The Declaration from the Miniſters of the Word.
THey that were Miniſters of the Word, took in hand to ſet forth in order a Declaration of thoſe things which were moſt ſurely believed among them which were eye-witneſſes from the beginning, and having had a perfect underſtanding of thoſe things from the very firſt to write in order; ſhewing how John was born, how Chriſt was born, and how they came to fulfill the Prophets, and how Chriſt ſuffered, and how John ſuffered, and how the Prophets did give Teſtimony of Chriſt, ſhewing the coming of the Juſt One, and Abraham, and Moſes, and David; And how the Juſt One did come to fulfill what was written of him; and how John was ſent before to prepare the way, and how Chriſt was offered up and dyed and roſe again according to the Scriptures, the Miniſters of the Word ſet forth in order a Declaration: Matthew a Miniſter of the Word, Mark a Miniſter of the Word, Luke a Miniſter of the Word, and John a Miniſter of the Word; and John ſaith in his Declaration (a Miniſter of the Word) what the Word is. God is the Word, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God:Joh. 1.1. and he did not ſay, the Declaration was the Word, but ſaid in his Declaration, God was the Word: And in the Hebrews the Miniſter of the Word ſaith, Who have ſpoken unto you the Word of God, whoſe faith follow,Heb. 13.7, 8. conſidering the end of their converſation, Chriſt Jeſus the ſame yeſterday, to day, and for ever. And John a Miniſter of the Word ſaith, That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have ſeen with our eyes, which we have21 Joh. 1.1, 2, 3. look't upon, and our hands have handled of the Word of Life; for the life was manifeſted, and we have ſeen it, and bear witneſſe unto you, that Eternal life which was with the Father and was manifeſt unto us, that which we have ſeen and have declared unto you. So that which was from the beginning with the Father, was before paper and ink and writings which the Miniſters of the Word declared forth, and ſhowed unto the Saints: And Peter a Miniſter of the Word, in his Epiſtle, he ſaw the mockers and ſcoffers which ſpoke the high words in hypocriſie, he declareth what the Word was,2 Pet. 3.6, 7. That by the Word of God the Heavens were of old, and the Earth ſtanding out of the water, and in the water, whereby the World that then was, being overflowed with the water and periſhed; The Heavens and Earth which are now, by the ſame Word are kept in ſtore reſerved unto fire againſt the day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly men. So this is the Word which kept in ſtore, and by which the Heavens were of old, as you may read: And the Miniſter of the Word Peter in his firſt Epiſtle, which declares of the builders that rejected the Cornerſtone, ſuch as had the Scriptures, he faith,1 Pet. 2.2. The Word of the Lord endureth for ever, this is the Word which is by the Goſpel preached unto you, being born again not of the corruptible ſeed, but of the incorruptible, by the Word of God which lives and endures for ever; As new born babes deſiring the ſincere milk of the Word; In the begining was the Word, that which was from the beginning declare I unto you, the Word of the Lord endures for ever: but Scripture is writing, and writing doth not endure for ever; but The Word of the Lord endures for ever: For all fleſh is as graſſe, and all the glory of man is as the flower of the graſſe that fadeth away, but the VVord of the Lord endureth for ever. And in the Epiſtle to3 the Hebrews, the Miniſter of the Word ſaith there,Heb. 1.3. Who being the brightneſſe of his glory, the Expreſſe Image of his Perſon, upholding all things by the Word of his power, when he had by himſelf purged our ſins, ſate down on the right hand of the Majeſtie on high. Here you may ſee that which upholds all things by the Word of his Power which the Scripture ſpeaks of, is that which was before writings was: And Paul a Miniſter of the Word ſaith,Rom. 10.6, 7, 8, 9, 10. The Word is nigh thee, even in thy heart and in thy mouth, that is the VVord of Faith which we preach, That if thou ſhalt confeſſe with thy mouth the Lord Jeſus, and ſhalt believe in thy heart that God hath raiſed him from the dead, thou ſhalt be ſaved: And then he ſaith, The Scripture ſaith, (which are the Writings) That whoſoever believes in him ſhall not be aſhamed: And the Righteouſneſſe of faith ſpeaks on this wiſe; Say not in thy heart, Who ſhall aſcend into Heaven? That is, to bring down Chriſt from above: Or, VVho ſhall deſcend into the depth? that is, to bring Chriſt up again from the dead: But (ſaith he) the VVord is night thee in thy heart and in thy mouth: and this is the Word of faith which he preached, and for preaching this Word of Faith were they perſecuted, by them who had the writings: And the Twelve which were Miniſters of the Word,Act. 6.2, 4, 7. called the multitude of the Diſciples, and ſaid unto them, It was not reaſon for them to leave the word, and ſerve tables, but would give themſelves continually unto prayer, and to the Miniſtry of the Word, as you may read: And the VVord of God increaſed, and the number of the Diſciples multiplyed: and in Deuteronomy you may read,Deut. 30.11, 12, 13, 14. Neither is it beyond the Sea, that thou ſhould ſay, Who ſhould go over the Sea for us, and bring it to us, that we might hear it, and do it. But the VVord is nigh unto thee in thy heart and in thy mouth, that thou mightſt do it:4 (again) here you may ſee where the Word is that Moſes declared who wrote of Chriſt, who ſaid,Act. 3.11. Like unto me will God raiſe up a Prophet, him ſhall you hear; which Prophet is the Word; And all the Prophets from Samuel, and all that have followed after him likewiſe foretold of theſe dayes of Chriſt, whoſe Name is called The VVord of God. When Peter a Miniſter of the Word, was Preaching Chriſt the Word, ſhewing howAct. 10.43, 44. all the Prophets did give witneſſe, that through his Name whoſoever believed in him ſhould receive remiſsion of ſins: VVhile Peter was yet ſpeaking, the Holy Ghoſt fell on them all that heard the word which Prophets did give Teſtimony of. When the Apoſtle preach't the Word of God, and moſt of the whole City came together, the Jewes was envious, who had the Scripture, did not know the word that Paul preached, therefore ſaith the Apoſtle,Act. 13.40, 41, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. Beware leſt that come upon you which is ſpoken of by the Prophet, Behold, ye deſpiſers, and wonder, and periſh: I work a work in your dayes, a work which you ſhall in no wiſe believe, though a man declare it unto you. Yet the Apoſtles Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and ſpake the Word of God, which was oft miniſtred among them that had Scriptures, and told them, Seeing you put it from you, and judge your ſelves unworthy of Eternal life, loe, we turn to the Gentiles, which had not the Scriptures, Moſes and the Prophets: and many of the Gentiles received the Word, and ſo the Miniſters of the Word held forth the Covenant of Light to the Gentiles, ſaying,Iſai. 49.6.Act. 13.44. to the end. I have ſet thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou ſhouldeſt be for ſalvation to the ends of the earth. And when the Gentiles heard that, they were glad, and glorified the Word of the Lord, and as many as were ordained to eternal life, believed, And the Word of God was publiſhed throughout all the Region. But5 the Jews which had the Scriptures, ſtirred up the devout and Honourable women and Chief of the City, and they perſecuted Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their Coaſts, for preaching the Word, and againſt them the Apoſtles ſhook the duſt off their feet, as you may read: and in the ſame Chapter you may ſee how the Miniſter of the Word ſhewed unto the people, how that which was written of the Word was fulfilled; and that it was ſaid in the ſame Scripture,Pſal. 2.7. Act. 15.15. Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee: And to this agrees the words of the Prophet, As it is written, which ſhewed the coming of Chriſt, the Juſt One, which the Miniſters of the Word were witneſſes of: and John a Miniſter of the Word ſaid, thatJoh. 1.14. The Word was made fleſh, and dwelt amongſt them, and they beheld his glory, as the glory of the onely begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth: but he doth not ſay, that the writings were made fleſh, for the Jews that had the writings of Moſes and the Prophets, perſecuted Chriſt the Word; and the chief Prieſts, Doctors and the Rabbies, and ſuch as had the Law miniſtred forth, and ſate in Moſes ſeat, had the writings the Scripture, they did not know the Word that was made fleſh, but ſaid he had a Devill; and ſo them that had the Writings the Scriptures, were ſtrangers to the word, knew not the Word that was made fleſh; but they that ſaw his Glory were Miniſters of the Word, the onely begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth; which now the ſame Word is manifeſt that ever was, Chriſt the ſame to day, yeſterday and for ever: and ſaith Chriſt, If they call them Gods to whom the Word of God came, the Scripture cannot be broken: and ſaith Chriſt, As it is written in your6 Law, I ſay you are Gods, [who an ear hath may hear this:] and alſo it is written in your Law, the Teſtimony of two men are true, I am one that bear witneſſe of my ſelf, and the Father that ſent me beareth witneſs of me, Chriſt whoſe Name is called, The Word of God: now the Jews that had the Law, and the Writings of the Prophets, and ſaid they, were of the ſeed of Abraham, and that God was their Father, and they were not born of fornication, theſe did not know Chriſt the Word that became fleſh, as they who are gotten up into the ſame light of profeſſion in this age; and they could not underſtand Chriſts ſpeech, nor hear his Word,John 10. throughout. as they do now that have the writings, and know not the Word, but put the writings for the Word; and they queſtioned him whether he were greater then Abraham and the Prophets, and ſaid, VVho did he make himſelf? here they knew not the Word [that had the Scriptures] that became fleſh,John 8. throughout. as you may read: and many of the Jews who had the Scriptures ſaid the Word was a Devil, Chriſt Jeſus, and ſaid, He hath a Devil, why hear ye him? And ſaith the Prophet Jeremy, which cryed againſt them that uſe their Tongues, and ſay, The Lord ſaith, when the Lord never ſpake to them; and ran, and the Lord never ſent them, as theſe do that know not the Word, and ſo by their lies and their lightneſſe cauſed the people to erre, ſaith the Prophet,Jer. 23.28, 29, 30, 31, 32. What is the Chaffe to the VVheat, ſaith the Lord? Is not my Word like a fire, and like a Hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? now that which breaks the rocks in pieces, and is as a fire that burns up, that is the Word; he doth not ſay that the Letter is ſo, as a Hammer and as a fire; for though they have got the true Prophets words,7 yet they did not profit the people, which did not ſtand in Gods Counſel: And the Miniſters of the Word in the Epiſtle to the Hebrews declares, thatHeb. 4.12, 13. The VVord of God is quick and powerful, and ſharper then a two-edged ſword, piercing even to the dividing aſunder of the ſoul and ſpirit, of the joynts and marrow, and is a diſcerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. This is the Word, but he doth not ſay the letter which killeth, Neither is there any Creature which is not manifeſt in his ſight: but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him with whom we have to do. All things being upheld by the VVord, muſt needs be naked in his ſight and manifeſt; and, In the beginning was the Word, by whom all things were made, which is the2 Cor. 5.19. Word of reconciliation, (To wit,) that God was in Chriſt reconciling the world to himſelf, not imputing their ſins and treſpaſſes, and hath committed unto us the Word of reconciliation, which reconciles to God. The Miniſter of the Word thus ſaith, who ſaid the Letter killed, but the Spirit gave life; many have the writings as the Jews had, but they cannot witneſſe the Word of reconciliation; for the Jews ſtood againſt the Word of reconciliation, who had the writings, as now the Doctors and Teachers of the world, who be in the nature of the Jews, hath given the writings the name of Chriſt, whoſe Name is called,Rev. 19.13, 14, 15, 16. The VVord of God, and perſecute them who do not bow to their Image: And he was clothed in a veſture dipt in blood, and his Name is called, The VVord of God; And this, John, Miniſter of the Word, declares in his Revelation, and ſaith, The Armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horſes, clothed in fine linnen, white and clean: And out of his mouth goeth a ſharp ſword, that with it he ſhould ſmite the Nations and rule them with a rod of iron, and he8 treads the wine-preſſe of the fierceneſs and wrath of the Almighty God: And hath on his veſture and on his thigh a Name written, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. And I ſaw the ſouls of them that were beheaded for the Teſtimony of Jeſus, and the VVord of God, and which had not worſhipped the Beaſt, and his Image, nor received his mark in their foreheads nor their hands; and they raigned with Chriſt, whoſe Name is, The VVord of God. See here now, they that did witneſſe Chriſt the Word of God, were beheaded and ſuffered, as you may read in John's Teſtimony of the Word, and they that were beheaded for the Word. Acts 13.27.The Apoſtles went into the Synagogues of the Jews and Temple, and them that held up the Synagogues, tithes, and the firſt Prieſthood and the Temple, they having Moſes and the Prophets read amongſt them every Sabbath day, the Apoſtle ſhewed them Chriſt Jeſus the Word that became fleſh, which the Prophets propheſied of, which ſhewed the coming of the Juſt One, & whom Moſes wrote of: they ſhewed them out of the Prophets and Moſes, that Jeſus was the Chriſt, whoſe Name was called, The VVord of God; and they hearing the Scriptures, the writings, but did not know the Word, and they were them that haled out of the Synagogues and Temple, and perſecuted them that were Miniſters of the VVord, and they knew not the VVord though they had Moſes and the Prophets and the writings: and the Miniſter of the Word did give teſtimony unto the word of his Grace with boldneſſe of ſpeaking in the Synagogue and Temple, and the Prieſts that could tell by the Scripture where Chriſt ſhould be born;Acts 13.46. VVhen Herod had gathered all the Chief Prieſts together, he demanded of them where Chriſt ſhould be born; And the chief Prieſts could tell9Matth. 2.4, 5. him by the Scripture, In Bethlehem of Juda it is written, for ſo ſaith the Prophet: Now here the chief Prieſts which had the writings of the Prophets and the Scriptures, with which they could tell where Chriſt ſhould be born, and with it give anſwer to Herod at his demand; yet they knew not the Word; but the Chief Prieſt mocked him with the Phariſees: and chief Prieſts and Elders perſwaded the multitude that they ſhould ask Barrabas, and crucifie Jeſus:Mark 15.17. here you may ſee that neither the chief Prieſts nor Elders knew the Word,Matth. 27.20. And the chief Prieſts and Elders and all the Councel ſought falſe witneſſe againſt Jeſus to put him to death; & the chief Prieſts accuſed him & the Elders; now you may ſee here the chiefeſt of the Prieſts and thoſe that were Elders ſought falſe witneſſe againſt Jeſus the VVord of God, though they had Scriptures, as they do now againſt them who are witneſſes for the VVord:Matth. 25.59. & 27. And the chief Prieſts aſsembled together, and the Scribes and the Elders of the people, unto the Pallace of the High Prieſt who was called Caiphas, and conſulted together to take Jeſus by ſubtilty and kill him: theſe had the writing, the Scripture, but knew not the VVord, the chief of the Prieſts; as the chief of the Prieſts and Elders (them that have the writings of the Prophets, Chriſt, and the Apoſtles) now, do caſt into Priſon, and ſeek to put to death and ſcourge in the Synagogues, and whip and beat and hale before the Magiſtrates them that do witneſſe Chriſt to be the Word, in the Synagogues, and the Scripture to be a declaration:John 16.2, 3, 4. And theſe things ſhall they do unto you (ſaith Chriſt) becauſe they have neither known the Father nor me. But theſe things I have told you, that when the time ſhall come, you may remember I have told you. 10So we do remember now Chriſts words, and ſee his Propheſie ſulfilled in this age, them that have the writings, the Scriptures in the Synagogues and Temple, hale them out of the Synagogues, and perſecute them, impriſon them, and whip them that witneſſe Chriſt to be the Word, as the writings declare, which they have among them read every Sabbath day: but as Chriſt and the Saints ſaid to them which had the writings of the Prophets, they did not know the voice of the Prophets, nor did not know the voice of the Son of God, nor had not ſeen his ſhape: and likewiſe the chief Prieſts and the Scribes and the Elders mocked Chriſt whoſe Name is called, The VVord of God;Acts 13.27. Joh. 5.37. here they knew not the Word, as they mock now at them who witneſſe Chriſt the Word, and hale them out of their Synagogues;Matth. 26.14, 47. and the Chief Prieſts cannot endure the preſence of them who witneſſe Chriſt the Word, nor the Elders, but perſecute them; and the Chief Prieſts covenanted with Judas and bought Chriſt for 30. pieces of ſilver, to put him to death, and a great multitude came with Judas with ſwords and ſtaves from the chief Prieſts and Elders of the people to take Jeſus to murther him: and here the chief Prieſts which had the Scriptures and the Elders, knew not the VVord, but perſecuted it, and them that believed in it, and were Miniſters of it, as the diſciples of Chriſts Teſtimony declare, and as the chief Prieſts and Elders of the people which hath the writings of the Prophets, Chriſt, and the Apoſtles which now perſecute them that believe in the VVord, and own the VVord which the Prophets ſhewed the coming of, and the Apoſtles were witneſſes of; and while11 Saul was among the chief Prieſts and Jews, he had authority from the chief Prieſts, and a Commiſsion to beat, to puniſh, and to perſecute in every Synagogue them that believed in Chriſt the VVord;Acts 26. throughout. this doth Paul a Miniſter of the VVord declare, in his Examination and declaration to Agrippa; and when they were put to death for witneſſing the VVord, Saul gave his voice: and now do not the chief Prieſts incenſe the multitude againſt them that witneſſe Chriſt the VVord? and are they not haled out of the Synagogues? and have they not authority from the chief Prieſts and Elders of the people to hale out of the Synagogues, and to perſecute them that witneſſe Chriſt the VVord, and the Scripture a declaration, as you may read: and when the Apoſtle was converted and denyed the firſt Prieſthood from whence he had his Authority to perſecute, and witneſſed Chriſt the everlaſting Prieſthood, whoſe Name is called, The Word of God; then was he perſecuted among them, and with them, and by them that had the writings of a Chriſt that was to come; and they ſought to put him to death who was a Miniſter of the Word, and his end of going into the Synagogues was to ſhew them that Jeſus was Chriſt, out of the Prophets; and Moſes who wrote of him,Act. 17.1, 2, 3. and ſhewed the coming of him which they had the writings, but did not know him when he was come: ſo the end of the Apoſtles going into the Synagogues was not to hold them up, nor the Temple, but to witneſſe Chriſt the everlaſting Prieſt, the everlaſting Covenant, and the everlaſting Offering, and to bring the people to him, to turn them from darkneſſe to light, ſo that they might come to witneſſe their Bodies Temples of God:1 Cor. 6.19. So the Miniſters of the12 Word Chriſt Jeſus went into the Synagogues to the Miniſters of the Law and the firſt Prieſthood that took the Tythes, that held up Synagogues and Temple; and they that were Miniſters of the Word were haled forth by the firſt Prieſthood; they that held up Temple and Synagogues haled them out that were Miniſters of the Word, and knew not the Word,Act 4.18. and charged them to ſpeak no more in that Name, among them that had the writings, as you may read, and as the world doth now; Chief Prieſts which have the Writings and the Tythes, and the Synagogues? are againſt them that are Miniſters of the Word Chriſt Jeſus, who is the light of the world, and doth inlighten every one that cometh into the world, that all men Through him might believe, who is the Word, whoſe Name is called, The Word of God, and that every man might come to hear that Prophet which God hath raiſed up, Chriſt Jeſus, whom Moſes propheſied of,Act. 3.22, 23. and every ſoul that will not hear this Prophet is to be cut off, as you may read;Act. 7.37.James 1.21, 22. It is not the hearers of the Word, but the doers of the Word are Juſtified, if therefore ye hear and do the ſame, hapyy are ye; Be ye therefore doers of the Word, and not hearers thereof onely, deceiving your own ſelves, And receive with meekneſſ the ingraſſed Word which is able to ſave your ſoules, which is not the letter, nor the writing of the Scripture, but the ingrafted Word is able to ſave your ſoules, which you are to receive with meekneſſe, as you may read, which Word the Miniſters of the Word preacheth, which differ from them that are Miniſters of the letter, and have the writings, which them do perſecute which are Miniſters of the Word; which never did Miniſter of the Word and Spirit perſecute any: But Chriſt13 the Word ſaid, That they ſhould be perſecuted, and they did perſecute them from City to City, them that had the Writings the letter, which knew not the Word which was in the beginning, by whom all things were made, which is the Word of Reconciliation, (which Word now is witneſſed amongſt the Children of Light) and perſecuted ChriſtActs 9.4. the ſame to day, yeſterday, and for ever: Why perſecuteſt thou me? ſaith Chriſt to Saul, who had his Authority from the chief Prieſts to perſecute; and ſaith Chriſt the Word,Matth. 25.42, 43, 44, 45. I was ſick and in priſon, and ye viſited me not; I was naked, and ye clothed me not; and I was hungry, and ye fed me not; and thirſty, and ye gave me no drink. When ſaw we thee thirſty, or hungry, or in priſon, (ſay they who have the writings and know not the Word) in as much as ye do it not to one of the leaſt of theſe ye do it not unto me. Therefore you that do not viſite him in the priſon, what will become of you that caſt him into priſon? where will you ſtand in the day of Judgment, though you have and do profeſſe the writings as the Chief Prieſts and Scribes did, but were perſecuters of the Word, and them that were witneſſes for the Word, as the Miniſters of the Word now are by them, who have the Writings but know not the Word.