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A Fuller RELATION FROM BRIDGEWATER Since the laſt Fight: Wherein is declared the fierce and terrible ſtorming of the Town, by firing it in three ſeverall places, and the neceſsity thereof:

Sent to the Honorable, William Lenthall Eſq Speaker to the Houſe of COMMONS.

By a worthy Gentleman in Sir THO: FAIRFAX his Army.

ORdered by the Commons in Parliament, That this Letter be forthwith printed and publiſhed:

H: Elſynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Edw. Husband, Printer to the Ho­norable Houſe of Commons, Iuly 26. 1645.


To the Honourable VVilliam Lenthall Eſquire, Speaker of the Houſe of Commons.


I Writ to you formerly, of the late Bat­tell with Goring, and of the taking of Langport and Burrough, two Garriſons of the enemy; ſince which time, the Army hath blocked up Bridgewater, in nature of a Siege, and yet have re­freſhed themſelves, being neceſſitated to lie ſtill (if no Enemy had been neer) till our money came up, which arrived here on Wedneſday; and the Army Horſe and Foot being Muſtered were paid on Friday and Satur­day, the reſt this day. But Action being moſt proper for this Army, in order to ſetling the peace of this Kingdom; the Generall in purſuance of his firſt opi­nion moved again to ſtorm the Town (for that he was certainly informed they had Victuals, and would be a work of time to gain it) It was unanimouſly (at laſt) agreed unto, that is, to ſtorme it, this morning about two of the clock. Yeſterday being the Lords day,4 Maſter Peters in the forenoon, and Maſter Blls in the afternoon applied themſelves to the encouragement of the Souldiers on any deſigne they went about, to look upon Chriſt in all their actions, and to be valiant in his Cauſe; and about ſeven at night our Foot being drawn out, and thoſe that commanded the Storme, and For­lorne, Maſter Peters (in the field) gave them an exhor­tation to do their duties, and God enabled them ac­cordingly: For this morning Iuly 21. about two a a clock, the Generals Regiment began the Storme, being ſeconded by others, and gave not over till they were a top of the Works with their Colours, and gai­ned the pieces that plaid upon them, and let down the Bridge: whereupon Captain Reynolds a valiant young Gentleman, entred with a Forlorn-Hope of horſe, ſcoured the Streets, and beat them out of the hither Town into the further (our Pikes ſtanding bravely to the horſe) This poſſeſſed the enemy with that fear, be­ing much perplexed at our taking the hither Town, and 500. priſoners that were part of thoſe that main­tained the hither Works: That the Enemy for the moſt part quitted the Line on the other ſide, where we were in hope the other part with Colonell Maſsie had Stor­med the Town, and entred; but they only gave an hot Alarme while we ſtormed (it ſeems being not then ready for it (though the time agreed on) wanting ſome neceſſaries) ſo we loſt the carrying the whole Town this time: The priſoners being brought to the Church above 500. in all with Officers; two Lieutenant Co­lonells, they aſſured they wanted not Ammuni­tion, nor Victuals, only meat for horſes and Cattell; we loſt not twenty men in the Storme, though5 in mans Iudgement, ſuch was the fierceneſſe of it, for an houre, one would not thinke leſſe then a thouſand could be ſlain; It was dark, and it ſo pleaſed God that they ſhot over for the moſt part. There was not one Officer ofte ſlaine, though many in perſon led on their men, and did gallantly, as Lieutenant Col­lonell Iackſon, Lieutenant Colonell to the Generall, and Collonel Hewſon of Collonel Pickerings Regiment. The Enemy being ſtill hardned in heart, was ſo farre from yeelding, that with Granadoes and other things, they fired that part of the town we were in, and hardly left 3. houſes ſtanding, this much inraged our men to ſee their villany, and the Generall not a little troubled to ſee a towne deſtroyed, ſummoned it once more, ſend­ing his Trumpet about 5. in the evening, they within were ſo peremptorie, that they would not ſo much as offer to come to a treaty, whereupon the Generall com­manded the towne to bee ſtormed on Colonell Maſsies ſide, to morrow morning.

Iuly 22. Tueſday, at the dawning of the day the Ge­nerall (as the night before) in perſon gave order for the forces on this ſide to give a fierce alarum with great and ſmall ſhot, while they on the other ſide fell on, which on our ſide was done with great reſolution, and but that the tide was up, we might alone have gained the Towne. They on the other ſide, againe failing to fall on, only giving an Alarum. God by his providence ſo ordering it that ſomething was wanting, and I hope in the Lord it was for the beſt, and for the preſervation of many a mans life. For this day, the hot Alarum wor­king nothing upon them, which indeed was almoſt a ſecond ſtorme, the Generall was enraged againſt them,6 and leaſt the innocent ſhould ſuffer among the nocent, ſent a Trumpet to the Governour to let all women and children come out of the Town, by 4. a clock this af­ternoon. And accordingly, the Lady Governeſſe, (one too guilty of the miſery of that place) the Lady Hamley, Miſtris Marre, and divers others came out, this being done, our great Gunnes and Morter-peeces with fire-balls, hot Irons, &c. plaid againſt the towne, and in­ſtantly fired it in 3. places, the wind being great increa­ſed the fire, and all on a flame on a ſudden, ſuch a ter­ror it wrought upon them, that Tom Elliot came run­ning out to the Generall for a parley. The Generall an­ſwered him, the Governour refuſed it the laſt night, and now that he had brought this miſery on himſelfe, the Generall would not admit of a Treaty, yet if he would ſubmit to mercy he ſhould have it, in the mean time till he returned a ſpeedy & poſitive anſwer, if any Souldier in the Town offered to take off a ſlate on the houſe, or quench the fire, our ſouldiers eryed the ceſſation ſhould be void, and we would take all advantages, this ſo ama­zed them that inſtantly they came out and cryed mercy for the Lords ſake, ſo it was agreed on, and quarter they have for their lives, and have liberty to ſave the towne; but as thoſe lately come out ſay, the towneſmen do not ſo faſt quench the fire, as the ſouldiers within in de­ſpite of this Army, ſet it on fire in freſh places. I heard Sir Iohn Hele, Maſter Speke and other of the Commiſſi­ners ſay, there are about 40 pece of Ordnance, 40 hun­dred weight of Match, powder proportionable, victu­als for 2000. ſouldiers for 4. moneths; 500. we took the other day, above 1000. yet within; Commanders, Reformadoes, Gentlemen, and fat Prieſts, its con­ceived7 above 200. Treaſure in Plate, Iewels, &c. ſaid to be worth 100000 .l. but all will be conſumed with fire, we doubt: The workes of the towne are as ſtrong, as any in England, the moat deepe, yet our foote waded through, all the bridges failing but one, and ſo got o­ver: It was about 30. foote wide, the Bearer ſee the ſtorme, and the Towne on fire, be pleaſed to move for his paines.

ORdered by the Commons Aſſembled in Parliament, That this Letter concerning the taking of Bridgewater be forthwith Printed and Publiſhed.

H: Elſynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

About this transcription

TextA fuller relation from Bridgewater since the last fight: wherein is declared the fierce and terrible storming of the town, by firing it in three severall places, and the necessity thereof: / sent to the Honorable, William Lenthall Esq; Speaker to the House of Commons. By a worthy gentleman in Sir Tho: Fairfax his army. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this letter be forthwith printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.
AuthorWorthy Gentleman in Sir Thomas Fairfax His Army..
Extent Approx. 8 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 4 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA fuller relation from Bridgewater since the last fight: wherein is declared the fierce and terrible storming of the town, by firing it in three severall places, and the necessity thereof: / sent to the Honorable, William Lenthall Esq; Speaker to the House of Commons. By a worthy gentleman in Sir Tho: Fairfax his army. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this letter be forthwith printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. Worthy Gentleman in Sir Thomas Fairfax His Army., Lenthall, William, 1591-1662., England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons.. 7, [1] p. Printed for Edw. Husband, printer to the Honourable House of Commons,London, :Iuly 26. 1645.. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Bridgwater (England) -- History -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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