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A LETTER FROM His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, In Anſwer to the Petition of the Eleven Members, and the Votes of the Houſe, for bringing in a particular Charge againſt them.

An ORDER by His Excellency, for appointing a Com­mittee of the Army to hold a Treaty with the Com­miſſioners of PARLIAMENT.

AND A PROCLAMATION By His EXCELLENCY, Forbidding any Abuſe or Obſtruction to the Levying the Excize or other Aſſeſſments.

BY the appointment of his Excellency Sir Tho: Fairfax, and the Councel of War.


LONDON: Printed for Laurence Chapman, JULY 5. 1547,


A PROCLAMATION From His Excellency Sir THOMAS FAIRFAX, Forbidding any abuſe or obſtru­ction to be offered to any Officers of the Parliament, in levying Exciſe or other Aſſeſſ­ments.

WHereas it hath pleaſed the Hono­rable Houſe of Commons, by their Order of the 28 of June laſt paſt to recommend unto me. That an effectual courſe may be taken, that no diſ­couragement or obſtruction may be given by the Soldiers, to the due levying and bringing in the Exciſe, and other Aſſeſſments and pay­ments to the Parliament: And to the end that ſuch Obſtruction may be prevented,4 I do hereby require all Officers and Soldiers of the Army under my Command, That they do not in any kinde diſcourage or ob­ſtruct the due levying and bringing in of the Exciſe, and other Aſſeſſments and payments to the Parliament: And if any Officer or Soldier ſhall notwithſtanding go about to hinder or obſtruct the ſame, I do hereby re­quire the Officer commanding in chief, at preſent the Troop, Company or Regiment in thoſe parts where ſuch obſtruction ſhall be given, to ſend the Officers or Soldiers ſo offending in cuſtody to the Head-quarter, That they may be proceeded againſt for the contempt of this Order: And in caſe of any tumultuous carriage by any perſons, tending to the obſtructing the due levying of Excize and payments as aforeſaid, the ſaid Officers and Soldiers are to be aiding and aſsiſting for the ſuppreſsing of the ſame.

Tho: Fairfax.

Thurſday, July 1.His Excellency ap­pointed theſe Officers of the Army to Treat.

I Do hereby appoint Lieutenant General Cromwel, Commiſſary General Ireton, Colonel Fleetwood, Colonel Rainsborough, and Colonel Harriſon, Colo­nel Sir Hardres Waller, Colonel Rich, Colonel Lam­bert, Colonel Hamond, and Major Disborough; Theſe ten or any five of them (of which the major part to be of the five laſt) to Treat and Debate with the Right Honorable, The Commiſſioners of Parlia­ment reſiding with the Army, upon the Papers and Deſires ſent from the Army to both Houſes, and the Votes ſent to the Army, according to the effect of the Order of both Houſes, dated the 26 of June, 1647. And for that purpoſe to attend the ſaid Com­miſſioners at their lodging at the Katherine wheel to morrow morning by eight of the clock, and ſo from time to time, and place to place as ſhall be mutually agreed on.

T: Fairfax.

To the Right Honorable, The Commiſsioners of Parliament now reſiding with the Army.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

HAving with my Councel of War con­ſidered of the Votes of the Houſe of Commons of the 29 of June, 1647. which you ſent me, for the bringing in the particu­lar Charge and proofs againſt the Members charged by the Army, by Friday next at far­theſt: As I finde a great willingneſs in them to anſwer the expectation of the Houſe in all things, ſo in this particular; but the things being of that importance to the Kingdom, and the perſons charged ſo many in number, hath taken up more time then was expected; We deſire therefore, That it may be reſpited until Tueſday next, at which time we ſhall7 fail to bring it in; although we could wiſh that no time might be loſt therein which might be improved for the preſent ſettlement of the Affairs of this Kingdom, and that the Kingdom ſhall then ſee, we have not impea­ched the Gentlemen out of any private re­ſpects, but in affection and duty to the Pub­lique. I remain

Your very affectionate Friend and Servant, Tho: Fairfax.

About this transcription

TextA letter from His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, in answer to the petition of the eleven members, and the votes of the House, for bringing in a particular charge against them. An order by His Excellency, for appointing a committee of the army to hold a treaty with the commissioners of Parliament. And a proclamation by His Excellency, forbidding any abuse or obstruction to the levying the excize or other assessments. By the appointment of his Excellency Sir Tho: Fairfax, and the Councel of war. Wickam, July 1. 1647. Signed John Rushworth.
AuthorFairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671..
Extent Approx. 5 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 4 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84767)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 160354)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 63:E396[23])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA letter from His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, in answer to the petition of the eleven members, and the votes of the House, for bringing in a particular charge against them. An order by His Excellency, for appointing a committee of the army to hold a treaty with the commissioners of Parliament. And a proclamation by His Excellency, forbidding any abuse or obstruction to the levying the excize or other assessments. By the appointment of his Excellency Sir Tho: Fairfax, and the Councel of war. Wickam, July 1. 1647. Signed John Rushworth. Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671., England and Wales. Army. Council.. 7, [1] p. Printed for Laurence Chapman,London: :July 5. 1547, [i.e. 1647]. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • England and Wales. -- Parliament -- Early works to 1800.
  • England and Wales. -- Parliament. -- House of Commons -- Expulsion -- Early works to 1800.
  • Impeachment -- England -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Treaties -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2014-11 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A84767
  • STC Wing F174
  • STC Thomason E396_23
  • STC ESTC R201659
  • EEBO-CITATION 99862159
  • PROQUEST 99862159
  • VID 160354

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