25 Junii, 1650. Poſt meridiem. A ſeaſonable and neceſſarie Warning concerning preſent dangers and duties, from the Commiſsioners of the General Aſſemblie, unto all the Members of this Kirk.
[1] IF the eminencie of the danger and the neceſſitie of the dutie did not conſtrain us, wee had rather choſe to bee ſilent then to emit anie publick warning to the land within ſo few daies of the meeting of the General Aſſemblie; but wee ſhould not onely run the hazard of juſt blame from them, but alſo bee conſcious to guiltineſs in our ſelvs, if wee did not in a time of ſo great ſtreight, give warning to the Lords people both of their danger, and of their dude.
[1] If you had well conſidered your danger, before it was imminent, and how neceſſarie it was for you to have prevented it, by an ingenuous acknowledgment of your National guilt and juſt demerit, by your perfidious and unprovoked Invaſion of England, againſt all the Treaties which were then in force, but thereby diſſolved; and by a juſt ſatisfaction for the ſpoils and devaſtations your own Armie made where it came, until it was deſtroyed; and for the charge this Nation was at2 by occaſion of it. You might perhaps have now been ſilent, and wee at quiet. How juſt our War againſt you is, and how clearly wee are neceſsitated to it, the Parlament hath ſufficiently evidenced in their Declaration. And though wee cannot exſpect you ſhould acknowledg it (it beeing not uſual with you to ſpeak truth to your own diſadvantage) yet the evidence is ſuch as muſt needs convince you, as wee are confident it will ſatisfie all others. And if the conſcientiouſneſs you ſpeak of bee a tenderneſs reſulting from a cleer and pure light not tinctured with the dye and mixture of an Intereſt working a prejudice, it might have put your reflections upon an other guilt, and you might have thought your ſelvs worthie of blame, that you had not given warning to your Parlament and People, of ſomthing elſ to bee don beſides your condemning men to the ſtool of hypocriſie, that might have given the Common-wealth of England a better ſatisfaction, and fuller reparation for and of the effects of your perfidie, then that was like to do; and might have proved a more effectual means to have prevented that danger which your own injuſtice and wickedneſs have involved you in.
[2] The inſolent and ſtrange actings of that prevailing partie of Sectaries in England theſe yeers paſt,Warning. in reference to Religion and Government, are ſo well known, and have been ſo often and fully laid open in the former Warnings, Remonſtrances, and Declarations of this Kirk, that wee need not now take up much time in repreſenting the ſame. Albeit the Reformation of the Church of England, and the advancing of the work of uniformitie there, in Doctrine, Worſhip, Diſcipline and Government, was the great dutie that the Lord called that Land unto, and which all the people of God in theſe three Kingdoms did ingage themſelvs in Covenant to endeavor to the utmoſt of their power; yet doth that work ſo much deſired and longed for by all the lovers of Sion in theſe Nations, and all that concern's Religion, lie in the duſt altogether forgotten and deſpiſed by thoſe men; and in ſtead of the beautie and order that ſhould bee in the houſ of God, a vaſt toleration of manie groſs errors is allowed, whereby ſo manie and ſo monſtrous blaſphemies and ſtrange opinions in Religion have been broached and are vented in England,3 as the like hath not been heard of almoſt in anie generation: And though Monarchie and the power of Parlaments was the ancient and long continued Government of that Kingdom; yet have thoſe men uſurped above the Parlament, whoſe ſervants they were; and by open violence driven away manie, and impriſoned ſom of the Members thereof, and have not onely taken away the Houſ of Lords, and deſtroyed the late King, but alſo ſubverted Monarchie it ſelf, and turned the Foundations upſide down, and labor to wreath the yoke of their oppreſsion upon the necks of our brethren in England, not onely in regard of that which concern's their bodies and eſtates, but alſo in regard of that which concern's their ſouls and conſciences, whereof that Ingagement that is now preſſed in England is a preſent and publick teſtimonie, being a ſore bondage under which manie in that land now groan; whoſe caſe and ſufferings for the work of God, wee deſire not onely to remember daily before the Lord in our praiers and ſupplications, but in everie thing to regard it as if it were our own: being confident that ſuch as love the truth, and cleav to the Covenant in theſe Lands, ſhall obtein mercie of God to bee faithfull in the midſt of temptations, and that the Lord will not ſuffer them to bee tempted above that they are able to bear, but will give unto them the iſſue with the temptation.
[2] The wonderful and even miraculous goings forth of the moſt wiſe and merciful providence of our good God towards us in England,Anſwer. for theſe diverſ years paſt, in this great work of delivering us from Tyrannie, and ſetling us in a juſt Libertie, notwithſtanding all thoſe ſtrong fetters in which wee were impriſoned under it, have been evidently written with the verie beams of the ſun, and expoſed to the view of the world; that there are ſcarce anie that have not acknowledged, it is his work. And for our parts, wee deſire to obſerv thoſe glorious actings of his, and with all humilitie to rejoyce in them. God ſee's not as man ſee's, and therefore act's not as man act's, nor rule's the determinations of his wiſdom, nor the efficiencie of his power, by anie of the conceptions or apprehenſions of men. That which you call The inſolent and ſtrange actings of the prevailing partie of Sectaries &c might better perhaps bee called his work, his strange4 work: And though perhaps manie in this age, whoſe particular concernments have been touched by this juſt hand of God, the flowings of whoſe gall, by their rebellious ſtruglings under their chaſtizements, hath diſabled their Icterical eyes to ſee clearly his hand, may, as you do, blaſpheme that Providence, and aſſcribe its glorious and harmonious working to the anomalous extravagancies of whom you pleaſ; yet when the pangs of this birth ſhall bee over, and the diſtempered humors com again to a juſt ballance, even you, as well as others, ſhall ſee that it is his doing. And after-ages will ſaie concerning theſe times, What bath God wrought? Wee cannot denie, but you have been verie frequent in your Warnings, and Remonſtrances, and Declarations, which you have filled with impertinencies, calumnies, and ſlanders againſt the people of this Nation, obtruding, without bluſhing, objections formerly anſwered, to abuſe the ſimple, and draw them into capital danger. And indeed you ſhould have don well to have ſpared this time from ſuch imploiment, and beſtowed it upon that in which at preſent you are more concern'd.
And whereas you ſay, The reformation of the Kirk of England (wee ſuppoſe you mean it in your own ſenſ) the work of uniformitie &c. was the great dutie that God called this Land unto &c. Wee cannot but lament to ſee how miſerably you are enchanted, and impriſoned within your circle of forms, ſo as you can neither ſpeak nor think of anie thing, but this nauſeated ſtuff; how great is the judgment of God upon your hypocritical formalitie, that hee hath taken from you the ſenſ of everie thing elſ. Can you think that Presbyteries, whether in Kirk-Seſſions, Claſſes, or Provincial or General Aſſemblies, is the great Work of Reformation that God call's men to? and to the exerciſe of your effectleſs Diſcipline, as to all true Reformation? What is the uniformitie of Doctrine and Diſcipline you ſpeak of? is it that conteined in your Catechiſm and Directorie? can you perſuade us to believ there is ſuch a perfection in theſe, as there is no poſſible diſcoverie beyond, or may none adventure to make it, unleſs5 you bee the Pilots? Wee like better St Paul's profeſſion of his judgment and practice, hee forgat what was behinde, and preſſed forward to what was before, and did not think hee had yet atteined. And upon that ground wee dare not think you have. But you quarrel the light which you cannot comprehend; and preſs for an Ʋniformitie of vvhich your ſelvs vvill bee the Meaſure, and ſet the Rules; leſt if anie ſhould preſume to knovv more, and hold it forth to the vvorld, the appearance and Coruſcation of theſe clearer Beams ſhould demonſtrate the light that is in you to bee Comparative darkneſs.
Wee rather believ the great Work that God call's everie Man unto, is, to bee holie, as hee is holie, in all manner of converſation. And for an atteinment of it, by a full and unreſerved ſelf-denial, to go out of himſelf, and all ſelf-value, and by a moſt intimate retirement into himſelf, and impartial ſearch of his own heart, to take a view of his own corruptions, and bee humbled at that ſight, and ſeek for pardon in the blood of that one ſacrifice of Expiation, and to bee clenſed from filth by the ſanctification of his ſpirit; To have no further a vvill of his own; but with an unrelucting Liqueſcencie to melt it down into the vvill of God, mainteining ſtill a filial implicit reſolution to conform to all the revelations of that vvill: ſearching the Scriptures vvith praier and humilitie, for a diſcoverie of that will from thoſe full and divine Treaſuries, and keeping the ſoul ever open, and without prejudice for recieving in the divine Illuminations of the infinite Spirit to vvhatſoever meaſure of light, and taking heed of clouding that light by indulging of Luſt; but vvith a reſolved ſtrife againſt all oppoſition walk up to that Light, in all holineſs of Converſation, according to the Word of God. This vvee think to bee the dutie of a Man, and this is his happineſs; And hee that thus hath, to him ſhall bee given, and hee ſhall have abundance, his talents ſhall bee multiplied, and ſo ſhall his joie. There are diſcoveries in divine things, which the Eagles eie hath not yet made. The divine and infinite goodneſs, from whom are6 perpetual Emanations, hath no where limited the ſhinings of his glorious Light. It ſhine's in darkneſs, though the darkneſs comprehend it not. There may bee a veil upon the heart even of great Rahbies, and that in reading the Lavv. Light and Truth is received by a principle of Light from the Spirit of Truth. And vvho dare's ſaie hee hath clearly, and without aenigma, ſeen all the Treaſures laid up in the Sacred Scriptures? Doth not one daie add to another in the knowledg of particular men? doth not this daie teach us even from the Scriptures the things that yeſterday wee knew not? Hee take's little notice of his own Progreſs, or make's but little, that dare at anie time of his life ſaie, hee know's all, or that ſom other may not communicate to him a light which hee hath not received: wee could therefore wiſh you would once forbear theſe unſavorie words of Ʋniformitie, in Doctrine, Worſhip, Diſcipline, and Governments, as beeing things not edifyng in theſe times, eſpecially to men whom the gracious flowing out of the Spirit of Light and Holineſs hath qualiſied as above. If theſe things bee profitable in Scotland; wee envie not your enjoiments though wee wiſh you better. Truely wee have reaſon to ſuſpect you have not the beſt waie of ſpiritual edification, your people are generouſly ſo barbarouſly brutiſh in all moralitie, and in ſo unthriving a condition in ſpiritual things: theit leanneſs wherein make's it probable you feed them with ſhells and husks, and deceiv them with formalities and Covenants, and ſuch outſide-ſtuff, and endeavor not to diſcover the Divine Beauties ſhining forth in the face of Jeſus Chriſt, and the glorious garments which they wear, that are clothed with a Spirit of holineſs, who worſhip God in the Spirit, and rejoice in the Lord JESƲS, and have no confidence in the fleſh, and who make no proviſion to fulfil the luſts of it. If this Beautie were diſcovered, it would irreſiſtably draw a love: for faculties are ever ſtronglyeſt carried to their more excellent objects: they would then loath your Onions and Garlick after their reliſh of Manna in a ſpiritualized taſte. onely the danger is, perhaps they would not ſo dreadfully adore you, but look at you as their deceivers, rather then7 their teachers, while you have put your own Dixi in the place of the Scriptures, or of the ſelf-evidencing diſcoveries of the Spirit of God.
But you heavily complain, that theſe your formalities (which you ſay are ſo much deſired and longed for by all the lovers of Sion) and all that concern's Religion lie's in the duſt altogether forgotten and deſpiſed by theſe men. Wee know not well whom you mean by the Lovers of Sion; but it ſeem's by your deſcription, they ſhould bee ſom that are in love with your outſide Worſhip: nor what you mean by that Religion which lie's ſo forgotten and in the duſt. Wee deſire to bleſs God, that through his goodneſs and free diſcoveries of himſelf, there are great numbers among us that are lovers of the beautie of holineſs, and by the power of that love carried out to the contemplation of that glorie of him who is glorious in holineſs, ſhining forth in the face of Jeſus Chriſt, ſo as they are transform'd into the Image of ▪ it, from glorie to glorie, by the Spirit of the Lord; and by this means they give up themſelvs to a willing ſubjection to the power of Religion and godlineſs; and are not indeed much taken with your forms, which, in competition with power, they think may bee little eſteem'd; and do believ they are much to bee pittied, whoſe moſt ſpiritual contemplations have no ſublimer object. Wee acknowledg with you, there ſhould bee beautie and order in the Houſ of God; and ſo there will bee, where none but ſtones elect and precious are built upon the foundation; and when thoſe are formed and fitted, by that Spirit who onely hath the clear view of that Archetypal Idea, the pattern in the mount, according to which the Houſ you ſpeak of is to bee modell'd. And certainly if you had not taken a vaſt libertie to affirm boldly of what you know not, and to accuſe upon hear-ſay thoſe with whoſe converſation you were never acquainted, you would not thus laſh out into theſe exorbitant generalities, by which you get little credit to your ſelvs, or to your cauſ, unleſs with thoſe who dare not ſay, they believ you not, leaſt they ſhould incur the Churches Cenſure, the conſequence whereof is more then8 they are willing to loſe. But wee cannot let you paſs thus with this calumnie; why did you not aſſign a catalogue of theſe errors, or at leaſt ſom of the groſſeſt? for your generals ſignifie nothing; till then wee may, with much more charitie, ſuſpect you are of thoſe that call the good evil, and the evil good; that put light for darkneſs, and darkneſs for light. If you did believ them errors, why did you not name them? perhaps other men would not have been full of your minds; but if wee conceiv them to bee errors, wee ſhall confeſs them ſuch, and bee verie willing to bee convinced; for wee profeſs Our ſelvs to bee lovers and followers of truth; onely wee can take nothing for ſuch upon your word; that is onely your prerogative on the other ſide of Tweed, where the people believ you poſſeſs the infallible chair. Wee ſhall not impute it to the tenderneſs of your charitie, that you ſpare us the particulars, while you load us with your generals, interpretable to whatever your credulous Reader pleaſeth, which cannot bee ſmall matters, when they are called groſs errors, monſtrous blaſphemies, and ſtrange opinions in Religion, ſuch as hath not been heard of almoſt in anie generation. Wee think it ſtrange none of them are named; certainly you might have ſpared a line for it, from ſom of your following impertinencies, if you had not thought this courſ would have ſerved your turn better. But that you may not miſtake us, wee denie not there may bee, and doubtleſs there arc errors among us; wee are not perfectiſts, wee ſee but in part; much truth may bee beſide our obſervation, and beyond our meaſure; and what is affirmed that is not truth, is error; error being nothing elſ but a deviation from truth: But where is the toleration for this all this while? what mean you by the allowance of them? If you mean wee do not hang up all that do not believ as the Kirk of Scotland believ, wee confeſs wee do not ſo practiſe, and think wee ought not; and are content they ſtigmatize this for one of our errors, and let it lead the Van in the Catalogue: Wee think wee ought not to puniſh men, becauſ they are no wiſer then God hath made them, and for that they do not profeſs they know and believ things which9 fleſh and blood cannot reveal unto them? But is this to tolerate them? Wee profeſs all fit means ſhould bee uſed to give them light, by holding forth the truth in love, and in evidence and demonſtration of the Spirit, and wait with patience till God ſhall reveal the truth to them: But wee conceiv that neither the gallows, nor the whip, nor a mulct, nor their Church-cenſure, are inſtituted Ordinances, or ſanctified means for conveying and evidencing of truth, and convincing and eradicating of ſtrange opinions. But for the blaſphemies, wee know not what they mean by them; If that curſed wickedneſs of prophane ſwearing bee the thing they mean, wee have certainly Laws for the puniſhment of that, which if they were in force in Scotland, and daily executed, where Oaths and Execrations are the Schemes and Elegancies of their Idiome, it would bring a good part of the Revenues of moſt among them into the Exchequer of the poor mans box, who would bee better relieved by their blaſphemies, then by their charities; you cannot but take notice that this wicked cuſtom is among you, and that there are verie few free; remember what the ſearcher of hearts ſaid, Thou hypocrite, firſt pull out the beam out of thine own eye, and then thou ſhalt ſee more clearly to full out the mote out of thy brothers eye.
But for what follow's, the Commiſſioners of the Kirk would bee asked, if they bee not beſide their Commiſſion? 'Tis verie much doubted whether theſe things bee cognoſcible at their Tribunal, or whether they com under the power of the keys. What hath the Kirk of Scotland, or the people of Scotland to do with the Civil Government of England? And certainly, as to them, this piece of their book might paſs without anie further anſwer, but onely to undeceiv ſom among our ſelvs, and to diſcover the tendencie of this their hypocritical Paper, wherein they would eſpouſ the quarrel of all the diſcontents; and with their emptie blown bladders offer their aſſiſtance to buoy up everie ſinking intereſt: They will bee the defenders of Monarchie, complain of the removal of the Houſ of Lords, of the pretended injurie don to the ſecluded Members, take upon them to determine10 what are foundations, and bewail their renverſment; Tender they are alſo and ſenſible of the yoak of oppreſſion upon the necks of their Brethren in England, by the Engagement. By all this they hope to draw all theſe parties to join with them for recoverie of what they have been juſtly deveſted of, and to have a partie correſponding with their motions, the better to effect their deſign upon us. But all theſe points have been ſo largely handled, and objections anſwered in ſeveral Tracts, that wee ſhall not here epitomize, or recapitulate: Onely wee muſt ask whether they bee fit to object theſe things, if they were otherwiſe of their cognizance. Wee ſhall ask them a few queſtions anent theſe particulars, and by their anſwers (if they will make anie) ſee how much of this is practiſed in Scotland; and whether they do not condemn in us what they allow and approve of in themſelvs: Wee ſhall firſt ask them, how much the late King was a Monarch among them after the beginning of theſe troubles? how far his commands had place among them? whether Parlament and General Aſſemblies were not called without his Autoritie, and held without the preſence of his Commiſſioner? whether this were wont to bee ſo with them? whether this bee not an innovation? and where is their Charter of privilege, that they onely of all other Nations, when they finde it good and neceſſarie for them, may change their form of adminiſtration in Government? and exclude all others, who have intrinſecally a power in nature, to chooſ and eſtabliſh ſuch a Government as they judg moſt conducing to the end of its ordination, the good of the people; and to change it in whoſe or in part, when it ſhall degenerate, and not ſerv the end of its inſtitution: or when another ſhall bee diſcovered that will do it better. They have don ſo in part, and wee have don ſo (as to Monarchie) in the whole. Wee are not bound to take from them the meaſure of our change; and wee are confident wee ſhall not follow their example in their returning to their vomit. And it ſeem's they were not ſo ſatisfied of their King, that they durſt truſt him without a Treatie, and a previous Agreement, limiting11 his power; but with us hee muſt bee abſolute; a Duke of Venice will ſerv them, but here hee muſt bee a grand Signior, a Sophie, or a Mogull: But wee know the meaning, good offices, profuſe gifts, and an accountles privie purſ are fine things, not to bee had by Scots in England, and they may ſet their hearts at reſt for having the like anie more. Wee know Kings too vvell to bee troubled vvith them any more: Wee knovv Princes are not ſuch either conſcientious or tame things, as to bee bound by Treaties, or to value any of their miſ-called conceſſions longer than they ſerv their ovvn profit, which they alwaies contra-diſtinguiſh from that of the people. Wee vvould alſo ask theſe Commiſſioners of the Kirk, vvhether they have not an inſpection into all their Kings actions? Whether hee bee a ſheep without their fold? and without their care? If hee go aſtray muſt not hee bee brought home with a wholſome cenſure? Whether any of his moſt publick actions will not com under your conſideration, as they are his dutie to God, as a Chriſtian Magiſtrate, of which you onely will bee the Judges? And upon that ground controle, direct, and cenſure him? And certainly from this your paper, wee have reaſon to ſuppoſe theſe will bee your actings: for why ſhould you bee more modeſt at home, then you are abroad? for with us you take upon you to determine of all things, as if you had learned from Pius Quintus to miſ-applie to your ſelvs that Text of Jeremiah, I have ſet thee up over Nations, to pluck up, and to plant: But to return to ſuch a Monarchie, as you will allow, will not ſerv your young Monarchs turn, and that you will finde if ever hee get quiet footing amongſt you. You complain of taking away the Houſ of Lords, and hope by that to engage all thoſe to take your parts; wee conceiv moſt of the Lords in England (except ſom few that are mannaged by by your conſpiring fellows, the Presbyterian Miniſters) are more generous then to accept of a reſtitution by your means: their remembrance of the Impudence, Avarice, and Ambition of the Court-harpies, and Horſ-leeches of your Nation, make them abhor the thought of any more of your companie, who are never welcom but where you are not known.
12But you have ſom reaſon to bee tender for them, as beeing Martyrs for your own cauſ; for though that Houſ was found by manie experiences to bee dangerous to the juſt liberties of the people, and verie often to obſtruct neceſſarie and profitable things; yet 'tis like they might have ſtood longer, had they not been found to bee in your Cabal for the Invaſion of England; and in order to it had caſt out an Ordinance that was ſent up by the Commons for putting things in a poſture of defence; they liked it better the people ſhould be unarmed, that you might deſtroy them with the more eaſ and ſafetie. And when your Armie had invaded us (according to the Covenant, no doubt) did they not deny to paſs anie Votes either againſt you, or thoſe among our ſelvs, that as Traytors did, or ſhould adhere unto you? Was it not time to take away this Enemie of the Common-wealth out of its power to do hurt, when it was ſo dangerouſly diſpoſed to make uſe of it to that end? 'Tis true, there were a verie few of their number that proteſted againſt the perfidiouſneſs & malice of the reſt; but they were able to effect nothing, and the beſt remedie againſt like evils for the future, was judged to bee its taking away. Wee muſt hereupon ask you one queſtion about this, Whether had you not once Lords of the Articles among you, who had a previous negative upon all things that were to bee conſulted in your Parlament, without whoſe approbation nothing could bee brought into debate? Theſe you judged a prejudice to your juſt liberties, and you removed them Did wee trouble our ſelvs to ask why you did it? You thought them dangerous to your libertie and ſafetie; and the Commons of England judged the Lords houſ ſo, and ſo removed them. Why not wee, as well as you? May wee do nothing but in the verie ſame kinde and degree that you act before us? How came wee into this pupillage to your preſcriptions?
But why do the Scots talk ſo much of Houſ of Lords in England, when they know they have no ſuch thing in Scotland? They indeed meet in the Bodies, as they call them; that is, the Noble-men by themſelvs, the Commiſſioners of Shires by themſelvs, and the Commiſſioners of Burghs by13 themſelvs, in theſe they propone and debate things as well originally, as by reference; which are determined by the major part of all collectlivè and conjunctly in their Houſ of Parlament, where the Lords have no diſtinct conjunct negative, but are involved in, and concluded by the number of Votes of the whole: Therefore if the Lords have any advantage, 'tis by their reaſon in debate, to convince; not by their ſuffrage which is no more then any Commiſſioner of a Burgh; Yet, theſe men will bee Proctors for an Houſ of Lords here; It may bee imputed to their gratitude, if you pleaſ (though it bee a thing they ſeldom uſe) ſeveral of that Houſe were verie much their ſervants.
The next fault is, they have driven away manie, and impriſoned ſom of the Members of Parlament. Here indeed is the thing that grieve's you; your partie is caſt out, by whom you were wont to act all your fine things amongſt us; and you have no more hopes to effect any thing in Parlament, as formerly: But let me tell you a Myſterie; you have no ſuch reaſon to plead the cauſ of ſom of them, who were not perfectly your Proſelytes; but were at cloſe guard with you; they intended to make uſe of your Faction, for oppreſſion of the faithful), and good Patriots under the name of Independents; which if they could have effected, they would have cared as much for your Religion, when they had ſerv'd their turns on't, as you do your ſelvs, when you have made ſuch uſes of it. Wee, who know the men, know well their Religion, though to ſerv themſelvs of you, they vvould bee Presbyterians: In the mean time entertaining you in their thoughts (expreſſed in plain language among their confederates) vvith a perfect hatred and ſcorn. 'Tis true, the vvay, they vvere excluded by, vvas extraordinarie, and the cure Emperical, but yet neceſſarie; thoſe votes of darkneſs, vvhen they ſetup all night to ruine themſelvs and the Nation, vvere a ſufficient Diagnoſtick of ſo prevailing a corruption in the vvhole maſs beyond the power of nature to reduce a right complexion and temper; and a clear indication of the neceſſitie of a preſent and extrordinarie remedie, vvithout vvhich, both vvee, and you too, notwithſtanding14 your ambition bred credulitie of the contrarie, had long before this time been deſtroyed by that partie, which is ſtill the common Enemie (what ever they make you believ to the contrarie) and poſteritie reduced to as bad a ſlaverie under the late Tyrant, as that which is exerciſed by you over the poor blinde people who have given up themſelvs to the impoſitions of your Conſiſtorialor Claſſical mercies.
And now wee muſt ask you, whether ſomthing more than this hath not been don in Scotland? Whether was not that Parlament which decreed the Invaſion of England by Hamilton a true Parlament? (if not, give us ſom rule by which wee may diſtinguiſh one from another) Whether that Parlament was not ſtill in beeing after your Armie was deſtroyed in England? Whether were not ſom forces raiſed againſt that Parlament? and they driven from Edinburgh while they were yet a Parlament or Committee of Eſtates by the power of that Parlament, and had a power of conveneing it again upon any Emergencies? Whether when a part of the Engliſh Forces, which had deſtroyed your Armie in England, was marched into Scotland, did you not by their countenance and aſſiſtance diſſipate and disband the remaining ▪ part of your Parlaments Armie? And did you not then, while your other Parlament was in beeing, call another Parlament? and ordered the Elections by previous rules given by your Armie, for the ſecluſion or excluſion from Elections for that enſuing Parlament, all which as you thought fit to deſcribe and characterize? And was not your preſent Parlament thus elected? Now let's ſee how this action in Scotland agree's with, or differ's from this in England.
In England here was an Armie raiſed by Autoritie of Parlament, and Commiſſionated to deſtroie all the forces of the late Tyrant: Theſe underſtood of a ſort of men adhering to that Tyrant, and labouring, though without Arms, to re-inthrone him. They prevent it, they diſſipate the Conſpirators: againſt whom, becauſ they found them not in Arms, they proceeded not to blood, they took away the corrupt part, and left that which was found to ſerv the Common-wealth, and15 this is their Crime; and for this they are complained of, and as much noiſ made about it, as David made for his Abſolom, againſt whoſe rebellion, the Generals own execution of him (and without a Councell of War too) had put his Maſter whom he ſerved, in ſafetie. They, who quarrell this Act of the Armie, may do well to read Joabs anſwer to David, perhaps it may ſatisfie them. Indeed it's true, it fell out in this caſe as in all Emperical Cures, that ſom were ſecluded, and ſome have thereupon abſented themſelves, as beeing unſatisfied of it, which it were much to bee wiſhed were in the ſervice of the Commonwealth; and that thoſe to whom that work was committed had been better informed of particulars, which was ſcarce poſſible for them to bee in that ſhort time wherein 'twas neceſſarie for the life of our liberties, that ſomthing extraordinarie muſt bee done for cure: And wee doubt not but they now ſee a neceſſitie of what was don, though they approved not the doing; and will again contribute their ſervices faithſully to the Common-wealth. In England the ſame Parlament continu's and act's, though ſom Members be ſecluded.
In Scotland Forces are raiſed by private perſons, drive away their Committee of Eſtates, in whom was the power of the Parlament, as to moſt things; disband the Armie of their Parlament; do not onely ſeclude ſom Members, but ſeclude their whole Parlament, and ſet it by, and call another by the power of that Armie by private hand raiſed and commanded; and in that call ſeclude, as was ſaid, à parte antè making whom they pleaſ uncapable of Election, or of ſitting in Parlament; ſecluding what Lords they pleaſ alſo from ſitting in their Houſ: And this Parlament, thus called, is that which hath treated with their King by their Commiſſioners, and ſo humbly beſought him to vouchſafe to put his yoak upon their necks.
This is the brief of both the Caſes, and now let any but themſelvs judg. But ô yee Commiſſioners of the Kirk, why did you not tell the vvhoſe truth? Were not an ingenuous confeſſion better then a Conviction? O that you could16 bluſh a little that vvee might have ſome hope of you! Judg your ſelvs for once, and do thus no more; do not thus dance in a net, and think to impoſe upon the ignorant; thoſe, that are knovving vvill diſcover your nakedneſs, and men ſhall ſee your ſhame: Thou hypocrite firſt pluck out the beam out of thine own eye, &c.
Wee ſhal break proportion in this Paragraph; but however wee muſt have one word more to what follow's about the Engagement, about which they are grievouſly afflicted; for that it is an oppreſſion, not onely upon the bodies and Eſtates, but upon the conſciences alſo of their brethren. What is it trouble's them? they would not have people promiſe to bee true and faithful to that power, under whoſe protection, through the mercie of God, they live and enjoie (or might do, if it were not for theſe their falſ Brethren, and their ſeduced adherents) as full and ſecure a peace, and all the conſequences of it, as can bee enjoyed here below. What trouble's them in the preſent Government? are not the ſame Laws ſtill in force that were? Is not Weſtminſter-Hall ſtill open, and the Courts there both of Equitie and Law ſitting in their times as formerly? Is not Juſtice in all Caſes, both Civil and Criminal, brought to the peoples doors, as freely as in the beſt times part? Are not manie grievances of the former Tyrannie heretofore complained of taken off? and that great one which remain's, viz. the neceſſarie Levies of Money, is it not their own fault? might not that alſo bee taken off, if the people would ſee their true Intereſt, and keep to it? if they would cordially keep this quarrel'd Engagement, in beeing true and faithful to the Power that protect's them, and not bee fool'd by the Scots, and the partizans of their King, into a diſobedience, which will certainly ruine them, not more by juſt puniſhment for it, then by the natural productions of it, if they could bee ſo unhapple as to bring their endeavors into act. But what is it in this that lie's ſo heavie upon their conſciences? is not Cuſtodes lihertatis Angliae as Canonical as Carolus, or Jacobus Dei gratiâ, and as effective of peace and juſtice? Is there anie thing in it like17 your Covenant? there is nothing in the declare's a judgment, there is onely a promiſe of practice of what is in the power of the partie promiſing; and hee that will not promiſe to bee true and faithfull to the power under which hee live's, will not bee extremely perſecuted if hee bee denied the benefit of that Autoritie, which hee will not acknowledg. But let us ask, whether your Covenant was not a greater impoſition, was there nothing in that which came neer conſcience? Wee have not time to enlarge, onely let us enquire, as to Eſtates; what the ſweet and meek proceedings amongſt us were upon that thing the Covenant, worthie to bee had in everlaſting deteſtation; wherein the great Name of God, who is goodneſs, and ſweetneſs, and love, muſt uſher in an ugly perſecution: How manie were turn'd out of Fellowſhips in the Univerſitie of Cambridg, and out of Livings in the Countrie, for no other fault but refuſing the Covenant? men of great learning, and unreprovable life, were removed, and men of ſignal duncerie and ignorance and ſom ſufficiently debauched put in; denie not this for your friends ſakes, leaſt I give you a Catalogue both of them, and who prefer'd them, whom at preſent I will ſpare. It was put on by your Commiſſioners, when here, and preſſed by them on all occaſions, as earneſtly as the mark of the Beaſt, no man might have command here nor in Ireland, might keep anie Office, exerciſe anie Magiſtracie, unleſs hee had ſubſcribed that Covenant; of a far other nature, both in regard of its doubtfulneſs, and its tendencie, then this Engagement. And certainly with ſuch violence was this thing carried on, that, had not the good providence of God diſcovered to our good Patriots here the foul hypocriſie of the Scots Commiſſioners, and their deſigns, to the execution whereof they went furiouſly on, under the veil of this ſtalking-horſ the Covenant, it had been impoſed with as much Autoritie as the ſaid mark of the Beaſt, that no man ſhould either buy, or ſell, or live, who had not taken the Covenant; and 'tis a mercie worth all it coſt, that their Invaſion delivered us out of that ſnare. And yet theſe hypocrites complain of offering the18 Engagement; compare them and ſee the difference. And once again remember Thou hypocrite to pull out the beam out of thine own eie, &c. And for a cloſe of this Paragraph, bee perſuaded to remember daily before the Lord in your praiers that hee would deliver you from the faſcinations of Interest, that hee would give you ſingle hearts and fill them with candor, and free you from this groſs hypocriſie, and from thoſe temptations that are ſuggeſted to you from the pride of your own ſpirits, and impotent deſires of Domination, that hee would diſcover to you the extreme ignorance and darkneſs you lie under, and that hee would give you hearts to love the truth, and embrace it by whatſoever means it bee offered to your apprehenſion:
And if you will do this, and do it with humilitie and reſignation, The Lord (who is long ſuffering and verie ready to forgive, full of goodneſs, and mercie, and love, and that wait's that hee may bee gracious) may pardon the Errors of your blinde zeal, and all thoſe things that you have don in ignorance and unbelief, and deliver you from theſe temptations of darkneſs.
The Warning.[3] This partie, after that they have acted ſuch things in England, and alſo ſore afflicted and oppreſſed our brethren in Ireland, now conceiving that they cannot bee eſtabliſhed, and that they cannot eat the fruit of their own devices without contradiction, as long as the Kirk and Kingdom of Scotland ſtand's in their waie, threaten us with a War, by drawing their Forces Northward, and ſending them in ſmal parties towards the Border, that it may the leſs bee diſcerned what they intend to do: And if the Lord in his righteous and wiſe diſpenſation ſhall ſuffer them to invade this Land, as it is to bee feared, that the Gangrene of their errors may take hold upon men of ignorant and unſtable mindes, who have not received the love of Truth; ſo may wee, if they prevail, look for confuſion and deſolation, and that the Pillars both of Religion and Government ſhall bee ruined and razed in this, as well as in our neighbor-land. It doth therefore in the first place concern all the Inhabitants of this Nation to draw near to God, and to mourn for their own iniquities, and for all the ignorance and prophanitie and backſliding that is in the19 land, and to ſtudie to make peace with God in Jeſus Chriſt: The continuance and increaſe of many of thoſe ſins, for which formerly wee ſeemed to have been humbled, doth doutleſs greiv the ſpirit of God, and may, if they bee not ſpeedily and ſincerely repented of, and forſaken, provoke him to give us over to the luſt of our adverſaries; Our King, our Princes, our Nobles, our Paſtors, teachers, and people have ſinned; Let us therefore ſearch and trie our waies, and turn again to the Lord: Let us lift up our hearts with our hands to God in the heavens, that hee may ſpare and ſave his people, that they bee not a prey to the enemie.
The Anſwer.[3] What the things are that wee have acted in England, wee hold out to all the world; and with humilitie rejoice that God hath owned us in them, and given ſucceſs to our endeavors, and made us the Inſtrument in his hand even as a threſhing Inſtrument, having teeth, whereby hee hath caſt down Tyrannie, and eſtabliſhed to us the juſt libertie of the Sons of Adam; And hath ſhewed us ſo far his face and favor in it, as wee are confident, that hee will not onely, not pull down what hee hath begun to build, but given therein a ſpecimen of that libertie, which his goodneſs will bleſs the world withall, as a fit ſtate, wherein that Juſtice and Righteouſnes ſhall excuſe it ſelf, which ſhall bee ſet up as a triumphal Arch, through which the King of glorie, and the King of peace ſhall enter into: The adminiſtrations of the Kingdoms of the world which wee exſpect ſhall becom the Lords and his Chriſts in the which hee ſhall reign, while the earth ſhall bee full of the knowledg of the Lord, as the waters cover the Sea; while you object thoſe things, wee glorie in them, and ſhall wear them as our Crown: As for the affliction and oppreſſion of their Brethren in Ireland, wee know of no ſuch oppreſſion. Wee have indeed endeavored to reduce that Iſland, as having a juſt claim to it, and to chaſtize the Iriſh Rebels whom wee think they will not call Brethren. And wee have alſo made ſom of the Scottiſh Rebels to taſte of the fruit of their doings, in rebelling againſt this Common-wealth, in whoſe pay ſome of them were, at the inſtigation of their wofully ignorant and petulant Presbyterie at Belfaſt, whoſe repentance20 & ſaisfaction have not yet ſatisfied for their guilt, but a further account remain's for them to paſs: for though neither you, nor they are pleaſed to own us for a lawful power, yet they ſhall finde that wee bear not the ſword in vain, but that it ſhall bee for the puniſhment of ſuch evil doers, and for the protection of all the good people of England and Ireland, both againſt them and you. But ſeeing wee ſee our Rebels in Ireland are your Brethren, it will teach us what to think of your devotion here, who ſhall do well to take early warning, leſt neither the hypocritical proſecution of the ends of the Covenant, nor all their good meaning bee able to preſerv them from the hand of Juſtice. The rules of good Government will not now allow connivence.
That our Armie march Northward is verie true; but your intelligence is bad, if you conceiv it to bee in ſmall parties; It is in a bodie, and with intention to enter into Scotland: the JƲSTICE, NECESSITIE and ENDS of which action is at large ſet forth in the Parlament's-Declaration, and wee ſhall here repeat nothing: If you like it not, you might have prevented it; you have had fair overtures, and a long exſpectation: Next your Hypocriſie, your cauſeleſs Pride is predominate; it is that which hath gathered and bound up the rod of your Caſtigation.
But your are more ſenſible of the Gangreen of our Errors, then of our Sword; 'tis indeed moſt to bee feared, becauſ the Sword may bee put up after ſatisfaction, but theſe Errors (which wee ſuſpect you mean to bee ſom opinions againſt the power and government of the Kirk of Scotland) are like to prevail as beeing the appearances of the truth of God, before which your Dagon that proud Idol muſt fal, and break its neck; therefore trouble not your ſelvs for that; the times are coming you muſt fall as well as your Mother: The word is gone forth long ſince that Babylon is faln, and this remain of her power in Scotland muſt fal alſo. The confuſion and deſolation you ſpeak of would bee your beautie and you happineſs, if your guilt and provocations did not hinder your beeing inſtrumental to it. Your Religion (as you call it) and your21 Government might both bee changed into better, if you were fit for it, and you com to enjoy the ſame freedom and happineſs, that by the bleſſing of God is like to flouriſh in your neighbours Land. Your next paſſage give's your ſelvs good counſel, which wee heartily praie to the Father of all mercies, that hee will give you grace to take, onely when you com to draw neer to God, and to mourn for your iniquities, forget not to adde to your Catalogue, which you have here made a verie brief one, your ſins of hypocriſie and pride, of which all the world beſide your ſelvs conceiv you exceedingly guiltie. That moſt ſimple, moſt pure, and all-penetrating Spirit, who is centrally everie where, (pardon this later expreſſion, it ſound's heretically no doubt in your ears, wee know you underſtand it not in our ſenſ, and 'tis uſed for them that do) is in nothing more provoked then by the practiſes of men walking in darkneſs, and conceiving they impoſe upon his all-diſcovering light. This hath been your conſtant way, and you have given no ſuch clear evidence, as all who run maie read, that you have ſincerely repented of it; ſearch and trie your waies, and turn in good earneſt, and God will ſo far receiv you, as, though hee doth not deliver you from the overflowed ſcourge, which hee in righteouſneſs hath decreed to bring upon you, and of which his wiſdom ſee's you ſtand in need enough; yet hee will correct you in measure, and amend you by it, and then you will bee gainers.
[4] In the next place,Warning. As the Parlament of this Kingdom have taken care for putting the Land in a Poſture of defence, ſo wee hope that none ſhall bee ſo negligent of their dutie, and ſo inſenſible of their danger, as not to give cheerful obedience to the lawful commands of their ſuperiours, in thoſe things that concern the ſecuritie of Religion, and peace of the Kingdom, and that are neceſſarie for the defence of the Cauſ and of their native Countrie; but that everie man in his ſtation and calling will willingly and cheerfully acquit himſelf in the diligent and faithful performance of all the duties that relate unto thoſe ends.
[4] If you had been as careful heretofore to warn your people to bee juſt,Anſwer. as here you are to bid them bee diligent,22 you might have ſpared this Paragraph, to the great advantage of the people of your Land; remember what hath been required and denied by you; had you alwaies been upon your defence onely, you ſhould not have needed to bee ſo now, with ſo much charge and danger.
If wee could have believed you had anie ſuch meaning as you here hold out, it might have ſaved us a verie great charge; a ſmall Armie would have been ſufficient to have atteined our ends, if none who are tainted with Malignancy or diſ-affection to the work of God, ſhould bee permitted to bear Arms among you, or that you would not aſſociate with ſuch. But ſure this Paragraph, with ſom other, is calculated to the elevation of ſuch among us who are honeſt and conſcientious, whoſe own ſimplicitie of ſpirit, and candor, have made credulous enough to bee abuſed over unto your ſide; it got no faith with us, who know well enough the complexion of Scotland. As to malignancie, certainly there are not the fortieth part of the people of Scotland who are not Malignants, and not diſ-affected to that which they call the work of God. And wee know they had 6000 Horſ and Foot ſtanding, before their new Levie; are none of theſe Malignants? why then was the queſtion renewed not long before your emitting this Warning, that the Armie might again bee purged, but it hath not been don ſince: And 'tis not like but ſom of your new Levies may have a little touch of it: Have you none of Orkney or Cathneſs? You know there when Montroſs was among them, the verie Presbyterie were Cavalieriſh; wee believ the people were not much better; for often times, 'tis like Prieſt like People; and though hee made trial of more (the fate of his Maſter arreſting the courſ of his victories) yet wee ſhall take the libertie to believ, that there may bee manie more of your heatheniſh mountaniers, that may bee alike inſtructed; your Paper confeſſe's you have manie of them; and wee conceiv, notwithſtanding all this fair impoſture, there may bee a great number among thoſe of your Armies not cleerly inſtructed in, nor much affected to the work of God: But even ſuch kinde of ſtuff23 as your Armies tent into England formerly were compoſed, of whoſe qualifications wee underſtand as well as your ſelvs, therefore wee ſhall not leſſen our Forces for all your good words; which if wee were ſure you meant to keep, wee might believ your muſters would not exceed in numbers Gideon's lapping Armie; and one Regiment of Horſ and one of Foot might ſerv our turns. If the minde of God bee ſo clear unto you in this point, take heed of going againſt it; this book of yours will bee a witneſs againſt you before the world, as your conſciences will bee before God; take heed of your apoſtacie after your ſo ſolemn engagement; hazard not your ſelvs, and bee not deſperately perverſ. You confeſs the Malignants have often fallen before the Sectaries, and you would not give them (viz. the Sectaries) encouragement by your junction; deceiv not your ſelvs, hypocriſie provoke's the all-ſeeing Majeſtie, as much as open profaneneſs; and perhaps the Sectaries may receiv in their ſpirits a great encouragement, that they are ſent by God againſt an hypocritical Nation. Deceiv not your ſelvs with the Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord; manie ſo exclaim and boaſt who are not that Temple. Your ſelvs in this paragraph confeſs you have a great ſcarcitie of men rightly qualified, and can hardly expect a bleſſing in the fellowſhip of anie other; take heed you do not as well procure as proclaim a judgment againſt the Land, which ſhall conſume it without remedie.
Wee earneſtly wiſh the Eſtates of Parlament would bee ruled by you, and purge your Armie of all ſcandalous men; ſure you would have verie thin Troops and Companies. Wee would ask you if manie have not given ſcandal by their drunken-healthing thanks-givings, for your Kings arrival? or whether drunkenneſs bee not a ſcandal there? in the Sectarian Armie 'tis counted one; and, through the mercie of God, is not frequently committed; and when it is, is duly puniſhed. The cloſe of your paragraph is verie orthodox, which wee cloſe with, and embrace as a ſavorie truth. But before wee leav you, ſeeing you are ſo tender of cloſing with Malignants, let us ask you how came you to woo the King ſo earneſtly?24 to agree with him, and bring him among you, and make ſuch great demonſtration of jole at his arrival, with more drunken bone-fiers then ever were ſeen there before? Is not hee a Malignant? ſure hee was one, when hee gave Montroſs his Commiſſion to ſubdue you his Rebels of Scotland, wrote his Letters of ſpecial favor, and gave him that Order of the Garter; how corn's hee to bee purified ſince? can you perſuade your ſelvs the taking of the Covenant will do it? have you not found by great experience it doth hot cure, but palliate; why elſ ſuch frequent Recidivations? It is not well underſtood why yee ſhould with ſo much furie and indignation execute Montroſs, the ſervant, and that (becoming your ſelvs) ſomthing barbarouſly for making a war upon you, and then immediately embrace him for your King, by whoſe Commiſſion hee did it. There is ſom myſterie in this, if you would tell us what; but perhaps it lie's deeper then your own knowledg; why may it not bee, that your own hypocriſie growing ripe for judgment, providence hath ordered, that by his permitting you one ſignal act of it more, you ſhould thereby eſpouſ the Intereſt and fate of that familie, which lies under the wrath of God, and which you will needs take upon you to defend, though you ſee none have proſpered that do ſo; that even by your hypocriſie your hypocriſie might bee puniſhed, from the juſt hand of him who ſearcheth the heart, and take's pleaſure in uprightneſs: Though you are, yet hee is not a reſpecter of perſons; no difference of degrees is anie thing to him, who ſet's up and debaſeth whom hee pleaſeth; hee ſomtimes give's a King in wrath; and perhaps when you well conſider all things, you may have ſom ſtrange opinion, that hee hath don ſo to you; you have wooed and married an Intereſt attended with a Curſ, which will undo you.
It is no great trouble to us to hear from you the name of Sectarie, having been long acquainted with the Titles and Attributes which the civilitie of your language hath been pleaſed to honor us with; and wee bear it with the greater glorie, for that it ſeem's there are few of them of your25 Nation; and ſo may ſerv for a diſtinguiſhing Character that vvhere wee are not known, vvee may not bee miſtaken for Sots: The Sectarie therefore wee take up for a glorie, as impoſed by you, and ſhall labor to bring the Name beyond reproach, not by masking under a veil of ſeeming holineſs, (which wee wonder by what ſpecial guift they have diſcovered, eſpecially in thoſe vvhom their conſciences have compelled to confeſs that they walk circumſpectly) but by putting on the Lord JESUS CHRIST and beeing made conformable to the Will of GOD through the ſanctification of the SPIRIT, living in that Spirit wee deſire to vvalk in it, approving our hearts to God, and our waies to Men; deſiring you would not go beyond your line, and ſtep into the Throne of God, and judg hearts, vvhere you cannot blame actions.
And wee muſt again deſire you to laie down that your Antichriſtian practice of propounding your ſelvs as the Rule of Truth and judg of Error. How com you to know truth better then other men? to the Law and to the Teſtimonie; for that Rule is common to us and you; you muſt take a little more pains to ſatisfie us, then you do your Scots; you ſhall put it among our Errors that vvee hold, if you will, that wee ought to trie all things, that wee may keep that which is good: you are not ſure, but ſom of thoſe things that you count Error, may bee the Truth: and why may not ſom among us have had the boldneſs or the happineſs to know that to bee true, which is not the opinion of the Church of Scotland. And leaſt you ſhould claim a privilege for the vanitie of boaſting, give us leav to uſe it for once, as well as you; and to tell you that wee have reaſon to believ that there are ſom on this ſide Tweed, to whom the Father of Lights, by the Word and Spirit of Truth, hath made as full and glorious manifeſtations of himſelf, as hee hath don to you, who dwell beyond. And though you are pleaſed in your wonted uſurpation of the Throne of God, (wherein you will ſit and judg our affections to tell us wee love to walk in the imaginations of our own hearts, and in the light of our own fires, and the reſt26 that follow's: wee tell you, you ſhould do better to leav our hearts to God, but withal wee muſt walk according to the light that God is pleaſed to give us; as it is in us, it is our own light; and if wee ſhould go from that to follow your light, becauſ it is yours, wee ſhould ſin againſt our light, and againſt God, and this wee are content you ſhall note for another of our Errors, That wee dare not believ that either the dictate of anie of your Miniſters, or ours either, nor the determination of the whoſe Kirk of Scotland, or of anie elſ, ought to bee the ground of anie man's judgment, bee the thing determined never ſo true, until hee hath received the ſame truth into his own intellect, and that it becom one with it. And wee are of opinion there is no error wee hold that trouble's you worſ then this. Wee denie not but there may bee manie among us in the Nation, and in the Armie too that may bee more looſ then wee deſire they ſhould: It were to bee put among the wonders of the Age that there ſhould bee an Armie ſo numerous as ours, conſiſting all of men fearing God and walking accurately, or to ſaie leſs, fully-Civil; yet this wee tell you, they that are looſ ſhall not bee encouraged in it by thoſe who command them; but where is your bluſhing all this while, that you dare in this manner ſpeak of the looſneſs of manie among us, when all men know there are few among your ſelvs that are not ſo? Did not you ſuppoſe that ſom of your books might com to bee read of thoſe that have felt your Armies? and converſed with your people? and that know them as well as your ſelvs; wee deſire not to give you theſe cloſe returns, but wee may not hold our peace, leaſt wee bee thought to have nothing to replie, and leaſt you ſhould deceiv conſcientious people amongſt us, and make them believ you are the Lord's Inheritance, his peculiar people, a holie Nation, and an Armie of Saints, and all becauſ the Commiſſioners of the General Aſſemblie have Cannonized them. Will you ſaie your almoſt general drunkenneſs and healthing for the welcom of your King is not looſneſs? or hath looſneſs another ſignification in Scotland then it hath in England? What think you27 by that Action of ſom of your people, that having taken ſom of our Mariners aſhore going for water they were detein'd priſoners till they would drink your King's health on their knees: is this the received Form of praying for your King among you, do you think our Mariners were much edified with this holy converſation of your people? wee hope your Directorie of vvorſhip hath no preſcription of this kinde of praying. Pen your things hereafter a little more circumſpectly, and do not neceſſitate us to ſtir your dunghil vvhich vvill make you ſtink in the noſtrils of all good men. You impriſon and reſtrein the ſpreading of truth, and compel the poor people to your Forms in which there is nothing of the power of Godlineſs; your people are ſtill ſlaves to profaneneſs, becauſ the truth is not held out to them which ſhould make them free. They are nouriſhed in an opinion that the Kirk of Scotland know's all things, whom they may conſult upon occaſion, and never endeavor to ſtore themſelvs with principles that would effect their Reformation; they have onely heard of God by the hearing of the Ear, but if their Eie might ſee him they would repent and abhor themſelvs in duſt and aſhes. There is a learning and knowledg which is kept in memorie and this may well bee called other men's learning, this act's but little upon the poſſeſſor: There is a knowledg in the underſtanding that is given by the ſhining in of the beams of light from the Spirit of God (for it is the ſpirit of the Lord that give's underſtanding) & this act's according to its proportion by vertue of its union with the Intellect, & produce's neceſſarie effects: if you would diſpoſe your people into the waie of thoſe Noëtical receptions, you would finde their profaneneſs by little and little wear away; but perhaps then alſo that dreadful reverence toward you their Oracles (which while they practiſe, all lookers on laugh at) vvould decaie too: if the Samaritans once hear Chriſt (who vouchſafe's his ſecret teachings to all who have ears to hear) they have not much more need of the diſcourſes of the woman: You tell us alſo of approving of errors in our ſelvs. Wee would wiſh you to mend the expreſſion, let your28 unſanctified zeal to multiply heads and common-places of calumnie againſt us, run you out into ſuch ignorant expreſſions; certainly Approving in Engliſh uſe is an act of the practical intellect; do wee approve them as errors? If not, you ſay nothing; wee denie not but great darkneſs in manie things remaine's upon us, and you verie manifeſtly diſcover it doth ſo upon you too. Wee may, and you do approve manie things that are perhaps errors in themſelvs, but apparent truths to us and you. No man approve's of an error quatenus; they are little acquainted with the proportion of the intellect to truth that will ſay it receiv's anie thing under other notion. Indeed in practice Interest ſometimes ſwaye's profeſsion and practice againſt judgment. But the ſingle and intrinſecal act of the underſtanding in giving the judgment is alwaies for truth according to the degree of its appearance, and the meaſure of its own apprehenſion. As you, when you make a ſingle judgment of your King, do verily believe him to bee a Malignant, notwithſtanding his Covenanting (as you have reaſon having ſeen manie others ſo before, as your ſelvs tacitly inſinuate in this Paper, of which wee ſhall remember you in due place) yet in the mean time you offer him to the people as a Convert, becauſ you hope in time to draw ſome advantage from him in order to England. Here you apprehend right, that hee is a Malignant; yet you practiſe, as if hee were not; you are not deceived in your judgement made in your underſtanding, you underſtand him right enough; and though you hold out to the people that hee is converted, which you know to bee an error, yet wee ſhall not ſay you approve this error, that is, receive it in your judgments for a truth; for you perfectly judg the thing is falſ, and an error. You proceed with your heavie charge generally & Magiſterially enough, that wee altogether neglect thoſe things that concern the honor of God, and the Kingdom of his Son Jeſus Chriſt. What? altogether. Wee confeſs wee have neglected thoſe things too much, and have our frailties, which wee do not approve; wee are but men, and may have too much looked after our outward ſafetie,29 as you have done after a Carnal domination under pretence of a ſpiritualitie; yet wee conceiv there is more in your charge, then will bee in your evidence. And if wee com to examine the matter, wee believ there will bee a difference in interpretation: What is meant by the Honor of Gold, and the Kingdom of Jeſus Chriſt? Wee ſuſpect wee may not have the ſame opinion of them here on the other ſide of Twede; where wee have heard the meaning is, to give power to the ſeveral Kirk-Tribunals in Pariſhes, Claſſes Provincial, and General Aſſemblies, to dominere over their Brethren at their pleaſure; that it is the honor of God, that the Gods-men bee honored; indeed thus wee have not, and are confident never ſhall do anie thing for this honor, and for this Kingdom. According as wee have been taught of God, wee believ that herein is our heavenlie Father glorified, that wee bear much fruit, and become the Diſciples of our Lord Jeſus; and for that purſpoſe that wee nouriſh the ſpringings up from that root of life, which of his Free grace by the Spirit hee hath planted in our ſouls, and ever keep them open to receiv in thoſe divine influences and emanations of life and light that flow forth from him, for the irrigation of that root of life when once planted, whereby hee prepare's further communications of truth and light, in which everie ſoul is capable of an increaſ, and ought not to bee ſtinted by anie humanely impoſed forms.
The Kingdom of Jeſus Chriſt which hee exerciſeth in this ſtate of things (for of that which is to com, there is no occaſion here to ſpeak) is not of this world, nor after the pattern or manner of adminiſtration of the Kingdoms of the World, which lye in the evil one, and are acted by the prince of the power of darkneſs; but it is altogether ſpiritual, managed by the irreſiſtible power of his Spirit in the hearts of men, according to his manifold wiſdom, and the various proportions in ſeveral ſubjects that hee hath conceived in the eternal Idea's, according to which that work proceed's by his own efficiencie, even according to that way of working, in which hee inviſibly effect's and work's all things in the viſible Phyſicall world; which is a thing known onely to a few of the30 children of wiſdom, unknown to you, and therefore you will blaſpheme it, and put that alſo into the Catalogue of Errors, as you uſe to do all things that either paſs your underſtanding, or croſs your carnal Intereſt. But thoſe, who are thus made the ſubjects of Chriſts Kingdom are enabled with a principle to walk worthie of it in all wel-pleaſing. They have received an unction, even the falling down of that Spirit which was ſhed upon their head abundantlie, for hee received not the Spirit by meaſure, & this annointing teacheth them all things, even all things neceſſarie for everie calling, degree, ſtate of life, or condition whatſoever, either as ſingle men, or as they conſtitute Common-wealths, or Governments. And when they meet quatenus Chriſtians, which are called Churches; in all theſe conditions, they who are ſubjected to the Kingdom of Jeſus Chriſt, are inſtructed how to walk in the beautie of holineſs. The firſt leſſon taught them by this annointing is to denie themſelvs, and not ſeek their own things, but thoſe of Jeſus Chriſt, and to walk in love, becauſ God is love. This is the Kingdom of Jeſus Chriſt, to which wee deſire to ſubject our ſelvs, and wee long for a further manifeſtation of the power of it appearing in all fruitfull productions in the eyes of men, to the praiſ of God: Wee hope there are manie who propound this end, and preſs on to this mark, and through mercie wee hope wee may ſay manie among us have atteined ſom weak degrees of it: But indeed wee confeſs wee do not ſtrive to advance your forms in which wee can diſcover no beautie, but everie day doth more and more diſcover to us your groſs hypocriſie under them, and their rank ſavor of the fleſh, and carnalitie: And wee doubt not, but the Lord will go on to perfect both what hee hath begun to do in us, and work by us; and to make a more full diſcoverie of the unprofitableneſs of your Forms, by the dailie increaſ of new light to thoſe who have been nuzl'd in darkneſs, and ſhortlie aboliſh them all at the brightneſs of his coming.
And indeed though wee dare not denie, but ſeveral among you have the ſeed of God in you, and a foundation laid through grace, whereby you are in a ſalveable ſtate; yet31 you have built ſo much hay, and ſtraw, and ſtubble upon that foundation, and ſo choaked the work of God by your ſelf-ſuperſtructions, and exaltations, and ſo grieved that good Spirit of God by which you were to bee built up, by your pride and hateful hypocriſie, that the effects thereof do not very beautifully appear in you, ſo as thoſe who ſhall compare your proceedings with the word of God (for your enſnaring and Apocryphal Covenant wee ſhall not admit to fit on the ſame ſeat as a co-judg with the ſacred Scriptures) and look to the effects that thereupon have followed, eſpecially as to the ſouls of men, muſt needs, notwithſtanding anie of your pretences, abhor and abominate your hypocritical formalitie. And God will execute his judgments too upon thoſe who impriſon and obſtruct the free paſſage of truth, as wel as upon thoſe which corrupt it. How far ſom of you have been heretofore Seducers in England, wee well remember; & know alſo the tendencie of this your ſeaſonable warning that way ▪ Remember too when men will not love truth, becauſ it croſſeth their carnal Intereſt, they are given up to the worſt practice; and certainly the practical abominations of Antichriſt, as you call it, (I would rather ſay that the ſtate of the Apocalyptical Beaſtianiſm) are among them by them by juſt judgment of God for a puniſhment of their perſecution of truth for Intereſt ſake. God branding them to all the world for none of his, becauſe holineſs is not written in their fore-heads, and engraven upon the palms of their hands, and held out to the world in profeſſion and practice; but they have a ſpot which is not the ſpot of his children; Hee that ſaith hee remaineth in him ought ſo walk even as hee hath walked.
And indeed wee muſt tell you, you are juſtly ſubject to a jealouſie, that there is ſomthing of Antichriſt among you, there is ſuch an univerſal wickedneſs among you; prophane ſwearing is your dialect, and lying hath put you into a Proverb, uncleanneſs bluſheth not in your Stools of Repentance, perhaps an ill remedie for that ſin to expoſe them to view, that unclean and wicked perſons may know and learn where to finde one another; have not the ſpuings of your Bacchanals32 lately flowed in your ſtreets? And whether they do not yet run down, wee know not. But 'tis like there will bee a Coronation-Torrent, as well as an arrival-puddle. Your Armie had one other ſingular good qualitie when they were in England, by virtue of the Covenant, that nothing could eſcape their fingers at the remove of a march, but what was too hot to handle, or too heavie or troubleſom to carrie or drive away: For your telling us of the manie Antichriſts in England, wee ſhall return you this; Wee have in England ſom new lights concerning Antichriſt which you are not acquainted with; there are ſeveral things in which you know vvondrous little, becauſ you ſhut all nevv light out of Scotland; it's too large to bee told you in a digreſſion, and wee ſhall not go ſo far out of our courſ to make you at preſent that diſcoverie; onely let us give you a ſeaſonable warning to look well to your ſelvs, and ſee if there bee not a great deal of that ſame thing among you that you take not notice of; certainly 'tis not confined to Rome and Romane vvorſhip; 'tis everie where more or leſs, and groſly and formally, where 'tis little taken notice of; Wee denie not but much of it is in England, but you have taken your marks about it much amiſs, and know not at all wherein.
[7] The ſucceſs of that partie provs not the goodneſs of their cauſ, or that they ſhall proſper ſtill;Warning. The Lord who it wonderful in counſel, and excellent in working, hath been pleaſed to put the rod of his anger, and the ſtaff of his indignation in their hand, for executing of his wrath againſt Malignant, becauſ of the enmitie and oppoſition of that generation unto the cauſ and people of God: But if they ſhall invade this land, and exalt themſelvs againſt the Lords inheritance, and the people that are in Covenant with him, For whoſe ſake the Lord did cloath them with power for a time, for taking vengeance upon his enemies, Then ſhall they ſtumble and fall, and bee broken in pieces: Though the hoſt of Senacherib did prevail againſt Samaria, yet did they fall in Judah, and hee did return with ſhame, and was ſlain with the ſword in his own land. That partie hath as yet no cauſ to boaſt that God bath proſpered them in Arms againſt the Covenant, or againſt a praying people ſtedfaſt in the Lords cauſ, following his way,33 and waiting upon him for help and ſucceſs: All their encounters have hitherto been againſt Malignants; and now the Lord having performed ſo much of his work againſt that generation, who know's but the Sectaries day may alſo be coming, and that when the ſtate of the queſtion ſhall bee changed, God may turn his hand upon them, and bring upon them the judgments of a broken Covenant, as hee hath ever don to all that look that way.
[7] Wee acknowledg that greatneſs of ſucceſs neither evidence's the goodneſs of a Cauſ,Anſwer. nor give's aſſurance of its own continuance. What ſucceſs the merciful providence of God hath given to the Armies of this Nation, we deſire humbly and thankfully to acknowledg and rejoice in, and rejoice not an our ſelvs, or arrogate anie thing of praiſ or honor, which is onely due to the Lord of hoſts, in whoſe hand wee were Inſtruments, and of our ſelvs are nothing. The Lord who is indeed wonderful in counſel, and excellent in working, hath been pleaſed to execute his wrath by us againſt Tyrannie, and againſt that cauſ which you have now eſpouſed: And having now called our Armies alſo to go againſt an hypocritical Nation, Wee ſhall proceed with confidence that wee ſhall alſo bee inabled to chaſtize their breach of Treaties, and moſt wicked and perfidious Invaſion of this Nation. And do not think your diſtinguiſhing your ſelvs from Malignants, will bee your ſhield againſt Divine juſtice, as if there were none but that generation againſt whom his wrath were kindled: And indeed ſhould they prevail onely againſt, and deſtroy that ſort of people among you, it would leav your poor land verie much unpeopled; for wee verie well know you have fortie Malignants to one that is devoted to your Kirk. You ſay that partie hath not yet proſpered in Arms againſt the Covenant. Wee need not fight with the Covenant, it is com to nothing without it; it was brought a little too near the Ark, and 'tis faln like Dagon, and there let it lye: But were there no Covenanters in Hamiltons Armie? Was not that Parlament that ſent them a Covenanting Parlament? Can there bee ſuch a thing in Scotland, as a Parlament not Covenanting? yet Dagon was then faln, and had neither34 head nor hands, it could neither adviſe, nor help. which hath Divine Ordination, and Inſtitution, when it ſhall bee idolized, provokes to jealouſie him, that will not give his glorie to another. The Brazen Serpent was ſet up by Divine command, and more wonderful effects wrought by looking upon it at Gods command, then wee ever yet ſaw your humane invention of the Covenant produce, where it hath been impoſed; yet when 'twas made an Idol, hee is commended that brake it in pieces, and called it Nehuſhtam.
The Temple was aſtructure of Gods own contrivance and preſcription, and built and furniſhed with no ſmall charge, and there was in it greater myſteries then are perhaps of all men underſtood; yet when the people made an Idol of it, and put their confidence in it, crying out, The Temple of the Lord, The Temple of the Lord, while they committed all abomination, God gave up to deſtruction both it and them. You have too much cryed up the Covenant, and the Kirk of Scotland, and taught the people to truſt too much in them, for the continuance or ſafetie of either of them. And while you talk of a praying people, wee are not much ſcar'd at it; conſider whether your prayers have not been your provocations; wee mean not thoſe onely which were offered up with your drink-offerings for the health of your King, when you kindled ſo manie fires all over your ſtreets, if not to the Hoſt of Heaven, yet to Liber Pater, and for the Heatheniſh celebration of thoſe Lyaean Myſteries: But wee mean alſo even thoſe hypocritical houlings of your ignorant crouds when they keep time to your paſſion, and the ebullitions of your dark zeal, invoking vengeance from Heaven (with a ſpirit of love and meekneſs, no doubt becoming Goſpel-adminiſtrations) againſt the Sectaries, who are men you know not, onely your ſelvs have painted them black, that you might with the more intention of heat and malice hate them.
Theſe your horrible miſ-carrings have quite loſt you with all wiſe and good men; onely with ſuch Papers as theſe you ſtill baffle your own people, and keep them under ſlaverie, and ſubject them to a danger which is by everie compaſſionate35 ſpirit to bee much pittied. If you bee angrie at this plain dealing, you may thank your ſelvs; if you care not what you ſay to delude the people, wee muſt tell ours the truth to undeceiv them. And let not thoſe few in Scotland who truly fear God (for wee have heard there bee a few ſuch, though but a verie few) bee kindled at this plain dealing, which the pride & hypocriſie of this Paper hath neceſſitated, not leaſt they ſhould ſtill bee wiſe, not onely in their own conceits (for of that cure wee have no hope) but leaſt they ſhould ſtill appear what they are not to the judgments of others, and thereby dangerouſly deceiv them.
[8] Wee deſire that not onely others,Warning. but the Sectaries themſelvs may conſider, that when England was verie low, and well nigh brought under the feet of the Popiſh, Prelatical, and Malignant Partie, That this Nation was then much ſolicited for their aſſiſtance and relief, and even by ſom of theſe who have ſince that time been verie active and inſtrumental for the partie which now prevail's in that land: The Kirk and Kingdom of Scotland were then ſo compaſſionate of their bretbrens condition, that they were willing to join in a League and Covenant with them, which both Kingdoms, even manie of thoſe who are now in the Armie, did ſolemnly ſwear and ſubſcribe: In proſecution of the ends thereof, this Kingdom did ſend into England a conſiderable Armie, by whoſe aſſiſtance the power of the Malignant Partie was broken and brought low, and the Parlament and Armie of England put into ſuch a condition, that they needed no more fear the ſtrength of their enemies. This League and Covenant, which was the foundation of England's and the Armies deliverance and ſafetie, the Armie hath now forgotten and trodden under foot, and walk in all their proceedings no leſs contrarie thereto, then darkneſs is unto light: Neither doth it ſatisfie them to do ſo in their own Land, but they threaten us alſo with war, for no other reaſon, but becauſe wee cleav to our dutie in theſe things, to which England ſtand's no leſs obliged unto by Covenant before the Lord then wee do. Wee may confidently aſſert and profeſs before the world, that the Lord's people in this Land are not conſcious to themſelvs of anie wrong don to that prevailing partie in England: The engagement in the year I648. was no leſs abhorred, and teſtified againſt by the Kirk of Scotland,36 and by theſe that are how in place and power in the State, and by all the godly in the land, then it was by that partie themſelvs; Which did ſo far convince the Houſ of Commons, that in their Letter to the General Aſſemblie of this Kirk in the ſame year, they profeſs that they are aſſured, that theſe impious and unwarrantable actions cannot bee don with the approbation and aſſent of the religious and well-affected people of the Kingdom of Scotland, and that they do underſtand, that there are verie few amongſt theſe who were in the engagement againſt them, that first engaged with them in the Covenant and Cauſ, but ſuch as are profeſſed enemies to them, however they were then content to proceed thereunto, that they might the better deceiv the people of England; And that therefore they are unwilling to impute ſuch evils to this Nation in general. It is known how manie fervent praiers and ſupplications were poured out in this Land before the Lord againſt that engagement; and wee think wee may without boaſting ſay, that thoſe praiers had as much influence upon the defeat thereof, as all the power of that Armie: And ſince that time that engagement hath been publickly diſavowed, diſclaimed, and repealed by the Parlament of this Kingdom. Neither hath that partie anie thing to challenge us concerning Malignants, both Kirk and State having conſtantly followed, and beeing ſtill about their duties againſt them, without conniving at, or complying with them in their courſes. It is true, that this Kingdom and Kirk have proteſted and teſtified againſt the proceedings of Sectaries in reference to Religion and Government; Which wee could not but do, unleſs wee had forgotten our dutie, and the Chriſtian mutual ties that lie upon us, not onely as ſiſter-Churches, but as covenanted Churches; and ſo make our ſelvs partakers of their ſins, and expoſe our ſelvs to the hazard of their plagues. Wee in this Land beeing therefore conſcious to our ſelvs of nothing but dutie; If they ſhall invade us for following the ſame, ſhall not God look upon it and avenge it?
[8] If wee ſhall anſwer this Paragraph at large,Anſwerwee ſhall draw out this Paper to ſuch a length, as maie ſwell it beyond the price of ſom, and the leiſure of others; wee ſhall therefore let it here keep proportion, and in another tract, which is begun, give the world a full and true repreſentation and character of all their candor and fair dealing, in all the tranſactions37 and affairs that have been between the Nations ſince theſe laſt troubles, which ſhall proceed as faſt as leiſure will ſerv; and give but ſom touches the while.
The Sectaries do verie well conſider, and remember too, that England was verie low brought under the foot of the popiſh and prelatical partie, which were the Armies which that late King uſed to ſubdue us, whoſe quarrel you eſpouſed notwithſtanding the Covenant, and pleaded his cauſ, and whom you would have brought in again upon ſuch terms, as had not providence prevented the effect of your endeavors, you had ruined your ſelvs and us too. And wee remember alſo, that though you were as much concerned as wee in the danger, and priviledged onely with one ſtop of a greater remotion, yet wee were inforc'd verie much to ſolicite you by the parties you mention, whom God hath ſince made verie inſtrumental for the good of this Land, before wee could prevail with the Kirk and Kingdom of Scotland, notwithſtanding our great need, and their own evident danger, either to compaſſionate us, or bee careful of themſelvs, until they had brought us into the ſnare of a Covenant; of which the deſigning Church knew they ſhould bee afterward able to make ſom other good uſes beſides the Reformation of Religion; and however our dangers were imminent, yet they would not com in to our aſſiſtance till wee had furniſhed them with 50000 l. a ſum of no ſmall difficultie for us to raiſ at that time, when our quarters were ſo ſtreight, and our occaſions ſo multiplied; but yet, when they had a minde to invade us under Hamilton, they could do it without anie Levie-monie advanced. What aſſiſtance they gave, and how much they contributed to the bringing us to that condition, wherein wee needed not to fear the ſtrength of our enemies, wee ſhall more fully ſet out in that other mentioned Tract. Onely now they proved a broken reed, from whom wee had but a weak ſupport; but it ran into our hands, and pierced us ſufficiently, as all places, where they came, can bear ſenſible witneſs, and which the world ſhall ſhortly know. Briefly, they took our money, and helped us little, being ſpecially careful38 to keep out of the waie of danger; they did like right mercinaries purſue their own intereſt, which was verie oppoſite to ours; wee deſired to end the war, and they to lengthen it, that they might lengthen their emploiment, hoping they ſhould never bee neceſſitated again to return to their own poor Countrie: Yet this advantage wee had, that while they took our paie for a great while, they did not take our Enemies part; and our monie produced with them as good effect as the worſhip of that Numen at Calecut doth there, you know who, and what.
The League and Covenant, you ſay, was the foundation of England's and the Armies deliverance: Wee, that know better, denie it, and ſay, 'twas a foundation, upon which was endeavored to bee built our ruine, if God had not mercifully prevented the bringing forth and hatching of that Cockatrice egg, which your Cabals and conſpiracies had laid among us; wee ſhall not now tell you with whom. But if anie thing humane may bee put among the foundations of our deliverance, it muſt bee the new modelling of the Armie, and putting it under a new Command, who verie well underſtood you, but could never bee brought to underſtand and entertain anie of your Cabals; they ſhamed your ſloth, and did our work without you, and put us into a condition to bee able to require ſuch an uſeleſs charge to bee gon; This is the great ſin of this Armie, to have thus wipe't your mouth of all the ſweet morſels your deſigns had cut out, and your hopes had alreadie ſwallowed. They awaked you out of your dream, and you found your ſelvs hungry ſtill, and this you will never forgive them. As for the reaſons for which wee now make war upon you, the Parlament, who better know their own motives, have in their Declaration told you both them and their ends. And for the obligation by Covenant, you have been often told there is no ſuch thing in beeing, and ſhall add no more to it.
But to the next, were it not that you have an evaſion in the expreſſion (the Lord's people) wee ſhould ask what is becom of all your little remnants of ſhame or ingenuitie; and wee ſhall ask you ſo ſtill, if you take this expreſſion in your39 uſual acception, viz. for all your covenanted people, were not your Parlament a covenanting People, or were not they the Lords People? give us a Criterion, by which wee may bee able to judg and diſtinguiſh them: Your Parlament decreed our Invaſion; and your whole crowd of wretched ignorant Covenanters, that ſwallow whatever you propine, invaded us in purſuance of that Act. Wee grant, you of the Kirk and your devoti did profeſs to abhor it, when you ſaw the Command fallen into hands you could not manage, and from whom you ſhould bee able to draw no advantage to your partie. Do not wee know, and all men know, that had anie intelligence of the affairs of Scotland at that time, and dare you denie it, That that Invaſion was put on by all your Pulpits, and all your Kirk-men unanimouſly; and the quarrel grew among your ſelvs, not upon, Whether there ſhall bee an invaſion, but, Who ſhall invade, and have the conduct? Are not all the pulpits of Edinburg witneſs of this? and are there not divers among us now that were ear-witneſſes? was not the work of your pulpits then to make the Sectaries odious to all your people, who knew no more of them but what you told them? and you never cared what you ſaid of them, ſo it might ſtir up the people. When you ſaw that Hamiltons partie had carried it, and that you had conjured up a devil you could not command, and doubted, if hee ſhould ſucceed in England, it would not go well with you; then you began to have recourſ to your Balaaniſm, and fall to curſing. Wee believ you did not approve the Invaſion when it was made; but wee know verie well, and you know it too, and muſt confeſs, if your conſciences had power enough to make you ſpeak a truth, that if Hamilton's Partie had not invaded, the Kirks Partie had. And do you think wee are ſo ſimple to believ that the contradictions of your Envie are the productions of your good affection? And that particular diſavowings can compenſate your National Parlamentarie Enmitie. For ſhame do not thus diſcover your ignorance in the Law of Nations, and common reaſon; by which 'tis evident, when one partie break's a Treatie, the other is free; can you plaie faſt and looſ at pleaſure and keep us bound? was there anie ſuch clauſ in the Treatie that you ſhould have libertie to break it,40 if you ſaw advantage; and wee bee ſ but yours, could obtrude theſe things. Suppoſe your preſent Parlament ſhould diſavow it, what's that to us? What juſtice, beyond the Kirk's fooliſh Stool, hath been inflicted on anie of the guiltie? or, what reparation hath there been made for all the blood and ſpoil? nay your preſent Parlament (forſooth in good time) will not own the Parlament of the Common-wealth of England, Nor Treat about reparation, till wee adnul our ſelvs. Certainly the Civilitie you quote of the Houſ of Commons to your General Aſſemblie, if anie ſuch were, was ill beſtowed, and as well requited; however, ſince it was with you but the Houſ of Commons, it ſeem's it was not the Letter or the Parlament, and therefore binde's them not. If there had been more in the Letter, then your ſelvs urge, it might yet bee reckoned among manie other of thoſe cauſleſs complements caſt away upon an ingrateful people, which you never deſerved either before or after. You that ſtood nearer your ſelvs, and knew clearly the truth of things, ſurely laught in your ſleevs at thoſe miſtakes. There are great Errors in the world about Praier, and it's efficacie; take heed of miſtakes about it: you would ſeem to intimate as if the world and the affairs thereof were managed by a power onely, without a wiſdom to direct it, which could not tell how to do well to the good, or puniſh the evil, but as your praiers, as proceeding from a principle of greater light, and more goodneſs, ſhould direct or impel. It was the going out of the mightie power of God, Ordered by his Omniſcient Providence, and flowing from an infinite goodneſs and love to his people, and a juſt indignation againſt ſuch proud and hypocritical men, which wrought their deſtruction; as for the aeſtuations of your unſanctified anger, which you call Praier, wee cannot allow them a place in that work.
When the Sectaries interpoſe with your Religion and Government in Scotland, as you do with ours, you may then teſtifie againſt them, and laie what weight you will upon your Covenant; but wee have not yet don it, and your care not to partake of the Sectaries ſins, would bee commendable (unleſs you mean Sectarianiſm it ſelf in your ſenſ) ſo as you would bee as careful to reform and repent of your41 own. Wee Invade you, not for doing your dutie, but upon grounds of cleareſt JƲSTICE and abſolute NECESSITIE, and recommend our Cauſ to the bleſſing of the juſt God.
[9] Whil'ſt wee incite men to their dutie in the defence of the Kingdom againſt invaſion,Warning. and encourage them in performance of the ſame, Wee deſire not to bee miſtaken, or that anie ſhould ſo far miſconſtrue our meaning as though wee did thereby intend to ſtir up unto, or approve of an Invaſion of the Kingdom of England, or an Engagement in War againſt the ſame. In relation to peace or war in theſe Nations, wee cannot but verie much commend and approve the reſolutions of the Parlament of this Kingdom, expreſt in their Letter of the 6th of March to the Speaker of the Houſ of Commons, and Instructions ſent therewith to their Commiſſioners 1649, and now again renewed in another Letter to the ſame Speaker of the Houſ of Commons, wherein they acknowledg their obligations, and declare their reſolutions to obſerv the rule of Remonſtrating firſt the breaches of peace, of craving juſt reparations, of uſing all fair means, of giving a preceding warning of three moneths before anie engagement in theſe Kingdoms in war, and do hold forth this waie gf procedour in clearing each others, and dealing plainly, as agreeable, not onely to particular Treaties, and to the manie Ties, Bonds, and Declarations paſt betwixt the Kingdoms, but alſo to the Law of God, and practice of his people in his Word, and to the common law and practice of Heathen Nations, much more of Chriſtian Coveanted Kingdoms: And plainly profeſs their confidence, that the Covenanted GOD of theſe Kingdoms, who did take order with theſe of this Nation, who did unlawfully engage againſt England, doth ſtill live and reign, and will bring ſhame and ruine upon whatſoever partie in either of theſe Nations, that without a neceſſarie cauſ, and clear calling, and without obſervance of the aforeſaid rules and order, ſhall offend and invade the other Nation: In all which wee do agree with them in our judgments and reſolutions, and conceiv that the whole Land is bound to tread the ſame ſteps, and to walk according to the ſame rules.
[9] This your 9th Paragraph is ſo fully anſwered in the Paper this week publiſhed. Intituled,The Anſwer. Colonel Grey's Portmanteau opened, that wee ſhall not add a line of it more, but refer the Reader thither, this beeing but the recapitulation and Epitome of that Letter.
42[10] Albeit wee bee diligently to take heed af the danger that threaten's from Sectaries,Warning. and faithfully to beſtir our ſelvs in our places and ſtations in the uſe of all lawful and neceſſarie means for preventing of the ſame: Yet are wee not to forget, but alſo with the ſame diligence and care to take heed of theſe dangers and ſnares that threaten the work and people of God from Malignants. Malignancie though a verie evil weed, yet is not pluck't up, but ſtill continue's to bee one of the raging ſins of this Land, it beeing the ſnare wherewith looſ hearts, who cannot endure Chriſt's yoke, are moſt readily taken. Hence it is that there bee ſtill manie of that ſtamp in all the three Kingdoms, who drawing encouragements to themſelvs, from the influence they have upon the King's Counſels, and hardning themſelvs in their waie, by the proceedings of Sectaries, do ſtill follow their former deſigns, and wait for their daie, and would rejoice in the ruine or halting of theſe who adhere to the Covenant: And experience prov'es, that manie of theſe, who have ſeem'd to repent of, and abandon that waie, yet do not really ſhake off that ſin that hang's ſo faſt on, but upon new temptations fall again upon that ſame wickedneſs, and prove worſ then before; which may bee a caution to us not ſuddenly to truſt them. Wee make no doubt, but that Malignants will by all means endeavor that there may bee room left for them to undermine the work and people of God, and engage the Kingdom in a new War, upon terms of their deviſing, deſtructive to Religion and the Covenant.
In reference to dangers upon the right hand and upon the left, beſides anie dutie alreadie repreſented to us; Wee conceiv it incumbent to us, ſeriouſly to recommend the following particulars to all the Land, eſpecially to theſe that are in truſt, either in Judicatories or Armies.
1. Firſt to watch and praie that in nothing they bee deceived, or com ſhort of the dutie, whereunto the Lord call's them in a time of ſo manie temptations and great difficulties.
2. Everie one would labor not onely for the knowledg of the Truth, but to have the power and love thereof engraven on their hearts, that they may from an in ward principle of grace and ſpiritual life avoid Error, and all the ſnares which lead thereunto, and bee encouraged to contend earneſtly for the Faith which God hath been pleaſed to deliver to his Kirk in this Land.
3 Not onely is open Malignancie to bee avoided, but men would watch that enmitie againſt the work and people of GOD, which ordinarily is the birth of jealouſie and diſcontent and of familiar converſing43 with ſuch as are diſ-affected to, or lukewarm in the cauſ of GOD, ſteal not into their hearts, and gain not upon their affections by degrees; Experience almoſt of all back-ſliding times and perſons hath proved, that the fellowſhip of men of a diſ-affected or lukewarm temper, blunt's the edg of tenderneſs and zeal, and ſteal's away the heart, firſt from honeſt inſtruments, and then from the cauſ it ſelf: There have bin, & are ſtill ſom in the Land, who in a cunning way of inſinuation foment jealouſies, and act diviſions, whilſt they ſeem to bee friends to the Cauſ, and by this means do more harm then others by open violence; Theſe wee would mark and avoid them, that wee may neither endanger our ſelvs, nor give offence unto others, nor prejudice the Cauſ of GOD.
4 Wee would take diligent heed, that in nothing wee recede from the juſt and neceſſarie deſires of this Kirk and Kingdom, propounded to his Majeſtie, for ſecuring of Religion, and ſetling the peace of the Kingdom; But that wee cleav cloſely to our former reſolutions in thoſe things: If wee remit and grow ſlack, and yield in anie of them, as it ſhall increaſ the hopes and endeavors of carnal and diſ-affected men, ſo ſhall it provoke GOD againſt us to leav us to our ſelvs, till we be plunged in a pit of backſliding.
5 It concern's us to take heed that wee do not tread the ſteps of thoſe, who carried on the late unlawful engagement againſt the Kingdom of England in anie thing alreadie condemned by the Kirk and Kingdom, eſpecially to beware of changing the ſtate of our Cauſ, or altering the matter of our quarrel, either by laying aſide of GOD's intereſt & taking up of man's, or by preferring or equalling man's intereſt unto GODS; This were to turn upſide down the whole tenor of our Principles and Procedours, and not onely to ſpoil us of all the comfort wee can look for from our Covenant, but alſo to bring upon our ſelvs the guilt and reproach of all the ſin of thoſe, who carried on that engagement, ſo much condemned and born teſtimonie againſt in this Land.
6 Wee would beware of loſing the advantage of defenders, ſeeing our ſtrength moſt conſiſt's in the equitie and clearneſs of the Cauſ, and the holie and righteous way in purſuing of the ſame: It ſhall be better for us, rather to endure ſtraits for a time, then by precipitating and making haſte in the dark, to ruſh againſt the wall and ſpoil our ſelvs of that peace and comfort, which wee may have in waiting till GOD go before us.
7 Wee deſire that all the Land may bee ſtill pouring out their praiers and ſupplications before GOD, that the King's Majeſtie may really and wholly abandon all Malignant principles and counſels, and join cordially in the Covenant and Cauſ of GOD.
8 As all the people of GOD throughout the Land would bee careful44 to diſcern of dangers and avoid ſnares from, and compliances with both Sectaries and Malignants, ſo would Miniſters bee diligent and faithful in preſsing of theſe duties, and that in a ſolid and convincing way, and labor to make it appear that they ſpeak not againſt the one or the other from paſſion or intereſt, but upon the grounds of divine reaſon, and from the light & autoritie of Gods Word; that ſo they may make themſelvs manifeſt to the conſciences of their hearers, & ſtop the mouth of gain-ſayers.
Finally, all the inhabitants of the Land ſhould beware of pride and carnal confidence, and in an humble way ſhould wait upon the LORD, and tread the ſteps of holineſs and righteouſneſs, and hee who hath don great things for us, ſhall yet ſave us. A. KER.
[10] You judg rightlie, that there bee ſtore of Malignants, it may thank you and your Cabals,The Anſwer. that wee have ſo manie among us, your joyning with them and eſpouſing their Intereſt hath more ſtrengthened their hands, than anie proceedings of the Sectaries. Hath not your receiving the head of Malignants for your King, who hath been bred up in no other companie, nor followed other counſels, and whoſe heart is with them, though hee came to you to ſerv turns upon you; more hardened their hearts in their way, and animated them in their proceedings than anie thing that the Sectaries have ever don toward them. Wee com now to the particulars of your recommendation.
1. And to this firſt wee have nothing to ſay; but deſire that you, and wee alſo, may, without hypocriſie, do the thing you adviſe unto.
2. To the ſecond; if you mean by contending earneſtly for the faith, not anie uſe of outward carnal ſtrife, but an earneſt ſtrife of the ſoul in it ſelf, in the ſpirit with God, for his gracious manifeſtation of the matter of our faith, wee agree for ſo much; onely wee muſt expunge your there laſt words, conteining a limitation to your Land; for you maie no more make your ſelvs a Catholick rule then Rome maie do.
3. Wee deſire you impartially to examine your hearts, and ſee if there bee not in you a great deal of enmitie againſt the work and people of God; which is ordinarily the work of an Antichriſtian pride; whereby you are apt to think, that you are, and that there are no other the people of God but your ſelvs; And this cauſeth your jealouſie of, and diſcontent and enmitie againſt anie other that laie claim to that priviledg, if they bee not alſo of the ſame complexion with you: with whom you will45 not converſ, leaſt you ſhould bee unprejudiced, and ſo run in danger of a Kirk-cenſure, by having a better opinion perhaps of a Sectarie, and thereby have your zeal brought to a Chriſtian temper, and directed to move rationally, according to its object. Wee muſt tell you too, that there are ſom of your faction in this Land, Malignants jure divino, who by their inſinuations and ſecret infuſions, do foment faction, and ſow diviſion and diſobedience to the Government of this Common-wealth; and while they will pretend a conſcientiouſneſs, do more harm to the Peace of the Land, then the worſt of the old Malignants. Theſe wee ſhall mark, and cauſ them to avoid, or otherwiſe put them into a condition not much capable of doing us miſchief.
4. It had been much more your wiſdom, and your happineſs, if you had taken diligent heed to have had nothing to do with your King, who is not like to bee much bound up by the deſires of your Kirk, though you recede nothing from them; or will your Religion bee verie ſecure by it? As for the peace of your Kingdom, lookers on think you have, by eſpouſing his quarrel, made it verie difficult to eſtabliſh and ſettle. Wee in England think you have, more waies then one, provoked God, and you are like enough to bee plunged into a deep pit of a laſting miſerie.
5. Wee have onely here with ſad and tender hearts to lament the woful blindneſs and unſavourineſs that your formalitie and hypocriſie, by the juſt judgment of God, hath brought upon you: That upon ſo ſerious an occaſion, as this is, you ſhould have no other rule to direct your actings and forbearings by, but the condemnations of your Kirk, and your Covenant: Wee bluſh and mourn while wee read theſe paſſages. Wee Sectaries are ſcandalized at it; 'tis not your waie to make us your Proſelytes; For wee believ and hold forth, that the ſacred Scriptures are the rule of all things to bee believed, and to bee don. Obtrude not your Covenant, nor the Kirk upon us; wee ſhall condemn them both, if they either bee, or do anie thing that is contrarie to that ſacred rule. Are theſe expreſſions becoming theſe times of light? wee thought them times of darkneſs, when the Scriptures were forgotten; and the ſentences, the decrees, the decretals and extravagants, were made the rule of a Chriſtian faith and practice: How come's your Church to have gotten ſuch credit, that it ſhould bee emulous with Rome for infallibilitie? Accuſtom your ſelvs therefore to Canonical language; and talk not of Gods intereſt,46 while you meaſure it not by God's Word; though by the waie wee muſt tell you, that word Intereſt ſounded with God, is hardly concord in our ears.
6. You loſt your advantage and defence, when you became Invaders; you ſhould have needed no defence againſt us, if you had not begun to invade, and proceed in ſuch waies as declare you ſtill enemies. If you had been righteous, it had been well for your ſelvs and us too; and when you are brought to a condition to bee ſo unrighteous no more, and that wee have ſuch an aſſurance of it, as you cannot break, wee ſhall not deſire longer to purſue you; and if this tenderneſs of not moving till God goe's before you, had poſſeſſed your Parlament in 1648, wee are confident you had never invaded England.
7. By this it ſeem's, you are not ſure of your King; your ſelvs doubt, whether hee bee real or not, and free from malignant principles? What meant you to bee troubled with him upon theſe uncertain terms? here was ſomthing at the bottom wil finde you out at laſt: You were in the beginning of you paper verie tender of joining with Malignants, or having anie in your Armie; why not ſo, as well as have an Armie for a Malignant? for it ſeem's your ſelvs dare not undertake hee is not one.
8 Wee wholy like your Counſel to your Miniſters, and wiſh you would take the ſame Courſ the next Papers you Emit; then perhaps wee might receiv ſom information or conviction; for wee profeſs our ſelvs readie to receiv it, when from thoſe grounds and principles; and wee would have you define or deſcribe a Seclarie, and tell us wherein is the poyſon of their opinions, and practice; for the name hath no harm in it. And wee begin to take it up and wear it verie contentedly: it ſeem's to us alſo that manie of thoſe men you ſo call are of the beſt among us, God hath honor'd them to do great ſervice to this Nation, for that cauſ wee both love and honor them, and think wee have greater reaſon to do ſo, becauſ you hate them, for wee know you purſue an intereſt quite contrarie to ours.
9. In this you are ſhort, you ſhould have added hypocriſie to your pride and carnal confidence. And truly if they would leav off their ſwearing, uncleanneſs and drunkenneſs among you, which is ſo verie general, it would do well. And if in a deep and true humilitie they would retire into themſelvs, and ſearch their hearts, and turn from all their evil waies and walk in the waies of righteouſneſs, and holineſs (a thing much ſpoken of, and arrogated by manie that neither have it, nor underſtand what 'tis) and meet the Lord in the waie of his judgments, and endeavor to agree with their adverſarie while hee is in the way, yee may vet bee ſafe, which would bee verie deſirable, ſo wee may bee ſatisfied and ſafe alſo.