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To all that would know the VVay to the KINGDOME, VVhether they be in Forms, with out Formes, or got above all Forms. A Direction to turne your minds within, where the Voice of the true God is to be heard, whom you ignorantly Worſhip as a­farre off, and to wait upon him for the true Wiſdome. That you may know Truth from Error, the Word from the Letter, the Power from Forme, and the true Pro­phets from the falſe.

Given forth by Geo. Fox.


A warning to all ſorts of People who live in ſinne and uncleanneſs; For the wicked muſt be turned into Hell, and all that forget God: And all who are workers of iniquity are accurſed from Chriſt; for ſaith he, Go ye curſed, ye workers of iniquity into utter darkneſs.

I Am the light of the world, and enlightens every one that commeth into the world: Chriſt hath enlightned every one that comes into the world; thou that loves that light, which Chriſt hath enlightned thee withall, thou brings thy workes to the light, that thy deeds may be proved that they are wrought in God; and he that walks in the light, there is no occaſion of ſtumbling in him, it teacheth righteouſneſs and holineſſe, it will keep thee from lying, and not let thee lye, and keep thee in tenderneſs of conſcience towards God and man, and never let thee ſwear, it will check thee if thou doſt; the light will not let thee take Gods name in vain, it will let thee ſee if thou doſt, thou muſt not go unpuniſhed; And will never let thee follow drunkenneſs, nor vain company, for who lives in that nature, are without God, and ſhall never inherit the King­dome of God; therefore beware, this light will keep thee from Adultery and Whoredome, for ſuch will God judge; and the light will keep thee from theft, quarrelling, and fighting, and abuſing thy ſelf with mankind, and envy, and will keep thee in the fear of God, this light which is of God, and let thee ſee all the works of the world, and draw thee out of the worſhips of the world, and keep thee in the fear of God; where the true wiſdome is made manifeſt, the pure wiſdome is made mani­feſt to the pure, and put into the pure heart, and then thy own wiſdome thou wilt ſee with the light, ariſing out of the earth­ly part in thee; which wiſdome is ſenſuall, and devilliſh, and earthly; for while there is enviouſneſſe in thee, there lodgeth the man ſlayer, and all the wiſdome is from below, while that nature ſtands: there's Sects, and there's Opinions, amd there's conceivings ariſeth out of this earthly part, where lodgeth this wiſdome, and ſelf-conceit, and pride, and by this wiſdome the living God is not known, and ſo all who dwells in this wiſdome put the letter for the word, and give meanings and2 expoſitions upon it, and ſo gathers together with the outward letter, not having the power and life that gave it forth; ſo there's Caſtles builded, and ſtrong Holds, and fenced Cities and high Walls, as the Iews, who had the outward forme of that which was given forth from the power; the forme of the Pro­phets, and Moſes, and David, and Abraham, who ſaw Chriſt, who lived in the power; but the Phariſees and the Prieſts get­ting their words, knew not Chriſt; ſo it is now with this Ge­neration of the world; for you ſay, ye know Chriſt; the Iewes ſaid, they were of Abraham, the ſame, ſo that had gotten the letter, and others words which had the power, and all theſe are but imitations and likeneſſes which are above, lifted up above the pure, and here lodgeth the Serpent in this Earthly part; but as the eternal light which Chriſt hath enligtned you withall is loved, minded, and taken heed unto, this earthly part is wrought out, the dayly croſſe is taken up, the fear of the Lord grows, the true wiſdome increaſeth, the errors of the wicked are diſcove­red and made manifeſt, the unjuſt comes to ſuffer, the juſt comes to reign, the wiſdome of the world comes to be con­founded, then the Heathen begin to rage, then tumults ariſe. And dwelling in the light, all Sects, and all Opinions, and Re­ligions are diſcovered, and ſtand naked before the Lord, and before all who are of God, and ſeen with the eternall eye, which all ariſeth out of the earthly part, and the earth is but one, and all they do raiſe their ground from the letter, which is given forth from the power. Now the power dwelling in it in the eternal light, all Sects and Opinions come to be judged and overturned, and ſeen to be chaff, and is for the fire to be burned with that which cannot be quenched, for the light is but one, which is Chriſt, who enlightneth every one, and all are en­lightned with one light, every one taking heed to that light which Chriſt hath enlightned you withall; it leads you out of Sects, out of Forme, out of the beauty of the world, to live in life and power; and waiting in the light which Chriſt hath enlightned you withall, you come to be Diſ­ciples of Ieſus Chriſt, and ſervants to the truth, and not to ſerve the luſts, nor the deſires, nor pleaſures, but the light it judgeth them, for ſerving the deſires and the luſt, thou turnes3 into the beaſtly nature into the world, and into the fleſh, and comes to be darkned and vailed, then thy throat is an open ſepulchre, that thou drinkeſt up iniquity as it were water; but dwelling in the light, it judgeth all that, and all thy works, and actions come to be judged by that light, and all walking in this light which Chriſt hath enlightned you with, you all walking in unity and oneneſſe of minde, and ſay away all guile, ſinne, and uncleanneſſe, and all taught to fear the Lord God; and it will leade you to the Church in God, from the Church in the world, and from your Teachers, to ceaſe from men, to be taught alone of God, who teacheth eternall things eternally; and leads the mind up out of external things; and dwelling in the light, there's no occaſion at all of ſtumbling, for all things are diſco­vered with the light; thou that loves it, here's thy teacher, when thou art walking abroad, its preſent with thee in thy boſome, thou need not ſay, Loe here, or loe there, and as thou lieſt in bed its preſent to teach thee, and judge thy wandring minde which would wander abroad, and thy high thoughts and ima­ginations, and makes them ſubject, for following thy thoughts thou art quickly loſt; dwelling in this light, it will diſco­ver to thee the body of ſinne, and thy corruptions, and fallen Eſtate where thou art, and multitude of thoughts; in that light which ſhewes thee all this, ſtand: goe neither to the right hand, nor to the left; here's patience exerciſed, here's thy will ſubjected, here thou wilt ſee the mercies of God made manifeſt in death: here thou wilt ſee the drinkings of the Water of Shiloah, which runne ſoftly, and the promiſes of God fulfilled, which are to the Seed, which Seed is Chriſt: here thou wilt find a Saviour, and the Election thou wilt come to know, and the Reprobation, and what is caſt out from God, and what enters: he that can own me here, and receive me into his heart, the immortall ſeed is borne up, and thy own will thruſt forth, for it is not him that willeth, nor him that runneth, but the Election obtaineth it, and God that ſhewes mercy: for the firſt ſtep of peace is to ſtand ſtill in the light, which diſcovers things contrary to it, for power and ſtrength to ſtand againſt that nature which the light diſcovers:4 here grace grows, here's God alone glorified and exalted, and the unknown truth, unknown to the world, made manifeſt, which drawes up that which lyes in the Priſon, and refreſheth it in time, up to God out of time, through time. Whom God loves, he loves to the end, where the eternal unity is, where is all Peace, all clean, no jarre, who are all of one minde, hid from the worlds wiſdome, knowledge, and comprehenſion, and thoughts can never enter, as it is written, the World by wiſ­dome knowes not God, and he is comming to comfound the wiſdome of the wiſe. And the Church in God, is not in imi­tation, gathered from the letter, and a high-flowne People in their imaginations, but are them who are born againe of the Immortall Seed, by the Word of God, which lives and en­dures for ever, which the world knowes not; for the Word cuts aſunder, hewes down all wickedneſſe, corruption, pride, and the honour of man, that all the honour and glory may be given alone to God; he hewes down the firſt, that he may eſtabliſh the ſecond, and raiſe up the ſecond; and the Word of the Lord is a fire, burnes up all the corruptions, burnes up all that it has hewen down, and as a hammer to beat down, that nothing can ſtand it; and this is the word by which the Saints are borne again; you are borne again by the immortall word, which lives and endures for ever, and feeding upon the milke of the Word, which Word is God, which Word became fleſh, and dwelt among us; ſo he is the head of the Church, and they are lively ſtones; but all you now, who put the letter of the word, and have gotten it in your minds, and gather aſſemblies by it; this you cannot witneſſe, and it is blaſphemy for you to ſay, the letter is not the Word, when the letter ſaith, God is the word; and it is a lye, to ſpeak and ſay the Steeple-houſe is the Church: or to ſay, them that are gathered by the Forme of the letter, is the Church of God: for the Church is the Pillar, and Ground of Truth, gathered by the Eternal Power, before letter was; and all who are in this Church, as it is called of the world, and live in the comprehenſion of the letter, and the earthly part yet ſtanding, there is devilliſhneſs in your minds, and earthlineſs, and pride, and filth; and do but hearken to5 that in thy conſcience, and it will let thee ſee ſo: and while that is ſtanding, ſuch ſacrifice God accepts not; and praiſes, while the firſt nature is ſtanding, God accepts not, which is Cains, which God has no reſpect but to Abels: And God is comming to judge the great Whore, all manner of Opinions, and all manner of Sects and Fellowſhips, as you call them, and all manner of Formes, ſeverall, as every one lives in, God is comming to overturn and overthrow, for they all lodge in her; all the Foundation of them is in the Earth, and Earthly wiſdom, gathered in the Earthly nature, he will overturne them, that he may eſtabliſh his own truth, his own truth in righteouſneſſe, his owne Kingdome. Now the ſtone cut out of the mountain without hands, begins to ſtrike at the Feet of the Image, that the head of Gold begins to fall, and the breaſt of Silver, and thighes of Braſſe, and Feet part Iron, and part Clay, and his Dominion is a Dominion for ever, over all. And all who dwells not in this light which Chriſt hath enlightned you withall, you will be found too light, for he is comming to weigh all things in his ballance; and before him the Hills ſhall move, and the mountains ſhall melt, and the rocks ſhall cleave, who meaſures the water in the hollow of his hand, and his thunders begin to utter their Voices, that the myſteries of God may be opened, and the carnall heart rent; great Earth­quakes ſhall be, the terrible day of the Lord drawes need, the Beaſt ſhall be taken, and the falſe Prophet, into the fire they muſt goe, for the Beaſt and falſe Prophet hath gone together, that one has holden up the other. Now is the Lord comming to ſit as Judge, and reigne as King, who is the Law-giver which ſhall go forth of Zion. Now ſhall Zion ariſe and threſh to beat the hills, and threſh the mountains; now is the Sword drawn, which glitters, and is furbiſhed, the Sword of the Al­mighty, to hew down Baals Prieſts, corrupt Judges, corrupt Iuſtices, corrupt Lawyers, fruitleſs Trees which cumber the ground. Drunkard, thou canſt not hide thy ſelf; curſed ſpeaker, thou canſt not hide thy ſelfe; Whoremonger, thou canſt not hide thy ſelf. Awake, awake all people every where who live informes; ſee what ye poſſeſſe: nothaving that eternal ſpi­rit6 that gave forth the Scriptures, all your Formall Prayers, For­mall Preaching, Formall Singing will be found as the chaffe, which is for the unquenchable fire; for Chriſt is riſen, the true light ſhines, the glory of the Lord appears, and you are diſco­vered to him, to be empty of that eternall ſpirit to be borne up in your underſtandings, which gave forth the Scriptures, I am the light which enlghtneth every one, that light you hate, and all who hate this light, ſet up teachers without them; but all who loves this light, it is of God, and teacheth to God, which is a croſſe to all the world, and this light it is in every one, wait­ing in it to receive Chriſt; and as many as receive Chriſt; to them he gives power to become the ſonnes of God, which are not born of the will of man, nor by the will of man, but of the will of God; but theſe are them who are out of immitations, and have no Images, nor no likeneſs of truth, but are in it, and poſſeſſe it; Glory, glory to the Lord God for ever, who governs his people, and is the head of the Church; Chriſt is the head of the man, God is the head of Chriſt; he that can receive this, if he had not known the letter, let him, he is come before the let­ter was written. In the begining was the Word.

To all you that hate the light, your deeds are evill: Chriſt ſaith, He is the light of the world, and enlightneth every one that comes into the world: The one he loves the light, and brings his works to the light, and walks in it, there is no occaſion of ſtumbling in him: The other he hates the light, and will not bring his works to the light to be made manifeſt, becauſe his deeds are evil, and the light will reprove him. Thou that ſaith, this light is natu­ral, thou art a blaſphemer; and thou that ſaith, Chriſt doth not enlighten every one that comes into the world, thou art a lyar, and denier of Chriſts words, and lyes waſte the Scripture; and thou that ſaith this light is natural, thou puts the letter for the light, which is natural, true it is darkneſſe cannot comprehend this light; but the light makes manifeſt darkneſſe, and this is the condemnation of the world, the light: thou that hateſt this light thou haſt it. Chriſt ſaith, Swear not at all, this light will ſay the ſame to thee, in thee. Chriſt ſaith, He that luſteth after a Wo­man, committeth adultery with her in his heart: this light will tell7 thee the ſame, bringing thy works to it, and loving it. Chriſt cryed woe againſt the Phariſee, the hypocrite; this light will let thee ſee the ſame. Chriſt will ſay, Go ye curſed workers of iniquity, this light will ſay the ſame to thee, in thee, who art a worker of iniquity; here ſhalt thou be condemned with the light, and judged with the light, out of thy own mouth; this light will let thee ſee all thy hard ſpeeches, thy venomous thoughts, thy evil intentions, and thy covetous deſires which is Idolatry, and all diſſembling and deceit to be works of darkneſs, & let thee ſee that all thoſe things are evil; there thou haſt learned thy condemnation, there is thy teacher, that would teach thee to know God, there is thy condemnation hating that light, it will condemn thee from him: Thou wilt ſay, thou knoweſt in thy conſcience that drunkenneſs is ſinne, here thou loveſt darkneſs rather than the light that ſhewes it thee, and lying, and ſwearing, and curſed ſpeaking is ſinne, and yet thou followeſt it, and pleaſures, there thou loveſt darkneſs, rather than the light that ſhews thee them, becauſe thy deeds are evil, and there thou haſt learned thy condemnation, when Gods righteouſneſs ſhall be revealed in flames of fire, thou ſhalt witneſs I ſpeak truth. Thou knoweſt theft is ſin, and all unrighteouſneſs God forbids, thou wilt ſee ſomething in thy conſcience tells thee ſo; if thou hearken to that it will exer­ciſe thy conſcience, and bring thee to repentance. Chriſt ſaith, I call ſinners to repentance, that in thee calls thee to repen­tance, and if thou hearkeneſt to that, thou hearkens to Chriſt, and if thou hate that, thou hates Chriſt, and God, then thou turns into the ſorcery, into all uncleanneſs, and then God is not in thy thoughts, and then thou art the diſobedient one, which diſobeys the light, which God hath enlightned thee with, and there the wrath of God abides on thee, and the Prince of the Ayre rules in thee, as he doth in all the chil­dren of diſobedience, who hates this light. Now do not think that I hold free-will here, mans free-will ſpeak of that which is contrary to mans will, & loving the light it will keep your wills from running, and your wills from willing any thing, and keeps it in ſubjection; but thou that hates this light,8 and makes a profeſſion of God and Chriſt, and ſaith, the letter is the word, and the four Books Matthew, Mark, Luke and Iohn, is the Goſpel, thou knoweſt not Chriſt, which is glad tid­ings, the Lamb of God, which takes away the ſin of the world; for the letter takes not away ſin; and thou that ſayſt, thou had not come to repentance, if thou had not known letter, thou denieſt Chriſt, who comes to call ſinners to repentance before letter was, but it is he that calls to repentance ſinners, and not the letter; but the letter is a declaration of the word, the husks, God is the word; and it is a declaration of the light, Chriſt is the light, and a declaration of the Spirit; but the ſpirit is not in it a declaration of power, but the power is not in it; the power, and the life, and the light, was in them that ſpoke it forth, which ever the world hated; therefore waiting in the light which Chriſt hath enlightned you with, that's Scripture within you, and that will open the Scriptures according as you grow in the light, the Saints conditions, as you are ſancti­fied, and as you are clenſed and made free with the Son of God, for it is he that makes free; who are made free from ſin, from the world are made free by the Son of God; and bleſſed be the Father of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, who hath raiſed him from the dead, and by him raiſed up from the dead.

And to you that tempt God, and ſay, the Lord give us a ſight of our ſins, Prieſts and People, does not the light which Chriſt hath enlightned you with, let you ſee your ſin, that ly­ing and ſwearing, curſed ſpeaking, theft and murder, & whore­dom, and covetouſneſs, and pride, and luſt, and pleaſures, all theſe to be the works of the fleſh, and fruits of darkneſs: this light within you lets you ſee it, ſo you need not tempt God to give you a ſight of your ſins, for ye know enough, and waiting in the light, power and ſtrength wil be given to you; for they that waite upon the Lord their ſtrength, ſhall be renewed, and liv­ing in the light, and walking up to God, it will bring you to true hunger and thirſt after righteouſneſs, that you may receive the bleſſing from God, and give over tempting of God, to give you a ſight of your ſins. And to all ye that ſay, God give us grace, and we ſhall refrain from our ſin, there ye have9 got a tempting cuſtomary word, for the free grace of God hath appeared to all men, and this is the grace of God which ſhews thee ungodlineſs and worldly luſts: Now thou that liveſt in un­godlineſs, lying, and ſwearing, and theft, end murther, and drun­kenneſs, and filthy pleaſures and luſting after the world, thou art he that turns the free grace of God into wantonneſs, and caſts his law behind thy back, and walkeſt deſpightfully againſt the ſpirit of grace; here the Scripture is fulfilled upon thee, oh vain man, yet thou canſt ſay, God is merciful; he is merciful and juſt, and that ſhalt thou ſee, when deſtruction comes upon thee; for thou canſt ſay God is merciful, yet lives in thy wickedneſs, paſ­ſing on thy time without fear of God, ſporting thy ſelf in thy wickedneſs. Oh ye covetous proud Prieſts, which deceives the Nations, who mind earthly things, whoſe God is your belly, who glory in your ſhame, enemies of the Croſs of Chriſt, your deſtruction is comming, that ye ſhall not make a prey upon the people any longer, the Lord hath ſpoken it.

Oh ye great men, and rich men of the earth, weep and howl for your miſery is comming, who heaps up treaſures for the laſt day; your gold and ſilver ſhall eat you up as the ruſt and the canker; the fire is kindled, the day of the Lord is appearing, a day of howling will be amongſt your Fat Bulls of Baſhan, that all the tall Cedars and ſtrong Oaks muſt be hewen down, and all the loftineſs of men muſt be laid low, then ſhall the Lord alone be exalted.

The free grace of God is the Saints teacher, which teacheth them to deny ungodlineſs and worldly luſts, to live righteouſly and godly, like God, in this evil preſent world, denying all the worlds luſts, and worlds ways, and worlds teachers, and works of darkneſs, which grace is turned into wantonneſſe, by thoſe who follow the courſe of the world; and the works of darkneſs, drunkenneſs and uncleanneſs, and ſuch are they who cannot abide ſound doctrine, which heap up teachers, having itching ears. And all who turn this grace of God into wantonneſs, deny it to teach them, and they live in their worldly luſts and ungodlineſſe. Oh how doth the Land mourn becauſe of Oaths? Oaths are heard in the ſtreets openly belched forth. Oh how10 doth the pride and haughtineſs of Men and Women abound, ſcarce know how to walk in the ſtreets? Oh how doth oppreſſi­on and tyranny rule, that the cryes of the poor are entered in­to the Ear of the Lord of Sabboths? Oh how doth drunken­neſs and drunkards walk abroad in the ſtreets, which devours the creatures? The Lord is riſing, and ſurely he will be avenged of all his Adverſaries: he is come to ſweep the Land of evil doers, that the earth ſhall yield her increaſe, and the Land en­joy her Sabbaths: and he will ſit as Judge, and righteouſneſſe ſhall run down our ſtreets, and God alone be magnified and glorified, to whom it alone belongs for ever. Oh how doth all the creation groan under this bondage of corruption? the Lord is powring out his ſpirit upon all fleſh, that his ſons and daugh­ters may propheſie up and down this great City, and none ſhall make them afraid, crying for juſtice, crying for righteouſneſs, crying for equity: for the cry of the great whore is come up before the Lord, who is adulterated from the truth, they who hate this light, hate Chriſt, which is the Husband, and goes from him: they who love the light, have the Husband, which is Chriſt: but the judgement of the great Whore is come, who made all Nations to drink of the Cup of her Fornication, who muſt drink of the cup of the indignation of the wrath of God powred out without mixture, who muſt have it filled double. Rejoice, rejoyce all ye Prophets and holy men of God, triumph in glory: ſing aloud praiſes to the Lord God Almighty and omnipotent, who is come to reign: rejoyce over the world, over the falſe Prophets, over the Beaſt, over the Whore, which is adulterated from the light, and tels al her lovers that the light is natural, and ſo denies the husband Chriſt Ieſus, and lives in Fornication: but all who loves the light, and walks in the light, witneſs Jeſus Chriſt to be the Husband, and this light to be ſpi­ritual. Now ſhe is convinced of her Adultery, of her witch­craft, of her ſorcery, and that which doth convince her is the light which Chriſt hath enlightned her with, and this is her condemnation. And now the judgement of the great Whore is come, God will be avenged on her, who has drunk the blood of all his Saints, who dwelt in the light, and loved the light.


All who hate this light, they ſet up to be their light, ſuch as are called of men Maſters, have the chiefeſt places in the Aſſem­blies, ſtand making long Prayers, lay heavy burthens upon the people, which devour widows houſes, the widow has not a huſ­band, all are widows who are devoured of ſuch; but who loves the light which Chriſt hath enlightned them with, it joynes them to Chriſt, and then they witneſs him to be their Husband, and ſuch are not devoured of them. And who hate this light, hold up them who bear rule by their means, which Ieremy, who dwelt in the light, was ſent to cry out againſt. And they that hate the light, hold up them that cry for their gain from their quarter, and never have enough; which Iſaiah who dwelt in the light, was ſent to cry out againſt. And they that hate the light, go after the error of Balaam, and hold up ſuch who love the wages of unrighteouſneſſe; and all who hate this light have the ſpirit of error; and they that dwell in the light, know the ſpi­rit of error, and what the ſpirit of error follows. And all who hate this light, hold up the hirelings that Micha cryed againſt, and ſuch as call for the Fleece, and cloath themſelves with the wooll, that Ezekil cryed againſt, who was in the light and full of the ſpirit. Now where the ſame light is made manifeſt, as was in the Prophets which ſaw Chriſt the light; & the Apoſtles in the ſame light, which gave forth the Scripture, all the Scri­pture is witneſſed; and here we are grounded upon the Pro­phets, upon the Apoſtles, and Chriſt the corner ſtone, in the eternal light, by which we ſee the Prieſts bear rule by their means now, and ſeek for their gain from their quarter now, and are greedy dumb dogs now, nay, worſe than Balaam, who loved the wages of unrighteouſneſs, but durſt not take it; but theſe ſue men at the Law for it: worſe than Simon Magus, who would have bought the ſpirit; but theſe ſell the letter: this cor­rupt doctrine hath long reigned, but now is made manifeſt, and in this light we ſee the hirelings that Preach peace, but he that puts not in their mouths, they prepare war againſt him, and by which light, we ſee teachers who profeſſe they are ſent of Chriſt to be in the ſeat of the Scribes and Phariſees, and are called of men Maſters, and have the chiefeſt places, going in their long12 robes, love ſalutation in the Markets, have the uppermoſt ſeats at Feaſts, and under pretence making long Prayers, devouring widows houſes, which Chriſt cryed woe againſt, & ſuch we can­not own as ſent of Chriſt, nor hold up, for if we ſhould, we ſhould deny the Scriptures, and hold up that which Chriſt for­bids; and if we ſhould hold up them who rule by their means, we ſhould deny Ieremiah to be a true Prophet, who cried againſt ſuch; and if we ſhould hold up ſuch as cry for gain from their quarter, we ſhould deny Iſaiah, who was ſent to cry againſt ſuch: and if we ſhould hold up ſuch as go for gifts and rewards, who love the wages of unrighteouſneſs, we ſhould deny the Apo­ſtle, who cryed againſt ſuch; for the ſame light is manifeſt, praiſed be the Lord God, by which they are ſeen, and cannot be owned, but muſt be denied, as they were by the Prophets, by Chriſt, by the Hpoſtles; and if we ſhould hold up ſuch that ſay, Revelations are ceaſed, we ſhould deny the Son, as they do, for none knows the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son reveals him, and ſo we deny thoſe to know any thing of Chriſt, or to be ſent of Chriſt, which deny the Son, and deny revelations; for the Apoſtle, which was a Miniſter of God, he was not a Miniſter of Chriſt, till the Son was revealed in him, and then he Preached him, and Preached the Kingdom of God, ſo all who deny Revelations, deny the Son and the Father both, and live in their imaginations of the letter: And the Apo­ſtle exhorts the Saints to have the loins of their minds girded up, and hope to the end, for the grace that was to be brought to them at the revelation of Ieſus Chriſt; now he was a Miniſter, and did exhort to wait for the revelation of Ieſus Chriſt: but now, thou that denies revelations, doſt declare thy ſelf openly to be no Miniſter, and raceth thy ſdlf out from among the Mini­ſters of Chriſt, and thou goeſt in the wayes of Cain, thou art raced out from Abel, for in thy heart lodgeth perſecution, and thy mouth utters it, and thy hand acts it. And you that ſpeak a Divination of your own heart, art raced out from them who ſpeak from the mouth of the Lord, for the Prophets of the Lord cryed out ever againſt ſuch, and ſo they do now: and ye that ſeek for gain from your quarter, are they that are raced13 out from the true Prophets of God; they cryed out againſt you, and the ſame light cryes out againſt you now, otherwiſe the Prophets ſhould be made of none effect, for they ſpoke forth freely, and ſo they do now that ſpeak forth the ſame light; the light is free which hath enlightned every one that coms into the world; thou that hates it, has learned thy condemnation; it lets thee ſee all the evil deeds of thy heart. And the Goſpel is free to every creature, not to be bought and ſold for money: Oh ſhameleſs men, that tell people the letter is the word, and buy and ſell it for money, which is but a declaration of the word, and the grace is free, which hath appeared to all men, which is the Saints teacher, and you need not have any teacher if you own the grace, which ſhews your ungodlineſs and worldly luſts: this grace will teach you to deny it, and the light which hath enlightned every one that comes into the world, there's every one of your condemations in particular that hates it; and there's every one of your teachers that loves it, which is but one, and will open all the Figures and the Parables, and Types to you: and waiting in it, it will guide you to God, there is your teacher, there is your condemnation: every one of you ſhall eternally witneſs me, to that which exerciſeth your con­ſciences do I ſpeak, for now the mighty day of the Lord is comming, meet him, by putting off your works of darkneſſe. God that made the world, and all things in it, dwels not in Temples made with hands, neither will be worſhipped with mens inventions: but Iſrael, when he had forgotten his Maker, builded Temples; and Iudah builded fenced Cities: but the Lord will ſend a fire to devour them, and all your Songs ſhall be turned into Mourning, the Mouth of the Lord hath ſpoken it. Oh then, all ye that profeſſe, ſee that you poſſeſſe, and profeſs no more than you are.

G. F.

About this transcription

TextTo all that would know the vvay to the kingdome, vvhether they be in forms, with out formes, or got above all forms. A direction to turne your minds within, where the voice of the true God is to be heard, whom you ignorantly worship as afarre off, and to wait upon him for the true wisdome. That you may know truth from error, the word from the letter, the power from forme, and the true prophets from the false. Given forth by Geo. Fox.
AuthorFox, George, 1624-1691..
Extent Approx. 32 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 8 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84821)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 118234)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 113:E732[8])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationTo all that would know the vvay to the kingdome, vvhether they be in forms, with out formes, or got above all forms. A direction to turne your minds within, where the voice of the true God is to be heard, whom you ignorantly worship as afarre off, and to wait upon him for the true wisdome. That you may know truth from error, the word from the letter, the power from forme, and the true prophets from the false. Given forth by Geo. Fox. Fox, George, 1624-1691.. [2], 13, [1] p. s.n.,[London :1654]. (Imprint from Wing.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "of Satan." after 'Kingdome,'.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Society of Friends -- Early works to 1800.
  • Inner Light -- Early works to 1800.
  • Conduct of life -- Early works to 1800.

Editorial statement

About the encoding

Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford.

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EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( The general aim of EEBO-TCP is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic English-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in EEBO.

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Image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. Quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in Oxford and Michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet QA standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. After proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. Any remaining illegibles were encoded as <gap>s. Understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of TCP data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2013-12 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A84821
  • STC Wing F1942A
  • STC Thomason E732_8
  • STC ESTC R206880
  • EEBO-CITATION 99865975
  • PROQUEST 99865975
  • VID 118234

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