THE PLOTT And Progreſſe of the Iriſh REBELLION.
LOoke into all Machavillian Pollicies they firſt pretend unto a ſeeming good; as may appeare in the Goverment of Ireland, under the Lord Lievtenant Straford, in his firſt comming to regulate the ſword, with an auſtere hand of Juſtice over all, ſeeming to befriend, and eaſe the Subjects from a letigious courſe of Law, and Monopolized the major part of Cauſes, and reduced them to an Arbitrary Government.
2. The advantage raiſed unto his Majeſty by affording agreater Revenue for the cuſtomes of Ireland, then formerly was given, and ſo a grant of farming the cuſtomes was afforded ('twas ſaid to Sir George Ratclife) the world may be ſatisfied2 for whoſe uſe it was, then preſently cuſtomes were enhanced, of all forts, as Yarne. Tallow, Hide Butter &c. and eſpecially Tobacco from ſix pence, to two ſhillings in the pound, by which increaſed an eſtate by any unjuſt exaction from the Subject.
3. In obtaining thirty thouſand Arms, Ammunition, Artillery, &c. pretending for the ſecurity of the Kingdome, then the confiſcating of the lands of Conaught to bring them to the Crowne as alſo divers other Eſtats, in that Kingdome, by which it might ſeeme to his Majeſty and the ſtate of England, good ſervice done to the Crowne, it cannot be denied but that the ſaid Lord Lievtenant, ſhewed himſelfe very ſevere againſt the Natives, neither were the Britiſh much favoured, when they came under his hand: This is but a preamble for their intended project.
Touching matters regulated in the Church it is worth a conſideration, what innovations were crept in and in the regulating of Eccleſiaſticall iuriſdiction, as the High Commiſſion Court, &. 'tis worth obſervation, that what power the Biſhop of Derry, Bramble in clawing and never ending for〈◊〉not onely his fellow Soveraign Biſhops, but alſo Arch Biſhops, to void tennants eſtats, and enhancing rents nigh the double value what formerly they were, this may conduce•o a Romiſh pollicy, to keepe the Subject as poore as may be, that when time ſerves to inact farther, and impoſe on them〈…〉they pleaſe; ſo the tennants as the Tribe of Jſſachar, muſt•eare what Levi would impoſe on them, in a temporall Government, as alſo the high Commiſſion Court being ſo prevalent (that Hillary Tearme laſt 1643. at Dublin) in which Doctor Harding was cenſured, to be degraded of his miniſteriall function and alſo of his degrees in the Colledge and after to be left to be proceeded againſt at Common Law: the cauſe alleadged was for maintaining, Blaſphemy in the Colledge about foure yeares ſince, alleadging he ſhould declare that 'twas injuſtice in God to condemne Adam for eating the apple, another charge there was laid againſt3 him, for cauſing a booke to be printed in Dub lin (though he had the approbation of the Arch-Biſhop of Dublin) entituled Irelands advocate, being none of his owne worke, but ſent by an acquaintance of his from England in manuſcript, and he putting it to the preſſe, with an Epiſtle Dedicated to Sir Iohn Temple, of his owne framing, in which booke they picke forth treaſon (as they tearme it) the firſt exception is becauſe the Authour is invective againſt Biſhops, the other was in an other place of the booke, giving the Almighty thankes for the ſeverall deliverances that England hath had, from the plots of the Papiſts, as inſtancing that of 88. and that of the 5. of November and that of the 4. of Ianuary, at which of the 4. of Ianuary they ſtorme, and inferre, to be treaſon, interpreting that was the day his Majeſty with his attendance went to demand the five members forth of the houſe of Parliament, and therefore conceived treaſon, for rancking or comparing that day to the known Papiſticall plotts, and for ought as yet is known he is like to looſe his life: and the bookes that could be found printed were adjudged by the ſaid high Commiſſion Court, to be burnt by the hand of the hangman; which accordingly was done: This is not the bondage aymed at, but one far deeper the ſpirituall bondage of the ſoule; as looke into that Cozen-jerman to plaine Popery, Superſtitious and Alter-like Service how it was enforced throughout that Kingdome of Ireland and they that refuſed, how ſeverely they were handled in the high Commiſſion Court, 'tis two well known, that divers Miniſters that refuſed that way were forced to quit that Kingdome, eſpecially ſome in the North.
Power being once prevalent, both in State and Church, then time ſerved to ſet forward that Diabolicall plot, for the ruine and deſtruction of the Proteſtant Religion in the three Kingdomes of England, Scotland, and eſpecially Ireland, and the firſt practice (as well 'tis obſerved by the authour of the Booke intituled The Myſterie of iniquitie yet working) Scotland, (not reſenting to what the Prelates would have forced in their4 Church) tooke Armes to defend their Religion: a Paſſification was ye•lded to by his Majeſtie, till after invited by the Earle of Strafford, and others, to take armes De nove: hee having prepared matters ſufficiently in Ireland, pretending againſt the Scots, and ſo drew downe an Armie of eight thouſand, (of which 'tis well knowne of Officers, and ſouldiers, there were not nigh one thouſand Proteſtants) to the Scottiſh ſhoare, where the inhabitant Scot of that Kingdome of Ireland, was by his Commands diſarmed, and Garriſons planted from Strankford to London-Derrie along the ſhoare-ſide. Matters then beginning to come to a ripeneſſe, the Earle of Straford brought with him into that Kingdome of Ireland, at his laſt going over, one Sir Toby Mathews an arch Jeſuite, made him his Comrade, (obſerved) none was more honoured by him then this grand Jeſuite: Now obſerve how eaſie a matter it is for a Jeſuite once underſtanding the intent, to ſtate the hearts of other Jeſuites, Friers, Seminaries, &c. and then how eaſie a matter, 'tis for them to ſtate the hearts of all their people, and adherents, any man may judge that knoweth any thing.
So then if the Lord Strafford did ſhew himſelfe never ſo great a Tyrant (as certaine hee did) not only to the Natives, but alſo to the Brittiſh; the rather to caſt a cloud before the State of England then otherwayes; how eaſie it was for the Jeſuites, Prieſts, &c. to informe the Common people, that hee was for all their good, though hee ſhewed himſelfe otherwayes to them, as time hath brought it forth.
Wee may now evidently ſee, what his Plott (with others was,) as I hope to produce ſuch conducing Circumſtances as may ſatisfie the hearts of all good Chriſtians, for others that are or may bee of the ſame faction, I leave, for who are blinder then they that will not ſee. A Miniſter who lived in the County of Kildare in Ireland, had ſome Conference with a Popiſh Prieſt living not farre from him, who informed the Miniſter, of a Plott that was contrived beyond Sea againſt the Proteſtants in Ireland, relating that the Iriſh intended to riſe ſhortly, and5 that he had ſeen Letters to that purpoſe from beyond ſea, and that thoſe letters were in ſuch a Cloſet, with ſuch a Jeſuite, in ſuch a mans houſe, naming every particular; this was about Aprill 1639. The Miniſter finding the Prieſt ſerious, went along with him to the Earle of Straford, to the Caſtle of Dublin, waited his opportunitie in the Gallerie, and at laſt preſented this Prieſt to the ſaid Earle, expreſſing that hee had informed him of a Plott the Papiſts had againſt the Proteſtants; the Earle anſwered, 'twas ſome buſie-pated knave or other; being urged, he could ſay much, replyed; what could he ſay? the Prieſt being taken privately by the Earle to the further end of the Gallerie, after halfe an houres ſpace was diſmiſt, there was given him by his Lordſhips Command, twenty pounds, a horſe, and a ſuite of clothes to conceale the matter, and Commanded never to appeare againe, which according to his Commands was obeyed.
Time began to draw on, the Earle of Straford was to returne to England, but before hee went was pleaſed to expreſſe, that if ever hee returned to regulate that honourable Sword againe, hee would leave neither roote, nor branch, of the Scottiſh Nation in that Kingdome. Well, over hee goeth to the North of England, where hee intended the ſtroake ſhould be ſtrooke betweene the Armies, it pleaſed God to prevent, beyond the Expectation of men. The Earle was taken notice of, and according to his merit was requited; Is this all? No, as now 'tis evident by the relation of ſome Iriſh Jeſuites, and others, that as ſoone as the ſtroake was ſtrooke by the Armies, betweene England and Scotland, (which was to be about Michaelmaſſe 1640.) the Earle of Straford was to returne for Ireland, then was it, that the Iriſh Armie being drawn down to the North as aforeſaid, was to fall upon all the Inhabitants Scots, and Engliſh thereabouts, and ſo the Iriſh to fall upon all the Engliſh and Scots Proteſtants in that Kingdome, but not to murther them in ſuch a maſſacring way, they only were to ſecure their perſons and eſtates, till further order, and that they6 were called to an accompt for their religion, and then refuſing, ſhould ſuffer.
Their Plott failing in this particular, the Iriſh waited on, as amazed, to ſee the iſſue of their Earle (as they after tearm'd him) 'twas May following before his head was taken off, and after that, the Iriſh Armie was disbanded, which was no ſmall vexation to the Iriſh (as may further appeare in the Iriſh Remonſtrance to his Majeſtie, that being their ſixt grievance) they muſt then another way to worke, their agents being in England, they waited their return and taking their advantage of the yeare, after Harveſt, the 23. of October 1641. began their bloody maſſacre, Donnagh Mac Guire, the Lord of Eneskillings Uncle, and Hugh Mac Mahoune, the ſaid Lords Secretarie, and chiefe Counſellour affirmed, that they ſhould have begun that time twelve-moneth, had the Lord of Straford returned according to expectation; and alſo they expreſt, that there were the like diſtempers in England, and that Plott was for the three Kingdomes, and had the Caſtle of Dublin beene taken, they would have ſent fourtie thouſand men to England. Being oppoſed by the hearer, that he could not beleeve that the Earle had any hand in ſuch a buſineſſe; they affirmed hee had, and was to be Lord of Ireland, as in former ages they had; and that they would not begin when they heard his head was off, but forbore till harveſt was in, and nights long, that they might ſet themſelves in a poſture of warre. For they well knew how eaſie it was in Summer, for England and Scotland to ſend an Armie to qualifie them.
Some notice may be taken of the Earles words before hee parted with his head, ſpeaking of a Reformation in Charracters of blood, and that there was a Cloud impending, which ſince hath proved too true to our wofull experience. (What will not ambitious Machavilians attempt to make them and their poſterity great.) Moſt certaine it is by relation of thoſe that were about the Lord Ambaſſadour to Spaine, that about Michaelmaſſe 1640. the Jeſuites, Prieſts, and Friers, in Spaine expected7 to heare newes of the diſtempers in Ireland, (the Rebellion I meane) upon which the Lord Ambaſſadour ſent to the Court in England, to know the certaintie, returne was made all well and quiet, yet the ſaid Lord Ambaſſadour ſtayed in Spaine till about Michaelmaſſe 1641. all that whole yeare, the Jeſuits, Prieſts, &c. expected daily to heare of diſturbance in Ireland: Each particular ſeriouſly conſidered and compared one with another, I beleeve may ſatisfie any reaſonable man, that the ſaid Earle muſt needs have a hand in the Plott of Ireland; Sir George Ratclife may be ſo farre taken notice of, that he ſtormed very much againſt the Church warden of Saint Warbres Pariſh in Dublin; for preſenting a Maſſe-houſe that was newly erected within foure or five houſes of the Caſtle gate, in which Maſſe was frequently ſaid, and he Commanded the preſentment to be caſt forth of the Court, and never could further endure the ſaid Churchwarden. There is no wonder in this, for all men that knew him, might quickly diſcerne his inclination to that Idolatrous, Babilonian whore.
Now, ſince this maſſacring act it hath been frequently ſpoken by the Rebells, that what they did was by Commiſſion, which ſtill they juſtifie. Let all Chriſtians ſtand here amazed to behold the ceſſation of Armes to be granted to ſuch Butcherly Hell-hounds, who have wallowed and embrewed their hands in the deſtruction of at leaſt two hundred thouſand Proteſtants, of men, women, and children, which will be particularly proved if occaſion be offered. Yet it is reported that there is Brian mac Neale, the Ferry-mans ſonne of Strangford in Ireland, who hath aſſumed the name of O Neale, one of thoſe that at firſt ſhould have ſurprized the Caſtle of Dublin, and who is now made Knight and Barronet, called Sir Brian O Neale, that doth juſtifie to his Majeſtie, that there was not above tenne perſons deſtroyed in all Vlſter. Againe, their Remonſtrance ſet forth, intituled, A Remonſtrance of Grievances preſented to his moſt Excellent Majeſtie in the behalfe of the Catholicks of Ireland)8 wherein the Rebels doe declare, and turne the whole Rebellion on the Proteſtants, and ſtand on their own iuſtification that what Maſſacries were committed were done by the Engliſh. Are not theſe a people to be had in high eſtimation, committing ſuch Acts as they did to ſtand out in their owne juſtification & for any thing I can ſee as yet like to carry it ſo. How prevalent the Iriſh faction is about the Court, is ſufficiently app•rent, little queſtion their is to be made, of there obtaining a ſuddaine peace.
There is one thing to be taken notice of that when the Lord of Ormond marched forth this laſt Summer 1643. with foure thouſand horſe, and foot, kept the randevous at Curr in Kildare, when they might have done good execution againſt the Enemie were kept above a fortnight in the field and Starved above three hundered of them returned (though they ſaw the enemies Coulours flying in the field) taking only one poore old Caſtle not worth a conſideration, then after that, they were diſperced by Companies (ſome three thouſand of them) into ſmale Garriſons in the pall, to ſecure old Caſtles; a weeke before the Ceſſation was concluded the Iriſh forces both of Linſter Connaught, and Vlſter, (they well knowing when to conclude the Ceſſation) joyned together and fell on the ſaid ſmall Garriſons, and deſtroyed many, and tooke divers priſoners, poſſeſt themſelves of a great part of Meath which ſtill they inioy. Oh let all Proteſtants either now open their eyes, or elſe reſolve to undergoe the yoake that they are not, or will not be willing to beare, when it will be to late for them, then to wiſh I had done this or that &c. May we not now obſerve in what a Cloud ſtill we are under, though faire ſhaddows are caſt before our eyes; As that the new Lord Lievtenant Marqueſſe of Ormond, hath commanded that no Papiſt ſhall be either of his retinnue, or of his Companies, in his regiment and Guard, when it may be well obſerved how forward he is to give way to Papiſts to be tranſported into England, to ſerve againſt the Proteſtants, as alſo tis worth a conſideration (that ſince the9 Lord of Stratfords time, and the time that Iames the Pedlar ſonge downe derry) the ſecond or Alter-like Service, hath beene omitted at Chriſt-Church in Dublin in the Lord Juſtices time, yet now newly revived, ſince the Marqueſſe of Ormond received the ſword, how neare ſtill they preſume to declare themſelves, not what they would be at, that bewitched druncken cup of fornication; let notice bee taken likewiſe of the ſecond Ratclife alias Sir Morris Euſtace the chiefe Counſellour of that Kingdome, that in ſome meaſure declared himſelfe, (one may ſee daylight at a little hole) there was one that had an eſtate in houſes in Dublin, and ſet them to tennant, the Landlord that ſet them, hath beene in Rebellion at this time untill the Ceſſation of armes, then repaired to Dublin, demanded his rents, from the tennant and arrerages, for two years paſt, the tennant anſwered, that it had beene leſſe charge to him to have paid his rent, then to have borne that ceaſe and preſſe, and billiting of Souldiers as he did, and ſo declared he was unable to pay his rent, the Landlord threatned to deſtraine, for he obſerved there was houſehold ſtuffe left that would diſcharge the rent and arrerages, the tennant being thus threatned, deſired the oppinion of Sir Morris Euſtace, and informed him his caſe, who declared that he was bound to pay his rent, otherwiſe by the Law of the Land he might be diſtrained on.
This is a hard caſe that Rebells ſhall have their rents paid them, and that many hundreds of us Proteſtants ruin'd (with their wives and children) in their eſtates by the Rebels, and are daily begging and ſtarving in Dublin, and other parts of that Kingdome (beſides thoſe that are forced to flie for ſuccour into other Kingdomes, and no reparation can be thought of, for the keeping them alive, out of their owne eſtates, enioyed now by the Rebells; whilſt our army was on foote (God ſo bleſſed our poore handfull of men) that ſtill they had the better of the10 enemy, and ſpoyle was gained to relieve them and others, now we all ſuffer, and that iuſtly for diſpairing of Gods providence to us; let the authors of the Ceſſation looke to it; tis but in us to obſerve, and morne, to ſee that a Ceſſation of armes muſt be yeelded unto ſuch Antichriſtian infernall Locuſts as they are, and no underſtanding for the Proteſtant reformed Religion, can be hearkened unto in England, our own men brought from Ireland to be made inſtruments againſt our ſelves; Is not this the depth of a Machavillian miſtery, we may obſerve the providence of the Almighty on the officers and Souldiers, (that did doe gallant Service againſt the Iriſh Rebells) which were ſent into England how ſoone it pleaſed the Lord to declare, he was not well pleaſed with theit comming ſhewing his hand on them at Nantwitch.
Now faire oppertunity may the Iriſh have to playe their after gaine, as they have ſufficiently envited and ſet forth in print from Waterford. Entituled, Admoniſſions by the ſupreame Counſell of the confederate Catholicks of Ireland: To all his Majeſties faithfull, loyall Subjects of the three Kingdomes, of England, Ireland, and Scotland, againſt a ſolemne League and Covenant framed by the Malignant party, in the Parliament of England; as alſo a Declaration of the Engliſh Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament wherein they enſite, not only their owne Nation to ſtand to their Arms offenſive and Defenſive, but envite them to a timely and a fit prevention; as alſo envite all Romiſh Catholicke Kings, to take notice how far they are engaged in it; as much as if they ſhould ſay to their Countrimen, play your after game, take a fit time to cutt all the reſt of the Proteſtants throats and to envite other Princes to fall upon the Maſſacring of all the Proteſtants, within their verdge.
Thus we find how active they are at the pen let us looke a little further, & conclude what their intentions are, as doth evedently11 appeare by their diligence, in ſlacking no time to ſet forward their intended project, how buſie they (the Iriſh) have beene in procuring Armes and Ammunition ſince the Ceſſation. Sir Pierce Crosbie, who about the time of Concluding the Ceſſation, brought over with him to Waterford, (for the Rebels) five thouſand Armes and Ammunition.
Againe, the Popes Nuntio (who is there frequent with them (brought over Treaſure to maintaine the warre, as is ſaid fiftie thouſand pounds.
And now laſtly, about Candlemas there landed two Agents from Forraign parts, who brought over with them to Waterford ſtore both of Armes and Amunition, and much more is brought daily, though we cannot diſcover every particular; Doth not this demonſtrate unto us their intent, and how cautious they were in the concluding of the Ceſſation (that proviſo) to have liberty to buy Armes, and Ammunition where they pleaſed, either in that Kingdome, or from Forraigne parts, how frequent they are at Dublin, in buying Armes from the Cutlers at what rate ſoever, without ay interruption, that a good Sword no Cutler can keepe by him, the Iriſh Gentrie buy them ſo faſt, and give any rates for them; What advantage is this againſt us, they arming themſelves, and we diſarming our ſelves, by ſending our men and Armes, and Artillerie out of that Kingdome to maintaine warre our againſt our ſelves, how inſolent the Iriſh Nobilitie and Gentrie, doe now ſhew themſelves againſt our Engliſh Nobilitie and Gentry at Dublin, 'tis apparant, as in the Caſe betweene the young Lord Moore. and the Lord Tate, as alſo in the Caſe betweene Sir Thomas Armſtrong, and Captaine Flowre, on one part Proteſtants; and Cornet Mac Gragh and Routh Papiſts, of the other part, the Papiſts taking opportunitie in the ſtreets of Dublin to affront our Proteſtants, Lords and Gentrie; they doe well to demonſtrate unto us, that when their ſecond Plott is to be ſet in agitation, may in Dublin12 begin upon ſuch like Quarrels in the ſtreets, thereby to take occaſion for the ſecond cutting of throats, and once being paſt to flouriſh it over, and ſay 'twas ſome drunken quarrell or other, for at this inſtant, Dublin may take it ſelfe, the major part being Iriſh now in it.
To Conclude, now the Scottiſh Armie are reſolved to depart from the North of Ireland, as already appeares, three Regiments are wafted over into Scotland, (which maketh ſtill for the Iriſh) and to bring to a period their Jeſuiticall Plott, ſo as the Iriſh may the better performe their offer to ſend away tenne thouſand of their chiefe Souldiers, under the Command of experienced Commanders, to keepe the Proteſtants in Armes in other Kingdomes, either in England or Scotland; Oh! that we might in ſome meaſure uſe the Pollicies of the Antient Romans, or of late Queene Elizabeth of famous Memorie did, who when the Spaniards ſtrove to envade England, did afford ſome aide unto the Hollander to keepe the Spaniards on worke at home, by which ſhe preſerved her Kingdomes (under Gods Providence) from being a Seat of warre: So if timely prevented by England and Scotland, to keepe the warre afoote in Ireland, to prevent further miſchiefe, (which is like to enſue, if the Iriſh breake forth into other Kingdomes) and ſo turne the Sword into their owne boſomes: which that wee may, the Lord of Hoſts enable us to doe.
Here now it is manifeſt that the Iriſh have obtained not only their firſt requeſt deſired in their Remonſtrance, which was to have one placed in chiefe Authoritie, of Honour and Fortune, approved by His Majeſtie, and acceptable to the Rebells, (which proveth to be the Marqueſſe of Ormond) but alſo the other to have a free Parliament held there, and and an Act of oblivion to be made for their Rebellion; and Poynings Act to be repealed: and there the Rebells to hold their Parliament; which is reported His Majeſtie hath yeelded unto, by granting13 Pardon to the Iriſh Rebells. Lately, at Oxford Confirmed under the Great Seale of England, for Pardoning all Murders and Robberies whatſoever, and authorizing a new Parliament to be called there according to the Rebells deſires, ſo that now we muſt expect they will performe their promiſe to his Majeſtie in ſending ten thouſand men and Armes into England; Yet we know there is a King of Kings, that can turne the wiſdome of the wiſe into fooliſhneſſe.