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A Fuller RELATION OF Sir Thomas Fairfax's ROVTING ALL The Kings Armies in the VVeſt, UNDER Prince Charles, the Lord Hopton, the Lord Goring, and all the reſt at Torrington: With the manner of the FIGHT, and the number kill'd and taken on both ſides.

AS ALSO The blowing up of Torrington Church: Hoptons Horſe ſhot under him; and the great dangers His Excellency eſcaped during the Fight.

With Copies of LETTERS to Members of the Houſe of Cōmons, and from Scoutmaſter-Generals quarters.

With a Liſt of all the particulars ſince the coming of the former Letter.

Commanded to be Printed, and are Publiſhed according to Order to prevent all falſe Copies.

London, Printed for Mathew Walbanck, Feb. 21. 1645.


The copy of a Letter from one of the Clerks of the Army to a Member of the Houſe of Commons.

Honoured Sir,

ON Friday the 6. of Feb. inſtant, Prince Charls ſent out Warrants to the Eaſt hundred of Cornwall, and the Weſt hundred confines, as far as Leiſtthiel and Foy, to ſummon them in to ſend men to proportion a number for compleating par­ties to keep all the paſſes on the river between Salt­aſh and Stratton, upon Tamari oſtium, and to all the other hundreds and parts adjacent, to ſend all the Forces they could raiſe, to joyn with the Army at Blank Torrington, with great threats to thoſe that ſhould fail them: The 7. inſtant divers men were preſſed in thoſe parts for both thoſe ſervices, and men diſpatched for the keeping of the paſſes afore­ſaid, and many were forced come in to joyn with Hopton at Torrington: On the 8. inſtant, a party then at Liſton were ſent for to come up to the ge­neral Rendezvouz; they promiſe their Landlords, that if they would disburſe a ſum of money to ena­ble them to march, they would remove, not letting them know the General (who is now Hopton) had ſent for them, telling the country people, they wan­ted ſhoes for their Horſes, and their Saddles mend­ing,4 Bridles and Clothes, &c. very unfit to march: and by this ſtratagem they got money, and yet ad­vanced not before they plundred them; the Ene­my (to encourage the Corniſh to come in) tell them that the King is coming to them with a great army of eight or ten thouſand horſe and foot, and ſay he hath conquered all parts by the way; that Cheſter is relieved, and the ſiege raiſed at Newark. On Monday the 9. the General had a reſolution to cruſh the Enemies new levied Forces at the firſt, and advance with all his ſtrength for that purpoſe, only leave Sir Hardres Waller with a ſufficient ſtrength to maintain the ſiege againſt Exeter, viz. three Regi­ments of Foot, and two of Horſe, with the coun­tenance of all the houſes and Fortifications kept by them; the Enemy in Exeter, as we are informed, Feb. 10. by ſome that came out from thence, will be eaſily perſwaded by pinching neceſsity to ſur­render; and if thoſe in the Field under Hopton had but any rout, then they would be the readier in Exeter to deliver up that Garriſon, points of Ho­nour being the chiefeſt thing that keeps them back from it; the poor in the City, many men, women and children, are ready to ſtarve, and many cry for bread, ſeeing nothing but ruine before them, except they ſurrender, if relief come not (which is very5 unlikely:) Feb. 10. the Prince ſent out Warrants for thoſe in Cornwal to advance, ſo many as were ready, and with all ſpeed to haſten to Tor­rington, and thoſe deſigned for the purpoſe, to help the paſſes on the Rere, to prevent our Forces from breaking in upon them that way; they had then got about Fifteen hundred horſe to mount part of their Foot, for a deſign with the reſt of the horſe to break through, if they could, over Exmore; and therefore the Corniſh had the charge of the guard­ing of their own county preſſed upon them the more; but many of them eſpecially the Gentry, and thoſe who had other thoughts before, were much diſcontent that they would now leave thē to themſelvs. Friday the 11. the General went to Tiverton to ſecure thoſe parts; and we had news, that Hoptons Foot were come to Torrington, where they were ſtrengthning that Garriſon, about eighteen miles from us: The Enemy had a general Rendezvouz within a mile and a half of Barnſtable, the country teport them to be about five or ſix thouſand, ſome ſay more, horſe and foot: but for our march, upon notice of the Enemies procee­dings, on Tueſday the 10. of Feb. we marched (as was reſolved Munday the 9. at a Councel of War) from Chimley to Crediton, about 12 miles ill way, and hard quarters. Sir Hardres Waller, with Col: Butlers and Col: Sheffields Regiments of horſe, and one Regiment of Col: Weldens, and alſo Col: Herberts and Col: Shaptoes, are left, with the reſt of the Foot and Dragoons in the Garriſon, to continue the Leaguer before Exeter; powder, and other ammunition proportionable for the Deſign left with them, and Orders for the managing of the buſines there by Sir Hardres Waller. From Tueſday the 10. till Friday the 13. our Forces ſtaid at Crediton, expecting the coming up of Major General Skippons Regiment, and Col. Overtons, and Col: Cooks Brigade, either all or three Regiments of Horſe, and the Dragoons, are to be with us ſpeedily. Sa­turday the 14. Col. Overtons Regiment are to follow with the Gene­rals Life-guard, and the reſt to ſpeed after, we reſolved not to ſtay for them: we had with us, the Generals own Regiment, Col: Hamonds, Col: Harlows, Col: Lamberts, Col: Forteſcues, and Col: Ingolabies of Foot. The Lieutenant Generals, Col: Sir Robert Pyes, and Col: Riches of horſe. We have ſent up Sir Hugh Pollard the Governour of Dartmouth to London. The Enemy have made ſome Sallies out of Exeter, but unwil­ling to engageorces, ſo that much hath not been done there, but we hope they cannot hold out long.

The General returning, we immediatly advanced Saturday the 14. inſtant, our head quarters were at Chimley, we had a Rendezvouz on a Moor in our way, but ſtaid not, this gave the Enemy a notable Alarm,6 and therefore, to make the Enemy the more ſecure, though Sunday the 15. we advanced with intentions for Torrington, yet partly by reaſon of the ill weather, and partly to put the Enemy into a careleſſe poſture, we retreated to our former quarters. Munday the 16. we had a, Rendez­vouz, wherein we ſpent not much time, but marched to Stevenſon, it being night at our coming thither, and glad we reach'd it ſo ſoon; from thence we drew out our forlorn hope that night, reſolving to fall upon the enemy who thought themſelves ſecure enough in Torrington, we had of that party about 1000. which marched immediately to the Hill beyond the Park, where they were engaged with the enemy, who received our forlorn, fought with them, and we took ſome priſoners, and our body coming up, God gave a good ſucceſſe. They had made many proteſtations the day before to keep Torrington againſt as in caſe we did advance, having there three thouſand horſe or moue, and above two thouſand Foot, ſome ſay ſeven thouſand horſe and foot at the leaſt: But on Munday, Feb. 16. about ten a clock at night by the light of the Moon we fell upon them; they made very reſolute oppoſi­tion againſt us from the Towns: Hoptons own horſe which he char­ged with, was ſhot under him at the gate, they kept it to puſh of Pike, but through Gods goodneſſe we (at laſt) entred the Town, and then ſo ſcattered them, they all ran avvay, ſome tovvards Barnſtable, vvhither Hopton is ſuppoſed to be fled: but moſt vvent Weſtvvard to­vvards Stratton, the Corniſh having quit the paſſes on the river before, they left their arms, vvhich they had throvvn dovvn in the ſtreets ſo thick, that they troubled us to paſſe, vve purſued ſtill ſcattering them, vve follovved them, and ſcattered them in the purſuit: There vvas in the Church (vvhich vvas the Magazine) about eighty Barrels of Gun­povvder, in vvhich place vve put in divers of the priſoners that vve had taken, but either by ſome accident or deſperately, the povvder vvas fired, and blevv up the priſoners, the Church, and all therein, and took divers houſes about it: ſome of the Lead fell into the Generals quarters, but did not much hurt, God be praiſed: vvee are ſtill purſuing the vi­ctory: they oppoſed us in ſome Lanes, vvhere divers vvere ſlain on both ſides, but God gave the ſucceſſe to us, vvho are ſtill purſuing the Victory.


Another Letter ſent from the Scoutmaſter-Generals quarters.

Honoured Sir,

OUr head quarters were at Chimley on Saturday the 14 of this in­ſtant February, which place the enemy had left before: On Sun­day the 15. we advanced from thence, with intentions to fall on the enemy in Torrington: but the weather falling out wet, we retreated to our old quarters. Yeſterday we had a timely Randezvouzs and came to Stevenſon at almoſt night: we drew out our forlorn hope, and made a party of 1000. or there abouts, to the hill beyond the Park our forlorn and theirs fought for it, we took divers priſoners: The ene­my were in all 3000 horſe, but they ſay 4000. The foot we 2000. they ſay they were 2500. which were all in and about Torrington, which place they had gariſoned, and were reſolved to make it good. About ten a clock at night we fell on the enemy, and began to ſtorm the Town, and indeed (to ſpeak truth) they did defend it awhile ve­ry gallantly to puſh of pike; but God put ſuch a courage into the hearts of our men, that they went on, till at laſt it pleaſed God we entred and beat them through the Town, and ſcattered them ſeveral wayes: moſt part of them ran away Weſtward, in the way to Stratton, we followed after them, and ſtill ſcattered them in the purſuit. After that we were entred Torrington, it ſo hapned that 80. barrels of Gun­powder was ſet on fire, by ſome of the priſoners which we had there, blew up the Church and divers houſes: ſome of the lead fell into the Generals lodging, which was about halfe Muſquet ſhot from the Church, but God be thanked did us no hurt there: It is yet too ſoon to informe you of the particulars what is taken, but of that I ſhall ſhew you by the next.

Another Letter ſent to a Member of the Houſe of Commons.


IT hath pleaſed the Lord to give us further ſucceſſe againſt the Enemy in theſe parts, and to thwart their great hopes of gathering the great Army they ſo laboured for. Yeſterday, the General, Lieutenant General, and the reſt of our•••ces then at Chimley, advanced with a reſolution to fall on Hopton in Torrington, whether he had gathered all his ſtrength. I muſt paſſe over many things, to give you8 accompt of the moſt materials; which is in brief thus, That before we went from Chimley, the General Ordered fourty pound gathered by the Conſtables of Chim­ley, for the Enemy, to be diſpoſed of for the poor of the Town, who had quar­tered our Souldiers. There was a Randezvouz of Horſe and Foot in Dunnington and Belvoir Moors, about a mile from Roborough, where they were drawn up in Battalia: in which time, we had not the ſight of any enemy; our Forlorn of Dragoons being about 80 came in immediately after 200 of the enemy were gone out of the Town, but they faced them on a Hill, but durſt not adventure to charge; our Forlorn of Foot, Horſe and Dragoons purſued, alarm'd them at Squire Rolls Houſe, which they were beginning to fortifie: It is a fair ſtrong houſe about a mile from Torrington. Vpon our approach 200 of the Royſters Firelocks, and Musket­tiers, quitted the Houſe; and they with a Brigade of Horſe fled before fourty of our Dragoons, and about 200 horſe. Our Army drawing up upon a Heath neer the houſe, had the firſt view of the Enemy, who faced us with ſeveral parties on a Hill, not a­bove half a mile or more diſtance: after this, the Forlorn hopes on both ſides met, and skirmiſhed for about two hours; our men made their Forlorn to retreat: where­upon they drew forth a Reſerve in the firſt Charge. One Reformado, Clerk of Col. Weldens Regiment, was ſhot in the Privities, after he had charged a great part of the Enemy, killed two, and was coming upon the third. Our men brought in priſoners continually, and got ground of the enemy, 800 horſe being ſent after thoſe engaged, and a Regiment of Foot after them; by this it was dark. Whereupon, the General, and the reſt of the field Officers had a Councel of War to debate, whether we ſhould fall on before day or no; by this we heard their Tattoo to beat, by which we knew they were ſtill in the Town: thereupon command was given to march up, which was done with as much willingneſſe and freedom as could be, the foot marching al­moſt up to the knees, ſixteen Dragoons were ſent to fire under an hedge neer the Enemy, to try whether they would defend the Town or no; they gave fire very feebly upon our men again. Our firſt word was Emanuel, God with us, and a Furr Buſh in our Hats; theirs, We are with you, and an Handcarchiff tyed about their right Arms; but in regard they had taken ſome few of our men priſoners, and got the Word and Signal, the word at this Onſet was Truely, and a Handcarchiff or white mark in our Hats, ſeveral parties were drawn forth after eight of Clock at night, which were met by the Enemy; our men diſputed about ſix ſeveral Cloſes with the enemy, they ſtill lining the hedge, but ſtill retreating when our men came to their Barracadoes and Works, the enemy fired more cloſe then ever, ſo that by the report of Commanders that have been engaged in the ſervice, it was as deſperate a ſervice as was in the moſt violent ſtorm that was made ſince the march of the Army, their men having the advantage of ſtrong Barrcadoes, and Works, and Hedges, which much amazed our men; at laſt our men got over, beat the enemy from their defence, and gave way for the horſe to enter, who diſputed the ſtreets with the enemy. Sirohn Digby, Brother to the Lord Digby often charging againſt our men, at laſt they were beaten quite through the Town, throwing away their Arms for haſte, which was no ſooner done, but about eleven of the Clock, the Church where­in the Magazine was left, was blowed up, conceived by a train which they had laid on purpoſe; there were 84 Barrells of Powder in it, beſides other Ammunition: the Church was rent all to peeces, both Stones, Timber, Lead, and Steeple; great ſtore of Lead was caſt over the Houſes into the ſtreet, one of which fell within two Horſes length of the General. The Generals Groom had his horſe ſhot under him,9 next to the General; the Enemies Horſe ſled ſeverall wayes, ſome towards Barnſtaple, others tawards Cornwal; the Ammunition in the Church was all or the moſt part they had for their Army.

Upon the blovving up of the Church, which vvas the moſt terribleſt ſight that ever I beheld. A party of the Enemies horſe fell again into the Tovvn upon our foot, vvho being amazed at this ſudden accident, began to flye, till Captain White told them our horſe vvere coming, vvhich cauſed them to retreat upon our firing, and to appear no more. There vvere Three thouſand foot in the Tovvn, being all their old Corniſh foot, and Greenviles and Gorings old Souldiers. We took near Three thouſand horſe, beſides vvhat our horſe have taken in the purſuit, vvhich vvas laſt night. We have many priſoners, many of vvhich vvere blovvn up in the Church. We have ſome of our ovvn men vvounded, but fevv ſlain; about fifty of the Enemy ſlain, Three hundred Arms broken and vvhole taken.

About this transcription

TextA fuller relation of Sir Thomas Fairfax's routing all the Kings armies in the vvest, under Prince Charles, the Lord Hopton, the Lord Goring, and all the rest at Torrington: with the manner of the fight, and the number kill'd and taken on both sides. As also the blowing up of Torrington church: Hoptons horse shot under him; and the great dangers His Excellency escaped during the fight. With copies of letters to members of the House of Comons [sic], and from Scoutmaster-Generals quarters. With a list of all the particulars since the coming of the former letter. Commanded to be printed, and are published according to order to prevent all false copies.
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 53:E324[6])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA fuller relation of Sir Thomas Fairfax's routing all the Kings armies in the vvest, under Prince Charles, the Lord Hopton, the Lord Goring, and all the rest at Torrington: with the manner of the fight, and the number kill'd and taken on both sides. As also the blowing up of Torrington church: Hoptons horse shot under him; and the great dangers His Excellency escaped during the fight. With copies of letters to members of the House of Comons [sic], and from Scoutmaster-Generals quarters. With a list of all the particulars since the coming of the former letter. Commanded to be printed, and are published according to order to prevent all false copies. 14, [2] p. Printed for Mathew Walbanck,London, :Feb. 21. 1645 [i.e. 1646]. (The final leaf is blank.) (Wing has publication year 1645; Thomason catalogue lists under 1646.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Campaigns -- Early works to 1800.
  • Torrington (England) -- History -- Early works to 1800.

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  • STC Thomason E324_6
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  • PROQUEST 99861313
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