A DECLARATION OF His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and his Councel of War, In obedience to ſeveral Ordinances of Parliament, For Disbanding the Supernumerary forces, and drawing the Army into ſeveral Gariſons, and for taking off Free-quarter.
WHereas the Houſes of Parliament, for eaſing the preſent Burthens of the Kingdom, Have Ordained, That all the Supernumerary Forces of the Kingdom, above the eſtabliſhed4 Army, ſhall be forthwith Disbanded; And for that purpoſe, and to the end that the eſtabliſhed Army for the future may be conſtantly paid, and the Countreys delivered from Free-quarter, Have likewiſe Ordained the preſent raiſing of great ſums of Money, and the Army is appointed by the Fifteenth of Ianuary, to draw into Towns, Cities and Gariſons; VVe have thought fit to Declare, and do hereby Declare and aſſure, That the Army by the ſaid Fifteenth day of Ianuary, ſhall according to the ſaid Directions, be drawn into Towns, Cities and Gariſons: And do further Declare and aſſure, That (the Parliament5 ſupplying the Souldiery with (pay as aforeſaid) no Free-quarter, after the ſaid Fifteenth day of Ianuary, ſhall be taken by the Soldiery upon any perſons (duly paying their Aſſeſſments) nor any enforcement for Meat, Drink, Victual for Man, or Horſe-meat for the quartering of any, after the ſaid ſupply of pay begun, and ſo long as it ſhall continue; but all Officers and Soldiers ſhall maintain themſelves with their pay, at ſuch Rates as they can agree upon with any Inhabitant (except onely upon a March, where they ſhall ſtay not above two nights in a place) and in that caſe alſo the Soldiery ſhall pay for their quarters at the6 Rates ſet down for the Army: And that no Officer or Soldier (upon pain of Death) ſhall do to the contrary hereof.