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Firſt, Great Britaines Confeſsion. Second, Great Britaines Interceſsion. Third, and the Authours earneſt deſire for the Kings Majeſties happy and ſpeedy returne to his high Court of Parliament.

Great Britaines mournfull dolefull lamentation,
Becauſe of ſin, and ſinfull occupation.
Craving of God true righteouſneſſe and peace,
Faith, hope and love, unto her joyes increaſe.
VVOes me great Britain, what becomes of me
That have offended in ſo high degree,
By ſins committed? fearfull ſins indeed,
Which makes my ſoule and body much to bleed.
I have forſaken God, the God of love,
Well may Chriſt Jeſus my ill deeds reprove.
I have forſaken God, the God of peace,
Well may Chriſt Jeſus fearfull woes increaſe.
I have forſaken truth, peace, righteouſneſſe,
By fearfull hainous ſins and wickedneſſe.
I have forſaken Jeſus Chriſt my Saviour,
By my moſt baſe and filthy foule behaviour
I have abuſed Gods moſt holy Spirit,
By my refuſing of Chriſt Jeſus merit.
I have ſo much defended my ill cauſe,
That of Chriſt Jeſus I get ſmall applauſe.
Whereas I ſhould in humble wiſe confeſſe
My ſins to God, and all my wickedneſſe.
I have defended ſin, and ſins condition,
That well I may be throwne into perdition.
I with a brazen face have fronted God,
I well may ſuffer his moſt fearfull rod.
I have excus'd, whereas I ſhould accuſe,
Condemne and judge my ſelfe for my abuſe.
I have abus'd Gods patience by my ſin,
Well may my ſorrowes miſeries begin.
By pride, oppreſſion, I have ſins committed,
Which in true juſtice ſcarce can be remitted.
If mercy plead not for my ſinfull caſe,
I ſhall become moſt filthy, foule, and baſe.
By drinking, eating, riot, and exceſſe,
I have committed fearfull wickedneſſe.
By ſwearing, lying, idleneſſe, and ſloth,
I have offended, broken faith and troth.
By Idoll ſervice, fearfull to behold,
I have offended, I may be comptroll'd.
By great injuſtice I have much tranſgreſt,
The poore mans cauſe I have not in requeſt.
By wrongfull dealing, bribery, extortion,
In hell I doe deſerve to have my portion.
By whoredome, looſneſſe, idleneſſe, and eaſe,
By gaming, ſporting, I my God diſpleaſe.
By criſping, curling, pondring, frizling haire,
I ſeeme a ruſſian rude, without compare.
By digging, delving in the depth of ſin,
Well may my ſorrowes miſeries begin.
By ſins in ſecret, and in publique done,
I grieved have both Father and the Son.
I grieved have my Gods moſt holy Spirit,
Death and deſtruction well may be my merit.
I have ſo prov'd my ſelfe baſe Cavalleer,
That I deſerve to have ſad whipping cheer.
I have ſo much rebell'd againſt my God,
He may full juſtly plague me with his rod.
I have beene ſuch an enemy to peace,
That well Chriſt Jeſus may my woes increaſe.
The peace of God I ſlenderly regarded,
I for my ſins may juſtly be rewarded
With war, with famine, miſery and woe,
Becauſe my ſins I will not quite forgoe.
By Idoll ſervice, Romiſh occupation,
I doe deſerve to have no longer ſtation.
By Image-worſhip, Idoll gods adoring,
I from Chriſt Jeſus baſely run a whoring.
By ſwearing, curſing, blaſphemy, and lyes,
My fearfull oathes infected have the skies.
By much prophaning of Gods Sabbath day,
I well deſerve to be caſt quite away
By my diſhonouring of my parents deare,
I much deſerve to have ſad whipping cheare,
By killing, ſlaying, murdering, hating, wounding,
My fearfull ſins are ſuper much abounding.
By baſe adultery, ſpirituall fornication,
By whoredomes baſe, and ſoule abomination
I ſinned have, I have offended God,
He wel may plague me, make me feele his rod.
For robbing, plundring, cozning, cheating, ſtealing
God well may plague me for my unjuſt dealing.
For bearing witneſſe falſe, unjuſt, untrue,
My wretched caſe my ſinfull ſoule may rue.
For coveting, and craving things unjuſt,
I juſtly ſuffer, and I ſuffer muſt.
Unleſſe Gods mercy doe appeare to me
In Jeſus Chriſt, I ſhall forſaken be.
Good God forgive me theſe my ſinfull crimes,
In mercy turne thee unto me betimes.
Turne me unto thee by my ſins forſaking,
That of true joyes my ſoule may have partaking.
Grant this good God for Chriſt his ſake thy Son,
Forgive my ſins I have againſt thee done.
To whom with thee, and bleſſed holy Spirit,
Who onely doſt eternity inherit,
Be glory, honour, power, thanks, and praiſe,
On earth, in heaven, without end of dayes, Amen.
Great Britaine prayes for pardon, for remiſſion
Of ſins, tranſgreſſions, filthy foule condition:
She craves Gods mercy, righteouſneſſe, truth, peace,
Faith, hope, and love, unto her joyes encreaſe.
I Sigh, I ſob, I ſorrow, mourne, lament,
My ſins committed make me to repent.
My God is angry, he offended is,
For ſins, tranſgreſſions, for things done amiſſe.
What will become of me Great Britaines Land,
That have offended with ſo high a hand?
I have abus'd my God, my ſelfe, my friends,
By ſinfull actions cauſing fearfull ends.
I am aſham'd to looke God in the face,
Becauſe my ſins have brought me in diſgrace.
Good Lord forgive me mine offences all,
My fearfull ſins, tranſgreſſions great and ſmall.
My ſins of thought, my ſins of word and deed,
Good God forgive them, they ſtill make me bleed.
Lord heale my griefes, my wounds are feſtred ſore,
My fearfull ſins ſtill make me cry and rore.
I much lament my filthy foule condition,
Which brings my ſoule and body to perdition.
Remove my ſins out of thy pretious ſight,
In ſins committed thou tak'ſt no delight.
Good God paſſe by them, pitie my diſtreſſe,
Forgive my ſins, and all my wickedneſſe.
I am become like one that is diſeas'd
With falling ſickneſſe, that would faine be eas'd,
Who wounds his head, his body, and his heart,
And trembles, quivers, ſhakes in every part,
Beating and thumping with ſuch fearfull blowes,
His breſt, his ſtomack, belly, face, and browes,
And findes no reſt, untill the fit be gone,
Which makes him weepe his fit to think upon.
This is my caſe, this is my ſad diſeaſe,
To free me from it Lord thee let it pleaſe.
Thou haſt the power, none but thee alone,
Thou well canſt heale my malady and mone.
Thou canſt defend my head and members all,
Preſerue Great Britaine that it may not fall.
Lord heale thoſe members that infected are,
Thou in ſweet mercy art without compare.
Speake thou the word; do thou perform the deed,
Thy healing Spirit ſend to me with ſpeed.
Lord ſpread thy mercy over thine handmaid,
Who hath by ſins beene fearfully betraid,
And lyes a bleeding in moſt fearfull wiſe,
Lord in thy mercy doe not me deſpiſe.
I am a ſinner I my ſelfe confeſſe,
And am arraign'd for ſin and wickedneſſe,
To plead not guilty if I make deniall,
My ſins cry out againſt me in my triall.
I am found guilty, I my ſelfe ſubmit,
My ſins confeſſe, Chriſt Jeſus them remit.
I humbly pray thee for thy mercies ſake
Of thy ſweet merits let my ſoule pertake.
Make well my head, Lord, make my body found,
Let no ill member in the ſame be found.
Let head and members in ſuch wiſe agree,
That I true ſervice may performe to thee.
My head, my body make ſo perfect well,
That I may live in peace, in ſafety dwell,
That ſo I may be thankfull unto thee,
Who mak'ſt me ſound and ſafe in each degree,
That ſoule and body both may well conſent
To hold with thee a bleſſed Parliament.
That ſo my ſins tranſgreſſions ſwept away,
I may thee truly ſerve both night and day.
Grant this good God for Chriſt his ſake, thy Son,
And his ſweet merits he for me hath done.
To whom with thee, and bleſſed holy Spirit,
Be thankes and praiſe, who heaven doſt inherit,
Be glory, honour, power, thankes, and praiſe,
On earth, in heaven, without end of daies. Amen.
To bring our King to his grave Parliament
John Cragge hath written this with hearts conſent,
Praying to God he may returne with ſpeed,
To cure the fretting wound which ſtill doth bleed.
COm home, com home, ſweet ſoverain Charlemain
Come chear your ſubjects harts wch much com­plain,
By reaſon of your abſence cauſing war,
Which in Great Britaine makes a fearfull ſcar.
Full many a hundred thouſand pound is ſpent
This Civill war, which cauſeth diſcontent,
Which might have beene beſtow'd a better way,
Then thus to bring your kingdomes to decay.
Beſides the loſſe of many a gentle heart,
Whoſe loſſe to friends brings ſorrow, wo & ſmart.
Your comming home will be accepted well,
Why ſhould you thus againſt your ſelfe rebell?
Why ſhould you ſtrive againſt your Parliament,
Which in true juſtice ſeekes to give content
To God and man, to neighbour, friend, & brother,
Yea to your ſelfe in Chriſt above all other.
I dare be bold, there's not a man doth live
In Parliament but would contentment give
Unto your Majeſty, in ſuch a way
As might for ever make you win the day
Againſt your foes that Antichriſt maintaine,
Such foes ſubdue your Parliament would faine.
The grand Militia which they take in hand,
Is for the health and welfare of the Land,
Not any wayes to derogate at all,
Nor take from you, nor make your ſcepter fall.
Their ſtrength is yours, if you will ſide with them,
They doe eſteeme you for their pretious Gem.
Their ſending forces is to fetch you home,
To bend your force againſt the force of Rome;
Not to moleſt you, nor your perſon teare,
But to conduct you for your ſafety here,
From ſuch as have abus'd your kingdomes Crown
And would the Law and Goſpell quite put downe,
The Law of God, and Jeſus Chriſt his Son,
To make your kingdomes three be quite undone.
Come then ſweet Soveraign, friendly give conſent
And well accord with your grave Parliament.
What if you did in preſence of them all,
Before Chriſt Jeſus let your Scepter fall,
And yeeld to him what is his due by right?
It would advance you in Chriſt Jeſus ſight.
What if you did confeſſe your ſelfe to be
A ſinfull man againſt his Majeſtie?
And one that had not done ſo good a deed,
As to Chriſt Jeſus might contentment breed?
And that you ſory are for what is done
Againſt Chriſt Jeſus under Britaines Son.
This is the thing Chriſt Jeſus doth deſire,
Your humbleneſſe is all he doth require.
If you ſubmit to him, he yeelds to you,
And will your foes for ever quite undoe.
There's not a man in your grave Parliament,
But with their heart will give you good content.
Nay if before them all you ſhould lay downe
Your Diadem, your Scepter, and your Crowne,
There's none but would fall down upon their knee
And with your Majeſtie full well agree,
And much advance you for your royal deed,
Wch thing would ſtench the wound that ſtill doth bleed
This thing no doubt would ſuch contentment give
To God in Chriſt, that you ſhould peacefull live,
And in your ſoule ſhould ſuch contentment finde,
No thing on earth ſhould more content your mind,
No King on earth ſhould ſuch contentment have,
You ſhall not want what you can wiſh or crave.
Your ſubjects love in Chriſt ſhall be your gaine,
And then in Chriſt you ſhall full ſweetly reigne,
In faith, in truth, in righteouſneſſe and peace,
In love, in honour, to your joyes encreaſe.
Then come ſweet Soveraigne, come to London town,
It will advance your Scepter, and your Crowne,
By ſiding with your wiſe grave Parliament,
Will give true Chriſtian hearts full ſweet content.
Which that you may in Chriſt perform with ſpeed
Chriſt Jeſus bleſſe you for ſuch Princely deed.

About this transcription

TextFirst, Great Britaines confession Second, Great Britaines intercession. Third, and the authours earnest desire for the Kings Majesties happy and speedy returne to his high court of Parliament.
AuthorCragge, John, Gent..
Extent Approx. 14 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-IV TIFF page image.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A85318)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 160964)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 245:669f6[103])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationFirst, Great Britaines confession Second, Great Britaines intercession. Third, and the authours earnest desire for the Kings Majesties happy and speedy returne to his high court of Parliament. Cragge, John, Gent.. 1 sheet ([1] p.) s.n.,[London :1643]. (Verse - "Great Britaines mournfull dolefull lamentation,".) (Imprint from Wing.) (John Cragge named as author in initial lines of third stanza.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "January 7 1642".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800.

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ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2011-12 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A85318
  • STC Wing F976
  • STC Thomason 669.f.6[103]
  • STC ESTC R212584
  • EEBO-CITATION 99871188
  • PROQUEST 99871188
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