VVortley, the elder, the firſt incendiarie in this County, that publikely engaged a party for the King againſt the Parliament, and 120. ſouldiers with him, who yeilded themſelves priſoners after they had kild ſeverall of our men.

And third of June in the night, 60. horſe ſent by Sir Hugh Cholmley from Scarbrough came to Buttercoms, where Mr. Henry Darley lodged; and the Draw-bridge being accidentally let down that night, they entred, and took him in bed, and carried him priſoner to Scar­brough.


On Monday the third of June the Earle of Mancheſter drew to the Leaguer at Yorke, about 6000. foot and a thouſand horſe, and twelve field pieces, and his men are quartered before Bowdom barre, and that ſide to­wards Clifton, they are very brave ſouldiers, and every day fall upon ſome part, and beat the enemy.

And now having theſe forces added to our other Armies, the enemy is ſhut up far cloſer then before: and the Generals conſult how the work may be made ſhort with leaſt loſſe of their men: and yeſternight be­ing June the fifth, they have cauſed a work to be raiſed for a battery, upon a hill neer Walm-gate, where there are four pieces of battery already planted, that have played all this afternoone upon the Caſtle, Tower, and Towne; and they from the Town have ſent us at leaſt an hundred Bullets from ſeverall Platformes in the Towne, but they have done us very little hurt, not a­bove one man killed, and what execution our Ord­nance do in the City we cannot yet tell; But we are getting more pieces up to our new worke, which we know hath already put them into a very great fear, for this day they have fired moſt part of the Suburbs, and drawne their people into the Town; our men fall into the Suburbs and beat them in when they Sally our either to fire houſes or fetch in goods; but whileſt they skirmiſh the fire conſumes the houſes, they wil not ſuf­fer our men to quench it, for if the houſes could have been ſaved they would have been a great ſhelter for our men in their approaches.

And the Suburb without Bowdom, where there were many faire houſes, being fired, the E. of Manche­ſters men nevertheleſſe entred, and beat in the enemy4 this morning, and have ſaved much of the houſes from the fire, and doe gallery through them cloſe to the walls, ſo that it is to be hoped, that unleſſe ſuccours come ſpeedily to them, the Town will be taken or yielded. And to prevent Prince Ruperts comming, the moſt part of our horſe and dragooneers are laid to­wards Lancaſhire, who if they be not able to beat him back, yet will at leaſt ſtop his march untill theſe Ar­mies be drawne up to them, and then they will, being all together, be able to fight with all the forces the King hath on the north ſide of Trent, if God give his bleſſing, which we all pray for.

There is a bridge made of boats over the Owſe in Cliftonings, that the Armies may on a ſudden ſend ſuc­cour one to another.

The firſt of June, the Scots forces fetched a great many cattell and horſes from the enemy neer Micle­gate barre, and kild many both horſe and foot of the enemy, I heare they left four and thirty dead, and brought away thirty priſoners, but all ſore wounded.

And yeſterday June the 5. the Earle of Mancheſters men fell on neere VValm-gate, and took Saint Nicholas Church; but diſſerted it againe when they had gotten away eighty head of cattell from the enemy: and there is no day paſſeth but ſomething is done worthy com­mendations, for our men are full of courage, and de­ſire to fall upon the Town whenſoever the Generalls thinke it fit to command them: Sandall Caſtle neere VVakefield was ſurrendred yeſterday.


Another Letter from the Leaguer be­fore York,Iune 7. eleven a Clock at noon.

EVery day produces novelties, at preſent thus, Upon Wedneſday night laſt, was a bat­tery made at the Windmil betwixt York and Leſlington, about eight ſcore diſtant from the Walls, and five piece of great Ordnance yeſter­day placed in it, and divers ſhots made into the City, which have made viſible batteries, both in the Walls, Cliffords Tower, and other houſes, another battery was yeſterday got at S. Laurence Church, made within the Church­yard next Wombgate, about fifty yards from the gate, and here, and in the Church, and houſes, there are about 3000. of our men.

My Lord Eglington with 4000. Scots, yeſter­day entred, Gilligate, Marygate, and Mary Tower, & have made a paſſage into the Man­nor under ground: This laſt night a ſtrong pary ſallyed out of the City, and fell upon his men to beat them back, but could not prevaile, for 7000. of my Lo: Mancheſters, and my Lord Fairfaxes men fell into Wombgate, and ſo di­verted the enemy, and had a ſore fight with6 them, the loſſe hitherto, I have not heard on either ſide: The Lo: Generall Leven with his Regiment fell upon a ſtrong Fort this laſt night, upon a hill, about eight ſcore diſtant from Skeldergate poſterne, and have taken it, and 120. men in it, whereof about 35. are brought in priſoners, the reſt killed, hee loſt ſome men in that ſervice; and in this Fort, be­ing very conſiderable, my Lo: intends to make a battery, and ſo from thence make ſhots at pleaſure into Town, and I do believe to mor­row, or the next day, they will Summon the City once more, and if not yeelded, then they may take the laſt farewell, for the Soldiers are mightily inraged, and I doubt will not be care­full to diſtinguiſh perſons: All this laſt night I ſaw great fires in three ſeverall places of the City, much of the Suburbs was burned before, except ſuch as our men have ſaved, and wee heare the enemy reſolve to burn the City, ra­ther then yeeld it, wee do hourely expect the iſſue.


About this transcription

TextAn exact relation of the siege before Yorke: of the taking of the suburbs, and of the approaches made within 40. yards of the walls: of the taking of the Kings mannor house there: and how the associated forces of Essex, Suffolk, &c. under the Earle of Manchester, have severall times repulsed the enemy, and preserved some part of the suburbs from being consumed with fire. As it is sent in severall letters, dated at the Leaguer before York, the 6. and 7. of June. Published by Authority.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationAn exact relation of the siege before Yorke: of the taking of the suburbs, and of the approaches made within 40. yards of the walls: of the taking of the Kings mannor house there: and how the associated forces of Essex, Suffolk, &c. under the Earle of Manchester, have severall times repulsed the enemy, and preserved some part of the suburbs from being consumed with fire. As it is sent in severall letters, dated at the Leaguer before York, the 6. and 7. of June. Published by Authority. [2], 6 p. Printed for R. White,London :June 12. 1644.. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • York (England) -- History -- Siege, 1644 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Campaigns -- Early works to 1800.

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