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A FULL RELATION OF The SCOTS beſiedging Newcaſtle, and their taking the Glaſſe houſes, and other Forts.

With a Liſt of the chief Malignants in the Town.

Alſo, the Victorious Lord Fairfax his taking of Whitby, where he ſurprized;

  • 500. Officers and Soldiers.
  • 1000. Sailers and Inhabitants.
  • 40. Ships in the Channell.
  • Good ſtore of Powder.
  • 500. Armes.
  • 0. Commiſsioners of Array.
  • All their traine of Artillery.
  • 100. Peece of Ordnance.
[The Town and Forts of Newcaſtle.: depiction of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne

London, Printed by Bernard Alſop, according to Order. 1644.

THE VICTORIOVS LORD FAIRFAX HIS Surprizing of Whitby in York ſhire, with the men, Armes, Ammunition, Ships and Ordnance; with divers other particulers thereof.

MY Lord Fairfax having taken Burlington Bay, the fartheſt Ha­ven Towne in the Eaſt-Riding of Yorkeſhire, and placed a Garriſon for the Parliament in it; he marched from thence into the North-Riding, and having paſſed over at Pottersbrimton, and ſo to Yerley, and quartering in thoſe parts, the Countrey of the ſaid Eaſt-Riding of Yorkeſhire, came in to him in an abundance; being very ready to take the Covenant, and to aſſiſt the Parlia­ment againſt the Papiſts and Prelates the Ene­mies thereof.

So that the Lord Fairfax marched toward Whitby, a Haven Town in the fartheſt part of Yorkeſhire, with a very conſiderable Army; intending that if the Enemy would not deli­ver up the Town, to ſtorm it; for Whitby was a very ſtrong Garriſon of the Earle of Newcaſtles.

But the Enemy conſidering in what condi­tion they were, ſurrendred up the Towne to the Lord Fairfax, wherein were above five hundred Captaines, Lieutenants, Comman­ders, Officers, and common Soldiers; beſides (at the leaſt) twenty of the Commiſſion of Aray, and almoſt a thouſand Sailers and inha­bitants of the Town; all which have delive­red up the Town, and joyned themſelves with the Lord Fairfax; beſides forty ſhips which were then in the Channell.

Alſo the Lord Fairfax ſeized on all their Works, Ships, Powder, Ammunition, five hundred Armes, many Barrels of Powder, match, and other Ammunition, and traine of Artillery; and it is ſuppoſed, at the leaſt a hundred Peece of Ordnance in the Ships and upon the Workes; all which the Lord Fair­fax hath ſeized on for the uſe of the Parlia­ment.

A Relation of the taking of the Workes at New­caſtle by the Scots; with divers other Paſ­ſages concerning the Siedge, and an on­ſet by them made upon the Town.

THe Earle of Newcaſtle (it ſeemes) fore­ſaw the danger he was in; and how probable it was that he might by all likely­hood loſe, ſince not onely the Lord Fairfax encreaſed his ſtrength; but our Brethren of Scotland alſo were ſo near him: and therefore the Earle of Newcaſtle, Generall King, and di­vers others of the chiefeſt Commanders went into Newcaſtle, it is ſuppoſed, to try if they can eſcape away by Sea; but our Brethren of Scotland are very glad to hear that they are there, for they have layd cloſe Siedge to it; and making an onſet upon them, beat upon their Workes, and with the loſſe of onely 14. men, ſlew many of the enemies, recovered the Glaſſe-houſes, and one of their Forts, not the leaſt conſiderable, and were got on both ſides the Towne; ſo that it is not any wayes poſ­ſible, that they can hold out long.

Our Brethren of Scotland are quartered a­bout Morpeth, Ogle-Caſtle, Seton, Prude; and as many as well can, lye before Newca­ſtle.

The Scots ſent forth a party, which with ſome Boates made as a Bridge over the River at Newcaſtle.

One Brigade of Horſe and Foot, and Dra­goons, with ſome Ordnance, are marching towards Durham, and a party of them are to ſtay on the South ſide of Newcaſtle, in the Biſhopricke, to ſecure the Coale Pits on that ſide, and to keep the Enemy from firing them.

In the taking of the Shelds there is no great difficulty, and Tinmouth Caſtle will be forced to yeild up, when Newcaſtle is taken. The Earle of Warwicks Ships lye before Tinmouth, to keep in the malignant Ships.

So that now we may ſee a plaine demon­ſtration of Gods bleſſing, ſince the taking of the Covenant; there is no more now between the Lord Fairfax and our Brethren of Scot­land, ſave only the Biſhopricke of Durham; for Whitby, which the Lord Fairfax hath ta­ken, is adjacent to the hithermoſt part of the Biſhoprick, and Newcaſtle at the further part adjacent to the Country of Northumberland: ſo that between them it is not forty miles. The City of Durham it ſelfe being juſt in the mid way: which when they hear that New­caſtle is taken, can have little hopes to build upon to ſtand out againſt the two Armies.

By this time there is no doubt but Newca­ſtle is in the hands of the Scots, it being a fortnight ſince the Meſſenger that brought this Meſſage left them in this condition.

The Earle of Newcaſtle ſeeing that now he can do no more miſchief in that Country, hath fired and burnt down (as it is ſuppoſed) nigh an hundred houſes, and all the goods of ſo many poor families in the Suburbs of New­caſtle; notwithſtanding the cryes of many poor widowes and fatherleſſe children, that begged of him with teares, to refrain from the doing thereof.

A Liſt of the Names of the chiefe Ma­lignants in Newcaſtle.
  • Earle Newcaſtle.
  • Lord Widdrington.
  • Vic. Carre.
  • L. Gray.
  • Sir Thomas Glenham.
  • Major Morlay.
  • John Emerſon.
  • Henry Rowcaſtle.
  • Charles Clarke.
  • Ralph Cocke.
  • Robert Sherſtoe.
  • Nicholaus Coole.
  • Thomas Lyddell.
  • Lionel Madiſon.
  • Alexander Daviſon.
  • Marke Milbanke.
  • Francis Bowes.
  • Francis Anderſon.
  • Henry Maddiſon.
  • Leonard Carre.

About this transcription

TextA full relation of the Scots besiedging [sic] Newcastle, and their taking the glasse houses, and other forts. With a list of the chief malignants in the town. Also, the victorious Lord Fairfax his taking of Whitby, where he surprized; 500. officers and soldiers. 1000. sailers and inhabitants. 40. ships in the Channell. Good store of powder. 500. armes. 20. commissioners of array. All their traine of artillery. 100 peece of ordnance.
Extent Approx. 7 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84995)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 154590)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 6:E33[25])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA full relation of the Scots besiedging [sic] Newcastle, and their taking the glasse houses, and other forts. With a list of the chief malignants in the town. Also, the victorious Lord Fairfax his taking of Whitby, where he surprized; 500. officers and soldiers. 1000. sailers and inhabitants. 40. ships in the Channell. Good store of powder. 500. armes. 20. commissioners of array. All their traine of artillery. 100 peece of ordnance. [8] p. Printed by Bernard Alsop, according to order,London :1644.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: the 4 in the imprint date is crossed out;Feb. 20th 1643.".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax, -- Baron, 1584-1648.
  • Winceby (Lincolnshire) -- History, Military -- Early works to 1800.
  • Newcastle upon Tyne (England) -- History -- Siege, 1643 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A84995
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  • STC Thomason E33_25
  • STC ESTC R12428
  • EEBO-CITATION 99859279
  • PROQUEST 99859279
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