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Beeing a perfect deſcription of a great Battaile, fought by Mr. Hotham, Sonne to Sr Iohn Hotham, with 300. Horſe and 500. Foote, againſt the Lord Savill, and Sir Francis Nevill, With 1500. Horſe and Foot, before the walls of Pomfret Caſtle. oct. 7.

Alſo declaring how the Lord Savill was wounded and above 200. of his men ſlaine in the fight.

[printer's or publisher's device

London, Printed for THO: Rider Octob. 11. 1642.

True and happy Newes from Pom­fret Caſtle in Yorkeſhire, beeing a per­fect diſcription of a great and wonderfull Batrtaile fought by Mr. Hotham, ſonne of Sr. Iohn Hotham.

THe noble and he­roicke Acts that hath oftentimes been performed & put in Execution by that thrice wor­thy and undaunted souldier Sr. Iohn Hotham, whoſe name together with his prowes, is blazed through our wholl King­dome, for performing that charge and truſt which was repoſed in him by the great Aſſembly of Parliament, at Hull, when his enemies ſpleen and invetterate mallice burſt forth, thirſting after his bloud, likewiſe that noble and heroicke ſpiit Mr. Hotham, ſonne to Sr. Iohn Ho­tham doth follow his fathers Steps, bearing the ſame mind and conſtant reſolution that his Prececeſſors hath done, for when that he beard ſay that the Lord Savill and Sr. Jervis Nevill, with divers others of their confederates, had taken Sanctuary in Pomfret Caſtle, in Yorkeſhire, he humbly deſired his fathers conſent that he might march out of Hull with ſome certain num­ber of Forces, and to advance toward the ſaid Caſtle, and after ſometime ſpent in contemplation thereupon, Sr. John Ho­tham gave conſent to his Sonnes deſires, and ordered that he ſhould have 500. Foote, and 300. Horſe and by his command to march againſt the diſturbers of the peace of the Kingdome, which was immediate­ly performed, and when Mr. Hotham was in readineſſe to ſet forth, he propounded divers propoſitions to his Soldiers, which was as followeth.

1. To know whether they were willing to ſerve under him, and to hazard their lives with him in defence of he true proteſtant Reli­gion, the Laws of the Land, and liberty of the Subject, in which he had no ſooner expreſ­ſed himſelfe, buthey all with loud accla­mations cryed out, and declared unto him that they would looſe their deareſt lives with him then Mr. Hotham with his com­pany immediatlly marched from Hull, ta­king his leave or his Father, towards Key­wood Caſtle, not farre from the City of Yorke, when after ſome ſhot ſpent for the ſpace of two houres, they obtaind the ſame. Then be ſet downe his reſolution to march towards Pomfret Caſtle, where in­deed he found great oppoſition.

For this newes beeing with all haſt and poſſible expedition carried to the Lord Savill, who was within the ſaid Caſtle, giving him notice that he would be beſie­ged by the Parliament Forces, if not ſpee­dily prevented, whereupon be orpered his men, beeing neere upon a thouſand, to march forth and to meet the ſaid Mr. Ho­tham, which they did accordingly.

At their firſt greeting maſter Hotham let ſly a meſſenger to him from one of his Cannons, where upon the Lord Savill ſent a Herrauld of armes to maſter Hotham, to deſire to know what was the cauſe of his comming in that hoſtile manner, who im­mediately rendered him an anſwer to this or the like effect. That he came to pre­ſerve the peace of the County, and to ex­ecute the orders of Parliament, and to ap­prehend all ſuch as are delinquents to ei­ther one or both Houſes of Parliament.

Vpon which anſwer the Lord Savill preſently ſent to the Earle of Cumberland, requiring him to aſſiſt him with all expe­dition, but before that he could come in, Mr Hotham joyned battaile with the ſaid Sr. John Savill, playing with his Ordnance with ſuch furious courage, and alſo aſſaul­ting of him with his Horſe and foot both in the Front and Reare, and wing, inſo­much that he was forced ſoon to retreate, to the Caſtle, but the blades of Hull pur­ſuing them ſo cloſe that they killed 300. of his men before they could get into the Caſtle, and wounded Sr. Francis Nevill of Cheate, with the loſſe of very few men.

But the Lord Savill having gotten in­to the Caſtle with his Forces, immediate­ly ſhut the gates and began to make uſe of his Ordnance that were mounted upon the wals of the Caſtle, ſhooting and diſ­charging very furiouſly againſt Mr. Ho­thams men, but lying under ſhoot, in re­gard they were ſo neare the walls of the Caſtle, Mr. Hotham preſently commanded two of his greateſt pieces of Ordnance to be planted againſt the port of the Caſtle, on the south ſide, which ſpeedily made entrance for his men, where fourthwith they entered not doing of the leaſt injury that night, ſuch was the care and charge of Mr. Hotham, in preſerving mens lives and ſhedding of blood, untill ſuch time as the Lord Savill with his complices be­gan to oppoſe them, which Mr. Hotham ſeting, forthwith commanded all his men to make ready and to give Fire upon them inſomuch that Skirmiſh in the Caſtle be­gan to grow hot, continuing for the ſpace of one houre, but at the laſt they in the Caſtle began to yeeld to Mr. Hothams mer­cy, and ſome of them ſeeking to ſave them­ſelves by flight, alſo it is credibly report­ed that the Lord Savill is very dangerous­ly wounded, thus hath Mr. Hotham wonne the Caſtle of Pomfret, which he now hold­eth and maintaineth for the uſe of the King and Parliament, cleering the Coaſt thereabouts, of all evill affected perſons to both.


About this transcription

TextExceeding true and happy newes from Pomfret Castle. Beeing a perfect description of a great battaile, fought by Mr. Hotham, sonne to Sr. Iohn Hotham, with 300. horse and 500. foote, against the Lord Savill, and Sir Francis Nevill, with 1500. horse and foot, before the walls of Pomfret Castle. Oct. 7. Also declaring how the Lord Savill was wounded and above 200. of his men slaine in the fight.
Extent Approx. 7 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84263)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 156136)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 21:E121[33])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationExceeding true and happy newes from Pomfret Castle. Beeing a perfect description of a great battaile, fought by Mr. Hotham, sonne to Sr. Iohn Hotham, with 300. horse and 500. foote, against the Lord Savill, and Sir Francis Nevill, with 1500. horse and foot, before the walls of Pomfret Castle. Oct. 7. Also declaring how the Lord Savill was wounded and above 200. of his men slaine in the fight. [8] p. Printed for Tho. Rider,London :Octob. 11. 1642.. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Hotham, John, d. 1645 Jan. 1 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Nevill, Francis, -- Sir -- Early works to 1800.
  • Sussex, Thomas Savile, -- Earl of, 1590?-1659? -- Early works to 1800.
  • Pontefract Castle (Pontefract, West Yorkshire) -- Siege, 1642 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Campaigns -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
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  • DLPS A84263
  • STC Wing E3769
  • STC Thomason E121_33
  • STC ESTC R22630
  • EEBO-CITATION 99871802
  • PROQUEST 99871802
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