A FIGHT at SEA Between the Parliament Ships & thoſe that revolted, AND The boarding of ſome of the Parliament Ships, by a party from the three Caſtles in KENT that are kept for the King And the ſtorming of WAYMOR Caſtle. Alſo a bloody fight in Ireland. And a treaty of the Commanders of the Revolted ſhips with the Duke of YORKE.
⟨June 30th⟩ LONDON Printed for H. Becke, and are to be ſold in the Old Bayley. 1648.
MY laſt was of the 8 of this preſent from the Downs, ſince which time we have attempted to put to ſea, ſeverall times, but was forc'ſt back thither again, by extraordinary ſtormes, and croſſe winds, by which we were all in ſome danger of the Kings ſhips, and the three Caſtles in the Downs, to bee ſtayed and plundered by them.
2As for the Kings ſhips, they ſent men aboard of all our three ſhips, to demand Powder and Ammunition for them and the Caſtles, and goe aboard of them, and to ſhow their Bills of Laydings, and Letters, who affirmed they had none, nor any powder or ammunition, but for the uſe of their ſhips; whereupon they were threatned to be carried for Holland, unleſſe they would confeſſe and deliver what was deſired, nevertheleſſe at the laſt all our Maſters were releaſed, and the Kings ſhips ſet ſayle for Holland upon the 12 day to ſpeak unto the Duke of York as they pretended.
And upon the 17 day the Caſtles ſent ſeverall men and boats aboard of all our ſhips, with order to ſearch and plunder us, but being withſtood they went aſhore, and ſwore God damme them, they would goe aſhore and ſinke every ſhip of us, and in purſuit thereof they did their beſt indevours, by ſhooting 12 pieces of great Ordnance at the leaſt, which forced us to weigh Anchor, and fall off to the Sea: Although the wind was contrary and calme, ſo that we lay at their mercy, and in great danger, if we had not been timely relieved, by a good party of the Lord Generalls Army, that marched towards the ſeverall Caſtles, and found them other imployment, which fell very happily out for us, for by this meanes we gained time to goe out of their command without any hurt or loſſe, onely Captain Newburts was plundered of two rich ſwords, worth five or ſix pound, as he affirmed, wee being thus forced to Sea, and the ſtormes ariſing continuing for the ſpace of two dayes, did put our Ships in ſome danger, nevertheleſſe, thanks be to God, wee heat it out, and recovered this place the 20 day,3 where we Ride ſafely in this Bay, ready for the firſt fair winde, which God in his mercy grant, and that with ſpeed, for the Corn is very prout, and is in danger to be ſpoyled.
From aboard of the Supply in Portland Bay neer Waymouth,the 22 of June 1648.
THe nine ſhips in Holland, viz.) The Reformation, the Convertine, the Antelope, the Swallow, and the reſt at Gorith that revolted from the Parliament of England, are making addreſſes to the Duke of Yorke, to joyn with them, and ſend them in proviſions, which they want, and are labouring for: But the Duke told them at preſent hee could not ſatisfie their deſires, becauſe of his want of monies, The falling off of thoſe ſhips hath put the Navy much out of order, and makes other Sea-men tumultuous, and if ſome courſe be not taken to reduce them, I feare no Commander will bee ſafe in any ſhip except it pleaſe God that ſome way bee found out for agreement between the King and Parlia. I pray God ſo to direct the Parliament to propound, and his Majeſties heart to incline to grant, that there may bee a4 peace. Waymer Caſtle was ſtormed with ſome loſſe, It was thought Prince Charles would have been with Langdale in the North of England by this time, but monies comming not in as expected, it cauſed his ſtay to raiſe monies upon uſe. Captaine Crowders the Reare-Admiralls ſhip is to be rig'd before ſhe can go out, God ſend a ſpeedy and ſafe peace.
Portſmouth25 June, 1648.
THe Enemies abroad are at great diſcord amongſt themſelves: and there is blood ſpilt, for they ſay that one Neale Mac Kenna a great man of the party of Owen Roe is ſlain: The Popes Nuntio hath excommunicated all the ſupreame Councel at Kil-kenny, and likewiſe Preſton and his Army, and all that doth adhere unto him, and the ceſſation with Inchequeen: The ſupream Councell and Preſton, and all their adherence proteſts againſt the Popes Nuntio his excommunication,5 and doth appeale to the Pope of Rome, and hath made a Declaration of all their reaſons for their appeale, which Declaration and appeale in Print I beleeve Col. Jones hath now ſent into England: I aſſure you the Enemies are exceedingly out of heart, and the generality of the people deſire a peace, and to be from under this Iriſh rebellious government for all ſorts of people ſuffer extreamly in their eſtates: and hardly can ſupport their families: the Taxes and Levies being ſo exceeding great: So that none gets by this warre, but the Popiſh Clergy, and the raſcall rout, and men of broken fortunes, which lives by all robberies and ſtealths: There is a report here that the Marqueſſe Ormond is landed in Munſter; this news comes out of the Iriſh quarters, but I doe hardly credit it to be true, Inchequins revolt hath for the preſent much ſupported the Iriſh, and prejudiced the Proteſtant party in this kingdome: but I hope it will little availe them in the end: for if it pleaſe God to protect England from a new warre, and that the Parliament ſend over ſpeedily in time; ſufficient recruts of men,6 to go abroad into the field next Moneth. I doubt not by Gods help this Summer will finiſh the warre in this kingdome, Col. Jones and Col. Monks, agree and ſement cloſe together: and will hold firm and ſure to the Parliament: they intend to joyne together as ſoon as poſſibly they may, to take the field Col. Moncks was here, and departed home yeſterday.
My Brothers Troop had a great loſſe laſt week in the County of Wicklow, for the enemy came ſuddenly over the place where their horſes grazed, and took-away ſixteen of the Horſe, with one Graham, and Adam Loftus, that then kept the Horſes at Graſſe: I hope we ſhall get the two men to bee exchanged and brought home.
Dublin20 June 1648.
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