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The Unmasking and Diſcovering Of Anti-Chriſt, With all the falſe Prophets, by the true light which comes from Chriſt Jeſus, written forth to convince the Seducers, and for the undeceiving of the Seduced.

BEware of falſe Prophets, which ſhall come unto you in ſheeps cloathing, but inwardly are ravening Wolves; by their fruits you ſhall know them. Do men gather grapes on thorns, or figs on thiſtles ſaith Chriſt, Mat. 7. who is the light which enlightneth every one which comes into the world; every one wit­neſſeth Chriſt Jeſus a true Prophet, but you that hate the ligth are deceived with the falſe prophets which hate the light; neiter will the falſe prophets be proved with the light, for they are in the world which hates the light, and all who dwell in the light, which comes from Chriſt, ſee them and their fruits, for thorns and thiſtles are in that nature that acteth contrary to the light, and they that are there, are out of the ſtrait way, in the ungodly world which is to be condemned with the light. And Chriſt ſaith Mat. 24. many falſe prophets ſhall ariſe, Criſt is the Ight, and all who be in the light, which comes from him, which he hath enlightned withall, with this light, again I ſay, witneſſe Chriſt to be a true prophet, and all the falſe prophets foreſeen with the light out of what they riſe, out of that nature which hates the light which with it is to be condemned with the world: And Chriſt Jeſus ſaith, who is the light that doth en­lighten every one that comes into the world, that if any ſay, loe here is Chriſt, Chriſt ſaith ſo if any man may ſay, lo here is Chriſt, and loe there is Chriſt, believe it not. Now with the light which comes from Chriſt, every one in it waits with it to ſee Chriſt, and ſee all them which ſay loe here is Chriſt, and loe there is Chriſt, to be the falſe prophets which hated the light; which with the light are to be comprehended and condemned. And Chriſt ſaith, there ſhall ariſe many falſe Chriſts, and falſe prophets which ſhall ſhew great ſigns and wonders, inſomuch that if it were poſſible they would deceive the very Elect; Behold I have told you before, ſaith Chriſt, theſe are they2 which doth not own the light, which Chriſt hath enlightned them withall; ſo they own not Chriſt who doth enlighten; theſe falſe prophets, and falſe Chriſts are with the light ſeen which Chriſt Jeſus doth enlighten withall, with it they are con­demned and ſeen to be in the world, and all the falſe Chriſts, and all the falſe pro­phets, which ſhews the great ſigns and wonders, inſomuch that if it were poſſible would deceive the very Elect, with the light which comes from Chriſt which compre­hends the world: all theſe falſe Chriſts, all theſe falſe prophets, all theſe ſigns and wonders that they do act is ſeen, in that nature contrary to the light in which light the Elect dwelleth, and if it were poſſible theſe falſe Chriſts and theſe falſe prophets ſhould deceive them; but it is not poſſible that they ſhould deceive the Elect, for in the light they dwell, which the falſe prophets hates, for Chriſt calls him no Antichriſt nor falſe prophet that dwells in the light which comes from him, which he hath enlightned every one with which comes into the world. And he is no Antichriſt that dwells in light, Chriſt doth not call him Antichriſt nor falſe prophet which dwells in the light, which comes from him, which he hath enlightened every one that comes into the world withall, but ſuch are Antichriſts as oppoſſes his light, which he hath enlight­ned every one with that comes into the world and it denyes, ſuch are as bryars and thorns, and are the Antichriſts and the falſe prophets, and the falſe Chriſts, and they that ſhall deceive if it were poſſible the Elect, but not poſſible it is, for by the light which comes from Chriſt they are all tryed and ſeen.

And Chriſt ſaith, if they ſhall ſay he is in the deſert, go not forth, behold he is in the ſecret chamber believe it not, no it is not believed among all them that dwell in the light which comes from Chriſt, for in the chamber of their imaginations Chriſt is not, for they muſt be ſcattered and with the light are to be condemned, and to you this is the word of the Lord God, with the light they are ſeen theſe falſe prophets and falſe Chriſts, whoſe eyes be abroad from the light, which Chriſt doth enlighten every one that comes into the world withall. And the falſe prophets ſay loe here is Chriſt, and the falſe prophets and the falſe Chriſts ſhew the ſigns and wonders, which faith, he is in the deſert, which ſaith he is in the ſecret chamber, which ſaith, loe here is Chriſt be there now with the light which comes from Chriſt, which he hath enlightned every one withall; with the light Chriſt is ſeen, who is the head, and with the light they are ſeen to befools, whoſe eyes are abroad, and with the light they are condemned, which light comprehends the world and ſee them, where they are turned into the world, and not among the children of light, but from the children of light, with the light which the children of the light do walk in, are they with it condem­ned.

And Chriſt ſaith in Mat. 24. Take heed that no man deceive you, for many ſhall come in my name, ſaying, I am Chriſt, and ſhall deceive many, ſuch are they who doth not own the light which comes from Chriſt, but denyes it, and ſuch are the de­ceivers, that deceive many, but all who dwell in the light which comes from Chriſt, ſees theſe many deceivers which ſaith, I am Chriſt, with the light of Chriſt ſuch are condemned to be fooliſh, for they are no deceivers that dwelleth in the light which comes from Chriſt and hath received Chriſt in the male and in the female one ſeed which ſeed is no falſe Chriſt, but the ſame to day, yeſterday, and for ever; Chriſt in the male and in the female, and with the light all falſe Chriſts and falſe prophets are ſeen to be them whoſe eyes are abroad, fools which are with the light to be condemned, for this is the condemnation the light; and theſe falſe prophets and falſe Chriſts, which Chriſt, which is the light, which doth enlighten every one that comes into the world3 ſaith, ſhould come and ariſe, they are ſuch as deny this light, and ſaith he doth not enlighten every one that comes into the world, and he ſaith he doth. Now to all the children of light, this I leave to you, to give judgement upon, whether they be not the falſe prophets, which ſaith, he doth not enligh­ten every one that comes into the world, yea or no? which light is the con­demnation of him that hates it, whoſe deeds be evil, which light was afore the world was, which comprehends it and condemnes it. And while many ſhall ſay, I am Chriſt, and many falſe Chriſts ſhall ariſe, with the light which comes from one Chriſt all theſe many ſhall be condemned, for Chriſt is but one in all his Saints male and female, and they are all one, he makes them all one, head, body, and members, one ſeed if ten thouſand, and this ſeed ſpeaks in one, and is one in all, where it is head King and reignes over the falſe pro­phets, and the falſe Chriſts, and ſees them with the light and condemnes them.

And John who was a Miniſter of Chriſt, and in his light ſaid that many de­ceivers and Antichriſts was entered into the world who did not confeſs Jeſus come into the fleſh, this is a deceiver and an Antichriſt John 2. And John ſaid if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowſhip one with another, the world hates the light which lye in wickedneſs, and all the world wonders after the beaſt, that is the world which wonders after the beaſt which is out of the truth, Rev. 13.3. And they worſhip the beaſt, ſaying, who is like unto the beaſt, or who is able to make war with the beaſt.

And John ſaith many deceivers are entred into the world, who confeſs not that Jeſus is come in the fleſh, this is a deceiver and an Antichriſt, they are the deceivers that hate the light, and ſuch turn into the wicked world which lyes in wickedneſs, and they are the Antichriſts which deny the light and hate it, which are turned into the world, which oppoſſes the light, with the light all ſuch Antichriſts are ſeen, with the light which was afore the world was, and condemned with the light which comes from Chriſt. And ſuch deceivers and Antichriſts that enter into the world which lye in wickedneſs, doth not confeſs Chriſt come in the fleſh, but with the light all ſuch are condemned which comes from Chriſt, for from the light they are turned that are deceivers, and from the light of Chriſt they are turned that are Anti­chriſts and doth oppoſſe it, as it is manifeſt now at this day in England both the pretended teachers and Miniſters, which doth oppoſſe the light of Chriſt.

And John ſaith whoſoever tranſgreſſeth and abideth not in the doctrine of Chriſt hath not God, and he that abides in the doctrine of Chriſt he hath both the Father and the Son, and he that tranſgreſſeth is turned from the light which comes from Chriſt, and he hath not God, not the Son; and he that dwells in the light which comes from Chriſt comes to receive the Father and the Son and ſee him, and is no falſe prophet, nor no Antichriſt, nor no deceiver but with the light he ſees Chriſt as John ſaw Chriſt then, and the Antichriſts and the deceiversow which be in the world, as he ſaw them then, which light leads out of the world, for the luſt of the eye, the pride of life is not of the Father; it is of the world, and the world paſſeth away,4 and the luſts thereof, but he that doth the will of God abideth ever, he that doth the will of God abideth in the light which comes from Chriſt, which leads to the light, in ſuch the love of the Father is not in them, and there is the luſts of the fleſh, the luſt of the eye, the pride of life which is not of the Father but of the world, and ſuch doth not the will of God, and ſuch doth not abide for ever, but ſuch, and the luſts and the world paſſeth away, from the children of light, are condemned with the light which comes from Chriſt, with it they are ſeen in which the children of light walk.

And Jahn ſaith, little children, you have heard that Antichriſt ſhould come, even now there are many Antichriſts come, we know it is the laſt time. And they went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us, but they went out that it might be made manifeſt that they were not all of us.

Theſe Antichriſts, John with the light of Chriſt ſaw as he writes in his E­piſtle 1 John 2.8, 9. They went out from them, which needed no man to teach them, but as the anointing teached them all things, and was true and is no lye; and with the light he ſaw all theſe Antichriſts which did oppoſſe Chriſt, he ſaw them then which now are manifeſt in the world with the ſame light which John ſaw withall, for they be ſuch as deny the light of Chriſt which he hath enlightened them withall in themſelves and others, and ſo none comes to know the Father nor the Son, nor none (comes to know their conditions that needed no man to teach them but as the anointing) among theſe Antichriſts, but ſuch as do come to witneſs the anointing, witneſſeth the greater in them, then he that is in the world, and witneſſeth him in them that overcomes the world, and to you this is the word of the Lord God. And the many deceivers is entred into the world, who confeſſeth not Chriſt come in the fleſh, this is a deceiver and an Antichriſt.

All you children of the light mark, the deceivers enter into the world, the Antichriſts enter in the world, and ſuch as confeſs not Chriſt come in the fleſh enter into the world, and the whole world lies in wickedneſs. Now all you that are wicked are turned from the light, and are with all theſe deceivers which are entered into the world to be condemned, for who live in wicked­neſs hate the light, and ſuch are deceivers and Antichriſts againſt him, ſuch doth not confeſs Chriſt come in the fleſh, for none in the world can Chriſt Jeſus confeſs, but who in the light dwels which comes from Chriſt, and he is no Antichriſt which dwells in the light which condemnes the world and the deceivers and Antichriſts who confeſs not that Jeſus is come in the fleſh, for ſuch doth not, that hate the light, and deny the light which Chriſt hath enlightened every one withall, and ſuch with the light are to be con­demned.

And John ſaith you have heard that Antichriſts ſhould come, even now there are many Antichriſts with the light which comes from Chriſt, John did ſee many then that was againſt Chriſt, and did oppoſſe him, and ſuch entered into the world, from they children of light was condemned with the light, and would not continue with them, and they that diſcontinue witneſſed the a­nointing, and they needed no mans teaching, but as they anointing, and5 they that from this drew them, did ſeduce them, for they drew them from waiting to receive the promiſe which is eternal life; and they that did in the anointing continue, needed no man to teach them but as it taught, ſo came to witneſs the promiſe that he hath promiſed eternal life; and witneſs the Son and the father alſo; and they that went out from them that had the light, and was oppreſſors againſt Chriſt, Antichriſts, and ſuch did not con­feſs Chriſt come in the fleſh, and ſuch denyes the Son of God; and he that denyes the Son denyes the Father alſo; ſo with the light all you Antichriſts that are entered into the world, which John ſaw was come then; and all you deceivers and all you ſeducers, you be all in the world, and that is the world that hates the Light, and there the deceivers enter, and the falſe prophets and ſeducers which would if it were poſſible deceive the very Elect, but it is not poſſible to deceive the Elect of God for the Elect of God dwell in the light, which comprehends the world which the world hate, which gain­ſayers gain-ſay, which the deceivers are turned from and hates, and will not bring to it, becauſe the light will reprove and them condemn which the An­tichriſts oppoſe and deny, and there they deny the light which Chriſt Jeſus hath enlightened every one withall; there you deny the Son and the Father alſo, with the light all ſuch are condemned; for he that confeſſeth the Son acknowledges the Father, and he that denyes the Son denyes the Father al­ſo; And all theſe Antichriſts and deceivers that deny the light, which Je­ſus Chriſt doth enlighten every one that comes into the world withall, with the light they are ſeen and comprehended and condemned, in which light, the Saints in light the Elect, walk over all the world, and doth reign eternal­ly for evermore, praiſes be unto the Lord God for evermore.

And John who was in the light and exhorted to walk in the light, in which they had fellowſhip one with another, ſaid, believe not every ſpirit, but try the ſpirits whether they be of God, becauſe many falſe prophets are gone out into the world; and hereby know we the ipirit of God, every ſpirit that confeſſeth Jeſus to be come in the fleſh, is of God; and every ſpirit that confeſſeth not Jeſus to be come in the fleſh, this is the ſpirit of Antichriſt, whereof you have heard that it ſhould come, and even now already is it in the world. Then John ſaw Antichriſt to be come into the world, which did exhort the children of light to dwell in the light, ſo with the light they tryed their ſpirits, and ſo we try all your ſpirits now with the light, which ſaith Chriſt Jeſus doth not enlighten every one that comes into the world, to be the Antichriſts in the world to be the falſe prophets and deceivers, to be con­demned with the light, which Chriſt Jeſus doth enlighten every one with that comes into the world.

And you wicked world where the Antichriſts are entred into, and the falſe prophets are gone out into the world, as John ſaith in his firſt Epiſtle, ſuch are turned from the light, in which the children of God dwell, and theſe are the oppoſſers and Antichriſts among the children of light which dwells in it, which condemns the world, there is no Antichriſt nor no falſe prophet, nor no deceiver, for they had no abiding among them in the light, but with the light they were condemned, & ſo they enter into the wicked world, Antichriſts,6 deceivers, and falſe prophets and ſeducers, and they that love the world are turned from the light, and the love of the Father is not in them, and they that dwell in the light dwelleth in that which comprehends the world, and all the deceivers, and all the Antichriſts, and condemns them all. Little children, let no man deceive you, he that doth righteouſns is righteous even as he is righteous, and all them that are turned from the light acteth in unrighte­ouſneſs, and all unrighteouſneſs is ſin, and all that which is not righteous is to be condemned with the light, and prophane, vain babling which in­creaſeth unto unrighteouſneſs, whoſe words eats as a canker, with the light (ſuch are to be condemned) which comes from Chriſt. And all ſeducers and evil men ſhall wax worſe and worſe deceiving and being deceived, and are hardened in their deceit, which with the light are ſeen which compre­hends the world, and with it is condemned, which light is afore the world was, and all truth breakers, proud, covetous, lovers of themſelves, and lovers of pleaſure more then lovers of God, unholy, unthankful, high-minded, fierce diſpiſers of them that are good, having the form, denying the power, which creeps into houſes, leads ſilly women captive, laden with ſin led away with divers luſts, ever learning, never able to come to the knowledge of the truth with the light which is truth which comes from Chriſt who is truth, which tea­cheth the truth, the light which comes from him doth condemne all proud boaſters, heady high-minded blaſphemers, truth breakers, diſpiſers of them that are good, unthankful, unholy diſobedient to parents; theſe are to be turned away from, for of this ſort are they that lead ſilly women captive. All theſe are turned from the light which Chriſt Jeſus hath enlightned them with­al, and with it all ſuch are to be condemned with the light as before mention­ed, which acts contrary to the light, which light who walk in it, and love it, grows into the knowledge of God. And now all who be in the light which comprehends the world, and in it which doth condemn the world-walk here is no novice, here is no ſottiſh children, here is no inchanter, nor ſorcerer nor no ſeducer, nor no ſilly women that are led captive, captivated with the luſt, for ſuch as are led captive turns from the light, which comes from Chriſt, and with the light ſuch are condemned, in which light the children of God walk, which condemns the wicked world, and all that hate it. And the Apoſtle Paul which was in the light of Jeſus Chriſt, ſaid, the ſpirit ſpake expreſly that in the latter times ſome ſhould depart from the faith, giving heed to ſeducing ſpirits and doctrines of devils, ſpeaking lies in hypocriſie having their conſciences ſeared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abſtain from meats which God created to be received with thankſgiving, of them that know the truth, for every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refuſed if it be with thankſgiving, and with the light all ſeducing ſpirits is ſeen, and who from it turn and it hate, their con­ſcience is ſeared as with a hot iron, and ſuch doth ſpeak lies in hypocriſie, and their is forbidding to marry, and the eating of meats, which every creature of God it is good, with the light it is ſeen, who dwells in the light holds the my ſtery of faith in a pure conſcience, and the doctrine of devils is acted in that7 nature which is contrary to the light, with the light it is ſeen, and with the light condemned, and they are ſee to be out of the faith.

And ſuch as is a Teacher or a Biſhop made by the will of God, he muſt be no ſtriker nor greedy of filthy lucre, he muſt be grave, he muſt be pa­tient; he muſt not be a brawler, nor covetous, one that rules his own houſe well, having his children in ſubjection with all gravity, he muſt not be a no­vice, leaſt he be lifted up with pride, and ſo fall into condemnation of the devil, with the light all ſuch are ſeen that are before mentioned, which is contrary to the light, which is to be condemned with light, and ſo with the ſpirit that gave forth the Scriptures, are theſe ſeen before mentioned, which departs from the faith, departed from that which putifies the heart, and doth give heed to ſeducing ſpirits and doctrines of devils, and with the light which never changes, which light we are enlightned withall, which comprehends all the teachers of the world and their doctrine, how that they are not blamleſs, how that many of them are ſtrikers, and how that they are greedy of filthy lucre, how that they are not patient, but are brawlers and cove­tous, how that they are not grave, nor doth not rule their own houſe well, nor hath not their children in ſubjection, but are the novices lifted up in pride, and ſo falls into condemned of the devil, 1 Tim. 8.

And with the light all theſe are ſeen and comprehended, which was afore the world was, and to you this is the word of the Lord, but when the children of light are judged, they are chaſtned of the Lord, that they ſhould not be condemned with the world, 1 Cor. 11.32. but in the light which doth condemn the world the children of light walk in, and ſo they are not condemned with the world, but dwelleth in the light which was a­fore the world, which it doth comprehend and condemne the world, the light.

And Jeſus Chriſt ſaith, I am the light of the world, and this is the condem­nation of the world that light is come into the world, and men love dark­neſs rather then light, becauſe their deeds are evil; for every one that doth evil hateth the light, neither cometh he to the light leaſt his deeds ſhould be reproved, but he that doth truth cometh to light, that his deeds may be mani­feſt, that they are of God, now with the light all deeds are ſeen and mani­feſt, that which manifeſteth is light; and ſo David ſaid, who was in the light, in thy light we ſhall ſee more light, with which light he ſaw Chriſt, and cal­led him Lord, who ſaid the lightening lightned the world, the earth tremb­led and ſhook, as in Pſal. 77.18. And again David ſaid, his lightenings light­ened the world, the earth ſaw and trembled.

Now all who be of the world, among the falſe prophets, ſeducers, and An­tichriſts that be entered into the world, doth deny this light with which Da­vid ſaw the enlightnings, his lightnings enlightned the world, which makes the earth to tremble, Pſal. 97.3. So with the light all you heathens is con­demned that doth not ſee his enlightnings, which he enlights the world with­all, and every one that comes into the world, now you that be Antichriſts are manifeſt which oppoſe and deny the light, with the light you are ſeen and condemned with the world, which light is afore the world was.


And Jeſus Chriſt ſaith, he is tho Light, and doth enlighten every one that comes into the world; if the blind lead the blind, both ſhall fall into the ditch, and they are the blind which hate the light, which live in that na­ture that acteth contrary to the light, which with the light they are to be condemoed, for who dwell in the light which comes from Chriſt with the light ſee Chriſt, ſuch are not blind, nor ſuch do not lead into the ditch, but with the light leads up to Chriſt, from whence the light comes, and ſo joyns to the head, and brings the body together, which are all joyned together in the light, and with the light which condemns the blind world which hate it, which eats and drinks damnation ta themſelves, who diſcern not the body of Chriſt, how can they which hate the light, which light is their eye, which light is thesr condemnation.


London, Printed for Giles Calvert, at the black Spread-Eagle at the Weſt-end of Pauls. 1653.

About this transcription

TextThe unmasking and discovering of Anti-Christ, with all the false prophets, by the true light which comes from Christ Jesus, written forth to convince the seducers, and for the undeceiving of the seduced. / By George Fox.
AuthorFox, George, 1624-1691..
Extent Approx. 26 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe unmasking and discovering of Anti-Christ, with all the false prophets, by the true light which comes from Christ Jesus, written forth to convince the seducers, and for the undeceiving of the seduced. / By George Fox. Fox, George, 1624-1691.. 8 p. Printed for Giles Calvert, at the black Spread-Eagle at the West-end of Pauls.,London :1653.. (Caption title.) (Imprint from colophon.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "March: 6. 1654".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Society of Friends -- Apologetic works -- Early works to 1800.
  • Antichrist -- Early works to 1800.

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The EEBO-TCP project was divided into two phases. The 25,363 texts created during Phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 January 2015. Anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source.

Users should be aware of the process of creating the TCP texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data.

Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). If an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in NCBEL, then their works are eligible for inclusion. Selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so.

Image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. Quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in Oxford and Michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet QA standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. After proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. Any remaining illegibles were encoded as <gap>s. Understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of TCP data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor.

The texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the TEI in Libraries guidelines.

Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements).

Keying and markup guidelines are available at the Text Creation Partnership web site.

Publication information

  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2014-11 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A84831
  • STC Wing F1974
  • STC Thomason E829_9
  • STC ESTC R30385
  • EEBO-CITATION 99872260
  • PROQUEST 99872260
  • VID 168071

This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. Searching, reading, printing, or downloading EEBO-TCP texts is reserved for the authorized users of these project partner institutions. Permission must be granted for subsequent distribution, in print or electronically, of this EEBO-TCP Phase II text, in whole or in part.